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贵州罗甸软玉矿的元素地球化学特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
罗甸玉是贵州首次发现的软玉矿,矿体赋存于晚二叠世辉绿岩与二叠系四大寨组灰岩接触带上。本文对辉绿岩、硅质岩、灰岩、大理岩及玉石共16件样品进行微量元素及稀土元素测试,数据分析结果表明:辉绿岩微量及稀土元素总量高,稀土元素配分曲线明显区别于其它样品;玉石、灰岩、大理岩及硅质岩地球化学性质相似,不同剖面玉石均表现为轻稀土富集及Ce与Eu明显负异常。结合玉石矿野外地质特征分析,认为玉石成矿并非岩浆直接作用的结果,而与侵入岩浆热驱动和岩浆带来气水热液作用关系更密切,提出罗甸玉两种成矿方式,即热驱动下岩层内部元素交代成矿和热液交代蚀变成矿。  相似文献   

Caohai Lake which is situated in Guizhou Province, has suffered drain project many times since 1958.The main mercury contamination includes industry waste water, litter and waste residue from refine zinc furnace and so on. The water and sediment samples which were collected from Caohai Lake in different seasons using metal clean protocols. Study sites were selected at the upper and down reaches and the tributaries of this lake, respectively. Total mercury (THg), reactive mercury (RHg) and dissolved mercury (DHg) concentrations were measured by trap pre-concentration and CVAFS detection methods, and the concentrations of particulate mercury (PHg) are equal to difference of THg and DHg. Total methylmercury (MeH) and dissolved methylmercury (DMeHg) concentrations were measured by GC-CVAFS detection method. Mercury in sediment was measured by AAS method. The results in autumn were obtained as follows: the average concentrations of total mercury, reactive mercury,  相似文献   

筲箕湾铅锌矿床位于黔西北铅锌成矿区中部,为该区铅锌矿床中的又一典型代表,其金属资源量(Pb+Zn)超过20万t。本文利用电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)分析了不同类型矿石中原生矿石硫化物(黄铁矿、闪锌矿和方铅矿)中分散元素含量,结果显示除Cd含量较高外,Ga、In、Se、Tl和Re的富集程度均较低。不同分散元素在硫化物中表现出不同的富集规律,表现为Ga含量在闪锌矿中最高,黄铁矿次之,方铅矿最低;方铅矿中Tl含量高于闪锌矿,黄铁矿最低;Cd在闪锌矿中含量最高,方铅矿次之,黄铁矿最低;从黄铁矿→方铅矿→闪锌矿In含量依次升高;Re含量表现出在闪锌矿中最高,黄铁矿次之,方铅矿最低;Se富集程度从黄铁矿→方铅矿→闪锌矿依次升高。Ga、In和Re在不同颜色闪锌矿中富集程度相似,而Se、Cd和Tl则相对富集在棕色闪锌矿中。统计发现闪锌矿中Zn含量与Cd、Ga含量不呈类质同象的负相关特征,而其中的Fe含量与Cd、Ga含量间表现出曲线相关或负相关特征,暗示Cd、Ga可能是通过替代先进入闪锌矿中的Fe而占据其晶格,这可能是一种新的机制。闪锌矿Ga、Cd、In含量及Ga/In、Zn/Cd比值等参数,指示筲箕湾铅锌矿床形成于中-高温条件,其矿床成因类型与沉积-改造型相似。  相似文献   

Since 1976 high arsenic coal in Xingren County, Guizhou Province, has attracted more and more attention because of coal-burning-type arsenic poisoning, There are many studies on enrichment of arsenic in high-arsenic coal and they come from difference materials: organic matter, authigenic pyrite, epigenetic pyrite, authigenic clay mineral and epigenetic clay mineral. In this paper, fourteen samples were examined by proximate analysis. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) was used to determine the trace element contents of thirty-six samples in high-arsenic coal, As was determined by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) and atomic fluorescence spectrometry (AFS). SEM-EDX was used to analyze the contents of As, Sb, Tl and Se in sample XR-8 from Xingren, Guizhou, and we analyzed the petrographic compositions of the same sample.  相似文献   

