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Contamination levels and profiles of 7 polychlorinated-p-dioxins, 10 polychlorinated furans (PCDD/Fs) and 12 dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (dl-PCBs) were investigated in juvenile European flounder (Platichthys flesus) captured in different nursery areas in the northeastern Atlantic coast across its geographical distribution range. The toxic equivalent concentrations (WHO-TEQfish) were also determined in order to evaluate which P. flesus population was more exposed to dioxin-like toxicity. Juveniles caught in the Sørfjord (Norway) showed the lowest WHO-TEQfish concentration (0.052 pg WHO-TEQfish g−1 wet weight) whereas the highest value was observed in fish from the Wadden Sea (The Netherlands; 0.291 pg WHO-TEQfish g−1 ww), mainly due to the greater contribution of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, the most toxic congener. Nonetheless, when comparing the results with existent tissue residue-based toxicity benchmarks, no adverse effects resulting from PCDD/Fs and dl-PCBs are expected to occur in flounder from the studied systems.  相似文献   

Low water levels occurring on the Warsaw section of the Vistula River during droughts in 2012 and 2015 stirred considerable interest by exposing parts of the riverbed. The river's low flow discharge created favourable conditions for archaeologists who, from the river's bottom, managed to salvage sculptures, architectural artefacts, and military accessories dating back to the middle of the 17th century. Literature shows that archaeological finds at the bottom of a major lowland river are unique and are attributed to very specific hydrological and geological conditions. Embankments and works meant to regulate the channel of the Vistula River in Warsaw narrowed the channel and accelerated the erosion of the river's bottom. A comparison of rating curves created between 1919 and 2015 shows that the river's bottom had lowered by 225 cm. The diameter of sediment particles that could be moved at maximum shear stress has been calculated using the Meyer–Peter and Muller formula. According to the calculated shear stress corresponding to the highest historical flood of 1844 particles smaller than 0.05 m were transported down the river, and it is true that artefacts of that size had not been collected at the site. Taking into consideration the very specific geological and hydrological conditions, we believe that finding so many 17th century artefacts with a well‐documented history at a site at the bottom of major lowland river with intensive channel processes is indeed unique. Additionally, it is the first time that results of hydrodynamic modelling have been successfully used for archaeological survey to define the critical shear stress and the smallest diameter of artefacts, which could remain stable on a river's bottom.  相似文献   

The Vistula (Wisla) river, the biggest river in Poland, is 1038 km long and has a drainage area of 168 689 km2. The river is strongly polluted by wastewaters. Big industrial plants are situated mainly in the upper part of the river, where it is slow‐flowing. This paper presents the results of the analysis of bottom sediment samples gathered from different locations along the Vistula river, from Kraków to Gdansk. The study was conducted in 2005. The following parameters were determined: chloroorganic pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), chlorophenols, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), total organic carbon (TOC). The sum of chloroorganic pesticides was in the range of 2.0 to 77.5 ng/g d.w. (dry wet) with the highest values in the upper part of the river. p,p′‐DDT was found in the highest concentration. The sum of PCBs was in the range of 0.9 to 64.2 ng/g d.w. The sum of chlorophenols varied from 0.48 to 14.3 ng/g d.w. 2,4‐Dichlorophenol and pentachlorophenol occurred in the highest concentration. The sum of PAHs was in the range of 1552 to 7832 ng/g d.w. Phenantren was found in the highest concentration and antracen in the lowest. TOC values varied from 4.3 to 43.9 g/kg d.w. The concentrations of pesticides and PCBs were the highest in the upper part of the river and decreased along the course of the river, but the other determined compounds did not show this trend. However, the highest values occurred always in the upper part of the river.  相似文献   

