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Successful reproduction and larval dispersal are important for the persistence of marine invertebrate populations, and these early life history processes can be sensitive to marine pollution. Coal is emerging as a contaminant of interest due to the proximity of ports and shipping lanes to coral reefs. To assess the potential hazard of this contaminant, gametes, newly developed embryos, larvae and juveniles of the coral Acropora tenuis were exposed to a range of coal leachate, suspended coal, and coal smothering treatments. Fertilisation was the most sensitive reproductive process tested. Embryo survivorship decreased with increasing suspended coal concentrations and exposure duration, effects on larval settlement varied between treatments, while effects on juvenile survivorship were minimal. Leachate exposures had negligible effects on fertilisation and larval settlement. These results indicate that coral recruitment could be affected by spills that produce plumes of suspended coal particles which interact with gametes and embryos soon after spawning.  相似文献   

The king scallop (Pecten maximus) is one of the most important benthic species of the English Channel as it constitutes the first fishery in terms of landings in this area. To support strategies of spatial fishery management, we develop a high-resolution biophysical model to study scallop dispersal in two bays along the French coasts of the English Channel (i.e. the bay of Saint-Brieuc and the bay of Seine) and to quantify the relative roles of local hydrodynamic processes, temperature-dependent planktonic larval duration (PLD) and active swimming behaviour (SB). The two bays are chosen for three reasons: (1) the distribution of the scallop stocks in these areas is well known from annual scallop stock surveys, (2) these two bays harbour important fisheries and (3) scallops in these two areas present some differences in terms of reproductive cycle and spawning duration. The English Channel currents and temperature are simulated for 10 years (2000–2010) with the MARS-3D code and then used by the Lagrangian module of MARS-3D to model the transport. Results were analysed in terms of larval distribution at settlement and connectivity rates. While larval transport in the two bays depended both on the tidal residual circulation and the wind-induced currents, the relative role of these two hydrodynamic processes varied among bays. In the bay of Saint-Brieuc, the main patterns of larval dispersal were due to tides, the wind being only a source of variability in the extent of larval patch and the local retention rate. Conversely, in the bay of Seine, wind-induced currents altered both the direction and the extent of larval transport. The main effect of a variable PLD in relation to the thermal history of each larva was to reduce the spread of dispersal and consequently increase the local retention by about 10 % on average. Although swimming behaviour could influence larval dispersal during the first days of the PLD when larvae are mainly located in surface waters, it has a minor role on larval distribution at settlement and retention rates. The analysis of the connectivity between subpopulations within each bay allows identifying the main sources of larvae which depend on both the characteristics of local hydrodynamics and the spatial heterogeneity in the reproductive outputs.  相似文献   

The honeycomb worm Sabellaria alveolata forms biogenic reefs which constitute diversity hotspots on tidal flats. The largest known reefs in Europe, located in the Bay of Mont-Saint-Michel (English Channel), are suffering increasing anthropogenic disturbances which raise the question of their sustainability. As the ability to recover depends partly on the recolonization of damaged reefs by larval supply, evaluating larval dispersal and the connectivity between distant reefs is a major challenge for their conservation. In the present study, we used a 3D biophysical model to simulate larval dispersal under realistic hydroclimatic conditions and estimate larval retention and exchanges among the two reefs of different sizes within the bay. The model takes into account fine-scale hydrodynamic circulation (800×800 m2), advection–diffusion larval transport, and gregarious settlement behaviour. According to the field data, larval dispersal was simulated for a minimal planktonic larval duration ranging from 4 to 8 weeks and the larval mortality was set to 0.09 d−1. The results highlighted the role played by a coastal eddy on larval retention within the bay, as suggested by previous in situ observations. Very different dispersal patterns were revealed depending on the spawning reef location, although the two reefs were located only 15 km apart. The settlement success of the larvae released from the smallest reef was mainly related to tidal conditions at spawning, with the highest settlement success for releases at neap tide. The settlement success of the larvae from the biggest reef was more dependent on meteorological conditions: favourable W and SW winds may promote a ten-fold increase in settlement success. Strong year-to-year variability was observed in settlers’ numbers, with favourable environmental windows not always coinciding with the main reproductive periods of Sabellaria. Settlement kinetics indicated that the ability to delay metamorphosis could significantly improve the settlement success. Although bidirectional exchanges occurred between the two reefs, the highest settlers’ numbers originated from the biggest reef because of its stronger reproductive output. Because of the recent decline of this reef due to increasing anthropogenic disturbances larval supply in the bay may not be sufficient enough to ensure the sustainability of the remarkable habitat formed by Sabellaria alveolata reefs.  相似文献   

