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The response of plankton biomass in Lake Mjøsa, Norway, to changes in exogeneous factors during the years 1976–87 is studied by using a simulation model of the lake ecosystem. The model includes mechanisms required to test the Sverdrup hypothesis for the initiation of the spring phytoplankton bloom, and it includes zooplankton grazing and thermocline erosion which is important factors contributing to the formation of a second autumn bloom. The model describes 45% of the observed inter annual variance in chl-a, but only the right order of magnitude for the zooplankton biomass. The model describes 35% of the variance in the timing of the onset of phytoplankton growth (p = 0.03) and 41% of the variance in the timing of the second bloom (p = 0.07). However, 4 of 12 simulated annual time series showed only one bloom. The OECD regression model for chl-a as a function of TP concentration and flushing rate explained 50% of the variance in chl-a, but a zooplankton regression model did not explain the observed variance in zooplankton biomass. A published regression model for the timing of the spring bloom gave a negative correlation with the observed bloom.  相似文献   


Reliable, real-time river flow forecasting in Africa on a time scale of days can provide enormous humanitarian and economic benefits. This study investigates the feasibility of using daily rainfall estimates based on cold cloud duration (CCD) derived from Meteosat thermal infrared imagery as input to a simple rainfall—runoff model and also whether such estimates can be improved by the inclusion of information from numerical weather prediction (NWP) analysis models. The Bakoye catchment in Mali, West Africa has been used as a test area. The data available for the study covered the main months of the rainy season for three years. The rainfall estimates were initially validated against gauge data. Improvements in quality were observed when information relating to African Easterly Wave phase and storm type was included in a multiple linear regression (MR) algorithm. The estimates were also tested by using them as input to a rainfall—runoff model. When contemporaneous calibrations from raingauges were available for calibration, both CCD-only and MR rainfall estimates gave more accurate river flow forecasts than when using raingauge data alone. In the absence of contemporaneous calibrations, the performance was reduced but the MR did better than the CCDonly input in all years. The use of satellite-derived vegetation index did not improve the quality of the river flow forecasts.  相似文献   

曹晶  田泽斌  储昭升  牛远  郑丙辉 《湖泊科学》2022,34(4):1075-1089
藻类生长与营养盐浓度存在藻类几何级数增长的营养盐浓度变化的下限阈值和藻类生长不受氮磷浓度增加影响的上限阈值,但由于蓝藻水华的形成受多种因素的综合影响,不同湖泊、不同区域及不同时段的氮磷浓度对蓝藻水华的影响差别较大,使得蓝藻生长的氮磷控制阈值难以确定.针对控制蓝藻水华暴发的氮磷阈值的研究虽然有所开展,但多集中在实验室研究阶段或对经验值的判断,虽然也有基于野外实测数据的研究,但也限制于某一特定区域,而基于野外长序列实测数据并且覆盖整个湖泊的氮磷阈值研究则是空白.太湖作为具有较高营养背景的富营养化浅水湖泊,蓝藻水华的发生受氮磷影响较大.对太湖总磷(TP)、总氮(TN)和叶绿素a(Chl.a)浓度的时空变化分析发现,太湖西北湖区的TP、TN与Chl.a浓度明显较高,并且TP、TN与Chl.a均呈显著性正相关.为探究太湖蓝藻水华暴发的TP和TN控制阈值,以轻富营养化等级下的Chl.a分级标准(10,26]作为表征水华暴发的条件,采用郑丙辉等的频率分布法,确定了太湖蓝藻水华暴发的TP和TN控制阈值分别为0.05~0.06和1.71~1.72 mg/L;通过空间验证,太湖藻型区TP和TN浓度远高于同级营养水平下全湖区TP和TN控制阈值,表明藻型区高氮磷水平为蓝藻水华发生提供充足营养盐条件,即使氮磷全湖平均浓度控制在蓝藻水华暴发的氮磷阈值水平之下,但在气象水文等因素适宜条件下,藻型区水华发生风险仍然较高;并且在高氮磷背景下,即便在水华发生风险低的季节,水华发生风险仍然较大.近十几年来,虽然太湖经历了大规模的高强度治理,但由于环太湖流域的湖西区入湖负荷占比大,导致太湖藻型区氮磷浓度仍处于高位运行状态,为蓝藻水华的暴发提供了充足的营养盐基础,因此,湖西区的控源减排仍然是太湖富营养化及蓝藻水华防控的重点.  相似文献   

