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The western Anti-Atlas was formed by a Precambrian basement in the core of anticlines, surrounded by a Neoproterozoic and Palæozoic cover. The structural study of the Tata regional rocks shows a heterogeneous deformation, characterised especially by two types of folds in two orthogonal directions: north-south to north-northeast-south-southwest-trending and east-west-trending.The north-south structures are present in all of the Palæozoic cover and belong to the major Variscan compression of Late Carboniferous age by a comparison of the other domains of the western Anti-Atlas. Alternatively, east-west folding is assigned only to the lower part of the cover and consists of a ductile heterogeneous deformation, especially marked at the basement-cover interface. These folds are associated with a subhorizontal cleavage, indicating a southern vergence of the structures. A discussion of the age and the tectonic style of these structures is proposed, as well as their significance within the Variscan belt along the northern margin of the West African Craton.  相似文献   

A 100 km long balanced structural transect is presented for the Patagonian Andes at 50° S Latitude. The area studied is characterized by a fold belt in the eastern Andean foothills and basement-involved thrusts in a western-basement thrust zone. The basement thrust zone exposes pre-Jurassic, polydeformed sedimentary and layered metamorphic rocks emplaced over Lower Cretaceous rocks above an E-vergent thrust located at the western end of the fold belt.

The fold belt is developed in a 3 km thick deformed Cretaceous–Paleogene sedimentary cover with few basement outcrops and scarce calc-alkaline magmatism. Cover structures related to shallow décollements have a N-S to NW-SE strike, with fold wavelengths from 1100 to 370 m in the east to 20 to 40 m in the west. However, long-wavelength basement-involved structures related to deeper décollements have a dominant N-S to NE-SW trend along the eastern and western parts of the fold belt. Field evidence showing different degrees of inversion of N-S–trending normal faults suggests that the orientation of the Cenozoic compressive basement structures was inherited partially from the original geometry of Mesozoic normal faults.

The deformation propagated toward the foreland in at least two events of deformation. The effects of Paleogene (Eocene?) compressive episode are observed in the western fold belt and a Neogene (Late Miocene) compressive episode is present in the eastern fold belt. Basement-involved structures typically refold older cover structures, producing a mixed thick and thin-skinned structural style. By retrodeforming a regional balanced cross section in the fold belt, a minimum late Miocene shortening of 35 km (26%) was calculated.  相似文献   

The Chos Malal fold and thrust belt (FTB) is a thick-skinned mountain belt formed by Mesozoic deposits of the Neuquén Basin during the Andean orogeny. Four structural cross-sections in the entire deformed area, supported by field and subsurface data, suggest a strong link between thick and thin-skinned structures. Major Andean thrusts branching from a detachment placed 12 km into the crust created large basement wedges, which were inserted in the cover producing minor order structures. The westernmost of these wedges is exposed forming the Cordillera del Viento, while others basement slices at depth were interpreted from seismic lines. These thick-skinned structures transferred deformation to the cover along the Auquilco Formation and contributed to create all thin-skinned structures surveyed in the Chos Malal FTB. We recognized half-graben geometries in the seismic lines, preserving their extensional configuration, which suggests that the main normal faults were not inverted. Shortenings calculated from the restoration of the four cross-sections are 16.9 km (29.7%), 16.9 km (29.7%), 14.7 km (26.9%) and 14.15 km (26.3%), which evidence a slight diminution of the contraction toward the south probably associated with the plunge of the Cordillera del Viento structure in this segment of the Chos Malal FTB.  相似文献   

The Fars area is the main target for Permian gas exploration in the Zagros fold belt. It contains approximately 15 percent of the world’s proven gas reserves. The geometrical characteristics of the folded structures change dramatically across the N–S trending Gavbandi High. We used seismic profiles, well data, magnetic survey information and field observations to show that thickness variation of the sedimentary pile inherited from basement geometry is the main reason behind structural style variation in this area which occurred during the Zagros folding. Differences in thickness were more significant in Early-Middle Paleozoic time and decreased considerably upward in time. The total thickness of the Lower Paleozoic succession in the eastern side of the Gavbandi High is approximately 40–50% thicker than on the summit of this basement high. Sedimentary pinch-outs through Cretaceous and Tertiary times indicate that the activity of the basement faults decreased but did not stop. The impact on hydrocarbon traps of the pre-folding basin architecture and the differences in the behavior of the sedimentary cover after Miocene folding is discussed and documented.  相似文献   

