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A theory for the production of eddy diffusion in the upper atmosphere by the global deposition of meteoroids is presented. It is based on the assumption that meteoroids falling on the Earth carry, on the average, a greater amount of orbital angular momentum per unit mass than that corresponding to the Earth's orbit. This excess of orbital angular momentum of the meteoroids is deposited in some or the other form during their interaction with the Earth's atmosphere. The softer material deposits the excess of its orbital angular momentum in a region slightly higher than the harder material and is held responsible for the superrotation observed in the atmosphere. It is shown that the other population of meteoroids which is metallic in nature deposits the excess orbital angular momentum below 100 km altitude and produces eddies. The size and velocity of the eddies so formed give the value of the vertical eddy diffusion coefficient in agreement with the upper limit set by Johnson and Wilkins (1965) from the study of downward heat transport in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

The meteoric influx explanation of superrotation (Mitra, 1974) is re-examined. It is shown that the excess orbital angular momentum of the meteoroids is transferred to the region below about 110 km, and thus can probably not account for the superrotation of the 150–400 km atmospheric layer.  相似文献   

The theory of superrotation of the Earth's atmosphere by global deposition of meteoroids recently developed by the author (Mitra, 1974) is extended after a slight refinement to explain the rotation period of Venusian clouds. A satisfactory agreement with observations is obtained.  相似文献   

Recent studies have attributed certain properties of the Earth's atmosphere to excess orbita angular momentum of impinging meteoroids. A realistic analysis of meteor observations does not support the existence of this excess.  相似文献   

In the present paper the radiation production and energy deposition by ring current protons precipitated along magnetic field lines into the mid-latitude upper atmosphere is investigated. Specifically, we are interested in protons lost from the ring current by plasma instabilities. We first determine the magnitude and sharpness of the atmospheric loss cone. We then study the behavior of the precipitated hydrogen particles in the denser atmosphere using a Monte Carlo calculation. It is found that the energy deposition and radiation production will critically depend on how far the ring current protons diffuse into the loss cone before being neutralized in the atmosphere; this in turn will depend on the strength of the plasma turbulence in the ring current belt region.  相似文献   

Cassini results indicate that solar photons dominate energy deposition in Titan’s upper atmosphere. These dissociate and ionize nitrogen and methane and drive the subsequent complex organic chemistry. The improved constraints on the atmospheric composition from Cassini measurements demand greater precision in the photochemical modeling. Therefore, in order to quantify the role of solar radiation in the primary chemical production, we have performed detailed calculations for the energy deposition of photons and photoelectrons in the atmosphere of Titan and we validate our results with the Cassini measurements for the electron fluxes and the EUV/FUV emissions. We use high-resolution cross sections for the neutral photodissociation of N2, which we present here, and show that they provide a different picture of energy deposition compared to results based on low-resolution cross sections. Furthermore, we introduce a simple model for the energy degradation of photoelectrons based on the local deposition approximation and show that our results are in agreement with detailed calculations including transport, in the altitude region below 1200 km, where the effects of transport are negligible. Our calculated, daytime, electron fluxes are in good agreement with the measured fluxes by the Cassini Plasma Spectrometer (CAPS), and the same holds for the measured FUV emissions by the Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (UVIS). Finally, we present the vertical production profiles of radicals and ions originating from the interaction of photons and electrons with the main components of Titan’s atmosphere, along with the column integrated production rates at different solar zenith angles. These can be used as basis for any further photochemical calculations.  相似文献   

Magnetohydrodynamic formulation has been used to deduce the velocity distribution of the upper atmospheric movement caused by the auroral electric field at the thermospheric height. The expressions for Joule heating and viscous heating are obtained. Numerical analysis has been made to estimate their magnitudes as well as the rate of their variations with time. The results are presented graphically.  相似文献   

