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The Mazowe group of mines (principal mines Mazowe, Bernheim and Stori's Golden Shaft) is situated within the Harare-Bindura-Shamva greenstone belt of the Zimbabwean Archaean craton, west of the Chinamora batholith. Gold mineralization in the form of quartz (±sulfide) reefs is structurally controlled in reverse shear zones that dip moderately north at Mazowe mine, and conjugate steep strike-slip shear zones striking WNW (dextral) and NE (sinistral) at Bernheim and Stori's Golden Shaft mines. The syn-mineralization deformation (D2/3) in all the mines has a northerly shortening direction. This deformation is compatible with the regional late Archaean D2/3 event, which agrees with late Archaean ages determined for the host rocks and for the mineralization. The mineralization cannot be related to any major regional scale shear zones, and it is incompatible with strains related to the intrusion of either the Chinamora batholith or internal granitoid suites. These observations show that significant gold deposits can form in relatively minor deformation events, unrelated to either major shear zones or granitoid intrusions. Received: 30 September 1998 / Accepted: 16 August 1999  相似文献   

Mo mineralization within the Galway Granite at Mace Head and Murvey, Connemara, western Ireland, has many features of classic porphyry Mo deposits including a chemically evolved I-type granite host, associated K- and Si-rich alteration, quartz vein(Mace Head) and granite-hosted (Murvey) molybdenite, chalcopyrite, pyrite and magnetite mineralization and a gangue assemblage which includes quartz, muscovite and K-feldspar. Most fluid inclusions in quartz veins homogenize in the range 100–350°C and have a salinity of 1–13 eq. wt.% NaCl. They display Th-salinity covariation consistent with a hypothesis of dilution of magmatic water by influx of meteoric water. CO2-bearing inclusions in an intensely mineralized vein at Mace Head provide an estimated minimum trapping temperature and pressure for the mineralizing fluid of 355°C and 1.2 kb and are interpreted to represent a H2O-CO2 fluid, weakly enriched in Mo, produced in a magma chamber by decompression-activated unmixing from a dense Mo-bearing NaCl-H2O-CO2 fluid. 34S values of most sulphides range from c. 0 at Murvey to 3–4 at Mace Head and are consistent with a magmatic origin. Most quartz vein samples have 18O of 9–10.3 and were precipitated from a hydrothermal fluid with 18O of 4.6–6.7. Some have 18O of 6–7 and reflect introduction of meteoric water along vein margins. Quartz-muscovite oxygen isotope geothermometry combined with fluid inclusion data indicate precipitation of mineralized veins in the temperature range 360–450°C and between 1 and 2 kb. Whole rock granite samples display a clear 18O-D trend towards the composition of Connemara meteoric waters. The mineralization is interpreted as having been produced by highlyfractionated granite magma; meteoric water interaction postdates the main mineralizing event. The differences between the Mace Head and Murvey mineralizations reflect trapping of migrating mineralizing fluid in structural traps at Mace Head and precipitation of mineralization in the granite itself at Murvey.  相似文献   

Orogenic gold mineralization in the Amalia greenstone belt is hosted by oxide facies banded iron-formation (BIF). Hydrothermal alteration of the BIF layers is characterized by chloritization, carbonatization, hematization and pyritization, and quartz-carbonate veins that cut across the layers. The alteration mineral assemblages consist of ankerite-ferroan dolomite minerals, siderite, chlorite, hematite, pyrite and subordinate amounts of arsenopyrite and chalcopyrite. Information on the physico-chemical properties of the ore-forming fluids and ambient conditions that promoted gold mineralization at Amalia were deduced from sulfur, oxygen and carbon isotopic ratios, and fluid inclusions from quartz-carbonate samples associated with the gold mineralization.Microthermometric and laser Raman analyses indicated that the ore-forming fluid was composed of low salinity H2O-CO2 composition (~3 wt% NaCl equiv.). The combination of microthermometric data and arsenopyrite-pyrite geothermometry suggest that quartz-carbonate vein formation, gold mineralization and associated alteration of the proximal BIF wall rock occurred at temperature-pressure conditions of 300 ± 30 °C and ∼2 kbar. Thermodynamic calculations at 300 °C suggest an increase in fO2 (10−32–10−30 bars) and corresponding decrease in total sulfur concentration (0.002–0.001 m) that overlapped the pyrite-hematite-magnetite boundary during gold mineralization. Although hematite in the alteration assemblage indicate oxidizing conditions at the deposit site, the calculated low fO2 values are consistent with previously determined high Fe/Fe + Mg ratios (>0.7) in associated chlorite, absence of sulfates and restricted positive δ34S values in associated pyrite. Based on the fluid composition, metal association and physico-chemical conditions reported in the current study, it is confirmed that gold in the Amalia fluid was transported as reduced bisulfide complexes (e.g., Au(HS)2). At Amalia, gold deposition was most likely a combined effect of increase in fO2 corresponding to the magnetite-hematite buffer, and reduction in total sulfur contents due to sulfide precipitation during progressive fluid-rock interaction.The epigenetic features coupled with the isotopic compositions of the ore-forming fluid (δ34SΣS = +1.8 to +2.3‰, δ18OH2O = +6.6 to +7.9‰, and δ13CΣC = −6.0 to −7.7‰ at 300–330 °C) are consistent with an externally deep-sourced fluid of igneous signature or/and prograde metamorphism of mantle-derived rocks.  相似文献   

