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The thermal response of the Earth's ionospheric plasma is calculated for various suddenly applied electron and ion heat sources. The time-dependent coupled electron and ion energy equations are solved by a semi-automatic computational scheme that employs Newton's method for coupled vector systems of non-linear parabolic (second order) partial differential equations in one spatial dimension. First, the electron and composite ion energy equations along a geomagnetic field line are solved with respect to a variety of ionospheric heat sources that include: thermal conduction in the daytime ionosphere; heating by electric fields acting perpendicular to the geomagnetic field line; and heating within a stable auroral red are (SAR-arc). The energy equations are then extended to resolve differential temperature profiles, first for two separate ion species (H+, O+) and then for four separate ion species (H+, He+, N+, O+) in addition to the electron temperature. The electron and individual ion temperatures are calculated for conditions within a night-time SAR-arc excited by heat flowing from the magnetosphere into the ionosphere, and also for typical midlatitude daytime ionospheric conditions. It is shown that in the lower ionosphere all ion species have the same temperature; however, in the topside ionosphere above about 400 km, ion species can display differential temperatures depending upon the balance between thermal conduction, heating by collision with electrons, cooling by collisions with the neutrals, and energy transfer by inter-ion collisions. Both the time evolution and steady-state distribution of such ion temperature differentials are discussed.The results show that below 300km both the electrons and ions respond rapidly (<30s) to variations in direct thermal forcing. Above 600 km the electrons and ions display quite different times to reach steady state, depending on the electron density: when the electron density is low the electrons reach steady state temperatures in 30 s, but typically require 700 s when the density is high; the ions, on the other hand, reach steady state in 700 s when the density is high, and 1500–2500 s when the density is low. Between 300 and 600 km, a variety of thermal structures can exist, depending upon the electron density and the type of thermal forcing; however steady state is generally reached in 200–1000 s.  相似文献   

The primary negative ion sources in comets are shown to be: for the inner coma—both polar photodissociation of HCN, electron attachment of OH and collisions with alkalis; in the vicinity of the nucleus—plasma, excavated during interplanetary dust impacts on the nucleus; for both the contaminated solar wind region and sporadic discharges in the non-homogeneous inner coma plasma—dissociative electron attachment and charge inversion during keV positive ion scattering by cometary dust are also significant sources. Negative ion abundance for Halley's Comet has been estimated to be from 10–6 to 10–10 of electron densities. However, this ratio may be more due to the formation of clusters A(H2O)n. Some possible cometary plasma effects, caused by negative ions, have also been discussed.  相似文献   

The collisional instability of the drift wave in a multi-component plasma is investigated. It is shown that when the electron and ion density gradients are different, e.g., due to the presence of a static third component or due to neutral drag effects, the drift mode becomes unstable. The instability is caused by the simultaneous action of the electron collisions with all other plasma species and the spatial difference of the density of the plasma components. This instability may be expected as a natural consequence of the stratification of a multi-component plasma placed in an external gravity field where it can operate for any amount of charge on heavy particles. Therefore it could develop in weakly ionized cold interstellar regions for example, when the heavy particles, i.e. charged grains, are a few tens of Å in size, and carry typically ±1,±2 charge. In the solar atmosphere, it may appear in the weakly ionized photospheric layers due to the convective motion of the neutral component.  相似文献   

J.G. Luhmann  R.J. Walker 《Icarus》1980,44(2):361-366
The ionospheric plasma density on magnetic field lines threading the Jovian rings which are located inside ~1.8 RJ on the jovigraphic equatorial plane, is calculated by using a rotating ion exosphere model. It is found that the bulk of the ionospheric particles on these field lines are on ballistic trajectories. On field lines approximately symmetric with respect to the jovigraphic equator, the ring, which to a first approximation would absorb the population of trapped particles, consequently has little effect. On field lines which are made asymmetric by the higher-order multipoles of Jupiter's field and the tilt of the dipole axis, the rings may have a significant effect. It is suggested that better definition of the rings' atmospheric and ionospheric properties is required to model these localized effects. If the rings are found to be an important plasma source for the inner magnetosphere, the present exospheric model will have to be revised.  相似文献   