The abundance and spatial distribution of mesozooplankton were compared in the euhaline region of the polluted Bilbao estuary and the unperturbed Urdaibai estuary. The environmental variables measured were salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen saturation, chlorophyll a, particulate organic matter and Secchi disk depth. Differences in the environmental variables and zooplankton between the estuaries and within the estuaries were tested statistically. Differences in the patterns of mesozooplankton abundance with salinity in each estuary indicated that they were affected by pollution in the Bilbao. Total mesozooplankton, and several mesozooplankton categories were more abundant in the Bilbao at higher salinities but in the Urdaibai at lower salinities. Therefore, we deduced that, in the Bilbao, zooplankton abundance was enhanced by the moderate pollution at the outer euhaline zone and limited by the poorer conditions of the inner zone. The response of the various zooplankton categories to the pollution is discussed.  相似文献   

The life history of the freshwater shrimp Palaemonetes antennarius (H. Milne Edwards, 1837) was investigated from April 1993 to November 2002 at 13 sites in the delta of the Neretva River, Croatia. The sex ratio (males vs. females) was in favour of females throughout the study year . The breeding period lasts from April to August with a peak of 75% of the ovigerous female in June. The maximum number of eggs carried by ovigerous females was 73, and there was a positive significant linear correlation between fecundity (number of early embryonic stage eggs per female) and female body size (carapace length) (R2=0.698, p<0.01). The breeding period was longer in limnocrenes and lakes with oligohaline-limnic water than in other habitat types because the water is more rapidly warmed in spring and cooled more slowly in autumn in these habitats. Larvae were present from June to October, with a peak reaching 19.4% of the total population in June. The shrimps follow a synchronic univoltine life cycle with a short egg-laying period and a new summer generation. Their larvae, apparently having no ecological flexibility, did not appear in any environment with high oscillations of salinity.  相似文献   

Carboniferous pit coal is the most important anthropogenic component of the contemporaneous Vistula river gravels and sands with individual fractions containing from 10 to 98 per cent coal fragments. Coal concentration is connected with differences in the bulk density between coal and other gravel components. The lower sediments date from the first half of the nineteenth century when the coal began to appear in large quantities in the Vistula channel. The presence of coal is also an indicator of the depth of channel sediment reworking during floods in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.  相似文献   

Different sizes of the dogwhelk Nucella lapillus were collected from eight locations along the southwest and north coasts of Iceland. Concentrations of total metallothioneins (MTs) and heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Cr, Mn, Ni, and Zn) were analysed using the silver saturation method and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry. The level of tributyltin (TBT) contamination was also assessed using imposex indices, the vas deferens stage index (VDSI) and relative penis size index (RPSI). Gufunes N. lapillus presented the highest values of VDSI (4.0) and RPSI (11.1), followed by Grenivík individuals (VDSI = 3.0; RPSI = 0.9), while the Strandakirkja population showed the lowest VDSI (0.3) and zero RPSI. At a standardised size (0.25 g dry soft-body weight), Grenivík N. lapillus exhibited significantly higher concentrations of all metals whereas overall metal concentrations were significantly lower in individuals from Strandakirkja and Garðskagi compared to other study sites. Partial correlation analyses with size correction indicated that MT concentrations were better correlated with Cd and Cu concentrations than with other metals. At the standard size, the pattern of MT concentrations in N. lapillus from different sites was, however, very different from those of metal profiles. Such discrepancies between the patterns of MT and metals in N. lapillus might be explained by the fact that MT induction could be influenced by various factors such as temperature, dietary metal intake, growth rate and co-existence of other MT-inducing chemicals.  相似文献   

The determination of background values of hydrochemical parameters, to distinguish between natural concentration and anthropogenically-influenced concentrations, is highly relevant. In presented study, to estimate the background values of hydrochemical parameters in Akhuryan River Basin, log-normal probability functions on the hydrochemical parameters concentrations was applied. The study is carried out on the basis of hydrochemical data of surface water quality monitoring for the period of 2010–2013. This study highlights the usefulness of application of site-specific background concentrations for the evaluation, interpretation of surface water quality and for determination of pollution sources.  相似文献   