贵州遵义黑色页岩铂族金属富集特点及富集模式   总被引:28,自引:1,他引:28  
文章通过贵州遵义下寒武统牛蹄塘组黑色页岩剖面和矿石的PGE分析以及矿石物相分析,研究了PGE在黑色页岩中的富集特点和富集模式。发现:(1)PGE只在黑色页岩底部Mo-Ni金属层中富集;(2)金属层中PGE富集与Mo、Ni硫化物和黄铁矿呈正相关关系,与总碳(C总)代表的有机质和炭质无关,矿石PGE含量随硫化物总量呈增高的趋势;(3)Mo-Ni-PGE矿石PGE原始地鳗标准化配分曲线呈“W”型,富集高熔点元素Os、Rh和低熔点元素Pt、Pd;黑色页岩和条带状黄铁矿夹层配分曲线略呈Pt、Pd富集型,两者有较明显的差别。因此,Mo-Ni-PGE金属硫化物富集层是黑色页岩沉积早期迅速叠加的一次海底热水喷流沉积作用的结果。  相似文献   

贵州威宁地区宣威组底部稀土含矿岩系的成因类型一直有较大争议.在野外实地调查的基础上,运用矿物学、岩相古地理与地球化学等手段进行了系统性研究.结果显示,区内二叠系宣威组底部稀土含矿岩系广泛分布,连续性好,含矿段厚度为2~16 m,并伴生有铌、锆、镓等元素;稀土氧化物平均品位0.15%,最高可达1.60%.主量、微量和稀土...  相似文献   

贵州省公路地质灾害非常发育,对公路、桥梁或隧道等工程建设和运营以及人民的生命和财产安全产生极大的威胁。本文在现场调查资料和已有研究的基础上,对贵州省公路地质灾害的分布特点、发育特征和形成条件进行了分析。在此基础上,利用GIS技术,将地质灾害危险性区划的模型计算结果与类比分析法区划结果按照一定的权重比例进行叠加计算,得到地质灾害危险性分区的综合分析结果。  相似文献   

草海位于黔滇交界,主要受印度夏季风的影响,其湖沼沉积物记录了中—晚第四纪的环境变化历史,是研究第四纪环境和季风演变的良好载体。本研究选取的南屯NT03钻孔,岩心长405 cm,在放射性碳同位素(AMS14C)测年基础上建立了年代序列,并进行了沉积物的色差值(L*)、烧失量(LOI550)、总有机碳(TOC)、碳氮比(C/N)和有机稳定碳同位素(δ13Corg)等古环境替代指标的测试。实验结果显示,L*、LOI550和TOC等3个有机碳含量指标同步变化,共同指示该钻孔序列经历了3个沉积环境演变阶段,即末次盛冰期晚期(21—15 cal ka BP)河流—冲积相沉积阶段、冰消期至早中全新世(15—4 cal ka BP)高湖面湖泊—沼泽相沉积阶段和晚全新世(4 cal ka BP以来)洪冲积相沉积阶段。近2万年以来草海湖沼面积经历的收缩→扩张→收缩演变过程与石笋氧同位素变化基本吻合,表明季风降雨是引起草海湖泊水体和周边生态系统变化的主要因素。δ13Corg指标变化范围为-29.28‰~-24.19‰,表明草海盆地周围植被组成在末次盛冰期以来C4草本虽然略有增加,但均以C3植物为主。同时,TOC和δ13Corg指标证明了B/A冰消期暖事件对盆地边缘区的湿地泥炭富集起到关键作用,而多指标揭示了近4 ka以来水域变浅并发展成为冲积环境的过程,也可能与石笋记录的夏季风减弱所带来的降水量减少有关。  相似文献   

