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<正> 随着西部大开发战略的组织实施,退耕还林(草)作为改善西部生态环境的主要手段已在西部地区如火如荼地全面展开,通过对2000年退耕还林(草)工作实施的调查,作为林业工作者我们有如下体会。 一、退耕还林(草)作为一项富民政策有待进一步加强宣传工作  相似文献   

<正> 实施退耕还林是党中央、国务院针对我国西部地区生态环境状况,站在国家和民族长远发展的高度,着眼于生态、经济与社会可持续发展,面向全局作出的重大决策,是实施西部大开发的根本和切入点。因此,退耕还林还草工程建设的成败直接关系到西部大开发的顺利实施,关系到子孙后代的生存和发展,  相似文献   

黑河流域水资源开发对额济纳绿洲的影响及对策   总被引:27,自引:11,他引:16  
刘敏  甘枝茂 《中国沙漠》2004,24(2):162-166
位于黑河下游的额济纳绿洲, 是我国北方的一道天然屏障, 更是黑河中上游的重要绿色生态屏障。近年来黑河流域水资源的开发已严重影响到额济纳绿洲的可持续发展, 生态环境急剧恶化, 经济增长缓慢, 社会发展停滞不前。作者通过分析黑河流域水资源利用现状及对额济纳绿洲生态环境、社会、经济发展的影响, 提出合理分配水资源, 严禁开荒, 退耕还林(草), 调整产业结构, 开展节水农业等可持续发展对策。  相似文献   

中国西部植被恢复重建空间格局分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
西部生态环境建设,需要进行以植被生物地带性为依据的空间格局分析。本文阐明了西部植被恢复重建空间格局分析的思路,报道了对西部地区退耕还林还草空间格局分析的初步结果,提出在西部生态环境建设中,退耕还林和退耕还草的面积分别占总退耕面积的69%和31%,总的格局是以退耕还林为主,但各少自然条件不同,决定了二者比重不同,从而形成各区域不同的格局:其中,四川、贵州和云南退耕还林的比重在95%以上,形成了以退耕还林为主的格局;西藏、陕西退耕还林和退耕还草比重各占50%左右,形成二者并重的格局;甘肃、青海、宁夏退耕还草的比重在75%以上,形成以退耕还草为主的格局。最后,本文还确定了西部各地植被恢复重建的主要自然植被类型,可为各地实施退耕还林还草工程提供参考依据。  相似文献   

<正> 西部大开发战略的实施,标志着中国经济开始实现从区域梯度发展战略向区域协调发展战略的重大转变,将对西部及整个国家的发展产生极其广泛和深刻的影响。但西部地区是我国生态问题严重,生态环境极其脆弱的地区。由于长期滥伐森林、过度放牧、陡坡种植,我国西部地区的生态环境恶化已发展到触目惊心的地步。截至1999年,西部地区(不包括西藏)水土流失面积为10436.9万公顷,占全国水土流失总面积的62.5%。部分省区水土流失  相似文献   

<正> 一、立法立规,转变思维定式,改变管理方式 退耕还林(草)是前无古人的世界宏伟工程,涉及千家万户农民生计、关系社会安定、生态改善的国家大事,是国家实施西部大开发战略的根本和切入点。 随着我国加入WTO,为适应全球经济一体化要求,许多方面都要和国际模式接轨,一些今天我们所熟悉的管理方式将会随之改变,所以,及时转变思维  相似文献   

阐述了农牧交错带生态环境退化和恶化的原因,除了气候条件等自然因素外,主要是由于人类过度开垦、放牧、采挖等一系列不合理经济活动破坏生态环境引起的。目前正在实施的退耕还林(草)工程正是针对这一地区生态退化和恶化而采取的加强生态保护和建设的重大举措。工程实施两年多以来,进展顺利,已取得了重要成就,局部地区生态有了明显改善。并且,根据该区自然特点,灾害状况,以及恢复这一地区生态屏障的作用,提出有关该区的经营方向,扩大退耕还林(草),退牧还草的一些建议。  相似文献   

以甘肃省退耕还林(草)重点实施区为例,通过问卷调查和定量回归分析,研究农户对退耕还林(草)工程的认识和态度。总体上农民有较高的生态环境保护意识,对退耕还林(草)政策的认识基本持积极支持的态度;年龄、文化程度、家庭人口、劳动力数量、人均耕地数量、退耕还林(草)面积是影响农户环保意识和对退耕还林(草)态度的主要因素,农业和非农业农户之间存在一定差异。  相似文献   

冯海燕 《山地学报》2003,21(6):775-775
自西部开发战略提出以来,资源开发与生态环境问题已成为新世纪西部开发战略的核心,西部农业资源和旅游资源所具有的特殊优势愈加明显。农业资源与旅游资源研究工作引起了有关学科领域专家的关注,相关研究报道频多,但长期以来,我国西部区域经济发展缺乏生态意识,往往只是被动地注意生态环境的治理,将生态环境治理和产业经济发展分割开来,结果是西部大部分农民依然面临贫困,生态环境建设的效应依然难以持续,人与地、经济与环境的矛盾依然是一道难解的命题。针对经济发展与生态环境保护两个层面,《中国21世纪议程》明确提出转变发展战略,实…  相似文献   