Modeling the effects of atmospheric drag is one of the more important problems associated with the determination of the orbit of a near-earth satellite. Errors in the drag model can lead to significant errors in the determination and prediction of the satellite motion. The uncertainty in the drag acceleration can be attributed to three separate effects: (a) errors in the atmospheric density model, (b) errors in the ballistic coefficient, and (c) errors in the satellite relative velocity. In a number of contemporary satellite missions, the requirements for performing the orbit determination and predictions in near real-time has placed an emphasis on density model computation time as well as the model accuracy. In this investigation, a comparison is made of three contemporary atmospheric density models which are candidates for meeting the current orbit computation requirements. The models considered are the analytic Jacchia-Roberts model, the modified Harris-Priester model, and the USSR Cosmos satellite derived density model. The computational characteristics of each of the models are compared and a modification to the modified Harris-Priester model is proposed which improves its ability to represent the diurnal variation in the atmospheric density.This investigation was supported by the NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center under contract NAS5-20946 and Contract NSG 5154.  相似文献   

Evaluations are presented of the time-average heating at different latitudes and heights due to energy flux divergence of the equinox diurnal and semidiurnal tides calculated by Forbes (1982a,h)from 0 to 400 km.It is found that diurnal tidal heating maximizes in the region of 80 km and semidiurnal has a sharp maximum at 108 km. Thermospheric diurnal oscillations give rise to a second region of heating that maximizes at 200 km and effectively transports energy from low to high latitudes.Global means are evaluated for the time-averaged vertical energy fluxes and heating rates: below 130 km, the results for the diurnal tide agree with those for the (1,1) mode alone, and for the semidiurnal tide, heating rates below 130 km are the same as those that would he obtained without the thermospheric semidiurnal excitation.Comparisons are made from 90 to 170 km between the combined diurnal and semidiurnal heating rates and previously reported rates due to e.u.v. radiation, Sq currents and gravity waves.  相似文献   

Problems of hypervelocity interaction of large bodies with the Earth's atmosphere has attracted more attention during last few years. Several new concepts of dynamical explosive fragmentation of strong interplanetary bodies at extremely low heights under dynamic pressures of hundreds of Mdyn/cm2 were published. Comparison of these theoretical models with precise observations has not yet been done, because data on atmospheric penetration of large bodies are not available.Single body theory with sudden gross-fragmentation was successfully applied to photographic observations of fireballs. The largest bodies observed have sizes up to several meters. The highest dynamic pressure acting on these observed bodies reached slightly over 100 Mdyn/cm2. All these photographed fireballs follow theoretical concepts of motion of either the single-body or the single-body with gross-fragmentation under dynamic pressures in the range from 1 to 12 Mdyn/cm2. When this theory has been applied to photographic observations, typical standard deviation of the distance flown in the trajectory has been found in a range of 10 to 30 m for one observed distance corresponding also to the geometrical precision of the observations. This model can explain all good observations of atmospheric trajectories of meteoroids up to initial sizes of several meters with high precision. Also the three photographed and one videorecorded meteorite falls fit to this concept completely.The most important phenomenon of atmospheric motion of meteoroids up to several meters in size is the ablation with final stage of hot vapor from ablated material. Spectral records of meteoroids up to several meters in size, down to a height of 16 km and for various velocities show overwhelming radiation of rather low excited metalic atoms (several eV; temperatures 3000 to 5000 K) in the pass-band of visible light. Radiation from high excited atoms of either atmospheric or ablational origin forms only an insignificant part of visible radiation.Contrary to this regime, theories of very large bodies contain ablation mostly in the form of explosive fragmentation. Ablation at higher heights is negligible. This absence of classical ablation and fragmentation at low dynamic pressures for large bodies (contrary to observations of smaller bodies) brings the body to lower heights without too much change of size and makes thus the dynamic pressure much higher than in reality. In any case the change of body dynamics and radiation going from sizes of several meters (observed regime) to sizes of several tens of meters (hypothetical regime) may be crucial for our understanding of dynamics and radiation of large body penetration through the low atmosphere to the Earth's surface. Observations of atmospheric trajectory of these bodies with sufficiently high precision are extremely needed.  相似文献   

