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Cosmos 387 (1970-111A) was launched on 16 December 1970 into a near-circular orbit with an average height of 540 km and an inclination of 74.0°. On 5 November 1971 the orbit, in its slow contraction under the influence of air drag, passed through 15th-order resonance, when the ground track repeats after 15 revolutions. The orbit has been determined with the aid of the RAE orbit refinement program PROP at 19 epochs between May 1971 and June 1972, using 1500 optical and radar observations. The average accuracy is about 70 m in perigee height and 0.001° in inclination.The variation of orbital inclination while the satellite was experiencing 15th-order resonance, as given by these 19 orbits and 55 U.S. Navy orbits, has been analysed to obtain equations accurate to 4 per cent for the geopotential coefficients of order 15 and odd degree (15, 17, 19 …). These equations have subsequently been used (with others) in determining individual coefficients of order 15 and odd degree.The variation of eccentricity with argument of perigee showed unexpected complexity, including a tight loop near resonance (Fig. 4). Analysis of the variation in eccentricity has yielded, for the first time, accurate equations for the geopotential coefficients of order 15 and even degree (16, 18 …), thus opening the way to the evaluation of individual coefficients of this type. The variations in the argument of perigee and right ascension of the node have also been analysed.  相似文献   

The orbit of the satellite 1971-30B (Tournesol rocket) has been determined from more than 2000 observations at 34 epochs spaced at 8-day intervals between March and November 1978 when the orbit was experiencing 15th-order resonance. The variations in the orbital inclination, which was near 46.4°, and in the eccentricity, which was near 0.01, have been analysed to determine values of six lumped harmonics of order 15. In view of the fact that the orbit passed through resonance quite rapidly, the results are very satisfactory: the standard deviations of the lumped harmonics correspond to accuracies between 1 and 3 cm in geoid height.  相似文献   

Cosmos 72 (1965-53B) was launched on 16 April 1965 into a near-circular orbit with an average height of 570 km and inclination 56°. Over the years, the orbit has contracted slowly under the influence of air drag, and On 27 June 1972 passed through exact 15th-order resonance, when successive equator crossings are 24° apart in longitude and the ground track repeats after 15 rev. The orbit has been determined at seven epochs between April 1972 and February 1973, using the RAE orbit refinement program PROP, with 544 optical and radar observations: the average orbital accuracy is about 50 m in height and 0.0008° in inclination.For Cosmos 72 the change in inclination at 15th-order resonance, due to perturbations by 15th-order harmonics in the geopotential, is greater than for any satellite previously analysed— nearly 0.07°—and analysis of the change, using the seven PROP orbits and 45 U.S. Navy orbits, yields equations accurate to 4 per cent for the geopotential coefficients of order 15 and odd degree (15, 17, 19 …). A similar analysis of the variation in eccentricity gives less accurate equations for coefficients of order 15 and even degree (16, 18 …). The variations in right ascension of the node and argument of perigee have also been analysed.  相似文献   

The orbit of Cosmos 268 rocket (1969-20B) has been determined at 28 epochs during its 342-day life, with the aid of the PROP5 orbit refinement program. All available observations were used, including 16 from the Hewitt camera at Malvern, 28 from the 200-mm camera at Meudon, 56 from the kinetheodolite at the Cape Observatory, 700 visual observations from volunteer observers, 500 US Navy observations and 200 British radar observations. The orbits are of very good accuracy for such a high-drag satellite, most of the values of inclination having standard deviations less than 0.002°. The most accurate orbits are those utilizing photographic observations, and the best of these has standard deviations of 0.00001 in eccentricity and 0.0001° in inclination.

The values of inclination obtained, after correction to allow for the effects of other perturbing forces, have been analysed to determine zonal wind speeds in the upper atmosphere at heights a little above perigee (230–250 km) averaged over latitudes up to about 25°. The results show a clear distinction between the wind at night (21 to 03 hr local time), which is west-to-east with an average speed of 140 ± 50 m/sec, and the wind by day (08 to 17 hr), which is east-to-west with an average speed of 110 ± 50 m/sec.  相似文献   

Ariel 1, the first international satellite, was launched on 26 April 1962, into an orbit inclined at 53.85° to the equator, with an initial perigee height near 390 km. On 8 May 1973 the orbit passed through 15th-order resonance and has been determined, with the RAE orbit refinement program PROP, at eight epochs between February and August 1973 using 500 observations.The orbital inclinations during the time of 15th-order resonance, as given by these eight orbits and 31 U.S. Navy orbits, were fitted with a theoretical curve using the THROE computer program, the best fit giving 109C?15 = ?370 ± 14 and 109S15 = ?114 ± 31.The values of eccentricity were also successfully fitted using THROE, and the results are discussed.  相似文献   