A study of Rostherne Mere (Cheshire, UK) was undertaken to reveal relationships among various ecosystem components and assess the progress in lake recovery following sewage diversion. An intensive monitoring programme included measurements of dissolved oxygen, T, pH, electric conductivity, K, Mg, Ca, Si, N and P species, Secchi depth, suspended solids, chlorophyll‐a, phyto‐ and zooplankton counts. Recorded changes and the results of correlation analysis broadly confirmed to the classic limnoecological theory and allowed detailed interpretation of the dynamics observed. The Si level was used to estimate the amount of diatom detritus produced in spring. Chemical profiles were used to estimate the amount of nutrients accumulated in the hypolimnion during the stratified period. These estimates were compared with simulations made using the model of exponential decay, which showed a good performance in the case of Si but considerable underestimation in the case of P. The differences between the values simulated by the model and estimates based on field observations resulted from the additional P release from the sediments. This release could have been stimulated by a combination of factors, including the development of anoxic layers on the sediment–water interface and Si‐induced desorption from Fe, Al and Mn oxides. Internal P loading during the stratified period was thus estimated at about 4–9 g/m2, suggesting that rapid changes in the lake's trophic status are at present unlikely. Certain aspects of this work (including interpretation of interrelationships between ecosystem components, estimation of the decomposition constant, analysis of factors controlling nutrient accumulation in the hypolimnion, and a low‐cost method to estimate internal P release) may be useful for studies of other aquatic systems and have, therefore, general limnological applicability. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To be able to understand year-round river channel evolution both at present and in the future, the spatial variation of the flow characteristics and their sediment transport capabilities under ice cover need to be detected. As the measurements done through cross-sectional drill holes cover only a small portion of the river channel area, the numerical simulations give insight into the wider spatial horizontal variation of the flow characteristics. Therefore, we simulate the ice-covered flow with a hydrodynamic two-dimensional (2D) model in a meandering subarctic river (Pulmanki River, Finland) in mid-winter conditions and compare them to the pre-winter open-channel low flow situation. Based on the simulations, which are calibrated with reference measurements, we aim to detect (1) how ice-covered mid-winter flow characteristics vary spatially and (2) the erosion and sedimentation potential of the ice-covered flow compared to open-channel conditions. The 2D hydrodynamic model replicated the observed flow characteristics in both open-channel and ice-covered conditions. During both seasons, the greatest erosional forces locate in the shallow sections. The narrow, freely flowing channel area found in mid-winter cause the main differences in the spatial flow variation between seasons. Despite the causes of the horizontal recirculating flow structures being similar in both seasons, the structures formed in different locations depended on whether the river was open or ice covered. The critical thresholds for particle entrainment are exceeded more often in open-channel conditions than during ice-covered flow. The results indicate spatially extensive sediment transport in open-channel conditions, but that the spatial variability and differences in depositional and erosional locations increase in ice-covered conditions. Asymmetrical bends and straight reaches erode throughout the year, whereas symmetrical, smaller bends mainly erode in open-channel conditions and are prone to deposition in winter. The long ice-covered season can greatly affect the annual morphology of the submerged channel. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

自2007年太湖蓝藻水华引起无锡供水危机后,在太湖流域及湖区开展了一系列综合治理措施以改善太湖水环境质量.本研究在太湖梅梁湾和贡湖湾各设置3个采样点,自2010年4月起每月2次监测太湖水质.结合水文气象数据及无锡市环境监测站和太湖局的同期数据,明确太湖自2010年以来,水质整体良好,总氮浓度在波动中呈现下降的趋势,总磷浓度在2014年前也是在波动中呈现下降的趋势,但在2015和2016年有所回升,回升比例约为15%~20%.2015和2016年总磷浓度出现回升的主要原因是这2年的2次大洪水过程携带大量N、P进入太湖湖区,洪水消退过程中,N大多以溶解态排泄出湖区,而P则由于大多数以颗粒态存在,逐渐沉积到湖泊中,随着微囊藻生长消耗水体溶解态P以及水体pH和溶解氧的变化逐渐释放到太湖水体中.  相似文献   