Using Boltzmann-Fokker-Planck methods and the diffusion approximation, we derive coupled non-linear equations for the first two angular moments of the electron distribution function in the Earth's ionosphere. The theory includes a phenomenological treatment of photionization of the neutral species by an externally produced photon flux; electron-ion recombination; electronneutral particle attachment; elastic, excitation, deexcitation, and ionizing electron-neutral particle collisions; and elastic electron-electron and electron-ion collisions. At high and low energies, we obtain approximate analytic solutions for the steady-state electron distribution function. Under certain conditions we also obtain the standard continuous slowing-down formulae for the steady-state electron distribution function in the diffusion approximation.  相似文献   

The diffusive motion of initially ellipsoidal plasma irregularities or ion clouds in the Earth's upper atmosphere is studied theoretically using a model similar to that described by Pickering (1972) for an initially spherical cloud. The work presented here concerns irregularities with major to minor axis ratio between 10:1 and 200:1 at each of the altitudes 97.5 km, 102 km and 114 km (where the ionization could be produced by meteors) and between approximately 200:1 and 1000:1 for altitudes 210 km and 300 km. In particular the effect of the space-charge electric field on the nature of the diffusion process is discussed. The possible effects of ionospheric electric fields and possible relevance to artificial Ba+ clouds released in the upper atmosphere are discussed in the second section.  相似文献   

The studied region is a part of the current circuit of a magnetic loop in a solar active region in the altitude range of 1400–2500 km above the photosphere. At the earliest stage of development of a flare process, the magnetic field of the loop was assumed to be stationary and uniform in the interval corresponding to weak fields (the so-called deca-hectogauss fields). The conditions for emergence and development of instability of the second harmonic of Bernstein modes in this previously unexamined region were determined. This instability (and low-frequency instabilities emerging later) was assumed to be caused by the sub-Dreicer electric field of the loop, while pair Coulomb collisions were considered to be the major factor hindering its development. The obtained extremely low instability thresholds point to the possibility of subsequent emergence of low-frequency instabilities (and plasma waves corresponding to them) with much higher threshold values against the background of saturated Bernstein turbulence. The frequency of electron scattering by turbulence pulsations in this scenario normally exceeds the frequency of pair Coulomb (primarily ion–electron) collisions. Both the quasistatic sub-Dreicer field in the loop and the weak spatial inhomogeneity of plasma temperature and density were taken into account in the process of derivation and analysis of the dispersion relation for low-frequency waves. It was demonstrated that the solutions of the obtained dispersion relation in the cases of prevalent pair Coulomb collisions and dominant electron momentum losses at pulsations of saturated Bernstein turbulence are morphologically similar and differ only in the boundary values of perturbation parameters. In both cases, these solutions correspond to the two wave families, namely, kinetic Alfven waves and kinetic ion acoustic waves. These waves have their own electric fields and may play the important role in the process of preflare acceleration of energetic electrons.  相似文献   

Charge exchange occurs between charged ions with enough energy to overcome Coulomb repulsion, a condition satisfied for collisions at velocities like those of the winds driven from hot stars by radiation pressure. X‐ray line ratios in some hot stars are inconsistent with those expected from thermal plasmas excited by electron impact. Ion‐ion interactions including charge exchange might be responsible instead if high‐velocity collisions between ions are enabled by the presence of a magnetic field in the wind, suggesting a possible alternative mechanism to the widely accepted instability‐driven shock model. The nature of a plasma in charge‐exchange equilibrium is yet to be determined (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The energetics of the excitation of the Farley-Buneman instability is considered, which is recently observed in the auroral and equatorial E regions of the Earth's ionosphere at altitudes between 100 km and 120 km. In the magnetic field of the Earth the Farley-Buneman instability is excited under the condition of a strong enough external electric field in the case of ion-neutral collisions with frequencies much larger than the ion gyrofrequency and electron-neutral collisions with frequencies much below the electron gyrofrequency. It is shown that the linear increase of the wave amplitudes is caused by a small disbalance between the processes of nonlinear energy pumping into the wave from an external electric field and the energy loss because of the collisions of the electrons and ions with the neutral particles. During the nonlinear energy pumping energy of the external electric field is transferred into a nonlinear current of second order, which is connected with the oscillating motion of the electrons in the wave. The oscillating electron motion takes place perpendicular to wave propagation. From the estimations follows that the energy pumped into a Farley-Buneman wave during one period of pulsation is much larger than the wave energy itself. A new and simply to understand derivation of the anomalous diffusion coefficient is presented, related to the study of the behaviour of a test wave with frequency much above the frequencies of the Farley-Buneman turbulence in developed stage can cause an additional macroscopic nonlinear Pedersen current directed along the external electric field. It is found that the nonlinear Pedersen current can reach the order of the usual Pedersen current and should contribute to the effective heating of the ionospheric plasma.  相似文献   

