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Saigon from the diaspora   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In the wake of reform in Vietnam and the end of the cold war, overseas Vietnamese are returning to their former homeland in increasing numbers. For most of the first generation in the diaspora, memories of wartime Saigon are now being augmented by a touristic experience of contemporary Saigon/Ho Chi Minh City. This essay asks how the co-presence of these differently spatialized and temporalized ways of knowing the city affects the production and consumption of images of Saigon in overseas Vietnamese communities in the West. Based on media ethnography carried out in Vietnamese households in Sydney, the paper argues that changes in the way Saigon is represented in overseas Vietnamese popular culture reflect a shift in the larger politics of diasporic identity. While narratives of exile and refugeehood remain potent forms of affective (if not instrumental) politics in overseas Vietnamese contexts, transnational forms of consciousness and identification are beginning to enter into diasporic public culture, albeit in a highly contested way.  相似文献   

Lands cleared for Vietnamese New Urban Zones are commonly described as ‘wastelands’ (??t hoang) in need of development. But clearing these lands in Vietnam's densely populated urban areas requires evicting large numbers of urban residents. How is it possible to render populated spaces as empty wastelands? This paper juxtaposes new ethnographic research in Ho Chi Minh City against historical scholarship on Vietnamese concepts of ‘clearing the wasteland’ and colonial civilizing projects of mise en valeur. In doing so, the article describes these concepts as parallel legitimizing strategies that effectively enable developers and planners to render previously occupied and utilized lands as empty, uninhabited wastelands. The article shows that the same narrative structure used in these earlier contexts is used to justify current urban development projects.  相似文献   

越南是中国重要的海陆邻国,开展其人口分布的研究对揭示越南人口发展规律和服务“一带一路”建设具有重要意义。基于越南2000—2019年人口统计数据,采用GIS空间分析方法揭示了越南21世纪以来人口时空分布特征,并依据人口密度和人口增长速度进一步划分其人口演变类型,最后从地形起伏度,人均GDP和外商投资总额3个因素分析了越南人口时空分异的影响机制。结果表明:①越南人口总量即将突破1亿大关,但人口增长率不断下降,近年来逐渐稳定在1.10%左右。②“南北多中间少,东部沿海多,西部内陆少”是越南人口空间分布总体特征,这与其国土形状与地形特征紧密吻合。近20年越南人口高密度地区基本稳定,全国人口空间分布格局变化较小。③越南人口分布演变类型以中高密度慢速增长为主(61.91%),而人口快速增长地区可以分为社会经济发达地区的中高密度快速增长与西北部边境和西原地区的低密度快速增长两种类型。④以地形起伏度为代表的自然地理要素决定了越南人口分布的基本格局,以人均GDP和外商投资总额为代表的经济发展水平是人口集疏过程的根本动力,但越南边境地区的人口快速增长则明显受到政府宽松的生育政策和对主体民族京族移民实边政策的影响。  相似文献   

Young Vietnamese men who witnessed their mother's changing economic and labour market situations through the early years of Ð?i m?i (the policy of economic liberalization in Vietnam after 1986) have developed conceptions of masculinity that are ambivalent to notions of male power and authority within what is often termed the ‘traditional’ neo-Confucian family. On the basis of the life narratives of a small group of men in their early twenties, the author suggests that the value young men place on their mother's work and familial influence during Ð?i m?i contrasts with the findings of much gender scholarship on women's social and economic (im) mobility in the 1990s in Vietnam and on young men's own masculinist narratives. Most gender-sensitive research in this area has suggested that Vietnamese women remained curtailed in the early 1990s by a resurgence of male-oriented kinship systems and patriarchal structures at household level. However, the author discusses the young men as being equivocal. While invoking broad Confucian tropes, these men remember their mothers as economically dynamic relative to their fathers. This led to the informants citing their mother's histories of economic risk-taking as exemplifying free-market capability. Further, the finding suggests that Vietnamese women's social and economic mobility in the 1990s strongly affected young men's contemporary ideas and practices related to masculinity.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(2):144-164
This paper gathers potent visual images of one city, Los Angeles (L.A.), by examining three contemporary films— L.A. Story (1991), Boyz N the Hood (1991), and Grand Canyon (1991). It argues that popular culture, and in particular popular film, is an integral part of the portrayal of the cultural landscape. This paper primarily uses the assorted visual images of the urban landscape in considering how this one city has been recently depicted. The three films reveal a city shaped by rapid changes in urban America, depicting Los Angeles as an urban area composed of a fragmented landscape divided into many geographies: L.A. as a realm of simulations and void of consequences; L.A. as a city under siege, a place of epidemic violence and fear; L.A. as a place obsessed with security and control; L.A. as an increasingly ambiguous and chaotic place. Far from concluding that cities have become so fragmented that they are ageographic, these films reveal various geographies that are rooted in economic, political, and cultural contexts. Attention to the “restlessness” of cities and the postmodern focus on the instability and chaotic nature of urban experience actually challenge geographers to uncover the multitude of geographies of place. Interpreting the many geographies of Los Angeles shows that film can reveal a uniquely visual catalog of human experience of place, supplementing the ways in which we decipher place image and representation. This paper suggests that film is one way by which previously marginalized groups, such as blacks, can disseminate ideas from the margins and provide alternative experiencesof place. Geographers should add film to the cache of qualitative data that constructs an urban experience through images and representation, widening the discussion of what is place  相似文献   

