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Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth - Abstract—The analysis of the local earthquake catalog revealed fine features in the behavior of seasonal components of induced seismicity in the...  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth - An Erratum to this paper has been published: https://doi.org/10.1134/S1069351322090014  相似文献   

Continuous reservoir-induced seismicity has been observed in the Koyna–Warna region in western India following the beginning of impoundment of Koyna and Warna Reservoirs in 1961 and 1985, respectively. This seismicity includes 19 events with M ≥ 5.0 which occurred in 7 episodes (I–VII) between 1967 and 2005 at non-repeating hypocentral locations. In this study, we examined the first six episodes. The seismicity occurs by diffusion of pore pressures from the reservoirs to hypocentral locations along a saturated, critically stressed network of NE trending faults and NW trending fractures. We used the daily lake levels in the two reservoirs, from impoundment to 2000, to calculate the time history of the diffused pore pressures and their daily rate of change at the hypocentral locations. The results of our analysis indicate that Episodes I and IV are primarily associated with the initial filling of the two reservoirs. The diffused pore pressures are generated by the large (20–45 m) annual fluctuations of lake levels. We interpret that critical excess pore pressures >~300 kPa and >~600 kPa were needed to induce Episodes I–III and Episodes IV–VI, respectively, suggesting the presence of stronger faults in the region. The exceedance of the previous water level maxima (stress memory) was found to be the most important, although not determining factor in inducing the episodes. The annual rise of 40 m or more, rapid filling rates and elevated dp/dt values over a filling cycle, contributed to the rapid increase in pore pressure.  相似文献   

Based on the earthquake catalog data for the Koyna–Warna region of induced seismicity in western India, the seasonal variations in seismic activity associated with annual fluctuations in the reservoir water level are analyzed over the time span of the entire history of seismological observations in this region. The regularities in the time changes in the structure of seasonal variations are revealed. The seasonal seismic activity is minimal in May–June when the reservoir level is lowest. During the remaining part of the year, the activity has three peaks: the fall peak in September, winter peak in November–December, and spring peak in February–March. The first mentioned peak, which falls in the phase of the water level reaching its maximal seasonal value is considered as the immediate response of the fluid saturated medium to the additional loading under the weight of reservoir water. The two subsequent maxima concur with the decline phase in the reservoir level and are interpreted as the delayed response associated with the changes in the properties of the medium due to water diffusion. It is shown that the intensities of the immediate and delayed responses to the seasonal water level variations both vary with time as does their ratio. The probable factors affecting the variations in the intensity of the seasonal components of the reservoir-induced seismicity are discussed.  相似文献   

Two strong M?>?5.0 earthquakes within a span of six months occurred in a triggered seismicity environment in the Koyna–Warna region in western India in 2000. The region is experiencing continued seismicity since the last five decades indicating that this region is close to critical stresses and minor perturbations in the stresses due to reservoir loading and unloading can trigger earthquakes. In the present study we applied the technique developed for identification of prognostic anomalies for tectonic earthquakes to the Koyna–Warna catalogue prior to these two earthquakes with an aim to study the process of source preparation for triggered earthquakes. In case of tectonic earthquakes, unstable conditions in a source zone develop gradually leading to a metastable zone which shows variations in certain seismicity parameters known as prognostic anomalies. Our results indicate that the variations in seismicity parameters before the two strong earthquakes in the Koyna region have a pattern of prognostic anomalies typical of tectonic earthquakes. We conclude that initiation of failure in a metastable zone can be caused both, by external impacts, reservoir loading and unloading in our case, and internal processes of avalanche-like failure development.  相似文献   

The state of the art in the geological and geophysical study of the region of Koyna and Warna water reservoirs is reviewed. The probable geodynamical factors of induced seismicity are discussed. The detailed geophysical surveys, satellite geodetic data, and time history of the seismicity in the region reveal a complicated pattern of the structure and recent geodynamics of the region. The existing data suggest that the induced seismicity is here most likely to be caused by the regional (intraplate) stresses driving the displacements along the orthogonal network of the faults whose strength has dropped and continues decreasing due to the reservoir impoundment and operation processes. The evolution of the seismicity which started immediately after the rapid filling of the Koyna reservoir in the region of the dam, then rapidly expanded southwards and eventually became concentrated in the region of the subsequently constructed Warna reservoir shows that seismic events can be initiated by a number of factors whose contributions may vary with time. The key ones among them include reservoir loading and its seasonal variations; water saturation of the faults which guide the propagation of the front of fracture, increased permeability, and, probably, mineral transformations (hydrolysis) under the water level fluctuations in the reservoirs; and displacement of the front of the high pore pressure down to the main source zone of the earthquakes at a depth of 6–8 km. Based on the analysis presented in the paper, we outline the directions of the future research aimed at studying the nature and dynamics of induced seismicity in the region of large water reservoirs.  相似文献   

