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Goethite, hematite and intermediate products of goetite thermal decomposition were studied by IR and Raman spectroscopy to identify these products used as catalysts of some chemical reactions. The presence of a small number of OH-groups in the products of the decomposition up to 900–1000° C was supposed to hinder the formation of perfect hematite structure. The hypothesis concerning C 3v 6 space group of protohematite indistinguishable from D 3d 6 space group of hematite by X-Ray diffraction was suggested. This hypothesis explains both the additional lines in IR and Raman spectra compared to hematite spectra and the same position of peaks in X-Ray diffraction picture.  相似文献   

A Raman spectroscopic study of shock-wave densification of vitreous silica   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The densification processes in SiO2 glass induced by shock-wave compression up to 43.4 GPa are investigated by Raman spectroscopy. At first, densification increases with increasing shock pressure. A maximum densification of 11% is obtained for a shock pressure of 26.3 GPa. This densification is attributed to the reduction of the average Si−O−Si angle, which occurs first by the collapse of the largest ring cavities, then by further reduction of the average ring size. For higher shock pressures, a different structural modification is observed, resulting in decreasing densification with increasing shock pressure. Indeed, the recovered densification becomes very small, with values of 1.8 and 0.5% at 32 and 43.4 GPa, respectively. This is attributed to partial annealing of the samples due to high after shock residual temperatures. The study of the annealing process of the most densified glass by in situ high temperature Raman spectroscopy confirms that relaxation of the Si−O−Si angle starts at a lower temperature (about 800 K) than that of the siloxane rings (about 1000 K), thus explaining the high intensity of the siloxane defect bands in the samples schocked at compressions of 32 and 43.4 GPa. The large intensity of the siloxane bands in the nearly undensified samples shocked by compressions above 30 GPa may be explained by the relaxation during decompression of five- and six-fold coordinated silicon species formed at high pressure and high temperature during the shock event. Received: March 30, 1998 / Revised, accepted: August 21, 1998  相似文献   

 We have investigated a well-ordered sample of natural Cr-bearing dickite from Nowa Ruda (Lower Silesia, Poland) using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) at X- and Q-band frequencies (9.42 and 33.97 GHz, respectively) and optical diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. The observation of the spin-forbidden transitions at 15500 and 14690 cm−1 allows us to unambiguously identify the major contribution of octahedrally coordinated Cr3+ ions in the optical spectrum. The X- and Q-band EPR spectra show two superposed Cr3+ signals. The corresponding fine-structure parameters were determined at room temperature and 145 K. These results suggest the substitution of Cr3+ for Al3+ in equal proportions in the two unequivalent octahedral sites of the dickite structure. In kaolin group minerals, the distortion around Cr3+ ions (λ≈ 0.2–0.4) in Al sites is significantly less rhombic than that observed around Fe3+ ions (λ≈ 0.6–0.8). Received: 29 June 2001 / Accepted: 22 October 2001  相似文献   

The infrared spectrum and its temperature dependence (20–320 K) were collected on a synthetic goethite sample (α-FeOOH). In addition, the infrared powder absorption spectrum of goethite and aluminum-substituted goethite was computed using ab initio quantum mechanical calculations based on density functional theory. This combined experimental and theoretical approach allows (1) the unequivocal assignment of absorption bands to the corresponding vibrational modes, (2) separate identification of the effects of the particle shape and of the aluminum substitution on the infrared spectrum, and (3) a discussion of the anharmonic properties and the origin of the line broadening in goethite. In particular, the two well-resolved OH bending absorption bands show different temperature evolution. Their detailed analysis suggests that the broadening of the band at ~800 cm?1 cannot be described solely by a usual three-phonon process. The strong anharmonic behavior of this mode implies the addition of a four-phonon process, such as a pure dephasing process. In our calculations, the effect of the Hubbard U correction is also investigated and found to be most visible on the OH stretching and bending modes, in relation to the associated structural relaxation. The OH stretching frequencies decrease, leading to a better agreement with experimental frequencies, while the OH bending frequencies increase.  相似文献   

