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The Melinau carbonate platform initiated during the Mid-Eocene on a rotating slice of the Rajang accretionary prism. The differential sedimentary loading enhanced a rotation of the mobile substratum and created an elongated, asymmetrical wedge-top basin. The extensional southern margin of the basin consists of a 2100–2200-m-thick section of Eocene-to-Oligocene carbonates. These thin laterally towards the northern margin of the basin, where a carbonate factory was active on a postulated underlying thrust. Backstepping and dismemberment of the carbonate system started during the latest Oligocene and deep-marine sedimentation became prevalent over the entire region during the Early Miocene.  相似文献   

南海北部陆缘东部中生代沉积的地震反射特征   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
本文介绍了中美合作在南海北部陆缘进行的双船地震(合成排列剖面)工作,讨论了新生代沉积之下的中生代沉积之地震反射特征,在今日陆架新生代沉积之下的中生代沉积之地震反射表现杂乱,低振幅和不连续特性,而在今日上陆坡新生代沉积之下的中生代沉积之地震反射呈现连续,较强振幅和可和距离对比的特征。根据地球物理特征及区域地质资料,我们指出燕山运动时间广东大陆边缘的构造格架:今日东沙群岛-彭湖列岛一带火山弧,今日陆架  相似文献   

China comprises a mosaic of distinct continental fragments separated by fold belts. These fold belts are suture zones resulting from the accretion of various fragments formerly separated by intervening areas of oceanic crust.The major sedimentary basins onshore China can be classified into four groups. Those in western China are flexural, developing as a result of north-south compression. In contrast, those in the east are extensional and related to development of the Pacific oceanic margin. In central China, basins have a more problematic origin. Those of north central China (Ordos, Sichuan) are flexural basins controlled by eastward directed thrusting along their western margin. In contrast, basins further south (Chuxiong, Shiwandashan) are predominantly extensional and related to major strike-slip movements.By synthesizing basin stratigraphies across China in tectonostratigraphic terms (and in particular comparing the nature and timing of unconformities), it is possible to formulate a coherent model for the palaeoreconstruction of China. We identify five major tectonostratigraphic breaks which equate with the collision of the following continental fragments: Tarim/North China (Carboniferous-Permian), South China Block (Permian-Triassic), Qiantang (Late Triassic-Early Jurassic), Lhasa Block (Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous) and India (Early Tertiary).Prior to Permian times, the southern margin of Eurasia ran approximately along the northern border of modern China. The Late Carboniferous collision of Tarim/North China with Eurasia resulted in the development of a flexural basin (Junggar) and deposition of non-marine clastics. To the south of the suture, shallow marine deposition continued. In the Late Permian-Early Triassic, the progressive collision from east to west of the South China Block with the North China Block resulted in a change to fluvial/lacutrine sedimentation across the entire North China-Tarim block. Open marine carbonate deposition in the north of the South China Block passed southward into a deeper marine clastic sequence deposited in a backarc basin. Further south, a subduction zone existed along the southeastern margin of the South China Block.In western China, northward subduction throughout the Triassic resulted in the development of the Songban-Ganzi accretionary prism with retroarc thrusting resulting in flexure and the first development of the Tarim basin. Oblique collision of the Qiantang Block in the Late Triassic along the east of the South China Block resulted in east-west directed thrusting which initiated the Suchuan and Ordos basins. Continued strike-slip deformation along the south western margin of the South China Block resulted in the development of basins with a significant extensional component such as Chuxiong.The collision of the Qiantang Block with the southern edge of the Tarim Basin (Early Jurassic) resulted in a renewed clastic influx in both the Tarim and Junggar basins. Along the eastern (Pacific) margin a compressional arc and retroarc basin in the south passed northwards into an extensional arc system. Subduction rollback of the extensional arc initiated rifting in the Late Jurassic in the Eren and Songliao basins.The Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous collision of the Lhasa Block in the west rejuvenated the thrust systems bordering the western basin and resulted in a renewed clastic influx. In the southeast, the compressional arc phase culminated in widespread thrusting and folding of Early Cretaceous age. In the northeast, extension continued with the progressive migration of the rift system southward with time.The arrival of the Indian Block in the Early Tertiary rejuvenated the bounding thrust belts of all the western basins. In the east, the change in convergence of the Pacific plate to a more westerly direction is marked by extension and widespread rifting along the entire length of Eastern China.Throughout most of China, Mesozoic and Cenozoic deposition occurred in predominantly non-marine environments. Source rocks in such settings comprise principally mudstones deposited in lakes (organic-rich mudstones). These can accumulate in both deep and shallow lakes. In order to accumulate substantial volumes, the lake must be significant in space and time.In China, lacustrine ORMs occur in both rift and flexural basins. Lacustrine ORMs deposited under humid climatic conditions are restricted to the period of maximum tectonic subsidence. In the flexural basins of western China, source rock deposition follows basin initiation by 20–30 Ma. In the extensional basins of eastern China, source rock deposition takes place 5–15 Ma after basin initiation. By contrast, semi-arid and arid climate lacustrine ORMs, whilst being best developed during the period of maximum tectonic subsidence, occur at all stages in the basin history.  相似文献   

