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The aim of this paper is to show the stratigraphic record of the Late Pleistocene corresponding to the distal region of the Paraná River basin. It displays sedimentological, paleontological and geochronological evidences that characterise the last interglacial–glacial cycle. In particular, strong environmental records are shown for the Last Interglacial Stage (LIS). Salto Ander Egg Formation (SAEF) is defined as a new lithostratigraphic unit representative of the Late Pleistocene in southwestern Mesopotamia. This unit is formed of complex fluvial deposits, which contains a heterogeneous collection of sub-environments, of ages ranging from 120 to 60 ky BP. The clast-supported gravel facies containing sparse boulders indicate high flow during a humid climate. The large and middle-scale architectures of fluvial sedimentary bodies evidence the relationship between the sediment accommodation and the sea level oscillations. Three sub-sequences identified in the succession suggest a transgressive trend during the MIS5e, a highstand stage in MIS5c, and a minor transgressive cycle during MIS3. A Brazilian faunal association collected at the bottom of the sequence and sedimentological interpretations display wet and warm climatic conditions, typical of tropical or subtropical environments. Such environmental conditions are characteristic of the maximum of the last interglacial stage (MIS5e) and show a signal stronger than the signal of the current interglacial stage. All these data show a direct correlation between the increases of paleodischarges and the elevation of the sea level. The whole sequence is completed with transitional swampy deposits, accumulated probably during the MIS3/MIS2 transition, and the typical loess of the Tezanos Pinto Formation, mantled during the Last Maximum Glacial.  相似文献   

The field properties, micromorphology, grain-size, geochemistry, and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) ages of two late Quaternary sections have been used to reconstruct the sequence of pedosedimentary processes and to provide insights into landscape evolution in part of the Northern Pampa of Argentina. Paleosols developed in paludal sediments adjacent to the Paraná river at Baradero and in loess at Lozada can both be correlated and linked to other sites, thus enabling for the first time the tentative recognition and tracing of a diachronous soil stratigraphic unit that probably spans the equivalent of at least part of marine oxygen isotope stage (OIS) 5. The paleosol at Lozada was truncated and buried beneath fluvial sediments during the time span of OIS 4 and 3. Eolian gradually replaced paludal inputs at Baradero over this period, and there were also two clearly defined breaks in sedimentation and development of paleosols. The period corresponding to OIS 2 was marked by significant loess accumulation at both sites with accretion continuing into the mid-Holocene only at Lozada. The more developed nature of the surface soil at Baradero probably reflects a combination of a moister climate and a longer soil-forming interval.  相似文献   

The upper cliff of the Santa Cruz River was used to assess the proglacial environments of the Argentino Glacier outlet of Late Pleistocene age. These cliffs show glaciolacustrine, fluvioglacial and till deposits, where only the first one are deformed. Glacial landforms in the area and these structures suggest that the ice mass advanced, topographically controlled, towards the east from the Patagonian Ice Sheet pushing up the proglacial sediments.The spatial arrangement of thrusts and overturned folds, the drumlins-flutes moraine directions and the end moraines shape, allow inferring the dynamic and the Argentino glacier profile. Detailed analyses of the glaciotectonic structures indicate that these have two origins: load in the north with stress transfer to the southeast, and push from the west. Through the analysis of deformed sediments, their thickness and their sedimentary and structural features, three zones of deformations were recognized. Each of these zones was associated to glacial advances because of changes of the regional climate conditions.  相似文献   

A paleoceanographic reconstruction of the southern Panama Basin for the last 23.000 years, based on the benthic foraminiferal analysis from the deep sea core ME0005A-24JC (0.01°N, 86.28°W, water depth 2941) is presented. Cluster and SHEBI (SHE Analysis for Biozone Identification) analyses performed on the benthic foraminiferal assemblages, evidence a faunal turnover in the early Holocene at 14 ky BP. Between 23 and 14 ky BP, Fursenkoina rotundata, Hoeglundina elegans, Globobulimina affinis, Globobulimina pacifica, Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi and Uvigerina hispidocostata were common. Conversely, from 14 ky to the present, the assemblage is represented by Chilostomella oolina, Laticarinina pauperata, and Uvigerina proboscidea. This faunal turnover suggests significant fluctuations in oxygen content at the sea floor and the organic matter (OM) influx, which could reflect: (1) fluctuations in the surface productivity related to the equatorial divergence and, (2) OM advection caused by the dynamic of the deep sea currents.Paleoproductivity estimates and benthic foraminiferal rates depict a general trend towards lower values since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) with a conspicuous change at 14 ky BP. Therefore, the paleoceanographic reconstructions of the ME0005A-24JC core suggest a transition from La Niña-like conditions during the LGM to El Niño-like conditions in the recent, as previously proposed for the Eastern Equatorial Pacific. Estimates of the paleo-intensity of deep sea currents based on the relative percentage abundance of the epifaunal foraminifera Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi suggest stronger deep sea currents on the Carnegie Ridge before 14 ky BP.  相似文献   