Lead-zinc-fluorite-barite veins in the lower and middle Benue Trough (Nigeria) are located within the Lower Cretaceous (Albian) carbonaceous shales, limestones, and arkosic sandstones of this intracontinental rift structure. The veins in the lower Benue Through consist of sphalerite + galena+marcasite ± chalcopyrite ± barite in a gangue of siderite and quartz hosted by carbonaceous shales, whereas in the middle Benue Trough, fluorite, barite, quartz, and similar sulfide minerals are hosted by limestone and sandstone. Fluid inclusion temperatures in vein minerals range from 95°C to 200°C (without pressure corrections) and salinities range from 14 to 24 equiv. wt% NaCl. Oxygen isotope compositions of limestone wall rocks (middle Benue) have been lowered from premineralization 18O values of about 25 per mil to approximately 16 per mil. Fluid in equilibrium with vein calcite has a calculated 18O of +2.6 per mil at 130°C. The 87Sr/86Sr ratio of this calcite (0.71497) suggests that strontium and calcium had a considerably more radiogenic source than the Cretaceous limestone or evaporite did (87Sr/86Sr=0.7073–0.7078). Observed strontium data, lead isotope compositions of galena, and REE patterns in fluorite suggest that the Lower Paleozoic basement rocks in the trough or their weathered equivalents are likely sources for the Benue Trough ore components. Sulfur isotope data suggest that the sulfur was probably contributed from the Cretaceous evaporites in the trough.Our data favor a basinal brine source for the ore-forming fluid. Fluid criculation probably resulted from high geothermal gradients accompanying continental rifting. Brine interaction with the clastic, carbonate, and evaporite rocks led to metal and sulfur leaching and later deposition in fractures accompanying the Cenomanian deformation and uplift in the Benue Trough.  相似文献   

Shales of the ca. 3.0 Ga Buhwa Greenstone Belt, Zimbabwe, were derived from a compositionally diverse provenance whose ages, determined by ion probe analyses of detrital zircons in interbedded sandstones, range from 3.8 to 3.1 Ga. Geochemical data for the shales were previously interpreted to indicate that sediments had been derived from an intensely weathered source. REE concentrations in the shales were interpreted to suggest that the provenance was compositionally mixed, with components of felsic (tonalite and alkalic granitoid) and mafic rocks. Sm/Nd and Nd isotopic compositions of these rocks can be used to model initial Nd isotopic ratios at the time of sedimentation (εNdsed), as well as model crustal formation ages (TDM). The former, at the age of sedimentation, range from +0.6 to −10.8, consistent with a range of provenance ages. The latter range from 4.46 Ga to 2.99 Ga. The oldest crustal formation ages, up to 0.7 Ga older than known detrital components, are interpreted here to indicate that the Sm-Nd system of the sediments experienced open system behavior. The implied alteration would have included an increase in Sm/Nd by about 20-25 percent, probably in the form of preferential loss of Nd with respect to Sm. The Pb isotopic compositions of whole rock samples are quite radiogenic, with a range of 206Pb/204Pb from 25.5 to 154. An array of ten samples lies scattered about a line with a 207Pb/204Pb -206Pb/204Pb slope age of about 2.73 Ga. Five individual samples were sequentially leached to further test the timing and characteristics of this U-Th-Pb alteration event. These arrays of a whole rock, three leach steps, and a residue also form linear Pb-Pb arrays (one is more scattered) with ages ranging from 2260 ± 360 Ma to 2824 ± 170 Ma, suggesting that all samples experienced a latest Archean to earliest Proterozoic enrichment in U/Pb. This age range also may be the approximate age of Sm/Nd enrichment for the shales. All samples, both whole rocks and leached samples, lie grouped on a 208Pb/204Pb - 206Pb/204Pb diagram around a line with 232Th/238U = 3.5 (2.9 to 3.9). Because of the lack of large differences in the Th/U of the samples through large ranges of U/Pb, we interpret this consistency in Th/U to mean that the shales of the Buhwa belt experienced Pb loss, rather than U and Th gain. Circumstances that may be responsible for Pb loss in a sedimentary basin include loss of saline fluids during basin dewatering. Such an event would likely have been related to folding associated with the thrusting and magmatic intrusion of the adjacent Limpopo Belt, suggesting that uplift, dewatering, and geochemical and isotopic alteration can be genetically related.  相似文献   

