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A steady state groundwater flow simulation model was developed using available well data and general hydrogeological and geological information, for the Afram Plains area, Ghana. The hydrochemistry of groundwater from wells in the area was then evaluated to determine its suitability for irrigation and domestic uses. The assessment of the irrigation quality of groundwater from this area was based on salinity (EC) and sodium adsorption ratios (SAR), residual sodium carbonate (RSC), and permeability indices (PI). The simulation model reveals that groundwater in the Afram Plains area generally flows from the midsections in the neighborhood of Tease and surrounding areas, where significant recharge takes place, to the outer regions and discharges into the Volta Lake in the southern and eastern sections of the area. Flow magnitude and piezometric maps suggest that there is probably of less potential for groundwater extraction for sustainable irrigation in the central regions of the area, when compared to the other discharge areas. This study reveals that more than 70% of the samples analyzed fall within the C2–S1 category, referring to the medium level salinity and low sodium. Medium salinity waters may be used for irrigation on coarse textured soils with good permeability. About 15% of the data fall within the C3–S2 category, referring to water of high salinity and medium sodicity. High salinity, medium sodicity irrigation water cannot be used on fine-grained soils where drainage is restricted. This is because restricted flow is likely to result in the accumulation of salts in the root zones of crops, leading to salinity and soil clogging crisis. About 3% falls within the C3–S3 (high salinity, high sodicity) category. This category requires special soil management including improved drainage, heavy leaching and the use of chemical amendments on the water. Only one point plots within the extreme salinity–sodicity range. Concentrations of fluoride, arsenic and other natural elements in the area generally fall well within the world health standards for domestic water.  相似文献   

A baseline study involving analyses of subsurface water samples from the Cape Coast granitoid complex, Lower Birimian, Togo Formation and the Voltaian Group, was carried out to assess their suitability for drinking, domestic and agricultural purposes. Study results show that pH within the range (3.0 ≤ pH ≤ 6.5) constitutes 74% of the boreholes analysed, and 51% have hardness values ranging from 7.89 to 73.24 mg/l as CaCO3 and are described as soft. Total dissolved solids are less than 1,000 mg/l and generally characterized by low conductivity values, of which 95% are within the range (55 ≤ EC ≤ 1,500 μS/cm). The mean values of the major cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+) and anions (SO42−, Cl, HCO3) are all within the World Health Organisation (WHO) standards. Five (5) of the boreholes sampled have nitrate (NO3) contamination. Even though NO3 contamination and acidic waters exist in some of the boreholes, the majority of the boreholes are excellent for drinking and domestic purposes. Assessment of the groundwaters for agricultural irrigation revealed three main categories. These are low salinity–low sodicity (C1–S1), medium salinity–low sodicity (C2–S1) and high salinity–low sodicity (C3–S1), using the US Salinity Laboratory (USSL) classification scheme. As much as 95% of the samples plotted in the ‘excellent to good’ and ‘good to permissible’ categories on the Wilcox diagram. The groundwater in the study area may therefore be regarded as good for irrigation activities. The major identifiable geochemical processes responsible for the evolution of the various ions are mineral weathering and chemical reactions.  相似文献   

