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Nugara volcanics are one of the northernmost outcrops of the Arabian?CNubian Shield. Two distinct volcanic successions are found in the Nugara basin: (1) old volcanic sequence composed of voluminous medium- to high-K calc-alkaline lavas and minor alkali basalt and (2) young volcanic sequence composed of subordinate tholeiitic mafic lavas. Their eruptions were punctuated by occasional volcaniclastic deposits that generated fall, flow, or reworked suites compositionally identical to the lava flows. These volcanics are a part of a post-subduction and extensional-related magmatic event in Northeastern Desert of Egypt. The volcanic rocks of the Nugara basin are characterized by strong enrichment in LILE relative to HESF, high LILE/HFSE ratios, and depletions of Nb on MORB-normalized multi-element diagrams. The geochemical features of the volcanic rocks suggest that they experienced fractional crystallization, along with mixing processes. Crustal contributions to the magma sources may also have occurred during magmatic evolution. These processes have resulted in scattered major and trace element variations with respect to increasing silica contents. The model proposed for their origin involves contrasting ascent paths and differentiation histories through crustal columns with different thermal and density gradients. The geochemical features of the most mafic samples suggest that the volcanic rocks in the region were derived from a mainly lithospheric mantle source that had been heterogeneously metasomatized by previous subduction events during convergence between the East and West Gondwanaland. The volcanic activity in the region is best explained by the delamination of lithospheric mantle slices that were heterogeneously enriched by previous subduction-related processes.  相似文献   

Wadi Hammuda is dominated by a variety of low grade regionally metamorphosed volcaniclastic metasediments pertaining to two different geotectonic settings and intruded by arc and late collision granitic rocks. Thus, the volcaniclastic metasediments which form extensive outcrops are considered as a member of island arc assemblages. This paper deals with the petrography, geochemistry, and tectonic setting of the island arc volcaniclastic metasediment rock units. The volcaniclastic metasediments consist of interbedded metagreywackes, metasiltstones, metamudstones, and schists as well as metapyroclastics. They are well foliated, crenulated and tightly folded, metamorphosed, and intruded by granitic rocks. Geochemical data support the petrographic classification and reveal that these volcaniclastic metasediments are generally low-K, essentially tholeiitic in character, with the exception of some metasediments and metapyroclastics which exhibits calc-alkaline and tholeiitic affinities and represent the first stage of island arc volcanism. The overthrusted oceanic lithosphere blocks with fragments of the fore arc and/or back-arc marginal basins volcaniclastic metasediments were incorporated among the island arc volcanics which supported by tectonically relationship between the different rock units in the study area. Contemporaneous with this deformation event, Wadi Hammuda was subjected to low grade regional metamorphism and the rocks document an early phase of shearing and/or foliation. Occasionally minor folds were developed particularly in the metasediments and schists. The subsequent emplacement of the syn-tectonic granites (tonalites and granodiorites) resulted in minor local thrusts. During the regional thrusting event which preceded the emplacement of the late-tectonic granites (alkali feldspar granites) and affected the whole region, low grade successions cover the study area similar to the Meatiq volcaniclastic metasediments.  相似文献   

New structural, metamorphic, finite strain, and kinematic vorticity data for mylonitic granitic rocks from northern thrust in Wadi Mubarak reveal a history of deformation reflecting different tectonic regimes. The vorticity analysis of porphyroclasts was determined in high temperature mylonites. The kinematic vorticity number for the mylonitic granitic samples in the northern thrust in Wadi Mubarak range from 0.66 to 0.90, and together with the strain data suggest deviations from simple shear. It is concluded that nappe stacking occurred early during the underthrusting event probably by brittle imbrication and that ductile strain was superimposed on the nappe structure during thrusting. The accumulation of ductile strain during thrusting was not by simple shear and involved a component of vertical shortening, which caused the subhorizontal foliation in the northern thrust in Wadi Mubarak and adjacent units.  相似文献   