凯里高硫煤中某些微量元素的富集及成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)等方法,对贵州省凯里下二叠统梁山组高硫煤中Be、P、Sc、Mn、Co、Ni、Cu、Mo、TI、Pb、Th和U等12种有害微量元素进行了测定。结果表明,凯里煤中多数有害微量元素含量明显高于中国煤中微量元素含量平均值。根据数理统计结果,将凯里煤中22种微量元素划分为5个群和4个旋转主因子,其中群5元素Be和Y对4个主因子均无贡献,暗示其成因来源可能具有特殊性。认为凯里煤中相当一部分Be、Co、Cu和Pb起源于成煤植物生长期间的同生阶段;受海水影响强烈的还原偏碱性沼泽环境有利于Be、Co和Cu的相对富集,受海水影响微弱的弱还原性和弱碱性环境条件更有利于Mn、Mo、1Ni、P、Pb、Th、TI和U的富集。  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2001,16(11-12):1353-1360
Southwest Guizhou Province is one of the most important areas of disseminated, sediment-hosted-type Au deposits in China and is an important area of coal production. The chemistry of most of the coals in SW Guizhou is similar to those in other parts of China. Their As content is near the Chinese coal average, but some local, small coal mines contain high As coals. The highest As content is up to 3.5 wt.% in the coal. The use of high As coals has caused in excess of 3000 cases of As poisoning in several villages. The high As coals are in the Longtan formation, which is an alternating marine facies and terrestrial facies. The coals are distributed on both sides of faults that parallel the regional anticlinal axis. The As content of coal is higher closer to the fault plane. The As content of coal changes greatly in different coal beds and different locations of the same bed. Geological structures such as anticlines, faults and sedimentary strata control the distribution of high As coals. Small Au deposits as well as Sb, Hg, and Th mineralization, are found near the high As coals. Although some As-bearing minerals such as pyrite, arsenopyrite, realgar (?), As-bearing sulfate, As-bearing clays, and phosphate are found in the high As coals, their contents cannot account for the abundance of As in some coals. Analysis of the coal indicates that As mainly exists in the form of As5+ and As3+, perhaps, combined with organic compounds. The occurrence of such exceptionally high As contents in coal and the fact that the As is dominantly organically associated are unique observations.  相似文献   

利用动力学通量箱-大气自动测汞仪联用技术,分别于2002年12月和2003年5月对贵州省西南部滥木厂汞矿区5个采样点的土壤汞释放通量进行了系统的测定.结果表明该区土壤是大气的重要汞释放源.5个采样点土壤释汞通量最高值达10 543.7 ng/(m2·h),平均值最高达(2 283.3±2 434.2)ng/(m2·h)(n=152).结果显示土壤总汞含量与土壤释汞通量关系密切,是决定土壤汞释放的内在因素,光照、温度、湿度和大气汞含量等环境因素与土壤释汞通量有较好的相关性,对土壤汞的释放有显著的影响.  相似文献   

The Zunyi manganese deposits, which formed during the Middle to Late Permian period and are located in northern Guizhou and adjacent areas, are the core area of a series of large-medium scale manganese enrichment minerogenesis in the southern margin and interior of the Yangtze platform, Southern China. This study reports the universal enrichment of rare earth elements(REEs) in Zunyi manganese deposits and examines the enrichment characteristics, metallogenic environment and genesis of REEs. The ...  相似文献   

Heavy metal contamination in polished rice grains collected from Hunan Province, Southern China, has been investigated in this study. The concentrations of Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn in rice were determined by microwave-assisted digestion and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry method. In order to evaluate the correlations among heavy metals, statistical analyses including Pearson’s correlation analysis, principal component analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis were performed. Three distinct clusters were classified by the hierarchical cluster analysis approach. In the principal component analysis, three principle components were extracted with the eigenvalue >1.0. The spatial distribution of heavy metals was predicted by the ordinary kriging interpolation. Cu and Ni with similar distribution patterns could be primarily originated from geogenic source. The hot-spot areas in the distribution patterns of Mn, Pb and Zn could be mainly related to mining and smelting activities. Cd and Co might be derived from the combination of natural existence and anthropogenic sources. The chronic non-carcinogenic effect on local rice consumers from exposure to heavy metals was estimated by the target hazard quotient. The average target hazard quotient values of Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn were 1.754, 0.367, 0.003, 0.544, 0.165, 0.775, 0.228, 0.049 and 0.481, respectively. The target hazard quotient value of Cd exceeded the threshold value suggesting high potential health risk to residents in Hunan Province through rice consumption.  相似文献   

运用电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(ICP-MS)和电感耦合等离子体发射光谱仪(ICP-AES)分别对普安-晴隆矿区晚二叠世C17、C19、C22和C26号煤层中8个煤样和7个煤灰样进行微量元素含量的测试分析。结果表明,煤及煤灰中明显富集Li、Sc、V、Cr、Co、Ge、As、Nb、Mo、W、U等元素,且各元素在煤灰中更加富集,Nb、Zr、V、Ga和U等伴生金属元素的含量基本达到或超过了对应元素的边界品位或最低工业品位。煤中伴生元素的富集成因研究表明,V、Cr、Co、Nb和Zr等元素的富集主要受物源区峨眉山玄武岩风化碎屑物质供给的控制;U、S、Mo等元素的有限富集与海水作用有关;而受成煤期同沉积火山灰沉降的影响,煤中Li、Nb、Zr、Mo和U等微量元素表现出一致富集的特点;成煤期后的低温热液作用,使得各煤层,尤其是底部煤层(C19、C26)明显富集As、Mo、U和W等元素。综合分析认为,成煤期同沉积的火山灰沉降和成煤期后的低温热液作用是普安-晴隆矿区晚二叠世煤中伴生元素异常富集的主控地质因素。  相似文献   

