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中国太阳能热发电站选址模型研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
太阳能热发电技术在我国新世纪能源战略中具有重要地位,太阳能热发电电站位置的合理选择对发电成本有直接影响,涉及到太阳能热发电技术本身、高时空分辨率的太阳能法直辐射分布、土地利用分布、水资源分布、社会经济分布,以及政策税收等众多因素。本文提出了一个太阳能热发电站选址的决策支持系统框架,就其中的太阳能直法辐射调查进行了初步试验。本文依据供需时空平衡原则进一步讨论了多种绿色能源互补的大能源系统运筹问题。  相似文献   

分析了我国煤层气开发利用的基本情况及成功经验。提出了完善抽采、管网、发电建设,建立技术支撑体系,促进煤层气产业发展,充分利用能源,节能减排造福人类。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,随着我国经济迅速发展,对能源,特别是对石油的需求急剧增加。2000年,我国年产原油1.62亿吨,进口原油达7000万吨。据有关部门预测,2010年我国原油需求量为28亿吨,其中进口1亿吨。社会经济发展要求我国石油天然气供应有更快的增长,以减少对进口原油的依赖,保证国家经济安全。从我国石油天然气资源的勘探潜力来看,石油的勘探程度较高,再发现大油田已比较困难。而我国天然气资源丰富.勘探程度很低,存在发现大气田的众多勘探领域和机会,储旦增长具有巨大的潜力.因此加快天然气资源的开发更现实可行。我国东部人口众多,经济繁荣,社会进步显著,对环境要求越来越高,但近十年来空气质量恶化,污染严重,急需防止和减少由于煤炭等燃烧造成的大气污染。我国目前能源结构很不合理,煤炭约占70%、石油占25%、天然气占二%一3%,天然气所占比例太低,是敌国东部大气污染的主要原因。而全世界平均能源结构为煤26%、石油40%、天然气24%。天然气是方便尿价的清洁能源,我国必须大力发展天然气,改变能源结构,才能从根本上防止空气污染,造椅人民,实现可持续发层。我国石油工业始于1930年,解放后获得巨大的发展。目前敌国 年 产 原 油1、...  相似文献   

利用太阳能供热、制冷、发电 ,应用与民用建筑中 ,降低常规能源的消耗  相似文献   

我国能源消费总量已经超过14亿吨标准煤,但我国的能源消费水平仍很低,在能源方面存在九大问题:  相似文献   

我国发展可再生能源的 必要性 能源是经济发展的血液,它的供应能力和供应状况直接影响经济的发展。但是基于能源资源的条件,在我国以煤炭为主的能源供应格局将在相当长的时期内不会发生根本性的改变,而且以煤的直接燃烧为主,为此带来了沉重的环境压力。这对以煤炭为主的能源消费、能源发展及能源结构优质比提出了严峻  相似文献   

节能降耗,任重道远——漫长的循环经济之路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"十五"期间,我国国民经济保持高速增长,但是,高能耗、高物耗、污染重的粗放经济增长方式没有得到根本转变。在工业领域,能源消费超常规增长,能源结构仍然以煤炭为主,能源消耗量大,污染物排放量大。而生态农业建设虽然部分地缓解了农村经济发展与环境保护之间的矛盾,但其只是在低层次上实现了物质能量的循环,废弃物利用率较低,有机农业发展缓慢。如果继续沿袭传统的以资源的大量消耗为代价实现工农业现代化的发展模式,是难以持续的。为了减轻经济增长对资源供给的压力,必须大力发展循环经济,实现资源的高效利用和循环利用。本文从六个方面分析了目前我国发展循环经济的主要措施、存在的问题及解决的途径:加强对太阳能的利用,重视多晶硅规模生产技术的自主研发;发展风力发电,培育风电设备制造产业;利用秸秆发电,发展可部分替代传统化石能源的生物质能源;推动以节能、节地、节水、节材和环保为核心的绿色建筑技术发展;节水与集雨;加强土壤污染监测与防治,通过人工方法修复天然的生态系统。通过分析,作者认为,发展循环经济是缓解资源约束矛盾、节能降耗的根本出路,在我国任重而道远。  相似文献   