《Precambrian Research》2005,136(1):27-50
The Wadi Mubarak belt in Egypt strikes west–east (and even northeast–southwest) and crosscuts the principal northwest–southeast trend of the Najd Fault System in the Central Eastern Desert of Egypt. The belt therefore appears to be a structural feature that formed postdate to the Najd Fault System. In contrast, it is shown here that the deformation in the Wadi Mubarak belt can be correlated with the accepted scheme of deformation events in the Eastern Desert of Egypt and that its geometry and apparently cross-cutting orientation is controlled by a large granite complex that intruded prior to the structural evolution. Structural correlation is facilitated by a series of intrusions that intrude the Wadi Mubarak belt and resemble other intrusions in the Eastern Desert. These intrusions include: (1) an older gabbro generation, (2) an older granite, (3) a younger gabbro and (4) a younger granite. The structural evolution is interpreted to be characterized by early northwest directed transport that formed several major thrusts in the belt. This event is correlated with the main deformation event in the Eastern Desert, elsewhere known as D2. During this event the regional fabric of the Wadi Mubarak belt was wrapped around the El Umra granite complex in a west–east orientation. The Wadi Mubarak belt was subsequently affected during D3 by west–east and northwest–southeast trending sinistral conjugate strike–slip shear zones. This event is related to the formation of the Najd Fault System. Detailed resolution of superimposed shear sense indicators suggest that D3 consisted of an older and a younger phase that reflect the change of transpression direction from east-southeast–west-northwest to eastnortheast–westouthwest. The El Umra granite complex is dated here with single zircon ages to consist of intrusion pulses at 654 and 690 my. These ages conform with the interpretation that it intruded prior to D2 and that the structural pattern of the Wadi Mubarak belt was initiated early during D2.  相似文献   

The 300±20 Ma anomalously radioactive trachytes of Wadi El Kareim, central Eastern Desert, are a significant example of U-mineralization related to the alkaline volcanics in Egypt. Extensive portable gamma-ray spectrometric data has been utilized to identify geological factors controlling uranium mobility in the geological units along the three detailed study locations of Kab Al-Abyad, South Wadi (W) Al-Tarafawy and W. Al-Farkhah; their eTh/eU ratios averaging around 4.1, 3.7 and 5.6 respectively. Quantitative analysis with the integration of mobility maps and geological studies suggest two systems controlling U-migration within the geological units (confined system and unconfined system). In the confined system, the syngenetically formed U have experienced mobility after leaching and are redistributed in the presence of an incorporation carrier during transportation (probably as carbonate complexes). Then the retardant for uranium is achieved by sorption or by coprecipitation with the aid of Fe oxy-hydroxide, and finally the formation of immobile secondary U-bearing minerals takes place along a lithogeochemical trap. In contrast to the confined system, the unconfined one is basically lacking the lithogeochemical trap which in?uences the final accumulation of U-bearing minerals. The radioactivity of the trachyte rocks arises from the radioactive minerals uranophane and beta-uranophane with U- and/or Th-bearing minerals samarskite, Th-rich REE silicates, monazite and allanite.  相似文献   

A 500‐m‐long road cutting in the Lower Devonian Snowy River Volcanics (SRV), eastern Victoria, Australia, exposes phreatomagmatic units and volcaniclastic sediments. Based on bed geometry, sorting and sedimentary structures, it was possible to distinguish base‐surge deposits from ephemeral fluvial deposits in this relatively well‐exposed ancient succession. Where the base‐surge deposits infill irregular topography, bed sets mantle the pre‐existing surface but thicken into topographic lows. In contrast, where the fluvial deposits infill topographic depressions, beds onlap laterally against channel walls. In addition, curvi‐planar slide surfaces within the base‐surge deposits generated by inter‐eruptive slumping indicate rapid emplacement as a constructional tuff rampart (? maar). The base‐surge deposits are always poorly sorted and commonly contain accretionary lapilli, reflecting their deposition from turbulent, low‐particle‐concentration, steam‐rich pyroclastic currents. In contrast, the fluvial deposits are relatively well‐sorted, reflecting hydraulic sorting and winnowing during tractional transport and deposition. There are significant differences in the types of sedimentary structures present. (1) Bedding in the base‐surge deposits is entirely tabular, and beds can be traced laterally to the limits of the outcrop. In contrast, the fluvial deposits have abundant internal scour surfaces that result in beds/bedding intervals lensing out laterally over intervals of the order of 5–10 m. (2) Cross‐beds with relatively high‐angle foresets are restricted to the fluvial deposits. (3) Laterally persistent tabular beds that contain abundant, densely packed accretionary lapilli are restricted to the base‐surge deposits. In summary, although base‐surge deposits and ephemeral fluvial deposits can appear superficially similar, it is possible to apply facies models carefully to distinguish between them, even in ancient successions.  相似文献   