Fishing activities strongly contribute to biological invasions in freshwaters. The purpose of this study was to investigate the potential risks of live bait capture using dip nets and of crayfish trapping as vectors for invasive freshwater macrofauna dispersal. In the Tagus river basin (Portugal), where both activities are common, we evaluated the probability of capture and the electivity of the local aquatic macrofauna according to the method used. During the compulsory removal of the invasive species captured we also quantified fish desiccation survival capacities. We found, for both vectors, that the species exhibiting the highest probability of capture and the highest electivity were invasive, respectively, Gambusia holbrooki and Crangonyx pseudogracilis with the dip net, Procambarus clarkii and several invasive species with special relevance for Ameiurus melas with the crayfish trapping. Moreover, the desiccation survival capacities, of all invasive fishes analyzed, are compatible with long distance dispersal out of water, with special relevance to G. holbrooki. This study demonstrates that fishing activities contribute to long-distance dispersal of invasive fauna. Therefore, according to our findings, it is important to update the fishing regulation and simultaneously to raise fishermen awareness of this problem.  相似文献   

A number of Ponto-Caspian Gobiid species have greatly increased their geographical ranges over recent decades. Most expansion studies to date, however, have focused on navigable waterways. In this study, we present a summary of six-years (2008–2013) monitoring of round goby Neogobius melanostomus expansion along two connected non-navigable rivers. Contiguous range expansion was observed in both rivers, with dispersal rate ranging from 1.2 to 3.2 km/year. Gobies at newly invaded sites ranged from 20 to 117 mm, with both juveniles and adult fish observed. Though the data did not allow us to see any consistent pattern in the first years after detection, there was some evidence for a shift to a female-biased, juvenile-dominated population over time. While the abundance of non-native tubenose goby Proterorhinus semilunaris appeared to be negatively influenced by round goby establishment, diversity of nearshore native fish showed no evidence of dramatic decline attributable to round goby.  相似文献   

Biofilms on submerged surfaces are important in determining larval settlement of most marine benthic invertebrates. We investigated if exposure of biofilms to hypoxia would alter the larval settlement pattern and result in a shift in benthic invertebrate community structure in the field. Biofilms were first exposed to hypoxia or normoxia in laboratory microcosms for 7 days, and then deployed in the field for another 7 days to allow for larval settlement and recruitment to occur. Using terminal-restriction fragment length polymorphism of the 16S rRNA gene, this study showed that hypoxia altered the biofilm bacterial community composition, and the difference between the hypoxic and normoxic treatments increased with the time of exposure period. This study also demonstrated significantly different benthic invertebrate community structures as a result of biofilm exposure to hypoxia and that the hypoxic and normoxic treatments were dominated by Hydroides sp. and Folliculina sp., respectively.  相似文献   

The use of coastal oceanic waters in the cooling systems of power plants leads to the destruction of large numbers of planktonic larvae of nearshore fish and invertebrates. As a first-order approach toward assessing the maximum probable impact of such larval mortality upon the adult populations, one can assume that recruitment to local populations is due to larvae from distant sources, which have a recruitment success independent of adult density; and that adult mortality is density-independent. These worst-possible-case assumptions lead to the interpretation that impact on adult populations could be adequately evaluated by measuring—or predicting—the power-plant imposed reductions in larval density in those near-shore waters from which recruitment occurs.  相似文献   