"一江两河"地区县域经济发展水平的空间差异分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李祥妹  高攀  刘键 《山地学报》2003,21(Z1):77-80
以“一江两河”为研究区,选取人均GDP、农民人均年纯收入、城镇化水平等6项指标,采用量图分析法,探索了该区域18个县级行政区的经济发展水平;通过分析发现城关区和日喀则市属先进类型,经济发展速度和经济发展水平都较高;堆龙德庆县、墨竹工卡县等11个县为中等发展水平县,其中堆龙德庆县、墨竹工卡县、贡嘎县、乃东县、江孜县等5县为中等类型中较先进类型,尼木县、达孜县、琼结县、扎囊县、白朗县、拉孜县等6县为中等类型中较落后组;而曲水县、桑日县、林周县、南木林县、谢通门县等5县为落后类型。最后根据“一江两河”地区县域经济发展水平提出了各类型县域经济发展的途径和对策。  相似文献   

This paper undertakes an analysis of the shifting dynamics of gentrification through the lens of the films of Woody Allen. With his focus upon the spaces of residence and high-end consumption for the upper and middle classes, the paper argues that Allen’s films can be used as a lens to examine the changing dynamics of gentrification in contemporary (Western) cities from something deemed almost novel in the 1970s, to a dominant approach to urban transformation in the early twenty-first century. In so doing, the paper demonstrates the constant tension between the desire to carve out a particular urban idyll and that of a sense of loss perceived by gentrifiers themselves of the rate of change taking place in the contemporary city.  相似文献   

Novaya Zemlya was covered by the eastern part of the Barents–Kara ice sheet during the glacial maximum of marine isotope stage 2 (MIS 2). We obtained 14C ages on 37 samples of mollusc shells from various sites on the islands. Most samples yielded ages in the range of 48–26 14C Ky. Such old samples are sensitive to contamination by young 14C, and therefore their reliability was assessed using replicate analyses and amino acid geochronology. The extent of aspartic acid racemization (Asp D/L) indicates that many of the 14C ages are correct, whereas some are minimum ages only. The results indicate that a substantial part of Novaya Zemlya was ice-free about 35–27 14C Kya, and probably even earlier. Corresponding shorelines up to >140 m a.s.l. indicate a large Barents–Kara ice sheet during early MIS 3. These results are consistent with findings from Svalbard and northern Russia: in both places a large MIS 4/3 Barents–Kara ice sheet is postulated to have retreated about 50 Kya, followed by an ice-free interstadial that lasted until up to ca. 25 Kya. The duration of the MIS 2 glaciation in Novaya Zemlya was calculated by applying the D/L values to a kinetic equation for Asp racemization. This indicates that the islands were ice covered for less than 3000 years if the basal temperature was 0oC, and for less than 10 000 years if it was −5oC.  相似文献   

The investigation of L g attenuation characteristics in the region bounding the western branch of the East African rift system using digital recordings from a seismic network located along the rift between Lake Rukwa and Lake Malawi is reported. A set of 24 recordings of L g waves from 12 regional earthquakes has been used for the determination of anelastic attenuation, Q Lg , and regional body-wave magnitude, m b Lg , scale. The events used have body-wave magnitudes, m b , between 4.6 and 5.5, which have been determined teleseismically and listed in ISC bulletins. The data were time-domain displacement amplitudes measured at 10 different frequencies (0.7–5.0  Hz). Q Lg and its frequency dependence, η , in the region can be represented in the form Q Lg = (186.2 ± 6.5)  f  (0.78±0.05). This model is in agreement with models established in other active tectonic regions. The L g -wave-based magnitude formula for the region is given by m b Lg = log   A + (3.76 ± 0.38)  log   D − (5.72 ± 1.06), where A is a half-peak-to-peak maximum amplitude of the 1  s L g wave amplitude in microns and D is the epicentral distance in kilometres. Magnitude results for the 12 regional earthquakes tested are in good agreement with the ISC body-wave magnitude scale.  相似文献   