Strontium sorption to amorphous silica and goethite was measured as a function of pH and dissolved strontium and carbonate concentrations at 25°C. Strontium sorption gradually increases from 0 to 100% from pH 6 to 10 for both phases and requires multiple outer-sphere surface complexes to fit the data. All data are modeled using the triple layer model and the site-occupancy standard state; unless stated otherwise all strontium complexes are mononuclear. Strontium sorption to amorphous silica in the presence and absence of dissolved carbonate can be fit with tetradentate Sr2+ and SrOH+ complexes on the β-plane and a monodentate Sr2+complex on the diffuse plane to account for strontium sorption at low ionic strength. Strontium sorption to goethite in the absence of dissolved carbonate can be fit with monodentate and tetradentate SrOH+ complexes and a tetradentate binuclear Sr2+ species on the β-plane. The binuclear complex is needed to account for enhanced sorption at hgh strontium surface loadings. In the presence of dissolved carbonate additional monodentate Sr2+ and SrOH+ carbonate surface complexes on the β-plane are needed to fit strontium sorption to goethite. Modeling strontium sorption as outer-sphere complexes is consistent with quantitative analysis of extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) on selected sorption samples that show a single first shell of oxygen atoms around strontium indicating hydrated surface complexes at the amorphous silica and goethite surfaces.  相似文献   

Pure forsterite crystals were grown from hydrous melts using controlled cooling experiments at 2.0 GPa and varying the bulk Mg/Si ratio from 2.0 to 1.5. Oriented single crystals were then studied by polarised infrared spectroscopy. The spectra of the samples with the lowest silica activity (aSiO2) contain the main OH bands in the range 3,620–3,450 cm–1 only. In contrast, the spectra of the samples synthesised with the highest aSiO2 contain additional pleochroic bands at 3,160, 3,220 and 3,600 cm–1. The variations are interpreted in terms of protonated silicon vacancies being dominant at low aSiO2 and Mg vacancies dominant at high aSiO2. Xenolithic mantle olivines generally do not have the spectrum expected for orthopyroxene buffered conditions, suggesting that they re-equilibrated with their host melts during ascent, but mantle olivine from the Zabargad peridotite massif probably is in equilibrium with the coexisting orthopyroxene.Editorial responsibility: T.L. Grove  相似文献   

Simultaneous incorporation of Mn and Al in the goethite structure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two series of (Al,Mn)-substituted goethites were synthesized from ferrihydrite made in alkaline media, with different Al/Mn mole ratios ([Al + Mn]/Fe molar ratio up to 0.12). Powder X-ray diffraction and extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) techniques were used to assess the structural characteristics of the simultaneous substitution in goethite. XRD patterns revealed that all the obtained solids remain in a goethite-like structure. Rietveld refinement of X-ray diffraction data indicates that the increasing Mn substitution and consequent decrease of Al substitution causes an increase in the unit cell volume. This change is accompanied by the increment of the various Me-Me distances. XANES spectra at the Al and Mn K-edge confirm the octahedral coordination of Al and the trivalent oxidation state of the Mn ion in all the synthesized samples. EXAFS spectra at the Fe K-edge indicate that the local order around the Fe atom remains practically constant upon (Mn,Al) substitution. Measurements in the Mn K-edge show that distances Mn-Me suffer different changes with the increase in Mn substitution: a marked decrease in E and a slight decrease in E′, while DC remains constant. E and E′ values correspond to the distance between one Mn and one neighboring Me (Fe, Mn, Al) atom, both situated in two polyhedra linked by an edge. These polyhedra belong to the same double row of the goethite structure. DC value corresponds to the distance between one Mn and one Me (Fe, Mn, Al) atom, situated in two octahedral linked by one corner and belonging to two adjacent double chains. All the intermetallic distances are minor than the corresponding singly substituted goethites, this fact is attributed to the structure contraction due to the presence of Al(III) which restrains the axial distortion of Mn. Dissolution-time curves, resulting from exposure to 6 M HCl at 318 K, show that the dissolution rate slows with increasing Al substitution and consequent decrease of Mn substitution, and the shape of the curve becomes increasingly sigmoidal for mixed goethite with large Al content and Al-goethite. Dissolution kinetics of most samples are well described by the Kabai equation. Al dissolves almost congruently with respect to Fe, implying that it is homogeneously distributed in the structure. However, the convex χMn:χFe curve indicates that Mn tends to be concentrated in the outer layers of the goethite particles.  相似文献   