Density profiles for CO, O, and O2 in the Cytherean atmosphere above 90 km are plotted with eddy diffusion coefficient (K) as a parameter, subject to the constraint that the mixing ratios of CO and O2 approach their observed value or values under the observed upper limit at the lower boundary. It is then shown that the value of K puts upper limits on the amount of hydrogen (in the form of H2O, HCl, and H2) the atmosphere near 90km can contain. This value is a function of the density and temperature of hydrogen at the critical level and the magnitude of the total escape flux, where unspecified flux mechanisms other than thermal are postulated ad hoc. In general these constraints call for large values of K to accomodate the atomic hydrogen produced by measured mixing ratios of HCl and H2O. Hence they constrain thee amount of O in the upper atmosphere to values well under 1% at 130 km unless there are very large hydrogen escape fluxes, 107 cm?2sec?1 or larger. The freedom to assume arbitrary amounts of H2 in the atmosphere is also restricted. We suggest either very effective escape mechanisms—despite low exospheric hydrogen densities—or novel excitation mechanisms for O(33S) and O(35S) in the upper atmosphere.  相似文献   

The Electron Spectrometer (ELS), one of the sensors making up the Cassini Plasma Spectrometer (CAPS) revealed the existence of numerous negative ions in Titan's upper atmosphere. The observations at closest approach (∼1000 km) show evidence for negatively charged ions up to ∼10,000 amu/q, as well as two distinct peaks at 22±4 and 44±8 amu/q, and maybe a third one at 82±14 amu/q. We present the first ionospheric model of Titan including negative ion chemistry. We find that dissociative electron attachment to neutral molecules (mostly HCN) initiates the formation of negative ions. The negative charge is then transferred to more acidic molecules such as HC3N, HC5N or C4H2. Loss occurs through associative detachment with radicals (H and CH3). We attribute the three low mass peaks observed by ELS to CN, C3N/C4H and C5N. These species are the first intermediates in the formation of the even larger negative ions observed by ELS, which are most likely the precursors to the aerosols observed at lower altitudes.  相似文献   

A kinetic model is developed for the prediction of upper atmospheric i.r. radiation from the vibrational bands of NO. The model is appropriate to both the quiescent and aurorally excited nighttime atmosphere and has been exercised to examine the variation in NO radiation levels which can result from both natural atmospheric variability and uncertainties in kinetic parameters. Comparisons between model predictions and i.r. radiance data are presented.  相似文献   

Darrell F. Strobel 《Icarus》2006,182(1):251-258
Tidal waves driven by Titan's orbital eccentricity through the time-dependent component of Saturn's gravitational potential attain nonlinear, saturation amplitudes (|T|>10 K, , and ) in the upper atmosphere (?500 km) due to the approximate exponential growth as the inverse square root of pressure. The gravitational tides, with vertical wavelengths of ∼100-150 km above 500 km altitude, carry energy fluxes sufficient in magnitude to affect the energy balance of the upper atmosphere with heating rates in the altitude range of 500-900 km.  相似文献   

Gladstone GR  Allen M  Yung YL 《Icarus》1996,119(1):1-52
The hydrocarbon photochemistry in the upper atmosphere of Jupiter is investigated using a one-dimensional, photochemical-diffusive, and diurnally averaged model. The important chemical cycles and pathways among the major species are outlined and a standard model for the North Equatorial Belt region is examined in detail. It is found that several traditionally dominant chemical pathways among the C and C2 species are replaced in importance by cycles involving C-C4 species. The pressure and altitude profiles of mixing ratios for several observable hydrocarbon species are compared with available ultraviolet- and infrared-derived abundances. The results of sensitivity studies on the standard model with respect to variations in eddy diffusion profile, solar flux, atomic hydrogen influx, latitude, temperature, and important chemical reaction rates are presented. Measured and calculated airglow emissions of He at 584 angstroms and H at 1216 angstroms are also used to provide some constraints on the range of model parameters. The relevance of the model results to the upcoming Galileo mission is briefly discussed. The model is subject to considerable improvement; there is a great need for laboratory measurements of basic reaction rates and photodissociation quantum yields, even for such simple species as methylacetylene and allene. Until such laboratory measurements exist there will be considerable uncertainty in the understanding of the C3 and higher hydrocarbons in the atmospheres of the jovian planets.  相似文献   

