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It is the intent of this paper to explore a significant extent of an entire passive continental margin for hydrate occurrence to understand hydrate modes of occurrence, preferred geologic settings and estimate potential volumes of methane. The presence of gas hydrates offshore of eastern Canada has long been inferred from estimated stability zone calculations, but little physical evidence has been offered. An extensive set of 2-D and 3-D, single and multi-channel seismic reflection data comprising in excess of 140,000 line-km was analyzed. Bottom simulating reflections (BSR) were unequivocally identified at seven sites, ranging between 250 and 445 m below the seafloor and in water depths of 620-2850 m. The combined area of the BSRs is 9311 km2, which comprises a small proportion of the entire theoretical stability zone along the Canadian Atlantic margin (∼715,165 km2). The BSR within at least six of these sites lies in a sedimentary drift deposit or sediment wave field, indicating the likelihood of grain sorting and potential porosity and permeability (reservoir) development. Although there are a variety of conditions required to generate and recognize a BSR, one might assume that these sites offer the most potential for highest hydrate concentration and exploitation. Total hydrate in formation at the sites of recognized BSR’s is estimated at 17 to 190 × 109 m3 or 0.28 to 3.12 × 1013 m3 of methane gas at STP. Although it has been shown that hydrate can exist without a BSR, the results from this regional study argue that conservative estimates of the global reserve of hydrate along continental margins are necessary.  相似文献   

Recently, several countries have conducted projects to explore and develop natural gas hydrate, which is one of the new alternative energy resources for the future. In Korea, a five-year national research project was initiated in 2000. As part of this project, a seismic survey was performed in the East Sea of Korea to quantify the potential magnitude and distribution of natural gas hydrates. Multi-channel seismic data and core samples have been acquired and recovered in the survey area. Analysis of seismic data show clear bottom simulating reflectors (BSRs), seismic blank zones (or wipe-out zones) with velocity pull-up structure, and pock-marks. In this study, we present the results of seismic surveys which indicate the existence of natural gas hydrates in Korean offshore areas. These results will be applied to select areas for coring (or drilling) and detailed exploration such as 2D seismic survey with long offset or 3D seismic in the future.  相似文献   

南海北部陆坡深水区的浅层天然气藏是一种伴随天然气水合物的新型油气藏, 具有埋藏浅、规模大的特点, 其埋藏深度一般小于300m。浅层天然气藏由深部裂解气沿断裂上升被天然气水合物封盖而形成, 识别似海底反射(BSR)是寻找浅层天然气藏有效方法。浅层天然气藏的气源主要有热解气、生物气和混合气, 陆坡张性断裂是气体运移的主要通道, 水合物下部的砂层是浅层天然气藏的主要储集层, 水合物层则是封盖层。从南海发现的天然气水合物分布特征看, 浅层天然气藏在陆坡深水区广泛分布且气藏厚度大, 潜在资源量非常可观, 是一种新型的开采成本相对低廉的油气藏。  相似文献   

近年来,参量阵浅地层剖面以其简便的野外采集方式、高分辨率的浅部地层成像能力,迅速发展为海底浅层天然气水合物探测的有效方法。为了更好地获取东海浅层天然气水合物赋存区的地质信息,针对参量阵浅地层剖面数据开展了精细化处理。首先将异常振幅压制和空间振幅均衡等方法有机结合,解决了数据中的各种噪音和能量不均衡等问题,然后利用Hilbert变换提高地层分辨率,最后利用信号增强技术进一步提高同相轴连续性,获得了波组特征更清晰的地震剖面。处理后的参量阵浅地层剖面具有信噪比较高、连续性好、地层结构清晰等特点,可以更好地揭示空白带、气烟囱、亮点和火焰状异常等地震反射特征,为识别浅层天然气水合物赋存区地质信息奠定基础。对精细处理后的数据进一步开展曲率属性、瞬时振幅属性、相干属性等地震属性分析,结果显示,与浅层天然气水合物渗漏相关的声学异常能够被清晰地识别出来。此项研究一方面验证了参量阵浅地层剖面数据处理方法的可行性,另一方面也探索了属性分析技术在海底浅层天然气水合物识别方面的应用。  相似文献   

