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The Witu Islands are Quaternary volcanoes that overlie the deepest (about 300–580 km) part of the New Britain Benioff zone. The islands are about 100 km south of the transcurrent-divergent plate boundary that crosses the Bismarck Sea, and they surmount the southeastern end of the Willaumez-Manus Rise. The rocks are olivine- and quartz-normative tholeiitic basalts, low- and high-SiO2 andesites, dacites, and rhyolites. Alkaline rocks that overlie the deep (greater than 300 km) parts of other Benioff zones have not been found in the Witu Islands. Compared to the Witu Islands rocks, those with similar SiO2 contents from New Britain volcanoes that overlie progressively shallower parts of the Benioff zone to the south, are, for example, generally poorer in Na+K, Ti, and P, and higher in Ca and Al. There are similar progressive changes in trace-element abundances, but Zr and Nb contents are distinctly richer in Witu Islands rocks.87Sr/86Sr values range between 0.70311 and 0.7038, which are typical for rocks from New Britain as a whole and from other island arcs in the southwest Pacific. Two143Nd/144Nd values of 0.512211 and 0.512271, taken together with the Sr isotopic results, define a source region equivalent to those for oceanic-island basalts; there is no evidence for sea-water contamination of the sources. Perhaps the most striking feature of the Witu Islands rocks is their compositional diversity. Basalts range from olivine tholeiites similar to marginal-basin basalts from other areas, to quartz tholeiites similar in most respects to those typical of island arcs, and to incompatible-element-enriched tholeiites that are close to silica-undersaturation. Andesites on Unea Island have a strong island-arc signature, but the andesites, dacites, and rhyolite of Garove Island have some features that may be more in common with the silica-oversaturated rocks of oceanic areas. The mineralogy of Witu Islands basalts is characterised by phenocrysts of olivine (Fo89-54), plagioclase (An90-55) and Ca-augite. Cr-Al-rich spinels and aluminous magnetites are present as inclusions in some olivine phenocrysts. Groundmass fayalite, alkali feldspar, and dacitic to rhyolitic glasses high in K/Na are found in a few samples. In contrast to basalts from volcanoes above the shallower parts of the New Britain Benioff zone, those of the Witu Islands are characterised by rarity of low-Ca pyroxene, as phenocrysts or in the groundmass. Rocks richer in SiO2 are characterised by the presence of orthopyroxene phenocrysts and lesser amounts of olivine. Hydrous minerals appear to be absent. Groundmass Fe-Ti oxides define crystallisation temperatures (about 800–1050°C) and oxygen fugacities (fO2) corresponding to those of the Ni-NiO buffer, but up to two fO2 log units above it. The suite as a whole is phenocryst-poor compared to most New Britain volcanic rocks. A significant degree of mantle heterogeneity is inferred by the chemical variability of the Witu Islands rocks. However, there are no compelling reasons in support of the interpretation that source heterogeneity is due to the effect of a slab-derived component. The cause of the heterogeneity is unclear, but may be due to mantle differentiation processes related to an anomalous tectonic setting.  相似文献   

The concept of a time-depth correlation between tectonic earthquakes at depth beneath some volcanoes, and their eruptions, developed by the author since 1962, has been confirmed by new observations and successful prediction of renewed volcanic activity in New Zealand.Regular earthquake migrations are observed along the Benioff zone, and volcanic eruptions are found to be related to these seismic migrations beneath the volcanoes, as follows:
Therefore, in island arcs and continental margins, volcanic activity is the result of two processes occurring beneath the volcanoes: (1) a “tectonic process”, a migration of strain release along the downgoing lithosphere, of which the earthquakes are the manifestation; (2) a “magmatic process”, a relatively fast vertical ascent of magmatic material from the deep root of the volcano, where the observed shocks may be the starting signal from this level.The rate of migration of tectonic earthquakes increases with depth in the upper mantle.An empirical time relationship between the earthquakes occurring at depth beneath a volcano and its eruptions, has been successfully tested for renewed activity at White Island in New Zealand, over the period 1977–1978.  相似文献   

