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Sediments in Lake Qinghai archive important information about past environmental changes. In order to faithfully interpret the sediment records and constrain the elemental cycles, it is critical to trace various sources of sediments in the lake. The results show that the elemental input–output budgets are imbalanced for most major elements between riverine fluxes and mass accumulation rate (MAR) of Lake Qinghai sediments. A realistic model must include contributions of dry/wet atmospheric deposition that allow the major element mass balance for the lake to be defined. The budget estimation is based on mass balances of Si and Al, which are relatively immobile and carried to the lake via particulate forms. Estimated annual budget of dry atmospheric deposition is ∼1.3 ± 0.3 × 103 kt/a (accounting for ∼65% of the total inputs) to the lake sediments, assuming local loess within the catchment as a candidate for dry atmospheric deposition to the lake. The resultant flux of 300 ± 45 g/m2/a falls within the flux average of the desert area (400 g/m2/a) and the loess plateau (250 g/m2/a), consistent with the geographical setting of Lake Qinghai. The role of atmospheric deposition would be more significant if wet deposition via rainfall and snow were taken into account. This highlights the potential importance of dust as a significant source for sediment preservation flux for other catchments worldwide. The results also indicate that nearly all Ca input was preserved in the lake sediments under modern conditions, consistent with Ca2+ supersaturation of the lake water.  相似文献   

蒲阳  韩悦  张虎才  常凤琴 《第四纪研究》2021,41(4):1000-1011



In order to better understand the relative importance of hydrologic variation and anthropogenic disturbance and their complex interactions within the trace elemental geochemical cycle, water samples were collected monthly over 1 year in the Min River, eastern Tibetan Plateau, and analyzed for trace element composition. The dissolved trace elements exhibited different relationships with increasing discharge compared with major elements. The elements analyzed can be divided into three groups according to their behavior in response to changing discharge: (1) elements that showed weak positive correlation with discharge, e.g. Cu, V, and Ba; (2) elements that exhibited weak negative correlation with discharge, including Rb, Sr, Pb, Sb, Zn, Cr, Cd, and U; and (3) elements that displayed no significant correlation with variation in discharge, e.g. Ti, Fe, Co, Ni, and As. Cu was strongly affected by anthropogenic activities and flushed into the river with increasing discharge. Ba has a strong solubility in the terrestrial environment, dissolved quickly, and was released into the river. The positive relationship between V concentration and discharge may be attributed to secondary reactions, such as precipitation and adsorption on oxides and aluminosilicate clays. Conservative behavior had an impact on the geochemical behavior of Sr and Rb across hydrologic variation. Pb, Zn, Sb, Cd, and Cr underwent a mild dilution effect connected with anthropogenic activities. The chemostatic behavior of U was regulated by carbonate dissolution and biological uptake. In addition, higher temperatures enhanced biotic activities, affecting the concentrations of Fe and Ni. The relationship between power law slopes and coefficient of variation for discharge and solute concentration suggests that concentrations of trace elements vary significantly with increasing discharge compared with major elements. Silicate mineral weathering had less effect on the fluvial solutes with increasing discharge. Mining activity may exert an additional control on concentration–discharge dynamics of anthropogenic trace elements.  相似文献   