We have undertaken a study of the common green or orange-brown spots at the surface of rough diamond specimens, which are caused by alpha particles emanating from radioactive sources outside the diamond. Richly coloured haloes represent elevated levels of structural damage, indicated by strong broadening of the main Raman band of diamond, intense strain birefringence, and up-doming of spots due to their extensive volume expansion. Green radio-colouration was analogously generated through the irradiation of diamond with 8.8 MeV helium ions. The generation of readily visible radio-colouration was observed after irradiating diamond with ≥1015 He ions per cm2. The accumulation of such a high number of alpha particles requires irradiation of the diamond from a radioactive source over long periods of time, presumably hundreds of millions of years in many cases. In the samples irradiated with He ions, amorphisation was observed in volume areas where the defect density exceeded 5 × 10?3 Å?3 (or 0.03 dpa; displacements per target atom). In contrast, graphitisation as a direct result of the ion irradiation was not observed. The green colouration transformed to brown at moderate annealing temperatures (here 450 °C). The colour transformation is associated with only partial recovery of the radiation damage. The colour change is mainly due to the destruction of the GR1 centre, explained by trapping of vacancies at A defects to form the H3 centre. An activation energy of ~2.4 ± 0.2 eV was determined for the GR1 reduction. The H3 centre, in turn, causes intense yellowish-green photoluminescence under ultraviolet illumination. Radio-colouration and associated H3 photoluminescence are due to point defects created by the ions irradiated, whereas lattice ionisation is of minor importance. This is concluded from the depth distribution of the colouration and the photoluminescence intensity (which corresponds to the defect density but not the ionisation distribution pattern). The effect of the implanted He ions themselves on the colour and photoluminescence seems to be negligible, as radio-colouration and H3 emission were analogously produced through irradiation of diamond with C ions. The photoluminescence emission becomes observable at extremely low defect densities on the order of 10?6 Å?3 (or 0.000006 dpa) and is suppressed at moderate defect densities of ~5 × 10?4 Å?3 (or ~0.003 dpa). Intensely brown-coloured diamond hence does not show the H3 emission anymore. Anneals up to 1,600 °C has reduced considerably irradiation damage and radio-colouration, but the structural reconstitution of the diamond (and its de-colouration) was still incomplete.  相似文献   

Mössbauer measurements at 300 K, 77 K and 4.2 K and X-ray data are presented for synthetic aluminous goethites (α Fe1?x Al x OOH) in two series containing up to 15 mole percent aluminium (hydrothermal preparation) and 19 mole percent aluminium (low-temperature preparation). The Mössbauer spectra for specimens at 300 K and 77 K display broadened and relaxed line-shapes with the relaxation rate increasing with aluminium substitution, whereas all the 4.2 K spectra can be described by a single magnetically split spectrum. At 4.2 K the magnitude of this splitting is 505 kOe for pure goethite and it decreases by 0.52 kOe per mole percent aluminium substitution. The absolute value of the recoil-free fraction f at 4.2 K has been measured for pure goethite and for aluminous goethites containing 7, 15 and 19 mole percent aluminium; it increases from f=0.69±0.02 to f=0.89±0.02 in this range. The increase is attributed to a stiffening of the goethite lattice as it contracts to accommodate the smaller aluminium ion. At 300 K f is found to decrease from f=0.65±0.05 for pure goethite to f=0.50±0.03 for goethite with 19 mole percent aluminium.  相似文献   

A combined polarized optical absorption and 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy study of inhomogeneous, Fe and Ti-bearing terrestrial hibonite (Madagascar) has been carried out. Mössbauer data were also obtained on synthetic material prepared under different fo2 inconditions. A strong band at 5400 cm-1 in the near-infrared spectra is attributed to spin-allowed d-d transitions of Fe2+ occupying tetrahedral sites within the spinel blocks of the hibonite crystal structure. There is agreement with the Mössbauer results, showing that ferrous iron orders onto a single, low-coordinated crystallographic site. Ferric iron is distributed over several positions, but shows strongest preference for the large bipyramidal site located outside the spinel blocks. The colour and pleochroism of hibonite in thin section is related to a prominent UV absorption edge, and several broad absorption bands in the visible spectrum ascribed to charge-transfer transitions involving Fe2+, Fe3+ and Ti4+.  相似文献   

