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 Mining in the Witbank Coalfield commenced at the turn of the century. Initially there was little environmental degradation associated with mining activities; however, in the late 1930s and early 1940s a pillar-robbing programme commenced. At one particular mine this has had marked effects on the environment. Primary effects include subsidence, the appearance of tension cracks at the surface and crownhole development. Secondary effects include spontaneous combustion of the coal worked, as air has been provided with ready access to the mine, accelerated subsidence due to the strength of many pillars being reduced by burning, and a marked deterioration in groundwater quality in the area. Spoil heaps also form blemishes on the landscape. These contain significant amounts of coal and have undergone spontaneous combustion. The deterioration in the water quality has led to the decimation of vegetation in some areas and the eradication of aquatic flora and fauna in a nearby stream. Received: 5 March 1997 · Accepted: 1 July 1997  相似文献   

Stream response to subsidence from underground coal mining in central Utah   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 Short-term geomorphic and hydrologic effects of subsidence induced by longwall mining under Burnout Creek, Utah were evaluated. During the year after longwall mining, 0.3–1.5 m of subsidence was measured near impacted reaches of the mountain stream channel. The major channel changes that occurred in a 700-m reach of Burnout Creek that was subsided from 1992 to 1993 were: (1) increase in lengths of cascades and to a lesser extent glides; (2) increases in pool length, numbers and volumes; (3) increase in median particle diameter of bed sediment in pools; and (4) some constriction in channel geometry. Most of the changes appeared short-lived, with channel recovery approaching pre-mining conditions by 1994. In a 300-m reach of the South Fork that was subsided from 1993 to 1994, only channel constriction was observed, although any impacts on pool morphology may have been confounded by heavy grazing in the riparian reaches during the dry summer of 1994. Similar near-channel sedimentation and loss of pool volume between 1993 and 1994 were noted throughout Burnout Creek and in adjacent, unmined James Creek. Subsidence during the 3-year period had no effect on baseflows or near-channel landslides. Received: 10 April 1998 · Accepted: 21 September 1998  相似文献   

 The recession of alluvial channel banks occurs as a sequence of mass movements or by gradual dissolution of bank materials. Criteria for recognizing and interpreting bank recessions due to mass movement and/or erosion are presented. Using back analysis technique, slope development processes are reconstructed as a sequence of bank failure episodes and erosional events. Various mechanisms of mass bank failure and recession as well as causative agents have been identified and analyzed. A deterministic sensitivity technique based on partial differentiation can be used for evaluating the contribution of factors to bank recession and as a basis for selecting bank erosion remedial measures. Received: 15 September 1995 · Accepted: 23 January 1996  相似文献   

 Ca-chloride waters are defined as those in which Q=rCa/r(SO4+HCO3)>1, rNa/rCl<0.80, rMg/rCa<0.5 and wCl/wBr<286 (r=meq l–1 and w=mg l–1). Throughout the last 50 years, different models for the formation of such waters have been suggested. These models include: (1) filtration through semipermeable membranes under conditions of highly compacted argillaceous sediments, (2) deaquation of seawater by evaporation and/or by freezing followed by dolomitization, (3) hydrolysis of plagioclase and biotites in igneous metamorphic rock masses, (4) radiolytic modification of residual metamorphic fluids, and (5) dissolution of chalks followed by ion exchange on smectites. The better understanding of processes and of natural environments leading to the evolution and natural occurrence of such brines, is imperative for the prospection and further sustained exploitation of such waters. Received: 11 October 1996 · Accepted: 24 February 1997  相似文献   

 Subsidence due to longwall underground coal mining changes the hydraulic properties, heads, yields, and in some cases the groundwater chemistry of overlying bedrock aquifers. A 7-year study of a sandstone aquifer overlying an active longwall mine in Illinois has supported a comprehensive model of these impacts. Subsidence caused increases in permeability and storativity over the longwall panel. These changes initially caused a major decline in water levels in the sandstone, but the aquifer recovered slightly within a few months and fully within several years after mining. The enhanced hydraulic properties combined with potentiometric recovery resulted in a zone of greater well yield. However, at sites with very poor transmissivity and inadequate recharge pathways, recovery may not occur. Also, at the study site, the physical enhancement was accompanied by a deterioration in groundwater quality from slightly brackish, sodium bicarbonate water to more brackish water with increased sulfate levels. Received: 17 March 1997 · Accepted: 9 September 1997  相似文献   

