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Calcium sulfate (CaSO4), one of the major sulfate minerals in the Earth’s crust, is expected to play a major role in sulfur recycling into the deep mantle. Here, we investigated the crystal structure and phase relation of CaSO4 up to ~90 GPa and 2300 K through a series of high-pressure experiments combined with in situ X-ray diffraction. CaSO4 forms three thermodynamically stable polymorphs: anhydrite (stable below 3 GPa), monazite-type phase (stable between 3 and ~13 GPa) and barite-type phase (stable up to at least 93 GPa). Anhydrite to monazite-type phase transition is induced by pressure even at room temperature, while monazite- to barite-type transition requires heating at least to 1500 K at ~20 GPa. The barite-type phase cannot always be quenched from high temperature and is distorted to metastable AgMnO4-type structure or another modified barite structure depending on pressure. We obtained the pressure–volume data and density of anhydrite, monazite- and barite-type phases and found that their densities are lower than those calculated from the PREM model in the studied P–T conditions. This suggests that CaSO4 is gravitationally unstable in the mantle and fluid/melt phase into which sulfur dissolves and/or sulfate–sulfide speciation may play a major role in the sulfur recycling into the deep Earth.  相似文献   

To examine the effect of KCl-bearing fluids on the melting behavior of the Earth’s mantle, we conducted experiments in the Mg2SiO4–MgSiO3–H2O and Mg2SiO4–MgSiO3–KCl–H2O systems at 5 GPa. In the Mg2SiO4–MgSiO3–H2O system, the temperature of the fluid-saturated solidus is bracketed between 1,200–1,250°C, and both forsterite and enstatite coexist with the liquid under supersolidus conditions. In the Mg2SiO4–MgSiO3–KCl–H2O systems with molar Cl/(Cl + H2O) ratios of 0.2, 0.4, and 0.6, the temperatures of the fluid-saturated solidus are bracketed between 1,400–1,450°C, 1,550–1,600°C, and 1,600–1,650°C, respectively, and only forsterite coexists with liquid under supersolidus conditions. This increase in the temperature of the solidus demonstrates the significant effect of KCl on reducing the activity of H2O in the fluid in the Mg2SiO4–MgSiO3–H2O system. The change in the melting residues indicates that the incongruent melting of enstatite (enstatite = forsterite + silica-rich melt) could extend to pressures above 5 GPa in KCl-bearing systems, in contrast to the behavior in the KCl-free system.  相似文献   

The pseudo-binary system CaMgSi2O6-KAlSi2O6, modeling the potassium-bearing clinopyroxene (KCpx) solid solution, has been studied at 7 GPa and 1,100–1,650 °C. The KCpx is a liquidus phase of the system up to 60 mol% of KAlSi2O6. At higher content of KAlSi2O6 in the system, grossular-rich garnet becomes a liquidus phase. Above 75 mol% of KAlSi2O6 in the system, KCpx is unstable at the solidus as well, and garnet coexists with kalsilite, Si-wadeite and kyanite. No coexistence of KCpx with kyanite was observed. Above the solidus, KAlSi2O6 content of the KCpx coexisting with melt increases with decreasing temperature. Near the solidus of the system (about 1,250 °C) KCpx contains up to 5.6 wt% of K2O, i.e. about 22–26 mol% of KAlSi2O6. Such high concentration of potassium in KCpx is presumably the maximal content of KAlSi2O6 in the Fe-free clinopyroxene at 7 GPa. In addition to the major substitution MgM1C2Al1K2, the KCpx solid solution contains Ca-Eskola and only minor Ca-Tschermack components. Our experimental results indicate that the natural assemblage KCpx+grossular-rich garnet might be a product of crystallization of the ultra-potassic SiO2-rich alumino-silicate mantle melts (>200 km).Editorial responsibility: J. Hoefs  相似文献   

