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The discovery of a new X-ray source, IGR J18175-2419, that flared up for a short (~1 h) time on September 26, 2012, by the INTEGRAL observatory is reported. The results of the source’s localization and the spectral/timing analysis of its X-ray emission are presented. The source may turn out to be yet another representative of the population of fast X-ray transients, which is the focus of attention due to the identification of their optical counterparts with early-type supergiants.  相似文献   

The discovery of a type I X-ray burst from the faint unidentified transient source IGR J17445-2747 in the Galactic bulge by the JEM-X telescope onboard the INTEGRAL observatory is reported. Type I bursts are believed to be associated with thermonuclear explosions of accreted matter on the surface of a neutron star with a weak magnetic field in a low-mass X-ray binary. Thus, this observation allows the nature of this source to be established.  相似文献   

Chemistry in grain aggregates: a source of complex molecules?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aggregation of grains in dense protostellar clouds brings together materials such as silicates, carbons, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and ices to form porous structures with high internal volume. Some physical and chemical properties of these aggregate grains are discussed in the context of the role that they may play in the formation of complex organic and organometallic compounds. One characteristic of such grains that is unique outside planetary systems is the availability of all elements and a number of their common compounds in a composite solid. In dark clouds, the chemistry inside aggregate grains will be driven by cosmic ray heating and sputtering. This occurs in an environment where the products of such reactions can be retained within the dust particle. Hot atom chemistry and secondary reactions are facilitated by the re-entrant nature of such aggregated structures, leading to the possible formation of complex organic compounds. In particular, the sputtering of Si, Mg and Fe from silicate dust is discussed, and it is shown that a variety of organometallic compounds could be expected in ices within aggregate grains. The optical depth for ultraviolet light within aggregates is large, so that materials inside such grains will be effectively shielded from ambient radiation. However, the incorporation of luminifors such as those grain components responsible for the extended red emission converts ultraviolet to visible and near-infrared radiation, and might moderate photochemistry within aggregates. It is suggested that the chemical environment within aggregates may be conducive to the formation and retention of complex molecules such as amino acids, peptides and a variety of organometallic compounds.  相似文献   

We present the results of our optical identification of the X-ray source IGR J16547-1916 detected by the INTEGRAL observatory during a deep all-sky survey. Analysis of the spectroscopic data from the SWIFT and INTEGRAL observatories in the X-ray energy band and from the BTA (Special Astrophysical Observatory) telescope in the optical band has shown that the source is most likely an intermediate polar—an accreting white dwarf with the mass ofM WD μ 0.85M binary system. Subsequent studies of the object’s rapid variability with the RTT-150 telescope have confirmed this conclusion by revealing periodic pulsations of its optical emission with a period of ≈550 s.  相似文献   

Based on our spectrophotometric observations, we have studied the envelope of the HeN Nova Mon 2012. The abundances of some chemical elements in the envelope and its mass have been estimated. Our results show that the helium, nitrogen, oxygen, and neon abundances in the Nova envelope exceed the solar ones by a factor of 1.5, 33, 9, and 95, respectively. The envelope mass has been found to be 2.3 × 10?4 M .  相似文献   

Patrick Michel  Martin Jutzi 《Icarus》2011,211(1):535-545
The Veritas family is located in the outer main belt and is named after its apparent largest constituent, Asteroid (490) Veritas. The family age has been estimated by two independent studies to be quite young, around 8 Myr. Therefore, current properties of the family may retain signatures of the catastrophic disruption event that formed the family. In this paper, we report on our investigation of the formation of the Veritas family via numerical simulations of catastrophic disruption of a 140-km-diameter parent body, which was considered to be made of either porous or non-porous material, and a projectile impacting at 3 or 5 km/s with an impact angle of 0° or 45°. Not one of these simulations was able to produce satisfactorily the estimated size distribution of real family members. Based on previous studies devoted to either the dynamics or the spectral properties of the Veritas family, which already treated (490) Veritas as a special object that may be disconnected from the family, we simulated the formation of a family consisting of all members except that asteroid. For that case, the parent body was smaller (112 km in diameter), and we found a remarkable match between the simulation outcome, using a porous parent body, and the real family. Both the size distribution and the velocity dispersion of the real reduced family are very well reproduced. On the other hand, the disruption of a non-porous parent body does not reproduce the observed properties very well. This is consistent with the spectral C-type of family members, which suggests that the parent body was porous and shows the importance of modeling the effect of this porosity in the fragmentation process, even if the largest members are produced by gravitational reaccumulation during the subsequent gravitational phase. As a result of our investigations, we conclude that it is very likely that the Asteroid (490) Veritas and probably several other small members do not belong to the family as originally defined, and that the definition of this family should be revised. Further investigations will be performed to better constrain the definitions and properties of other asteroid families of different types, using the appropriate model of fragmentation. The identification of very young families in turn will continue to serve as a tool to check the validity of numerical models.  相似文献   