The Neuquén Basin, developed in a retroarc setting in the central-west of Argentina, contains more than 6000 m of Mesozoic marine and continental sedimentary rocks. These rocks were deformed during the Andean orogeny leading to several thick and thin-skinned fold-and-thrust belts. The Early Cretaceous Agrio Formation is composed by a thick marine succession predominantly of black shales in which highlights a thin fluvial-aeolian sandy interval named Avilé Member. The Avilé Member, one of the most important hydrocarbon reservoirs of the Neuquén Basin, constitutes an excellent structural marker. At the Chos Malal fold-and-thrust belt, the strong mechanical anisotropy given by the contrasting lithology of the Avilé Member within the Agrio Formation favored the location of detachments along the shales and ramps affecting the sandstones during the Andean compression. Detailed field mapping at the Chacay Melehue area allowed us to recognize tectonic repetitions of the Avilé Member, which form imbrications in the simplest case whereas in other places constitute a more complex combination of imbrications, including fault-bend folding that duplicates stratigraphic sequences and fault-propagation folding that deforms more intensely the duplicated units. Along three structural cross-sections we illustrate the geometry of these tectonic repetitions of the Agrio Formation, which in the northern area have an eastward-vergence and in the central and southern regions show a clear westward-vergence. A tear fault along the arroyo Chacay Melehue could explain this vergence change. Forward modeling of the structures at the central cross-section, where a backthrust system produced imbrication, duplication and folding of the Agrio Formation, allows us to propose a balanced kinematic reconstruction of this complex structure and to compare the features produced at different stages of the deformation sequence with field observations. Our kinematic interpretation shows that the tectonic repetitions of the Agrio Formation involve 3 km of shortening above a basal detachment within the lowermost black shales. Based on a regional balanced cross-section constructed from the basement-cored Cordillera del Viento anticlinorium toward the east, across the thin-skinned sector of the Chos Malal FTB, it is possible to connect the backthrust system with east-vergent fault-bend folds that involve the stratigraphic units below the Agrio Formation. Finally, we propose a regional structural model considering the Cordillera del Viento as a basement wedge related to a low angle Andean thrust that is inserted into the sedimentary cover producing structures of different order, which evidence a strong relationship between thick and thin-skinned structures during the Andean orogeny.  相似文献   

The Pan-African basement exposed in the Meatiq area west of Quseir, Egypt, consists of an infracrustal basement overthrusted by a supracrustal cover. The infracrustal rocks were developed as a result of an old orogeny referred to as the Meatiqian orogeny where granite—gneiss, migmatitic gneisses and migmatized amphibolites were formed. The granite—gneiss represents a deformed granite pluton emplaced at 626±2 Ma, whereas the migmatitic gneisses and amphibolites are of mixed igneous and sedimentary parentage. In view of the data so far available, the nature of the Meatiqian orogeny could not be deciphered. In spite of the young isotopic ages, it is suggested that at least the metasedimentary gneisses represent older rocks in the stratigraphic sequence of the infracrustal basement.The supracrustal cover represents a part of an extensive ophiolitic mélange obducted onto the infracrustal basement during the next orogeny (Abu Ziran orogeny) which culminated at 613±2 Ma. An active continental margin-type regime can adequately explain the evolution of such a supracrustal cover. During obduction, the ophiolitic mélange and the upper 2 km thick part of the infracrustal basement were intensely deformed and metamorphosed under PT conditions of the greenschist—epidote amphibolite facies. The deformed infracrustal basement was converted into mylonitic—blastomylonitic rocks and schists composing five thrust sheets, and subsequently intruded by synkinematic granitoid sheets. Later, both the infracrustal basement and the overlying supracrustal cover were isostatically uplifted, subjected to complex shallow folding giving rise to the major Meatiq domal structure, and were intruded by a postkinematic adamellite pluton at 579±6 Ma.  相似文献   