海洋地震勘探中地震波、鬼波综合效应分析与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鬼波是影响海洋地震资料采集质量的重要因素之一,经过海水表面反射的鬼波与海底反射波相互叠加。“地震波、鬼波的综合效应”受很多因素的影响,文中从传播路径、传播时间等方面讨论了地震波与鬼波的综合效应。通过计算机模拟了二者的综合效应,与实测资料进行了对比,其幅频特性中陷波点、幅度等特性非常接近。结合水合物勘探的目的,文章探讨了基于识别BSR的勘探频率要求震源和电缆的最佳沉放深度,并通过实际应用验证了理论推算的正确性。  相似文献   

An analysis of 3D seismic data from the Zhongjiannan Basin in the western margin of the South China Sea (SCS) reveals seismic evidence of gas hydrates and associated gases, including pockmarks, a bottom simulating reflector (BSR), enhanced reflection (ER), reverse polarity reflection (RPR), and a dim amplitude zone (DAZ). The BSR mainly surrounds Zhongjian Island, covering an area of 350 km2 in this 3D survey area. The BSR area and pockmark area do not match each other; where there is a pockmark developed, there is no BSR. The gas hydrate layer builds upward from the base of the stability zone with a thickness of less than 100 m. A mature pockmark usually consists of an outside trough, a middle ridge, and one or more central pits, with a diameter of several kilometers and a depth of several hundreds of meters. The process of pockmark creation entails methane consumption. Dense faults in the study area efficiently transport fluid from large depths to the shallow layer, supporting the formation of gas hydrate and ultimately the pockmark.  相似文献   

综合地球物理调查表明,北印度洋阿拉伯海马克兰俯冲带海域水合物资源非常丰富。为调查该海域水合物及与其相关的流体活动,采集了高分辨率多道地震数据,分析了原始地震数据的特征,并按照常规水合物地震数据处理流程进行处理,获得了较好的处理效果。基于新采集处理的地震数据,识别出了经典的BSR、非经典的BSR及双BSR现象。双BSR的发现表明该海域的水合物处在一个复杂的动态过程中,对该海域水合物的研究具有重要意义。由于本次地震数据的排列长度较短(最大排列长度1 300 m),对该海域水合物的定量分析以及精细刻画受到了限制。结合此次采集的短排列数据以及理论公式分析了排列长度对水合物勘探的影响,指出在水合物的勘探中,除了震源能量、频率、道间距等参数外,排列长度也是一个需要优化设计的参数。  相似文献   

Seismic attribute study for gas hydrates in the Andaman Offshore India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Seismic data from the Andaman offshore region has been examined to investigate for the presence of gas hydrates. The seismic data displays reflection characteristics such as blanking, enhanced reflection patterns, shadows in instantaneous frequency, and increase in amplitude with the offset, which are indicative of gas hydrates and underlying free gas. A prominent bottom-simulating reflection, BSR, coupled with reverse polarity is observed around 650–700 ms. Seismic attributes such as the reflection strength and instantaneous frequency are computed along this reflector in order to probe for the presence of gas hydrates or free gas in this region. The reflection plot shows a strong reflector paralleling the seafloor. In addition, attenuation of the high frequency signal is noticed, indicating the presence of free gas below the BSR.  相似文献   

The exploration of unconventional and/or new energy resources has become the focus of energy research worldwide,given the shortage of fossil fuels.As a potential energy resource,gas hydrate exists only in the environment of high pressure and low temperature,mainly distributing in the sediments of the seafloor in the continental margins and the permafrost zones in land.The accurate determination of the thickness of gas hydrate stability zone is essential yet challenging in the assessment of the exploitation potential.The majority of previous studies obtain this thickness by detecting the bottom simulating reflectors(BSRs) layer on the seismic profiles.The phase equilibrium between gas hydrate stable state with its temperature and pressure provides an opportunity to derive the thickness with the geothermal method.Based on the latest geothermal dataset,we calculated the thickness of the gas hydrate stability zone(GHSZ) in the north continental margin of the South China Sea.Our results indicate that the thicknesses of gas hydrate stability zone vary greatly in different areas of the northern margin of the South China Sea.The thickness mainly concentrates on 200–300 m and distributes in the southwestern and eastern areas with belt-like shape.We further confirmed a certain relationship between the GHSZ thickness and factors such as heat flow and water depth.The thickness of gas hydrate stability zone is found to be large where the heat flow is relatively low.The GHSZ thickness increases with the increase of the water depth,but it tends to stay steady when the water depth deeper than 3 000 m.The findings would improve the assessment of gas hydrate resource potential in the South China Sea.  相似文献   

