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The Sr–Nd–Hf isotopic compositions of both saprolites and parent rocks of a profile of intensively weathered Neogene basalt in Hainan, South China are reported in this paper to investigate changes of isotopic systematics with high masses. The results indicate that all these isotopic systematics show significant changes in saprolites compared to those in corresponding parent rocks. The 87Sr/86Sr system was more seriously affected by weathering processes than other isotope systems, with εSr drifts 30 to 70 away from those of the parent rocks. In the upper profile (> 2.2 m), the Sr isotopes of the saprolites show an upward increasing trend with εSr changing from ~ 50 at 2.2 m to ~ 70 at 0.5 m, accompanying a upward increasing of Sr concentrations, from ~ 10 μg/g to ~ 25 μg/g. As nearly all the Sr of the parent rock has been removed during intensive weathering in this profile, the upward increasing of Sr concentrations in the upper profile suggests import of extraneous Sr. Rainwater in this region, which enriches in Sr (up to 139 μg/L) from seawater, may be the important extraneous source. Thus, the Sr isotopes of the saprolites in the upper profile may be mainly influenced by import of extraneous materials, and the Sr isotopic characteristics may not be retained. In contrast, the εNd and εHf of the saprolites drift only 0–2.6 and 0–3.7 away from the parent rocks, respectively. The negative drifts of the εNd and εHf are coupled with Nd and Hf losses in the saprolites; i.e., larger proportions of Nd and Hf loss correspond to lower εNd and εHf. Compared with the relative high Nd and Hf concentrations of the saprolites, the contributions of extraneous Nd and Hf both from wet and dry deposits of aeolian input are negligible. Thus, the εNd and εHf changes in the profile are mainly resulted from consecutive removal of the Nd and Hf. Calculation indicates that the 143Nd/144Nd and 176Hf/177Hf ratios in saprolites are all significantly lower than their initial values in the parent rock. Simply removing part of the Nd and Hf by incongruent decomposing some of the minerals may not account for this. Fractionation should be happen, which 143Nd and 176Hf may be preferentially removed from the profile relative to 144Nd and 177Hf during intensive chemical weathering, resulting in lower 143Nd/144Nd and 176Hf/177Hf ratios in saprolites relative to the parent rock, even though details for this process is not known. A positive correlation is observed between the εNd and εHf of the saprolites. Interestingly, the saprolites with a net loss of Nd and Hf in the upper profile show good positive correlation, and the regression line parallels the terrestrial array. By contrast, saprolites with a net gain of Nd and Hf in the lower profile generally show higher εHf values at a given εNd value, and the regression line between these εNd and εHf appears to parallel the seawater array. This supports the hypothesis that the contribution of continental Hf from chemical weathering release is the key to the obliquity of the seawater array away from the terrestrial array of the global εNd and εHf correlation. Our results also indicate that caution is needed when using εSr, εNd, and εHf to trace provenances for sediments and soils.  相似文献   

Determining Ge isotopic compositions of sulfides is important to understand the ore-forming processes. Single step anion-exchange chromatography was previously used to recover Ge from silicates and lignites. We apply this procedure to recover Ge from sulfides before determining Ge isotopic compositions by hydride generation (HG)-MC-ICP-MS. Germanium is quantitatively recovered by the proposed sample preparation method. There are no obvious isotope biases for Ge-bearing solutions containing significant amounts of Cu, Sn, and W. However, δ74Ge values show obvious shifts if the solutions contain high Zn, Pb, and Sb, which is possibly attributed to suppression of germane formation that fractionates Ge isotopes. The long-term reproducibility for Ge standard solution is about ± 0.18‰ for δ74Ge. Spex and Merck standard solutions yield mean δ74Ge values of − 0.70 ± 0.19‰ and − 0.36 ± 0.08‰, respectively. The calculated δ74Ge value (− 5.13‰) of sphalerite standard based on doping experiments is indistinguishable from those of sphalerite without doping (− 5.05‰ and − 5.01‰). Sulfides from the Jinding, Shanshulin, and Tianqiao Pb–Zn deposits in SW China have δ74Ge values of − 4.94‰ to + 2.07‰. The paragenetic sequence of sulfides from the Shanshulin and Tianqiao Pb–Zn deposits is pyrite, sphalerite and galena from early to late. Sulfides from the same ore show a trend of δ74Gepyrite < δ74Gesphalerite < δ74Gegalena, which may be controlled by the kinetic or Rayleigh fractionation.  相似文献   