Natural runoff observation fields with different vegetation coverage were established in the Zuomaoxikongqu River basin in the headwater area of the Yangtze River, and in the Natong River basin and the Kuarewaerma River basin in the headwater area of the Yellow River, China. The experiments were conducted using natural precipitation and artificially simulated precipitation between July and August to study the runoff and sediment-producing effects of precipitation under the conditions of the same slope and different alpine meadow land with coverage in the headwater areas. The results show that, in the three small river basins in the headwater areas of the Yangtze and the Yellow Rivers, the surface runoff yield on the 30° slope surface of the alpine meadow land with a vegetation cover of 30% is markedly larger than that of the fields with a vegetation cover of 95, 92, and 68%. Furthermore, the sediment yield is also obviously larger than the latter three; on an average, the sediment yield caused by a single precipitation event is 2–4 times as large as the latter three. Several typical precipitation forms affecting the runoff yield on the slope surface also influence the process. No matter how the surface conditions are; the rainfall is still the main precipitation form causing soil erosion. In some forms of precipitation, such as the greatest snow melting as water runoff, the sediment yield is minimal. Under the condition of the same precipitation amount, snowfall can obviously increase the runoff yield, roughly 2.1–3.5 times as compared to the combined runoff yield of the Sleet or that of rainfall alone; but meanwhile, the sediment yield and soil erosion rate decrease, roughly decreasing by 45.4–80.3%. High vegetation cover can effectively decrease the runoff-induced erosion. This experimental result is consistent in the three river basins in the headwater areas of the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers.  相似文献   

We evaluated the concentration, size and distribution, and temporal variation of insoluble dust micro-particles in the snow, rainfall and water taken from the areas surrounding the Mt. Yulong to define the characteristics of modern atmospheric dust deposition and the contributions of different dust sources. The mean mass concentration (4511 μg kg−1) of micro-particles with 0.57 < d < 26 μm, and the diameter (11.5 μm) of dust contained in the water bodies of the Mt. Yulong are roughly similar to those observed in other sites, implying that dust is primarily supplied through short-range transport from proximal source regions (several or hundreds of km distances). The mean mass concentrations of micro-particles with 0.57 < d < 26 μm is lower in the rainfall than in the snow and the river water, suggesting the rain water is an ideal source/carrier for detecting the characteristics of modern atmospheric micro-particles. Volume size distributions of micro-particles in the snow and water showed single modal structures having volume median diameters from 3 to 26 μm. Number concentrations of micro-particles in the snow were higher than that in the rainfall, the river water contains the least amount of micro-particles. Vertical profiles of the snowpits show that there is a strong lateral correlation among the dust peaks, indicating a regional uniformity of dust deposition and suitability of snow analysis for dust deposition. In addition, the bare rock of snow-free terrain in the Mt. Yulong region and the mineral particles from local rock weathering are also important sources for the dust deposition.  相似文献   

唐恬  王磊  文小航 《冰川冻土》2013,35(6):1462-1473
利用2010年6-7月鄂陵湖野外试验的近地层观测数据,分析了在不同天气条件下黄河源鄂陵湖地区辐射分量、地表能量分量、土壤温度和反照率的变化特征. 结果表明:不同天气条件下,辐射和地表能量各分量日变化差异较大,晴天、阴天和雨天的地表反照率依次递减,平均反照率约为0.21;观测期内,平均辐射贡献从大到小依次为向上长波、向下长波、向下短波、向上短波,日积分值分别为31.4 MJ·m-2、25.6 MJ·m-2、22.4 MJ·m-2、4.2 MJ·m-2,净辐射(12.5 MJ·m-2)占向下短波辐射的55.7%;平均地表能量和土壤温度的变化幅度较晴天小,感热、潜热、0 cm土壤热通量的平均日积分值分别占净辐射的21.2%、43.1%、8.2%;平均土壤温度变化幅度随深度增加逐渐减小,浅层土壤温度峰值较晴天低2 ℃,深层土壤温度相差不大. 云和降水的扰动削弱了向下短波辐射,导致平均感热通量和0 cm土壤热通量的峰值比晴天小,而平均潜热通量的峰值大于晴天. 由于湖泊水体巨大的热容量和水分供应,鄂陵湖地区的气温日较差较小,地表温度变化幅度变小,附近地表温度升高缓慢. 鄂陵湖区的地表能量平衡中,潜热通量占主导,感热和地表土壤热通量次之. 研究结果有助于理解气候变化背景下黄河源区湖泊的能量水分循环过程,为促进该地区光热资源的合理利用和畜牧业的可持续发展提供数据支持.  相似文献   