基于2011—2020年在龙门山地区发生的地震,分3个区段估算累积贝尼奥夫应变。结果表明,龙门山北段对九寨沟MS7.0地震存在阶跃,震后一年内累积贝尼奥夫应变抬升量约为2 000×10~8;龙门山中段对芦山MS7.0地震存在明显阶跃,震后一年内累积贝尼奥夫应变抬升量约为5 300×10~8。由此可以认为,龙门山中段与芦山地震有较高关联度,而其北段与九寨沟地震的关联度次之。这个抬升量是该区域构造运动与对应地震关联度的一个描述,这对于研究地震的动力源、孕震构造及发震机理有参考意义。另外,对累积贝尼奥夫应变时变斜率的研究结果还表明,累积贝尼奥夫应变的时变斜率在邻近地震前均存在降低的现象,这可能是震前应力松弛过程的表现,但这仅是一个初步研究,对其机理以及可否成为大地震孕育指标等问题还需要对更多震例作进一步研究。  相似文献   

On 24 November 1983, a major earthquake occurred at 180 km depth beneath the Banda Sea. In the focal mechanism solution the pressure axis is almost horizontal, (azimuth 191°, plunge 02°) and the tension axis nearly vertical (plunge 88°). A comparison with the foreshock-aftershock pattern suggests that shear failure took place within the north-north-westerly dipping Benioff zone by thrust faulting along a southerly dipping plane. The focal mechanism solution does not conform to the usual pattern of the tension or compression axis being roughly parallel to the dip of the Benioff zone. Consequently the faulting could not have been caused by down-dip tension or compression within a sinking slab.  相似文献   

Cale-alkalic lavas and associated intrusives and cognate xenoliths, from the peninsula of Methana, are comparable geochemically with similar lavas from elsewhere in the South Aegean arc. At least four differentiation series have been recognized, largely of basaltic andesite to rhyodacite type, in which hydrous and dry conditions alternated. The compositional range of minerals other than plagioclase is limited. The chemical mineralogy of olivines and pyroxenes has been studied in detail. An aluminous bronzite that is found, contrary to previous interpretations, does not appear to be a high pressure phase. The chemical composition of the basic rocks and basic xenoliths suggests that the parent material of these lavas was of high alumina basalt composition. The abundance of accumulative xenoliths and the change of the mafic minerals to more iron-rich compositions towards the more acid end of each series, suggest that phenocryst fractionation has been the major process for the later stages of the evolution of all these rocks.  相似文献   

Volcanic history and tectonics of the Southwest Japan Arc   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract Remarkable changes in volcanism and tectonism have occurred in a synchronous manner since 1.5–2 Ma at the junction of the Southwest Japan Arc and the Ryukyu Arc. Although extensive volcanism occurred in Kyushu before 2 Ma, the subduction-related volcanism started at ca 1.5 Ma, forming a NE–SW trend volcanic front, preceded by significant changes in whole-rock chemistry and mode of eruptions at ca 2 Ma. The Median Tectonic Line has intensified dextral motion since 2 Ma, with a northward shift of its active trace of as much as 10 km, accompanied by the formation of rhomboidal basins in Central Kyushu. Crustal rotation and incipient rifting has also occurred in South Kyushu and the northern Okinawa Trough over the past 2 million years. We emphasize that the commencement age of these events coincides with that of the transition to the westward convergence of the Philippine Sea plate, which we interpret as a primary cause of these synchronous episodes. We assume that the shift in subduction direction led to an increase of fluid component contamination from subducted oceanic slab, which then produced island-arc type volcanism along the volcanic front. Accelerated trench retreat along the Ryukyu Trench may have caused rifting and crustal rotation in the northern Ryukyu Arc.  相似文献   