In the pseudo-Thellier method for relative palaeointensity determinations (Tauxe et al. 1995) the slope of the NRM intensity left after AF demagnetization versus ARM intensity gained at the same peak field is used as a palaeointensity measure. We tested this method on a marine core from the Azores, spanning the last 276  kyr. We compared the pseudo-Thellier palaeointensity record with the conventional record obtained earlier by Lehman et al . (1996 ), who normalized NRM by SIRM. The two records show similar features: intensity lows with deviating palaeomagnetic directions at 40–45  ka and at 180–190  ka. The first interval is associated with the Laschamps excursion, while the 180–190  ka low represents the Iceland Basin excursion (Channell et al. 1997). The pseudo-Thellier method, in combination with a jackknife resampling scheme, provides error estimates on the palaeointensity.
  Spectral analysis of the rock magnetic parameters and the palaeointensity estimates shows orbitally forced periods, particularly 23  kyr for climatic precession. This suggests that palaeointensity is still slightly contaminated by climate. Fuzzy c -means cluster analysis of rock magnetic and geochemical parameters yields a seven-cluster model of predominantly calcareous clusters and detrital clusters. The clusters show a strong correlation with climate, for example samples from detrital clusters predominantly appear during rapid warming. Although both the pseudo-Thellier palaeointensity m a and fuzzy clusters show climatic influences, we have not been able to find an unambiguous connection between the clusters and m a .  相似文献   

Albuquerque, New Mexico is the filming location and setting of the popular television drama Breaking Bad (2008–2013). Albuquerque is not merely a passive backdrop to the action in the show but a focal point of the series. So much so that in the geographical imaginations of many, Albuquerque and Breaking Bad have become synonymous with each other. This paper critically examines the representation of urban life within the show. To do this it draws upon and expands the existing multi-disciplinary literature on cities and films/television. As well as focusing on the influence of setting and filming the show in Albuquerque on the urban diegesis (i.e. the on-screen city), it also examines three visions of Albuquerque that are projected through the show: (1) Albuquerque as a crime-ridden city; (2) Albuquerque as a spatially divided city; and (3) Albuquerque as a city to escape from.  相似文献   

Micromagnetic modelling with a Monte Carlo method was performed to obtain 2-D micromagnetic structures of pseudo-single-domain (PSD) magnetite (0.2–2.5  μm). Cubic model grains were subdivided into a 2-D array with a maximum of 100×100 cells. In order to find an appropriate cell size, the variation of the self-consistency parameter ( S ) with cell size was examined. We regard solutions with S >0.95, which corresponds to cell sizes ≤0.03  μm, as representing realistic micromagnetic structures. For saturation remanence states, we found vortex structures for small PSD grains (≤0.25  μm) and closure domain structures for larger PSD grains (0.6–2.5  μm). Between 0.25 and 0.6  μm, structures remained chaotic even after a very large number of Monte Carlo steps. In grains with a closure domain structure, domain walls were usually subdivided into several segments with opposite polarities of magnetization rotation.  相似文献   

We report on the palaeomagnetism of the gabbroic Cape St Mary's sills of the Avalon Peninsula of Newfoundland, which have previously yielded a 441±2  Ma U–Pb baddeleyite age (latest Ordovician or earliest Silurian). At 12 of 19 sites, stepwise alternating-field or thermal demagnetization isolated a stable characteristic remanence carried by magnetite. This remanence is shown to pre-date Early Devonian folding of the sills. Although a baked-contact test was inconclusive, the positive fold test and the low grade of metamorphism of the sills (prehnite–pumpellyite facies) make it likely that the characteristic remanence is primary. The tilt-corrected site-mean characteristic remanence has a declination of 343° and an inclination of −51° ( k =25, α 95=9°), yielding a ∼440  Ma palaeopole at 10°N, 140°E ( dm =12°, dp =8°) for West (North American) Avalonia. The corresponding ∼440  Ma palaeolatitude for the Avalon Peninsula is 32°S±8°. The only other West Avalonian palaeolatitude determination from rocks that could be of similar age is from the Dunn Point volcanics of Nova Scotia; their more southerly palaeolatitude of 41°S±5° suggests that they are significantly older than 440  Ma, a possibility that we recommend testing with U–Pb dating. Although no ∼440  Ma palaeolatitude determinations are available for East Avalonia (parts of southern Britain and Ireland), interpolating between mid-Ordovician and mid-Silurian determinations gives an estimate of ∼25°S. This is consistent with our Cape St Mary's result and, if the Iapetus Ocean closed orthogonally, with a narrow (∼1000  km) Iapetus Ocean of approximately east–west orientation between Avalonia and Laurentia by 440  Ma.  相似文献   