Gold mineralization in the Velvet District occurs in an eastward dipping sequence of late Tertiary rhyolitic ash-flow tuffs, flows, and tuffaceous sediments in northwestern Nevada. Minor gold and silver concentrations are associated with irregular zones of brecciation, argillic alteration, and quartz veining along north-northeast trending normal faults. Reaction of mineralizing fluids with wallrock produced an argillic alteration assemblage of illite, mixed-layer clays, smectite, and kaolinite. Illite alteration and highest gold concentrations appear to be associated with zones of high water/rock ratios. Kaolinite, smectite, alunite, and opal are postulated to have formed during a steam-dominated episode of alteration.Fluid inclusion studies indicate that the quartz veins were deposited in the temperature range 230 to 280°C from fluids which had salinities equivalent to 0.2–0.8 weight percent NaCl. δ 18O of quartz veins varies from ?2.5 to +6.7 ‰ and indicates that the ore fluid must have been Tertiary meteroric water. Stable isotope data appear to define a zone of concentrated fluid flow and potential subsurface mineralization in the southeastern part of the district. Fluid inclusion and isotope studies can be used in combination with more standard geochemical, geophysical, and geological information to provide site-specific targets for epithermal metal concentrations.  相似文献   

The Salumber-Ghatol belt in Rajasthan, India, situated along southern margin of the Aravalli Craton, hosts a cluster of Cu-Au deposits in calcitic and dolomitic marbles that belong to Debari Group of the Paleo-mesoproterozoic Aravalli Supergroup. The Fe-Mn rich dolomitic marble of the Delwara Formation hosts Cu-Au-Fe-oxide mineralization at Ghagri and associated distal K-Fe-Mg rich altered rocks (cryptocrystalline microcline + magnesioriebeckite + magnetite + phlogopite) and proximal feldspathised carbonate rocks (medium grained albite + microcline + dolomite + magnetite). The calcitic marble of Mukandpura Formation hosts Dugocha Cu-Au deposit with development of distal graphitetourmaline-bearing albitites and proximal albite-microcline-magnetite rocks. Calcite and dolomite carbonates of Bhukia region with development of albite-actinolite-bearing alteration assemblages host the largest of the Cu-Au deposits in this belt. The second generation folds and associated ductile-brittle shear zones of the multiply deformed events constitute conduits for the mineralizing fluids at all locations in this belt.  相似文献   

The petrology and stable isotope chemistry of cyanobacterial stromatolites of Archaean age (2.7 Ga) from the Cheshire and Manjeri Formations of the Belingwe greenstone belt in Zimbabwe have been examined. Palaeomagnetic data suggest that the stromatolites formed in tropical to subtropical latitudes. The Cheshire Formation shows little evidence of either anion or cation exchange during metamorphism, and the stable carbon and oxygen isotope ratios suggest a formation at temperatures perhaps considerably below 80°C. The Manjeri Formation, only slightly older, but overlain by a thick volcanic sequence, shows a low grade of metamorphism, and isotope ratios that are consistent with a metamorphic temperature of around 200°C.  相似文献   