More than 5000 km3 of magmatic material was erupted in Pliocene-Pleistocene times in a volcano-tectonic depression, i. e., the Hohi volcanic zone (HVZ) in central Kyushu, Japan. The eruptive deposits consist mainly of andesite lava flows and large-scale pyroclastic-flow deposits. Their eruptions were accompanied by the formation of an EW-oriented graben (70 km × 45 km) under regional NS extensional stress. Pre-Tertiary basement rocks are absent on the surface of the graben but occur at depth, having subsided up to 3 km. Radiometric ages of volcanic rocks on the surface show zoned isochrons from 5 Ma at the margin to 0.3 Ma in the center of the HVZ. The youngest center of age zonation coincides with a 30 mgal negative Bouguer gravity anomaly. Radiometric ages of rocks from drill cores are older toward the bottom of the graben, reaching a maximum of at least 4 Ma. Volcanic activity concentrated over time toward the center of the graben and buried successively erupted material. Areas of active volcanism in the HVZ became smaller and changed in style during the 5-Ma history of activity. Volcanism of the early stage (5-2 Ma) was characterized by voluminous eruptions of andesitic lava flows that formed lava plateaus and were intruded by EW-oriented feeder dikes, perhaps related to fissure eruptions. In contrast, late-stage volcanism (2-0 Ma) resulted primarily in andesitic to dacitic lava domes with features of monogenetic volcanoes produced at low eruption rates. The HVZ shows unimodal volcanism dominated by andesitic and dacitic lavas with a small amount of rhyolite and only traces of basalt; these characteristics differ from those that typify volcanism in most other extensional areas. Erupted material in the HVZ is of the calc-alkali and high-alkali tholeiite series and shows no significant chemical changes over 5 Ma, except for an increase in K2O after 1.6 Ma. The net horizontal displacement along normal faults indicates that the HVZ widened by about 10%–20% across the graben at an average rate of 0.1 cm/yr. I interpret the HVZ to be neither a pull-apart structure of the pre-Tertiary basement nor the result of propagation of the Okinawa Trough, but rather the earliest stage of rifting when vertical subsidence caused by normal faulting is compensated by filling with volcanic material.  相似文献   

K, Rb and Sr concentrations and Sr isotopic compositions were determined for the Dai granitic rocks of trondhjemitic composition occurring in a serpentinite mass in the Nagato tectonic zone formed in the Late Paleozoic era, and for the granitic rocks of quartz dioritic composition recently dredged from the seamount of the Kyushu-Palao Ridge. Both granitic rocks are characterized by low abundances of K and Rb, low K2O/Na2O ratios, high K/Rb ratios, low Rb/Sr ratios and low initial87Sr/86Sr ratios. These characteristics suggest that strong similarities may exist between the Dai granitic rocks and the dredged granitic rocks, and that the Dai granitic rocks may be classified as oceanic plagiogranite. These oceanic plagiogranites may plausibly represent single-stage mantle-derived granites, possibly from the suboceanic mantle.  相似文献   

The collected paleoseismological data about the ancient earthquakes are analyzed for the zone of the Wenchuan earthquake. Four earthquakes with magnitude М = 8.0 occurred over a period of 10000 years and two earthquakes with magnitude 7.5 occurred over 1200 years. The obtained data allowed us to reconstruct the long-term seismic regime within the studied territory by constructing the frequency–magnitude relationship based on the instrumental, historical, and paleoseismological data.  相似文献   

Abstract CHIME (chemical Th-U-total Pb isochron method) ages were determined for monazite from gneisses and granitoids of the Ryoke belt in the Iwakuni area. The CHIME monazite ages are 99.6 ± 2.4, 98.9 ± 2.1 and 98.2 ± 5.7 Ma for the Ryoke gneiss, 90.7 ± 2.2, 89.7 ± 2.0 and 89.3 ± 2.2 Ma for the Tajiri Granite, 91.0 ± 3.2, 90.6 ± 3.2 and 89.9 ± 3.2 Ma for the Namera Granite, 89.3 ±3.3 and 88.6 ± 5.6 Ma for a small stock at Shimizu, and 87.3 ± 1.6 and 86.6 ± 2.1 Ma for the post-tectonic Shimokuhara Granite. The CHIME monazite ages, interpreted as the time of the first attainment at the amphibolite facies conditions for the gneisses and as the time of emplacement for the granites, respectively, agree with the field intrusive sequence. The present dating documented that the Ryoke metamorphism in the Iwakuni area reached the amphibolite facies conditions at ∼98 Ma, was complete at -87 Ma, the time of emplacement of the post-tectonic Shimokuhara Granite.  相似文献   