This study reports the occurrence of shell deformities in the Baltic clam Macoma balthica from the Northern Baltic Sea (Trösa Archipelago, Sweden). The functional significance and the bioindicative potential of observed exoskeleton’ anomalies was assessed using a suite of physiological and morphological biomarkers.Analyzed shell deformations (SD) included damages of the dorsal margin visible as shell excavations, destruction of the beak, umbo and hinge ligament and decreased shell’ transparency. Deformed clams exhibited worse physiological conditions and increased frequency of micronuclei. Skewed sex ratio towards male domination was observed in all studied populations. Spatial differences in the occurrence of deformed clams are reported, with more than 50% of deformed clams inhabiting polluted locations and 8% the reference station. These results are encouraging for the use of described SDs as initial and cost effective indicators of environmental health.  相似文献   

PAH concentrations of 61 surface soil samples collected from the Yellow River Delta (YRD), China were measured to determine occurrence levels, sources, and potential toxicological significance of PAHs. The total concentrations of ∑PAHs ranged from 27 to 753 ng/g d.w., with a mean of 118 ± 132 ng/g. The highest concentrations was found in the mid-southern part of the YRD (753 ng/g), which was associated with the oil exploration. The ratios indicated that the PAHs throughout the YRD were mostly of pyrogenic origin; while various sites in mid-southern part in the region were derived mainly from the petrogenic sources. Multivariate statistical analyses supported that the PAHs in surface soils of the YRD were principally from the coal and biomass combustion, petroleum spills, and/or vehicular emissions. The toxic assessment suggested that the PAHs in soils were at low potential of ecotoxicological contamination level for the YRD.  相似文献   

The physiological and biochemical characteristics of tissue samples of the marine mussel, Donax trunculus, from an oil-polluted site (Qiryat Yam) and from a site adjacent to an industrial factory (Frutarom) producing polyvinyl chloride (PVC) were compared with samples from a clean reference site (Akko). All sites were located along the sandy shores of the Israeli Mediterranean Sea. The mussels from the oil-polluted site showed increased activity of the system of active transport of organic anions (SATOA) in the gills and the renocardial organ and also of the multixenobiotic resistance transporter (MXR) in the gills. In contrast, samples collected near the PVC factory showed a decrease in SATOA activity and no increase in the activity of MXR in the gills. Specimens from the reference site demonstrated a redox state of equilibrium between energy production and utilization, while in Donax from both the oil polluted and the PVC-polluted sites, the mitochondrial redox state reflected intensive consumption of energy. No significant changes were found in the activity of reduced glutathione s-transferase (GST) in the cytosolic fraction of the digestive gland of Donax collected from any of the three sites. The data demonstrate a differential increase in the anti-chemical defense systems and an intensification of energy metabolism in the mussels exposed to pollution.  相似文献   