Here we report the serendipitous identification of a bright optical transient in the vicinity of the dwarf elliptical galaxy M 32 (NGC 221). This transient (MONS OT J004240.69+405142.0) was detected using filtered CCD imaging, about 20 arcsec southwest from the core of M 32, at equatorial coordinates α = 00:42:40.69 ± 0.05, δ = +40:51:42.0 ± 0.5, between 04:20:16 and 04:21:46 UT on June 22, 2007. A detailed analysis of the intensity profile of the feature suggests that it is of stellar nature with apparent visual magnitude 9.69 ± 0.15 which gives an absolute magnitude of ?14.7 ± 0.3 if the feature is located in M 31/M 32. Under the assumption of the event reported here being of cosmic origin and although no correlation with GRBs in time or space has been found, the behaviour of the optical transient appears to resemble that of the recently observed GRB 080319B: very fast ascent and decay of several magnitudes within a few minutes. If this interpretation is correct, the afterglow decay was extremely rapid, decreasing by more than 5 mag. in about 2 min, α = 2.4. Given its properties, the event is a possible orphan GRB optical afterglow candidate originated beyond the Local Group. Alternative explanations are also discussed.  相似文献   

An intense outburst of hard radiation (with a peak flux of ~50 mCrab) was detected from the X-ray transient AX J1749.1-2733 by the IBIS/ISGRI gamma-ray telescope onboard the INTEGRAL observatory when the Galactic center field was monitored on September 8–10, 2003. Previously, this source had never been observed in a bright X-ray state. During the outburst, the source’s radiation spectrum was gently sloping and hard (extended to ~100 keV), followed a power law in the standard X-ray energy range, and had an exponential cutoff above 40–50 keV. The spectral hardness decreased with increasing flux. These and other properties described here and the shortness of the outburst (<2 days) allow the source to be attributed to the group of fast X-ray transients many representatives of which have an early O-B supergiant as their optical counterpart. Possible causes of the outbursts of fast transients are discussed. We show that accretion from the supergiant’s stellar wind should have led to intense persistent radiation from transients. The absence of radiation can be explained by the ejection of accreting matter from the system (propeller effect) during its contact with the magnetosphere of a rapidly rotating neutron star. Transient outbursts could originate in sources of this type if the spin period of their neutron star P s differed only slightly from the critical period P s * ? 3 s at which the propeller effect is still possible. The outburst is triggered by an insignificant rise in the local stellar wind density, by a factor of (P s * /P s)7/3. The entire outburst profile cannot be explained by an individual inhomogeneity in the wind, but is the reflection of a long-term (~2 days for AX J1749.1-2733) change in the rate of wind outflow from the supergiant’s surface facing the compact source. The rate of wind outflow could be enhanced through X-ray heating of the supergiant’s surface.  相似文献   

Discovery by Cassini's plasma instrument of heavy positive and negative ions within Titan's upper atmosphere and ionosphere has advanced our understanding of ion neutral chemistry within Titan's upper atmosphere, primarily composed of molecular nitrogen, with ~2.5% methane. The external energy flux transforms Titan's upper atmosphere and ionosphere into a medium rich in complex hydrocarbons, nitriles and haze particles extending from the surface to 1200 km altitudes. The energy sources are solar UV, solar X-rays, Saturn's magnetospheric ions and electrons, solar wind and shocked magnetosheath ions and electrons, galactic cosmic rays (GCR) and the ablation of incident meteoritic dust from Enceladus’ E-ring and interplanetary medium. Here it is proposed that the heavy atmospheric ions detected in situ by Cassini for heights >950 km, are the likely seed particles for aerosols detected by the Huygens probe for altitudes <100 km. These seed particles may be in the form of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) containing both carbon and hydrogen atoms CnHx. There could also be hollow shells of carbon atoms, such as C60, called fullerenes which contain no hydrogen. The fullerenes may compose a significant fraction of the seed particles with PAHs contributing the rest. As shown by Cassini, the upper atmosphere is bombarded by magnetospheric plasma composed of protons, H2+ and water group ions. The latter provide keV oxygen, hydroxyl and water ions to Titan's upper atmosphere and can become trapped within the fullerene molecules and ions. Pickup keV N2+, N+ and CH4+ can also be implanted inside of fullerenes. Attachment of oxygen ions to PAH molecules is uncertain, but following thermalization O+ can interact with abundant CH4 contributing to the CO and CO2 observed in Titan's atmosphere. If an exogenic keV O+ ion is implanted into the haze particles, it could become free oxygen within those aerosols that eventually fall onto Titan's surface. The process of freeing oxygen within aerosols could be driven by cosmic ray interactions with aerosols at all heights. This process could drive pre-biotic chemistry within the descending aerosols. Cosmic ray interactions with grains at the surface, including water frost depositing on grains from cryovolcanism, would further add to abundance of trapped free oxygen. Pre-biotic chemistry could arise within surface microcosms of the composite organic-ice grains, in part driven by free oxygen in the presence of organics and any heat sources, thereby raising the astrobiological potential for microscopic equivalents of Darwin's “warm ponds” on Titan.  相似文献   