The present work was conducted in the Sinai Peninsula (1) to identify the recharge and flow characteristics and to evaluate the continuity of the Lower Cretaceous Nubian Sandstone aquifer; and (2) to provide information for the aquifer's rational appraisal. Isotopic and hydrochemical compositions combined with the geological and hydrogeological settings were used for this purpose. A considerable depletion in isotopic content (oxygen-18 and deuterium) and low d-excess values exist in the studied groundwater, reflecting the contribution of old meteoric water that recharged the aquifer in pluvial times. Modern recharge also occurs from precipitation that falls on the aquifer outcrops. The wide scatter of the data points around the two meteoric lines, the global meteoric water line (GMWL) and Mediterranean meteoric water line (MMWL), in the δ18O–δD diagram indicates considerable variation in recharge conditions (amount, altitude, temperature, air masses, distances from catchment, overland flow, etc.). The isotopic composition in the El-Bruk area is minimum (18O=–9.53‰), very close to the average value of the Western Desert Nubian Sandstone (18O=–10‰), where the local structural and lithologic conditions retard groundwater flow and the main bulk of water becomes noncyclic. The continuity of the aquifer in northern and central Sinai is evidenced by the isotopic similarity between samples taken from above and below the central Sinai Ragabet El-Naam fault, the distribution of potentiometric head, and hydrogeological cross sections. The combination of isotopic composition in terms of 18O and chemical composition in terms of TDS and salt contents is the basis for separating the studied groundwater into groups that reflect the recharge sources and isotopic and chemical modifications during flow. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Assessing the seasonal variation of groundwater recharge is important for effective management of groundwater resources. Stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen were used to estimate the sources of groundwater and seasonal contributions of precipitation to groundwater recharge in Chih-Pen Creek basin of eastern Taiwan. Based on the isotopes of precipitation (n = 177), two different local meteoric water regression lines (LMWL) can be obtained for the different seasons: δD = 8.0618O + 10.08 for wet season precipitation (May through October) and δD = 8.65δ18O + 17.09 for dry season precipitation (November through April). The slope and intercept of regression line for wet season precipitation are virtually identical to the global meteoric water line (GMWL) of Craig (1961). In contrast to during dry season precipitation due to evaporation effect the intercept of 17.09 is much higher than of the GMWL of 10. The results show the stable isotopes compositions of precipitation decrease with increasing rainfall amount and air temperature, due to the amount effect of precipitation is pronounced. The amount effect is clearly but do not show the temperature effect from January to December 2007. Using a mass-balance equation, a comparison of deuterium excess or d values of precipitation and groundwater indicates the groundwater consist of 76% wet season precipitation and 24% dry season precipitation, representing a distinct seasonal variation of groundwater recharge in study area. About 79% of the groundwater is recharged from the river water of the mountain watershed and 21% is from the rain that falls on the basin.  相似文献   

Groundwater from the major aquifers in southeastern part of Ghana was sampled to determine the main controls on groundwater salinity in the area. This paper uses multivariate statistical methods, conventional graphical methods and stable isotope data to determine spatial relationships among groundwaters from the different hydrogeologic units in the area on the basis of salinity. Q-mode hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) was used to spatially classify the samples, whilst R-mode factor analysis was used to reduce the dataset into two major principal components representing the sources of variation in the hydrochemistry. Analysis of the major chemical parameters suggests that the principal component responsible for salinity increment in the area is the weathering of minerals in the aquifers. This factor is especially more significant in the upland areas away from the coast. The second factor responsible for salinity in the area is the combined effects of seawater intrusion, and anthropogenic activities. This study finds that four major spatial groundwater groups exist in the area: low salinity, acidic groundwaters which are mainly derived from the Birimian and Togo Series aquifers; low salinity, moderate to neutral pH groundwaters which are mainly from the Voltaian, Buem and Cape Coast granitoids; very high salinity waters which are not suitable for most domestic and irrigation purposes and are mainly from the Keta aquifers; and intermediate salinity groundwaters comprising groundwater from the Keta basin aquifers with minor contributions from the other major terrains. The major water type identified in this study is the Ca–Mg–HCO3 type, which degrades into predominantly Na–Cl–SO4 more saline groundwaters toward the coast. Stable isotope data analyses suggest that groundwater in the Voltaian aquifers is largely of recent meteoric origin. The Birimian and Togo aquifers receive a component of recharge from the tributaries of the Densu and Volta Rivers, after the waters have undergone evaporative enrichment of the heavier isotopes. In the Keta basin, recharge is mainly from precipitation but an observed enrichment of 2H and 18O isotopes is probably due to seawater and evaporative effects since the water table there is very shallow. An analysis of the irrigation quality of groundwater from the six aquifers in the study area using sodium adsorption ratio and electrical conductivity suggests that most of the aquifers supply groundwater of acceptable quality for irrigation. The only exception is the Keta Basin area, where extremely high salinities and SAR values render groundwater from this basin unsuitable for irrigation purposes.  相似文献   