 Land subsidence due to groundwater withdrawal combined with a global sea level rise creates a serious environmental problem in the coastal region. Groundwater withdrawal results in fluid pressure change in the layers. The pressure change in the layers induces both elastic and inelastic land compaction. The elastic compaction can be recovered if the water level rises again and inelastic compaction becomes permanent. Groundwater response to barometric pressure change is used to estimate the elastic compaction in this study. The storativity, specific storage and other layer and hydrological information are used to estimate the inelastic compaction of the layers due to fluid withdrawal. The discussed methods are applied to estimate and predict the subsidence potentials resulting from overdrafting of the groundwater in the southern New Jersey. The estimated subsidence is about 2–3 cm near the location of monitoring wells in Atlantic, Camden, Cumberland and Cape May Counties over the past 20 years. If the current trend of water-level drop continues, the average subsidence in southern New Jersey in the vicinity of some monitoring wells will be about 3 cm in the next 20 years. The rise of global sea level is about 2 mm/year on average. Because of the very gentle slope in southern NJ, the combination of subsidence and sea level rise will translate into a potentially substantial amount of land loss in the coastal region in each 20 year period. This combination will also accelerate the coastal flooding frequency and the erosion rate of the New Jersey coastal plain, and pose a serious threat to the coastal economy. Received: 15 December 1997 · Accepted: 30 June 1998  相似文献   

 Several areas of Nakuru Town and its environs often undergo subsidence along the parallel fault zones during and after heavy rainfall. During the rainy season, when most of the subsidence occurs, the overlying unconsolidated volcanoclastic sediments become oversaturated with water. The water reduces the shear strength of the sediments and also introduces extra loading through saturation leading to subterranean erosion along faults. The unconsolidated sediments then collapse into the subsurface water channels which closely follow the fault zones, leading to formation of “sinkholes”. The frequent incidences of ground subsidence in the study area, have caused several fatalities, destroyed settlements and physical infrastructure. Furthermore persistent subsidence has increased the cost of construction and the repair of the destroyed properties. Apart from being hazardous, ground subsidence degrades environment when sewage water, refuse and garbage enter into the groundwater systems through the sinkholes. The fissures formed after subsidence also stand prominently as ugly features from the rest of the terrain. Mitigation measures including control, channelizing of drainage, proper engineering practices and appropriate land use are suggested in this paper. Received: 1 December 1998 · Accepted: 8 March 1999  相似文献   

 The economic and environmental consequences of soil nitrogen tests can have significant impacts on agricultural production. Some of these are explored here. The pre-side-dress soil N-test is evaluated for a hypothetical farmer growing corn at the ARS Sustainable Agriculture Demonstration Farm site in southern Maryland. For a farmer not currently using a soil N-test, adoption of this technology can lead to the enhancement of net farm income and the reduction in nitrogen loss to the environment. This will transpire only if the farmer is currently underestimating nitrogen carryover by more than 25% or applying nitrogen fertilizer based solely on an expected plateau-yield goal. Received: 13 February 1997 · Accepted: 13 May 1997  相似文献   

Solution-subsidence and other types of collapse failures developed in the vicinity of Sazlıca have been a major source of environmental problems such as groundwater pollution, soil erosion, and foundation failures. Extensive pumping of water from the Lake Dipsiz during irrigation seasons creates landslide developments at the shores of the lake. Five stages of landslide development were observed in the unconsolidated soils around Lake Dipsiz. Bowl-shaped solution-subsidence features with depths from 1 to 3 m and diameters between 1 and 60 m were formed due to excess pumping, and recharge and discharge features of unconfined aquifer. The pumping activities must be controlled to prevent further environmental problems. Lake Dipsiz and other subsidence developments are the groundwater exposure areas highly vulnerable to contamination. The proposed remedies for overcoming the environmental problems are the establishment of conservation areas around such natural features; ceasing the removal of top soil, controlling the urbanization, and keeping the livestock farming away from the areas susceptible to pollution. Received: 2 June 1997 · Accepted: 16 January 1998  相似文献   