能源安全是国家安全的重要组成部分,其基础地位日益凸显。如何保证能源安全成为我国面临的重大现实问题。除了考虑能源供给等因素之外,面对我国"富煤、缺油、少气"的能源资源禀赋;调整和优化能源消费结构对于保障我国能源安全具有重要意义。同时,优化能源结构还能够起到保护环境的效果。但是这也不是一朝一夕就能容易完成的事情。全国政协第八届委员会秘书长、原地矿部部长朱训近期撰文,就如何从资源国情实际出发优化能源结构提出建设性意见,并对如何合理有效利用煤炭、石油、天然气、核能、可再生能源给出了具体可行的独到建议。本刊全文刊登这篇文章,以供有关部门参考并飨读者。  相似文献   

近五年来,我国能源的生产与消费都发展很快,但弹性系数过大,反映了我国能源使用率偏低,高耗能产业比重过大,产业结构不够合理.总体来看,供需缺口有所扩大但缺口率基本稳定,无明显增长,基本上属于立足本国之列.以煤为主的能源结构没有明显的变化,可再生能源已占有一定比例.  相似文献   

近五年来,我国能源的生产与消费都发展很快,但弹性系数过大,反映了我国能源使用率偏低,高耗能产业比重过大,产业结构不够合理。总体来看,供需缺口有所扩大但缺口率基本稳定,无明显增长,基本上属于立足本国之列。以煤为主的能源结构没有明显的变化,可再生能源已占有一定比例。  相似文献   

Constructing an industrial system for a large-scale,non-grid-connected wind power industry is a key step towards the diverse utilization of wind power.However,wind power exploitation is not only a technical challenge but an industrial problem as well.The objective of this study is to introduce a concept of large-scale,non-grid-connected wind power(LSNGCWP) industrial zones and establish an evaluation model to assess their industrial arrangement.The data of wind energy,industry,nature resources and socio-economy were collected in this study.Using spatial overlay analysis of geographic information system,this study proposes a spatial arrangement of the LSNGCWP indus-trial zones in the coastal areas of China,which could be summarized as the ’one line and three circles’ structure,which will contribute to the optimization of the industrial structure,advance the wind power technology,coordinate the multi-industrial cooperation,and upgrade the industrial transformation of China’s coastal areas.  相似文献   

中国属于太阳能资源丰富的国家之一,光伏装机量位居世界第一,未来其装机量仍会不断增加。本文拟利用遥感技术获取区域太阳能资源的时空分布,采用多因子评价模型对中国地区大型光伏电站区域适宜性进行评估,以期为光伏电站的选址提供科学依据。结合太阳总辐射、日照时数的稳定程度、离路网的距离、离城镇的距离和坡向5个因子,通过设定海拔以及土地覆盖类型对应的限制区域,利用MuSyQ辐射产品、DEM、道路网数据、VIIRS夜间灯光数据、土地覆盖产品得到因子图层,使用层次分析法确定各因子在模型中的权重,借助GIS进行叠加分析并分为“低适宜”、“较适宜”、“适宜”、“非常适宜”和“限制区”5类,得到光伏电站建设的空间适宜性分布。研究结果表明,西北地区的适宜区占全国的53.0%,“非常适宜”区占全国的47.3%,其累计光伏电站装机量占全国的45.6%。建设光伏电站的“适宜”和“非常适宜”区面积的大小与装机量的多少没有明显的线性关系。“非常适宜”区作为光伏电站的最佳建设场所,光伏发电潜力大于2016年全国发电量的5倍。同时,国家政策制定的装机规模指标以及光电补贴政策对光伏电站的选址也起了一定的指向作用。  相似文献   

Based on the finite-volume coastal ocean model(FVCOM),a three-dimensional numerical model FVCOM was built to simulate the ocean dynamics in pre-dam and post-dam conditions in Bachimen(BCM).The domain decomposition method,which is effective in describing the conservation of volume and non-conservation of mechanical energy in the utilization of tidal energy,was employed to estimate the theoretical tidal energy resources and developable energy resources,and to analyze the hydrodynamic effect of the tidal power station.This innovative approach has the advantage of linking physical oceanography with engineering problems.The results indicate that the theoretical annual tidal energy resources is about 2×10~8 k Wh under the influence of tidal power station;Optimized power installation is confirmed according to power generation curve from numerical analysis;the developable resources is about 38.2% of theoretical tidal energy resources with the employment of one-way electricity generation.The electricity generation time and power are 3479 hours and 2.55×10~4 KW,respectively.The power station has no effect on the tide pattern which is semi-diurnal tide in both two conditions,but the amplitudes of main constituents apparently decrease in the area near the dam,with the M_2 decreasing the most,about 62.92 cm.The tidal prism shrinks to 2.28×10~7 m~3,but can still meet the flow requirement for tidal power generation.The existence of station increases the flow rate along the waterway and enhances the residual current.There are two opposite vortexes formed on the east side beside the dam of the station,which leads to pollutants gathering.  相似文献   