Microlensing in Q2237+0305 between 1985 and 1995 has been interpreted in two different ways. First, the observed variations can be explained through microlensing by stellar mass objects of a continuum source with dimensions significantly smaller than the microlens Einstein Radius ( 0), but consistent with that expected for thermal accretion discs . However, other studies have shown that models having sources as large as 5 0 can reproduce the observed variation . In this paper we present evidence in favour of a small source. Our approach uses the distribution of microlensed light-curve derivatives to place statistical limits (as a function of source size) on the number of microlens Einstein radii crossed by the source during the monitoring period. In contrast with previous analyses, our results are therefore not dependent on an assumed time-scale. Limits on the source size are obtained from two separate light-curve features. First, recently published monitoring data show large variations (0.81.5 mag) between image brightnesses over a period of 700 d or 15 per cent of the monitoring period. Secondly, the 1988 peak in the image A light curve had a duration that is a small fraction (0.02) of the monitoring period. Such rapid microlensing rises and short microlensing peaks only occur for small sources. We find that the observed large, rapid variation limits the source size to be <0.2 0 (95 per cent confidence). The width of the light-curve peak provides a stronger constraint of <0.025 0 (99 per cent confidence). The Einstein radius (projected into the source plane) of the average microlens mass m in Q2237+0305 is The interpretation that stars are responsible for microlensing in Q2237+0305 therefore results in limits on the continuum source size that are consistent with current accretion disc theory.  相似文献   

A flare event occurred which involved the disappearance of a filament near central meridian on 29 August 1973. The event was well observed in X-rays with the AS & E telescope on Skylab and in H at BBSO. It was a four-ribbon flare involving both new and old magnetic inversion lines which were roughly parallel. The H, X-ray, and magnetic field data are used to deduce the magnetic polarities of the H brightenings at the footpoints of the brightest X-ray loops. These magnetic structures and the preflare history of the region are then used to argue that the event involved a reconnection of magnetic field lines rather than a brightening in place of pre-existing loops. The simultaneity of the H brightening onsets in the four ribbons and the apparent lack of an eruption of the filament are consistent with this interpretation. These observations are compared to other studies of filament disappearances. The preflare structures and the alignment of the early X-ray flare loops with the H filament are consistent with the schematic picture of a filament presented first by Canfield et al. (1974).  相似文献   

We present the observations of Cygnus X-3 carried out with the GT-48 gamma-ray telescope at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory in 1994–1995. The mean gamma-ray flux at energy E>1012 eV is shown to be approximately equal to 1.3×10?11 cm?2 s?1. The flux in 1994 was much lower than that in 1995, being (6.2±2.6)×10?12 cm?2 s?1; i.e., it was statistically insignificant. The flux in 1995 was (2.7±0.7)×10?11 cm?2 s?1. Thus, the very high energy gamma-ray emission from Cyg X-3 is variable. These measurement results can be used to obtain upper limits on the flux from Cyg X-3 in 1994–1995.  相似文献   

Based on the photospheric vector magnetograms taken at Huairou Solar Observing Station (HSOS), H images taken at Hiraiso Solar Terrestrial Research Center of Communication Research Laboratory, soft X-ray images taken by Yohkoh and an extrapolation method, the magnetic field structures and some active phenomena of the active region AR 7321 around 04:12 UT on 27 October 1992 are analyzed in this paper. A divergence of the transverse magnetic field, located at a newly formed spot, was found. At least four highly sheared magnetic field systems separately spread from this divergence to four other sites around this divergence. Vertical current concentrations are upward in this region and downward in the other four sites, and the corresponding H bright patches and soft X-ray bright loops coincide with these structures, confirming the existence of these four systems. The extrapolated magnetic force lines reconstructed by the Boundary Element Method (BEM), force-free field assumption, and boundary condition of observed photospheric vector magnetic field, coincide in space with the H bright patches and soft X-ray bright loops, showing that this extrapolation method is very effective and suggesting that the H bright patches and soft X-ray bright loops in this case represent the magnetic field structures in the upper atmosphere of the Sun.The bright structures in the H images and the soft X-ray images have a close correlation with the non-potential characteristics of the magnetic fields.  相似文献   