Continuous occurrences of several thousands of earthquakes in Koyna–Warna region since the initial impoundment (1962) of the Koyna reservoir has attracted the attention of seismologists all over the world to know the exact earthquake physical processes involved. The area has been a site for reservoir-triggered earthquakes for the last four and half decades. Major bursts of seismic activity occurred during 1967, 1973, 1980, 1993, and 2000 and recently in 2005 with magnitudes exceeding 5.0 in the region. A notable southward migration of seismicity has been observed following the impoundment of another reservoir, the nearby Warna reservoir. All the mainshocks suggest that the significant southward migration might be due to pore-pressure diffusion. We have divided the entire period from 1967 to 2007 in several sequences starting by a mainshock of M >5. Each sequence is critically analyzed in terms of triggering by the diffusion process through the fractured medium. The pore-fluid diffusion tensor D for each sequence is estimated based on Darcy’s law. The direction of temporal migration of seismicity of each sequence except 1980 is correlated well with the eigenvectors of diffusion. The fluid flow eigenvectors are constrained with one of the strike directions of the focal mechanisms. The frequency magnitude distribution shows the b value to vary from 0.5 to 1.2. Spatial distribution of the b value further indicates that the area along the major faults is more prone to future earthquake.  相似文献   

A visibility graph (VG) is a rather novel statistical method in earthquake sequence analysis; it maps a time series into networks or graphs, converting dynamical properties of the time series into topological properties of networks. By using the VG approach, we defined the parameter window mean interval connectivity time <Tc>, that informs about the mean linkage time between earthquakes. We analysed the time variation of <Tc> in the aftershock-depleted catalogue of Kachchh Gujarat (Western India) seismicity from 2003 to 2012, and we found that <Tc>: i) changes through time, indicating that the topological properties of the earthquake network are not stationary; and, ii) appeared to significantly decrease before the largest shock (M5.7) that occurred on March 7, 2006 near the Gedi fault, an active fault in the Kachchh region.  相似文献   

It is a common opinion that only crustal earthquakes can occur in the Crimea–Black Sea region. Since the existence of deep earthquakes in the Crimea–Black Sea region is extremely important for the construction of a geodynamic model for this region, an attempt is made to verify the validity of this widespread view. To do this, the coordinates of all earthquakes recorded by the stations of the Crimean seismological network are reinterpreted with an algorithm developed by one of the authors. The data published in the seismological catalogs and bulletins of the Crimea–Black Sea region for 1970–2012 are used for the analysis. To refine the coordinates of hypocenters of earthquakes in the Crimea–Black Sea region, in addition to the data from stations of the Crimean seismological network, information from seismic stations located around the Black Sea coast are used. In total, the data from 61 seismic stations were used to determine the hypocenter coordinates. The used earthquake catalogs for 1970–2012 contain information on ~2140 events with magnitudes from–1.5 to 5.5. The bulletins provide information on the arrival times of P- and S-waves at seismic stations for 1988 events recorded by three or more stations. The principal innovation of this study is the use of the original author’s hypocenter determination algorithm, which minimizes the functional of distances between the points (X, Y, H) and (x, y, h) corresponding to the theoretical and observed seismic wave travel times from the earthquake source to the recording stations. The determination of the coordinates of earthquake hypocenters is much more stable in this case than the usual minimization of the residual functional for the arrival time of an earthquake wave at a station (the difference between the theoretical and observed values). Since determination of the hypocenter coordinates can be influenced by the chosen velocity column beneath each station, special attention is focused on collecting information on velocity profiles. To evaluate the influence of the upper mantle on the results of calculating the velocity model, two different low-velocity and high-velocity models are used; the results are compared with each other. Both velocity models are set to a depth of 640 km, which is fundamentally important in determining hypocenters for deep earthquakes. Studies of the Crimea–Black Sea region have revealed more than 70 earthquakes with a source depth of more than 60 km. The adequacy of the obtained depth values is confirmed by the results of comparing the initial experimental data from the bulletins with the theoretical travel-time curves for earthquake sources with depths of 50 and 200 km. The sources of deep earthquakes found in the Crimea–Black Sea region significantly change our understanding of the structure and geotectonics of this region.  相似文献   

The variation of Load/Unload Response Ratio (LURR) against time for earthquakes in Kerman Province, Iran, on February 22, 2005, M6.4 and in Lorestan Province, Iran, on March 31, 2006, M6.1, has been calculated and analysed in this paper. The tempo-spatial scanning of LURR in the region of Iran during January 1, 2003 to March 31, 2006 has been conducted, with 1 year as a time-window, 1 month as a time-step, and the comparison of the LURR anomalous regions in 2004 with the actual earthquakes with M≥5.0 in the next year (2005) is also given, which shows that 11 earthquakes with M≥5.0 occurred in LURR anomalous regions while 12 earthquakes with M≥5.0 in LURR regions in 2005. Furthermore, the seismicity in this region is studied by investigating the evolvement of the anomalous LURR regions.  相似文献   