Anions of polycarboxylic low-molecular-weight organic acids (LMWOA) compete with phosphate for sorption sites of hydrous Fe and Al oxides. To test whether the sorption of LMWOA anions decreases the accessibility of micropores (<2 nm) of goethite (α-FeOOH) for phosphate, we studied the kinetics of citrate-induced changes in microporosity and the phosphate sorption kinetics of synthetic goethite in the presence and absence of citrate in batch systems for 3 weeks (500 μM of each ion, pH 5). We also used C-coated goethite obtained after sorption of dissolved organic matter in order to simulate organic coatings in the soil. We analyzed our samples with N2 adsorption and electrophoretic mobility measurements. Citrate clogged the micropores of both adsorbents by up to 13% within 1 h of contact. The micropore volume decreased with increasing concentration and residence time of citrate. In the absence of citrate, phosphate diffused into micropores of the pure and C-coated goethite. The C coating (5.6 μmol C m−2) did not impair the intraparticle diffusion of phosphate. In the presence of citrate, the diffusion of phosphate into the micropores of both adsorbents was strongly impaired. We attribute this to the micropore clogging and the ligand-induced dissolution of goethite by citrate. While the diffusion limitation of phosphate by citrate was stronger when citrate was added before phosphate to pure goethite, the order of addition of both ions to C-coated goethite had only a minor effect on the intraparticle diffusion of phosphate. Micropore clogging and dissolution of microporous hydrous Fe and Al oxides may be regarded as potential strategies of plants to cope with phosphate deficiency in addition to ligand-exchange.  相似文献   

The adsorption of glyphosate and phosphate to the goethite {010} surface (Pbnm notation) was studied using an atomic force microscope (AFM). The microscope was capable of producing molecular scale images of surfaces exposed to glyphosate, phosphate and nitric acid. In 0.08 mol/L HNO3 solution with pH of 1, the goethite {010} surface displayed the periodicities of the surface unit cell. The presence of a secondary periodicity in the 2D-Fourier transform suggests that the surface relaxes or reconstructs slightly, either after cleavage or as a result of exposure to air or acid solution. Images obtained in 0.01 mol/L glyphosate solution with pH of 2.5 displayed a well-defined √2 × √2 superstructure and a somewhat diffuse √2 × 2√2 superstructure that alternated in orientation within single imaging areas. The √2 × √2 superstructure indicates that glyphosate functional groups adsorb in a 1:2 ratio with the singly coordinated hydroxyl groups and suggests that all functional groups coordinate similarly. The √2 × 2√2 superstructure is interpreted to originate from different behaviour of the tip during imaging of the adsorbed phosphonic and carboxylic groups, indicating that both groups coordinate to the surface and that the glyphosate molecule bridges the rows of singly coordinated hydroxyl groups. In 0.01 mol/L phosphate solution with pH of 2.6, the imaged pattern was identical to that obtained in HNO3. The similarity suggests that phosphate adsorbs in 1:1 ratio with the singly coordinated hydroxyl groups and that phosphate thus coordinates monodentately. The relative maximum adsorption density of phosphate and glyphosate on the {010} surface expected from the AFM data was in agreement with that determined with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS).  相似文献   

