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大功率高频电波与电离层的相互作用会引起电子密度扰动,进而产生人工沿场不均匀体,其对无线电波特别是超短波信号有强的定向散射能力,可形成一种新型的超短波通信方式.基于各向异性介质的散射理论,首先通过求解电子密度扰动产生的附加极化势获得电子密度扰动散射方程,然后对电子密度扰动进行高斯自相关处理,并结合入射波/散射波与地磁场方向的空间几何关系,获得电子密度扰动的波数谱表达式,建立了人工沿场不均匀体的散射系数理论模型.利用模型对Platteville站实验中产生的人工不均匀体散射截面积进行了数值模拟,并通过与实测值对比验证了模型的正确性.根据人工沿场散射原理给出了利用其进行无线电信号传输的约束条件.重点仿真分析了人工沿场不均匀体的散射系数和散射覆盖区范围,结果表明:同等条件下,相对于高纬度地区,低纬度地区人工沿场不均匀体的散射系数小5~10 dB,但其散射覆盖区的地面范围大,东西向可达3000 km,南北向可达1500 km,完全可用于超短波信号的超远距离传输.本文结果为中低纬度地区开展相关实验研究提供了理论指导,对利用人工沿场不均匀体进行无线信号的超远距离传输应用研究具有重要意义.  相似文献   

A study of HF wave propagation in the three-dimensional inhomogeneous ionosphere has been carried out in an approximation of geometrical optics. The three-dimensional medium of radio wave propagation is considered to be inhomogeneous, absorbing, and anisotropic due to the influence of the geomagnetic field. The parameters of the medium are described by the results of calculations on the basis of the Global Self-Consistent Model of the Thermosphere, Ionosphere, and Protonosphere (GSM TIP). The propagation of radio waves in the equatorial, middle-, and high-latitude ionosphere was studied. Comparisons of the ray trajectories, integral attenuation, deviations of the projection of radio wave trajectories onto the Earth’s surface from the great-circle arc, and the behavior of the angle between the wave phase and wave energy directions, as well as the angle between the direction of propagation and the external magnetic field obtained for quiet and disturbed conditions, have been performed. We consider a geomagnetic storm that occurred in 2011, with the main storm phase occurring on September 26, and the day after geomagnetic disturbances, September 29, as disturbed conditions in the ionosphere.  相似文献   

In contrast to the way that the spreading of irregularities in a plasma is usually considered, the diffusion spreading of irregularities stretched along the geomagnetic field B is examined using a three-dimensional rigorous numerical model of quasi-neutral diffusion in the presence of a magnetic field, in conjunction with the actual height variations of the diffusion and conductivity tensors in the ionosphere. A comparison with the earlier constructed approximate model of unipolar diffusion was made. As in the previous case, the same peculiarities of irregularity spreading in the inhomogeneous background ionospheric plasma were observed. The accuracy of the approximate model for describing the process of spreading of anisotropic ionospheric irregularities is established. Time relaxation effects of real heating-induced ionospheric irregularities on their scale transverse to B are presented using the approximate analytical model for the case of a quasi-homogeneous ionospheric plasma. The calculated results have a vivid physical meaning and can be directly compared with experimental data on the radiophysical observations of artificial heating-induced irregularities created by powerful radio waves in the ionosphere.  相似文献   

This paper presents a theoretical study of the influence of electron density small-scale irregularities on radio propagation under vertical sounding of the equatorial ionosphere. The sounder is assumed to radiate in the plane perpendicular to geomagnetic field lines. An approximate analytical solution of the equation of radiation energy balance in a plane layer of randomly inhomogeneous plasma has been obtained for this case. Analysis of the results shows that multiple scattering leads to attenuation of signal power and change of the signal arrival angles in the sounder vicinity.  相似文献   

We discuss the propagation of sounding radio waves in the inhomogeneous ionosphere, in the reflection area of which there are small-scale artificial magnetically-positioned irregularities. The propagation of radio waves in such an area, where the lateral dimensions of strongly elongated artificial irregularities are smaller than the wavelength, has a diffraction nature. It is shown that the calculation of diffraction parameters makes it possible to derive the amplitude of density irregularities and their relative area perpendicular to the magnetic field direction. Comparison of theoretical calculations with experimental studies on modification of the electron density altitude profile by heating of the ionosphere with midlatitude stand Sura showed that the relative area of the negative density perturbations can reach several percent.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the oblique propagation of decametric radio waves in the ionosphere with random electron density irregularities. Effective parameters are introduced for calculating the influence of irregularities on the wave field structure. A technique is proposed for determining these parameters from measurements of statistical characteristics of the signal in the vicinity of a regular caustic. The technique uses asymptotic expressions obtained using the interference integral method and perturbation theory, as well as matching them to the numerical solution on the basis of the method of characteristics. A global semi-empirical model that is updated for current ionospheric conditions is used to specify the background medium. The proposed technique has been tested using data from a number of mid-latitude paths. Results obtained in this study testify that the technique deserves a practical implementation.  相似文献   