 This paper explores the implications of a misspecification of the production function on the use of factor inputs in the context of the adoption of an alternative production practice (a technological innovation) designed to mitigate the impact of agricultural production on human health and the environment. It is demonstrated that if the level of the use of some inputs is considered rather than their consumptive use (i.e., the actual amount used by a plant), the productivity of the input is inaccurately measured. It is also demonstrated that an aggregate production function approach can lead to overestimation of the value of the marginal product of an input due to the frequently implicit assumptions that the output supply, output demand, and fertilizer demand are infinitely price elastic. The implications of the results are important for determining the optimal use of inputs such as fertilizer and pesticides which have known adverse impacts on the environment and human health. Received: 22 November 1996 · Accepted: 4 May 1998  相似文献   

 The impact of energy on the adoption of conservation tillage is of special importance in addressing concerns about the effect of agricultural production on the environment in the United States. It is the subject of this paper. After establishing that a relationship exists between the price of energy and the adoption of conservation tillage via cointegration techniques, the relationship is quantified. It is shown that while the real price of crude oil, the proxy used for the price of energy, does not affect the rate of adoption of conservation tillage, it does impact the extent to which it is used. Finally, there is no structural instability in the relationship between the relative use of conservation tillage and the real price of crude oil over the period 1963–1997. Received: 6 February 1998 · Accepted: 4 May 1998  相似文献   

 The Red River drains 242000 km2 with 90% of this area being downstream of discharges from naturally occurring brine seeps and springs. The upstream area has been designated as a major chloride emission area in Texas and Oklahoma. Ten major brine source emission areas along the tributaries to the Red River were identified by U.S. Public Health Service and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Eight of these areas were deemed suitable for the control of brine emissions by structural methods including a ring dike to enclose brine springs; low flow dams to capture and divert stream flows with high chloride content to evaporation lakes; and shallow aquifer brine collection wells with a deep-well disposal system. Two adjacent emission areas, designated as Areas XIII and XIV, contribute 500 metric tons of salt per day to the Red River. These areas, along Jonah Creek and Salt Creek, tributaries to the Prairie Dog Town Fork of the Red River were selected for investigation to control brine emission by utilization of shallow collection wells and disposal by deep injection wells. Drilling programs and pumping tests were performed to determine the number and location of shallow collection wells. Eighteen wells with 12 operating full time, will be located in the primary emission areas. The collected brine will be conveyed through corrosion-resistant pipelines to a treatment facility for filtration at a rate of 300 l/s. Additional pipelines will convey the filtered brine to deep injection wells for disposal. Nine deep wells will be installed with seven operating full time. Design criteria for the project are 100-year life expectancy and automated operation with minimum supervision and maintenance. The required minimum operating, maintenance and supervision coupled with 100-year life expectancy of the project added significantly to the estimated US $58 million capital cost of the project. However, the reduction in annual cost for labor, repairs and replacement of the component of the system should result in a lower life cycle cost. The estimated annual operating and maintenance cost is US $4.7 million. Received: 5 May 1998 · Accepted: 30 June 1998  相似文献   

 The aim of this paper was to study the weathering mechanism of marbles and granites exposed to the marine environment at the Delos archaeological site. Alterations, as granular disintegration, contour scaling and alveolus formations, can be observed either at the base of blocks and columns, or at the median-high zones of monuments. A white marble, which originated from Naxos Island, had a weak porosity (0.2%). Its porous network was organized into two subnetworks of rectilinear and sinuous cracks, which limited capillary transfer to ∼10 cm. The granite, which originated from Delos Island, had a relatively high porosity (2.15%), and had a well-connected system of cracks and microporous zones of weathered minerals. This homogeneous network allowed good capillary transfer for long distances (1–2 m). For the marble, as for the granite, evaporation occurred mainly at depth in the stone, and encouraged its deterioration. This damage depends on the dissolution and crystallization of salts, which occur in cycles. First, by the capillary transfer of water and salt from the ground, when the stones are located near the sea. This processes can explain the deterioration of the marble and the granite bases, and the decay of granite on all its surfaces. Second, by fixation of water vapor by sea salt deposited on the stone by wind. This phenomenon can explain the degradations observed on the median-high parts of monuments in marble and granite, even though, for the granite, the first mechanism was more active.  相似文献   