天然气水合物BSR的识别与地震勘探频率   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
张明  伍忠良 《海洋学报》2004,26(4):80-88
地震勘探是调查天然气水合物广泛使用而有效的方法,而BSR是水合物赋存的主要标志.通过对实际调查资料的分析对比,结合国外的调查研究成果,探讨了地震勘探频率在BSR识别中的影响和作用,提出了在我国海洋天然气水合物的地震调查中有利于BSR识别的合适的频率范围.  相似文献   

Two sites of the Deep Sea Drilling Project in contrasting geologic settings provide a basis for comparison of the geochemical conditions associated with marine gas hydrates in continental margin sediments. Site 533 is located at 3191 m water depth on a spit-like extension of the continental rise on a passive margin in the Atlantic Ocean. Site 568, at 2031 m water depth, is in upper slope sediment of an active accretionary margin in the Pacific Ocean. Both sites are characterized by high rates of sedimentation, and the organic carbon contents of these sediments generally exceed 0.5%. Anomalous seismic reflections that transgress sedimentary structures and parallel the seafloor, suggested the presence of gas hydrates at both sites, and, during coring, small samples of gas hydrate were recovered at subbottom depths of 238m (Site 533) and 404 m (Site 568). The principal gaseous components of the gas hydrates wer methane, ethane, and CO2. Residual methane in sediments at both sites usually exceeded 10 mll?1 of wet sediment. Carbon isotopic compositions of methane, CO2, and ΣCO2 followed parallel trends with depth, suggesting that methane formed mainly as a result of biological reduction of oxidized carbon. Salinity of pore waters decreased with depth, a likely result of gas hydrate formation. These geochemical characteristics define some of the conditions associated with the occurrence of gas hydrates formed by in situ processes in continental margin sediments.  相似文献   

The South China Sea (SCS) shows favorable conditions for gas hydrate accumulation and exploration prospects. Bottom simulating reflectors (BSRs) are widely distributed in the SCS. Using seismic and sequence stratigraphy, the spatial distribution of BSRs has been determined in three sequences deposited since the Late Miocene. The features of gas hydrate accumulations in northern SCS were systematically analyzed by an integrated analysis of gas source conditions, migration pathways, heat flow values, occurrence characteristics, and depositional conditions (including depositional facies, rates of deposition, sand content, and lithological features) as well as some depositional bodies (structural slopes, slump blocks, and sediment waves). This research shows that particular geological controls are important for the presence of BSRs in the SCS, not so much the basic thermodynamic controls such as temperature, pressure and a gas source. Based on this, a typical depositional accumulation model has been established. This model summarizes the distribution of each depositional system in the continental shelf, continental slope, and continental rise, and also shows the typical elements of gas hydrate accumulations. BSRs appear to commonly occur more in slope-break zones, deep-water gravity flows, and contourites. The gas hydrate-bearing sediments in the Shenhu drilling area mostly contain silt or clay, with a silt content of about 70%. In the continental shelf, BSRs are laterally continuous, and the key to gas hydrate formation and accumulation lies in gas transportation and migration conditions. In the continental slope, a majority of the BSRs are associated with zones of steep and rough relief with long-term alternation of uplift and subsidence. Rapid sediment unloading can provide a favorable sedimentary reservoir for gas hydrates. In the continental rise, BSRs occur in the sediments of submarine fans, turbidity currents.  相似文献   

准确评估新西兰Hikurangi边缘Tuaheni滑坡复合体(TLC)区域的天然气水合物含量与储层分布对TLC慢滑移现象与产生机制的解释有重要作用。本文分析了IODP372航次U1517站位测井和取心数据,发现在局部地层纵波速度增加(>1.7 km/s)和电阻率升高(>1.5 Ω·m)的104~160 mbsf层段存在天然气水合物,其中112~114、130~145和150~160 mbsf层段饱和度相对较高。根据岩性划分了不同井段对应的矿物成分含量,用于纵波速度模型计算,并利用简化三相介质(STPE)和改进的Biot-Gassmann模型(BGTL)分别估算了104~160 mbsf层段的天然气水合物饱和度,平均饱和度分别为5.2%和6.0%,最高饱和度分别为22.7%和21.6%。同时,与阿尔奇公式估算的水合物饱和度比较,在104~160 mbsf层段3种方法估算的饱和度值随深度变化相似,天然气水合物平均饱和度相近(约6.0%),在130~145 mbsf层段的水合物平均饱和度最高(约8.5%)。本研究使用两种声速模型和更为精细的参数估算饱和度,其估算结果更为可靠,可为Tuaheni滑坡复合体慢滑移现象研究提供良好的基础数据支撑。  相似文献   