长江黄河源区覆被变化下降水的产流产沙效应研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
在长江和黄河源区的左冒西孔曲和纳通河、垮热洼尔玛河流域的不同植被覆盖下建立了天然径流观测场,利用观测天然降水和人工模拟降水,初步研究了江河源区不同植被覆盖下降水的产流产沙效应。结果表明,长江黄河源区的3个小流域内,在典型高寒草甸草地30°坡面上,退化较为严重的30%覆盖度以下的场地内,地表径流产出量明显大于覆盖度较好的95%、92%和68%场地,同时产沙量显著高于这3个场地,其平均单次降水形成的泥沙量是这三种盖度的2~4倍,由此造成地表侵蚀量平均为这3种盖度的3~10倍。通过对几次典型的降水形态的分析,在长江黄河源区高寒草甸草地的坡面上,不但降水量影响着产流产沙量,降水形态也影响着产流产沙量,降雨仍是引起水土流失的主要降水形态,在降水量相同的条件下,降雪可比降雨和雨加雪增加产流量2.1~3.5倍,可比降雨减少泥沙侵蚀45.4%~80.3%。人工模拟结果表明:对于覆盖度为5%和30%的强度退化草地,次降水量在3.5 mm时,就形成了较为明显的径流和产沙效应,当次降雨量达到7 mm,降雨持续时间15 min,5 m2场地内就会形成1 400 mL以上的径流量;在地表土壤含水量(FDR测0~5 cm平均含水量为36.7%)较高的情况下,次降雨量达4mm,降雨强度超过0.4 mm/min,在5 m2场地内历时5 min就能形成1 060 mL的地表径流,每100 mL径流中含泥沙高达1.6 g。这一试验结果在长江黄河源区3个不同的河源小流域是一致的。  相似文献   

对青藏高原东北部封闭咸水湖泊苦海水深最深处KH17钻孔进行沉积物粒度、烧失量和X射线荧光光谱(XRF)测试及XRF测试结果的主成分分析(PCA),以揭示14 ka以来苦海沉积物特征及其所反映的搬运与沉积过程变化,反演湖泊流域古环境。研究结果表明:第一主成分(PC1)主要包括Ti、Fe、K等元素,指示径流输入强弱;第二主成分(PC2)中载荷值较大的Ca和Sr与碳酸盐含量相关,指示湖泊蒸发强弱;Zr(第三主成分中载荷值最大)与砂组分、Rb与黏土组分含量相关,分别指示风力输入粗颗粒物质和径流输入细颗粒物质情况,其比值可反映化学风化弱强;Fe/Mn、Sr/Ca也能较好地指示沉积物氧化还原环境、湖水盐度和水位情况。基于上述记录所建立的古环境演变重建结果显示:13.6~13.0 ka B.P.苦海水位较低,径流输入相对强;13.0~11.5 ka B.P.受新仙女木事件影响,环境干旱且温度极低,风力作用强,输入物质多;早全新世升温显著,蒸发作用强,内生碳酸盐沉积增多,湖泊水位增加缓慢,中全新世期间达到最高水位;5.3 ka B.P.以后,湖泊经历干旱时期,盐度与碳酸盐沉积增加;2.7 ka B.P.以来水分供给波动,湖泊水位显著振荡。  相似文献   