Cosmos 378 rocket, 1970-97B, entered orbit on 17 November 1970, with orbital inclination 74.0°, period 105 min and perigee height 230 km, and decayed on 30 September 1972 after 683 days in orbit. The RAE computer program PROP was used, with more than 1900 observations from 64 stations, to determine the orbit at 39 epochs between February 1971 and September 1972.The main aim of the analysis was to determine the atmospheric rotation rate from the decrease in orbital inclination, which was determined with a mean standard deviation of 0.0010° and a best standard deviation of 0.0003°. After removal of relevant perturbations, analysis of the variation in inclination between July 1971 and April 1972 yields the surprisingly low average atmospheric rotation rate of 0.75 ± 0.05 rev/day, at a mean height of 250 km. The local time at perigee is however strongly biassed towards daytime values (07–16 hr), so the results lend support to the picture of east-to-west winds by day and west-to-east winds by night.Values of scale height are obtained by analysis of the change in perigee height.  相似文献   

Cosmos 359 rocket 1970-65D, was launched on 22 August 1970 into an orbit inclined at 51·2° to the Equator, with an initial perigee height of 209 km: it decayed on 6 October 1971 after a lifetime of 410 days. The orbit has been determined at 42 epochs during the lifetime, using the RAE orbit refinement program, PROP, with over 2600 observations. Observations from the Hewitt cameras at Malvern and Edinburgh were available for 10 of the 42 orbits.Ten values of density scale height, at heights between 185 and 261 km, have been determined from analysis of the variations in perigee height.Upper-atmosphere zonal winds and 15th-order harmonics in the geopotential have been evaluated from the changes in orbital inclination. The average atmospheric rotation rate, for heights near 220 km, is found to be 1·04 rev/day; but there are striking departures from the average, with well-established values of 1·30, 0·75, 1·35 and 0·95 over four successive 75-day intervals. The changes in inclination at the 15th-order resonance in November 1970 give values of lumped 15th-order harmonics, which will provide equations for evaluating coefficients of order 15 and even degree (16,18,…) and also show that useful results on the geopotential can be obtained from satellites with perigee as low as 200 km.  相似文献   

The orbit of China 2 rocket, 1971-18B, has been determined at 114 epochs throughout its 5-yr life, using the RAE orbit refinement program PROP 6, with more than 7000 radar and optical observations from 83 stations.The rocket passed slowly enough through the resonances 14:1, 29:2, 15:1 and 31:2 to allow lumped geopotential harmonic coefficients to be calculated for each resonance, by least-squares fittings of theoretical curves to the perturbation-free values of inclination and eccentricity. These lumped coefficients can be combined with values from satellites at other inclinations, to obtain individual harmonic coefficients.The rotation rate of the upper atmosphere, at heights near 300 km, was estimated from the decrease in orbital inclination, and values of 1.15, 1.05, 1.10 and 1.05 rev/day were obtained between April 1971 and January 1976. From the variation in perigee height, 25 values of density scale height were calculated, from April 1971 to decay. Comparison with values from the COSPAR International Reference Atmosphere 1972 shows good agreement between April 1971 and October 1975, but the observational values are 10% lower, on average, than CIRA thereafter.A further 1400 observations, made during the final 15 days before decay, were used to determine 15 daily orbits. Analysis of these orbits reveals a very strong West-to-East wind, of 240 ± 40 ms?1, at a mean height of 195 km under winter evening conditions, and gives daily values of density scale height in the last 7 days before decay.  相似文献   

China 2 rocket, 1971-18B, was launched on 3rd March 1971 into an orbit inclined at 69.9° to the Equator, with an initial perigee height of 265 km. Analysis of its orbit has yielded values of air density at average intervals of 6 days between July 1971 and January 1972. When corrected to a fixed height, the density exhibits a correlation with the geomagnetic index Ap and the solar 10.7-cm radiation. With values of density extending over seven months it is possible to examine a complete cycle of the semi-annual variation at a height near 300 km. The values of density, corrected for the day-to-night variation and for solar and geomagnetic activity, reveal minima in mid-August and late January; at the intervening maximum, in early November, the density is almost 40% higher than at the minima.  相似文献   