《Continental Shelf Research》2008,28(18):2574-2583
Horizontal distribution patterns of jack mackerel Trachurus japonicus larvae were investigated extensively in the East China Sea (ECS) along the shelf-break region between 26° and 30°N during February–March based on fine-scale larval sampling in 2002 and 2003. A total of 2363 T. japonicus ranging from 1.2 to 12.4 mm body length (BL) were collected at 310 bongo net sampling stations, of which larvae <10 mm BL accounted for 99.1%. In both years, newly hatched larvae (<3 mm BL) were concentrated in the shelf-break region mainly in the southern part of ECS between 26° and 27°N in warm water of 21–23 °C, suggesting that their primary spawning ground existed in and around this area. With growth, larvae were transported in two different directions, i.e., northward and northeastward, corresponding closely with the direction of the Kuroshio Branch Current north of Taiwan (KBCNT) and the Kuroshio, respectively. Replicate sampling cruises at 2 week intervals were conducted in 2003, and the larval distribution pattern changed significantly between the sampling cruises, suggesting that the transport process fluctuates over relatively short periods in relation to oceanographic processes. The transport speed by the KBCNT was estimated to be 0.13–0.28 knots based on the larval distribution, which is one order of magnitude slower than that by the Kuroshio (1.5–3 knots). Habitat temperature gradually declined with growth in both the Kuroshio and KBCNT, but in the KBCNT it was 1–2 °C lower than in the Kuroshio. Our results suggest that the two different larval transport processes lead to a significant difference in the transport route, habitat conditions (such as temperature and food), and site where young fish recruit to the demersal habitat, which will result in different survival and recruitment processes.  相似文献   

The life-history traits of amphibitic insects are not well understood. These insects inhabit saturated interstitial areas below the riverbed (hyporheic zone) at the larval stage, mate in terrestrial habitats, and return to rivers for oviposition, but there is no knowledge concerning their dispersal characteristics. We sought to address this by examining how far amphibitic insects disperse away from the channel (laterally) and along upstream or downstream (longitudinally) in a gravel-bed river. Alloperla ishikariana was selected as the focal species because it numerically dominates other amphibites in an 18-km study segment of a 4th-order gravel-bed river in Hokkaido, Northern Japan. Malaise traps were set at various distances from the channel towards the riparian forest to estimate lateral dispersal distances. An elevated stable nitrogen isotope ratio in downstream larvae, caused by the influence of effluent from a wastewater treatment plant, was used to assess longitudinal dispersal by identifying and tracking adult movements. Laterally, 50th and 90th percentile dispersal distances were 11.66 and 35.09 m for female A. ishikariana and 20.59 and 59.20 m for male, respectively; this overlapped with distances previously estimated for other aquatic benthic taxa. Longitudinally, 50th and 90th percentile dispersal distances were 0.74 and 1.43 km for female and 3.11 and 7.87 km for male, respectively. Alloperla ishikariana had one of the longest upstream traveling distances compared with other aquatic insects, and the longest among Plecoptera taxa known thus far where male exhibited a greater dispersal distance. A higher number of adults demonstrated upstream movement, suggesting an upstream bias in the longitudinal dispersal of A. ishikariana. Overall, amphibitic stoneflies did not exhibit distinct dispersal characteristics compared with the results of previous reports on presumably benthic taxa. Our findings support an improved visualization of a multi-dimensionally connected river ecosystem in terms of material flow, including vertical connectivity.  相似文献   

We use spatial point pattern methods to analyse gorilla nest site data, and to enhance our understanding of the nesting behaviour of the Gorilla gorilla diehli in the Kagwene Sanctuary, Cameroon. Data were split into different seasons and different gorilla groups to better understand gorilla nesting behaviour at these different scales. Gorilla nest site distribution was found to be inhomogeneous and clustered, as a result of the inhomogeneity in the distribution of the environmental factors (such as elevation, slope, vegetation and aspect), and because of the interaction between nest sites. The proposed models reflected therefore a combination of the effect of environmental factors and interaction between nest sites. Predictions from these models showed that there is less space available for gorilla nest site location in the dry season than in the rainy season. It also showed that the Minor gorilla group has a bigger niche than the Major group, suggesting a nesting disadvantage in the larger size group. We also found that nest site locations of Major gorilla groups attract Minor groups, and vice versa.  相似文献   