Analyses of the latest Jurassic Santiago Peak volcanic rocks from the western zone of the Peninsular Ranges batholith reveal the existence of two independent groups; one comprising basalts and andesites of the island arc tholeiitic series, and the second made up of the dacites and rhyolites of the subalkaline (calc-alkaline?) series or silicic series. The basalts and andesites have V, Co and Ni contents similar to those estimated for the residual melts in equilibrium with the Peninsular Ranges gabbros. This fact together with the tholeiitic nature of the gabbros and the intimate spatial and temporal relationship between the SPV and the gabbros suggests that the basalts and andesites had a common origin with the gabbros. The mafic volcanism and plutonism seems to have occurred in a youthful island arc and the silicic volcanism in a mature island arc or a continental margin.  相似文献   

Laboratory measurements for compressional and shear wave velocities (Vp and Vs, respectively) and porosity were conducted with core samples from the Nobeoka Thrust Drilling Project (NOBELL) under controlled effective pressure (5–65 MPa at 5 MPa intervals) and wet conditions. Samples were classified according to deformation texture as phyllite, foliated cataclasite, or non‐foliated cataclasite. Measured values of Vp, Vs, and porosity are within a range of 5.17–5.57 km/s, 2.60–2.71 km/s, and 2.75–3.10 %, respectively, for phyllite; 4.89–5.23 km/s, 2.46–2.57 km/s, and 3.58–4.53 %, respectively, for foliated cataclasite; and 4.90–5.32 km/s, 2.51–2.63 km/s, and 3.79–4.60 %, respectively, for non‐foliated cataclasite, which are all consistent with the previous laboratory experiments conducted with outcrop samples under dry conditions. However, our results also indicate higher Vp and Vs and lower porosity than those measured by the previous studies that adopted the wire‐line logging methods. The variations in Vp, Vs, and porosity are controlled by deformation structure and are greater for phyllite and foliated cataclasite than for non‐foliated cataclasite.  相似文献   

Detailed geologic mapping and radiocarbon dating of tholeiitic basalts covering about 275 km2 on the lower east rift zone (LERZ) and adjoining flanks of Kilauea volcano, Hawaii, show that at least 112 separate eruptions have occurred during the past 2360 years. Eruptive products include spatter ramparts and cones, a shield, two extensive lithic-rich tuff deposits, aa and pahoehoe flows, and three littoral cones. Areal coverage, number of eruptions and average dormant interval estimates in years for the five age groups assigned are: (I) historic, i.e. A D 1790 and younger: 25%, 5, 42.75; (II) 200–400 years old: 50%, 15, 14.3: (III) 400–750 years old: 20%, 54, 6.6; (IV) 750–1500 years old: 5%, 37, 20.8; (V) 1500–3000 years old: <1%, 1, unknown. At least 4.5–6 km3 of tholeiitic basalt have been erupted from the LERZ during the past 1500 years. Estimated volumes of the exposed products of individual eruptions range from a few tens of cubic meters for older units in small kipukas to as much as 0.4 km3 for the heiheiahulu shield. The average dormant interval has been about 13.6 years during the past 1500 years. The most recent eruption occurred in 1961, and the area may be overdue for its next eruption. However, eruptive activity will not resume on the LERZ until either the dike feeding the current eruption on the middle east rift zone extends farther down rift, or a new dike, unrelated to the current eruption, extends into the LERZ.  相似文献   