COSMOS 1009 rocket was launched on 19 May 1978 into an orbit with initial perigee height 150 km and apogee 1100 km: its lifetime was only 17 days. The orbit has been determined daily during the final 14 days of its life, using the RAE orbit refinement program PROP6,with about 1100 observations supplied by NORAD. An average accuracy of about 60 m, radial and cross-track, was achieved.The orbits were analysed to reveal three features of the upper atmosphere at heights between 125 and 175 km. From the decrease in perigee height, five values of density scale height, accurate to ±4%, were obtained. The first three were within 10% of those from CIRA 1972; the fourth, after a magnetic storm, was higher than expected; the fifth gave evidence of the decrease in drag coefficient at heights below 130 km.Atmospheric oblateness produced a change of 4° in perigee position during the last four days of the life. Analysis showed that the ellipticity of the upper atmosphere was approximately equal to that of the Earth, f, for the first two of the four days, and about 12f in the last two.The orbital inclination decreased during the 14 days by about 50 times its standard deviation, and the observed variation was analysed to determine zonal winds at heights of 150–160 km at latitudes near 47° north. The zonal wind was very weak (0±30 m/s) for 23–28 May at local times near 03h; and 90±30 m/s east-to-west for 29 May to 4 June at local times near 01 h.  相似文献   

The satellite 1965-11D was the final-stage rocket used to launch Cosmos 54, 55 and 56 into orbit on 21 February 1965. The orbit of 1965-11D was inclined at 56° to the Equator, with an initial perigee height of 280 km; the lifetime was nearly 5 yr, with decay on 23 December 1969. The orbit has been determined at 75 epochs during the life, using the RAE orbit determination program PROP with over 4000 observations, photographic, visual and radar. Observations from the Hewitt camera at Malvern were available for 34 of the 75 orbits and typical accuracies for these orbits are 0.0005° in inclination and 100 m in perigee height.The variations in perigee height have been analyzed to determine reliable values of density scale height, at heights between 240 and 360 km. The analysis also revealed a rapid decrease of 5 km in perigee distance early in 1966, attributed to the escape of residual propellants.The variations in orbital inclination have been analyzed to determine upper-atmosphere zonal winds and 15th-order harmonics in the geopotential. The region of the upper atmosphere traversed by 1965-11D near its perigee is found to have had an average rotation rate of 1.10 ± 0.05 rev/day in 1966–1967, and 1.00 ± 0.03 rev/day between March 1968 and May 1969. In late 1969 there were probably wide variations in zonal winds, with east-to-west winds of order 100 m/s followed by west-to-east winds of order 200 m/s. The changes in inclination at the 15th-order resonance in July 1969 have been analyzed to give the first accurate values of lumped 15th-order harmonics obtained from a high-drag satellite. This success points the way towards similar analyses of the many other high-drag satellites that pass through 15th-order resonance, to evaluate individual geopotential coefficients of order 15 and even degree.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》1987,35(8):1039-1052
An empirical density formula is explored as a practical model for atmospheric variations and satellite drag analyses. Expanding neutral air density as a series of spherical harmonics and normalizing to a fixed height, an analytical expression for the rate of change of the mean motion is developed for an oblate atmosphere with density scale height varying linearly with altitude. A subset of the coefficients in the density expansion is determined by least-squares adjustment to the observed orbital decay rate of Intercosmos 13 rocket (1975-22B) for the period May 1975–December 1979. Comparisons against four thermospheric models are undertaken for the solar activity effect and the diurnal and semi-annual variations. Given the even spread of data and the increase in solar activity from low to moderate, the air density variation with solar activity is particularly well determined. The results support the “J77” model revealing a greater increase in density with the daily solar index than either the “MSIS” or “DTM” thermospheric models near the solar minimum. Analyses of the diurnal and semi-annual variations are less exact.  相似文献   

The satellite 1971-10B passed through exact 15th-order resonance on 30 March 1981 and orbital parameters have been determined at 52 epochs from some 3500 observations using the RAE orbit refinement program, PROP, between September 1980 and October 1981. The variations in inclination and eccentricity during this time have been analysed, and six lumped 15th-order harmonic coefficients and two 30th-order coefficients have been evaluated. The 15th-order coefficients are the best yet obtained for an orbital inclination near 65°; and previously there were no 30th-order coefficients available at this inclination. The lumped coefficients have been used to test the Goddard Earth Model GEM 10B: there is good agreement for seven of the eight coefficients.  相似文献   

