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Mercury levels of Audouin's gull are amongst the highest for Mediterranean seabirds, and have been mainly attributed to its piscivorous habits in these naturally Hg rich waters. Moreover, two additional factors could enhance its mercury intake: the consumption of discarded fish (which attain higher concentrations) and/or feeding in areas receiving Hg anthropogenic inputs. In order to differentiate the relevance of both sources we analysed Hg and stable isotopes of chick feathers from different breeding locations in western Mediterranean: one in its northern part (Ebro Delta) and two southern (Chafarinas Isl. and Alborán Isl.). The results from stable isotopes indicate that consumption of discards is higher at Alborán Isl., followed by the Ebro Delta and Chafarinas Isl. Thus, the higher mercury levels found in the Ebro Delta cannot be explained uniquely by the contribution of discarded fish to diet, but local pollution caused by the river Ebro waters accounts for Hg differences observed.  相似文献   

Mercury (Hg) can reach the environment through natural and human-related sources, threatening ecosystems all over the planet due to its well known deleterious effects. Therefore, Antarctic trophic webs, despite being relatively isolated, are not exempt of its influence. To evaluate Hg concentrations in an Antarctic ecosystem, different tissues from 2 species of invertebrates, 2 of fish, 8 of birds, 4 of pinnipeds and at least 5 of vegetation were investigated (n = 176). For animals, values ranged from 0.018 to 48.7 μg g? 1 dw (whole Antarctic krill and Antarctic Fur Seal liver). They were generally correlated to trophic position (assessed by δ15N and δ13C) but also to cephalopods and myctophids consumption. For vegetation, values ranged from 0.014 to 0.227 μg g? 1 dw (Colobanthus quitensis and an unidentified lichen), with lichens presenting significantly higher values than mosses, likely due to year-round exposure and absorption of animal derived organic matter, as hypothesized by literature.  相似文献   

Concentrations of ten metals were measured in waters and sediments at 14 sites during four sampling periods (1996–1997). These sites include various marine ecosystems that are highly influenced by industry, tourism and river discharges, nine of which are within the Morrocoy National Park. Spatially, metal concentrations in water were homogenous, whereas in sediments their distributions were related to grain size. Maximum concentrations of cadmium (Cd) and mean concentrations of copper (Cu), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) in water were above the guideline values proposed by NOAA, indicating the potential of these metals for producing chronic effects in marine biota. Sheltered sites showed the highest metal concentrations in sediments; with Cd and Zn above these guidelines. Enrichment factors and geo-accumulation indexes suggested that metals in sediments were largely of natural origin except for Pb, Cd and vanadium (V), which were apparently associated with industrial effluents. A disruption of the spatial distribution of metals after heavy rainfall, when exposed sites reached concentrations as high as those in sheltered sites, showed the influence of nearby rivers. The potential increase of such climatic events could represent additional stress for natural protected areas in the Caribbean.  相似文献   