River waters play a significant role in supplying naturally- and anthropogenically-derived materials to Lake Qinghai, northeastern Tibetan Plateau. To define the sources and controlling processes for river water chemistry within the Lake Qinghai catchment, high precision ICP-MS trace element concentrations were measured in water samples collected from the Buha River weekly in 2007, and from other major rivers in the post-monsoon (late October 2006) and monsoon (late July 2007) seasons. The distributions of trace elements vary in time and space with distinct seasonal patterns. The primary flux in the Buha River is higher TDS and dissolved Al, B, Cr, Li, Mo, Rb, Sr and U during springtime than those during other seasons and is attributed to the inputs derived from both rock weathering and atmospheric processes. Among these elements, the fluxes of dissolved Cr, B and Rb are strongly influenced by eolian dust input. The fluxes of dissolved Li, Mo, Sr and U are also influenced by weathering processes, reflecting the sensitivity of chemical weathering to monsoon conditions. The anthropogenic sources appear to be the dominant contribution to potentially harmful metals (Ni, Cu, Co, Zn and Pb), with high fluxes at onset of the main discharge pulses due, at least partially, to a runoff washout effect. For other major rivers, except for Ba, concentrations of trace elements are higher in the monsoon than in the post-monsoon season. A total of 38.5 ± 3.1 tons of potentially harmful elements are transported into the lake annually, despite human activities within the catchment being limited. Nearly all river water samples contain dissolved trace elements below the World Health Organization guidelines for drinking water, with the exception of As and B in the Daotang River water samples collected in late July probably mobilized from underlying lacustrine sediments.  相似文献   

Ma  Junxue  Chen  Jian  Cui  Zhijiu  Zhou  Wendy  Chen  Ruichen  Wang  Chengbiao 《Natural Hazards》2022,112(2):1191-1221
Natural Hazards - Landslide-dammed lake outburst floods (LLOFs) may pose serious safety threats to nearby residents and their livelihoods, as well as cause major damages to the downstream areas in...  相似文献   

随着黄河流域生态保护与高质量发展上升为国家战略,滑坡灾害防治成为迫切需要攻克的基础性问题.另外,黄河上游地区因地形高差大、古地震及强降雨事件频繁,诱发的滑坡及滑坡堰塞湖数量多、分布广、危害重,是近年来滑坡发育和演化机制以及滑坡堰塞湖溃决效应研究的热点.本文在综合整理该地区已有研究工作的基础上,结合笔者研究团队近20年来...  相似文献   

《Quaternary Research》2014,81(3):538-544
Measurements of 137Cs concentration in soils were made in a representative catchment to quantify erosion rates and identify the main factors involved in the erosion in the source region of the Yellow River in the Tibetan Plateau. In order to estimate erosion rates in terms of the main factors affecting soil loss, samples were collected taking into account the slope and vegetation cover along six selected transects within the Dari County catchment. The reference inventory for the area was established at a stable, well-preserved, site of small thickness (value of 2324 Bq·m 2). All the sampling sites had been eroded and 137Cs inventories varied widely in the topsoil (14.87–25.56 Bq·kg 1). The effective soil loss values were also highly variable (11.03–28.35 t·km 1·yr 1) in line with the vegetation cover change. The radiometric approach was useful in quantifying soil erosion rates and examining patterns of soil movement.  相似文献   

以钻取自青藏高原南部大枪勇错冰前湖中的1.06m湖芯为研究对象,对沉积物样品进行了粒度、磁化率、元素含量、碳酸盐和总有机碳含量等多项指标的分析测定;在明确了沉积物来源的基础上,分析讨论了各指标变化的影响因素及其具体气候环境指示意义;结合沉积序列放射性同位素定年结果,对湖芯中各指标进行了综合对比分析,恢复了青藏高原南部枪勇错地区近千年来的冰川与气候变化。结果表明:1.06m沉积序列年代跨度为自公元11世纪前后至今的逾千年时间;沉积物主要来源于枪勇冰川融水对冰川上部沉降粉尘颗粒的携带,而沉积物的粒度、磁化率及各组分含量与区域气候条件下枪勇冰川融化强度有密切关系;自公元11世纪至今,青藏高原南部地区环境温度总体呈现波动中逐渐升高的趋势,枪勇冰川随之逐渐融化退缩。具体来说,公元11世纪初,该地区环境温度较低,枪勇冰川融化较弱;公元11世纪中叶至13世纪初,该地区气候温暖,枪勇冰川融化较强;公元14世纪开始至18世纪中叶,该地区进入小冰期,枪勇冰川融化强度显著降低;自公元18世纪中后叶至今,该地区环境温度急剧升高,枪勇冰川呈加剧融化退缩趋势。  相似文献   