The present day morphology of the Zagros fold-thrust belt is dominated by magnificent exposures of NW–SE trending folds. These folds differ in their size and geometry and these differences are related mainly to the rheological profile of the cover rock. The cover rock succession of the Zagros consists of a sequence of competent and incompetent units which vary both along and across the belt. Field based study combined with the use of satellite images reveals that the thickness and facies distribution of the cover rock succession has a significant impact on the style of deformation. During the shortening linked to the current convergence of the Arabian and Iranian plates, the incompetent units act as detachment horizons which localise thrusting and which act as décollement above which detachment folds form. In addition, where these incompetent units are thick (e.g.> 1 km), they allow the deformation above and below them to become completely decoupled enabling disharmonic folding to occur. As a result the folds above and below the incompetent units in the central part of the Zagros Folded Belt, have significantly different geometries and wavelengths. As the Zagros folds host the majority of the hydrocarbon reserves in Iran and Iraq, an understanding of the processes that influence their geometry and spatial organization at different levels in the cover rock is crucial for the future exploration in the region.  相似文献   

There is a belt of metamorphic core complexes in the western margin of the Yangtze craton . The geological setting of the belt is similar to that of the Cordilleran metamorphic core complexes . A typical one in this belt is the Jianglang metamorphic core complex , which has a configuration consisting of three layers :a core complex consisting of Mesoproterozoic schist sequence , a ductile middle slab consisting of Paleozoic meta-sedimentary-basalt characterized by the development of "folding layer" and an upper cover consisting of Xikang Group which has suffered both buckling and flattening . A detachment fault developed along the contact boundary between the cover and basement causes the omission of Upper Sinian and Cambrian at the base of cover . A lot of normal ductile shear zones developed in the cover causes the thinning of it . All the features show that the early extension results in the thinning of crust , but the formation of the dome and exposure of basement rocks may be the results of superimp  相似文献   

In post-Variscan times the Dolomites underwent a number of tectonic events, which may be summarized as follows: Permian and Triassic rifting phases broke the area into NS trending basins with different degrees of subsidence. A Middle Triassic transpressive event then deformed the region along a N70°E axis, generating flower structures within the basement. Volcano-tectonic domal uplift and subsequent caldera formation occurred at the same time as the Late Ladinian magmatism. Early Jurassic rifting also controlled the subsidence which increased eastward. This long period of deformation was followed by a pre-Neogene (Late Cretaceous-Palaeogene ?) EW (ENE-WSW) compression which generated a W-vergent belt, possibly equivalent to the folded foreland of the Dinaric chain. A 70 km EW section of the Dolomites indicates shortening of at least 10 km. During the Neogene the Dolomites, as far north as the Insubric Lineament, were the innermost part of a S-vergent thrust belt: the basement of the Dolomites was thrust southwards along the Valsugana Line onto the sedimentary cover of the Venetian Prealps for at least 10 km. This caused a regional uplift of 3–5 km. The Valsugana Line and its backthrusts on the northern side of the central Dolomites generated a 60 km wide pop-up in the form of a synclinorium within which the sedimentary cover adapted itself mainly by flexural-slip often forming triangle zones. The shortening linked to this folding is about 5 km with Neogene thrusts faulting and folding pre-existing thrust-planes. On the north-eastern side of the Dolomites, Neogene deformation is apparently more strictly controlled by the transpressive effects of the Insubric Lineament and shortening of the sedimentary cover may be greater than in the central Dolomites. Minor deformation linked to the Giudicarie belt is present in the western Dolomites. The present structure of the Dolomites is thus the result of a number of tectonic events of different significance and different strike. Only a 3-dimensional restoration can unravel the true structure of the Dolomites.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented for a previously unrecognized late Paleozoic orogeny in two parts of Alaska's Farewell terrane, an event that has not entered into published scenarios for the assembly of Alaska. The Farewell terrane was long regarded as a piece of the early Paleozoic passive margin of western Canada, but is now thought, instead, to have lain between the Siberian and Laurentian (North American) cratons during the early Paleozoic. Evidence for a late Paleozoic orogeny comes from two belts located 100–200 km apart. In the northern belt, metamorphic rocks dated at 284–285 Ma (three 40Ar/39Ar white-mica plateau ages) provide the main evidence for orogeny. The metamorphic rocks are interpreted as part of the hinterland of a late Paleozoic mountain belt, which we name the Browns Fork orogen. In the southern belt, thick accumulations of Pennsylvanian-Permian conglomerate and sandstone provide the main evidence for orogeny. These strata are interpreted as the eroded and deformed remnants of a late Paleozoic foreland basin, which we name the Dall Basin. We suggest that the Browns Fork orogen and Dall Basin comprise a matched pair formed during collision between the Farewell terrane and rocks to the west. The colliding object is largely buried beneath Late Cretaceous flysch to the west of the Farewell terrane, but may have included parts of the so-called Innoko terrane. The late Paleozoic convergent plate boundary represented by the Browns Fork orogen likely connected with other zones of plate convergence now located in Russia, elsewhere in Alaska, and in western Canada.  相似文献   