Attikaite, a new mineral species, has been found together with arsenocrandalite, arsenogoyazite, conichalcite, olivenite, philipsbornite, azurite, malachite, carminite, beudantite, goethite, quartz, and allophane at the Christina Mine No. 132, Kamareza, Lavrion District, Attiki Prefecture (Attika), Greece. The mineral is named after the type locality. It forms spheroidal segregations (up to 0.3 mm in diameter) consisting of thin flexible crystals up to 3 × 20 × 80 μm in size. Its color is light blue to greenish blue, with a pale blue streak. The Mohs’ hardness is 2 to 2.5. The cleavage is eminent mica-like parallel to {001}. The density is 3.2(2) g/cm3 (measured in heavy liquids) and 3.356 g/cm3 (calculated). The wave numbers of the absorption bands in the infrared spectrum of attikaite are (cm?1; sh is shoulder; w is a weak band): 3525sh, 3425, 3180, 1642, 1120w, 1070w, 1035w, 900sh, 874, 833, 820, 690w, 645w, 600sh, 555, 486, 458, and 397. Attikaite is optically biaxial, negative, α = 1.642(2), β = γ = 1.644(2) (X = c) 2V means = 10(8)°, and 2V calc = 0°. The new mineral is microscopically colorless and nonpleochroic. The chemical composition (electron microprobe, average over 4 point analyses, wt %) is: 0.17 MgO, 17.48 CaO, 0.12 FeO, 16.28 CuO, 10.61 Al2O3, 0.89 P2O5, 45.45 As2O5, 1.39 SO3, and H2O (by difference) 7.61, where the total is 100.00. The empirical formula calculated on the basis of (O,OH,H2O)22 is: Ca2.94Cu 1.93 2+ Al1.97Mg0.04Fe 0.02 2+ [(As3.74S0.16P0.12)Σ4.02O16.08](OH)3.87 · 2.05H2 O. The simplified formula is Ca3Cu2Al2(AsO4)4(OH)4 · 2H2O. Attikaite is orthorhombic, space group Pban, Pbam or Pba2; the unit-cell dimensions are a = 10.01(1), b = 8.199(5), c = 22.78(1) Å, V = 1870(3) Å3, and Z = 4. In the result of the ignition of attikaite for 30 to 35 min at 128–140°, the H2O bands in the IR spectrum disappear, while the OH-group band is not modified; the weight loss is 4.3%, which approximately corresponds to two H2O molecules per formula; and parameter c decreases from 22.78 to 18.77 Å. The strongest reflections in the X-ray powder diffraction pattern [d, Å (I, %)((hkl)] are: 22.8(100)(001), 11.36(60)(002), 5.01(90)(200), 3.38(5)(123, 205), 2.780(70)(026), 2.682(30)(126), 2.503(50)(400), 2.292(20)(404). The type material of attikaite is deposited in the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. The registration number is 3435/1.  相似文献   

The stability and equation of state for the cotunnite phase in TiO2 were investigated up to a pressure of about 70 GPa by high-pressure in situ X-ray diffraction measurements using a laser-heated diamond anvil cell. The transition sequence under high pressure was rutile → α-PbO2 phase → baddeleyite phase → OI phase → cotunnite phase with increasing pressure. The cotunnite phase was the most stable phase at pressures from 40 GPa to at least 70 GPa. The equation of state parameters for the cotunnite phase were established on the platinum scale using the volume data at pressures of 37–68 GPa after laser annealing, in which the St value, an indicator of the magnitude of the uniaxial stress component in the samples, indicates that these measurements were performed under quasi-hydrostatic conditions. The third-order Birch-Murnaghan equation of state at K 0′ = 4.25 yields V 0 = 15.14(5) cm3/mol and K 0 = 294(9), and the second-order Birch-Murnaghan equation of state yields V 0 = 15.11(5) cm3/mol and K 0 = 306(9). Therefore, we conclude that the bulk modulus for the cotunnite phase is not comparable to that of diamond.  相似文献   

In situ high-pressure synchrotron X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopic studies of orthorhombic CaFe2O4-type β-CaCr2O4 chromite were carried out up to 16.2 and 32.0 GPa at room temperature using multi-anvil apparatus and diamond anvil cell, respectively. No phase transition was observed in this study. Fitting a third-order Birch–Murnaghan equation of state to the P–V data yields a zero-pressure volume of V 0 = 286.8(1) Å3, an isothermal bulk modulus of K 0 = 183(5) GPa and the first pressure derivative of isothermal bulk modulus K 0′ = 4.1(8). Analyses of axial compressibilities show anisotropic elasticity for β-CaCr2O4 since the a-axis is more compressible than the b- and c-axis. Based on the obtained and previous results, the compressibility of several CaFe2O4-type phases was compared. The high-pressure Raman spectra of β-CaCr2O4 were analyzed to determine the pressure dependences and mode Grüneisen parameters of Raman-active bands. The thermal Grüneisen parameter of β-CaCr2O4 is determined to be 0.93(2), which is smaller than those of CaFe2O4-type CaAl2O4 and MgAl2O4.  相似文献   