福寿螺入侵中国的扩散动态及潜在分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
福寿螺(Pomacea spp.)严重破坏了农业生产和生态系统,并且对人类健康形成致命的威胁.其中小管福寿螺(Pomacea canaliculata)是世界100种恶性外来入侵物种之一.通过收集福寿螺分布数据绘制分布动态图,重建福寿螺在我国的扩散动态,明晰福寿螺的扩散方向和扩散速度.扩散过程表明福寿螺在中国南方的分布区将会继续扩大范围,有进一步向北扩散的趋势,扩散速度持续增长,未来可能在南方形成全面入侵格局.使用气候和海拔数据变量构建最大熵模型,预测福寿螺的潜在分布区和影响福寿螺分布的关键环境变量,结果显示:浙江、福建、江西、广东、广西、海南和台湾等省已成为福寿螺的高分布区,其危害十分严重;上海、湖北、湖南、四川、西藏、贵州、重庆和云南为中分布区,但也具有较高的潜在暴发风险.环境变量分析显示:年均温度是影响福寿螺分布的最重要环境变量.受试者工作曲线(ROC)检测了模型预测结果的准确度,AUC平均值为0.97,说明预测结果准确,可信度高.这些结果可为进一步开展福寿螺在我国的扩散趋势预测、建立风险评估体系以及制定有效的防治措施提供依据.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a methodology for early detection of potential CO2 leakage from geological storage formations using pressure and surface-deformation anomalies. The basic idea is based on the fact that leakage-induced pressure signals travel much faster than the migrating CO2; thus such anomalies may be detected early enough for risk management measures taking effect in avoiding substantial CO2 leaks. The early detection methodology involves automatic inversion of anomalous brine leakage signals with efficient forward pressure and surface-deformation modeling tools to estimate the location and permeability of leaky features in the caprock. We conduct a global sensitivity analysis to better understand under which conditions pressure anomalies can be clearly identified as leakage signals, and evaluate signal detectability for a broad parameter range considering different detection limits and levels of data noise. The inverse methodology is then applied to two synthetic examples of idealized two-aquifer-and-one aquitard storage systems, with an injection well and a leaky well, for different monitoring scenarios. In Example 1, only pressure data at the monitoring and injection wells are used for leakage detection. Our results show that the accuracy of leakage detection greatly depends on the level of pressure data noise. In Example 2, joint inversion of pressure and surface-deformation measurements significantly improves the speed of convergence toward the true solution of the leakage parameters and enables early leakage detection. In both examples, successful detection is achieved when two monitoring wells are appropriately placed within up to 4 km from the leaky well.  相似文献   

Application of an individual-based particle tracking model to the migration of tropical fish larvae along the continental shelf between the Houtman Abrolhos Islands and Rottnest Island (Western Australia) has shown that there is potential for the southwards advection of passive particles/larvae in the Leeuwin Current system throughout the year. However, seasonal variations in the prevailing wind field result in corresponding seasonal changes in the surface current flow (both alongshore and cross-shelf) on the continental shelf, leading to a pulse of modelled particles arriving at Rottnest Island during the autumn months. This matches, within a month, the observed April/May peak in annual recruitment of 2 species of damselfish (Abudefduf sexfasciatus and A. vaigiensis), at the time when the Leeuwin Current is strengthening. It is assumed that the larvae are in the uppermost 20 m of the water column and that there are no vertical diurnal movements.The model has a 10 km grid spacing, and so can resolve some of the current gradients across the continental shelf. Comparison of the modelled near-surface currents with ADCP measurements at 2 current mooring sites as well as with a broader range of historical current measurements off south-western Australia indicates that the alongshore net transport is reasonably well reproduced by the model, whereas agreement with the cross-shelf flow is not as good (this may be partly attributed to the paucity of high-quality near-surface current measurements in the area of study). Because of limitations in our knowledge of the swimming ability, choice of swimming direction and habitat selection of larval fish, as well as the inability of the model to reproduce the small-scale circulation around Rottnest Island, the swimming capacity of the late-stage larval fish is not specifically included; they are considered as potential settlers once they have reached within 20 km of the Island.The observed inter-annual variability in recruitment is not as well matched by the model as is the seasonal pattern, but this is almost certainly due to uncertainties in biological factors such as spawning strength, food and predation en route, which are not known.The modelled results are also applied to a more general discussion of the transport of eggs and larvae of commercial fish and invertebrate species on the Western Australian continental shelf, and it is shown that the seasonality and position on the shelf of the spawning may play a large role in the movement (and hence survival and ultimate recruitment) of different species.  相似文献   