Coarse‐grained deep‐water strata of the Cerro Toro Formation in the Cordillera Manuel Señoret, southern Chile, represent the deposits of a major channel belt (4 to 8 km wide by >100 km long) that occupied the foredeep of the Magallanes basin during the Late Cretaceous. Channel belt deposits comprise a ca 400 m thick conglomeratic interval (informally named the ‘Lago Sofia Member’) encased in bathyal fine‐grained units. Facies of the Lago Sofia Member include sandy matrix conglomerate (that show evidence of traction‐dominated deposition and sedimentation from turbulent gravity flows), muddy matrix conglomerate (graded units interpreted as coarse‐grained slurry‐flow deposits) and massive sandstone beds (high‐density turbidity current deposits). Interbedded sandstone and mudstone intervals are present locally, interpreted as inner levée deposits. The channel belt was characterized by a low sinuousity planform architecture, as inferred from outcrop mapping and extensive palaeocurrent measurements. Laterally adjacent to the Lago Sofia Member are interbedded mudstone and sandstone facies derived from gravity flows that spilled over the channel belt margin. A levée interpretation for these fine‐grained units is based on several observations, which include: (i) palaeocurrent measurements that indicate flows diverged (50° to 100°) once they spilled over the confining channel margin; (ii) sandstone beds progressively thin, away from the channel belt margin; (iii) evidence that the eroded channel base was not very well indurated, including a stepped margin and injection of coarse‐grained channel material into surrounding fine‐grained units; and (iv) the presence of sedimentary features common to levées, including slumped units inferring depositional slopes dipping away from the channel margin, lenticular sandstone beds thinning distally from the channel margin, soft sediment deformation and climbing ripples. The tectonic setting and foredeep architecture influenced deposition in the axial channel belt. A significant downstream constriction of the channel belt is reflected by a transition from more tabular units to an internal architecture dominated by lenticular beds associated with a substantially increased degree of scour. Differential propagation of the fold‐thrust belt from the west is speculated to have had a major control on basin, and subsequently channel, width. The confining influence of the basin slopes that paralleled the channel belt, as well as the likelihood that numerous conduits fed into the basin along the length of the active fold‐thrust belt to the west, suggest that proximal–distal relationships observed from large channels in passive margin settings are not necessarily applicable to axial channels in elongate basins.  相似文献   

川黔SN向构造带以单式或复式褶皱及相伴的断层组成。从晚古生代到侏罗纪地层全部卷入这个构造带,盖层构造明显受古构造控制。川黔SN向构造带基底具双层结构,下硬上软,带内SN向古隆拗开始于早寒武世,由南向北逐渐推进。   相似文献   

We document two phases of folding within the central part of the Late Palaeozoic Anti‐Atlas chain of Morocco. A first generation of SW–NE folds involve a horizontal shortening of 10–20%, accommodated by polyharmonic buckle folding of contrasting wavelengths in Ordovician Jbel Bani quartzites and Devonian Jbel Rich carbonates. A second generation of folds with similar style and wavelengths in an E–W direction lead to complex interference patterns. Dome and basins are developed within the Jbel Rich and within Lower Cambrian dolomites. Both folding phases are related to thick‐skinned uplift of Precambrian basement in a Laramide style. In contrast to the typical Rocky Mountain foreland style, however, cover deformation in the Anti‐Atlas is mostly decoupled from the undying basement along thick incompetent horizons such as the Lower Cambrian Lie‐de‐Vin and Silurian shales.  相似文献   