Marine transgression onto the South American continent took place at least twice in the Miocene along distinct paleogeographic corridors. The first event occurred between 15 and 13 Ma and the second between 10 and 5? Ma. Each event has particular dominant variables (tectonism, eustacy, sediment accumulation rate) that permitted the preservation of the record and development of the sea on the continent. The 15–13 Ma transgression was tectonically and eustatically controlled, flooding older sedimentary accommodation zones on the South American plate during a global high sea level, whereas the 105? Ma event was predominantly tectonically controlled, generated by tectonic loading created in the Cordillera Oriental fold-and-thrust belt. A new 7.72±0.31 Ma 40Ar/39Ar date from the Río Parapetí in Bolivia suggests that the 15–13 Ma transgression registered in Argentina produced no continental connection to the Caribbean transgression, registered in Bolivia, because of temporal constraints.  相似文献   

Tectonic activity, sea-level changes, and the climate controlled sedimentation in Late Paleozoic basins of western Argentina. The role of each factor is investigated from the geologic record of the Río Blanco and Paganzo basins using three hierarchical orders of stratigraphic bounding surfaces. First-order surfaces correspond to regional unconformities, second-order ones to local unconformities with a lesser regional extent, and third-order surfaces represent locally extended sedimentary truncation. Using this methodology, the Carboniferous–Permian record of the Paganzo and Río Blanco basins may be divided into two megasequences, four sequences, and 12 stratigraphic sections. Megasequences are bounded by regional unconformities that result from tectonic events important enough to cause regional paleogeographic changes. Sequences are limited by minor regional extension surfaces related to local tectonic movements or significant sea-level falls. Finally, stratigraphic sections correspond to extended sedimentary truncations produced by transgressive events or major climatic changes. Sequence I is mainly composed of marine deposits divided into basal infill of the basin (Section 1) and Tournaisian–Visean transgressive deposits (Section 2). Sequence II is bounded by a sharp erosional surface and begins with coarse conglomerates (Section 3), followed by fluvial and shallow marine sedimentary rocks (Section 4) that pass upward into shales and diamictites (Section 5). The base of Sequence III is marked by an extended unconformity covered by Early Pennsylvanian glacial sedimentary rocks (Section 6) that represent the most important glacial event along the western margin of Gondwana. Postglacial deposits (Section 7) occur in the two basins and comprise both glaciolacustrine (eastern region) and transgressive marine (central and western regions) deposits. By the Moscovian–Kasimovian, fluvial sandstones and conglomerates were deposited in most of the Paganzo Basin (Section 8), while localized volcanic activity took place in the Río Blanco Basin. Near the end of the Carboniferous, an important transgression is recorded in the major part of the Río Blanco Basin (Section 9), reaching the westernmost portion area of the Paganzo Basin. Finally, Sequence IV shows important differences between the Paganzo and Río Blanco basins; fluvial red beds (Section 10), eolian sandstones (Section 11), and low-energy fluvial deposits (Section 12) prevailed in the Paganzo Basin whereas volcaniclastic sedimentation and volcanism dominated in the Río Blanco Basin. Thus, tectonic events, sea-level changes and climate exerted a strong and complex control on the evolution of the Río Blanco and Paganzo basins. The interaction of these allocyclic controls produced not only characteristic facies association patterns but also different kinds of stratigraphic bounding surfaces.  相似文献   