Based on geological data and the geochemical and isotopic (Sr, Nd) parameters of the Devonian volcanic associations of the Minusa basin, the main regularities of volcanism development are considered, the composition of magmatic sources is studied, and the geodynamic mechanisms of their involvement in rifting are reconstructed. The early stage of formation of the Minusa basin was characterized by intense volcanism, which resulted in differentiated and, more seldom, bimodal volcanic complexes composed of pyroclastic rocks and dolerite sills. At the late stage, only terrigenous deposits accumulated in the basin. It has been established that the basites are similar in composition and are intermediate in geochemical characteristics between intraplate rocks (OIB) and continent-marginal ones (IAB). The basites, like OIB, have high contents of all lithophile elements, which is typical of enriched mantle sources, and, like IAB, show negative anomalies of Nb, Ta, Ti, and, to a smaller extent, Rb, Th, Zr, and Hf, selective enrichment in Pb and Ba (and, sometimes, Sr), and a weak REE differentiation (7 < (La/Yb)N < 17). In contrast to the basins in other segments of the Devonian Altai–Sayan rift area, the igneous associations in the Minusa basin are characterized by a worse expressed geochemical inhomogeneity of rocks and lack of high-Ti (> 2 wt.% TiO2) basites. The Sr and Nd isotope compositions of the Minusa basites deviate from the mantle rock series toward the compositions with high radiogenic-strontium and low REE contents.This points to the melting of a mantle substratum (PREMA-type) and carbonate-rich sedimentary rocks, which were probably assimilated by basaltic magma. The correlations between the contents of trace incompatible elements in rocks with SiO2 = 53–77 wt.% testify to the assimilation of crustal substrata by parental basaltic melts and the subsequent differentiation of contaminated magmas (AFC model). We propose a model for the formation of primary melts with the simultaneous participation of magmatic sources of two types: plume and fluid-saturated suprasubductional, localized beneath the active continental margin.  相似文献   

The Dexing porphyry copper deposit, part of the circum-Pacific porphyry copper ore belt, is the largest porphyry copper deposit in China. We present new LA–ICP–MS zircon U–Pb and molybdenite Re–Os dating, bulk-rock elemental and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic as well as in situ zircon Hf isotopic geochemistry for these ore-bearing porphyries, in an attempt to better constrain their petrogenesis. LA–ICP–MS zircon U–Pb dating shows that the Dexing porphyries were emplaced in the early Middle Jurassic (~171 Ma); molybdenite Re–Os dating indicates that the associated Cu–Mo mineralization was contemporaneous (~171 Ma) with the igneous intrusion. The rocks are mainly high-K calc-alkaline and show adakitic affinities, including high Sr and low Y and Yb contents, high Sr/Y and La/Yb ratios, and high Mg# (higher than pure crustal melts). These porphyries have initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.7044?0.7047, ?Nd(T) values of –1.5 to?+0.6, and ?Hf(T) (in situ zircon) values of?+2.6 to?+4.6. They show unusually radiogenic Pb isotopic compositions with initial 206Pb/204Pb ratios up to 18.41 and 207Pb/204Pb up to 15.61. These isotopic compositions are distinctly different from either Pacific MORB or Yangtze lower crust but are similar to the subducting sediments in the western Pacific trenches. Detailed elemental and isotopic data suggest that the Dexing porphyries were emplaced in a continental arc setting coupled with westward subduction of the palaeo-Pacific plate. Partial melting involved the subducted slab (mainly the overlying sediments), with generated melts interacting with the lithospheric mantle wedge, thereby forming the investigated high-K calc-alkaline porphyry magmas.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - The results of Sr–Nd–Pb–Hf isotope analysis of Late Paleozoic granitoids of Central Chukotka, which are exemplified by the Kibera and Kuekvun plutons, are...  相似文献   