 Impact of catchment erosion and the resultant reservoir siltation from a tropical environment is reported here to discuss the effect of a reservoir in the natural degradation of an evergreen-forested segment. While an area of 8.01 km2 has been affected by direct inundation at the full reservoir level, another 2.6 km2 area once under thick forest cover, had also lost its identity over the last 38 years by indirect degradation. This zone mainly falls in the confluence of tributaries, namely Neyyar and Mullayar, with the reservoir. The capacity of the reservoir was found to be reduced by 28.8 Mm3 during this period and the annual average loss is calculated as 0.75 Mm3 (0.71%), indicating the intensity of erosion from the catchment zone. In case the proposed upper dam in the reservoir comes into existence, an additional area of 2.4 km2 from the virgin forest would be submerged and more area would face degradation around the inundated zone. Received: 29 July 1998 · Accepted: 16 November 1998  相似文献   

 Among the demonstrated processes influencing the transport of bacteria through aquifers, the deposition of cells on mineral surfaces is one of the most important. For example, understanding the transport of introduced bacteria through aquifers is essential to designing some in situ bioremediation schemes. The impact of the presence and distribution of Fe(III)-oxyhydroxide-coated sand grains on bacterial transport through porous media was evaluated in column experiments in which bacteria (short rods; 1.2 μm length) were eluted through columns of quartz sand (0.5–0.6 mm in diameter) for several conditions of chemical heterogeneity of mineral substrate. Fe(III)-oxyhydroxide-coated sand was present as 10% of the mass, and it was arranged in three treatments: (1) homogeneously distributed, and present as a discrete layer (2) at the top and (3) at the bottom of 14-cm-long sand columns. A pulse input of 108 cells ml–1 was introduced in an artificial groundwater solution flowing at 14 cm h–1 through the column, and eluted cells were counted. Peak breakthrough occurred at 1.0 pore volume. A large proportion of cells were retained; 14.7–15.8% of the cells were recovered after three pore volumes of solution had eluted through clean quartz sand, and only 2.1–4.0% were recovered from the Fe(III)-oxyhydroxide-coated sand mixtures. The three physical arrangements of the chemical heterogeneity resulted in essentially the same breakthrough of cells, indicating that the spatial distribution of iron coating does not affect the transport of bacteria. The results of the column transport experiments, which mimic hydrogeological conditions encountered in field problems, are consistent with our mechanistic understanding of bacterial sorption. Received: 10 April 1996 · Accepted: 17 February 1997  相似文献   

The problem of the Quaternary, geological environment and desertification   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 The Quaternary geological environment supplied mankind with a habitat and rich natural resources such as forest, meadow, water, etc. Mankind has developed to modern civilization through a very long history. During the last 100 years the area of desertification has been expanding, natural resources have been consumed, and eco-environments plundered. Mankind felled forests, cultivated grassland, and increased farmland because of unceasing increasing population and the need for materials. In a period of 50–100 years, mankind's destruction could change good meadow into desert. The following examples are evidence: Shangdu grassland in Inner Mongolia and the west grassland of Jilin Province have been changing into desert rapidly. Two concepts of destructive power (D) and bearing capacity (B) can be used to describe this process. When D<B, the ecosystem keeps good circulation, D=B, eco-balance reaches critical state, and D>B, ecosystem loses balance, the environment is destroyed and developed toward desert. The law of destructive power increasing with time accords with logistic curves and can be expressed by a logistic model. Destructive power (D) increases with decrease of bearing capacity (B);D and B represent a reciprocal relation. With a logistic model the developing process of desertification can be studied and the developing rate and strength of change can be forecasted. Received: 20 July 1998 · Accepted: 1 December 1998  相似文献   