Experimental results from SPEAR HF heating experiments in the polar ionosphere are examined. Bi-static scatter measurements of HF diagnostic signals were carried out on the Pori (Finland)–SPEAR–St. Petersburg path at operational frequencies of 11,755 and 15,400 kHz and the London–SPEAR–St. Petersburg path at frequencies of 12,095 and 17,700 kHz, using a Doppler spectral method. The SPEAR HF heating facility generates heater-induced artificial field-aligned small-scale irregularities (AFAIs), which can be detected by HF diagnostic bi-static radio scatter techniques at St. Petersburg at a distance of about 2000 km. In accordance with the Bragg condition, HF bi-static backscatters were sensitive to small-scale irregularities having spatial sizes of the order of 9–13 m across the geomagnetic field line. The properties and behaviour of AFAIs have been considered in the winter and summer seasons under quiet magnetic conditions and under various status of the polar ionosphere (the presence of “thick” and “thin” sporadic Es layers, different structures of the F2 layer). The experimental results obtained have shown that AFAIs can be excited in the F as well as in the E regions of the polar ionosphere. The excitation of a very intense wide-band spectral component with an abrupt increase in the spectral width up to 16–20 Hz has been found in the signals scattered from striations. Along with a wide-band component, a narrow-band spectral component can be also seen in the Doppler sonograms and in the average spectra of the signals scattered from the SPEAR-induced striations. AFAIs were excited even when the HF heater frequency was up to 0.5 MHz larger than the critical frequency. A simulation of the ray geometry for the diagnostic HF radio waves scattered from AFAIs in the polar ionosphere has been made for the geophysical conditions prevailing during experiments carried out in both the winter and summer seasons.  相似文献   

We describe an experiment in satellite radio-wave probing of the ionosphere, modified by powerful waves from the HF heating facility at Tromsø (Norway) in May 1995. Amplitude scintillations and variations of the phase of VHF signals from Russian navigational satellites passing over the heated region were observed. We show that both large-scale electron density irregularities (several tens of kilometers in size) and small-scale ones (from hundreds of meters to kilometers) can be generated by the HF radiation. Maximum effects caused by small-scale irregularities detected in the satellite signals are observed in the directions sector approximately parallel to the geomagnetic field lines although large-scale structures can be detected within a much larger area. The properties of small-scale irregularities (electron density fluctuations) are investigated by applying a statistical analysis and by studying experimental and model mean values of the logarithm of the relative amplitude of the signal. The results indicate that satellite radio probing can be a supporting diagnostic technique for ionospheric heating and add valuable information to studies of effects produced by HF modification.  相似文献   

A theory of the generation of plasma density irregularities with virtually no aspect sensitivity, in the lower ionosphere at high latitudes, by electron drifts aligned with the geomagnetic field, is presented. The theory is developed through fluid equations in which the destabilising mechanism involves positive feedback from electron collisional heating. When field aligned electron drift speeds exceed a few km s–1, this effect destabilises waves with wavelengths in excess of a few tens of metres in the lower E-region, where collisional effects are sufficiently large. Furthermore, the threshold conditions are almost independent of the wave propagation direction and the unstable waves propagate at speeds well below the ion acoustic speed. The role that this new instability may play in recent radar backscatter observations of short scale irregularities propagating in directions close to that of the geomagnetic field, in the lower E-region is also considered.  相似文献   

The influence of stochastic irregularities of the ionosphere on its effective conductivity has been estimated. The study was carried out for large scale inhomogeneities and quasistationary electromagnetic fields. It is found, that Pedersen conductivity sharply increases in a strong geomagnetic field even for small stochastic ionospheric irregularities of the electron density. This peculiarity has to be taken into account during analysis of ionospheric and magnetospheric measurements.  相似文献   

A vortex structure renders additional stability to plasma irregularities stretched along magnetic field lines. Plasma irregularities extended over several tens of kilometers are registered with rocket and satellite equipment in the topside ionosphere. The registered scale of irregularities depends on the spatial and time resolution of the equipment used. Irregular structures were registered in the ionosphere during experiments with barium clouds and jets, when a plasma irregularity separated into strata extended over several meters and several kilometers across the geomagnetic field. It has been indicated that plasma vortices can be generated in an unstable plasma in a situation when its quasi-neutrality is disturbed. Local geomagnetic field disturbances will be caused by the appearance of a proper vortex magnetic field. Plasma vortices can interact in an inhomogeneous plasma with an unstable electron component. Such interactions are related to the transformation of the phase volume of free electrostatic oscillations in the frequency-wave vector space.  相似文献   