The dismembered ophiolites in Wadi Arais area of the south Eastern Desert of Egypt are one of a series of Neoproterozoic ophiolites found within the Arabian–Nubian Shield (ANS). We present new major, trace, and rare earth element analyses and mineral composition data from samples of the Wadi Arais ophiolitic rocks with the goal of constraining their geotectonic setting. The suite includes serpentinized ultramafics (mantle section) and greenschist facies metagabbros (crustal section). The major and trace element characteristics of the metagabbro unit show a tholeiitic to calc-alkaline affinity. The serpentinized ultramafics display a bastite, or less commonly mesh, texture of serpentine minerals reflecting harzburgite and dunite protoliths, and unaltered relics of olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, and chrome spinel can be found. Bulk-rock chemistry confirms harzburgite as the main protolith. The high Mg# (91.93–93.15) and low Al2O3/SiO2 ratios (0.01–0.02) of the serpentinized peridotite, together with the high Cr# (>0.6) of their Cr-spinels and the high NiO contents (0.39–0.49 wt.%) of their olivines, are consistent with residual mantle rocks that experienced high degrees of partial melt extraction. The high Cr# and low TiO2 contents (0.02–0.34 wt.%) of the Cr-spinels are most consistent with modern highly refractory fore-arc peridtotites and suggest that these rocks probably developed in a supra-subduction zone environment.  相似文献   

The Dokhan volcanics are represented by a thick stratified lava flows succession of basalt, andesite, imperial porphyry, dacite, rhyodacite, rhyolite, ignimbrites, and tuffs. These lavas are interbanded with their pyroclastics in some places including banded ash flow tuffs, lithic tuffs, crystal lapilli tuffs, and agglomerates. They are typical calc–alkaline and developed within volcanic arc environment. All rocks show moderate enrichment of most large ion lithophile elements relative to high field strength elements (HFSE). The incompatible trace elements increase from basalt through andesite to rhyolite. The felsic volcanics are characterized by moderate total rare earth elements (REE) contents (162 to 392 ppm), less fractionated patterns {(Ce/Yb)N = (1.24 to 10.93)}, and large negative Eu anomaly {(Eu/Eu*) = (0.15 to 0.92)}. The mafic volcanics have the lowest REE contents (61 to 192 ppm) and are relatively steep {(Ce/Yb)N = (3.2 to 8.5)}, with no negative Eu anomalies {(Eu/Eu*) = (0.88 to 1)}. The rhyolite displays larger negative Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu* = 0.28) than those of other varieties, indicating that the plagioclase was an early major fractionating phase. The mineralogical and chemical variations within volcanics are consistent with their evolution by fractional crystallization of plagioclase and clinopyroxene.  相似文献   