Adsorption of germanium on goethite was studied at 25 °C in batch reactors as a function of pH (1-12), germanium concentration in solution (10−7 to 0.002 M) and solid/solution ratio (1.8-17 g/L). The maximal surface site density determined via Ge adsorption experiments at pH from 6 to 10 is equal to 2.5 ± 0.1 μmol/m2. The percentage of adsorbed Ge increases with pH at pH < 9, reaches a maximum at pH ∼ 9 and slightly decreases when pH is further increased to 11. These results allowed generation of a 2-pK Surface Complexation Model (SCM) which implies a constant capacitance of the electric double layer and postulates the presence of two Ge complexes, and , at the goethite-solution interface. Coprecipitation of Ge with iron oxy(hydr)oxides formed during Fe(II) oxidation by atmospheric oxygen or by Fe(III) hydrolysis in neutral solutions led to high Ge incorporations in solid with maximal Ge/Fe molar ratio close to 0.5. The molar Ge/Fe ratio in precipitated solid is proportional to that in the initial solution according to the equation (Ge/Fe)solid = k × (Ge/Fe)solution with 0.7 ? k ? 1.0. The structure of adsorbed and coprecipitated Ge complexes was further characterized using XAFS spectroscopy. In agreement with previous data on oxyanions adsorption on goethite, bi-dentate bi-nuclear surface complexes composed of tetrahedrally coordinated Ge attached to the corners of two adjacent Fe octahedra represent the dominant contribution to the EXAFS signal. Coprecipitated samples with Ge/Fe molar ratios >0.1, and samples not aged in solution (<1 day) having intermediate Ge/Fe ratios (0.01-0.1) show 4 ± 0.3 oxygen atoms at 1.76 ± 0.01 Å around Ge. Samples less concentrated in Ge (0.001 < Ge/Fe < 0.10) and aged longer times in solution (up to 280 days) exhibit a splitting of the first atomic shell with Ge in both tetrahedral (R = 1.77 ± 0.02 Å) and octahedral (R = 1.92 ± 0.03 Å) coordination with oxygen. In these samples, octahedrally coordinated Ge accounts for up to ∼20% of the total Ge. For the least concentrated samples (Ge/Fe < 0.001-0.0001) containing lepidocrocite, 30-50% of total co-precipitated germanium substitutes for Fe in octahedral sites with the next-nearest environment dominated by edge-sharing GeO6-FeO6 linkages (RGe-Fe ∼ 3.06 Å). It follows from the results of our study that the largest structural change of Ge (from tetrahedral to octahedral environment) occurs during its coprecipitation with Fe hydroxide at Ge/Fe molar ratio ?0.0001. These conditions are likely to be met in many superficial aquatic environments at the contact of anoxic groundwaters with surficial oxygenated solutions. Adsorption and coprecipitation of Ge with solid Fe oxy(hydr)oxides and organo-mineral colloids and its consequence for Ge/Si fractionation and Ge geochemical cycle are discussed.  相似文献   

High-pressure behaviour of serpentine minerals: a Raman spectroscopic study   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
Four main serpentine varieties can be distinguished on the basis of their microstructures, i.e. lizardite, antigorite, chrysotile and polygonal serpentine. Among these, antigorite is the variety stable under high pressure. In order to understand the structural response of these varieties to pressure, we studied well-characterized serpentine samples by in situ Raman spectroscopy up to 10 GPa, in a diamond-anvil cell. All serpentine varieties can be metastably compressed up to 10 GPa at room temperature without the occurrence of phase transition or amorphization. All spectroscopic pressure-induced changes are fully reversible upon decompression. The vibrational frequencies of antigorite have a slightly larger pressure dependence than those of the other varieties. The O–H-stretching modes of the four varieties have a positive pressure dependence, which indicates that there is no enhancement of hydrogen bonding in serpentine minerals at high pressure. Serpentine minerals display two types of hydroxyl groups in the structure: inner OH groups lie at the centre of each six-fold ring while outer OH groups are considered to link the octahedral sheet of a given 1:1 layer to the tetrahedral sheet of the adjacent 1:1 layer. On the basis of the contrasting behaviour of the Raman bands as a function of pressure, we propose a new assignment of the OH-stretching bands. The strongly pressure-dependent modes are assigned to the vibrations of the outer hydroxyl groups, the less pressure-sensitive peaks to the inner ones.  相似文献   

