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In this paper, theoretical study is carried out to investigate the general 3D short-crested wave interaction with a concentric two-cylinder system. The interior cylinder is impermeable and the exterior cylinder is thin in thickness and porous to protect the interior cylinder. Both cylinders are surface-piercing and bottom mounted. Analytical solution is derived based on the linear potential theory. The effects of the wide range wave parameters and structure configuration including porosity of the exterior cylinder and the annular spacing on the wave forces, surface elevations and the diffracted wave contours are examined.  相似文献   

It is a commonly held opinion that only a forced resonance is possible between random wind-generated waves and wave energy absorbers; the forced resonance being pursued by means of devices for phase control. We show, instead, that it is possible to obtain an impressive natural resonance between random wind-generated waves and a new kind of absorber beneath the sea level. The proof is given through a small scale field experiment. This finding should enable us to defend coasts with a very low environmental impact and to use breakwaters for converting large quantities of wave energy into electric power.  相似文献   

This paper provides a linear solution for the Wave Rotor, a wave energy device that comprises two parallel counter rotating cylinders in orbital motion. Theoretical results are obtained for the radiated waves generated by the device, and for its efficiency. Comparisons with earlier measurements of radiated waves show very promising agreement.  相似文献   

Several control methods of wave energy converters (WECs) need prediction in the future of wave surface elevation. Prediction of wave surface elevation can be performed using measurements of surface elevation at a location ahead of the controlled WEC in the upcoming wave. Artificial neural network (ANN) is a robust data-learning tool, and is proposed in this study to predict the surface elevation at the WEC location using measurements of wave elevation at ahead located sensor (a wave rider buoy). The nonlinear autoregressive with exogenous input network (NARX NN) is utilized in this study as the prediction method. Simulations show promising results for predicting the wave surface elevation. Challenges of using real measurements data are also discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

The characteristics of wave damping for the vertically stratified porous breakwaters are investigated under oblique wave action. It is found that for common angles of incidence, the wave damping efficiency of a vertically stratified porous structure behaves very similar to a simple structure. The reflection coefficient decreases with increasing angle of incidence while the transmission coefficient only slightly increases as the angle of incidence increases. It is shown that the wave energy loss is in direct proportional to the structure thickness and its porosity regardless of the angle of incidence. Considering small transmission coefficient as a basic requirement and if a moderate reflection coefficient is accepted, a structure thickness of b/h=1 is proposed. In this situation, since the structure does not have a very large thickness, adopting a vertically stratified structure is not an effective way to improve its wave damping efficiency.  相似文献   

The paper aims at introducing practical methods for power capture performance enhancement of a heaving wave energy converter in irregular seas. The optimum control solution requires tuning to wave frequency based on wave force information. However, identification of the wave frequency in irregular seas is considered to be a complex and difficult task. This is partly due to technical difficulties in determination of the wave force. Besides, there are no clear guidelines for identification of wave frequency from an irregular sea state based wave force information. In a typical application, one of the available sources of information about the wave properties is the wave elevation record. The proposed approach presents a method for estimation of the wave frequency information from the wave elevation data by using signal processing and filtering techniques. The proposed method uses filters to generate an estimation of wave force information, which is used to identify the local wave frequency by method of a time-series analysis of the data. This wave frequency information is then used in tuning the device. The details of the proposed techniques, the model of the wave energy converter, the simulated sea states and the related simulation results are also presented.  相似文献   

A lift based cycloidal wave energy converter (WEC) was investigated using potential flow numerical simulations in combination with viscous loss estimates based on published hydrofoil data. This type of wave energy converter consists of a shaft with one or more hydrofoils attached eccentrically at a radius. The main shaft is aligned parallel to the wave crests and submerged at a fixed depth. The operation of the WEC as a wave-to-shaft energy converter interacting with straight crested waves was estimated for an actual ocean wave climate. The climate chosen was the climate recorded by a buoy off the north-east shore of Oahu/Hawaii, which was a typical moderate wave climate featuring an average annual wave power PW = 17 kWh/m of wave crest. The impact of the design variables radius, chord, span and maximum generator power on the average annual shaft energy yield, capacity factor and power production time fraction were explored. In the selected wave climate, a radius R = 5 m, chord C = 5 m and span of S = 60 m along with a maximum generator power of PG = 1.25 MW were found to be optimal in terms of annual shaft energy yield. At the design point, the CycWEC achieved a wave-to-shaft power efficiency of 70%. In the annual average, 40% of the incoming wave energy was converted to shaft energy, and a capacity factor of 42% was achieved. These numbers exceeded the typical performance of competing renewables like wind power, and demonstrated that the WEC was able to convert wave energy to shaft energy efficiently for a range of wave periods and wave heights as encountered in a typical wave climate.  相似文献   