The German Bight/SE North Sea is considered a hot-spot of river-induced eutrophication, but the scarce observational data of river nitrate loads prior to the 1970s complicate the assessment of target conditions for environmental management and legislation. Stable nitrogen isotope ratios (δ15N) in sediment records can be used to decipher historical river nitrate contributions. To better constrain pre-1970s conditions, we determined δ15N in archive sediment samples (1950–1969) and dated cores from the Helgoland depositional area. We also modeled the δ15N in past situations (1960 and 1860) using an N-isotope-tracking ecosystem model. The modeled spatial distribution of δ15N in sediments for 1960 conditions and the observed spatial pattern of δ15N in archive sediment samples (1950–1969) represent a period of moderate eutrophication. The modeled spatial distribution of δ15N in sediments for 1860 conditions (pre-industrial) showed a moderate δ15N gradient from the Elbe river mouth (δ15N<4‰) to the open sea (δ15N∼5‰). This pattern contrasts with the δ15N pattern in modern surface sediments, which exhibits a steep and inverted δ15N gradient from the Elbe river mouth (δ15N>9‰) to the open sea (δ15N<7‰). Modeled δ15N for 1860 conditions are consistent with δ15N values observed in dated sediment cores that span the last 900 years. Value of δ15N in sediment cores increased from approximately 1860 to 2000 by 2.5‰. The increasing trend reflects changes in the abundance and isotopic composition of riverine nitrate loads caused by anthropogenic activities. Sensitivity tests suggest that loads and isotopic ratios of nitrogen forms other than nitrate (ammonium and organic nitrogen) have minor impact on the modeled surface sediments, despite their higher abundance in the riverborne loads in the past. Our results suggest that eutrophication of the German Bight predates the 1960 period of documented rapidly increasing river loads. Pre-industrial levels of δ15N modeled with 28% of the modern annual (1990–1999) atmospheric loads and 10% of the modern annual river loads agree best with levels of δ15N (∼6‰) observed in sediments of the cores dated to 1860.  相似文献   

Eutrophication is widely recognised as one of the major menaces to coastal environments, particularly enclosed bays and lagoons. Although there is a general understanding of the consequences of eutrophication in these systems, there is a lack of sufficient knowledge concerning biotic feedbacks that influence eutrophication patterns and the resistance capacity of coastal environments.In this paper, the isotope ratios of main producers and consumers of a Mediterranean lagoon were examined in order to elucidate the fate of anthropogenic inputs from the main watercourse flowing into the lagoon.The results of the study of stable isotope data in the Mar Menor lagoon reflected that the whole benthic community plays an important role as a natural ‘filter’ that removes excess nutrients from the water column and stores them in the sediments, thereby enhancing lagoon resistance to eutrophication.  相似文献   

Victoria Harbour has received substantial loadings of pollutants from industrial and municipal wastewater discharged since the 1950s. Inputs of contaminants have declined dramatically during the last two decades as a result of better controls at the source and improved wastewater treatment facilities. To assess the spatial and temporal changes of metal contaminants in sediments in Victoria Harbour, core and grab sediments were collected. The central harbour areas were generally contaminated with heavy metals. The spatial distribution of trace metals can probably be attributed to the proximity of major urban and industrial discharge points, and to the effect of tidal flushing in the harbour. In the sediment cores, the highest concentrations of trace metals were observed to have accumulated during the 1950s-1980s, corresponding with the period of rapid urban and industrial development in Hong Kong. From the late 1980s, there has been a major decline in the concentrations of trace metals, due to a reduction in industrial activities and to the enactment of wastewater pollution controls in the territory. The Pb isotopic compositions of the sediments revealed the anthropogenic inputs of Pb to the harbour. The (206)Pb/(207)Pb ratios varied from 1.154 to 1.190, which were lower than those of background geological materials in Hong Kong ((206)Pb/(207)Pb: 1.201-1.279). The data also indicated that the Pb in the harbour sediments most likely originated from mixed sources, including the leaded gasoline used in the past and other anthropogenic sources.  相似文献   

We monitored the concentrations of copper, lead and cadmium in seawater, in suspended particulate matter (SPM) and in bacteria, phyto- and zooplankton communities separated from abiogenic particles, over a one year cycle in two coupled Mediterranean coastal ecosystems (Little Bay (LiB) and Large Bay (LaB)). Metals were present in seawater in the order Cu > Pb > Cd in both bays and showed important variations within the same month than among months. In LiB, their concentrations were between 0.62 and 2.82 μg Cu l−1, 0.16 and 19 μg Pb l−1 and 0.007 and 0.14 μg Cd l−1, respectively, whereas in LaB, they were between 0.23 and 2.11 μg Cu l−1, 0.09 and 0.76 μg Pb l−1 and not detected and 0.65 μg Cd l−1. SPM play an important role on metal adsorption, especially for copper. Bioaccumulation factors showed that bacteria and phytoplankton accumulate metals whereas zooplankton tends to biodiminish them in the plankton food web.  相似文献   

