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198 6年 ,鉴于地震预测研究的发展 ,结合我所地球物理研究的特点 ,为了协调和推进地震预测研究工作 ,我所成立了跨学科、跨研究室的地震预报推进组。其所用的方法涉及了地震学、重力学、地热和地磁地电等地球物理学科 ,其成员几乎遍及全所各个研究室 ,第一研究室 (区域地震活动性和地震预报研究室 )负责其日常工作。首任组长为朱传镇研究员 ,吴佳翼和王林瑛任副组长。1 996年吴忠良研究员任第二任组长 ,张天中和王林瑛任副组长。地震预报推进组承担了中国地震局下达的全国年度地震趋势研究和首都圈月震情监测的任务。每半年向中国地震局提交…  相似文献   

2007年9月22日,九三学社北京市委员会、中国地震学会、中国地球物理学会在中国地震局地球物理研究所举办了“纪念赵九章先生百年诞辰座谈会”。简朴而隆重的座谈会在中国地震局地球物理研究所报告厅举行。地球所纪委书记曹学锋研究员主持了会议。在简短的开幕致辞后,她介绍了参  相似文献   

由中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所和京都大学地球物理实验室共同主办、国家自然科学基金委员会资助,第9届勘探地球物理学新近展国际研讨会暨城市地球物理和活动构造中日双边会议(RAEG2005)于2005年3月28日至29日在北京外国专家大厦举行.本次研讨会共有15位日方代表和30位中方代表参加,分别来自中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所、中国地震局地球物理研究所、中国地震局地震预测研究所、北京大学、清华大学、  相似文献   

1786年大渡河地震、水患及救灾康定-泸定磨西地震220周年   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
记述了50年来对康定—泸定磨西地震史料发掘的简况和地震灾害,首次报导了由地震堵塞大渡河造成的严重水患。根据新发掘的资料,对地震、水患的赈济、救助措施和重建情况,分别进行了研究、考证、归纳和介绍。  相似文献   

A thorough investigation of short-period oscillations in the Earth’s magnetic field as a fundamental natural process of the magnetospheric plasma began in Russia after V.A. Troitskaya established two oscillatory regimes in the geomagnetic field, namely, the regimes of continuous (Pc) and irregular pulsations (Pi). For studying these pulsations, 19 stations recording the telluric currents were installed during the International Geophysical Year (IGY, 1957–1959) on Troitskaya’s initiative. One of these stations was the Borok station. Subsequently, Borok has become the basic site for investigating geomagnetic pulsations and the main center for studying the short-period pulsations (SPPs) in the Earth’s magnetic field. This is the Borok scientific station where the key fundamental regularities of different types of geomagnetic pulsations were established. Troitskaya led and actively participated these works. Troitskaya organized and conducted the first complex geomagnetic observations in the world at the conjugate points Sogra (Arkhangelsk region, Russia) and Kerguelen (Indian Ocean). These studies were initially tested at the Borok observatory, where it was established that the wave packets of Pc1 geomagnetic pulsations are alternately observed in the northern and southern hemispheres in contrast to the other pulsation types which simultaneously occur in both hemispheres. The studies carried out at Borok promoted the establishment of a new direction in geophysics—diagnostics of the state of the magnetosphere based on the ground observations of geomagnetic pulsations. The analysis of simultaneous observations of the geomagnetic pulsations at polar latitudes of the Arctic and Antarctic was also for the first time conducted at the Borok observatory. This analysis revealed the main characteristics of wave phenomena at the geomagnetic poles and in the vicinity of the projection of the dayside polar cusp. Thus, for the first time in the world, Troitskaya and her Borok colleagues established the key patterns of the oscillatory regimes in the geomagnetic field of the Earth. This laid the basis for the further experimental and theoretical investigations which have shown that SPPs play a leading role in the dynamics of the magnetospheric plasma. In this paper we also list of 60 of Troitskaya’s main publications.  相似文献   

张甘霖 《湖泊科学》2020,32(5):1227-1228
<正>1921年,竺可桢先生在《科学》杂志发表了《杭州西湖生成之原因》一文,距今已一百年,这可能是我国现代湖泊科学的最早文献.1940年中国地理研究所在重庆北碚成立,抗战胜利后搬迁至南京.1953年,中国科学院地理研究所在南京正式成立.1958年研究所设立了湖泊组(组长施成熙),揭开了中国现代湖泊科学研究的序幕.1987年,研究所更名为中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所(以下简称地湖所).时光荏苒,地湖  相似文献   

I arrived at Caltech in June 1986,with interests in both mineral physics and seismology.I was excited to either study mineral physics with Professor Tom Ahrens,...  相似文献   

A year after the passing of Don Helmberger,it is remarkable how memories of interactions with him over my entire professional career continue to spark affection...  相似文献   

I grew up in one of the most aseismic regions of the planet but decided as a child that I wanted to be a seismologist.Ignoring all the naysayers who claimed tha...  相似文献   

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