Five major felsic igneous suites from northern Vietnam, with ages from mid-Proterozoic to early Cenozoic, were studied. Representative granitic rocks from the Posen Complex (mid-Proterozoic) and the Dienbien Complex (late Permian to early Triassic) show geochemical characteristics similar to those of calc-alkaline to high-K calc-alkaline I-type granites. However, the former, located in the South China block, has significantly higher initial Nd isotopic ratios [εNd(T)=+0.7 to +1.5] and older Nd isotopic model ages (TDM∼1.7 Ga) than the latter [εNd(T)=−4.7 to −9.7; TDM∼1.3–1.5 Ga] which were emplaced south of the Song Ma Suture and thus in the Indochina block. The generation of both complexes may be attributed to subduction-related processes that occurred in two distinct crustal provenances with different degrees of mantle inputs. On the other hand, Jurassic to Cretaceous granitic rocks from the Phusaphin Complex, contemporaneous rhyolites from the Tule Basin, and late Paleogene granitic rocks from the Yeyensun Complex, all exposed in the South China block between the Ailao Shan–Red River shear zone and the Song Ma Suture, display geochemical features similar to those of A-type granites with intermediate εNd(T) values (+0.6 to −2.8) and younger TDM ages (0.6–1.1 Ga). These magmas are suggested to have been generated as a consequence of intraplate extension in the western part of the South China block (Yunnan), and to have been transported to their present position by mid-Tertiary continental extrusion along the Ailao Shan–Red River shear zone related to the India–Asia collision. Overall, the isotopic and model age data, reported in this study indicate that in northern Vietnam, the most important crust formation episode took place in the Proterozoic. Likewise, repeated mantle inputs have played a role in the petrogenesis of Phanerozoic granitic rocks.  相似文献   

Potassium (K)-rich mafic rocks are viewed as being derived from partial melting of an enriched mantle source, but it is controversial about which processes cause the mantle enrichment. The Fushui intrusive complex is the largest early Paleozoic K-rich intrusive complex in the eastern Qinling orogen. Therefore, detailed studies on the Fushui complex can contribute not only to understanding of the petrogenesis of K-rich mafic rocks, but also to unraveling the Paleozoic evolution of the Qinling orogen. In this study, we provide an integrated investigation of in situ zircon U–Pb dating and Hf–O isotopes, in combination with whole-rock major and trace elements, as well as Sr–Nd–Hf isotopes, for the Fushui intrusive complex. In situ zircon secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) / laser ablation induction coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS) U–Pb dating reveals that different rock types of the Fushui complex have identical formation ages of 488–484 Ma. The Fushui complex belongs to the shoshonitic series, and is characterized by extreme large ion lithophile element (LILE, e.g., Ba, U, Th and Sr) and Pb enrichment and depletion of high field-strength elements (HFSEs, e.g. Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf, P and Ti). It shows high initial Sr isotopic ratios (0.7100–0.7151), negative whole-rock ε Nd(t) (?3.97 to ?5.68) and negative to slight positive whole-rock (?2.24 to 2.38) and zircon (?2.85 to 0.34) ε Hf(t) values, as well as high zircon δ18O values (6.86 ± 0.13 ‰). The Hf–Nd isotopic systems are decoupled with positive Δε Hf values (3.85–5.37). These geochemical features indicate that the mantle source has incorporated subducted zircon–barren oceanic sediments. A simple two-end-members mixing model constrains the amount of subducted sediments in the Fushui mantle source to 5–8 %. The Fushui complex originated from 1 to 6 % equilibrium melting of a phlogopite-bearing garnet lherzolite by non-modal melting. As shoshonitic magmas have been discovered in modern nascent arcs, we suggest that the generation of the Fushui complex was induced by the subduction of the Paleotethyan Ocean, when it jumped from the northern to the southern boundary of the North Qinling microcontinent.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(10):1261-1279
The eastern Qinling belt is characterized by widespread Mesozoic post-orogenic magmatism and abundant Mo–(Au–Ag) polymetallic mineralization. Most Mo deposits in this belt are genetically related to Mesozoic granitoids. The tectonic context of this close spatial and temporal relationship is still debated. This study reports U–Pb ages and Hf isotopic composition of zircons, major and trace element and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic composition of the Donggou granite porphyry, host rock to one of the important Mesozoic Mo deposits in this orogen. Based on geochemical results, the Donggou granite porphyry is a silica-supersaturated, high-K metaluminous A-type granite showing enrichment in light REEs, depletion in middle REEs and significant negative Eu, Ba, Nb, Sr, P, and Ti anomalies. Negative initial ?Nd values of??17.0 to??13.2 for whole-rock and negative initial ?Hf values of??19.9 to??7.8 for zircon suggest that the magma was derived from a mixture of Archaean/Proterozoic crustal rocks and mantle-derived or newly added crust. Its Pb isotopic composition is similar to the lower crust of the North China block, but different from superjacent country rocks (Xiong'er and Taihua Groups). Zircon U–Pb dating yields a late Mesozoic emplacement age of 118–117 Ma, identical with the third episode of Mo mineralization in the eastern Qinling–Dabie belt. We postulate that the Donggou Mo-related porphyry granite formed by reworking of North China lower crust with significant input of juvenile material. The magmas formed in an extensional tectonic setting, induced by lithospheric thinning and asthenospheric upwelling beneath eastern China during Cretaceous time.  相似文献   