A new pyroxene with formula (Na0.86Mg0.14)(Mg0.57Ti0.43)Si2O6, synthesized in a high-pressure toroidal ‘anvil-with-hole’ apparatus at P = 7 GPa and T = 1700 °C, was characterized by X-ray single-crystal diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. The compound was found to be monoclinic (R1 = 2.56 %), space group C2/c, with lattice parameters a = 9.687(2), b = 8.814(1), c = 5.290(1) Å, β = 107.853(2)°, V = 430.08(1) Å3. The coexistence of Mg and Ti4+ at the M1 site does not induce strong modifications either to the M1 site or to the adjacent M2 site. The Raman spectrum of synthetic Na–Ti-pyroxene was obtained for the first time and compared with that of Mg2Si2O6 (with very low concentrations of Na and Ti). The structural characterization of the Na–Ti–Mg-pyroxene is important, because the study of its thermodynamic constants provides new constraints on thermobarometry of the upper mantle assemblages.  相似文献   

Synthesis experiments in the system MgAl2O4–MgFe2O4 [MgAl2–xFexO4 (0 x 2)] were carried out using a PbF2 flux. The crystalline products synthesized in the compositional range of 0.6 <x 1.2 consisted of two spinel phases, whereas those synthesized in the compositional ranges of 0.0 x 0.6 and 1.2 < x 2.0 crystallized as single spinel phases. Structure refinements of the spinel single crystals, which grew in the ranges of 0.0 x 0.6 and 1.2 < x 2.0, show that the degree of randomness of cation distribution between A and B sites increases as x approaches the two-phase region. This means that the degree of the size mismatch among Mg2+, Fe3+ and Al3+occupying each equivalent mixing site increases as x approaches the two-phase region. Consequently, if the coexistence of two spinels observed in the intermediate compositions reveals the existence of a miscibility gap at low temperatures, this increase in the degree of the size mismatch among the three cations is suggested as a factor of energetic destabilization to form the miscibility gap.  相似文献   

Experiments at high pressures and temperatures were carried out (1) to investigate the crystal-chemical behaviour of Fe4O5–Mg2Fe2O5 solid solutions and (2) to explore the phase relations involving (Mg,Fe)2Fe2O5 (denoted as O5-phase) and Mg–Fe silicates. Multi-anvil experiments were performed at 11–20 GPa and 1100–1600 °C using different starting compositions including two that were Si-bearing. In Si-free experiments the O5-phase coexists with Fe2O3, hp-(Mg,Fe)Fe2O4, (Mg,Fe)3Fe4O9 or an unquenchable phase of different stoichiometry. Si-bearing experiments yielded phase assemblages consisting of the O5-phase together with olivine, wadsleyite or ringwoodite, majoritic garnet or Fe3+-bearing phase B. However, (Mg,Fe)2Fe2O5 does not incorporate Si. Electron microprobe analyses revealed that phase B incorporates significant amounts of Fe2+ and Fe3+ (at least ~?1.0 cations Fe per formula unit). Fe-L2,3-edge energy-loss near-edge structure spectra confirm the presence of ferric iron [Fe3+/Fetot?=?~?0.41(4)] and indicate substitution according to the following charge-balanced exchange: [4]Si4+?+?[6]Mg2+?=?2Fe3+. The ability to accommodate Fe2+ and Fe3+ makes this potential “water-storing” mineral interesting since such substitutions should enlarge its stability field. The thermodynamic properties of Mg2Fe2O5 have been refined, yielding H°1bar,298?=???1981.5 kJ mol??1. Solid solution is complete across the Fe4O5–Mg2Fe2O5 binary. Molar volume decreases essentially linearly with increasing Mg content, consistent with ideal mixing behaviour. The partitioning of Mg and Fe2+ with silicates indicates that (Mg,Fe)2Fe2O5 has a strong preference for Fe2+. Modelling of partitioning with olivine is consistent with the O5-phase exhibiting ideal mixing behaviour. Mg–Fe2+ partitioning between (Mg,Fe)2Fe2O5 and ringwoodite or wadsleyite is influenced by the presence of Fe3+ and OH incorporation in the silicate phases.  相似文献   