Major element, Rb, Sr, Ba, Cr and V analyses as well as 13 new rare earth element (REE) analyses are presented for the greywacke basement surrounding the Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ). On this basis the basement rocks are divided into a Western Basement of approximately andesitic composition ( 62% SiO2) and an Eastern Basement of approximately granodiorite composition ( 75% SiO2). These analyses, 5 new REE analyses for the rhyolites, and published data for the volcanic rocks of TVZ are used to investigate the petrogenesis of rhyolitic rocks in the area.Least-squares mixing calculations for major elements show that 88% fractional crystallisation of high-alumina basalt produces a liquid of rhyolitic bulk composition, but Rayleigh fractionation models show that the trace element concentrations of the rhyolites are inconsistent with basalt fractionation. 57% fractionation of the assemblage plagioclase (35.6%), orthopyroxene (9.7%), clinopyroxene (7.8%), ilmenite (0.6%) and magnetite (3.4%) from a plagioclase-pyroxene andesite can produce liquids of rhyolitic bulk composition. REE concentrations produced by this model are consistent with those observed in the rhyolites but predicted Ba and Rb values are lower and V concentrations are higher than those in the rhyolites. Andesite fractionation also produces an unrealistic fractionation of the Cr/V ratio.A non-modal melting model involving 35% melting of a granulitic assemblage (plagioclase + quartz + clinopyroxene + orthopyroxene + biotite + magnetite + cordierite) with a bulk composition equivalent to the Western Basement can reproduce the REE pattern of the rhyolites as well as the concentrations of Rb and Ba. Sr values remain anomalously high, but the Cr/V ratio does not indicate fractionation. Absolute values of Cr and V are within the uncertainties of published crystal—liquid partition coefficients. The rhyolites have relatively flat REE patterns (La/Yb 7.5), as do the greywackes (La/Yb 8.2), so it is therefore unlikely that the rhyolites equilibrated with a garnet or amphibole-bearing assemblage.  相似文献   

Geological observations in the central part of Tokunoshima in the Amami Islands, Southwest Japan, reveal that discrete layers of serpentinite, dioritic gneiss, and amphibolite are intercalated into pelitic schist and these rock bodies form a northwest‐dipping tectonic stack. A subhorizontal psammitic schist layer overlies them. These rocks underwent ductile deformation that is denoted by penetrative foliation and mineral lineation. Microstructures of the sheared metamorphic rocks and serpentinite indicate top‐to‐the‐east, ‐southeast or ‐south (hanging‐wall up) displacements. The en echelon array of rock bodies is interpreted as a duplex with the psammitic schist layer on its top and the pelitic schist layer on its bottom. It is inferred that the serpentinite‐bearing duplex was formed due to the tectonic erosion and the subsequent accretionary growth operated in a Cretaceous or older subduction zone. Tokunoshima has been considered to belong to the Shimanto Belt. However, regional low‐pressure and high‐temperature type amphibolite‐facies metamorphism and related ductile deformation have not been recognized in the other areas of the Shimanto Belt. There is no metamorphic rock occurrence comparable to that of Tokunoshima in the neighboring islands. The metamorphic rocks in Tokunoshima can be correlated to any of low‐pressure/temperature type metamorphic regions in Kyushu.  相似文献   

We present computations of 3D P-wave velocity field for the segment of the Benioff zone of Kamchatka between 51.5° N to Avacha Bay to Cape Shipunskii to Kronotskii Bay. P-wave travel times for regional earthquakes were used to compute and construct 3D models of the velocity field for this segment of the Benioff zone. We examined the velocity structure to interpret it in conjunction with neotectonic morphostructures. The computations showed a complex structure of the field and the presence of inhomogeneities, both along and across the Benioff zone. Of special interest are the results for the Avacha and Kronotskii basins, where high velocity masses are unusually shallow beneath the low velocity layers in the top of the earth section. This creates high-gradient zones that can possibly generate large earthquakes.  相似文献   

The results of 10 magnetotelluric soundings, performed along a 110-km-long profile crossing the constructive plate boundary in southwest Iceland, are presented. Apparent resistivities are interpreted by a horizontally stratified earth model to yield a pseudo cross-section along the profile. The crust-mantle interface contains a well conductive layer. The depth to the good conductor increases with age of the crust and the distance from the axial zone. This layer is interpreted as partially molten basalt, at a temperature about 1100°C and a volume fraction of the melt phase in the range 10–20%.The high-conductivity layer probably disappears west of the Borgarnes anticlinal axis, which separates the older (to the west) and younger (to the east) flood basalts in western Iceland, indicating that the temperature below the oldest part of the profile lies below the solidus curve of basalt. Recent seismic crustal investigations in the same area indicate a state of partial melting or a magma chamber, which agrees with the results of the magnetotelluric soundings.  相似文献   

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