The need for more agricultural or residential land has encouraged reclamation at the coastal areas of Korea since 1200 ad (approximately). The groundwaters of these reclaimed areas could be expected to reveal hydrogeochemical properties different from those of areas directly affected by seawater intrusion. The purpose of this study, therefore, was to examine the salinization of shallow groundwater in a coastal reclaimed area and to identify the effect of land reclamation on groundwater quality. Major cations and anions, iodide, total organic carbon, δD, δ 18O and δ 13C were measured to assist the hydrogeochemical analysis. Chloride, δD and δ 18O data clearly show that the Na–Cl type water results from mixing of groundwater with seawater. In particular, the δD and δ 18O of Ca+Mg–Cl+NO3 type groundwaters are close to the meteoric water line, but Na–Cl type waters enriched in chloride are 18O-enriched with respect to the meteoric water line. Meanwhile, carbon isotopic data and I/Cl ratios strongly suggest that there are various sources of salinity. The δ 13C values of Na–Cl type groundwaters are generally similar to those of Ca+Mg–Cl+NO3 type waters, which are depleted in 13C with respect to seawater. I/Cl ratios of Na–Cl type groundwater are 10–100 times higher than that of seawater. Because the reclamation has incorporated a large amount of organic matter, it provides optimum conditions for the occurrence of redox processes in the groundwater system. Therefore, the salinization of groundwater in the study area seems to be controlled not only by saltwater intrusion but also by other effects, such as those caused by residual salts and organic matter in the reclaimed sediments.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine geochemical properties of groundwater and thermal water in the Misli Basin and to assess thermal water intrusion into shallow groundwater due to over-extraction. According to isotope and hydrochemical analyses results, sampled waters can be divided into three groups: cold, thermal, and mixed waters. Only a few waters reach water–rock chemical equilibrium. Thermal waters in the area are characterized by Na+–Cl–HCO3, while the cold waters by CaHCO3 facies. On the basis of isotope results, thermal waters in the Misli basin are meteoric origin. In particular, δ18O and δ2H values of shallow groundwater vary from −10.2 to −12.2‰ and −71.2 to −82‰, while those of thermal waters range from −7.8 to −10.1‰ and from −67 to −74‰, respectively. The tritium values of shallow groundwater having short circulation as young waters coming from wells that range from 30 to 70 m in depth vary from 10 to 14 TU. The average tritium activity of groundwater in depths more than 100 m is 1.59 ± 1.16, which indicates long circulation. The rapid infiltration of the precipitation, the recycling of the evaporated irrigation water, the influence of thermal fluids and the heterogeneity of the aquifer make it difficult to determine groundwater quality changes in the Misli Basin. Obtained results show that further lowering of the groundwater table by over-consumption will cause further intrusion of thermal water which resulted in high mineral content into the fresh groundwater aquifer. Because of this phenomenon, the concentrations of some chemical components which impairs water quality in terms of irrigation purposes in shallow groundwaters, such as Na+, B, and Cl, are highy probably expected to increase in time.  相似文献   

Major ion geochemistry and environmental isotopes were used to identify the origins and the mineralisation processes of groundwater flowing within the three aquifer levels of the multilayer system of the Gafsa-south mining district (Southwestern Tunisia). It has been demonstrated that groundwaters are characterised by a Ca–Mg–SO4 water type. Geochemical pattern is mainly controlled by the dissolution of halite, gypsum and/or anhydrite as well as by the incongruent dissolution of dolomite. δ18O and δ2H values are much lower than the isotopic signature of regional precipitation and fall close to the meteoric water lines, indicating that groundwaters have not been significantly affected by evaporation or mineral–water reactions. The distribution of stable and radiogenic isotopes (δ18O, δ2H, δ13C and 14C) within the aquifer levels suggests that the deep confined aquifer receives a significant modern recharge at higher altitudes, while, the shallow unconfined aquifer has been mainly recharged under cooler paleoclimatic condition, likely during Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene humid periods. However, waters from the intermediate confined/unconfined aquifer have composite isotopic signatures, highlighting that they are derived from a mixture of the two first end-members.  相似文献   

The Sfax Basin in eastern Tunisia is bounded to the east by the Mediterranean Sea. Thermal waters of the Sfax area have measured temperatures of 23–36°C, and electrical conductivities of 3,200 and 14,980 μS/cm. Most of the thermal waters are characterized as Na–Cl type although there are a few Na–SO4–Cl waters. They issue from Miocene units which are made up sands and sandstones interbedded with clay. The Quaternary sediments cap the system. The heat source is high geothermal gradient which are determined downhole temperature measurements caused by graben tectonics of the area. The results of mineral equilibrium modeling indicate that the thermal waters of the Sfax Basin are undersaturated with respect to gypsum, anhydrite and fluorite, oversaturated with respect to kaolinite, dolomite, calcite, microcline, quartz, chalcedony, and muscovite. Assessments from various chemical geothermometers, Na–K–Mg ternary and mineral equilibrium diagrams suggest that the reservoir temperature of the Sfax area can reach up to 120°C. According to δ18O and δ2H values, all thermal and cold groundwater is of meteoric origin.  相似文献   