The analysis of physicochemical variables and selected dissolved elements was performed on the Apure River waters for 15 months. The variables pH, alkalinity, dissolved O2, conductivity and Na, Ca, Mg and Cd concentrations showed maximum values during low water, whereas K, Si, Fe, Al, Mn, Zn, Cu, Cr and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) showed maximum concentrations during rising and high water. Five important factors were found to control the amount and temporal variability of the dissolved elements: lithology, hydrology, vegetation–floodplain processes, redox conditions and organic complexation. Weathering of silicates, carbonates and evaporites in the Andes provides most of the proportion of Na, Ca, Mg and HCO3? to waters. The temporal variability of these ions is controlled by a dilution process. Although Si can be taken up by the biomass, Si and K can be leached from the floodplain by weathering of clays. Microbial decay of the submerged plants in the floodplain during the inundation periods provides DOC and K to river waters and changes the redox conditions in water. The changing redox conditions control the solubility of Mn, Zn and Fe. Dissolved Mn is a function of pH‐dependent redox process, whereas Zn solubility is controlled by scavenging of Zn during the oxidation of Mn2+ to MnO2. Positive relationships between Al, Fe, Cu, Cr and DOC suggest that these elements are complexed by organic colloids generated in the floodplain. Moreover, the binding capacity of Fe with DOC increases under reducing conditions. Although Cd seems to be provided by weathering in the Andes, several processes can affect the mobility of Cd during transport. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The effects of four climate change scenarios for the Netherlands on the distribution of the shipworm upstream of the Rhine-Meuse estuary are described. Global warming will cause dry and warmer summers and decreased river discharges. This will extend the salinity gradient upstream in summer and fall and may lead to attacks on wooden structures by the shipworm. Scenarios including one or two degree temperature increases by 2050 compared to 1990 with a weak change in the air circulation over Europe will lead to an increased chance of shipworm damage upstream from once in 36 years to once in 27 or 22 years, respectively; however, under a strong change in air circulation, the chance of shipworm damage increases to once in 6 or 3 years, respectively. The upstream expansion of the distribution of the shipworm will also be manifested in other northwest European estuaries and will be even stronger in southern Europe.  相似文献   

Selected POPs were analyzed in blubber samples of Pontoporia blainvillei from Southern Brazil to appraise temporal trend over a 10 year period (1994-2004). Overall, levels of POPs were relatively low, especially when compared to Northern Hemisphere concentrations. Apart from Mirex and PCBs, which showed stable concentrations, DDTs, HCB, CHLs, Dieldrin levels presented a slight decrease over the studied period. In addition, the increase in the PCBs/DDTs ratio supports the idea that inputs of DDTs are decaying faster than PCBs.  相似文献   

邓山  邱爽  王利肖  闫云君 《湖泊科学》2014,26(2):297-304
为了加强长江中游地区大型无脊椎底栖动物的研究工作,2009年3月至2010年3月,对长江中游巴河支流的胜利河毛翅目优势种的生产力和营养基础进行了为期一年的调查研究.结果表明,胜利河中主要毛翅目优势种纹石蛾的生活史为一年3代.一至四级河流中,其生物量周年平均值分别为1.77、7.80、44.82、51.55 mg/m2.采用体长频率法测算的年均生产量为7.72 mg/m2,P/B系数为13.21.利用肠内含物分析法研究了胜利河中纹石蛾的营养结构.比较一至四级河流的营养基础发现,无形态碎屑为纹石蛾最常见的食物,占肠内含物的45.22%~62.92%;而对生产量贡献率最高的多是动物组织,达52.86%~68.58%.各季节的营养基础状况也有差异,春季无形态碎屑所占比例和对生产量的贡献率较高,而夏、秋和冬季动物组织则有更高的生产量贡献率.一至四级河流的年均物质通量分别为11.83、34.76、237.52和273.17g/(m2·a).由此可见,该优势种在河流生态系统中发挥着重要作用.  相似文献   

The response of metal accumulation in coral Tubastraea coccinea to various degrees of metal enrichment was investigated from the Yin-Yang Sea (YYS) receiving abandoned mining effluents, the Kueishan Islet (KI) hydrothermal vent field, and the nearshore area of remoted Green Island (GI). The concentrations of most dissolved metals were highest in seawater at YYS, followed by KI, and then GI, showing the effects of anthropogenic and venting inputs on metal levels. Five metals (Co, Fe, Mn, Ni, and Zn) yielded significant differences (p < 0.05) among the skeleton samples. We identified similar patterns in the metal–Ca ratios, indicating that the elevated metals in skeletons was a consequence of external inputs. The coral tissues were relatively sensitive in monitoring metal accumulation, showing significant differences among three locations for Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, and Zn. Specific bioconcentration factors provided strong support for the differential metal accumulation in skeletons and tissues.  相似文献   