We analyzed 17 fragments from a zoned allanite–epidote crystal (ca 2.2 mm × 4.0 mm), which had formed during different prograde and retrograde stages of ultra high pressure (UHP) and amphibolite facies metamorphism (240–230 Ma, Sulu Belt, E China), for the isotopic composition of Pb, Nd, and Sr and contents of Pb, U, and Th, Sr and Rb, and Nd and Sm. Since most fragments had 238U/204Pb and 232Th/204Pb values less than 1, corrections for in situ Pb growth are small and uncertainties in the recalculation of the Pb isotopic compositions to 240 Ma are insignificant. The recalculated Pb falls on a linear trend in the 206Pb/204Pb vs 207Pb/204Pb diagram with the allanite defining the low–206Pb/204Pb end (17.07) of this trend and the epidote defining its high–206Pb/204Pb end (17.56). The recalculated data scatter in the 206Pb/204Pb vs 208Pb/204Pb diagram, which implies that the initial Pb isotopic variation reflects the involvement of at least three different Pb sources. The low 87Rb/86Sr values account for a change in 87Sr/86Sr by in situ 87Sr growth of less than 0.0007, which implies that the isotopic heterogeneity of 87Sr/86Sr (0.70601–0.7200) is a primary feature. The Pb and Sr isotope data unequivocally demonstrate that contributions from different precursor minerals result in initial isotopic heterogeneity in the metamorphic reaction product. It is likely that such an initial isotopic heterogeneity also exists for Nd, but it could not be resolved in the present study. Initially heterogeneous Pb and Sr isotope compositions imply that age differences between core and rim of large crystals may result in the determination of highly arbitrary geological rates, especially for minerals with relatively low parent-to-daughter ratios.  相似文献   

The Solonker zone in northern Inner Mongolia (China) is considered as the suture between the North China Craton and the South Mongolian microcontinent. Two magmatic belts are recognized along the suture zone: a subduction-related magmatic belt (represented by the Baolidao arc rocks), and a younger, collision-related granite belt (represented by the Halatu granites). We use zircon U–Pb ages, zircon in-situ Hf isotopic analyses and whole-rock Nd–Sr isotopic data of the two magmatic belts and related forearc sediments (the Xilinhot metamorphic complex) to constrain timing of the suturing and to discuss the petrogenesis of the magmatic rocks. A gabbroic diorite (BLD-1) of the Baolidao arc was dated at 310 ± 5 Ma (by SHRIMP). This sample shows an εNd(t) value of +2.5 and ISr of 0.7052. Hf isotopic analyses on 25 zircons from the same sample show εHf(t) = +5.4 to +11.5. Another diorite sample (XH-2) of the same arc from south of Xilinhot displays even more “depleted” isotopic compositions, with εNd(t) = +5.6 and ISr = 0.7037. The main population of zircons from this sample have highly variable and depleted Hf isotopic compositions (εHf(t) = 0–18.3). The large variation in Hf isotopic composition of zircons (with largely the same crystallization age) from a single pluton is explained by a mixing process between depleted mantle-derived magma and continental crust in an active continental arc setting. The Halatu granite (HLT-2) was dated at 234 ± 7 Ma (by SHRIMP). Zircons from the granite also show a large variation of εHf(t) values (+9.1 to ?26), despite most samples having whole-rock εHf(t) > +2. The large variation in εHf(t) values suggests that the granite formed probably by partial melting of two source regions – a dominant juvenile crust and a subordinate old continental crust. Most zircons from the Xilinhot metamorphic complex show ages comparable with those of the Baolidao arc rocks, suggesting that the protolith of the metamorphic complex was probably deposited during or after arc magmatism. Some zircons, however, show Precambrian ages that fall into two groups: one with ages of 780–900 Ma, resembling those from the South Mongolian microcontinent, and the other with ages of 1524–2900 Ma, similar to those of the North China Craton. Thus, the protolith of the metamorphic complex probably formed in a forearc basin during convergence of the two continents, and metamorphosed subsequently during collision in the late Paleozoic. Our zircon age data thus constrain timing of collision between the South Mongolian microcontinent and the North China Craton to have been between 296 and 234 Ma.  相似文献   