Figeh watershed spring is one of the important groundwater aquifer, which is considered a major source for drinking waters of Damascus city and countryside. The origin identification and recharge estimates of groundwater are significant components of sustainable groundwater development in this Mountain karst aquifer of Figeh spring. During the period 2001–2009, monthly groundwater and precipitation samples were taken and the isotopic compositions of δ18O, δ2H, and chloride contents were analyzed to identify groundwater origins and to estimate recharge rates. The δ18O, δ2H of the groundwater show that the groundwater recharge is of meteoric origin. The chloride mass balance (CMB) method was used to quantify recharge rates of groundwater in the Mountain karst aquifer of Figeh spring. The recharge rate varies from 192 to 826 mm/year, which corresponds to 43 and 67% of the total annual rainfall. Recharge rates estimated by CMB were compared with values obtained from other methods and were found to be in good agreement. This study can be used to develop effective programs for groundwater management and development.  相似文献   

Groundwater is of utmost significance to socio-economic development and ecological recovery for the Loess Plateau. However, studies regarding the mechanism governing groundwater recharge over this area appear to be inadequate. This study is to examine the spatio-temporal variations of δ2H and δ18O in precipitation and shallow groundwater. On the basis of this, the mechanisms governing shallow groundwater recharge were explored. Precipitation and groundwater were sampled monthly from May to October during the period 2004–2006 at 13 sites in the Chabagou Catchment (187 km2). In the Caopingxigou Experimental Watershed (0.1 km2), meteorological variables were observed and rainfall larger than 5 mm was sampled immediately after each rain event. Across the area, 90% of the precipitation occurred from May to September primarily in the form of heavy rains or rainstorms with great spatial variability. There were about 30 localized rains in each year. It was indicated that there existed notable seasonality and pronounced spatial variability in precipitation isotopic compositions. Contributing factors and indications of isotopic compositions, as well as their climatic indications such as monsoon intensities and mixing processes of water vapor, were investigated. The δ2H–δ18O relation of groundwater was found to be δ2H = 3.22 × δ18O − 38.1, deviating from the local meteoric water line δ2H = 7.57 × δ18O + 3.9. The range of δ values in groundwater is shrunken to be 15–21% of that in individual precipitations, and groundwater in the middle reaches shows a wider range of δ values. Isotopic results showed that groundwater originates from precipitation with hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions being −69 and −9.7‰, respectively, and most groundwater experiences serious evaporation and adequate mixing with old water during infiltration or percolation in the aerated zone. It was also founded that obvious fluctuations of isotopic compositions in groundwater mainly appear in the middle reaches especially at sites that are close to valleys, suggesting varying sources of groundwater from precipitation, precipitation runoff, isotopically enriched surface water and/or lateral recharge of adjacent groundwater.  相似文献   

Many cities around the world are developed at alluvial fans. With economic and industrial development and increase in population, quality and quantity of groundwater are often damaged by over-exploitation in these areas. In order to realistically assess these groundwater resources and their sustainability, it is vital to understand the recharge sources and hydrogeochemical evolution of groundwater in alluvial fans. In March 2006, groundwater and surface water were sampled for major element analysis and stable isotope (oxygen-18 and deuterium) compositions in Xinxiang, which is located at a complex alluvial fan system composed of a mountainous area, Taihang Mt. alluvial fan and Yellow River alluvial fan. In the Taihang mountainous area, the groundwater was recharged by precipitation and was characterized by Ca–HCO3 type water with depleted δ18O and δD (mean value of −8.8‰ δ18O). Along the flow path from the mountainous area to Taihang Mt. alluvial fan, the groundwater became geochemically complex (Ca–Na–Mg–HCO3–Cl–SO4 type), and heavier δ18O and δD were observed (around −8‰ δ18O). Before the surface water with mean δ18O of −8.7‰ recharged to groundwater, it underwent isotopic enrichment in Taihang Mt. alluvial fan. Chemical mixture and ion exchange are expected to be responsible for the chemical evolution of groundwater in Yellow River alluvial fan. Transferred water from the Yellow River is the main source of the groundwater in the Yellow River alluvial fan in the south of the study area, and stable isotopic compositions of the groundwater (mean value of −8.8‰ δ18O) were similar to those of transferred water (−8.9‰), increasing from the southern boundary of the study area to the distal end of the fan. The groundwater underwent chemical evolution from Ca–HCO3, Na–HCO3, to Na–SO4. A conceptual model, integrating stiff diagrams, is used to describe the spatial variation of recharge sources, chemical evolution, and groundwater flow paths in the complex alluvial fan aquifer system.  相似文献   