The Wadi Dabr intrusive complex, west of Mersa-Alam, Eastern Desert, Egypt ranges in composition from gabbro to diorite, quartz diorite and tonalite. The gabbroic rocks include pyroxene-horn blend e gabbro, hornblende gabbro, quartz-hornblende gabbro, metagabbro and amphibolite. Mineral chemistry data for the gabbroic rocks indicate that the composition of clinopyroxenes ranges from diopside to augite and the corresponding magma is equivalent to a volcanic-arc basalt. Plagioclase cores range from An75 to An34 for the gabbroic varieties, except for the metagabbro which has An 11–18. The brown amphiboles are primary phases and classified as calcic amphiboles, which range from tschermakitic hornblende to magnesiohornblende. Green hornblende and actinolite are secondary phases. Hornblende barometry and hornblende-plagioclase themometry for the gabbroic rocks estimate crystallisation conditions of 2–5 kb and 885–716°C.The intrusive rocks cover an extensive silica range (47.86–72.54 wt%) and do not exhibit simple straight-line variation on Harker diagrams for many elements (e.g. TiO2, Al2O3, FeO*, MgP, CaO, P2O5, Cr, Ni, V, Sr, Zr and Y). Most of these elements exhibit two geochemical trends suggesting two magma sources.The gabbroic rocks are relatively enriched in large ion lithophile elements (K, Rb, Sr and Ba) and depleted in high field strength elements (Nb, Zr, Ti and Y) which suggest subduction-related magma. Rare earth element (REE) data demonstrate that the gabbroic rocks have a slight enrichment of light REE [(La/Yb)N=2.67−3.91] and depletion of heavy REE ((Tb/Yb)N=1.42−1.47], which suggest the parent magma was of relatively primitive mantle source.The diorites and tonalites are clearly calc-alkaline and have negative anomalies of Nb, Zr, and Y which also suggest subduction-related magma. They are related to continental trondhjemites in terms of Rb---Sr, K---Na---Ca, and to volcanic-arc granites in terms of Rb---and Nb---Y.The Wadi Dabr intrusive complex is analogous to intrusions emplaced in immature ensimatic island-arcs and represents a mixture of mantle (gabbroic rocks) and crustal fusion products (diorites and tonalites) modified by fractional processes.  相似文献   

By comparison with the general features of metamorphic soles (e.g. vertical and lateral extension, metamorphic grade and diagnostic mineral parageneses, deformation and dominant rock types), it is inferred that the amphibolites, metagabbros and hornblendites of the Wadi Um Ghalaga–Wadi Haimur area in the southern part of the Eastern Desert of Egypt represent the metamorphic sole of the Wadi Haimur ophiolite belt. The overlying ultramafic rocks represent overthrusted mantle peridotite. Mineral compositions and thermobarometric studies indicate that the rocks of the metamorphic sole record metamorphic conditions typical of such an environment. The highest P – T conditions ( c . 700 °C and 6.5–8.5 kbar) are preserved in clinopyroxene amphibolites and garnet amphibolites from the top of the metamorphic sole, which is exposed in the southern part of the study area. The massive amphibolites and metagabbros further north (Wadi Haimur) represent the basal parts of the sole and show the lowest P – T  conditions (450–620 °C and 4.7–7.8 kbar). The sole is the product of dynamothermal metamorphism associated with the tectonic displacement of ultramafic rocks. Heat was derived mainly from the hot overlying mantle peridotites, and an inverted P – T  gradient was caused by dynamic shearing during ophiolite emplacement. Sm/Nd dating of whole-rock–metamorphic mineral pairs yields similar ages of c . 630 Ma for clinopyroxene and hornblende, which is interpreted as a lower age limit for ophiolite formation and an upper age limit for metamorphism. A younger Sm/Nd age for a garnet-bearing rock ( c . 590 Ma) is interpreted as reflecting a meaningful cooling age close to the metamorphic peak. Hornblende K/Ar ages in the range 570–550 Ma may reflect thermal events during late orogenic granite magmatism.  相似文献   