Biotite granites and muscovite-bearing granites are dominant rock types of the widespread granites in SE China. However, their petrogenesis has been enigmatic. A combined study of zircon U–Pb dating and Lu–Hf isotopes, whole-rock element geochemistry and Sr–Nd–O isotopes was performed for three late Mesozoic granitic plutons (Xinfengjie, Jiangbei and Dabu) in central Jiangxi province, SE China. All the plutons are composed of biotite granites and muscovite-bearing granites that have been poorly investigated previously. The new data not only allow us to assess their sources and magma evolution processes, but also helps us to better understand the genetic link to the large-scale polymetallic mineralization in SE China. LA-ICP-MS zircon U–Pb dating shows that three plutons were emplaced in the Late Jurassic (159–148 Ma) and that the muscovite-bearing granites are almost contemporaneous with the biotite granites. The biotite granites have SiO2 contents of 70.3–74.4 wt% and are weakly to strongly peraluminous with ASI from 1.00 to 1.26, and show a general decrease in ASI with increasing SiO2. They have relatively high zircon saturation temperatures (T Zr = 707–817 °C, most > 745 °C) and show a general decrease in T Zr with increasing SiO2. They have high initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7136 to 0.7166) and high δ18O values (9.1–12.8‰, most > 9.5‰) and clearly negative ε Nd (T) (? 9.5 to ? 11.8) and ε Hf (T) (in situ zircon) (? 13.1 to ? 13.5). The muscovite-bearing granites have high SiO2 contents (74.7–78.2 wt%). They are also weakly to strongly peraluminous with ASI of 1.04–1.18 but show a general increase in ASI with increasing SiO2. They have relatively low T Zr (671–764 °C, most < 745 °C) and also show a general decrease in T Zr with increasing SiO2. The muscovite-bearing granites have high Rb (up to 810 ppm) and high (K2O + Na2O)/CaO (up to 270), Rb/Sr (up to 42) and Rb/Ba (up to 30) as well as low K/Rb (< 150, down to 50), Zr/Hf (< 24, down to 11) and Nb/Ta (< 6, down to 2). They show similar Nd–O–Hf isotopic compositions to the biotite granites with ε Nd (T) of ? 8.7 to ? 12.0, δ18O of 8.7–13.0‰ (most > 9.5‰) and ε Hf (T) (in situ zircon) of ? 11.3 to ? 13.1. Geochemical data suggest the origin of the biotite granites and muscovite-bearing granites as follows: Partial melting of Precambrian metasedimentary rocks (mainly two-mica schist) in the lower crust at temperatures of ca. 820 °C generated the melts of the less felsic biotite granites. Such primary crustal melts underwent biotite-dominant fractionation crystallization, forming the felsic biotite granites. Progressive plagioclase-dominant fractionation crystallization from the evolved biotite granites produced the more felsic muscovite-bearing granites. Thus, the biotite granites belong to the S-type whereas the muscovite-bearing granites are highly fractionated S-type granites. We further suggest that during the formation of the muscovite-bearing granites the fractional crystallization was accompanied by fluid fractionation and most likely the addition of internally derived mineralizing fluids. That is why the large-scale polymetallic mineralization is closely related to the muscovite-bearing granites rather than biotite granites in SE China. This is important to further understand the source and origin of biotite granites and muscovite-bearing granites in SE China even worldwide.  相似文献   