The orbit of 1970-47B passed very slowly through 14th-order resonance, and the changes in orbital inclination and eccentricity have been analysed over a 4-year period, from January 1977 to January 1981, using 208 U.S. Navy orbits. The analysis has yielded values for three pairs of lumped harmonic coefficients of 14th order, which have accuracies equivalent to 0.4, 1.5 and 2.0 cm in geoid height. Three pairs of values of 28th-order lumped harmonic coefficients were also obtained, and the best of these has a standard deviation (S.D.) corresponding to an accuracy of 0.7 cm in geoid height. The lumped harmonic coefficients have been compared with the corresponding values from the latest geopotential models, and agreement is satisfactory.  相似文献   

The rocket of Cosmos 268, 1969-20B, entered orbit on 5 March 1969, with an initial perigee height of 230 km and inclination of 48.40°. Accurate orbits were computed at RAE from all available observations. Using the values of perigee height from the RAE orbit and decay rates from Spacetrack bulletins, 103 values of density have been calculated between July 1969 and February 1970. On three occasions when geomagnetic activity was strong there were sudden increases in density. When the density was corrected to a fixed height, the semi-annual variation was apparent. There was a strong minimum in July 1969, a maximum in October–November 1969 and a weak minimum in January 1970.  相似文献   

Cosmos 373, 1970-87A, was launched on 20 October 1970 into an orbit inclined at 62.9° to the Equator, with an initial perigee height of 472 km. The orbit has been determined at 25 epochs covering a period of just over 4 yr using the RAE orbit refinement program PROP, with over 1500 observations. Observations from the Hewitt camera at Malvern were available for all 25 orbits.The main purpose of the orbit determination was to provide accurate values of the eccentricity for use in determining the odd zonal harmonics in the Earth's gravitational potential. The analysis has resulted in extremely accurate values of e with S.D.'s down to 0.000005 and has indicated an amplitude of the oscillation in eccentricity of 0.0085, equivalent to almost 60 km in perigee height—the largest yet recorded for any near-Earth orbit of high accuracy.  相似文献   

The satellite 1968-90A (Cosmos 248), was launched in October 1968 into an orbit inclined at 62.25° to the equator, with an initial perigee height of 475 km, apogee height 543 km, and orbital period 94.8 min. The orbit has been determined at 57 epochs over nearly one and a quarter cycles of the argument of perigee from January 1972 until December 1975 with the aid of the RAE orbit refinement program PROP, using nearly 3000 observations. For most of these orbits the standard deviations in inclination are less than 0.0009° (corresponding to about 100m in cross-track distance). The values of eccentricity give perigee heights accurate to between 30 and 120m.The main purpose of the orbit determination was to provide accurate values of the eccentricity for use in determining the odd zonal harmonics in the Earth's gravitational potential. These values have been analysed to determine the amplitude of the oscillation in eccentricity, which is found to be 0.00433 ± 0.00001.  相似文献   

The orbit of Tansei 3rocket(1977-12B) has been determined at 47 epochs between 1 October 1977 and 19 March 1979 using over 1700 observations and the RAE orbit refinement program PROP6. The rate of change of the inclination was examined to evaluate values of the atmospheric rotation rate, Λ rev day?1. Analysis yielded the value Λ = 1.1 ± 0.05 at height 315 ± 30 km, average conditions; or alternatively Λ = 1.1 ± 0.1 at height 347 ± 12 km, slight winter bias and Λ = 1.07 ± 0.1 at height 270 ± 18 km, average conditions, supplying further evidence of a decrease in rotation rates from the 1960s to the 1970s.Analysis of the inclination at 15th-order resonance yielded the lumped harmonic values
109C0,115 = 13.4 ± 6.2, 109S0,115 = 0.7 ± 13.3
for inclination 65.485°.  相似文献   

The orbit of TETR-3 (1971-83B), inclination: 33°, passed through resonance with 15th order geopotential terms in February 1972. The resonance caused the orbit inclination to increase by 0.015°. Analysis of 48 sets of mean Kepler elements for this satellite in 1971–1972 (across the resonance) has established the following strong constraint for high degree, 15th order gravitational terms (normalized):
109(C, S)15 = (28.3 ± 3.0, 7.4 ± 3.0) = 0.001(C, S)15,15?0.015(C, S)17,15+0.073(C, S)19,15?0.219(C, S)21,15+0.477(C, S)23,15?0.781(C, S)25,15+1.000(C, S)27,15?0.0963(C, S)29,15+0.622(C, S)31,15?0.119(C, S)33,15?0.290(C, S)35,15+0.403(C, S)37,15?0.223(C, S)39,15?0.058(C, S)41,15+…
This result combined with previous results on high inclination 15th order and other resonant orbits suggests that the coefficients of the gravity field beyond the 15th degree are smaller than Kaula's rule (10?5l2).  相似文献   

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