Single-crystal study of the structure (R = 0.0268) was performed for garyansellite from Rapid Creek, Yukon, Canada. The mineral is orthorhombic, Pbna, a = 9.44738(18), b = 9.85976(19), c = 8.14154(18) Å, V = 758.38(3) Å3, Z = 4. An idealized formula of garyansellite is Mg2Fe3+(PO4)2(OH) · 2H2O. Structurally the mineral is close to other members of the phosphoferrite–reddingite group. The structure contains layers of chains of M(2)O4(OH)(H2O) octahedra which share edges to form dimers and connected by common edges with isolated from each other M(1)O4(H2O)2 octahedra. The neighboring chains are connected to the layer through the common vertices of M(2) octahedra and octaahedral layers are linked through PO4 tetrahedra.  相似文献   

Experiments on MORB?+?4 wt% H2O at 0.8–2.8 GPa and 700–950 °C (Liu in High pressure phase equilibria involving the amphibolite–eclogite transformation. PhD dissertation, Stanford University, Stanford, California, 1997; Liu et al. in Earth Planet Sci Lett 143:161–171, 1996) were reexamined for their major and trace element melt compositions and melting relations. Degree of melting diminishes at greater pressures, with corresponding evolution of melt from andesitic at the lowest pressures and hottest temperatures to high-silica rhyolitic at the greatest pressure and coolest temperature. Quartz contributes greatly to the production of near-solidus melts of basaltic eclogite, with the result that melt productivity falls markedly following quartz exhaustion. This limits the extent of melting attainable in the basaltic eclogite portions of sub-arc subducting plates to no more than ~?2?×?the modal wt% quartz in the mafic eclogite protolith. Synthesized residual mineral assemblages lack an epidote-series mineral at temperatures?>?750 °C, and as a result, melts from the rutile eclogite and rutile-amphibole eclogite facies have elevated concentrations of light rare earth elements, U, Th, have elevated Ba, K, and Sr, high Sr/Y, and are strongly depleted in Nb, Y, and the heavy rare earth elements. Models of eclogite partial melt reacting with peridotite of the mantle wedge reproduce major and trace element characteristics of parental arc magmas so long as the proportions of infiltrating melt to peridotite are relatively high, consistent with channelized ascent. Melt mass is estimated to increase roughly three- to ten-fold, consistent with H2O concentrations of 3–7 wt% in the magmas produced by reaction. Partial melts of subducting basaltic eclogite are predicted to have positive Sr concentration anomalies, relative to Ce and Nd, that persist through melt-peridotite reactions. Primitive arc magmas commonly have positive Sr anomalies, whereas such anomalies are smaller in estimates of the bulk continental crust. Overall, Sr anomalies diminish passing from primitive to more evolved arc volcanic rocks, consistent with extensive mineral-melt differentiation (crystallization, partial remelting) involving plagioclase. On the order of 50 wt% differentiation would be necessary to eliminate Sr positive anomalies, based on geochemical variations in the Cascade and western Aleutian magmatic arcs. Loss to the mantle of cumulates and restites with high Sr anomalies, in abundances broadly equal to the mass of the preserved crust, would be required to form the continents via processes similar to present-day subduction magmatism.  相似文献   

Elastic and thermoelastic constants of large single crystals of Ca2MgSi2O7 and Ca2ZnSi2O7 have been derived from ultrasonic resonance frequencies of plane-parallel plates and their shift upon variation of temperature, respectively. In addition, coefficients of thermal expansion and dielectric constants were determined. Both species possess quite similar properties. As observed in other isotypic magnesium and zinc compounds, the mean elastic stiffness and the deviation from the Cauchy relations are significantly larger in the zinc compound, due to a covalent contribution of the Zn–O bond. Positive thermoelastic constants T44 and T66 in Ca2MgSi2O7 allow temperature-independent ultrasonic generators and oscillators to be manufactured.  相似文献   