In situ zircon U–Pb ages and Hf isotope data, major and trace elements and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic compositions are reported for coeval syenite–granodiorites–dacite association in South China. The shoshonitic syenites are characterized by high K2O contents (5.9–6.1 wt.%) and K2O/Na2O ratios (1.1–1.2), negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.65 to 0.77), enrichments of Rb, K, Nb, Ta, Zr and Hf, but depletion of Sr, P and Ti. The adakitic granodiorite and granodiorite porphyry intrusions are characterized by high Al2O3 contents (15.0–16.8 wt.%), enrichment in light rare earth elements (LREEs), strongly fractionated LREEs (light rare earth elements) to HREEs (heavy rare earth elements), high Sr (438–629 ppm), Sr/Y (29.2–53.6), and low Y (11.7–16.8 ppm) and HREE contents (e.g., Yb = 1.29–1.64 ppm). The calc-alkaline dacites are characterized by LREE enrichment, absence of negative Eu anomalies, and enrichment of LILEs such as Rb, Ba, Th, U and Pb, and depletion of HFSEs such as Nb, Ta, P and Ti.Geochemical and Sr–Nd–Hf isotopic compositions of the syenites suggest that the shoshonitic magmas were differentiated from parental shoshonitic melts by fractional crystallization of olivine, clinopyroxene and feldspar. The parent magmas may have originated from partial melting of the lithospheric mantle with small amount contribution from crustal materials. The adakitic granodiorite and granodiorite porphyry have Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic compositions that are comparable to that of the mafic lower crust. They have low Mg# and MgO, Ni and Cr contents, abundant inherited zircons, low εNd(t) and εHf(t) values as well as old whole-rock Nd and zircon Hf model ages. These granodiorites were likely generated by partial melting of Triassic underplated mafic lower crust. The Hf isotopic compositions of the dacites are relatively more depleted than the Cathaysia enriched mantle, suggesting those magmas were derived from the partial melting of subduction-modified mantle sources. The coeval shoshonitic, high-K calc-alkaline and calc-alkaline rocks in Middle to Late Jurassic appear to be associated with an Andean-type subduction. This subduction could have resulted in the upwelling of the asthenosphere beneath the Cathaysia Block, which induced partial melting of the mantle as well as the mafic lower crust, and formed an arc regime in the coastal South China during Middle to Late Jurassic.  相似文献   

The Haisugou Mo deposit is located in the northern part of the Xilamulun Mo–Cu metallogenic belt in northeastern China. The Mo mineralization mainly occurs as quartz-molybdenite veins within the Haisugou granite, which was emplaced into rocks of the Early Permian Qingfengshan Formation. Zircon U–Pb dating by LA–ICP-MS of the granite yields a crystallization age of 137.6 ± 0.9 Ma, suggesting emplacement during the peak time of Mo mineralization in eastern China, broadly constrained to ca. 150–130 Ma, when tectonic stresses shifted from compression to extension. Whole-rock geochemical data suggest that the granite belongs to the high-K calc-alkaline series, and is characterized by relatively high LREE; low HREE; depletion of Ti, Ba, and Nb; and a moderate negative Eu anomaly. The zircon εHf(t) and whole-rock εNd(t) values for the intrusion range from +4.5 to +10.0 and +0.2 to +1.6, respectively, indicating that the magma originated from the juvenile lower crust source derived from depleted mantle, with some component of ancient continental crust. The granite is also characterized by initial (87Sr/86Sr)i ratios ranging from 0.7040 to 0.7074, which suggest some contamination by the upper crust during the ascent of the primitive magma. Moreover, it can be recognized from the whole-rock major and trace element data that significant fractional crystallization occurred during magmatic evolution, with the separation of plagioclase and K-feldspar. Because Mo is an incompatible element and tends to concentrate in the melt during crystallization, fractionation processes likely played an important role in the formation of the Haisugou Mo deposit.  相似文献   

This work describes the in situ analysis of loparite [(Na,REE)Ti2O6], a perovskite group mineral with extremely low Rb/Sr ratios and high rare earth contents, by LA-(MC)-ICP-MS for the determination of U–Pb ages together with Sr and Nd isotopic composition. The reliability of these data were validated by analysis of a loparite standard by TIMS solution methods. Data are given for loparite from the Lovozero and Khibiny peralkaline complexes of the Kola Alkaline Province (Russia). For Lovozero loparite the Tera–Wasserburg intercept age for 15 loparites analysed is 373 ± 11 Ma, and the weighted 207Pb corrected 206Pb/238U age is 373 ± 2 Ma. For Khibiny loparite, the intercept age for 5 loparites analysed is 375 ± 10 Ma, and the weighted 207Pb corrected 206Pb/238U age is 374 ± 3 Ma. The common Pb compositions for Lovozero and Khibiny loparites are identical i.e. 207Pb/206Pb = 0.898 ± 0.009 and 0.898 ± 0.007, respectively. The 87Sr/86Sr initial ratios of Lovozero loparite range from 0.703552 to 0.703682 (av. 0.703611), and εNd (t370) from + 3.8 to + 4.4 (av. + 4.0). The 87Sr/86Sr initial ratios of Khibiny loparite range from 0.703560 to 0.703871, and εNd (t730) from + 4.0 to + 4.8. Our data indicate that in situ LA-(MC)-ICP-MS analysis of loparite provides accurate and precise estimates of the intrusion ages and isotopic composition of peralkaline rocks.  相似文献   