Summary The Wadi Dib magmatic complex is the oldest known alkaline ring complex in the Egyptian part of the Pan-African orogenic belt. Rb-Sr isotope data for seven samples suggest a Vendian age of 578±16 Ma, and a87Sr/86Sr initial ratio of 0.7048±0.0010. The igneous complex has a diameter of 2 km and was emplaced within granodioritic Pan-African host rocks at the intersection of two faults. It shows distinct concentric compositional zoning with several syenitic outer ring sheets, a mainly trachytic intermediate ring sheet, and a quartz syenite inner ring sheet with a granitic core; relative ages decrease from margin to core. The mineralogical and chemical features are characteristic of within-plate (A-type) magmatic complexes. Major and trace element patterns underline the co-magmatic origin of the suite but indicate three stages of evolution with several pulses of emplacement. A common feature of element distribution patterns is the small systematic change in the early lithologies, but a distinct evolution trend in the late quartz-bearing rocks.We propose that an alkali-basaltic parent magma was emplaced within deep or middle levels of the juvenile Pan-African crust. Differentiation mainly occurred by fractional crystallization of olivine, clinopyroxene, plagioclase, and apatite. During the late stages of evolution, limited assimilation of island-arc magmatic rocks may have occurred. Emplacement took place along ring fractures at a subvolcanic level and was probably related with formation of a caldera during emplacement of the trachytic lithologies. The anorogenic character of the magmatic suite indicates consolidation of the Pan-African crust of NE Africa at the time of emplacement of the alkaline body.
Petrogenese des alkalischen Wadi Dib ringkomplexes, Östiche Wüste Ägyptens
Zusammenfassung Der Wadi Dib-Komplex ist die älteste bekannte Ringstruktur im ägyptischen Teil des Panafrikanischen Orogengürtels. Rb-Sr Isotopendaten von sieben Proben ergeben ein vendisches Alter von 578±16 Ma and ein initiales87Sr/86Sr-Verhältnis von 0,7048±0,0010. Der magmatische Komplex besitzt einen Durchmesser von 2 km und hat am Schnittpunkt zweier Störungen innerhalb panafrikanischer Granodiorite Platz genommen. Er weist eine konzentrische Zonierung mit mehreren syenitischen äußeren Ringen, einem vorwiegend trachytischen mittleren Ring und einem quarzsyenitischen inneren Ring mit einem granitischen Kern auf; die relativen Alter der Gesteine nehmen vom Rand zurn Kern hin ab. Mineralogische and chemische Charakteristika sind die von Intraplatten- (A-Typ-) Komplexen. Haupt- and Spurenelementmuster weisen auf eine ko-magmatische Entstehung hin, zeigen aber eine Entwicklung in drei Stadien mit mehreren magmatischen Pulsen auf. Charakteristika der Elememverteilungen sind wenig systematische Änderung in den älteren Lithologien, aber ein gerichteter Entwicklungstrend in den späten, quarzführenden Lithologien.Wir schließen, daß ein alkali-basaltisches Magma in ein tiefes oder mittleres Niveau der jungen panafrikanischen Kruste intrudierte. Differentiation erfolgte im wesentlichen durch fraktionierte Kristallisation von Olivin, Klinopyroxen, Plagioklas und Apatit. Während später Entwicklungsstadien gab es vermutlich begrenzte Assimilation von Inselbogen-Kruste. Die Platznahme erfolgte entlang von Ringbrüchen in einem subvulkanischen Stockwerk und war vermutlich mit der Bildung einer Caldera während der Platznahme der trachytischen Lithologien verbunden. Der anorogene Charakter der magmatischen Folge zeigt an, daß die panafrikanische Kruste Nordost-Afrikas zur Zeit der Platznahme der alkalischen Intrusion bereits konsolidiert war.

With 13 Figures  相似文献   

Serpentinites in the Eastern Desert (ED) of Egypt represent integral components of the ophiolites. Metamorphic textures of the serpentinites preserve the complex mineralogical evolution from primary peridotite through metamorphism, and late-stage hydrothermal alteration. Two textural types are distinguished in the olivines of the present serpentinized peridotites, namely (a) highly-strained olivine grains with kink bands, as in the deformed mantle tectonites from ophiolites, and (b) non-strained grains. The latter may represent recrystallized crystals during later thermal metamorphic events due to the intrusion of granite. On the basis of X-ray diffraction analysis, antigorite is the main serpentine minerals with lesser chrysotile and lizardite which indicates that serpentinites were formed under prograde metamorphism. Relict primary minerals of the serpentinites are Cr-spinel, olivine and pyroxene. Chrome spinel relicts have high Cr# (0.60–0.80), whereas primary olivines are Mg-rich nature (Fo = 89–96). Geochemical compositions of serpentinites indicate that they formed not at mid-ocean ridges but at spreading centers associated with subduction zones and this could have happened in a supra-subduction zone either in the fore-arc or back-arc environments. Mineral compositions of primary chrome spinels and olivines are similar to those of modern fore-arcs. High Cr# in the relict chrome spinels and Fo in the primary olivines of serpentinites indicate that they are residual after extensive partial melting and originated by sea-floor spreading during subduction initiation.  相似文献   