 Hydrogen and oxygen isotope analyses have been made of hydrous minerals in gabbros and basaltic xenoliths from the Eocene Kap Edvard Holm intrusive complex of East Greenland. The analyzed samples are of three types: (1) primary igneous hornblendes and phlogopites that crystallized from partial melts of hydrothermally altered basaltic xenoliths, (2) primary igneous hornblendes that formed during late–magmatic recrystallization of layered gabbroic cumulates, and (3) secondary actinolite, epidote and chlorite that formed during subsolidus alteration of both xenoliths and gabbros. Secondary actinolite has a δ18O value of −5.8‰ and a δD value of −158‰. These low values reflect subsolidus alteration by low–δ18O, low–δD hydrothermal fluids of meteoric origin. The δD value is lower than the −146 to −112‰ values previously reported for amphiboles from other early Tertiary meteoric–hydrothermal systems in East Greenland and Scotland, indicating that the meteoric waters at Kap Edvard Holm were isotopically lighter than typical early Tertiary meteoric waters in the North Atlantic region. This probably reflects local climatic variations caused by formation of a major topographic dome at about the time of plutonism and hydrothermal activity. The calculated isotopic composition of the meteoric water is δD=−110 ± 10‰, δ18O ≈−15‰. Igneous hornblendes and phlogopites from pegmatitic pods in hornfelsed basaltic xenoliths have δ18O values between −6.0 and −3.8‰ and δD values between −155 and −140‰. These are both much lower than typical values of fresh basalts. The oxygen isotope fractionations between pegmatitic hornblendes and surrounding hornfelsic minerals are close to equilibrium fractionations for magmatic temperatures, indicating that the pegmatites crystallized from low–δ18O partial melts of xenoliths that had been hydrothermally altered and depleted in 18O prior to stoping. The pegmatitic minerals may have crystallized with low primary δD values inherited from the altered country rocks, but these values were probably overprinted extensively by subsolidus isotopic exchange with low–δD meteoric–hydrothermal fluids. This exchange was facilitated by rapid self–diffusion of hydrogen through the crystal structures. Primary igneous hornblendes from the plutonic rocks have δ18O values between +2.0 and +3.2‰ and δD values between −166 and −146‰. The 18O fractionations between hornblendes and coexisting augites are close to equilibrium fractionations for magmatic temperatures, indicating that the hornblendes crystallized directly from the magma and subsequently underwent little or no oxygen exchange. The hornblendes may have crystallized with low primary δD values, due to contamination of the magma with altered xenolithic material, but the final δD values were probably controlled largely by subsolidus isotopic exchange. This inference is based partly on the observation that coexisting plagioclase has been extensively depleted in 18O via a mineral–fluid exchange reaction that is much slower than the hydrogen exchange reaction in hornblende. It is concluded that all hydrous minerals in the study area, whether igneous or secondary, have δD values that reflect extensive subsolidus isotopic equilibration with meteoric–hydrothermal fluids. Received: 22 March 1994 / Accepted: 26 January 1995  相似文献   