国土开发整治X171.42006032842西部地区退耕还林(草)工程实施中存在的几个问题及对策/许志农∥陕西林业科技.—2005(2).—39~40退耕还林(草)工程虽已取得了显著成效,但在实施过程中仍存在许多具体问题有待解决.就退耕还林(草)面积不实、退耕户变卖补助粮、种苗质量不高、移民退  相似文献   

This article examines two key aspects of land‐cover change in the south of the Chocó region. First, it assesses and compares the local impact on forest condition of labor‐intensive and capital‐intensive commercial logging. Second, it assesses the regional significance and permanency of these changes. Studies of land‐cover change associated with commercial logging have focused almost exclusively on capital‐intensive extraction and have assumed that after logging, degraded forests are transformed into agricultural cover. This study shows that both capital‐ and labor‐intensive logging result in similar land‐cover changes (i.e., forest degradation) if the timber sought is the same. However, labor‐intensive loggers also seek timber species not sought by capital‐intensive loggers, and this impact is statistically different from the impact of the extraction of the first group of species. Results also show that only a small fraction (20–30 percent) of the area logged is later converted to agricultural cover types. The persistence of logged forests means that up to 20 percent of the remaining forest cover could correspond to forests with significant and lasting levels of degradation. Furthermore, the different production requirements for each group of species also mean that there is a spatial differentiation in the impact of logging in the region. Logged forests are arranged into two consecutive corridors on each side of access routes (e.g., rivers). The first corridor corresponds to a narrow (approximately 1‐km) band of high‐intensity degradation. The second, broader (approximately 2‐km) forest band, with lower levels of degradation, extends inland along first‐tier corridors. A key factor determining the permanency of this land‐cover pattern is the strong control local communities have over the land in the region. This limits the spread of patterns observed in other frontier areas, especially the conversion of logged forests into agricultural cover.  相似文献   

从退耕还林工程的实施将改变云南省生态环境的大背景出发,采用对比研究的方法对澜沧江流域退耕还林前后农户对土地资源的利用方式、利用强度及空间分布3个方面进行定性研究,探讨了退耕还林工程对项目区土地利用的影响,并得出如下结论:(1)退耕后农户对土地资源的利用变得更为复杂,主要表现在:土地利用面积增减、利用类型变更、空间分布变化及土地利用组合方式变化;(2)退耕还林工程如果只是将当地原有的生产、生活体系打破而又没有建立起合适的替代体系的话,其综合效益的发挥将受到严重影响。建议提高农户对土地资源的利用效率是当前切实发挥和巩固退耕还林工程综合效益的关键;减少农户生产、生活对土地的依赖才是长远之策。  相似文献   

Population growth and land use in Nepal: "the great turnabout"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Historically, Nepal has demonstrated a "great turnabout" trend, in which initial immigration from the lowland areas to the mountains has been replaced by accelerating migration from the hills to the plains. The reason for this reversal has been a rapid growth in population within the confines of limited availability of potentially cultivable land. Given Nepal's slow economic development, the overwhelming majority of increases in population have to be accommodated within the agricultural sector, on which 83% of Nepal's households are dependent. Fundamental land use issues in Nepal include rapid achievement of the final limit of land suitability for cultivation and the speed at which land can be brought into cultivation. The Government of Nepal has developed the objectives of increased food production to provide a satisfactory diet for the population, increased per capita income, improved regional balance in income and development, conservation of natural resources such as land and forests, and overall development of the economy through income generation, export earnings, and release of agricultural labor to other sectors. 3 perspective studies have identified a number of policies and programs that could bring Nepal closer to these goals. These studies analyzed potential land use development, agricultural production, and food availability by the year 2005. Most essential is the need to intensify land use not only in crop agriculture, but also grasslands and forest use. Land must be allocated to uses that represent the most productive use of that land without being degrading. Technologies are available for land use in each of the main types of uses--crop agriculture, livestock, and forests--that can provide protection against land degradation. Finally, irrigation is a key element in raising agricultural output. Close cooperation between the government and the people is crucial for the success of the task of finding a balance between population growth and its demand for services of the land.  相似文献   

During the past 50 years forests have recolonized extensive areas of Puerto Rico. Between 1950 and 1990 forest cover increased from 9% to 37% of the island's land area. In proportional terms more land has reverted to forest in Puerto Rico than anywhere else on earth during the second half of the twentieth century. This paper explores the geography of this process by matching changes in land cover with the characteristics of the land and communities in Puerto Rico. The reversion of agricultural lands to forest occurred most frequently in humid, upland, coffee-growing regions characterized by heavy out-migration and populations of smallholders who earned some of their income from off-farm sources. These findings suggest that changes in non-farm labor markets, as well as changes in the political economy of agriculture, have important impacts on the prospects for converting agricultural lands into forests.  相似文献   