Cloud water interception (CWI) occurs when cloud droplets are blown against the forest canopy, where they are retained on the vegetation surface, forming larger water droplets that drip into the forest floor. CWI was measured from 1 October 1997 to 30 September 1999, on a first‐line tree heath (Erica arborea), at Bica da Cana, Madeira Island. Rainfall was corrected for wind‐loss effect and compared with throughfall and other climatological normals. The CWI depletion rate along a forest stand transect was also analysed during three distinct fog events in 2008. Cloud water was 28 mm day?1, corresponding to 68% of total throughfall and 190% of the gross precipitation. Cloud water correlates directly with monthly normals of fog days and wind speed and correlates inversely with the monthly air temperature normal. CWI has an exponential correlation with monthly relative humidity normal. Cloud water capture depletion along the stand shows a logarithmic decrease. Although a forest stand does not directly relate to a first‐line tree heath, this study shows that CWI is a frequent phenomenon in the Paul da Serra massif. Restoration and protection of high altitude ecosystems in Madeira should be a priority, not only for biodiversity, ecological and economical purposes but also for its role in regional water resources. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Elbe is one of the major rivers releasing pollutants into the coastal areas of the German North Sea. Its estuary represents the habitat of a small population of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina). Only little is known about the health status and contamination levels of these seals. Therefore, a first-ever seal catch was organized next to the islands of Neuwerk and Scharhörn in the region of the Hamburg Wadden Sea National Park. The investigations included a broad set of health parameters and the analysis of metals and organic pollutants in blood samples. Compared to animals of other Wadden Sea areas, the seals showed higher γ-globulin levels, suggesting higher concentrations of pathogens in this near-urban area, elevated concentrations for several metals in particular for V, Sn, Pb, and Sr, and comparable ranges for chlorinated organic contaminants, except for elevated levels of hexachlorobenzene, which indicates characteristic inputs from the Elbe.  相似文献   

To investigate whether the biological toxicity of aquatic hypercapnia is due to the direct effects of CO2 or to the effects of acidification of seawater by CO2, the Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) was subjected to seawater equilibrated with a gas mixture of air containing 5% CO2 (pH 6.18) or seawater acidified to the same pH with 1 N H2SO4. All the fish died within 72 h in the CO2 exposure group, whereas no mortality occurred in the acid group. Acid-base parameters as well as plasma ion concentrations were severely perturbed in the CO2 exposure group, whereas they were minimally affected in the acid group. These results clearly demonstrate that the mortality in the CO2 group is a direct result of the elevated levels of dissolved CO2 and not to the effects of the reduced water pH.  相似文献   

Luo X  Mai B  Yang Q  Fu J  Sheng G  Wang Z 《Marine pollution bulletin》2004,48(11-12):1102-1115
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) were measured in suspended particles and dissolved phase from the Baiertang water column and the Macao water column samples as collected from the Guangzhou channel of the Pearl River and the Macao harbor, where the sediments were heavily contaminated with organic pollutants. Total OCPs concentration varies from 23.4 to 61.7 ng/l in Baiertang water column and from 25.2 to 67.8 ng/l in Macao column, while total PAHs concentration varies from 987.1 to 2878.5 ng/l in the Baiertang water column and from 944.0 to 6654.6 ng/l in the Macao column. The vertical distribution profiles of pollutants and the partition of pollutants between particles and dissolved phases indicate that the sediments in Baiertang act as an important source of selected pollutants, and the pollutants in water of this region were mainly originated from the release and re-suspension of contaminants residing in the sediments. The sediments in Macao harbor act as a reservoir for organochlorine pesticides, such as DDTs mainly introduced by river inflow from Xijiang and PAHs input by brackish water from the Lingdingyang estuary. Combustion of fossil fuels and petroleum input are the main sources of PAHs in the Macao water column, while combustion of fossil fuels and coal is responsible for the PAHs in the Baiertang water column. The ratios of DDT/(DDD+DDE) for the Macao water column samples demonstrate that such chemicals were input into this region in recent times.  相似文献   

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