The influence on the structure of Fe2+ Mg substitution was studied in synthetic single crystals belonging to the MgCr2O4–FeCr2O4 series produced by flux growth at 900–1200 °C in controlled atmosphere. Samples were analyzed by single-crystal X-ray diffraction, electron microprobe analyses, optical absorption-, infrared- and Mössbauer spectroscopy. The Mössbauer data show that iron occurs almost exclusively as IVFe2+. Only minor Fe3+ (<0.005 apfu) was observed in samples with very low total Fe. Optical absorption spectra show that chromium with few exceptions is present as a trivalent cation at the octahedral site. Additional absorption bands attributable to Cr2+ and Cr3+ at the tetrahedral site are evident in spectra of end-member magnesiochromite and solid-solution crystals with low ferrous contents. Structural parameters a0, u and T–O increase with chromite content, while the M–O bond distance remains nearly constant, with an average value equal to 1.995(1) Å corresponding to the Cr3+ octahedral bond distance. The ideal trend between cell parameter, T–O bond length and Fe2+ content (apfu) is described by the following linear relations: a0=8.3325(5) + 0.0443(8)Fe2+ (Å) and T–O=1.9645(6) + 0.033(1)Fe2+ (Å) Consequently, Fe2+ and Mg tetrahedral bond lengths are equal to 1.998(1) Å and 1.965(1) Å, respectively.  相似文献   

Brackets on the melting temperature of K2CO3 were experimentally determined at 1.86 ± 0.02 GPa (1,163–1,167°C), 2.79 ± 0.03 GPa (1,187–1,195°C), and 3.16 ± 0.04 GPa (1,183–1,189°C) in a piston-cylinder apparatus. These new data, in combination with published experiments at low pressure (<0.5 GPa), establish the K2CO3 fusion curve to 3.2 GPa. On the basis of these experiments and published thermodynamic data for crystalline and liquid K2CO3, the high-pressure density and compressibility of K2CO3 liquid were derived from the fusion curve. The pressure dependence of the liquid compressibility (K0 = dK 0/dP, where K 0 = 1/β0) is between 16.2 and 11.6, with a best estimate of 13.7, in a third-order Birch–Murnaghan equation of state (EOS). This liquid K0 leads to a density of 2,175 ± 36 kg/m3 at 4 GPa and 1,500°C, which is ∼30% lower than that reported in the literature on the basis of the falling-sphere method at the same conditions. The uncertainty in the liquid K0 leads to an error in melt density of ± 2% at 4 GPa; the error decreases with decreasing pressure. With a K0 of 13.7, the compressibility of K2CO3 at 1,500°C and 1 bar (K 0 = 3.8 GPa) drops rapidly with increasing pressure ( ), which prevents a density crossover with silicate melts, such as CaAlSi2O8 and CaMgSi2O6, at upper mantle depths.  相似文献   

The join CaMgSi2O6–KAlSi3O8 has been studied at 6 GPa (890–1,500°C) and 3.5 GPa (1,000–1,100°C). K-rich melts in the join produce assemblages Cpx + Grt, Cpx + Opx, Cpx + San, and Cpx + Grt + San at 1,100–1,300°C. At NSansystem<~70 mol%, sanidine is unstable on the solidus and appears at the liquidus, if NSansystem>90 mol%. This explains a scarcity of San in mantle Cpx-rich assemblages and its association with high-K aluminosilicate melt inclusions in diamonds. In absence of San, KCpx is the only host for potassium. The K-jadeite content in KCpx systematically increases with decreasing temperature and reaches 10–12 mol% near the solidus. However, KCpx coexists with San at NSansystem>70 mol% and <1,300°C, being formed via reaction San + L=KCpx. The KJd content in KCpx is controlled by the equilibrium San=KJd + SiO2L that displaces to the right with increasing pressure and decreasing both the temperature and This equilibrium is considered to be responsible for the formation of San lamellae in natural UHP Cpx. In our experiments at 3.5 GPa, garnet is absent whereas the KJd and Ca-Eskola contents in Cpx are low, and the join CaMgSi2O6–KAlSi3O8 is close to binary (with the eutectic Cpx + San + L). Different topologies of the join at 6 and 3.5 GPa define a sequence of mineral crystallization from K-rich aluminosilicate melts during cooling and decompression: from KCpx + Grt without San at P>4 GPa to Cpx + San at P<4 GPa. Similar sequence of assemblages is observed in some eclogitic xenoliths from kimberlites and Grt–Cpx rocks of the Kokchetav Complex (Northern Kazakhstan).  相似文献   