In a weakly ionized plasma, the evolution of the magnetic field is described by a 'generalized Ohm's law' that includes the Hall effect and the ambipolar diffusion terms. These terms introduce additional spatial and time-scales which play a decisive role in the cascading and the dissipation mechanisms in magnetohydrodynamic turbulence. We determine the Kolmogorov dissipation scales for the viscous, the resistive and the ambipolar dissipation mechanisms. The plasma, depending on its properties and the energy injection rate, may preferentially select one of these dissipation scales, thus determining the shortest spatial scale of the supposedly self-similar spectral distribution of the magnetic field. The results are illustrated taking the partially ionized part of the solar atmosphere as an example. Thus, the shortest spatial scale of the supposedly self-similar spectral distribution of the solar magnetic field is determined by any of the four dissipation scales given by the viscosity, the Spitzer resistivity (electron–ion collisions), the resistivity due to electron–neutral collisions and the ambipolar diffusivity. It is found that the ambipolar diffusion dominates for reasonably large energy injection rate. The robustness of the magnetic helicity in the partially ionized solar atmosphere would facilitate the formation of self-organized vortical structures.  相似文献   

A numerical model of current F-region theory is use to calculate the diurnal variation of the mid-latitude ionospheric F-region over Millstone Hill on 23–24 March 1970, during quiet geomagnetic conditions. From the solar EUV flux, the model calculates at each altitude and time step primary photoelectron spectra and ionization rates of various ion species. The photoelectron transport equation is solved for the secondary ionization rates, photoelectron spectra, and various airglow excitation rates. Five ion continuity equations that include the effects of transport by diffusion, magnetospheric-ionospheric plasma transport, electric fields, and neutral winds are solved for the ion composition and electron density. The electron and ion temperatures are also calculated using the heating rates determined from chemical reactions, photoelectron collisions, and magnetospheric-ionospheric energy transport. The calculations are performed for a diurnal cycle considering a stationary field tube co-rotating with the Earth; only the vertical plasma drift caused by electric fields perpendicular to the geomagnetic field line is allowed but not the horizontal drift. The boundary conditions used in the model are determined from the incoherent scatter radar measurements of Te, Ti and O+ flux at 800km over Millstone Hill (Evans, 1971a). The component of the neutral thermospheric winds along the geomagnetic field has an important influence on the overall ionospheric structure. It is determined from a separate dynamic model of the neutral thermosphere, using incoherent scatter radar measurements.The calculated diurnal variation of the ionospheric structure agrees well with the values measured by the incoherent scatter radar when certain restrictions are placed on the solar EUV flux and model neutral atmospheric compositions. Namely, the solar EUV fluxes of Hinteregger (1970) are doubled and an atomic oxygen concentration of at least 1011cm3 at 120 km is required for the neutral model atmosphere. Calculations also show that the topside thermal structure of the ionosphere is primarily maintained by a flow of heat from the magnetosphere and the night-time F2-region is maintained in part by neutral winds, diffusion, electric fields, and plasma flow from the magnetosphere. The problem of maintaining the calculated night-time ionosphere at the observed values is also discussed.  相似文献   

Starting with the assumption that negatively charged micron-sized dust grains may be elevated above Saturn's ring plane by plasma interactions, the subsequent evolution of the system is discussed. The discharge of the fine dust by solar uv radiation produces a cloud of electrons which moves adiabatically in Saturn's dipolar magnetic field. The electron cloud is absorbed by the ring after one bounce, alters the local ring potential significantly, and reduces the local Debye length. As a result, more micron-sized dust particles may be elevated above the ring plane and the spoke grows. This process continues until the electron cloud has dissipated.  相似文献   

Heat transport is considered both for quiet and disturbed solar winds. It is shown that heat may be transferred during solar flares by sharp fronted thermal wave pulses. Energy dissipation in the wave front arises from the firehose instability excitation. The effects of ionosonic turbulence on heat transport in a quiet solar wind are also investigated. A quasi-steady state, in which there is a balance between wave-particle interations and particle collisions is found. It is shown that the effect of wave-particle ‘collisions’ is to produce a significant decrease of the electron heat flow and electron temperature, and increase of the ion temperature relative to calculations which take into account particle particle collisions only.  相似文献   