A comparison of Palomar Observatory Sky Survey (POSS) and Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) images showed SDSS J121606.5+280648.5 to have increased in brightness by nearly two magnitudes since 1955. SDSS J121606.5+280648.5 turned out to be a low-mass white dwarf having a less luminous cool companion, probably a late-type Main Sequence dwarf. A possible explanation of brightening is that the companion eclipsed the white dwarf at the time the POSS plate was obtained. If SDSS J121606.5+280648.5 is an eclipsing binary, further study should help establish circumstances in which rapid mass loss occurs on the Red Giant Branch (RGB).  相似文献   

All landforms on Titan that are unambiguously identifiable can be explained by exogenic processes (aeolian, fluvial, impact cratering, and mass wasting). Previous suggestions of endogenically produced cryovolcanic constructs and flows have, without exception, lacked conclusive diagnostic evidence. The modification of sparse recognizable impact craters (themselves exogenic) can be explained by aeolian and fluvial erosion. Tectonic activity could be driven by global thermal evolution or external forcing, rather than by active interior processes. A lack of cryovolcanism would be consistent with geophysical inferences of a relatively quiescent interior: incomplete differentiation, only minor tidal heating, and possibly a lack of internal convection today. Titan might be most akin to Callisto with weather: an endogenically relatively inactive world with a cool interior. We do not aim to disprove the existence of any and all endogenic activity at Titan, nor to provide definitive alternative hypotheses for all landforms, but instead to inject a necessary level of caution into the discussion. The hypothesis of Titan as a predominantly exogenic world can be tested through additional Cassini observations and analyses of putative cryovolcanic features, geophysical and thermal modeling of Titan’s interior evolution, modeling of icy satellite landscape evolution that is shaped by exogenic processes alone, and consideration of possible means for supplying Titan’s atmospheric constituents that do not rely on cryovolcanism.  相似文献   

It has been shown by Brown and Emslie (1988) that any optically thin thermal bremsstrahlung source must emit an energy spectrumL () (keV s–1 keV–1) which has the property that higher derivatives alternate in sign, i.e., (–) j L(j)() > 0 for allj. In this short note, we apply this test to the superhot component discussed by Linet al. (1981) in order to determine whether a strictly thermal interpretation of this component is valid. We find that all statistically significant higher derivatives do indeed have the correct sign; this strengthens the identification of this component as due to a thermal source.Presidential Young Investigator.  相似文献   

Previous works suggested that the state transitions in an X-ray binary can be triggered by accreting an inverse magnetic field from its companion star. A key point of this mechanism is the accretion and magnification of large-scale magnetic fields from the outer boundary of a thin disk. However, how such a process can be realized is still an open question. In this work, we check this issue in a realistic X-ray binary system. According to our calculations, a quite strong initial magnetic field, B~10~2- 10~3 G, is required in order to assure that the large-scale magnetic field can be effectively dragged inward and magnified with the accretion of gas. Thus, such a picture probably can be present in high-mass X-ray binaries possessing a strong stellar magnetic field, e.g., Cyg X-1.  相似文献   

During our campaign of acquiring follow-up photometric data to resolve short period pulsating sdB (EC14026 or V361 Hya) stars, we obtained data on the known pulsator KUV 04421+1416 and discovered that it is also in a reflection-effect binary. Here we present preliminary results of the pulsation analysis and provide some constraints on the companion, which is most likely an MV star. This makes KUV 04421+1416 only the second known system with an EC14026-type pulsator in a reflection-effect binary.  相似文献   

We investigate a unique accreting millisecond pulsar with X-ray eclipses,SWIFT J1749.4-2807(hereafter J1749),and try to set limits on the binary system by various methods including use of the Roche lobe,the mass-radius relations of both main sequence(MS)and white dwarf(WD)companion stars,as well as the measured mass function of the pulsar.The calculations are based on the assumption that the radius of the companion star has reached its Roche radius(or is at 90%),but the pulsar's mass has not been assumed to be a certain value.Our results are as follows.The companion star should be an MS one.For the case that the radius equals its Roche one,we have a companion star with mass M(~-)0.51 M⊙ and radius Rc(~-)0.52 R⊙,and the inclination angle is i(~-)76.5°; for the case that the radius reaches 90% of its Roche one,we have M(~-)0.43 M⊙,Re()0.44 R⊙ and i(~-)75.7°.We also obtain the mass of J1749,Mp(~-)1 M⊙,and conclude that the pulsar could be a quark star if the ratio of the critical frequency of rotation-mode instability to the Keplerian one is higher than~0.3.The relatively low pulsar mass(about~M⊙)may also challenge the conventional recycling scenario for the origin and evolution of millisecond pulsars.The results presented in this paper are expected to be tested by future observations.  相似文献   

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