The results of observations of quasi-periodic variations of horizontal components of the geomagnetic field, the Doppler frequency shift of the radio waves reflected from the ionosphere, and observations of anomalous traces in ionograms during a catastrophe at the largest European ammunition depot on March 23, 2017, are presented. It is shown that the catastrophe was accompanied by oscillations of the geomagnetic field level (with periods from 5–6 to 13–14 min and an amplitude of 2–3 nT) and the ionospheric electron density (with periods from 14–16 to 50–60 min and a relative amplitude of ~1–10%). A mechanism for the transfer of disturbances from the catastrophe site to the ionosphere altitudes is proposed. A key role in this mechanism is played by the acoustic gravity waves generated by widespread explosions and large-scale fire events.  相似文献   

HF Waves of rotating polarization have been experimentally studied on the Magadan-Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskii path. It has been obtained that the degree of suppression of one of the characteristic waves during the selective polarization generation depends on the Dst value and sign. It has been established that changes in the amplitude ratio of the signals received from the antennas of clockwise and counterclockwise polarization are maximal at a quiet geomagnetic field when Dst is positive. Under the conditions of medium disturbance of the geomagnetic field and small-scale negative Dst values, it has not been ruled out that the second characteristic wave can be observed at a receiving point in the case when one of the characteristic waves is generated. Selective polarization generation of one of the characteristic waves can be mainly masked by an increase in small-scale irregularities of ionospheric plasma.  相似文献   

Additional strongly remote (up to 2000 km) radio-signal reflection traces on Intercosmos-19 ionograms obtained in the equatorial ionosphere have been considered. These traces, as a rule, begin at frequencies slightly lower than the main trace cutoff frequencies, which indicates that an irregularity with a decreased plasma density exists here. The waveguide stretched along the magnetic-field line is such an inhomogeneity in the equatorial ionosphere. The ray tracing confirm that radio waves propagate in a waveguide and make it possible to determine the typical waveguide parameters: ?δN e ≥ 10%, with a diameter of 15–20 km. Since the waveguide walls are smooth, an additional trace is always recorded distinctly even in the case in which main traces were completely eroded by strong diffusivity. Only one additional trace (of the radio signal X mode) is usually observed one more multiple trace is rarely recorded. Waveguides can be observed at all altitudes of the equatorial ionosphere at geomagnetic latitudes of ±40°. The formation of waveguides is usually related to the formation of different-scale irregularities in the nighttime equatorial ionosphere, which result in the appearance of other additional traces and spread F.  相似文献   

It is common knowledge that the night-time ionosphere at the middle and moderately high latitudes is sustained by the charged particle flux arriving from plasmasphere along magnetic field lines. The downward directed particle velocity in this flux decreases with the decreasing height. It provides a potential source for plasma instability. This should be interpreted in such a way that the initial density perturbations increase with the time, and are enhanced as they propagate in space. In this paper we have carried out investigations of topside ionosphere plasma stability on the basis of solving the dispersion equation for low-frequency waves in a weakly inhomogeneous medium. Also analysis have been made of propagation of the waves within ray approximation. Is shown, that of irregularities, extending down accrue on intensity up to heights of a maximum of layer F2, and are loss in low layers of ionosphere.  相似文献   

The generation and further dynamics of the planetary magnetized Rossby waves and inertial waves in a dissipative ionosphere in the presence of a smooth inhomogeneous zonal wind (shear flow) have been studied. The magnetized Rossby waves are caused by the interaction with the spatially inhomogeneous geomagnetic field and represent the ionospheric manifestations of usual tropospheric Rossby waves. The effective linear mechanism of amplification and mutual transformation of the Rossby and inertial waves has been revealed. For shear flows, the operators of linear problems are not self-adjoint, and the corresponding eigenfunctions are non-orthogonal; therefore, a canonical modal approach is of little use in studying such motions. It becomes necessary to apply the so-called nonmodal mathematical analysis, which has actively been developed for the last years. The nonmodal approach makes it possible to reveal that the transformation of wave-like disturbances in shear flows is caused by the nonorthogonality of eigenfunctions in the problem of linear dynamics. Thus, there appear a new degree of the system freedom and a new way of disturbance evolution in the medium.  相似文献   