Hydrothermal processes and the regimes of frozen soil formed in alpine regions with glaciers and lake area are complex and important for ecological environment but have not been studied in Tibet. Based on soil temperature and moisture data from October 2005 to September 2006 collected in the Nam Co lake basin, Tibetan Plateau (TP), those questions were discussed. The mean annual air temperature was −3.4°C with 8 months below 0°C. Air and soil temperature varied between −25.3~13.1°C and −10.3~8.8°C, respectively. Soil moisture variations in the active layer were small with the minimum value of 1.4%, but were influenced greatly by snowmelt, rainfall and evaporation, varying up to 53.8%. The active layer froze later, thawed earlier and was thinner, however, the lower altitude limit of permafrost is higher than that in most areas of TP. The effects of soil moisture (unfrozen water content) on soil temperature, which were estimated through proposed models, were more significant near ground surface than the other layers. The surface soil temperature decreased with snowcover, the effect of cold snow meltwater infiltration on soil thermal conditions was negligible, however, the effect of rainfall infiltration was evident causing thermal disruptions.  相似文献   

青藏高原发现大型冻胀丘群   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
在青藏高原黄河源地区多格茸盆地内发现大型冻胀丘群,这些冻胀丘外观多呈穹窿状,有些呈脊状、新月状.盆地内的冻胀丘隆起高度多在3~6 m,最高不超过10 m,水平扩展范围数十米到上百米,最大超过300 m.冻胀丘在盆地内密集分布,众多小型湖塘嵌于其中,分布密度估计5~8个·km-2,局部区域内可达10个·km-2以上.从外观看,多数冻胀丘形态较完整,但有的已经部分塌陷,有的几乎完全塌陷,不同塌陷阶段的冻胀丘在盆地内均有发现.冻胀丘顶部钻孔岩芯揭示高含冰地层从丘顶以下5 m左右一直延续到20多米,局部发育厚层地下纯冰层,厚度可达2 m以上.根据外观形态、地下冰类型判断,这些多年生的冻胀丘属冰土丘(lithalsa),和常见的冰核丘(pingo)有所区别.初步判断,这些冻胀丘形成于全新世大暖期以后的新冰期时期.多格茸盆地冻胀丘群的发现对现行的工程建设及工程建筑物的运营安全、区域古环境、流域水文等方面的研究都具有重要意义.  相似文献   

Behavior of Uranium in the Yellow River Plume (Yellow River Estuary)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Yellow River (Huanghe) is the second largest river in China and is known for its high turbidity. It also has remarkably high levels of dissolved uranium (U) concentrations (up to 38 nmol 1-1). To examine the mixing behavior of dissolved U between river water and seawater, surface water samples were collected along a salinity gradient from the Yellow River plume during September 2004 and were measured for dissolved U concentration,234U:238U activity ratio, phosphate (PO4 3–), and suspended particulate matter. Laboratory experiments were also conducted to simulate the mixing process in the Yellow River plume using unfiltered Yellow River water and filtered seawater. The results showed a nonconservative behavior for dissolved U at salinities < 20 with an addition of U to the plume waters estimated at about 1.4 X 105 mol yr–1. A similarity between variations in dissolved U and PO4 3– with salinity was also found. There are two major mechanisms, desorption from suspended sediments and diffusion from interstitial waters of bottom sediments, that may cause the elevated concentrations of dissolved U and PO4 3– in mid-salinity waters. Mixing experiments indicate that desorption seems more responsible for the elevated dissolved U concentrations, whereas diffusion influences more the enrichment of PO4 3–.  相似文献   

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