The Pering deposit is the prime example of Zn–Pb mineralisation hosted by stromatolitic dolostones of the Neoarchean to Paleoproterozoic Transvaal Supergroup. The hydrothermal deposit centers on subvertical breccia pipes that crosscut stromatolitic dolostones of the Reivilo Formation, the lowermost portion of the Campbellrand Subgroup. Four distinct stages of hydrothermal mineralisation are recognised. Early pyritic rock matrix brecciation is followed by collomorphous sphalerite mineralisation with replacive character, which, in turn, is succeeded by coarse grained open-space-infill of sphalerite, galena, sparry dolomite, and quartz. Together, the latter two stages account for ore-grade Zn–Pb mineralisation. The fourth and final paragenetic stage is characterised by open-space-infill by coarse sparry calcite. The present study documents the results of a detailed geochemical study of the Pering deposit, including fluid inclusion microthermometry, fluid chemistry and stable isotope geochemistry of sulphides (δ34S) and carbonate gangue (δ13C and δ18O). Microthermometric fluid inclusion studies carried out on a series of coarsely grained crystalline quartz and sphalerite samples of the latter, open-space-infill stage of the main mineralisation event reveal the presence of three major fluid types: (1) a halite–saturated aqueous fluid H2O–NaCl–CaCl2 (>33 wt% NaCl equivalent) brine, (2) low-salinity meteoric fluid (<7 wt% NaCl) and (3) a carbonic CH4–CO2–HS fluid that may be derived from organic material present within the host dolostone. Mixing of these fluids have given rise to variable mixtures (H2O–CaCl2–NaCl ±(CH4–CO2–HS), 2 to 25 wt% NaCl+CaCl2). Heterogeneous trapping of the aqueous and carbonic fluids occurred under conditions of immiscibility. Fluid temperature and pressure conditions during mineralisation are determined to be 200–210°C and 1.1–1.4 kbar, corresponding to a depth of mineralisation of 4.1–5.2 km. Chemical analyses of the brine inclusions show them to be dominated by Na and Cl with lesser amounts of Ca, K and SO4. Fluid ratios of Cl/Br indicate that they originated as halite saturated seawater brines that mixed with lower salinity fluids. Analyses of individual brine inclusions document high concentrations of Zn and Pb (∼1,500 and ∼200 ppm respectively) and identify the brine as responsible for the introduction of base metals. Stable isotope data were acquired for host rock and hydrothermal carbonates (dolomite, calcite) and sulphides (pyrite, sphalerite, galena and chalcopyrite). The ore-forming sulphides show a trend to 34S enrichment from pyrite nodules in the pyritic rock matrix breccia (δ34S = −9.9 to +3.7‰) to paragenetically late chalcopyrite of the main mineralisation event (δ34S = +30.0‰). The observed trend is attributed to Rayleigh fractionation during the complete reduction of sulphate in a restricted reservoir by thermochemical sulphate reduction, and incremental precipitation of the generated sulphide. The initial sulphate reservoir is expected to have had an isotopic signature around 0‰, and may well represent magmatic sulphur, oxidised and leached by the metal-bearing brine. The δ18O values of successive generations of dolomite, from host dolostone to paragenetically late saddle dolomite follow a consistent trend that yields convincing evidence for extensive water rock interaction at variable fluid–rock ratios. Values of δ13C remain virtually unchanged and similar to the host dolostone, thus suggesting insignificant influx of CO2 during the early and main stages of mineralisation. On the other hand, δ13C and δ18O of post-ore calcite define two distinct clusters that may be attributed to changes in the relative abundance in CH4 and CO2 during waning stages of hydrothermal fluid flow.  相似文献   

Summary Fluid inclusions in rock forming quartz and in quartz from veins and Alpine fissures from eclogites and glaucophane bearing rocks of the southern Grossvenediger area as well as from amphibolitized eclogites and calcareous mica schists from the Grossglockner area (Austria) have been studied by microthermometry. The oldest fluid inclusions in the eclogites contain only CO2 and are characterized by a very high density up to 1.15 g/cm3. From eclogite forming temperatures in the range of 500 to 550°C a trapping pressure of about 8 kb results for these inclusions. This pressure is in good agreement with that derived from the eclogite-forming mineral reactions. The amphibolites formed by retrogressive metamorphism from the eclogites show fluid inclusions containing H2O and CO2, the densities of the CO2 being much lower compared to those of the fluid inclusions from the unaltered eclogites.
Die fluide Phase in den Eklogiten, den glaukophanführenden Gesteinen und den Amphiboliten des zentralen Tauernfensters abgeleitet aus der Untersuchung der Flüssigkeitseinschlüsse
Zusammenfassung Es wurden die Flüssigkeitseinschlüsse von Gesteins- und Kluftquarzen aus den Eklogiten und glaukophanführenden Gesteinen des südlichen Großvenedigergebietes und aus Granatamphiboliten und Kalkglimmerschiefern aus dem Bereich des Großglockners (Österreich) mikrothermometrisch untersucht.Die ältesten Flüssigkeitseinschlüsse der Eklogite bestehen nur aus CO2 mit einer sehr hohen Dichte bis 1.15 g/cm3. Aus dieser Dichte und den Temperaturen der eklogitbildenden Mineralreaktionen kann für diese nur CO2 enthaltenden Einschlüsse ein Einschließungsdruck von etwa 8 kb errechnet werden, der mit den aus den Mineralreaktionen in den Eklogiten abgeleiteten Druckwerten übereinstimmt.Die aus Eklogiten durch Diaphtorese hervorgegangenen Amphibolite aus dem Gebiet des Großglockners enthalten keine CO2-Einschlüsse hoher Dichte mehr. Es treten dort ausschließlich CO2- und H2O-führende Einschlüsse auf. Das CO2 dieser Einschlüsse hat eine deutlich niedrigere Dichte als das CO2 der Einschlüsse in den Eklogiten.