G. Kockarts 《Solar physics》1981,74(2):295-320
Several semi-empirical models of the terrestrial upper atmosphere are presently available. These models take into account solar activity effects by using the solar decimetric flux as an index. Such a procedure is a consequence of the lack of continuous determinations of the solar spectrum directly responsible for the physical structure of the upper atmosphere. Variations of the thermopause temperature are discussed. Using five sets of solar irradiances measured in the ultraviolet and in the extreme ultraviolet, the penetration of solar radiation is analyzed as a function of solar activity. Several examples of absorption profiles and ion production rates are discussed for variable conditions. Various energetic effects are also described. All computations are made for physical conditions above Scheveningen (52.08° N) where the 14th ESLAB symposium was held.Proceedings of the 14th ESLAB Symposium on Physics of Solar Variations, 16–19 September 1980, Scheveningen, The Netherlands.  相似文献   

Joule heating has been shown to be very effective in increasing electronic temperature in the upper atmosphere. It is found theoretically that the electronic temperature can rise up to several thousands °K soon after certain ionospheric current disturbances occur, while the temperature of neutral particles increases only very slowly. Temperatures in various conditions have been computed and are found to be compatible with observation. It is also possible that the high electronic temperatures may explain the excitation of certain auroral glows.  相似文献   

J.T. Schofield  F.W. Taylor 《Icarus》1982,52(2):245-262
Improved calculations of net emission from the northern hemisphere of Venus are presented. These are based on temperature profiles, water vapor mixing ratio profiles, and cloud models retrieved in 120 solar-fixed latitude-longitude bins from infrared measurements in six spectral channels made over a period of 72 days by the orbiter infrared radiometer (OIR) instrument of the Pioneer Venus mission. Only carbon dioxide, sulfuric acid cloud, and water vapor are considered as significant sources of atmospheric opacity, and the role of the latter component is found to be minor. The sensitivity of the calculations to extreme alternative cloud models, measurement errors, and calibration errors is also discussed. Net emission is found to be only weakly dependent on latitude and longitude during the period of observation with the exception of the high-latitude polar collar region, where emission is low. Mean net emission from the northern hemisphere is 157.0 ± 6.9 W.m?2, corresponding to an equivalent temperature of 229.4 ± 2.5°K. If this figure is characteristic of the whole planet and if thermal balance is assumed, the bolometric albedo of Venus is 0.762 ± 0.011. This value is consistent with the latest estimates within experimental error.  相似文献   

A theory of the i.r. radiation (2–20 μ) of the upper atmosphere (90–250 km height) has been developed. It includes the calculation of concentrations and temperatures as well as the analysis of atomic and molecular level population kinetics. Various excitation and quenching processes are analysed. Results are given for the following bands: NO (5.3μ), NO+(4.3μ.), CO (4.7 μ), N14N15 (4.4 μ), CO2(4.3 and 15 μ), H2O(2.7 and 6.3 μ), N2O(4.5; 7.8 and 17μ), O3(9.6 and 14.4 μ). The energy aspect of the problem is discussed. It is found that at a height of 120 km intensity in the region of 2 to 20 μ 3 to 10 is that of the 63 μ line of atomic oxygen. The comparison of theory with the experiment was carried out and satisfactory agreement obtained. The correlations of intensities in i.r. bands and emissions in visible and u.v. spectra were considered.  相似文献   

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