The currently active off-rift central volcano Öræfajökull in south-east Iceland sits unconformably on much older (10–12 Ma) and eroded crust. The composition of recent volcanics ranges from basalt to rhyolite, but the series is more sodic alkaline than the common rift zone tholeiitic suites. In this study we present Sr, Nd, Pb and O isotopic data for a suite of Öræfajökull samples. The complete suite shows typical mantle values for oxygen isotopes. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios (average of 15 SAMPLES=0.703702) of the modern Öræfajökull rocks (basalts as well as rhyolites) are much higher than observed so far for any other Icelandic rocks. The 143Nd/144Nd ratios (average=0.512947; n=15) are lower than for rift rocks, but similar to rocks of the off-rift Snæfellsnes volcanic zone. Furthermore, the Öræfajökull rocks are enriched in the 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb isotope ratios compared to Icelandic rift basalts. The enriched nature of the suite indicates that Öræfajökull samples a source component that has characteristics common with EM2 type mantle. Furthermore, it is concluded that the silicic rocks of Öræfajökull formed by fractional crystallization from mafic melts rather than by partial melting of older crust.  相似文献   

I have examined precisely the differential travel times and waveforms of SmKS seismic phases propagating under the southern Indian Ocean obtained from African broadband seismic arrays. The SmKS phases analyzed in this study travel in the mantle with weak heterogeneity confirmed by a global tomographic study for the distance range of 115-135°. The SmKS differential times were obtained from a vespagram (a stack intensity on a time-slowness diagram), and comparison with the vespagram created from synthetic waveforms with PREM gives the travel-time residual for each event-array pair. Although the residuals of S3KS-S2KS times exhibit apparently a systematic dependence on epicentral distance, this is likely due to small-scale heterogeneity beneath the Oceania where is covered by the SmKS ray entering points at the CMB. Waveform modeling was applied to a record section with a small travel-time residual that suggests a small effect from the mantle heterogeneity on the data set, I found that a low-velocity zone in the outermost 50 km in the core rather than PREM can explain an additional arrival detected just after the S3KS phase. This result is still inconclusive because of the small number of data and non-uniqueness of the model and ambiguity due to mantle structure. However, accumulation of the precise measurement described in this study may help the reduction of uncertainty and trade-offs.  相似文献   

“Southern Resident” killer whales (Orcinus orca) that comprise three fish-eating “pods” (J, K and L) were listed as “endangered” in the US and Canada following a 20% population decline between 1996 and 2001. Blubber biopsy samples from Southern Resident juveniles had statistically higher concentrations of certain persistent organic pollutants than were found for adults. Most Southern Resident killer whales, including the four juveniles, exceeded the health-effects threshold for total PCBs in marine mammal blubber. Maternal transfer of contaminants to the juveniles during rapid development of their biological systems may put these young whales at greater risk than adults for adverse health effects (e.g., immune and endocrine system dysfunction). Pollutant ratios and field observations established that two of the pods (K- and L-pod) travel to California to forage. Nitrogen stable isotope values, supported by field observations, indicated possible changes in the diet of L-pod over the last decade.  相似文献   