The degradation of groundwater quality, which has been noted in the recent years, is closely connected to the intensification of agriculture, the unreasonable use of chemical fertilizers and the excess consumption of large volumes of irrigation water. In the hilly region of central Thessaly in Greece, which suffers the consequences of intense agricultural use, a hydrogeological study is carried out, taking groundwater samples from springs and boreholes in the Neogene aquifers. The aim of this study is the investigation of irrigation management, water quality and suitability for various uses (water supply, irrigation), the degradation degree and the spatial distribution of pollutants using GIS. The following hydrochemical types prevail in the groundwater of the study area: Ca–Mg–HCO3, Mg–Ca–Na–HCO3 and Na–HCO3. In the above shallow aquifers, especially high values of NO3 (31.7–299.0), NH4 + (0.12–1.11), NO2 (0.018–0.109), PO4 3− (0.07–0.55), SO4 2− (47.5–146.5) and Cl (24.8–146.5) are found, particularly near inhabited areas (values are in mg L−1). The water of shallow aquifers is considered unsuitable for human use due to their high polluting load, while the water of the deeper aquifers is suitable for human consumption. Regarding water suitability for irrigation, the evaluation of SAR (0.153–7.397) and EC (481–1,680 μS cm−1) resulted in classification category ‘C3S1’, indicating high salinity and low sodium water which can be used for irrigation in most soils and crops with little to medium danger of development of exchangeable sodium and salinity. The statistical data analysis, the factor analysis and the GIS application have brought out the vulnerable-problematic zones in chemical compounds of nitrogen and phosphates. The groundwater quality degradation is localized and related exclusively to human activities. Based on 2005 and 2008 estimates, the annual safe yield of the region’s aquifers were nearly 41.95 MCM. However, the existing situation is that 6.37 MCM of water is over extracted from these aquifers.  相似文献   

This study was based on the analysis of isotopic compositions of hydrogen and oxygen in samples from precipitation, groundwater and stream water. In addition, parts of groundwater samples were dated by carbon-14 and tritium. These data are integrated to provide other views of the hydrologic cycle in the Hsinchu-Miaoli groundwater district. The groundwater district is principally composed of Pleistocene and Holocene aquifers. The Pleistocene aquifers are highly deformed by folding and faults into small sub-districts with areas of only tens of square kilometers. These aquifers are exclusively recharged by local precipitation. The Holocene aquifers cover narrow creek valleys, only tens of meters in thickness. The local meteoric water line (LMWL), constructed from rainfall samples in the Hsinchu Science Park, is described by the equation δD=8.02δ18O+10.16, which agrees with the global meteoric water line. In addition, the precipitation isotopic compositions can be categorized into two distinct end members: typhoon type and monsoon type. The groundwater isotopic compositions are perfectly located on an LMWL and can be considered a mixture of precipitations. Based on the mass balance of isotopic compositions of oxygen and hydrogen, infiltration is more active in the rainy season with depleted isotopic compositions. The amount of infiltration during May–September is roughly estimated to comprise at least 55% of the whole year’s recharge. The isotopic compositions of stream water are expressed by a regression equation: δD=7.61δ18O+9.62, which is similar to the LMWL. Although precipitation isotopic compositions are depleted during summer time, the isotopic compositions contrarily show an enriched trend in the upstream area. This is explained by the opposite altitude effect on isotopic compositions for typhoon-related precipitations.  相似文献   

Study of the groundwater samples from Tajarak area, western Iran, was carried out in order to assess their chemical compositions and suitability for agricultural purposes. All of the groundwaters are grouped into two categories: relatively low mineralized of Ca–HCO3 and Na–HCO3 types and high mineralized waters of Na–SO4 and Na–Cl types. The chemical evolution of groundwater is primarily controlled by water–rock interactions mainly weathering of aluminosilicates, dissolution of carbonate minerals and cation exchange reactions. Calculated values of pCO2 for the groundwater samples range from 2.34 × 10−4 to 1.07 × 10−1 with a mean value of 1.41 × 10−2 (atm), which is above the pCO2 of the earth’s atmosphere (10−3.5). The groundwater is oversaturated with respect to calcite, aragonite and dolomite and undersaturated with respect to gypsum, anhydrite and halite. According to the EC and SAR the most dominant classes (C3-S1, C4-S1 and C4-S2) were found. With respect to adjusted SAR (adj SAR), the sodium (Na+) content in 90% of water samples in group A is regarded as low and can be used for irrigation in almost all soils with little danger of the development of harmful levels of exchangeable Na+, while in 40 and 37% of water samples in group B the intensity of problem is moderate and high, respectively. Such water, when used for irrigation will lead to cation exchange and Na+ is adsorbed on clay minerals while calcium (Ca2+) and magnesium (Mg2+) are released to the liquid phase. The salinity hazard is regarded as medium to high and special management for salinity control is required. Thus, the water quality for irrigation is low, providing the necessary drainage to avoid the build-up of toxic salt concentrations.  相似文献   