In order to characterize and quantify the substitution of Ca(II) by Cm(III) (coordination, charge compensation), homogeneous Cm(III) coprecipitated calcite was synthesized in a mixed-flow-through experiment. Two sets of experiments were conducted at pH 8.1 and at pH 12.5.At pH 8.1 two calcites, a calcite with a low Cm3+ concentration (LCMpH8.1) and a calcite with a high M3+ (Gd3+ and Cm3+) concentration (HCMpH8.1) were grown and investigated by time resolved laser fluorescence spectroscopy. The Cm(III) emission spectra of LCMpH8.1 and HCMpH8.1 show the same Cm(III) fluorescence signals for two Cm(III) species; Cm(III) species (1) with a peak maximum at 606.2 nm and Cm(III) species (2) with a peak maximum at 620.3 nm. Cm(III) species (1) has a mean lifetime of τ = 386 ± 40 μs and Cm(III) species (2) has a mean lifetime of τ = 1874 ± 200 μs. A lifetime of 386 μs correlates with 1.3 water molecule in the first coordination sphere of the Cm ion whereas a lifetime of 1874 μs indicates the total loss of the Cm(III) hydration sphere. According to the fluorescence emission peak position and the fluorescence emission lifetime, Cm(III) species (1) is identified as a surface sorbed species whereas Cm(III) species (2) is identified as a Cm(III) incorporated into the calcite lattice.Cm(III) fluorescence emission spectra of Cm(III) doped calcite grown at pH 12.5 (LCMpH12.5) show the same peak maxima which are found for LCMpH8.1 and HCMpH8.1 grown at pH 8.1 but an additional emission band at 608.2 nm (3) is found, which can be assigned to a further Cm(III) species. Fluorescence emission lifetime measurements show that this Cm(III) species (3) has a lifetime of τ = 477 ± 25 μs, which correlates with 0.9 water molecules in the first coordination sphere. Cm(III) species (3) is suggested to be a CmOH2+ incorporated species.  相似文献   

We have measured the infrared spectrum of aragonite-structured PbCO3-cerussite to 41 GPa at 300 K in the diamond anvil cell. We observed a phase transition from an orthorhombic to a trigonal structure beginning at ~15 GPa, manifested by a splitting of the ν2-out-of-plane bending vibration and a broadening and dramatic decrease in amplitude of the ν1-symmetric stretching vibration of the carbonate group. While the locations of the ν1-symmetric stretching and ν4-in-plane bending bands are similar between the low- and high-pressure phases, their mode shifts and peak shapes change markedly near the transition. In particular, the ν1 symmetric stretch has an essentially zero pressure shift in the high pressure phase, and its dramatically enhanced peak width indicates that it may be symmetry forbidden. The decreased mode shifts of the carbonate vibrations after the phase transition suggest that the carbonate group is less compressible in the new structure. The spectral changes observed are consistent with a small, trigonal unit cell, with space group ${P\bar{3}{1c}}$ and two formula units, instead of a previously proposed orthorhombic cell with sixteen formula units. This structure is identical to that of the high-pressure phase of BaCO3, and likely CaCO3 as well. Our results thus indicate that the post-aragonite, high-pressure phase of divalent-cation carbonates may be a comparatively high-symmetry trigonal structure.  相似文献   

Cronobacter sakazakii还原作用对针铁矿晶体结构的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
厌氧条件下,Cronobacter sakazakii以乙酸钠作为电子供体,针铁矿中Fe(Ⅲ)作为电子受体进行生命活动,其新陈代谢过程伴随Fe(Ⅲ)的还原。细菌增殖和稳定生长过程中不停还原针铁矿并大量累积Fe(Ⅱ);当细菌衰亡时,Fe(Ⅱ)的产生随之减缓;细菌的活动停止时,Fe(Ⅱ)不再积累并最终保持稳定。同步辐射XRD测试表明,微生物还原作用后针铁矿出现了一系列新衍射峰:4.8、6.03、6.13、6.84、7.7和11.4 峰,可能形成具层状结构的新物相。在XANES图谱中Fe主吸收峰向低能量方向移动1 eV,边前峰峰位中心向低能量方向移动且峰面积减小,表明Cronobacter sakazakii的异化Fe(Ⅲ)还原作用使针铁矿中Fe氧化态降低,矿物晶体结构发生了变化。  相似文献   

天然半导体矿物由于成分、缺陷复杂,传统测试方法如紫外可见漫反射等难以准确测定其禁带宽度.本文以针铁矿为例,通过第一性原理计算得到纯针铁矿及掺Al针铁矿的电子结构.计算结果显示,纯针铁矿导带底与价带顶均由Fe3d与O2p轨道组成,而当含杂质Al时,Al2p与O2p发生杂化参与了价带组成.在此基础上,利用同步辐射X射线氧的K边吸收谱与发射谱对纯针铁矿及天然针铁矿的能带结构进行了测定.结果表明,天然含Al的针铁矿禁带宽度为2.30eV,小于纯针铁矿(2.57eV).本研究提供了一种测定天然氧化物矿物禁带宽度的新方法,为深入研究天然半导体可见光催化活性产生机制提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

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