City generics is a research choice to explore continuities of urban process across time and space. Central flow theory is interpreted as generic and is operationalized using the interlocking network model. A nuanced generic approach is developed that respects differences in inter-city relations found in dissimilar social worlds, defined as world-systems. This is illustrated through the application of the interlocking network model to extremely different world-systems – the contemporary world-economy and the ancient Mesopotamian world-empire. In both cases data is collected and analysed to reveal a city network at the centre of societal reproduction; advanced producer services are enabling of corporate globalization through cities; advanced divine services are enabling of spiritual-political change through cities. Both analyses produce credible geographical results so that similarities and differences in results can be discussed as generic inter-city relations.  相似文献   


The study focuses on residential mobility propensities of Vietnamese immigrants in the city of Brisbane, Australia, as a principal force contributing to the persistence or change of ethnic residential segregation over time. Using 1990 survey data, discrete-time logit models are estimated to assess the effects of locational, contextual, and personal characteristics on the likelihood of changing residence within the city. The results indicate that locational variables operate in such a way that the most dominant Vietnamese neighborhood in Brisbane increases its prominence even further, while secondary Vietnamese clusters are likely to weaken. The results also indicate that initial settlement conditions are important for the first move only, whereas personal attributes contribute to variations in mobility propensities primarily in the second move. This implies that the composition of the immigrant population potentially influences the speed at which changes in ethnic residential patterns will occur in urban areas.  相似文献   

Variations in the geomagnetic dipole moment over the last 12 000 years   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An analysis has been made of archaeointensity data for the past 12 000 years. There are 3243 results from different areas of the world covering the past 12 000 years. Of these, 2203 are from the European region and 1040 are from the rest of the world. The archaeointensity data set analysed in the present study is almost three times larger than that used by McElhinny & Senanayake (1982 ). Although there is no major difference between our global data and the earlier data, the data for the non-European region have been improved and we now have a data set for Asia.  相似文献   

Observation of Coriolis coupled modes below 1 mHz   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We present observations of spectral energy at toroidal mode frequencies in vertical seismic recordings of the 1998 Balleny Islands earthquake. Since toroidal modes on a spherically symmetric, nonrotating Earth have horizontally polarized particle motion these observations call for an explanation. We first rule out local and instrumental effects as being responsible for the verticalcomponent signal of the toroidal modes 0 T 3 (0.59 mHz) and 0 T 4 (0.77 mHz). The global effects that we consider are general heterogeneous mantle structure, ellipticity of figure and rotation. We find that rotation through Coriolis coupling of loworder spheroidal and toroidal oscillations is the dominant mechanism.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Detached from the mainland and with a distinct historical ethnic geography, the conquered kingdom of Hawai'i, now the fiftieth state, is the only U.S. state with an Asian and Pacific Islander majority as well as the highest percentage of racial and ethnic intermarriage. Hawai'i's population reflects the tensions between the culturally pluralistic “spirit of aloha” and the ethnic‐cum‐social stratification that has evolved from its historical economic geographies. In this article I focus on one of these strata—what is referred to as “local” culture—discussing its ethnogenesis and contemporary manifestations, and I apply Jonathan Okamura's 1981 model of situational ethnicity to examine how locals and new immigrants negotiate the ethnic dynamics and social expectations of their daily lives. I also discuss various ways in which “localness” is represented on O'ahu's economic landscape, with an analysis of the Aloha Stadium Swap Meet, as a holistic expression of local culture.  相似文献   

崔秀萍  吕君  王珊 《干旱区地理》2015,38(1):148-154
采用主分量分析评估模型法,对西部生态脆弱区的资源型城市鄂尔多斯市在2003-2011年时间序列内的城市生态环境影响进行了评价与分析。结果表明:鄂尔多斯城市生态系统整体处于不稳定的发展状态,其中生态质量子系统的发展水平一直处于稳步上升、逐步改善的趋势;环境质量子系统的发展水平呈现出先下降、再上升、再下降的整体下降趋势;环境治理子系统的发展水平总体处于稳步上升、中间略有波动的趋势;综合来看,鄂尔多斯城市生态环境影响的总发展水平处于整体上升、中间略有波动的状态。  相似文献   


This piece argues that urban postpolitical scholarship should pay greater attention to the everyday lives of urban residents and the everyday spaces of contemporary cities. Recent debates in urban geography have sought in part to expand narrow readings of Jacques Rancière’s politics in particular, creating space for broader and more inclusive analyses of resistance to depoliticizing regimes. This article builds on this work, extending these critiques by suggesting that the quotidian is the most pressing analytical avenue for such expansion. The piece builds on ethnographic and archival fieldwork conducted in Mexico City between 2014 and 2017, demonstrating the dependence of a postpolitical regime on the maintenance of particular relations in the everyday spaces and interactions of the city, and some of the salient ways these trends are experienced, reproduced, and contested by the city’s residents.  相似文献   

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