梯级筑坝对河流水环境演化的影响是国内外关注的热点.小型山区河流高密度梯级开发对水体生源要素的空间格局以及水环境演化的累积影响特征尚不清楚.以重庆市五布河为研究对象,对流域内8个“河流—水库—下泄水”交替系统中表层水体理化因子及碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)形态组成进行季节性监测,探讨了梯级筑坝对小型河流生源要素空间格局及水体富营养化风险影响的累积特征及驱动机制.结果表明:梯级水电开发对五布河流域水生生境和生源要素空间分配的影响具有潜在的累积效应,各库区水体碳氮磷浓度均呈逐级增加的空间规律;水库段的有机碳及不同形态的氮、磷浓度均高于入库河流,因此水体养分浓度呈现出河段尺度(即单个河流—水库—下泄水系统)和流域尺度(即上游至下游)耦合的空间变异模式.上游水库中溶解性氮、磷的再释放及下泄输移能够补给下游库区,加之下游水库泥沙对氮、磷的吸附—沉积作用的减弱,导致水体氮、磷总量及溶解性氮、磷的占比沿程增加,呈现梯级筑坝对水环境演化的累积影响.梯级筑坝影响下河流碳氮磷总量的相关性减弱,而溶解性养分间的相关性增强,形成了特殊的养分协同演化;水库群之间水力滞留时间的差异与水体碳氮磷浓度具有较好的线性关系...  相似文献   

湖泊水深是影响沉水植物生长、繁殖与分布的重要环境因子,水深增加改变了水下光照、风浪和底泥特性等,因而可能导致沉水植物的生理生化指标发生相应变化.本研究通过对云南洱海沉水植物苦草(Vallisneria natans)随水深分布的情况进行调查,并分析了定植于不同水深的苦草叶片碳(C)、氮(N)和磷(P)含量及其比率,以阐明水深变化对苦草叶片生态化学计量学的影响.结果表明洱海苦草定植的水深范围为0.5~5.6 m,在1.5~2.4 m处达到最大频度,在2.5~3.4 m处达到最大相对生物量,这表明苦草在洱海中的最适生长深度在1.5~3.4 m范围内;苦草叶片C、N和P含量平均值分别为356.10、26.13和3.54 mg/g,C:N、C:P和N:P的平均值分别为14.38、113.46和7.85;苦草叶片C含量、C:N和C:P均随水深增加而降低,N和P含量则随水深增加而升高,N:P在0.5~1.4 m较高,其余水深梯度之间则没有显著差异.总体上,苦草叶片C、N、P含量及其化学计量特征显著地受到了湖泊水深的影响.另外,本研究还发现水深的增加使得苦草叶片N、P含量发生聚敛,这导致其N、P之间的耦合性变弱.  相似文献   

为探究长江中下游富营养化浅水湖泊的浮游植物初级生产力季节性演替特征及其驱动因子,本研究于2020年4月(春)、8月(夏)、10月(秋)及2021年1月(冬)对湖北长湖浮游植物进行采样调查,同时运用黑白瓶测氧法及VGPM模型估算法分别估算了其浮游植物生产力水平,并探究驱动初级生产力季节性变化的主要环境因子。结果显示,4个季节共鉴定出浮游植物194种,其中绿藻门(95种,49%)和硅藻门(40种,21%)居绝对优势地位;黑白瓶法测得浮游植物水柱总生产力(Pt)季节变化为:夏季((1841.24±345.93) mg C/(m2·d))>秋季((1324.14±208.34) mg C/(m2·d))>春季((847.50±247.72) mg C/(m2·d))>冬季((711.43±133.52) mg C/(m2·d)),其中M2站位在夏季采样时(2424.66 mg C/(m2·d))水柱总生产力最高;在垂直空间上,浮游植物总生产力(G...  相似文献   