Epithermal deposits mined for fluorite in Patagonia, Argentina, are closely related to late Triassic through Jurassic magmatic activity which brought about felsic to intermediate magmatic rocks. The fluorite mineralization in the Patagonian epithermal system resulted from gaseous F-and CO2-enriched magmas which lead to an explosive phreatomagmatic volcanism, when getting in contact with groundwater near the surface. As a result of these hydrothermal processes, rapid cooling took place in the epithermal mineralization. Changes in the viscosity along with the cooling down of mineralizing fluids caused mottled mineral colors blurring the boundaries between the stages and ore textures.The fluids accountable for the main constituents fluorite, quartz, barite and silica were operative over a vertical extension of roughly 600 m. Their temperature of formation dropped from 379 °C through 64 °C, while the pH decreased from the heat center towards the paleosurface under oxidizing conditions. This steep temperature gradient conducive to the telescoping of mineral associations into each other was accompanied by a rapid loss in CO2, and a mixing of meteoric and magmatic fluids. Even the boundary between the hypogene and supergene alteration cannot be drawn precisely within the assemblage of Mn oxides, which bridge the gap between hypogene and supergen mineralization. The physical-chemical parameters of the fluids, particularly, the redox conditions did not allow sulfides to be preserved. A classification of the epithermal system as to its degree of sulfidation is based on K-feldspar and kaolinite which are present in significant amounts, whereas APS (aluminum-phosphate-sulfate) minerals are absent. Therefore a categorization as an epithermal fluorite deposit of low- to intermediate sulfidation is justified, because the only mineral of economic interest in the system is fluorite.The data obtained during this joint study render the Patagonian fluorite district a reference type of fluorite in an epithermal system of low- to intermediate sulfidation which are widespread in Argentina, e.g., Sierras Pampeanas, and evolved on part of the stable craton, called Gondwana and which grade into epithermal Au, Ag, In, Pb and Zn deposits.  相似文献   

The Weihe Graben is not only an important Cenozoic fault basin in China but also a significant active seismic zone. The Huashan piedmont fault is an important active fault on the southeast side of the Weihe Graben and has been highly active since the Cenozoic. The well–known Great Huaxian County Earthquake of 1556 occurred on the Huashan piedmont fault. This earthquake, which claimed the lives of approximately 830000 people, is one of the few large earthquakes known to have occurred on a high–angle normal fault. The Huashan piedmont fault is a typical active normal fault that can be used to study tectonic activity and the associated hazards. In this study, the types and characteristics of late Quaternary deformation along this fault are discussed from geological investigations, historical research and comprehensive analysis. On the basis of its characteristics and activity, the fault can be divided into three sections, namely eastern, central and western. The eastern and western sections display normal slip. Intense deformation has occurred along the two sections during the Quaternary; however, no deformation has occurred during the Holocene. The central section has experienced significant high–angle normal fault activity during the Quaternary, including the Holocene. Holocene alluvial fans and loess cut by the fault have been identified at the mouths of many stream valleys of the Huashan Mountains along the central section of the Huashan piedmont fault zone. Of the three sections of the Huashan piedmont fault, the central section is the most active and was very active during the late Quaternary. The rate of normal dip–slip was 1.67–2.71±0.11 mm/a in the Holocene and 0.61±0.15 mm/a during the Mid–Late Pleistocene. As is typical of normal faults, the late Quaternary activity of the Huashan piedmont fault has produced a set of disasters, which include frequent earthquakes, collapses, landslides, mudslides and ground fissures. Ground fissures mainly occur on the hanging–wall of the Huashan piedmont fault, with landslides, collapses and mudslides occurring on the footwall.  相似文献   

A middle Eocene Crassostrea sp. reef near Río Turbio, southwestern Patagonia (Argentina), represents the earliest record of an oyster reef associated with estuarine facies in the southern hemisphere, and also one of the few known worldwide occurring in Paleogene rocks. The reef grew in an outer estuary environment subject to periodic changes in salinity and may have reached a maturing phase. The Río Turbio reef – by its dimensions, geometry, and substrate lithology– would have been located in a tidal channel convergence area. This reef provides new evidence suggesting that estuaries served as refuges for Crassostrea populations allowing them to disperse into fully marine environments many times throughout the Cenozoic.  相似文献   

Four major climato-environmental phases have been identified in the Eastern Cape, Plettenberg Bay-Knysna region and Little Karoo between somewhat before ∼40 000 cal. a BP and the present: the Birnam Interstadial from before 40 000 cal. a BP until ∼24 000 cal. a BP; the Bottelnek Stadial (apparently equating with the Last Glacial Maximum) from ∼24 000 cal. a BP until before ∼18 350 cal. a BP; the Aliwal North (apparently equating with the Late Glacial) from before ∼18 350 cal. a BP until ∼11 000 cal. a BP; the Dinorben (apparently equating with the Holocene) from ∼11 000 cal. a BP until the present. The evidence for, and the characteristics of, these phases is briefly described.  相似文献   