《Chemical Geology》2002,182(2-4):203-225
Accessory gangue scheelite (CaWO4) from the Archaean Mt. Charlotte lode Au deposit can be divided into two types with different rare earth element (REE) signatures. In some scheelite grains, specific REE signatures are reflected by different cathodoluminescence colours, which can be used to map their often complex oscillatory intergrowths. Domains with specific REE contents from two grains were sampled for Sm/Nd, Rb/Sr and Pb isotopic analyses using a micro-drilling technique.Type I scheelite is strongly enriched in middle REE (MREE) and Eu anomalies are either absent or slightly positive. Four fragments collected from Type I regions of two crystals have initial 87Sr/86Sr and εNd values ranging from 0.70141 to 0.70163 and +2.5 to +3.5, respectively, and Pb isotope ratios reflecting the composition of greenstone sequence. This may indicate that Nd and Pb have their source, either locally or regionally, in the greenstones. Basic greenstone lithologies have 87Sr/86Sr<0.7015, and the radiogenic Sr signatures indicate that part of the Sr originated from felsic lithologies located either within or beneath the host greenstone pile. Alternatively, the Sr signature may have evolved from preferential leaching of a Rb-rich mineral during hydrothermal alteration of the greenstone.The REE patterns of Type II scheelite are either flat or MREE-depleted and have strong positive Eu anomalies. Three fragments collected from Type II regions of the same two crystals have initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios and εNd values between 0.70130 and 0.70146, and +1.1 to +2.6, respectively, and Pb isotope signatures that are once again similar to that of the greenstone. This implies that 87Sr/86Sr ratios in Type II fluids were closer to those of the host dolerite (0.7008–0.7013), due to more extensive fluid interaction with the dolerite.A positive correlation between Na and REE suggests that REE3+ are accommodated by the coupled substitution REE3++Na+=2 Ca2+ into both Type I and Type II scheelite. This is consistent with a fractional crystallisation model to explain the change in REE patterns from Type I to Type II, but not with a model involving different coupled substitutions and fluids from different origins. We propose that the complex REE and isotopic signatures of scheelite at Mt. Charlotte are related to small (<m) to medium (<km) scale processes involving mixing between “fresh” batches of hydrothermal fluid with fluids that had already been involved in extensive wall-rock alteration.The very high-εNd values measured in some scheelites have been previously used to link gold mineralisation with komatiites containing unusually high Sm/Nd ratios. However, tiny (<20 μm) grains of secondary hydroxyl-bastnäsite were found within micro-fractures of one scheelite grain containing an extremely high-εNd signature. The hydroxyl-bastnäsite probably formed during recent REE redistribution within the scheelite as a result of meteoric fluid circulation. The scale of this cryptic low-temperature alteration is sufficient to explain the anomalously high-εNdi values observed in scheelite from Western Australia.  相似文献   

The Qinling–Dabie–Sulu orogenic belt is the junction between the North and South China blocks, which resulted from the final amalgamation of China continents during the Indosinian. Indosinian granitoids are widespread in the Qinling orogen, and their geneses can thus constrain the evolution of China continent. We carried out a combined U–Pb zircon dating and geochemical study for the Shuangpengxi granodiorite pluton and the Xiekeng diorite–granodiorite pluton in the middle part of the West Qinling orogen. U–Pb zircon dating shows that the magma crystallization ages of 242 ± 3 Ma for the Shuangpengxi pluton and ~244–242 Ma for the Xiekeng pluton. Geochemical and Sr–Nd–Hf isotopic compositions reveal that the magma of the Shuangpengxi granodiorite was derived from partial melting of crustal materials. The Xiekeng diorites can be divided into high-Al diorite and high-Mg diorite. Both of them resulted from partial melting of enriched lithospheric mantle, but their mantle source had been modified by previous slab-derived melt. The high-Al diorite was formed by fractional crystallization of olivine, pyroxene and/or preferential accumulation of plagioclase, and the high-Mg diorite was formed by fractional crystallization of olivine and/or preferential accumulation of pyroxene. The Xiekeng granodioritic porphyry was formed by mixing of crust-derived and mantle-derived melts. We propose that the Early Indosinian magmatism resulted from break-off of subducted oceanic slab after collision. The slab break-off model can well explain the linear distribution of the Early Indosinian plutons and rapid crustal uplift during the Middle Triassic in the West Qinling.  相似文献   