With 2 Figures  相似文献   

《Ore Geology Reviews》1999,14(3-4):203-225
The auriferous veins at Yirisen, Masumbiri, Sierra Leone, occurring mainly in the form of sericitic quartz-sulphide lodes and stringers, are hosted in metamorphosed volcano-sedimentary assemblages invaded by at least two generations of granitic intrusions. Detailed microthermometric studies of fluid inclusions from the veins coupled with laser Raman spectroscopic analysis show that the inclusions contain aqueous fluids of variable salinity (5 to 60 wt.% NaCl equivalent) and dense carbonic fluids (pure CO2: 1.08>d>0.88 g/cm3). Optical observations and analysis on opened inclusions by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) reveal that some of the aqueous inclusions contain a number of daughter minerals: halite, sylvite, Ca-, Fe-, Mg- and possibly Li-bearing chlorides, and anhydrite; nahcolite occurs also in some of the CO2 inclusions. The SEM runs also detected a small amount of electrum, suggesting that silver might be a bi-product of the mineralisation. The aqueous and carbonic fluids remained immiscible throughout the formation and evolution of the hydrothermal veins. A few mixed (H2O+CO2) inclusions apparently resulted from accidental trapping of both fluids in the same cavity. The wide range of salinities observed in the aqueous inclusions is attributed to the mixing of relatively hot, low-salinity aqueous fluids and colder, high-salinity brines. The CO2-rich and low-salinity H2O inclusions are considered to be derived from the metamorphic decarbonation/dehydration of the greenstone pile whilst the high-salinity brines are believed to be basinal in origin. Pressure–temperature (PT) conditions of entrapment, inferred from the intersection of representative isochores of the immiscible fluids, indicate that the formation of the veins started at T=400°C and P about 4 kbar, in the presence of the high-density CO2 and low-salinity H2O fluids. At about 200°C, pressure fluctuations (incremental opening of the vein) correspond to the trapping of the lower-density CO2 inclusions and high-salinity brines. It is proposed that the decarbonation/dehydration processes (possibly aided by later magmatic processes) expelled and mobilised the gold from the greenstone pile and concentrated it in the CO2-bearing hydrothermal fluid in the form of Au–chloride complexes. High thermal gradients are believed to have caused the upward migration of this fluid from the bottom of the greenstone pile through structurally controlled conduits. We contend that phase separation of the H2O–CO2 metamorphic fluid, aided possibly by some wall–rock alteration, most probably triggered a decrease in ligand activity and thus, precipitation of the gold into lodes. Percolation of the basinal brines is thought to have remobilised some of the gold together with some silver.  相似文献   

The Sivrikaya Fe-skarn mineralization is hosted by dolomitic limestone layers of Late Cretaceous volcano-sedimentary unit, comprised of andesite, basalt and their pyroclastites, including, sandstone, shale and dolomitic limestone layers. Intrusion of the Late Cretaceous–Eocene İkizdere Granitoid in the volcano–sedimentary unit resulted in skarn mineralization along the granitoid–dolomitic limestone contact. The ore is associated with exoskarns, and mineralization is characterized by early anhydrous garnet and pyroxene with late hydrous minerals, such as epidote, tremolite, actinolite and chlorite. The ore minerals are mainly magnetite and hematite, with minor amounts of pyrite and chalcopyrite. The composition of garnet and pyroxene in the exoskarn is Adr79.45−99.03Grs0−17.9Prs0.97−2.65 and Di69.1−77.1Hd22.2−29.8Jhn0.6−1.4, respectively, and abundances of magnetite in the ore suggest that the Fe-skarn mineralization formed under relatively oxidized conditions.Homogenization temperatures (Th) of all fluid inclusions and calculated salinity content are in the range of 166 °C–462 °C and 0.35–14.3 wt% NaCl equ., respectively. Well-defined positive correlation between Th and salinity values indicates that meteoric water was involved in the hydrothermal solutions. Eutectic temperatures (Te) between −40.8 °C and −53.6 °C correspond to the presence of CaCl2 in the early stage of fluid inclusions. On the other hand, the Te temperatures of later-stage fluid inclusions, in the range of −38 °C and −21.2 °C, correspond to the presence of MgCl2, FeCl2, KCl and NaCl type salt combinations. None of the fluid inclusions were found to contain separated gas phases in microscopy observations. However, a limited amount of dissolved CH4 was identified in the early stage, high temperature fluid inclusions using Raman spectroscopic studies.Δ18O values in both dolomitic limestone (10.8–12.5‰) and skarn calcite (7.6–9.8‰) were highly depleted compared to the typical δ18O values of marine limestones. Decreases in δ18O values are accepted as an indication of dilution by meteoric water because retrograde brecciation of garnet, magnetite and breccia filling epidote and quartz in volcanic host rocks are an indication of increasing permeability, allowing infiltration of meteoric water. Highly depleted δ13C isotopes (up to −6.5‰) of dolomitic limestone, indicate that organic matter in carbonates had an effect on the decreasing isotopic ratios. The presence of CH4 and CH2 in fluid inclusions can be explained by the thermal degradation of these organic materials.  相似文献   