Reservoir induced earthquakes began to occur in the vicinity of Shivajisagar Lake formed by Koyna Dam in Maharashtra state, western India, soon after its filling started in 1962. Induced earthquakes have continued to occur for the past 34 years in the vicinity of this reservoir, and so far a total of 10 earthquakes of M 5.0, over 100 of M 4 and about 100,000 of M 0.0 have occurred. Every year, following the rainy season, the water level in the reservoir rises and induced earthquakes occur. Seismic activity during 1967–68 was most intense when globally, the largest reservoir induced earthquake occurred on 10 December, 1967. Other years of intense seismic activity are 1973 and 1980. During 1986 another reservoir, Warna, some 20 km south of Koyna, began to be filled. The recent burst of seismic activity in Koyna-Warna region began in August, 1993, and was monitored with a close network of digital and analog seismographs. During August, 1993–December, 1995, 1,272 shocks of magnitude 2 were located, including two earthquakes of M 5.0 and M 5.4 on 8 December, 1993 and 1 February, 1994, respectively. Two parallel epicentral trends in NNE-SSW direction, one passing through Koyna and the other through Warna reservoir are delineated. The 1993 increase in seismicity has followed a loading of 44.15 m in Warna reservoir during 11 June 11, 1993 through August 4, 1993, with a maximum rate of filling being 16 m/week. The larger shocks have been found to be preceded by a precursory nucleation process.  相似文献   

It is generally found that the b values associated with reservoir-triggered seismicity (RTS) are higher than the regional b values in the frequency magnitude relation of earthquakes. In the present study, temporal and spatial variation of b value is investigated using a catalog of 3,000 earthquakes from August 2005 through December 2010 for the Koyna?CWarna region in Western India, which is a classical site of RTS globally. It is an isolated (30?×?20?km2) zone of seismicity where earthquakes of up to M ??5 are found to occur during phases of loading and unloading of the Koyna and Warna reservoirs situated 25?km apart. For the Warna region, it is found that low b values of 0.6?C0.9 are associated with earthquakes of M ??4 during the loading phase. The percentage correlation of the occurrence of an M????4 earthquake with a low b value outside the 1?? or 2?? level is as high as 78?%. A drastic drop in the b value of about 50?% being reported for an RTS site may be an important precursory parameter for short-term earthquake forecast in the future.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONThewestPacificplatedivestowardsthewest,formingthesubductionzoneintheJapanSea ,hencecalledtheJapanSeasubductionzone .ItsfrontendgoesdeepintoWangqingandMulinginNortheastChina .Thefocusdepthisabout 540~ 590km .Withthedipangleofabout 2 9°andthwidthof 12 87km ,theJapanseasubductionzoneistheonewiththesmallestdipangleandthelargestwidthintheworld .ThedeepearthquakestherecorrespondtotheoccurrenceofshallowonesandhaveeffectstoacertainextentontheshallowstrongearthquakeinnortheastAs…  相似文献   

A total of 16 strong earthquakes with Ms≥7.0 occurred in the world in 2002 according to the determination of the Chinese Seismic Station Network (Table 1 ). The two strongest earthquakes were Sumatra earthquake (Ms7.8, November 2) and Alaska earthquake ( Ms 7.8 November 4) . Fig. 1 is the distribution of strong earthquakes that occurred in 2002. The global seismicity pattern in 2002 was similar to the ones since 1999. The frequency and strength apparently decreased in 2002 compared with the seismicity in 2001.  相似文献   

1. A SURVEY OF THE GLOBAL SEISMICITYAccording to the rec()rding of the seismic fletwork o[ China, 20 large earthquakes with M,  相似文献   

In this paper the authors have discussed the results of investigation of fine velocity structure in the basement layer of the Simao-Zhongdian DSS profile in western Yunnan region.The depth of upper Pz interface of the basement layer is about 0-3.5 km,and the depth of the lower P1 interface is 11.0-17.0 km.The velocity of the basement layer on the southern side of the Jinhe-Erhai deep fault is 5.70-6.30 km/s,and has increased to 6.30-6.50 km/s on the northern side.Their transitional zone is situated near Jianchuan County.Along the profile some localities,where the faults cut across the lateral variation of Pz interface velocity,are quite obvious in addition to the variation in depth.The velocity isopleths are relatively sparse in the southern region of JYQ S.P.(shot - point),near the DC S.P.,and in the south ZT S.P.The magma has apparently risen up along the deep faults to the upper crust in these localities,forming a large intrusive rock zone in the basement layer.In Jinggu region the basaltic magma has  相似文献   

Gusev  E. M.  Nasonova  O. N.  Shurkhno  E. A.  Dzhogan  L. Ya.  Aizel’  G. V. 《Water Resources》2019,46(4):493-503
Water Resources - The applicability of the previously developed technique for simulating the runoff hydrographs of northern rivers to the Ob River, which has largest basin area among Russian rivers...  相似文献   

A total of 48 earthquakes with M_s ≥5.0 occurred in China in 1994 (29 on the Chinese mainland and offshore, 19 in Taiwan). Among them 9 earthquakes were of M_s ≥6.0 (4 on the mainland and offshore, 5 in Taiwan). The M_s 7.3 earthquake that occurred in Taiwan Straits on September 16 was the greatest one offshore, which was generally included in the mainland area according to the previous statistics. The most powerful earthquakes in Taiwan were the 2 with M_s =7.0 that occurred on May  相似文献   

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