Mangazeite, a new mineral species, has been found at the Mangazeya silver deposit (300 km east of the Lena River, 65°43′40″ N and 130°20′ E) in eastern Yakutia (Sakha Republic, Siberia, Russia). The new mineral was described from fractured, sericitized, and pyritized granodiorite adjacent to a quartz-arsenopyrite vein. Associated minerals are gypsum and chlorite. The new mineral occurs as radial fibrous segregations of thin lamellar crystals. The size of the fibers does not exceed 40 μm in length and 1 μm across. The mineral is white, with a white streak and a vitreous luster. Mangazeite is transparent in isolated grains. No fluorescence is observed. The Mohs hardness is 1–2. The calculated density is 2.15 g/cm3. The new mineral is biaxial; its optical character was not determined; α = 1.525(9), β was not measured, and γ = 1.545(9). The average chemical composition is as follows (wt %): Al2O3 36.28, SO3 28.81, H2O+ 34.35, total 99.44, H2O? 9.27. The H2O? content was neither included in the total nor used in formula calculation. The empirical formula is Al1.99(SO4)1.01(OH)3.94 · 3.37H2O. The simplified formula is Al2(SO4)(OH)4 · 3H2O. The theoretical chemical composition calculated from this formula is (wt %) Al2O3 37.47, SO3 29.42, H2O 33.11, total 100.00. The new mineral is triclinic; the unit cell parameters refined from X-ray powder diffraction data are a = 8.286(5), b = 9.385(5), c = 11.35(1) Å, α = 96.1(1), β = 98.9(1), γ = 96.6(1)°, and Z = 4. The strongest lines in the X-ray powder diffraction pattern (d(I, %)) are 8.14(19), 7.59(49), 7.16(46), 4.258(100), 4.060(48), and 3.912(43). Mangazeite is supergene in origin and crystallized in a favorable aluminosilicate environment in the presence of sulfate ion due to pyrite oxidation.  相似文献   

The thermoelastic parameters of the CAS phase (CaAl4Si2O11) were examined by in situ high-pressure (up to 23.7 GPa) and high-temperature (up to 2,100 K) synchrotron X-ray diffraction, using a Kawai-type multi-anvil press. PV data at room temperature fitted to a third-order Birch–Murnaghan equation of state (BM EOS) yielded: V 0,300 = 324.2 ± 0.2 Å3 and K 0,300 = 164 ± 6 GPa for K′ 0,300 = 6.2 ± 0.8. With K′ 0,300 fixed to 4.0, we obtained: V 0,300 = 324.0 ± 0.1 Å3 and K 0,300 = 180 ± 1 GPa. Fitting our PVT data with a modified high-temperature BM EOS, we obtained: V 0,300 = 324.2 ± 0.1 Å3, K 0,300 = 171 ± 5 GPa, K′ 0,300 = 5.1 ± 0.6 (?K 0,T /?T) P  = ?0.023 ± 0.006 GPa K?1, and α0,T  = 3.09 ± 0.25 × 10?5 K?1. Using the equation of state parameters of the CAS phase determined in the present study, we calculated a density profile of a hypothetical continental crust that would contain ~10 vol% of CaAl4Si2O11. Because of the higher density compared with the coexisting minerals, the CAS phase is expected to be a plunging agent for continental crust subducted in the transition zone. On the other hand, because of the lower density compared with lower mantle minerals, the CAS phase is expected to remain buoyant in the lowermost part of the transition zone.  相似文献   