The geologic framework of the Phanerozoic Qinling–Dabie orogen was built up through two major suturing events of three blocks. From north to south these include the North China craton (including the north Qinling block), the Qinling–Dabie microblock, and the South China craton (including the Bikou block), separated by the Shangdan and Mianlue sutures. The Mianlue suture zone contains evidence for Mesozoic extrusion tectonics in the form of major strike–slip border faults surrounding basement blocks, a Late Paleozoic ophiolite and a ca. 240–200 Ma thrust belt that reformed by 200–150 Ma thrusts during A-type (intracontinental) subduction. The regional map pattern shows that the blocks are surrounded by complexly deformed Devonian to Early Triassic metasandstones and metapelites, forming a regional-scale block-in-matrix mélange fabric. Five distinct tectonic units have been recognized in the belt: (1) basement blocks including two types of Precambrian basement, crystalline and transitional; (2) continental margin slices including Early Paleozoic strata, and Late Paleozoic fluviodeltaic sedimentary rocks, proximal and distal fan clastics, reflecting the development of a north-facing rift margin on the edge of the South China plate; (3) out of sequence oceanic crustal slices including strongly deformed postrift, deep-water sedimentary rocks, sheeted dikes, basalts, and mafic–ultramafic cumulates of a Late Paleozoic ophiolite suite, developing independent of the rift margin in a separate basin; (4) out-of-sequence island-arc slices; (5) accretionary wedge slices. All the tectonic units were deformed during three geometrically distinct deformation episodes (D1, D2 and D3 during 240–200 Ma). Units 2–4 involved southward thrusting and vertical then southward extrusion of about 20 km of horizontal displacement above the autochthonous basement during the D1 episode. Thrust slices 20 km south of the Mianlue suture are related to this vertical extrusion due to the same rock assemblages, ages and kinematics. The D2 and D3 episodes folded all the units in a thick-skinned style about east–west (D2) and west–northwest (D3) axes in the Mianlue suture zone. An early foreland propagating sequence of accretion of Late Paleozoic rocks deposited above the Yangtze craton is not involved in D1 deformation but is temporally equivalent to the D2 and D3 deformation in the Mianlue suture. Two stages of strike–slip faulting mainly occurred at the end of D2 and D3, respectively. During D2 deformation, the Bikou block was obliquely indented to the ESE into the Mianlue suture, rather than being thrust over the Mianlue suture from the north as a part of the Qinling–Dabie microblock. During D3 deformation, however, the Bikou block was bounded by the south boundary fault of the Mianlue suture, and the Yangpingguan fault on the south. These faults are coeval strike–slip faults, but of opposite senses, and accommodated minor southwestward extrusion of the Bikou block into Songpan–Ganze orogen. The other basement blocks north of the Mianlue suture were extruded eastward by about 20 km of lateral displacement, based on the offset of the Wudang dome, during the D3 episode due to the northeastward indentation of the Hannan complex of the South China craton. Post-D3 emplacement of granite, cutting across the strike–slip faults such as the Mianlue suture, provides a minimum age of 200 Ma for D3 deformation. Therefore, based on insights from the evolution of the Mianlue suture, the D2 and D3 episodes in the Mianlue suture and its neighbors are not responsible for and associated with the two-stage extrusion of the Dabie UHP-HP terranes from the Foping dome to the present erosional surface (more than 350 km).  相似文献   