The large (>180 Kt WO3 and at least 10–15 t Au) Vostok-2 deposit is situated in a metallogenic belt of W, Sn-W, Au, and Au-W deposits formed in late to post-collisional tectonic environment after cessation of active subduction. The deposit is related to an ilmenite-series high-K calc-alkaline plutonic suite that, by its petrologic signatures, is transitional between those at W-dominant and Au-dominant reduced intrusion-related deposits. Consistently, besides large W-Cu skarns of the reduced type, the deposit incorporates quartz stockworks with significant Au-W-Bi mineralization also formed in a reduced environment. The hydrothermal stages include prograde and retrograde, essentially pyroxene skarns, hydrosilicate (amphibole, chlorite, quartz) alteration, and phyllic (quartz, sericite, albite, apatite, and carbonate) alteration assemblages. These assemblages contain abundant scheelite associated with pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and, at the phyllic stage, also with Bi minerals, As-Bi-Sb-Te-Pb-Zn sulfides and sulfosalts, as well as Au mineralization. The fluid evolution included hot, high-pressure (420–460 °C, 1.1–1.2 kbar), low-salinity (5.4–6.0 wt% NaCl-equiv.) aqueous fluids at the retrograde skarn stage, followed by lower temperature cyclic releases of high-carbonic, low salinity to non-carbonic moderate-salinity aqueous fluids. At the hydrosilicate stage, a high-carbonic, CH4-dominated, hot (350–380 °C) low salinity fluid was followed by cooler (300–350 °C) non-carbonic moderate-salinity (5.7–14.9 wt% NaCl-equiv.) fluid. At the phyllic stage, a high-carbonic, CO2-dominated, moderately-hot (330–355 °C, 0.9 kbar) low salinity fluid was followed by cooler (230–265 °C) non-carbonic moderate-salinity (6.6–12.0 wt% NaCl-equiv.) fluid. A homogenized magmatic source of water (δ18OH2O = +8.3 to +8.7‰), and a sedimentary source of sulfur (δ34S = −6.9 to −6.2‰) and carbon (δ13Cfluid = −20.1 to −14.9‰) at the hydrosilicate stage are suggested. A magmatic source of water (δ18O = +8.6 to +9.2‰) and a sedimentary source of sulfur (δ34S = −9.3 to −4.1‰) but a magmatic (mantle- to crustal-derived) source of carbon (δ13Cfluid = −6.9 to −5.2‰) are envisaged for fluids that formed the early mineral assemblage of the phyllic stage. Then, the role of sedimentary carbon again increased toward the intermediate (δ13Cfluid = −16.4 to −14.5‰) and late (δ13Cfluid = −16.3 to −14.7‰) phyllic mineral assemblages. The magmatic differentiation was responsible for the fluid enrichment in W, whereas Au and Bi could also have been sourced from mafic magma. The decreasing temperatures, together with elevated Ca content in non-boiling fluids, promoted scheelite deposition at the early hydrothermal stages. The most intense scheelite deposition at the phyllic stage was caused by CO2 removal due to boiling of CO2-rich fluids; further cooling of non-boiling fluids favoured joint deposition of scheelite, Bi and Au.  相似文献   