The analysis of the Sr and Nd isotopic composition in different granitoids of the Verkhisetsk, Shartash, Krasnopolsk, Petrokamensk, and Shabry massifs, which were successively formed in the island arc, continental marginal, and collisional geodynamic settings during the period from the Middle Devonian to the early Permian, revealed that 87Sr/86Sr0 values in them vary from 0.70331 to 0.70431 and εNd(t), from +1.9 to +6.2. The two-stage model Nd age of granitoids (938–629 Ma) indicates that their magma originates from material at least Neoproterozoic in age, not younger. The observed variations in the Nd model ages of granitoids and 87Sr/86Sr0 values provide grounds for assuming the primary heterogeneity of the source of granitoid melts.  相似文献   

The Scandinavian Caledonides contain several non-cogenetic eclogite-bearing terranes that were metamorphosed before the main orogenic stage in Scandian time (430–395 Ma). Although petrological and geochronological data from these terranes have provided essential information on the geodynamic history of the Caledonian orogenic cycle, the general picture is still patchy. To refine existing geodynamic models, we have dated the eclogite occurrence in the Jæren nappe, SW Norway, by Lu–Hf and Sm–Nd geochronology. Five out of the six studied samples provide a weighted mean Lu–Hf age of 469.9 ± 1.2 Ma (±2σ). One sample provided a significantly younger age of 457.9 ± 2.4 Ma. Garnet from the younger sample grew exclusively at eclogite facies conditions. In contrast, garnet from the other samples comprises prograde cores and peak metamorphic rims. Age estimates that take Lu-contributions of each zone into account provide an age of 471.0 ± 0.9 Ma for the cores and suggest a ca. 455 Ma age for the rims, which is identical to the bulk-garnet age of the younger sample. The same pattern is indicated by Sm–Nd ages, although these are relatively imprecise and reflect isotopic disturbance during thermal overprinting upon exhumation. The data define a new high-pressure age population for the Scandinavian Caledonides, which allows more detailed insight into the subduction history that affected the Baltoscandian margin before Scandian continental collision. Furthermore, this study highlights the potential complexities involved in garnet geochronology and shows the strength of Lu–Hf dating for unraveling the geochronological record of HP rocks.  相似文献   

Whole-rock geochemical and Sr, Nd and Pb isotope data are presented for the Harrat Al-Madinah volcanic field, in the north western part of the Arabian plate, aiming to understand their origin and the composition of their mantle source. This area is an active volcanic field characterized by the occurrence of two historic eruptions approximately in 641 and 1256 A.D. Field investigation of the main volcanic landforms indicates dominantly monogenetic strombolian eruptions, in addition to local phreatomagmatic eruption style. The lavas consist mainly of alkali olivine basalt, olivine transitional basalt, and hawaiite with ocean island basalt (OIB)-like characteristics. Evolved rocks, represented by mugearites, benmoreites, and trachytes, occur mainly as domes, tuff cones and occasionally as lava flows. Chemical variations in the evolved rocks indicated their evolution by low pressure crystal fractionation of olivine, plagioclase, clinopyroxene, and Fe–Ti oxides from the relatively primitive basalts. The isotopic compositions of 143Nd/144Nd (0.512954–0.512995), 87Sr/86Sr (0.702899 to–0.702977) and Pb (206Pb/204Pb = 18.5515–18.7446, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.5120–15.5222, 208Pb/204Pb = 38.1347–38.4468), show restricted variations suggesting only minor crustal contamination. They defined an array consistent with mixing of two geochemically distinct components of depleted MORB-mantle (DMM) and high 238U/204Pb ratio (HIMU). The variations in Tb/Yb, La/Yb and Sm/Yb ratios in the relatively primitive basalts (MgO > 6 wt.%) indicated garnet peridotite source. However, the positive Nb, Sr, Ba and Ti anomalies in the primitive mantle-normalized incompatible element patterns and the significant variation between Zr/Nb vs. Ce/Y and La/Yb vs. Yb suggest contribution of an amphibole-bearing spinel lherzolite source. Moreover, the negative correlations between SiO2 vs. 87Sr/86Sr and Th vs. 143Nd/144Nd are interpreted as an indication of mixing melts derived from two end-members; one is garnet bearing asthenospheric source with OIB characteristic and the other is amphibole-bearing spinel lherzolite. The Harrat Al-Madinah volcanic field occurs near the Red Sea Rift System and its origin reflects a strong lithospheric control on the loci of partial melting. The dominantly NNW alignment patterns of the volcanoes, which is similar to the regional Red Sea trend, may suggest that the magmas were produced by decompression partial melting triggered by lithospheric extension related to the Red Rift.  相似文献   

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