 The environmental conditions prevailing in the Chicam-Toctina drainage system (approx. 138 km2 in Córdoba, Argentina) are considered representative of a number of catchments in Argentina's Sierras Pampeanas Range. Two groups of ions reflect the sources of dissolved species in the catchment: a) a group (Cl, SO2– 4, and Na+) which recognizes natural and anthropogenic sources, and which exhibits significant correlations with N 3 and NO 2, and b) another group of components (Ca2+, Mg2+, and HCO 3) which is clearly controlled by carbonate rocks and their waste rock products. In the headwaters, stockpiled marble quarry mining wastes provide a more open system to CO2 gaseous exchange than the outcropping rocks, thus promoting the increase of carbonate dissolution (up to 4.88 g km–2 s–1 during the rainy season). This specific yield was 20% higher than the amount estimated for an area with fewer extended mining activities. The dissolved load delivered by the upper reaches is subjected in the lower drainage area to various processes, mainly controlled by the presence of the city of Alta Gracia (approx. 40,000 inhabitants). In the dry season, due to nutrient inputs supplied by the city, photosynthetic activity plays a major role controlling stream pH. Hence, the high values of calcite saturation indexes and the increase of CaCO3 concentration in bed sediments can be explained by calcite precipitation. Such a process could be accompanied by the coprecipitation on calcium carbonate of low solubility heavy metal carbonates. Received : 17 January 1997 · Accepted : 31 March 1997  相似文献   

 The focus of this research was to determine the impact of abandoned mines on surface water and groundwater in the historical mining districts of the Cerbat Mountains, Arizona. The surface water in the mining areas was found to be contaminated by various combinations and concentrations of heavy metals. Elevated arsenic, cadmium, and iron concentrations were detected in most surface-water samples, while lead, copper, and zinc contamination differed from region to region, depending on the ore mined. The groundwater was seriously polluted by arsenic, cadmium, lead, zinc, iron, and manganese in the immediate vicinity of mines that processed ore on the site, such as the Tennessee Mine near Chloride. Chloride's groundwater, however, showed no evidence of contamination. Three possible explanations are discussed: immobilization of the heavy metals in the soil by chemical reactions and adsorption, dilution effects due to the rainy season in spring, or the existence of different groundwater systems. Received: 17 September 1996 · Accepted: 14 May 1997  相似文献   

 A dominant non-bacterial microorganism that may strongly impact environmental conditions in acid mine drainage at several Indiana coal mine sites is a single-celled protozoan, Euglena mutabilis. Field data suggest E. mutabilis has high tolerance for elevated total dissolved solids (TDS), to 18 g/l, and acid conditions to pH 1.7. Distribution is restricted to unmixed effluent pH<4.6, with prolific growth between pH 3.0 and 3.5. Additional factors influencing E. mutabilis include preference for areas with lower mineral/colloidal precipitation rates and a stable substrate of iron-rich precipitates. Initial studies indicate that in areas of prolific growth it contributes to oversaturation of dissolved oxygen by up to 200%. The presence of small orange intracellular crystalline-like structures, similar in color to iron oxyhydroxides, suggests that E. mutabilis may be sequestering iron, and possibly other metals. Further work is needed to determine if E. mutabilis contributes to natural mitigation of poor water quality at these and other coal mine sites. Received: 13 January 2000 · Accepted: 2 May 2000  相似文献   

 The natural environment of an environmental conflict site in Incheon, Korea was assessed with a focus on the hydrogeological environment. Residents had made claims against a company because of health problems, including skin tumors. More specifically, the residents suspected that their drinking groundwater had been contaminated by glass fibers which had caused the health problems. Air, soil, and groundwater samples were analyzed to estimate whether environmental pollution could have caused the problems claimed by the residents. No specific evidence was found from this study to support the groundwater contamination by glass fibers, but groundwater contamination by leaked fuel oils was confirmed in the course of evaluating the glass fiber problem. Received: 16 May 1997 · Accepted: 18 August 1997  相似文献   

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