利用芦苇湿地去除农业污水中的氮是博斯腾湖流域控制富营养化的重要手段.但是,污水中的盐分往往会抑制芦苇(Phragmites australis)湿地的除氮效果.为了探索不同盐度对芦苇湿地脱氮效果的影响和机制,研究4个不同的盐度梯度(淡水、2‰、5‰和10‰)对芦苇表流湿地中氮去除的影响,测定不同盐度下湿地表层(0~10.0 cm)和下层土壤(10.0~20.0 cm)中硝化、反硝化作用强度的变化.结果表明,盐度上升显著降低了湿地氮的去除率,但是不同离子形态的氮变化趋势并不一致.5‰和10‰盐度下的芦苇湿地中总氮、铵态氮去除率分别下降了9.03%、31.80%和23.10%、39.20%,亚硝态氮累积率分别上升了190%、690%,而硝态氮并未发生明显变化.相对于参与反硝化作用的菌群,盐度对参与硝化作用菌群的抑制作用更强是产生此现象的主要原因.除此之外,盐度升高导致植物根系泌氧减少也是土壤中的硝化作用强度降低的重要原因之一.  相似文献   

湿地土壤是湿地生态系统固持氮(N)、磷(P)的重要库,水生高等植物在湿地土壤固持N、P过程中起到了非常重要的作用.本研究采用室外取样与室内实验结合的方法,对溱湖湿地两种主要湿地类型(芦苇(Phragmites australis)群落和芦苇+香蒲(Typha latifolia)群落)影响湿地土壤N、P固持过程的规律展开研究.分析了芦苇、香蒲各器官生物量和总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)含量及储量对于土壤各土层TN和TP含量的影响.结果显示:(1)溱湖湿地对于水体TN和TP有一定的削减作用,且对TN的削减作用更大;(2)芦苇可以增强湿地土壤(30 cm以下的土层)富集N的效率,并且芦苇+香蒲群落中土壤固N效率更高,芦苇植株内TN和TP储量都是根茎叶穗,而香蒲则是根穗茎叶;(3)芦苇和香蒲茎、叶器官的TN和TP含量在夏季均显著高于其他几个季节,尤其是芦苇茎的TN含量在夏季高出其他几个季节70%~84%,而TP含量甚至高出其他几个季节81%~92%;(4)芦苇、香蒲对于P贫瘠的响应机制不同,导致芦苇会消耗土壤P,而香蒲的介入可以抵消这一消耗过程.因此,芦苇+香蒲的植物配置模式可以提高湿地土壤固持N、P的综合效率.  相似文献   