According to the compositions of the underground brine resources in the west of Sichuan Basin, solubilities of the ternary systems NaBr–Na2SO4–H2O and KBr–K2SO4–H2O were investigated by isothermal method at 348 K. The equilibrium solid phases, solubilities of salts, and densities of the solutions were determined. On the basis of the experimental data, the phase diagrams and the density-composition diagrams were plotted. In the two ternary systems, the phase diagrams consist of two univariant curves, one invariant point and two crystallization fields. Neither solid solution nor double salts were found. The equilibrium solid phases in the ternary system NaBr–Na2SO4–H2O are NaBr and Na2SO4, and those in the ternary system KBr–K2SO4–H2O are KBr and K2SO4. Using the solubilities data of the two ternary subsystems at 348 K, mixing ion-interaction parameters of Pitzer’s equation θxxx, Ψxxx and Ψxxx were fitted by multiple linear regression method. Based on the chemical model of Pitzer’s electrolyte solution theory, the solubilities of phase equilibria in the two ternary systems NaBr–Na2SO4–H2O and KBr–K2SO4–H2O were calculated with corresponding parameters. The calculation diagrams were plotted. The results showed that the calculated values have a good agreement with experimental data.  相似文献   

Experimental data are presented for the solubility of NaNbO3 in the ternary system CaCO3–CaF2–NaNbO3 (or calcite–fluorite–lueshite) over the temperature range 500–1,000°C at 0.1 GPa pressure. Liquidus to solidus phase relationships are given for the pseudo-binary join ([CaCO3]60[CaF2]40)100-x–(NaNbO3)x (0<x<60 wt%). These data show that the maximum solubility of NaNbO3 in these liquids is about 17 wt% (or 13.8 wt% Nb2O5) at approximately 930°C, and is represented by the appearance of pyrochlore as the primary liquidus phase. The sub-liquidus assemblages with decreasing temperature for NaNbO3 contents of 20–50 wt% are: pyrochlore + liquid; pyrochlore + CaF2 + liquid; pyrochlore + CaF2 + CaCO3 + liquid. The solidus assemblage is pyrochlore + CaF2 + CaCO3 at temperatures of approximately 700°C (20 wt% NaNbO3) and 600°C (40 wt% NaNbO3). NaNbO3 is present only in sub-solidus assemblages. These data show that in this fluorine-bearing anhydrous system pyrochlore is the principal Nb-hosting supra-solidus phase, in contrast to fluorine-free hydrous melts from which perovskite-structured compounds crystallize. The crystallization of pyrochlore and/or perovskite-structured compounds from haplocarbonatite liquids is thus considered to be dependent upon the F/OH ratio of the melt.  相似文献   

The effect of intergranular water on the conductivity of polycrystalline brucite, Mg(OH)2, was investigated using impedance spectroscopy at 2 GPa, during consecutive heating–cooling cycles in the 298–980 K range. The grain boundary hydration levels tested here span water activities from around unity (wet conditions) down to 10−4 (dry conditions) depending on temperature. Four orders of magnitude in water activity result in electrical conductivity variations for about 6–7 orders of magnitude at 2 GPa and room temperature. Wet brucite samples containing, initially, about 18 wt% of evaporable water (i.e. totally removed at temperatures below 393 K in air), display electrical conductivity values above 10−2–10−3 S/m. A.C. electrical conductivity as a function of temperature follows an Arrhenius behaviour with an activation energy of 0.11 eV. The electrical conductivity of the same polycrystalline brucite material dried beforehand at 393 K (dry conditions) is lower by about 5–6 orders of magnitude at room temperature and possesses an activation energy of 0.8–0.9 eV which is close to that of protonic diffusion in (001) brucitic planes. Above ca. 873 K, a non-reversible conductivity jump is observed which is interpreted as a water transfer from mineral bulk to grain boundaries (i.e. partial dehydration). Cooling of such partially dehydrated sample shows electrical conductivities much higher than those of the initially dry sample by 4 orders of magnitude at 500 K. Furthermore, the corresponding activation energy is decreased by a factor of about four (i.e. 0.21 eV). Buffering of the sample at low water activity has been achieved by adding CaO or MgO, two hygroscopic compounds, to the starting material. Then, sample conductivities reached the lowest values encountered in this study with the activation energy of 1.1 eV. The strong dependency of the electrical conductivity with water activity highlights the importance of the latter parameter as a controlling factor of diffusion rates in natural processes where water availability and activity may vary grandly. Water exchange between mineral bulk and mineral boundary suggests that grain boundary can be treated as an independent phase in dehydroxylation reactions.  相似文献   

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