Two old drift units called Poti‐Malal and Seguro have been differentiated in the Río Grande basin based on relative‐age criteria, stratigraphical relationships, morphology and fission‐track dating. A tephra dated at 0.226 ± 0.025 Ma was deposited on the Poti‐Malal drift and underlies the Seguro outwash, which is inferred to equate with marine oxygen isotope stage 6. The stratigraphical position and age suggest that the tephra post‐dates the Poti‐Malal glaciation and that it is older than the Seguro drift. The Poti‐Malal glaciation must be at least as old as Early–Middle Pleistocene, and the Seguro glaciation is assigned to the penultimate glaciation. The tephra unit may have been deposited during marine oxygen isotope stage 7. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

内蒙古狼山山前断裂活动强烈,致使泥石流灾害发育,研究狼山山前泥石流的发育特征对深入了解晚第四纪以来狼山的构造抬升具有重要意义。通过对狼山山前泥石流堆积特征和地貌特征的调查,发现研究区内泥石流沉积物颗粒粗大,分选磨圆均较差,胶结及风化程度随年代的变老而变强,山前堆积台地从老到新由上到下呈阶梯状排列。利用光释光(OSL)对厘定的4期古泥石流堆积进行测年,4期泥石流分别形成于113.33±12.31ka BP、65.33±6.71ka BP、34.67±3.52ka BP、5.00±0.57ka BP,进而计算出4期构造活跃期狼山中段的平均下切速率分别为0.44m/ka、0.93m/ka、1.11m/ka、2.8m/ka。水流下切速率的增加来源于构造隆升的驱动,由此表明狼山晚第四纪以来可能处于一个加速隆升的阶段;113.33ka以来水流下切速率的空间分布揭示了狼山中段存在隆升速率由西高东低向东高西低转换的特点。本研究对重建晚第四纪阴山西段隆升过程和河套盆地古地理格局具有重要意义。  相似文献   

内蒙古狼山地区晚第四纪泥石流发育特征及其构造意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内蒙古狼山山前断裂活动强烈,致使泥石流灾害发育,研究狼山山前泥石流的发育特征对深入了解晚第四纪以来狼山的构造抬升具有重要意义。通过对狼山山前泥石流堆积特征和地貌特征的调查,发现研究区内泥石流沉积物颗粒粗大,分选磨圆均较差,胶结及风化程度随年代的变老而变强,山前堆积台地从老到新由上到下呈阶梯状排列。利用光释光(OSL)对厘定的4期古泥石流堆积进行测年,4期泥石流分别形成于113.33±12.31ka BP、65.33±6.71ka BP、34.67±3.52ka BP、5.00±0.57ka BP,进而计算出4期构造活跃期狼山中段的平均下切速率分别为0.44m/ka、0.93m/ka、1.11m/ka、2.8m/ka。水流下切速率的增加来源于构造隆升的驱动,由此表明狼山晚第四纪以来可能处于一个加速隆升的阶段;113.33ka以来水流下切速率的空间分布揭示了狼山中段存在隆升速率由西高东低向东高西低转换的特点。本研究对重建晚第四纪阴山西段隆升过程和河套盆地古地理格局具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Late Pleistocene and Holocene vegetational and climatic change have been studied palynologically at a site at 1750 m elevation in the subandean vegetation belt near Popayán, in the southern Colombian Andes. Time control on the pollen record is based on six AMS 14C ages, ranging from possibly Middle Pleniglacial time (around 50000 yr BP) to 1092 ± 44 yr BP. Because of the presence of two hiatuses only the Middle Pleniglacial and Late Holocene periods (the last 2300 yr BP) are represented. Pollen data indicate the presence of closed subandean forest during glacial time. Changes in the contribution of pollen originating from the uppermost and lowermost subandean forest belts, changes in the contribution of a number of other subandean forest taxa, and changes in species composition between the three pollen zones, suggest that the climate during the Middle Pleniglacial was markedly colder, and perhaps also wetter, than during the Late Holocene. Pollen assemblages from the Late Holocene indicate that the landscape has been affected by deforestation and agriculture since at least 2300 yr BP, but that human impact decreased in the last 780 yr BP. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to study the provenance of Late Cretaceous sandstones deposited along the south flank of the Golfo San Jorge Basin. For this purpose, detrital modes of three hundred thirty-seven sandstone samples collected in the Mina del Carmen, Bajo Barreal, and Cañadón Seco Formations were studied in ten oil fields. According to the modal composition of the sandstones, six petrofacies were defined allowing the identification of not only principal, but also secondary provenance areas. The QVM and VQM petrofacies are more than 20% metamorphic, sedimentary, and polycrystalline quartz clasts (Lm + Ls + Qpg > 20%), evidencing a secondary signal of basement supply masked by a predominant volcanic provenance. The petrofacies VP and VF are characterized by Lm + Ls + Qpg <20% and more than 20% total feldspar (Pm + Om >20%.), which indicate a supply of sediment from volcanic terrains and scarce derivation of materials from basement rocks. Based on the plagioclase/k-feldspar ratio, the VF petrofacies is interpreted to be dominated by the supply of sand grains from the Andean volcanic-arc, while VP is supposed have originated through the erosion of intermediate volcanic rock outcroppings in the Macizo del Deseado. Finally, both the VQ and QV petrofacies show Lm + Ls + Qpg <20% and Pm + Om<20%, indicating a provenance of volcanic areas coupled with minor contributions from basement rocks. During the Late Cretaceous, the Golfo San Jorge Basin underwent a sag phase that was characterized by very scarce volcanism and tectonic activity. Although these conditions did not favor defined patterns in the vertical stacking of petrofacies, the sandstones exhibit remarkable changes in their regional distribution, which were determined by the paleogeography of the basin and differences in basement composition within the source areas. Finally, a paleogeographic model for sediment circulation in the basin is proposed. This model recognizes the main fluvial dispersal trends that flowed northwest to southeast and transported large amounts of volcanic clasts (associated with petrofacies VF-VQ). To the extent that rivers flowed eastward, a secondary supply from the Precambrian basement, which were composed of low-to high-grade metamorphic rocks, was also important (petrofacies association VQM and QVM). The southwestern area of the basin is dominated by VP petrofacies that record the supply of plagioclase-rich volcanic clasts. This petrofacies likely corresponds to the erosion of Jurassic volcanic units that crop out in the Macizo del Deseado.  相似文献   