In this research, chlorinated hydrocarbons (polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine pesticides) were measured by GC-ECD in sediments from the Hongfeng Reservoir area. The concentrations of total PCBs range from 3.2 to 31.6 ng/g, among which PCB28, PCB52 are the major congeners with the concentrations from 0.5 to 4.6 ng/g, and from 0.4 to 28.1 ng/g, respectively. The concentrations of these pollutants decrease from surface to bottom, while the concentrations at 1-4 cm are lower than at 5-8 cm, suggesting the decline of PCBs input. TOC concentrations of sediment are found in a significant positive correlation with those of PCBs, suggesting that PCBs are mainly adsorbed on organic matter and particles. HCHs and DDTs are the predominant organochlorine pesticides with the concentrations ranging from 1.6 to 8.9 ng/g (average 3.2 ng/g) and 0.9 to 25.7 ng/g (average 7.8 ng/g), respectively. β-HCH and γ-HCH (lindane) are the predominant HCH isomers from sediments, and p, p'-DDE and p, p'-DDT are the predominant DDT isomers. DDT/DDE+DDD and α-HCH/γ-HCH ratios range from 0.6 to 0.9 and 0.1 to 3.0, respectively, which indicates more use of lindane than technical mixtures of HCHs before, and also suggests changes in HCHs and DDTs in the environment. The high values of β-HCH and p, p'-DDE also show that atmospheric input is one of the important sources of the Hongfeng Reservoir, because β-HCH and p, p'-DDE are stable and have low Sw and Pv so that they can be easily transferred over a long range in atmosphere.  相似文献   

石灰华扇(Tufa Fan)沉积物中的微型生物多样性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了探索石灰华扇沉积物中微型生物多样性特征, 作者2006年7~9月对贵州中部马脚冲瀑布石灰华扇进行了野外生态学调查,釆集样品和标本50份。经室内初步分析和鉴定, 该瀑布石灰华扇中含有4大微型生物多样性类群共25个物种,它们是蓝细菌(Cyanobacteria)1个种,原生动物(Protozoan) 16个种,绿藻(Green algae) 1个种,硅藻(Diatoms)7个种。此外,石灰华扇中还发现了苔藓植物(Bryophytes)6个种。石灰华扇沉积物的形成,是微型生物多样性-石灰华扇沉积相互作用的地质生态学结果。  相似文献   

城市岩溶塌陷地质灾害风险评估--以贵州六盘水市为例   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
岩溶塌陷是我国岩溶区主要地质灾害.它和崩塌、滑坡、泥石流以及地面沉降、地裂缝等构成我国6大地质灾害类型.随着我国"地质灾害防治管理办法”的颁布和实施,不同灾种的风险评估已成为地质灾害防治管理的重要内容.针对城市岩溶塌陷风险评估问题,中国地质科学院岩溶地质研究所塌陷项目组结合多年岩溶塌陷研究的经验,研制开发了基于GIS技术的岩溶塌陷灾害管理与风险评估系统(GMRS).本文以水城盆地为例,全面介绍运用GMRS进行岩溶塌陷风险评估的内容、方法和步骤,最后,对风险评估的结果作了详细讨论.  相似文献   

杨剑  易发成 《矿物学报》2012,32(2):281-287
通过对黔北下寒武统黑色岩系的地质和地球化学分析,结合前人研究成果,探讨了黑色岩系元素赋存状态及富集模式。黑色岩系富含有机质,粘土矿物成分高,Ni-Mo矿层以硫化物矿物为主,表明元素赋存状态主要为硫化物态、有机质结合态和粘土矿物吸附态等,但各个元素的赋存状态有所不同。黑色岩系多元素富集层是贵金属元素、稀土元素和其他微量元素的富集体,富集系数高。黑色岩系多元素的异常富集是古地理环境、构造运动、热液活动和缺氧事件的综合作用结果。  相似文献   

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