Hydropower development in Xizang (Tibet) Autonomous Region plays a vital role in co-control of local air pollutants and greenhouse gas (GHG) in China. According to emission factors of local air pollutants and GHG of coal-fired power industry in different hydropower service regions, we estimate the effect and synergy of local air pollutants and GHG reduction achieved by hydropower development in Tibet, examine the main factors constraining the effect and synergy, using correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. The results show that: 1) During the period from 2006 to 2012, the effect of local air pollutants and GHG reduction achieved by hydropower development in Tibet decreased as a whole, while the synergy increased first and decreased afterwards. 2) The effect and synergy of local air pollutants and GHG reduction achieved by hydropower development in Tibet vary significantly across different hydropower service regions. The effect based on emission levels of Central China power grid (CCPG) and Northwest China power grid (NCPG) was more significant than that based on emission level of national power grid (NPG) from 2006 to 2012, and the synergy based on emission levels of CCPG and NCPG was also more significant than that based on emission level of NPG from 2010 to 2012. 3) The main factors constraining the effect and synergy based on emission levels of NCPG and CCPG included SO2 removal rate and NO x removal rate, the effect and synergy based on emission level of NPG was mainly influenced by net coal consumption rate. 4) Transferring hydropower from Tibet to NCPG and CCPG, and substituting local coal-fired power with hydropower can greatly help to co-control local air pollutants and GHG, transform the emission reduction pattern of the power industry and optimize energy structure.  相似文献   

文章分析了广西矿业发展现状和矿业开发造成的主要环境问题 ,论述了矿业发展与环境保护的关系 ,提出了以最小的环保代价获得最大的矿业经济效益的 6项对策与建议。  相似文献   

本文用平均风速和最大风速法对若尔盖等三地的韦伯分布参数k、c进行估算,并用韦伯分布计算风能的指标。计算表明:若尔盖、红原属风能可利用区,用风力发电是有利用价值的;阿坝属风能贫乏地区。  相似文献   

Based on data of questionnaire and field survey and two developing models of Business As Usual (BAU) and the Intensive Urbanization (IU), this article, taking Wuwei City, a medium size city and typical oasis arid area in Gansu Province with very vulnerable and sensitive natural environment but long history of oasis economy, as an example, evaluated the sustainability of its environment and analyzed the scenarios of Wuwei’s household energy consumption, waste discharge in transportation industry, primary industry, secondary industry, tertiary industry, by the integration of the systematical dynamics model Stella and Polestar language to simulate the future development of the research area. The results showed that, first, the developing model of IU was propitious to Wuwei City named for oasis economy and vulnerable natural environment. The strategy of "Intensive Urbanization" can change the structure of energy utilization, and improve the efficiency of energy utilization. Second, the proportion of domestic energy consumption will decrease with industrialization and economic development, while that of tertiary industry, secondary industry and transportation will gradually grow up according to strategy of "Intensive Urbanization". Third, the Wuwei City is facing a severe eco-environmental crisis under the conventional patterns of development and a better future under a sustainable urbanization scenario, in the next 10 to 20 years. The different developing trends were clarified and the relative countermeasures were put forward for the policy makers according to the driving forces. Foundation item: Under the auspices of Key Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 90102013) and Key Innovation Sub-project of Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. KZCX1-10-07-04) Biography: YOU Fei (1972–), male, a native of Pianguan of Shanxi Province, Ph.D., assistant professor, specialized in regional sustainable development and ecological economy. E-mail: yofae@sina.com  相似文献   

1IN T R O D U C T IO N The western China isfacinggrowing problems of eco- logicaland economic development. The disparitiebse- tween the socio-economy of the western and eastern China were enlarging, and the major ecologicalprob- lems stilelvolve as past(H…  相似文献   

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