Isotopes of deuterium and oxygen-18 in thermal groundwater in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Compositions of deuterium and 18O isotopes of 90 representative samples indicate that thermal groundwater in most parts of China is meteoric in origin. Latitude, altitude, and continent effects have significant bearing on the values of δD and δ18O of the hot water samples. Oxygen-18 shift is not significant in most of the thermal groundwater, especially the hot water of low-to-moderate temperature. Slight oxygen-18 shift is only found in some hot springs of high temperature in Tibet and western Yunnan and in thermal groundwater of low-to-moderate temperature in the deep-seated carbonate aquifers in the northern North China Plain (including the Tianjin area). Near-surface boiling may causes the shift of the former and the latter may be attributed to exchange of oxygen-18 between water and carbonates in the geothermal systems of taphrogenic basin-type. Hot springs in Tibet and western Sichuan have very low contents of δD and δ18O, possibly due to recharge of precipitation and snow-melting water of extremely depleted δD and δ18O values at high latitudes of several thousands of meters.  相似文献   

Hydro- and isotope geochemistry are used to refine groundwater conceptual models in two areas of central Italy (Acque Albule Basin and Velino River Valley) affected by extensional Quaternary tectonics, where deep and shallow groundwater flow systems are interacting. The role of geology, of recent deposits filling the plains and of main tectonic features controlling groundwater flowpaths and deep-seated fluids emergences are investigated and discussed. Environmental isotopes (2H and 18O) confirm recharge in the surrounding carbonate aquifers, and meteoric origin of both shallow and deep groundwater. Major ion chemistry indicates a mixing between shallow Ca-HCO3 groundwater from carbonate aquifers and deep Ca-HCO3-SO4 groundwater, characterised by higher salinity and temperature and high concentration in sulphates. Isotopic composition of dissolved sulphates (δ 34S and δ 18O) and dissolved inorganic carbon (δ 13C), henceforth indicated as DIC, are used to verify the presence of different sources of groundwater, and to validate the mixing model suggested by the major ion analyses. Sulphate isotope composition suggests a marine origin for the groundwater characterised by elevated sulphate concentration, whose source is present in the deep buried sequences. Carbon isotope composition confirms the role of a DIC source associated to CO2 degassing of a deep reservoir. Groundwater conceptual models are improved underlining the importance of Plio-Pleistocene sequences filling the tectonic depression. In the Acque Albule area, the travertine plateau represents a mixing stratified aquifer, where deep groundwater contribution is spread into the shallow aquifer. The alluvial–clastic–lacustrine leaky aquifer of Velino Valley enables a complete mixing of shallow and deep groundwater allowing spot-located discharge of deep groundwater along tectonic patterns and facilitating sulphate reduction in the lacustrine sediments, explaining locally the presence of H2S.  相似文献   

The Oylat spa is located 80 km southeast of Bursa and 30 km south of Ineg?l in the Marmara region. With temperature of 40°C and discharge of 45 l/s, the Oylat main spring is the most important hot water spring of the area. Southeast of the spa the Forest Management spring has a temperature of 39.4°C and discharge of 2 l/s. The G?z spring 2 km north of the spa, which is used for therapy of eye disease, and cold waters of the Saadet village springs with an acidic character are the further important water sources of the area. EC values of Main spring and Forest Management hot spring (750–780 μS/cm) are lower than those of Saadet and G?z spring waters (2,070–1,280 μS/cm) and ionic abundances are Ca > Na + K > Mg and SO4 > HCO3 > Cl. The Oylat and Sızı springs have low Na and K contents but high Ca and HCO3 concentrations. According to AIH classification, these are Ca–SO4–HCO3 waters. Based on the results of δ18O, 2H and 3H isotope analyses, the thermal waters have a meteoric origin. The meteoric water infiltrates along fractures and faults, gets heated, and then returns to surface through hydrothermal conduits. Oylat waters do not have high reservoir temperatures. They are deep, circulating recharge waters from higher enhanced elevations. δ13CDIC values of the Main spring and Forest Management hot spring are −6.31 and −4.45‰, respectively, indicating that δ13C is derived from dissolution of limestones. The neutral pH thermal waters are about +18.7‰ in δ34S while the sulfate in the cold waters is about +17‰ (practically identical to the value for the neutral pH thermal waters). However, the G?z and Saadet springs (acid sulfate waters) have much lower δ34S values (~+4‰).  相似文献   

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