海底地震仪(OBS)直接布设在海底,在地球动力学研究、油气勘探以及地震学研究等众多领域中应用广泛。随着采集技术的提高,海底地震仪也越来越广泛地应用到水合物的勘探中。文中从OBS数据采集、数据处理以及速度反演三个方面对OBS在水合物勘探中的应用现状进行综述,重点在于综述目前的应用现状和OBS使用的难点。数据采集方面主要综述了在OBS水合物勘探中几种常见的观测系统;OBS数据处理方面主要综述OBS数据预处理和OBS数据镜像成像;OBS速度反演方面主要综述常用的反演方法及其优缺点;最后,在以下几个方面对OBS在水合物勘探中的应用进行了展望:(1)优化观测系统的设计;(2)发展更先进的波场分离算法;(3)基于全波形反演以及基于面波的速度反演。  相似文献   

截至目前,只有中国和日本实施了海域天然气水合物的试采,了解日本的海域水合物试采中遇到的问题及其对问题的分析情况,有助于中国下一步的水合物研究和开发工作。为了深入认识日本于2013年和2017年在日本海域南海海槽分别实施的两次试采,介绍了两次试采的部署实施情况及实际产气情况,梳理了日本对两次试采中出现的问题及其针对问题的分析研究成果,对比了两次试采中3口生产井的产气情况。发现日本两次试采都没有解决实际产气与预测结果存在差异的问题,认为加强对水合物储层特征和物理特性的认识是解决上述问题的关键;另外,水合物的生产是一个综合的过程,防砂、压降过程、排水等互相影响,在解决这些问题时应综合考虑,并应寻找稳产需要的各项生产参数的平衡点。  相似文献   

南海北部天然气水合物研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
天然气水合物是一种新型的储量巨大的绿色能源,是目前世界各国研究界的研究热点之一。我国以及美国、日本、印度、韩国等国家都采集到了天然气水合物的实物样品。虽然我国对天然气水合物的研究起步较晚,但近年来的研究已经取得了飞速的进步,而且也于2007年5月在南海北部陆坡的神狐海域成功采集到天然气水合物的实物样品,这是在南海海域首次获取天然气水合物实物样品,证实了南海北部蕴藏着丰富的天然气水合物资源,标志着我国天然气水合物调查研究水平又上了一个新的台阶。目前,南海北部陆坡已经作为我国天然气水合物未来开发的战略选区之一。在总结我国天然气水合物以往十几年研究工作的基础上,综述了我国天然气水合物近年来在南海北部的地质、地球物理、地球化学3个方面的研究进展,提出了未来天然气水合物勘探和研究的方向和建议。  相似文献   

Seismic and sequence stratigraphic architecture of the central western continental margin of India (between Coondapur and south of Mangalore) has been investigated with shallow seismic data. Seismic stratigraphic analysis defined nine seismic units, that are configured in a major type-1 depositional sequence possibly related to fourth-order eustatic sea-level changes, comprising regressive, lowstand, transgressive and highstand systems tracts. The late-Quaternary evolution of the continental margin took place under the influence of an asymmetric relative fourth-order sea-level cycle punctuated by higher frequency cycles. These cycles of minor order were characterised by rapid sea-level rises and gradual sea-level falls that generated depositional sequences spanning different time scales. During the regressive periods, dipping strata were developed, while erosional surfaces and incised valleys were formed during the lowstands of sea level. Terraces, v-shaped depressions, lagoon-like structures observed on the outer continental shelf are the result of the transgressive period. In the study area we have recognised a complex erosional surface that records a long time span during the relative sea-level fall (regressive period) and the following sea-level lowstand and has been reworked during the last transgression. We also infer that sedimentation processes changed from siliciclastic sedimentation to carbonate sedimentation and again to siliciclastic sedimentation, marking an important phase in the late-Quaternary evolution of the western continental shelf of India. We attribute this to an abrupt climate change at the end of the oxygen isotope stage 2, between the Last Glacial Maximum and the Bølling-Allerod event (14?000 yr BP). This sensitive climate change (warming) favoured the formation of reefs at various depths on the shelf, besides the development of Fifty Fathom Flat, a carbonate platform on the outer shelf off Bombay developed prior to 8300 yr BP. The highstand systems tracts were deposited after the sea level reached its present position.  相似文献   