In Western Corsica, remnants of pre-batholitic lithological and metamorphic assemblages are preserved as km-scale septa enclosed within Lower Carboniferous to Early Permian plutons. Two groups of septa were recognized: (1) the Argentella and Agriates-Tenda fragments correspond to Neoproterozoic rocks deformed and metamorphosed during the Cadomian–Panafrican orogeny, and (2) the Zicavo, Porto-Vecchio, Solenzara–Fautea, Belgodère, Topiti, and Vignola fragments consist of Variscan metamorphic rocks. The lithological content and the main ductile deformation events for each septum are presented. In the Zicavo, Porto-Vecchio, and Topiti septa, a top-to-the-SW ductile shearing (D1 event) coeval with an amphibolite facies metamorphism is responsible for crustal thickening at ca 360 Ma. This main event was preceded by eclogite and granulite facies metamorphic events preserved as restites within migmatites dated at ca 345–330 Ma. A top-to-the-SE ductile shearing (D2 event) coeval with the crustal melting accommodated the exhumation of the D1 event. In contrast, the Belgodère segment is peculiar as it exhibits a top-to-the-E vergence, although retrogressed high-pressure rocks are also recognized. The pre-Permian fragments are arranged in four NW–SE-striking stripes that define a SW–NE zoning with (1) a Western domain in Topiti, Vignola, Zicavo, Porto-Vecchio, and Solenzara–Fautea; (2) a Neoproterozoic basement with its unconformable Early Paleozoic sedimentary cover in Argentella; (3) an Eastern metamorphic domain in Belgodère; (4) another Neoproterozoic basement with its Upper Paleozoic sedimentary cover in Agriates-Tenda. The Argentella basement is separated from the Western and Eastern domains by two sutures: S1 and S2. The Variscan Corsica represents the Eastern part of the Sardinia–Corsica–Maures segment. The comparison of this segment with other Variscan domains allows us to propose some possible correlations. We argue that the Western domain, Argentella, Belgodère, and Agriates-Tenda domains can be compared with the Southern Variscan belt exposed in French Massif Central–Southern Massif Armoricain, Armorica microblock, Léon block, respectively.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》1998,11(1):1-11
In order to debate of the early Paleozoic paleogeography, the repartition of the Hercynian blocks, today scattered around West-Mediterranean Sea. should be known. This is the case for the end of the Paleozoic (Fig. 1), but not for the beginning; Fig. 6 is drawn with the supposed repartition in the middle of the Carboniferous.In Central and Eastern Pyrenees and surrounding areas (Fig. 1), Upper Ordovician beds rest unconformably upon a thick (4–6 km), dominantly pelitic series known as Lower Paleozoic in the Eastern Pyrenees or Seo Formation in the Central Pyrenees. The metamorphic lower part of this series often lies over metagranilic orthogneisses, which are best interpreted as a Precambrian basement, Panafriean-Cadomian in age. By correlation with fossiliferous series of other areas, the Pyrenean Lower Paleozoic should be mainly Cambrian in age (ranging from Uppermost Proterozoic to Lowermost Ordovician).For the purpose of this paper, the complex lithostratigraphic succession of the Lower Paleozoic of the Eastern Pyrenees, with two groups and seven formations, could be summarized (Fig. 2) by a threefold division, from bottom to top: (i) a pelile-greywacke and carbonate unit, with a conspicuous plagioclasic component and a sodic composition (Uppermost Precambrian to Lowermost Cambrian?): (ii) a sandstone-pelite unit, with lithic sandstones, ending with a carbonate level, well developped in the Central Pyrenees (Lower Cambrian?): (iii) a mudstone-siltstone unit (Middle-Upper Cambrian?). Fossiliferous Lower Cambrian beds which outcrop at Terrades (south of the Eastern Pyrenees) could be a remnant of an allochthon unit which can be compared with the nappe-thrusts of the nearby Southern Montagne Noire.The pelite-greywacke and carbonate unit (Fig. 3) occurs only in the South-Eastern Pyrenees as a south to north transgressive platform bordering a basin extending southwards; not far south of Eastern Pyrenees, a volcanism of “intermediate” type supplied in plagioclasic clasts the greywackes and volcanoclastic deposits. Near the base of the sequence, a bimodal volcanism and synsedimentary faults reflect the extensional context of the basin initiation, the geochemistry of which has been related to back-arc setting. An acidic volcanism developped higher in the sequence (tufs and hypovolcanic bodies). Carbonate levels are numerous, particularly in the lower part of the unit. The upper part of the sequence is an oslistostrome made of polygenic intraformational conglomerates fed from the south: it outlines the transition to the next unit.The sandstone-pelite unit (Fig. 4) rests conformably on the previous one in the Eastern Pyrenees, and is unconformable upon the Precambrian basement to the north (North-Pyrenean massifs) and to the west (Central Pyrenees). It is characterized by arkosic lithic sandstones with clear quartz grains: they originated in the erosion of a granitic basement and/or acidic volcanic rocks. Coarseness of the sandstones and thickness (up to 2–4 km) of the unit increase from south-east to north and west. A carbonate upper level, well developped in the Central Pyrenees, can be correlated with Lower Cambrian limestones from the surrounding areas.The mudstone-siltstone unit (Fig. 5) is defined by the prevalence of mm- to cm- scale alternations of argillaceous mud and silt of a flyschoid type, representing a more basinal sedimentation. A carbonate level, the highest in the series, is intercalated in Ihe lower part ot the unit: above this level, deposits are very homogeneous and thiek (about 2 km). A poorly known formation with pelitcs and sandstones caps the muddy-silty unit: it could be Lower Ordovician in age.Thus, the Pyrenean domain shows the same depositional history as West-Mediterranean area: (i) first, a volcano-sedimentary platform or basin occurs, as in Central Spain. Eastern Pyrenees. Sardinia and axial zone of the Montagne Noire, but not further north; (ii) second, a silicoclastic platform spreads out. which becomes carbonated at the end: (iii) third. Ihe basin deepens and receives fine silicoclaslies. This evolution is not fully accounted for in recent synthesis of Pre-hercynian France or Spain, and it should appear useful for a better understanding of the south French Massif Central geological history.  相似文献   