The isotopic composition of precipitation (D and 18O) has been widely used as an input signal in water tracer studies. Whereas much recent effort has been put into developing methodologies to improve our understanding and modelling of hydrological processes (e.g., transit‐time distributions or young water fractions), less attention has been paid to the spatio‐temporal variability of the isotopic composition of precipitation, used as input signal in these studies. Here, we investigated the uncertainty in isotope‐based hydrograph separation due to the spatio‐temporal variability of the isotopic composition of precipitation. The study was carried out in a Mediterranean headwater catchment (0.56 km2). Rainfall and throughfall samples were collected at three locations across this relatively small catchment, and stream water samples were collected at the outlet. Results showed that throughout an event, the spatial variability of the input signal had a higher impact on hydrograph separation results than its temporal variability. However, differences in isotope‐based hydrograph separation determined preevent water due to the spatio‐temporal variability were different between events and ranged between 1 and 14%. Based on catchment‐scale isoscapes, the most representative sampling location could also be identified. This study confirms that even in small headwater catchments, spatio‐temporal variability can be significant. Therefore, it is important to characterize this variability and identify the best sampling strategy to reduce the uncertainty in our understanding of catchment hydrological processes.  相似文献   

186Os enrichments in volcanic rocks and peridotite-derived iridosmine grains have been attributed to contributions from Earth’s outer core to the mantle, and apparently constrain the scale of mantle convection and an early timing for inner–outer core segregation more than 3.5 Gyr ago. Here, we highlight that marine ferromanganese crusts and nodules are characterised by high Pt/Os ratios and Pt–Os contents that develop much larger 186Os excesses over geological time (≥0.2%/Gyr) than those hypothesised for Earth’s outer core (<0.005–0.01%/Gyr). 187Os/188Os ratios in ferromanganese crusts are radiogenic due to sequestering of continental Os from seawater. Similarly, ancient ferromanganese materials may have had 186Os excesses (>0.1%) as a result of high Pt/Os ratios in continental crust, even prior to in-growth of 186Os after formation due to their high Pt/Os ratios. Past recycling of small amounts of these materials into the Earth’s mantle will produce coupled 187Os–186Os excesses and little change in Re and platinum-group-element concentrations, as observed in Hawaiian picrites, and in contrast to the predicted result of outer core addition to the mantle. 187Os and 186Os enrichments in the Hawaiian mantle source are potentially consistent with it comprising recycled oceanic lithosphere, pelagic sediments and ferromanganese materials, and questions the notion that Os isotopes can be used to uniquely identify core–mantle interactions and the depth at which mantle sources for volcanism originate.  相似文献   

It is often assumed that stable water isotopes (δD and δ18O) provide redundant information for a given sample of water. In this note we illustrate that the choice of isotope used may influence the resultant hydrograph separation. This is especially true in light of the spatial and temporal variability in the isotopic composition of rainfall water at the catchment scale. We present several possible hydrograph separations based on both δD and δ18O observed in rainfall for a single runoff event occurring in the southwest USA. This study demonstrates the potential of using both stable water isotopes by showing that δD and δ18O may provide unique information for catchment hydrologists. We also report on the utility of new technology capable of simultaneous measurements of both δD and δ18O using off‐axis integrated cavity output spectroscopy (OA‐ICOS) methods. This may be of interest to catchment hydrologists seeking to incorporate this type of equipment into their laboratory. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

目的:探讨CT、MRI在Grynfelt-Lesshaft's疝诊断及鉴别诊断中的价值。方法:回顾性分析2013年8月至2016年12月我院经手术或临床随访证实的28例Grynfelt-Lesshaft疝的临床及影像学资料。28例全部行多层螺旋CT检查,3例同时行MRI检查。结果:28例中,男20例,女8例,年龄44~80岁(平均(69.0±3.5)岁)。单侧16例(右侧12例,左侧4例),双侧12例。CT及MRI上表现疝位于Grynfelt-Lesshaft三角(腰上三角)薄弱区:第11或12肋下缘下,腹内斜肌内缘内侧,竖脊肌、腰方肌的外缘,底部为腹横肌腱膜形成,顶部为背阔肌。腹腔、腹膜后组织经该薄弱区向腰背部皮下突出形成类圆形或烧瓶样肿块。本组疝入缺损三角区内容物多为脂肪组织或合并系膜,疝出内容物的大小与疝环多不成比例。疝环直径大小约1.5~8.7 cm,疝囊大小1.6 cm×1.3 cm~9.2 cm×5.4 cm。CT及MRI影像学上易于与侧后腹壁疝、侧后腹壁膨出或假性疝、脂肪瘤等软组织肿瘤、血肿和脓肿等鉴别。结论:CT及MRI能清晰显示Grynfelt-Lesshaft疝疝环的大小、疝内容物、可能的并发症、周围腹壁肌群薄弱及缺损程度,可明确诊断及进一步排除其他病变,值得应用。   相似文献   