A back‐propagation algorithm neural network (BPNN) was developed to synchronously simulate concentrations of total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP) and dissolved oxygen (DO) in response to agricultural non‐point source pollution (AGNPS) for any month and location in the Changle River, southeast China. Monthly river flow, water temperature, flow travel time, rainfall and upstream TN, TP and DO concentrations were selected as initial inputs of the BPNN through coupling correlation analysis and quadratic polynomial stepwise regression analysis for the outputs, i.e. downstream TN, TP and DO concentrations. The input variables and number of hidden nodes of the BPNN were then optimized using a combination of growing and pruning methods. The final structure of the BPNN was determined from simulated data based on experimental data for both the training and validation phases. The predicted values obtained using a BPNN consisting of the seven initial input variables (described above), one hidden layer with four nodes and three output variables matched well with observed values. The model indicated that decreasing upstream input concentrations during the dry season and control of NPS along the reach during average and flood seasons may be an effective way to improve Changle River water quality. If the necessary water quality and hydrology data are available, the methodology developed here can easily be applied to other case studies. The BPNN model is an easy‐to‐use modelling tool for managers to obtain rapid preliminary identification of spatiotemporal water quality variations in response to natural and artificial modifications of an agricultural drainage river. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to provide comparative quantitative examinations on the capabilities of two‐dimensional horizontal and pseudo‐three‐dimensional (3D) modelling approaches for simulating spatial and temporal variability of the flow and salinity in Lake Urmia, Iran. The water quality in the lake has been an environmentally important subject partly because this shallow hypersaline aquatic ecosystem is considered to be one of the largest natural habitats of a unique multicellular organism, Artemia urmiana. This brine shrimp is the major food source for many of the protected and rare shorebirds that visit the lake. A. urmiana can grow and survive in certain ranges of salinity, and their disappearance could lead to an alteration of existing equilibria. The lake has also experienced considerable man‐made changes during the past three decades. A newly built crossing embankment almost divided the lake into two northern and southern halves. A relatively small opening of 1.25 km in the new embankment provides water connections between the two halves. As a result, the flow and salinity regimes have been significantly changed. This might have had adverse serious impacts on the lake ecosystem. In the current study, the two‐dimensional horizontal hydrodynamic model has been found to provide reasonable predictions for the flow regime in the lake, whereas its salinity predictions have not been consistent with the field observations. The pseudo‐3D model has produced results fairly close to the salinity measurements and its temporal and spatial variations. The pseudo‐3D model has been used for evaluating the embankment effects on the lake hydrodynamics and on the salinity conditions. The effectiveness of introducing a different number or length of openings in the embankment for restoring the pre‐embankment conditions has also been examined. These remedy options have been found not to offer substantial improvements to the lake's existing ecosystem. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The life history of the amphipod Orchestia sp. cf. cavimana (Heller, 1865) was studied throughout the course of a year with monthly samplings and the use of pitfall traps along the shores of Lake Albano in central Italy. The data thus obtained showed two peaks in abundance (the first in June and the second in October) and a minimum capture frequency in February. Egg-bearing females were recorded in spring and late summer, whilst recruitment occurred from spring to autumn, with maximum in June and October. The data collected also indicated the presence of a positive correlation between the abundance of talitrids and both temperature and sediment moisture. Morphological analysis enabled the identification of four different cohorts (with a lifespan of the species of approximately 12–15 months) all four of which remained distinguishable throughout the course of the year. It, moreover, enabled sex determination in individuals of 5 or more millimetres. The subsequent distribution indicated that, when significant, the sex ratio was female biased and that maximum size was greater in males. In particular, maximum sizes were recorded in spring for both males and females and were of 17.5 and 13.0 mm, respectively. Furthermore, the total body length recorded for egg-bearing females was positively correlated with the number of eggs in their brood pouch.  相似文献   

Excavations in the former Roman provincial capital of Pannonia Superior, Carnuntum, 40 km east of Vienna revealed damaged masonry structures from many parts of the ancient settlements. A compilation of structurally damaged buildings has formerly been given by Kandler (Acta Archaeol Acad Sci Hung, 41:313–336, 1989), who related damage to an earthquake in the middle of the fourth century a.d. This paper reviews and supplements these data, and discusses the significance of the style of damage. It is concluded that seismic damage is the only likely interpretation for the damaging mechanism. Although archaeological age dating for the individual collapsed buildings only constrains the timing of their destruction to a few decades around 350 a.d., we assume a single damaging event. In spite of the restrictions on damage assessment by the nature of the archaeological data, it is possible to give a reasonable appraisal of macroseismic intensity. The tentative seismological interpretation of damage leads to an intensity estimate of about nine of the European macroseismic scale (EMS-1998). Comparison with macroseismic data of modern earthquakes in the region, which show a rapid decrease of intensity with distance form the epicentre, indicate a near-by seismic source unless exceptionally high epicentral intensities are assumed for the fourth century event. The most likely source is an active sinistral strike-slip fault (Lassee Fault) passing about 8 km NW of the archaeological site. The fault belongs to Vienna Basin fault system with about 2 mm sinistral movement per year. The system is characterized by fault segmentation and distinct seismicity along the different segments. Moderate seismicity during the last centuries at the southern segments (e.g., Schwadorf 1927, I 0=8) strongly contrasts from the Lassee fault segment with Carnuntum as the only known severe earthquake. The earthquake of Carnuntum provides evidence for the overall seismic style of deformation along this segment, which previously has not been regarded seismically active. Also, the fourth century earthquake is the strongest event known from the Vienna Basin fault so far.  相似文献   

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