A nonlinear sloshing problem is numerically simulated. During excessive sloshing, the sloshing-induced impact load can cause a critical damage on the tank structure. Recently the problem becomes an important research topic in LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) Tanker and FPSO (Floating Production Storage Offloading) design. In this study, the wave impact load on the structure is obtained numerically by imposing the exact nonlinear free surface conditions and compared with that predicted by Morison's formula. As a theoretical model, a three-dimensional free surface flow in a tank is formulated in the scope of potential flow theory with the exact nonlinear free-surface conditions. A finite-element method based on Hamilton's principle is employed as a numerical method. The problem is treated as an initial-value problem. The nonlinear problem is numerically solved through an iterative scheme at each time step.  相似文献   

An increasing number of experiments are being conducted to study the design and performance of wave energy converters. Often in these tests, a real-time realization of prospective control algorithms is applied in order to assess and optimize energy absorption as well as other factors. This paper details the design and execution of an experiment for evaluating the capability of a model-scale WEC to execute basic control algorithms. Model-scale hardware, system, and experimental design are considered, with a focus on providing an experimental setup capable of meeting the dynamic requirements of a control system. To more efficiently execute such tests, a dry bench testing method is proposed and utilized to allow for controller tuning and to give an initial assessment of controller performance; this is followed by wave tank testing. The trends from the dry bench test and wave tank test results show good agreement with theory and confirm the ability of a relatively simple feedback controller to substantially improve energy absorption. Additionally, the dry bench testing approach is shown to be an effective and efficient means of designing and testing both controllers and actuator systems for wave energy converters.  相似文献   

A spectral model suitable for the representation of wave energy converters is developed. A spectral model is an extension of a frequency-domain model that allows inclusion of non-linear forces and thereby provides improved estimates of wave energy converter performance, without the high computational cost of a time-domain model. The suitability and accuracy of a spectral model representation is demonstrated for a flap-type wave energy converter, by modelling the effect of vortex shedding and large amplitudes of motion. The development of a spectral model of wave energy converters also means that they can be represented in spectral wave models and included explicitly in software tools such as SWAN or Mike21 SW. This means that tools familiar to the industry could be used to determine the environmental impact and energy yield of wave farms efficiently.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the performance of a small axisymmetric buoy under wave-by-wave near optimal control in surge, heave, and pitch modes in long-crested irregular waves. Wave prediction is obtained using a deterministic propagation model. The paper describes the overall formulation leading up to the derivation of the feedforward control forces in surge and heave, and the control moment in pitch. The radiation coupling between surge and pitch modes is accounted for in the model. Actuation is relative to deeply submerged reaction masses. Heave oscillations are constrained by the swept-volume limit. Oscillation constraints are also applied on the surge and pitch oscillations. The paper discusses time-domain simulations for an irregular wave input with and without the present control. Also discussed are results obtained over a range of irregular wave conditions derived for energy periods from 7 s to 17 s, and a significant wave height of 1 m. It is found that, while the gains in power capture enabled by the present control are significant, the actuation forces are also very large, given the small size of the buoy. Further, due to the small size, heave is found to be the dominant contributor to power capture, with relatively modest contributions from surge and pitch.  相似文献   

A lift based wave energy converter, namely, a cycloidal turbine, is investigated. This type of wave energy converter consists of a shaft with one or more hydrofoils attached eccentrically at a radius. The main shaft is aligned parallel to the wave crests and submerged at a fixed depth. In the two-dimensional limit, i.e. for large spans of the hydrofoil (or an array of these), the geometry of the converter is suitable for wave termination of straight crested Airy waves. Results from two-dimensional potential flow simulations, with thin hydrofoils modeled as either a point vortex or discrete vortex panel, are presented. The operation of the cycloidal turbine both as a wave generator as well as a wave-to-shaft energy converter interacting with a linear Airy wave is demonstrated. The impact on the performance of the converter for design parameters such as device size, submergence depth, and number of hydrofoils is shown. For optimal parameter choices, simulation results demonstrate inviscid energy conversion efficiencies of more than 99% of the incoming wave energy to shaft energy. This is achieved using feedback control to synchronize the rotational rate, blade pitch angle, and phase of the cycloidal wave energy converter to the incoming wave. While complete termination of the incoming wave is shown, the remainder of the energy is lost to harmonic waves traveling in the up-wave and down-wave directions.  相似文献   

两层流体中振荡水平圆柱潜体水动力特性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
研究了有限深两层流体中水平圆柱潜体的振荡辐射问题。在线性势流理论框架内,建立求解辐射势的多极展开理论,提出附加质量和阻尼系数的计算方法,进行了数值计算分析,并且与均匀流中的情况进行比较。结果表明,在圆柱潜体的某个振荡频率范围内,流体的分层效应对其附加质量和阻尼系数是有重要影响的。同时,对水平圆柱潜体振荡产生的自由面和内界面波动特性进行了数值分析。  相似文献   

将造波水槽内二维浮体牵引弹簧回复液压缸的受力系统简化为弹簧—质量—阻尼器系统,建立数学模型,并根据牛顿第二定律得到运动方程式。采用基于简单格林函数的边界元方法对所研究浮体的水动力学系数和波浪力进行计算,对于施加给液压系统的不同外部阻尼值,由运动方程可得到相应的浮体垂荡运动位移。为求浮体对液压系统做功的最大值,在给定条件下着重对外部阻尼系数进行了优化。  相似文献   