A suite of 36 surface sediment samples, taken between 10 and 100 m water depth in Mejillones Bay (Northern Chile), were analyzed for mineralogy, grain size, total organic carbon, Al, and heavy metal content (Cd, Zn, Ni, Mn, V, Mo). Quartz and feldspars were the main lithogenic minerals and carbonate the predominant biogenic mineral. Sediments were fine sands in the shallow zone and organic silt in the deeper zone.

Enrichment Factor and Factor Analysis approach showed that the presence of Mn in the marine sediment of Mejillones is due to a partial influence of continental input, while all other metals are not supported by lithogenic debris. Although all metals showed high concentrations in the marine sediment of Mejillones Bay, comparison between metal concentration in surface sediments and preindustrial levels in this bay, show that present values agree with natural levels.  相似文献   

Tropical river basins are experiencing major hydrological alterations as a result of climate variability and deforestation. These drivers of flow changes are often difficult to isolate in large basins based on either observations or experiments; however, combining these methods with numerical models can help identify the contribution of climate and deforestation to hydrological alterations. This paper presents a study carried out in the Tapaj?s River (Brazil), a 477,000 km2 basin in South‐eastern Amazonia, in which we analysed the role of annual land cover change on daily river flows. Analysis of observed spatial and temporal trends in rainfall, forest cover, and river flow metrics for 1976 to 2008 indicates a significant shortening of the wet season and reduction in river flows through most of the basin despite no significant trend in annual precipitation. Coincident with seasonal trends over the past 4 decades, over 35% of the original forest (140,000 out of 400,000 km2) was cleared. In order to determine the effects of land clearing and rainfall variability to trends in river flows, we conducted hindcast simulations with ED2 + R, a terrestrial biosphere model incorporating fine scale ecosystem heterogeneity arising from annual land‐use change and linked to a flow routing scheme. The simulations indicated basin‐wide increases in dry season flows caused by land cover transitions beginning in the early 1990s when forest cover dropped to 80% of its original extent. Simulations of historical potential vegetation in the absence of land cover transitions indicate that reduction in rainfall during the dry season (mean of ?9 mm per month) would have had an opposite and larger magnitude effect than deforestation (maximum of +4 mm/month), leading to the overall net negative trend in river flows. In light of the expected increase in future climate variability and water infrastructure development in the Amazon and other tropical basins, this study presents an approach for analysing how multiple drivers of change are altering regional hydrology and water resources management.  相似文献   

Sediments of eight groyne fields along the middle course of the River Elbe (river km 287?390) were geochemically studied. The 78 sediment samples were analysed for pH and grain size distribution. The grain size fraction < 2 μm was used for mineralogical and chemical analysis: semiquantitative clay mineral analysis; total element content (Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mn, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn), total inorganic and organic C, and bonding form fractionation with a six‐step sequential chemical extraction. The latter was performed on selected samples (n = 32). The sediments along the Elbe's course are still contaminated with heavy metals far above the local geogenic background level. An enrichment factor of more than 15 was calculated for zinc. Cr and Ni are the elements with the lowest enrichment. The bonding form analysis of selected heavy metals shows a dominance of relatively immobile bonding forms, e. g. the moderately reducible and the residual fraction, which implies a relative low mobility potential. Only Zn poses a higher potential threat to the environment, since it has a higher percentage of the first three extracted phases: adsorbed, carbonate, and easily reducible fraction.  相似文献   

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