Early‐stage aeolian bedforms, or protodunes, are elemental in the continuum of dune development and act as essential precursors to mature dunes. Despite this, we know very little about the processes and feedback mechanisms that shape these nascent bedforms. Whilst theory and conceptual models have offered some explanation for protodune existence and development, until now, we have lacked the technical capability to measure such small bedforms in aeolian settings. Here, we employ terrestrial laser scanning to measure morphological change at the high frequency and spatial resolution required to gain new insights into protodune behaviour. On a 0.06 m high protodune, we observe vertical growth of the crest by 0.005 m in two hours. Our direct measurements of sand transport on the protodune account for such growth, with a reduction in time‐averaged sediment flux of 18% observed over the crestal region. Detailed measurements of form also establish key points of morphological change on the protodune. The position on the stoss slope where erosion switches to deposition is found at a point 0.07 m upwind of the crest. This finding supports recent models that explain vertical dune growth through an upwind shift of this switching point. Observations also show characteristic changes in the asymmetric cross‐section of the protodune. Flow‐form feedbacks result in a steepening of the lee slope and a decline in lower stoss slope steepness (by 3°), constituting a reshaping of protodune form towards more mature dune morphology. The approaches and findings applied here, (a) demonstrate an ability to quantify processes at requisite spatial and temporal scales for monitoring early‐stage dune evolution, (b) highlight the crucial role of form‐flow feedbacks in enabling early‐stage bedform growth, alluding to a fluctuation in feedbacks that require better representation in dune models, and (c) provide a new stimulus for advancing understanding of aeolian bedforms. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

As a result of the serious consequences of the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull eruption (Iceland) on civil aviation, 52 volcanologists, meteorologists, atmospheric dispersion modellers and space and ground-based monitoring specialists from 12 different countries (including representatives from 6 Volcanic Ash Advisory Centres and related institutions) gathered to discuss the needs of the ash dispersal modelling community, investigate new data-acquisition strategies (i.e. quantitative measurements and observations) and discuss how to improve communication between the research community and institutions with an operational mandate. Based on a dedicated benchmark exercise and on 3 days of in-depth discussion, recommendations have been made for future model improvements, new strategies of ash cloud forecasting, multidisciplinary data acquisition and more efficient communication between different communities. Issues addressed in the workshop include ash dispersal modelling, uncertainty, ensemble forecasting, combining dispersal models and observations, sensitivity analysis, model variability, data acquisition, pre-eruption forecasting, first simulation and data assimilation, research priorities and new communication strategies to improve information flow and operational routines. As a main conclusion, model developers, meteorologists, volcanologists and stakeholders need to work closely together to develop new and improved strategies for ash dispersal forecasting and, in particular, to: (1) improve the definition of the source term, (2) design models and forecasting strategies that can better characterize uncertainties, (3) explore and identify the best ensemble strategies that can be adapted to ash dispersal forecasting, (4) identify optimized strategies for the combination of models and observations and (5) implement new critical operational strategies.  相似文献   