In this article, we investigate the energy absorption performance of a fixed-bottom pressure-differential wave energy converter. Two versions of the technology are considered: one has the moving surfaces on the bottom of the air chambers whereas the other has the moving surfaces on the top. We developed numerical models in the frequency domain, thereby enabling the power absorption of the two versions of the device to be assessed. It is observed that the moving surfaces on the top allow for easier tuning of the natural period of the system. Taking into account stroke limitations, the design is optimized. Results indicate that the pressure-differential wave energy converter is a highly efficient technology both with respect to energy absorption and selected economic performance indicators.  相似文献   

To date the estimation of long-term wave energy production at a given deployment site has commonly been limited to a consideration of the significant wave height Hs and mean energy period Te. This paper addresses the sensitivity of power production from wave energy converters to the wave groupiness and spectral bandwidth of sea states. Linear and non-linear systems are implemented to simulate the response of converters equipped with realistic power take-off devices in real sea states. It is shown in particular that, when the converters are not much sensitive to wave directionality, the bandwidth characteristic is appropriate to complete the set of overall wave parameters describing the sea state for the purpose of estimating wave energy production.  相似文献   

The hydrodynamic performance of a dual cylindrical caisson breakwater (DCBW) formed by a row of caissons each of which consisting of a porous outer cylinder circumscribing an impermeable inner cylinder has been theoretically investigated. The theoretical formulation is based on the eigenfunction expansion method proposed by Spring and Monkmeyer (1974) which was further modified by Linton and Evans [Linton, C.M., Evans, D.V., 1990. The interaction of waves with arrays of vertical circular cylinders. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 215, 549–569] for an array of impermeable cylinders. The present formulation is an extension of the work of Wang and Ren [Wang, K.H., Ren, X., 1994. Wave interaction with a concentric porous cylinder system. Ocean Engineering 21(4), 343–360], wherein; the interaction of linear waves with a single concentric porous cylinder system was studied. In the present study, the formulation has been extended to the case of a group of porous dual cylinder system. Parametric studies are carried out to study the influence of porosity (G0) on the outer caisson, width of the doughnut chamber (a/b) and the angle of wave incidence on the variation in the hydrodynamic loading, wave run-up, free-surface elevation in its vicinity as well as the transmission on its lee-side. The importance of the presence of the inner cylinder in achieving the required hydrodynamic performance in terms of either protection or providing tranquility on its lee side keeping higher stability for the breakwater system is highlighted.  相似文献   

This paper investigates wave-by-wave control of a wave energy converter using incident wave prediction based on up-wave surface elevation measurement. The goal of control is to approach the hydrodynamically optimum velocity leading to optimum power absorption. This work aims to study the gains in energy conversion from a deterministic wave propagation model that accounts for a range of group velocities in deriving the prediction. The up-wave measurement distance is assumed to be small enough to allow a deterministic propagation model, and further, both wave propagation and device response are assumed to be linear. For deep water conditions and long-crested waves, the propagation process is also described using an impulse response function (e.g. [1]). Approximate low and high frequency limits for realistic band-limited spectra are used to compute the corresponding group velocity limits. The prediction time into the future is based on the device impulse response function needed for the evaluation of the control force. The up-wave distance and the duration of measurement are then determined using the group velocity limits above.A 2-body axisymmetric heaving device is considered, for which power capture is through the relative heave oscillation between the two co-axial bodies. The power take-off is assumed to be linear and ideal as well as capable of applying the necessary resistive and reactive load components on the relative heave oscillation. The predicted wave profile is used along with device impulse response functions to compute the actuator force components at each instant. Calculations are carried out in irregular waves generated using a number of uni-modal wave spectra over a range of energy periods and significant wave heights. Results are compared with previous studies based on the use of instantaneous up-wave wave-profile measurements, both without and with oscillation constraints imposed. Considerable improvements in power capture are observed with the present approach over the range of wave conditions studied.  相似文献   

S.Y. Boo   《Ocean Engineering》2006,33(2):219-233
Wave forces on a vertical truncated circular cylinder in Stokes waves with the wave slopes ranging from 0.06 to 0.24, are measured in a wave tank. The higher harmonic wave forces are compared with the available values from theories of the FNV (Faltisen–Newman–Vinje) model and Varyani solution. The first harmonic horizontal forces measured are much larger than the theoretical values from the FNV model, while the first harmonic vertical forces are well predicted by the Varyani theory. It was also found that the FNV model significantly overpredicts the second harmonic horizontal forces in high frequency waves, but under predicts the third harmonic forces. The differences between the actual measurement and the theory, in the second and third harmonic horizontal forces, become smaller at low wave frequencies as the wave slope increases. In addition, the transverse instabilities in the incoming waves with high wave slope were observed, which is due to the nonlinear modulation. Measurements were, thus, carried out before the instability occurred.  相似文献   

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