Kalahari dry ‘fossil’ valleys (mekgacha) have been little used in palaeoenvironmental reconstruction, partly because the origins and functions of the valleys are a subject of debate, and partly because they contain few datable sediments. In the Middle Kalahari the valleys are endoreic, and, following a decline in ground-water tables owing to human interference over the past 150 years, rarely contain water. Evidence from three sites suggests that the valleys contained standing water between 15000 and 12000 yr BP, and that the main Okwa-Mmone system flowed into palaeolake Makgadikgadi at 920 m a.s.l. during this period. The Southern Kalahari contains the exoreic Molopo network which is hydrologically more active, being prone to surface flows in response to extreme rainfall events. The spring—fed Kuruman valley has two terraces, the lower composed of a series of flood deposits of late Holocene age. The flood of February 1988 provides a useful analogue for the conditions under which these deposits were formed, and of the temporal regime of the Kuruman River. Comparison with adjacent sites suggests that evidence put forward to indicate cycles of climatic amelioration in the last 4000 yr may, in part, represents the effect of extreme precipitation events. Historical floods show a strong correlation to Southern Oscillation high-phase (cold event) episodes, suggesting possibilities for extension of the Southern Oscillation record through palaeoflood studies.  相似文献   

The last 16 000 cal. a of vegetation, fire and limnological history are described from the steppe‐forest ecotone in the northernmost Nothofagus forest region east of the Andes (Mallín Vaca Lauquen, Neuquén Province, Argentina, latitude 36° 51.336′ S, longitude 71° 02.538′ W). Between 16 000 and 14 800 cal. a BP, scrub steppe with substantial open ground expanded in formerly glaciated valleys, whereas NothofagusPrumnopitys andina woodland covered mountain slopes. The site was a relatively deep and unproductive small lake at this time. After 14 800 cal. a BP, both steppe and woodland vegetation became denser, indicating increased moisture and temperatures, although not to present levels. The lake was still relatively deep and dystrophic, but became more alkaline by 10 000 cal. a BP. Between 8900 and 5500 cal. a BP, conditions were markedly drier than before; a Cyperaceae marsh developed and disturbance taxa increased. After 5500 cal. a BP, moisture increased but varied greatly, as evidenced by fluctuating water levels and high fire activity from 5500 to 4400 cal. a BP and from 2300 to 1000 cal. a BP. Human activity, in terms of forest clearance and livestock grazing, is documented in the uppermost levels. The evidence of high environmental variability in the middle and late Holocene is consistent with the onset or strengthening of the El Niño–Southern Oscillation, but differences in the timing of fire activity among sites on the west and east sides of the Andes suggest that fuel conditions were important in determining the local occurrence of fire. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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