VLET's (Very Low Electron Temperature) are regions in the solar wind (lasting 12–30 h) in which the electron temperature is abnormally low. Because it is generally believed that the thermal conductivity parallel to the interplanetary magnetic field lines is high for electrons, i.e. the contact with the Sun should be ideal, VLET's are surprising observations. In this work a statistical analysis of many of these events is made with respect to the dependence of this phenomenon on interplanetary plasma and field parameters. In contrast with earlier work it was found that VLET's exist not only after a shock front. The statistical analysis showed further that a VLET is always associated with a VLPT (Very Low Proton Temperature) event and that, whilst on average the temperature of the electrons and protons outside the low temperature regions is about the same, the mean proton temperature inside is three times lower than that of the electrons.A particular model for VLET's is investigated in detail; the closed magnetic loop or “blob” model. By assuming: (a) pure adiabatic expansion in a radially streaming solar wind without pressure equalization across the “blob” boundary, and (b) rapid pressure equalization across the boundary, an attempt was made to quantitatively investigate the feasibility of the “blob” model in the light of plasma and field data. It can be shown that the closed magnetic loop model is unlikely to be the major cause of VLET's.  相似文献   

The critical velocity triggering anomalous ionization of the neutral gas by plasma flow is calculated for the model based on the lower hybride instability. It depends strongly on the plasma and gas parameters, denning the instability development of the ionized atoms beam in the counter-streaming plasma.In particular, the possible role of the critical ionization mechanism for Halley's comet is examined. The fulfilment of both Townsend's condition for the selfustained beam plasma discharge and Alfven's condition for the critical velocity mechanism indicates that this mechanism may operate only within 104 km from the cometary nucleus and give an ion production rate close to that observed for Kohoutek's comet.  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview of a number of the principal findings regarding the hot plasmas (E 50 keV) in Jupiter's magnetosphere by the HISCALE instrument during the encounter of the Ulysses spacecraft with the planet in February 1992. The hot plasma ion fluxes measured by HI-SCALE in the dayside magnetosphere are similar to those measured in the same energy range in this region by the Voyager spacecraft in 1979. Within the dayside plasma sheet, the hot-ion energy densities are comparable with, or larger than, the magnetic field energy densities; these hot ions are found to corotate at about one-half the planetary corotational speed. For ions of energies 500 keV/nucleon, the protons contributed from 50–60% to as much as 80% of the energy content of these plasmas. Strong, magnetic-field-aligned streaming was found for both the ions and electrons in the high-latitude duskside magnetosphere. The ion and electron pitch-angle distributions could be characterized by cos25 α throughout many of the high anisotropy intervals of the outbound pass. There is some evidence in the ion pitch-angle distributions for a corotational component in the hot plasmas at high Jovian latitudes. While there are limitations owing to the finite geometries of the detector telescope systems on the determination of the angular spreads of the ion and electron beams, the measurements show that there are intervals when the particle distributions are not bidirectional. At such times, locally the hot plasmas could be carrying currents of 10−4μAm−2. The temporal variations in the streaming electron fluxes are substantially larger than the variations measured for the fluxes that are more locally mirroring. The temporal variations contain periodicities that may correspond to hydromagnetic wave frequencies in the magnetosphere as well as to larger scale motions of magnetospheric plasmas. On nearly half of the days for about a 130 day interval around the time of the Ulysses encounter with the planet, particles of Jovian origin were measured in the interplanetary medium. An event discussed herein shows evidence of an energy dependence of the particle release process from the planetary magnetosphere into the interplanetary medium.  相似文献   

In this paper we offer a model for the Earth's ionosphere and plasmasphere, allowing for the inertia and anisotropic energy distribution of thermal plasma. A procedure for simultaneous solution of equations of continuity and motion for the O+ and H+ ions, subject to inertia terms, is described. The model also includes transfer equations for longitudinal and transversal thermal energies. The system of simulating equations and the kinetic equation for superthermal electron spectra are concordantly solved along geomagnetic field lines. Within the framework of the model we developed a study is made of the dynamics of filling of the evacuated plasmaspheric reservoir after a magnetospheric disturbance. It is shown that the filling of the tubes offorce with L ? 3.5 proceeds with supersonic speeds during the first several days and the character of filling differs very much from a diffusion-equilibrium one. The spatio-temporal behavior of electron and ion temperature anisotropy that is formed in the process of filling, is considered. It is found that the value of electron anisotropy can be large. A brief analysis is made of the causes of electron and ion temperature anisotropy.  相似文献   