桑吉盛 《铀矿地质》1997,13(5):264-269
松辽盆地是在兴蒙-吉黑海西褶皱带上发育起来的中、新生代大型陆相沉积盆地,基底主要为古生界浅变质岩,盖层主要是白垩系杂砂岩-有机页岩建造和新生界疏松碎屑堆积。笔者通过对前人资料分析研究后认为:松辽盆地具有良好的成矿地质条件和找矿前景;第三系是寻找可地浸砂岩型铀矿的主要目的层之一,层间氧化带型铀矿是主要寻找类型;盆地的西部和西南部是寻找可地浸砂岩型铀矿远景区。  相似文献   

The collision of the Iranian microcontinent with the Afro-Arabian continent resulted in the deformation of the Zagros orogenic belt. The foreland of this belt in the Persian Gulf and Arabian platform has been investigated for its petroleum and gas resource potentials, but the Zagros hinterland is poorly investigated and our knowledge about its deformation is much less than other parts of this orogen. Therefore, this work presents a new geological map, stratigraphic column and two detailed geological cross sections. This study indicates the presence of a hinterland fold-and-thrust belt on northeastern side of the Zagros orogenic core that consists of in-sequence thrusting and basement involvement in this important part of the Zagros hinterland. The in-sequence thrusting resulted in first- and second-order duplex systems, Mode I fault-bend folding, fault-propagation folding and asymmetric detachment folding which indicate close relationships between folding and thrusting. Study of fault-bend folds shows that layer-parallel simple shear has the same role in the southeastern and northwestern parts of the study area (αe = 23.4 ± 9.1°). A major lateral ramp in the basement beneath the Talaee plain with about one kilometer of vertical offset formed parallel to the SW movement direction and perpendicular to the major folding and thrusting.  相似文献   

四川盆地基底及深部地质结构研究的进展   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
根据对近年来区域地质、多种地球物理资料和深钻井资料的综合研究,认为四川盆地属扬子板块,岩石圈巨厚,最厚可达200km。川西高原属青藏板块的东缘,同时位于中国南北构造带中段,软流圈呈北东向上隆,岩石圈减薄,其最薄处厚度约70km左右。四川盆地的基底由结晶基底与沉积岩变质基底组成,上震旦统为该地区在扬子古板块形成后的第一套沉积盖层。基底的性质、厚度、埋深在不同地区各不相同,从而决定了盆地内部构造区的划分。基底深断裂对盆地的形成与盖层构造的发展也有重要的控制作用。  相似文献   

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