The Wadi Fatira area occurs at the southern margin of the Northern Eastern Desert (NED) of Egypt and is occupied by highly sheared metavolcanics tectonically alternated with banded iron formations and intruded by Barud tonalite–granodiorite, post-tectonic gabbroic and granitic intrusions. Detailed structural investigation showed that the schists and migmatitic amphibolites are formed by shearing in metavolcanics and syntectonic Barud tonalite–granodiorite due to movement along the Wadi Fatira shear zone (WFSZ). This shear zone starts as a NW–SE striking fault along Wadi Barud Al Azraq and the Eastern part of Wadi Fatira and turns to a E–W trending fault to the north of Wadi Fatira. Microstructural shear sense indicators such as asymmetric geometry of porphyroclasts such as σ-type and asymmetric folds deforming fine-grained bands which are frequently found around porphyroclasts indicate sinistral sense of shearing along the WFSZ. This shear zone is characterized by transitions from local convergence to local extension along their E–W and NW–SE trending parts, respectively. The NW–SE part of the WFSZ is of about 200 m in width and characterized by synmagmatic extensional features such as intrusion of synkinematic tonalite, creation of NE–SE trending normal faults, and formation of migmatitic amphibolites and schlieric tonalites. This part of the shear zone is metamorphosed under synthermal peak metamorphic conditions (725°C at 2–4 kbar). The E–W compressional part of the WFSZ is up to 3 km in width and composed of hornblende, chlorite, actinolite, and biotite schists together with sheared intermediate and acidic metatuffs. Contractional and transpressional structures in this part of the WFSZ include E–W trending major asymmetrical anticline and syncline, nearly vertical foliation and steeply pitching stretching lineations, NNE dipping minor thrusts, and minor intrafolial folds with their hinges parallel to the stretching lineation. PT estimates using mineral analyses of plagioclase and hornblende from schists and foliated metavolcanics indicate prograde metamorphism under medium-grade amphibolite facies (500–600°C at 3–7 kbar) retrogressed to low-grade greenschist facies (227–317°C). The foliation in Barud tonalite–granodiorite close to the E–W part of the WFSZ runs parallel to the plane of shearing and the tonalite show numerous magmatic flow structures overprinted by folding and ductile shearing. The WFSZ is similar to structures resulted from combined simple shear and orthogonal shortening of oblique transpressive shear zones and their sense of movement is comparable with the characteristics of the Najd Fault System.  相似文献   

Ras Abda plutonic suite, North Eastern Desert of Egypt, consists predominantly of Neoproterozoic calc-alkaline older granites. Minor exposures of pink microgranite are occurring along Wadi Ras Abda within the older granites. Previous studies on this area demonstrated that the microgranite is altered in some parts and contains anomalous concentrations of rare metal elements (Zr, Th, and U). These altered and mineralized zones are re-assessed using field observations, chemical analysis, and by the application of various transmitted light and electron microscopic techniques. The rare metals exist as mineral segregation grew freely into open cavities of the microgranite and concordant with the NNE strike-slip fault movement. The mineralized zones contain an assemblage of secondary magnetite, zircon, uranothorite, columbite-(Mn), fergusonite-(Y), and allanite-(Ce). The extreme abundance of zircon in the mineralized zone, along with other evidence, indicates a hydrothermal origin of this zircon together with associated rare metals. The geochemical investigation and mass balance calculations revealed extreme enrichment of Zr, Th, U, Y, Nb, Ta, and REE. Post-magmatic hydrothermal alterations resulted in such pronounced chemical and mineralogical heterogeneity. The hydrothermal fluids are thought to be oxidizing, alkaline and of medium temperature (>?250 °C). The average contents of the elements Zr (1606 ppm), Th (1639 ppm), U (306 ppm), Nb (955 ppm), and REE (1710 ppm) in the mineralized microgranite reach sub-economic levels and could be a potential source of these elements.  相似文献   