邹霞玲  彭绍琴  皮依标 《地震工程学报》2018,40(5):1111-1117,1130
当前大型地震区域监控系统采用有线网络对人工指挥台进行数据传输,易导致灾害条件下受损无法及时有效地传通监控结果,存在地震实时监测信息准确性低、系统稳定性差的问题。因此设计基于物联网的大型地震区域监控系统。该设计系统进行数据采集交换的网络拓扑采用ZIGBEE实现通信。基于VS.NET基础设计系统架构,通过地震的现场指挥部建设支持可视化的调度指挥台,实现综合调度和集中指挥的目的。系统中智能地震救灾控制中心采用服务器进行数据存储和智能运算,实现对地震检测区的精准、高效检测和工作指导。通过数据采集交换与应急调度平台,监测地震实时监控与设备使用情况。采用地震救灾数据采集分析软件对物联网中地震区域监测数据进行全面、准确分析,系统采用多源信息融合技术实现地震救灾信息多视角的全面处理。实验结果说明,所设计系统测算结果实时性高、功耗低,具有较高的准确度和稳定性。  相似文献   

Biomarkers, which can detect changes at the biochemical level, have been used for many years as early warning tools in environmental monitoring. In order to distinguish between natural variability and the potential effects of anthropogenic pollution, it is essential to identify background levels and establish the potential influence of abiotic (season, temperature and salinity) and biotic (gametogenesis) factors. In this study, we examined various biomarkers of stress (glutathione S-transferase (GST)), reproduction (vitellin-like proteins) and damage (lipid peroxidation (LPO) and DNA damage (DNA)) in marine mussels (Mytilus spp.) from a known pristine hybrid zone. Levels of all biomarker expression varied between seasons and appeared to be linked to the reproductive cycle. Oxidative stress in winter, with low GST expression and a higher expression of LPO and DNA damage displayed could be explained by low food availability. These data provide vital baseline information for future ecotoxicological and environmental monitoring studies.  相似文献   

From September 2000 to December 2006, surface plankton samples were collected on a monthly basis, from a station located in the southern Bay of Biscay (43°37N; 1°43W France), near the deep Capbreton canyon. In this paper, the results for the ichthyoplankton assemblage are presented. Among the 62 taxa recorded, only 35 were present in the larval stage whilst only 10 were represented by their eggs. Taxa represented by both stages (eggs+larvae; N=17) had the highest abundance. The presence in the surface plankton assemblage of species, at either or both stage, is interpreted within the context of the bathymetric distribution of species. The maxima in abundance and diversity occurred in February–March, for eggs, and May–June, for larvae. This 3-month time-lag between the stages is proposed to be related to the timing of egg spawning and larval recruitment to the pelagic environment. Mean egg abundances (82.4±29.8 eggs/10 m2) were 10-fold higher than the larval abundances (7.1±1.8 larvae/10 m2). Despite pronounced monthly variability, no statistically significant decrease in either egg or larvae abundance was observed during this 6-year study period. Compared with previous published studies, this study shows that the peak in ichthyoplankton diversity occurred two months earlier. In addition, the spawning period occurred over the whole year, even during autumn and winter. Using ordination techniques, the annual sequence appearance of taxa are described at the study site: Gadiforms, Ammodytidae and Pleuronectiforms were present during the winter whilst Sparidae, Blennidae, Labridae and Gobiidae, formed the summer group. Only three species, European anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus, European pilchard Sardina pilchardus and Atlantic horse mackerel Trachurus trachurus were recorded throughout the year.  相似文献   

Quantifying the uncertainty associated with monitoring protocols is essential to prevent the misclassification of ecological status and to improve sampling design. We assessed the Posidonia oceanica multivariate index (POMI) bio-monitoring program for its robustness in classifying the ecological status of coastal waters within the Water Framework Directive. We used a 7-year data set covering 30 sites along 500 km of the Catalonian coastline to examine which version of POMI (14 or 9 metrics) maximises precision in classifying the ecological status of meadows. Five factors (zones within a site, sites within a water body, depth, years and surveyors) that potentially generate classification uncertainty were examined in detail. Of these, depth was a major source of uncertainty, while all the remaining spatial and temporal factors displayed low variability. POMI 9 matched POMI 14 in all factors, and could effectively replace it in future monitoring programs.  相似文献   

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