仅利用地震似海底反射(BSR)识别琼东南盆地深水区天然气水合物存在一定的局限性,从而影响天然气水合物的勘探成效。笔者利用天然气水合物已钻井数据,分析该盆地深水区天然气水合物岩石弹性参数特征,用以查明天然气水合物的岩石物理规律;同时,利用地震正演模拟,明确了研究区发育的孔隙型、烟囱型水合物的地震反射特征。在此基础上,利用AVO正演判识真假BSR:天然气水合物底界面反射具有Ⅲ类AVO且存在AVO异常,此为真BSR反射;而块体流(MTD)底界面虽类似BSR反射,但其AVO为Ⅳ类且AVO无异常特征。利用宽频地震数据和三维地震速度体进行速度模型下的宽频确定性反演,并通过高速异常、高阻抗异常描述天然气水合物发育情况。总之,利用地震反射特征、AVO特征、无井宽频地震反演等手段,实现了琼东南盆地深水区多种类型天然气水合物的地震识别,判识圈定了水合物矿藏。  相似文献   

天然气水合物的分布在很大程度上受到含气流体运移的影响。南海北部陆坡区,尤其是珠江口盆地的白云凹陷,普遍存在流体渗漏的现象,暗示了水合物赋存的良好前景。神狐海域水合物钻探区内的高分辨率地震资料显示,区域内发育大量流体运移通道,在地震剖面上表现为不同形态的地震反射模糊带,根据其形态特征,可以划分为花冠状和穹顶状两大类模糊反射带。模糊反射带的存在意味着研究区内具有良好的含气流体运移条件,能够为甲烷气体的垂向运移提供通道。神狐海域水合物的钻探结果表明,水合物的分布与模糊反射带的分布范围具有良好的空间匹配关系,其中,花冠状地震反射模糊带侧翼部与中尺度正断层相连,促进了含气流体的侧向运移,顶部与可能的微裂隙相通,气体可向上运移至水合物稳定带,形成了水合物藏;而穹顶状地震反射模糊带顶部则通过疑似流体通道与海底沟通,这种结构极易形成气体逃逸而无法形成水合物。因此,不同形态特征的模糊反射带可能对水合物的分布具有一定的指示意义。  相似文献   

南海北部大陆边缘盆地油气勘探及天然气水合物调查与勘查评价中,地球物理资料尤其是二维/三维地震剖面上常见不同类型、不同特征且与油气藏及天然气水合物藏密切相关的地震反射模糊带等地震地质异常体,即“气烟囱”或“流体底辟”或“含气陷阱”。本文拟重点研究“气烟囱”成因及其与油气及天然气水合物运聚成藏的关系。油气勘探实践表明,气烟囱往往与油气藏尤其是天然气水合物藏伴生,且油气及水合物多处于其上覆或两侧位置附近。通过大量油气及天然气水合物勘探实践、地质地球物理资料综合分析及油气地球化学分析等,充分证实了气烟囱与其上覆或两侧附近的油气及天然气水合物藏具有密切的成因联系。研究表明,气烟囱作为连接和沟通烃源/气源供给系统与油气藏及水合物藏之间的重要桥梁和纽带,是油气(水合物)勘探中判识追踪油气藏及水合物藏成因、确定其烃源/气源供给系统活动特征的重要依据和指示。因此,深入分析研究气烟囱系统成因及类型,不仅能够追踪探索和判识确定油气及水合物成因,阐明其运聚成藏规律及控制因素,而且能够指导油气及水合物勘探部署与综合评价工作。同时,通过油气及水合物成因的地球化学分析,亦可判识确定其气烟囱成因及其对油气和水合物运聚成藏的控制影响作用。  相似文献   

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