Coordinated observations involving ion composition, thermal plasma, energetic particle, and ULF magnetic field data from GEOS 1 and 2 often reveal the presence of electromagnetic ion cyclotron and magnetosonic waves, which are distinguished by their respective polarization characteristics and frequency spectra. The ion cyclotron waves are identified by a magnetic field perturbation that lies in a plane perpendicular to the Earth's magnetic field B0 and propagate along B0. They are associated with the abundance of cold He+ in the presence of anisotropic pitch angle distributions of ions having energies E > 20 keV, and were observed at frequencies near the He+ gyrofrequency. The magnetosonic waves are characterized by a magnetic field perturbation parallel to B0 and thus seem to be propagating perpendicular to the Earth's magnetic field. They often occur at harmonics (not always including the fundamental) at the proton gyrofrequency and are associated with phase-space-density distributions that peak at energies E ~ 5–30 keV and at a pitch angle of 90°. Such a ring-like distribution is shown to excite instability in the magnetosonic mode near harmonics of the proton gyrofrequency. Magnetosonic waves are associated in other cases with sharp spatial gradients in energetic ion intensity. Such gradients are encountered in the early afternoon sector (as a consequence of the drift shell distortion caused by the convection electric field) and could likewise constitute a source of free energy for plasma instabilities.  相似文献   

The electron distribution functions from the solar corona to the solar wind are determined in this paper by considering the effects of the external forces, of Coulomb collisions and of the wave – particle resonant interactions in the plasma wave turbulence. The electrons are assumed to be interacting with right-handed polarized waves in the whistler regime. The acceleration of electrons in the solar wind seems to be mainly due to the electrostatic potential. Wave turbulence determines the electron pitch-angle diffusion and some characteristics of the velocity distribution function (VDF) such as suprathermal tails. The role of parallel whistlers can also be extended to small altitudes in the solar wind (the acceleration region of the outer corona), where they may explain the energization and the presence of suprathermal electrons.  相似文献   

Studies of the boundary layers in the vicinity of the Earth's dayside magnetopause are important in determining the nature of the processes which couple the magnetosphere to the flowing solar wind, thereby driving magnetospheric convection. In this paper we examine theoretically the magnetic field and plasma properties expected in the boundary regions for various models involving either diffusion or reconnection at the boundary. For diffusion models the transport of magnetosheath momentum across the magnetopause will result in field shears on either side of the boundary, the field rotations being in opposite senses on either side relative to the undisturbed fields. The directions of these rotations depend upon location at the magnetopause relative to the momentum transfer region and to the noon meridian. In reconnection models the effect of the tension of the open boundary layer field lines must be taken into account in addition to the magnetosheath flow, but on the super-Alfvénic flanks of the magnetosphere the latter still dominates, so that qualitatively similar effects will occur in the two models. More detailed, quantitative or statistical studies are then required to distinguish the two models in this regime. In the sub-Alfvénic dayside region, however, open field tension effects will dominate in reconnection models such that boundary layer field and plasma properties will then be determined mainly by the magnetosheath magnetic field configuration. In particular the East-West flow in the magnetospheric boundary layer will be controlled largely by the East-West field in the magnetosheath, leading to flow reversals across the magnetopause in some quadrants of the magnetopause. This behaviour is directly related to the Svalgaard-Mansurov effect and is a signature unique to reconnection models. The boundary layer fields are also expected to tilt towards the field on the opposite side of the boundary in these models on the dayside. “Toward” tilting can also occur in this regime in diffusion models, but “away” tilting, a signature unique to dayside diffusion, should also occur equally frequently. Finally, we briefly discuss previously published high-resolution ISEE 1 and 2 data from the boundary regions in the light of our results. We find that “toward” tilting generally occurs in boundary region crossings previously identified as being reconnection-associated and we present some examples in which the above unique reconnection signature has been observed. During impulsive FTE-like events, however, the field may tilt in either direction, possibly as a result of field line twists, thus complicating our simple picture in this case. We also show that the “reverse draping” observations presented by Hones et al. (1982) approximately satisfy the open magnetopause stress balance conditions.  相似文献   

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