The Rubian magnesite deposit (West Asturian—Leonese Zone, Iberian Variscan belt) is hosted by a 100-m-thick folded and metamorphosed Lower Cambrian carbonate/siliciclastic metasedimentary sequence—the Cándana Limestone Formation. It comprises upper (20-m thickness) and lower (17-m thickness) lens-shaped ore bodies separated by 55 m of slates and micaceous schists. The main (lower) magnesite ore body comprises a package of magnesite beds with dolomite-rich intercalations, sandwiched between slates and micaceous schists. In the upper ore body, the magnesite beds are thinner (centimetre scale mainly) and occur between slate beds. Mafic dolerite dykes intrude the mineralisation. The mineralisation passes eastwards into sequence of bedded dolostone (Buxan) and laminated to banded calcitic marble (Mao). These show significant Variscan extensional shearing or fold-related deformation, whereas neither Rubian dolomite nor magnesite show evidence of tectonic disturbance. This suggests that the dolomitisation and magnesite formation postdate the main Variscan deformation. In addition, the morphology of magnesite crystals and primary fluid inclusions indicate that magnesite is a neoformed hydrothermal mineral. Magnesite contains irregularly distributed dolomite inclusions (<50 μm) and these are interpreted as relics of a metasomatically replaced dolostone precursor. The total rare earth element (REE) contents of magnesite are very similar to those of Buxan dolostone but are depleted in light rare earth elements (LREE); heavy rare earth element concentrations are comparable. However, magnesite REE chondrite normalised profiles lack any characteristic anomaly indicative of marine environment. Compared with Mao calcite, magnesite is distinct in terms of both REE concentrations and patterns. Fluid inclusion studies show that the mineralising fluids were MgCl2–NaCl–CaCl2–H2O aqueous brines exhibiting highly variable salinities (3.3 to 29.5 wt.% salts). This may be the result of a combination of fluid mixing, migration of pulses of variable-salinity brines and/or local dissolution and replacement processes of the host dolostone. Fluid inclusion data and comparison with other N Iberian dolostone-hosted metasomatic deposits suggest that Rubian magnesite probably formed at temperatures between 160 and 200°C. This corresponds, at hydrostatic pressure (500 bar), to a depth of formation of ~~5 km. Mineralisation-related Rubian dolomite yields δ 18O values (δ 18O: 12.0–15.4‰, mean: 14.4±1.1‰) depleted by around 5‰ compared with barren Buxan dolomite (δ 18O: 17.1–20.2‰, mean: 19.4±1.0‰). This was interpreted to reflect an influx of 18O-depleted waters accompanied by a temperature increase in a fluid-dominated system. Overlapping calculated δ 18Ofluid values (~+5‰ at 200°C) for fluids in equilibrium with Rubian dolomite and magnesite show that they were formed by the same hydrothermal system at different temperatures. In terms of δ 13C values, Rubian dolomite (δ 13C: −1.4 to 1.9‰, mean: 0.4±1.3‰) and magnesite (δ 13C: −2.3 to 2.4‰, mean: 0.60±1.0‰) generally exhibit more negative δ 13C values compared with Buxan dolomite (δ 13C: −0.2 to 1.9‰, mean: 0.8±0.6‰) and Mao calcite (δ 13C: −0.3 to 1.5‰, mean: 0.6±0.6‰), indicating progressive modification to lower δ 13C values through interaction with hydrothermal fluids. 87Sr/86Sr ratios, calculated at 290 Ma, vary from 0.70849 to 0.70976 for the Mao calcite and from 0.70538 to 0.70880 for the Buxan dolostone. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios in Rubian magnesite are more radiogenic and range from 0.71123 to 0.71494. The combined δ 18O–δ 13C and 87Sr/86Sr data indicate that the magnesite-related fluids were modified basinal brines that have reacted and equilibrated with intercalated siliciclastic rocks. Magnesite formation is genetically linked to regional hydrothermal dolomitisation associated with lithospheric delamination, late-Variscan high heat flow and extensional tectonics in the NW Iberian Belt. A comparison with genetic models for the Puebla de Lillo talc deposits suggests that the formation of hydrothermal replacive magnesite at Rubian resulted from a metasomatic column with magnesite forming at higher fluid/rock ratios than dolomite. In this study, magnesite generation took place via the local reaction of hydrothermal dolostone with the same hydrothermal fluids in very high permeability zones at high fluid/rock ratios (e.g. faults). It was also possibly aided by additional heat from intrusive dykes or sub-cropping igneous bodies. This would locally raise isotherms enabling a transition from the dolomite stability field to that of magnesite.Editorial handling: F. Tornos  相似文献   

贵州石头寨二叠系古油藏是滇黔桂地区众多上古生界生物礁型古油藏的典型代表。该古油藏发育了三期溶孔、裂缝充填方解石,其中含丰富的油气包裹体,三期油气包裹体组合依次为:少量液烃包裹体→液烃包裹体 气烃包裹体→气烃包裹体,与油气包裹体共生的气液水包裹体的均一温度分别为77℃~84℃、91℃~103℃和103℃~155℃。根据含油气包裹体的均一温度,结合沉积盆地热演化史和储层埋藏史,确定石头寨古油藏三期油气充注时间分别为238~235Ma、233~230Ma 和230~185Ma,第三期裂缝充填方解石的 Sm-Nd 等时线年龄为182±21Ma。古油藏的油气充注始于印支中期,于印支晚期至燕山早期达到高峰,燕山中晚期以来遭受破坏形成现今的残余古油藏。  相似文献   

The Pojeonri Cu quartz veins occur in the north-western portion of the Hwanggangri Metallogenic Province and consist of two parallel massive quartz veins that fill fractures oriented NW and NE along fault zones in Paleozoic metasedimentary and sedimentary rocks of the Ogcheon and Taebaeg belts. Based on the mineralogy and paragenesis of the veins, only one mineralization episode has been recognized. The ore minerals are mainly chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, and pyrite with minor arsenopyrite, sphalerite, galena and oxides of those base metal minerals.  相似文献   