During the past 50 years forests have recolonized extensive areas of Puerto Rico. Between 1950 and 1990 forest cover increased from 9% to 37% of the island's land area. In proportional terms more land has reverted to forest in Puerto Rico than anywhere else on earth during the second half of the twentieth century. This paper explores the geography of this process by matching changes in land cover with the characteristics of the land and communities in Puerto Rico. The reversion of agricultural lands to forest occurred most frequently in humid, upland, coffee‐growing regions characterized by heavy out‐migration and populations of smallholders who earned some of their income from off‐farm sources. These findings suggest that changes in non‐farm labor markets, as well as changes in the political economy of agriculture, have important impacts on the prospects for converting agricultural lands into forests.  相似文献   

环渤海地区土地利用变化的驱动力分析   总被引:105,自引:15,他引:105  
朱会义  何书金  张明 《地理研究》2001,20(6):669-678
1985到1995年间,环渤海地区占总面积30%的土地发生了利用方式的变化,耕地变化是其核心类型。耕地变化的主要流向依次为农村居住用地、林草地、城市居住建设用地以及果园和水域。本文通过对耕地流向及其与人口变化、农业经济发展的关系等进行分析,确认土地管理政策、人均居住用地的增长、农业生产结构调整以及城市扩张是该区土地利用变化的主要驱动因素  相似文献   

中原地区落叶松林、阔叶杂木林、栎树林、油松阔叶混交林、竹林、柏树林、杨树林、河口草甸、农田花粉组合特征研究表明,森林植被花粉组合均以乔木花粉为主(占50%以上),平原区杨树林、河口草甸和农田均以草本花粉为主(占84%以上),均较好地反映了样点周围植被特征。松树林松树花粉高于70%,周围有少量松树的样点松树花粉占50%左右,周围没有松树的样点松树花粉在30%以下。落叶松林中落叶松花粉仅占2.4%,杨树林样品中未发现杨树花粉,竹林样品中禾本科花粉仅占3.4%,表明落叶松、杨树、禾本科花粉均具低代表性;判别分析也表明落叶松和杨树花粉呈低代表性。受周围和区域性植被影响,农田样点农作物花粉占30%左右,说明农田环境不利于花粉保存,故花粉浓度较其他植被类型低。  相似文献   

马明国  陈贤章 《中国沙漠》2003,23(3):280-284
基于遥感和GIS技术建立的甘肃中部黄土丘陵重点地区生态环境监测系统的初步监测结果表明,近10a来定西4县黄土丘陵区土地利用/土地覆盖变化显著。其中:增加最为显著的是菜地和果园,分别增加了275%和164%,说明试验区农业产业结构有较大的调整,即从单一的粮食生产转为与经济作物相结合的模式;减少最为显著的是河流和宜林宜草荒地,分别减少了68%、63%和67%,说明该地区对未利用土地的开发程度较大;该地区多年来推行水土保持和退耕还林工作,所以混交林和防护林增加的幅度较大,分别增加了43%和46%;该地区的连续建筑用地、分散建筑用地和交通用地都有较大幅度的增加,分别增加了34%、13%和21%,说明该地区经济的迅速发展和城市化的趋势。遥感与GIS为生态监测系统的建立与应用提供了丰富的数据源和强大的数据处理手段。  相似文献   

The Atlantic Forest biome has only 13 percent of its pristine vegetation cover left. This article analyzes the consequences of land changes on forest cover in the Paraíba Valley, São Paulo state, Brazil, from 1985 to 2011. Multitemporal satellite image classifications were carried out to map eight land use and land cover classes. The forest cover increased from 2,696 km2 in 1985 to 4,704 km2 in 2011, mostly over areas of degraded pastures. The highest rates of afforestation were observed within protected areas around eucalyptus plantations. On the other hand, deforestation processes were concentrated on areas covered by secondary forests. Socioeconomic changes taking place in particular Brazilian settings, such as industrialization and agricultural modernization, allied to the Paraíba Valley's natural biophysical constraints for agricultural production, have led the region to experience a remarkable case of forest transition.  相似文献   

African dry forests provide non-timber forest products (NTFPs) of high commercial value, such as frankincense and gum arabic. Nonetheless, their deforestation and conversion to croplands is intensifying. Expected higher financial return from crop production is a main driver of conversion, but research supporting this underlying claim is scarce. We compared the financial returns for two crop production options (sesame and cotton) and forest use, in a dry forest area known for its frankincense production in northern Ethiopia. Net revenue was highest for sesame and lowest for cotton agricultural use. The forest based revenue was intermediate. The revenues from the crop production options were more sensitive to a range of uncertainties than the forest land use. Our results show that forest land use that includes commercial NTFPs is financially competitive to some commercial crop options and offers returns of better reliability. The hypothesis that forest based revenues are lower than crop based ones is not supported by our results. Therefore, the continued deforestation of dry forests cannot be explained by lower returns alone, but other factors such as awareness, market access, property right and institutional issues may also play a role to drive deforestation and conversion of dry forests to croplands.  相似文献   

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