The results of observations of disturbances in the lower and middle ionosphere and in the geomagnetic field accompanying the partial solar eclipse over Kharkov are presented. The ionospheric effects have been studied with the use of an ionosonde and measurements of the phase and amplitude of a radio signal with a frequency of 66.(6) kHz on the Moscow–Kharkov route, and the effects in the magnetic field have been analyzed with the help of a magnetometer–fluxmeter in the range of periods from 1 to 1000 s. Disturbances in both the lower and middle ionosphere, as well as in the geomagnetic field, have been detected. The observation results have been compared with the results of a simulation of physical processes accompanying the solar eclipse. A good agreement has been found between observational and modeling results.  相似文献   

With the action of powerful, high-frequency (HF) radio waves, the ionosphere plasma will depart from the equilibrium state and the non-Maxwellian distribution function can be produced. An artificial field-aligned irregularities (AFAI) model is introduced to describe the distortion from the normal shape, and the measured data are analyzed with this model during ionosphere heating at a 186-km height on August 15th, 2006. The electron temperature and density deduced from the AFAI model are compared with the results obtained from a standard procedure. The inversion of the electron temperature is evidently affected, and the overestimation is up to 22.9%. Owing to the introduction of the AFAI model, the new irregularities’ parameters can be obtained, which implies that incoherent scatter radar is feasible as a ground-based instrument to diagnose information on irregularities.  相似文献   

The ionosphere often becomes turbulent and develops electron density irregularities. These irregularities scatter radio waves to cause amplitude and phase scintillation and affect satellite communication and GPS navigation systems. The effects are most intense in the equatorial region, moderate at high latitudes and minimum at middle latitudes. The thermosphere and the ionosphere seem to internally control the generation of irregularities in the equatorial region and its forcing by solar transients is an additional modulating factor. On the other hand, the irregularity generation mechanisms in the high-latitude ionosphere seem to be driven by magnetospheric processes and, therefore, high-latitude scintillations can be tracked by following the trail of energy from the sun in the form of solar flares and coronal mass ejections. The development of a global specification and forecast system for scintillation is needed in view of our increased reliance on space-based communication and navigation systems, which are vulnerable to ionospheric scintillation. Such scintillation specification systems are being developed for the equatorial region. An equatorial satellite equipped with an appropriate suite of sensors, capable of detecting ionospheric irregularities and tracking the drivers that control the formation of ionospheric irregularities, has also been planned for the purpose of specifying and forecasting equatorial scintillations. In the polar region, scintillation specification and forecast systems are yet to emerge although modeling and observations of polar cap plasma structures, their convection and associated irregularities have advanced greatly in recent years. Global scintillation observations made during the S-RAMP Space Weather Month in September 1999 are currently being analyzed to study the effects of magnetic storms on communication and navigation systems.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of phenomena observed by HF distance-diagnostic tools located in St. Petersburg combined with multi-instrument observation at Tromsø in the HF modified ionosphere during a magnetospheric substorm. The observed phenomena that occurred during the Tromsø heating experiment in the nightside auroral Es region of the ionosphere depend on the phase of substorm. The heating excited small-scale field-aligned irregularities in the E region responsible for field-aligned scattering of diagnostic HF waves. The equipment used in the experiment was sensitive to electron density irregularities with wavelengths 12–15 m across the geomagnetic field lines. Analysis of the Doppler measurement data shows the appearance of quasiperiodic variations with a Doppler frequency shift, fd and periods about 100–120 s during the heating cycle coinciding in time with the first substorm activation and initiation of the upward field-aligned currents. A relationship between wave variations in fd and magnetic pulsations in the Y-component of the geomagnetic field at Tromsø was detected. The analysis of the magnetic field variations from the IMAGE magnetometer stations shows that ULF waves occurred, not only at Tromsø, but in the adjacent area bounded by geographical latitudes from 70.5° to 68° and longitudes from 16° to 27°. It is suggested that the ULF observed can result from superposition of the natural and heater-induced ULF waves. During the substorm expansion a strong stimulated electromagnetic emission (SEE) at the third harmonic of the downshifted maximum frequency was found. It is believed that SEE is accompanied by excitation of the VLF waves penetrating into magneto-sphere and stimulating the precipitation of the energetic electrons (10–40 keV) of about 1-min duration. This is due to a cyclotron resonant interaction of natural precipitating electrons (1–10 keV) with heater-induced whistler waves in the magnetosphere. It is reasonable to suppose that a new substorm activation, exactly above Tromsø, was closely connected with the heater-induced precipitation of energetic electrons.  相似文献   

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