A group of high grade metamorphic rocks from the Arendal area in Southern Norway has been analyzed for bulk geochemistry, and carbon and sulfur isotopic composition. A good correspondence between the composition of the Arendal rocks and common unmetamorphosed sedimentary and magmatic rocks suggests that except for some volatile compounds no mass transport took place during metamorphism. The high grade mafic rocks interlayered with the metasediments originate from basaltic tuffs and/or intrusives.Carbon occurs as graphite and also in small amounts in a still unidentified form. The carbon of the silicic metasedimentary rocks is isotopically light with an average 13C of –20.2, but significantly heavier than carbonaceous matter from unmetamorphosed Precambrian sediments. This is probably due to thermal pyrolysis of the original sedimentary organic matter and to the escape of a gas phase enriched in light carbon by reactions with the graphitic substance during metamorphism.Both the metasediments and the high grade mafic rocks have relatively high sulfur contents. The mean 34S values are 3.3 and 1.8, respectively. This can be explained by isotopically heavy sulfur in the original sediment. Some migration of sulfur probably has occurred from the metasediments into the metamafic rocks.No influence of the hypersthene isograd on the chemical and stable isotope composition could be detected.  相似文献   

Fluid inclusions in granite quartz and three generations of veins indicate that three fluids have affected the Caledonian Galway Granite. These fluids were examined by petrography, microthermometry, chlorite thermometry, fluid chemistry and stable isotope studies. The earliest fluid was a H2O-CO2-NaCl fluid of moderate salinity (4–10 wt% NaCl eq.) that deposited late-magmatic molybdenite mineralised quartz veins (V1) and formed the earliest secondary inclusions in granite quartz. This fluid is more abundant in the west of the batholith, corresponding to a decrease in emplacement depth. Within veins, and to the east, this fluid was trapped homogeneously, but in granite quartz in the west it unmixed at 305–390 °C and 0.7–1.8 kbar. Homogeneous quartz δ18O across the batholith (9.5 ± 0.4‰n = 12) suggests V1 precipitation at high temperatures (perhaps 600 °C) and pressures (1–3 kbar) from magmatic fluids. Microthermometric data for V1 indicate lower temperatures, suggesting inclusion volumes re-equilibrated during cooling. The second fluid was a H2O-NaCl-KCl, low-moderate salinity (0–10 wt% NaCl eq.), moderate temperature (270–340 °C), high δD (−18 ± 2‰), low δ18O (0.5–2.0‰) fluid of meteoric origin. This fluid penetrated the batholith via quartz veins (V2) which infill faults active during post-consolidation uplift of the batholith. It forms the most common inclusion type in granite quartz throughout the batholith and is responsible for widespread retrograde alteration involving chloritization of biotite and hornblende, sericitization and saussuritization of plagioclase, and reddening of K-feldspar. The salinity was generated by fluid-rock interactions within the granite. Within granite quartz this fluid was trapped at 0.5–2.3 kbar, having become overpressured. This fluid probably infiltrated the Granite in a meteoric-convection system during cooling after intrusion, but a later age cannot be ruled out. The final fluid to enter the Granite and its host rocks was a H2O-NaCl-CaCl2-KCl fluid with variable salinity (8–28 wt% NaCl eq.), temperature (125–205 °C), δD (−17 to −45‰), δ18O (−3 to + 1.2‰), δ13CCO2 (−19 to 0‰) and δ34Ssulphate (13–23‰) that deposited veins containing quartz, fluorite, calcite, barite, galena, chalcopyrite sphalerite and pyrite (V3). Correlations of salinity, temperature, δD and δ18O are interpreted as the result of mixing of two fluid end-members, one a high-δD (−17 to −8‰), moderate-δ18O (1.2–2.5‰), high-δ13CCO2 (> −4‰), low-δ34Ssulphate (13‰), high-temperature (205–230 °C), moderate-salinity (8–12 wt% NaCl eq.) fluid, the other a low-δD (−61 to −45‰), low-δ18O (−5.4 to −3‰), low-δ13C (<−10‰), high-δ34Ssulphate (20–23‰) low-temperature (80–125 °C), high-salinity (21–28 wt% NaCl eq.) fluid. Geochronological evidence suggests V3 veins are late Triassic; the high-δD end-member is interpreted as a contemporaneous surface fluid, probably mixed meteoric water and evaporated seawater and/or dissolved evaporites, whereas the low-δD end-member is interpreted as a basinal brine derived from the adjacent Carboniferous sequence. This study demonstrates that the Galway Granite was a locus for repeated fluid events for a variety of reasons; from expulsion of magmatic fluids during the final stages of crystallisation, through a meteoric convection system, probably driven by waning magmatic heat, to much later mineralisation, concentrated in its vicinity due to thermal, tectonic and compositional properties of granite batholiths which encourage mineralisation long after magmatic heat has abated. Received: 3 April 1996 / Accepted: 5 May 1997  相似文献   

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