The Wadi Ibib area is situated in the northern part of the Neoproterozoic Hamisana Shear Zone (HSZ), which is a high strain zone evolved during the late stages of the Pan-African orogeny, likely as a tectonic escape structure. Amphibolite facies pelitic metasedimentary windows crop out in the axial parts of the HSZ and are noticeably associated with numerous N-trending pegmatite dikes. Whole-rock geochemistry of the pegmatites reveals a peraluminous (S-type) affinity, with low K/Rb ratios and elevated concentrations of U, Th, REE, Rb, Li, Cs, Y, Nb and Ta. Structurally, the pegmatite sets intrude along the shear plane of the HSZ, corresponding to the regional N-trending tectonic fabrics, such as axial planar foliation and dextral-shearing in the metasedimentary host rock. Field relationships, including structural context, coupled with geochemical characteristics of the Wadi Ibib pegmatites, do not support their formation as a complementary part of evolved granitic magmas. Space-localized decompression-induced partial melting of peraluminous garnet-bearing metapelites was alternatively the underlying process for formation of these pegmatites. Such decompression was associated with regional escape tectonics and stress axes permutations during the late deformation stage (D3) in the evolution of the south Eastern Desert terrane, due to end-orogeny system pressure-release.  相似文献   

The Umm Nar BIF was formed in a sedimentary environment. It is confined to an upper stratigraphic zone of pre-Pan-African metamorphosed shelf deposits. During the Pan-African deformational history, the BIF and the host metasediments were tectonically' overlain by ophiolitic melange succession. The metasediments and the mélange were subjected to a major folding phase and then thrust over the “Shaitian” sheared granite, prior to the intrusion of syn- to late- orogenic granitoids. The BIF is divisible into two main types: oxide-bands including magnetite and hematite, and oxide-silicate bands including magnetite, hematite and stilpnomelane. The associated gangues are quartz, calcite, epidote, garnet, plagioclase, graphite and muscovite. Rhythmic banding and lamination, cross-lamination and flaser structure are the most prominent primary features in the IF bands. The iron minerals and the associated gangue show a variety of textural aspects and microscopic interrelationships which indicate successive episodes of mineral accumulation and formation, involving deposition, recrystallization, blastic growths, overgrowths, replacement and deformations, during continuous burial and subsequent tectonic deformations. Editorial handling: DR  相似文献   

The Wadi Allaqi ophiolite along the Egyptian-Sudanese border defines the southernmost ophiolitic assemblage and suture zone in the Eastern Desert. Ophiolite assemblages comprise nappes composed mainly of mafic and ultramafic rocks that were tectonically emplaced and replaced by serpentine and carbonates along shear zones probably due to CO2-metasomatism. Serpentinites, altered slices of the upper mantle, represent a distinctive lithology of dismembered ophiolites of the western YOSHGAH suture. Microscopically, they are composed of more than 90 % serpentine minerals with minor opaque minerals, carbonate, brucite and talc. The mineral chemistry and whole-rock chemical data reported here indicate that the serpentinized peridotites formed as highly-depleted mantle residues. They show compositions consistent with formation in a suprasubduction zone environment. They are depleted in Al2O3 and CaO similar to those in fore-arc peridotites. Also, high Cr# (Cr/ (Cr+Al)) in the relict chrome spinels (average ~0.72) indicates that these are residual after extensive partial melting, similar to spinels in modern fore-arc peridotites. Therefore, the studied serpentinites represent fragments of an oceanic lithosphere that formed in a fore-arc environment, which belongs to an ophiolitic mantle sequence formed in a suprasubduction zone.  相似文献   

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