The tectonic mechanisms controlling how volcanic arcs migrate through space and geologic time within dynamic subduction environments is a fundamental tectonic process that remains poorly understood. This paper presents an integrated stratigraphic and tectonic evolution of Late Cretaceous to Recent volcanic arcs and associated basins in the southeastern Caribbean Sea using seismic reflection data, wide-angle seismic refraction data, well data, and onland geologic data. We propose a new tectonic model for the opening of the Grenada and Tobago basins and the 50-250-km eastward jump of arc volcanism from the Late Cretaceous Aves Ridge to the Miocene to Recent Lesser Antilles arc in the southeast Caribbean based on the mapping of three seismic megasequences. The striking similarity of the half-graben structure of the Grenada and Tobago basins that flank the Lesser Antilles arc, their similar smooth basement character, their similar deep-marine seismic facies, and their similar Paleogene sediment thickness mapped on a regional grid of seismic data suggest that the two basins formed as a single, saucer-shaped, oceanic crust Paleogene forearc basin adjacent to the now dormant Aves Ridge. This single forearc basin continued to extend and widen through flexural subsidence during the early to middle Eocene probably because of slow rollback of the subducting Atlantic oceanic slab. Rollback may have been accelerated by oblique collision of the southern Aves Ridge and southern Lesser Antilles arc with the South American continent. Uplift and growth of the southern Lesser Antilles arc divided the Grenada and Tobago basins by early to middle Miocene time. Inversion of normal faults and uplift effects along both edges of the Lesser Antilles arc are most pronounced in its southern zone of arc collision with the South American continent. The late Miocene to Recent depositional histories of the Grenada and Tobago basins are distinct because of isolation of the Grenada basin by growth and uplift of the Neogene Lesser Antilles volcanic ridge.  相似文献   

四国海盆起源与沉积环境演化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
四国海盆位于西太平洋最大的边缘海——菲律宾海的东北部,是太平洋板块向欧亚板块俯冲而形成的一个目前已不活动的弧后盆地,具有高的热流值和洋壳裂开历史,并且具有双翼不对称扩张模式。其磁条带具有“东西不对称、南北不对等”的特点,从而造成四国海盆“北宽南窄、东凸西平”的地形、地貌特征。四国海盆具有典型的弧后盆地沉积特征,主要包括半远洋沉积、火山碎屑沉积和少量的远洋沉积。在早中新世、中中新世、晚中新世、上新世、更新世盆地发育的不同阶段,都有一定的岩相组合特征,并反映了当时的沉积环境。中中新世在盆地的北部和东部,晚中新世在盆地的北部、东北部,上新世和更新世在盆地的北部、东北部和西北部均发育有碎屑沉积。由于中更新世南海海槽的形成及其对物源的阻隔作用,在盆地北部发育了远洋粘土和钙质生物沉积。中中新世,盆地的北部、东侧和西侧均有火山活动发育,晚中新世仅在东部岛弧区有火山活动;上新世仅盆地的北部有少量的火山活动,晚更新世火山活动在盆地北部发育。  相似文献   

Formation and tectonic evolution of outer marginupfold zone of East China Sea ShelfTXFormationandtectonicevolutionofoutermargi...  相似文献   

The characteristics and distribution patterns of detrital minerals (0.063~0.125 mm) in marine sediments provide a significant indicator for the identification of the origin of sediment.The detrital mineral composition of 219 surface sediment samples was analysed to identify the distribution of sediments within the western Philippine Sea. The area can be divided into three mineral provinces: (I) province east of the Philippine Trench, the detrital minerals in this province are mainly composed of calcareous or siliceous organisms, with the addition of volcanogenic minerals from an adjacent island arc; (II) middle mineral province, clastic minerals including feldspar, quartz and colorless volcanic glass, sourced from seamounts with intermediate-acid volcanic rock, or erupting intermediate-acid volcano; (III) province west of the Palau—Kyūshū Ridge, the matter provenance within this province is complex; the small quantity of feldspar and quartz may be sourced from seamounts or erupting volcano with intermediate-acid composition, with a component of volcanic scoria sourced from a volcano erupting on the Palau—Kyūshū Ridge. it is suggested that, (1) Biogenic debris of the study area is closely related to water depth, with the amount of biogenic debris controlled by carbonate lysocline. (2) Volcaniclastic matter derived from the adjacent island arc can be entrained by oceanic currents and transported towards the abyssal basin over a short distance. The weathering products of volcanic rocks of the submarine plateau (e.g.,Benham Plateau) and adjacent ridges provide an important source of detrital sedimentation, and the influence scope of them is constrained by the intensity of submarine weathering. (3) Terrigenous sediments from the continent of Asia and the adjacent Philippine island arc have little influence on the sedimentation of this study area, and the felsic mineral component is probably sourced from volcanic seamounts of intermediate-acid composition.  相似文献   

Various settings took place during the Late Mesozoic: divergent, convergent, collisional, and transform. After mid-Jurassic collision of the Siberian and Chinese cratons, a latitudinal system of post-collision troughs developed along the Mongol-Okhotsk suture (the Uda, Torom basins and others), filled with terrigenous coal-bearing molasse.The dispersion of Pangea, creation of oceans during the Late Jurassic are correlated to the emergence of the East Asian submeridional rift system with volcano-terrigenous coal-bearing deposits (the Amur-Zeya basin). At that time, to the east there existed an Andean-type continental margin. Foreland (Upper Bureya, Partizansk, and Razdolny) and flexural (Sangjiang-Middle Amur) basins were formed along the margin of the rigid massifs during the Late Jurassic to Berriasian.During the Valanginian-mid-Albian an oblique subduction of the Izanagi plate beneath the Asian continent occurred, producing a transform margin type, considerable sinistral strike slip displacements, and formation of pull-apart basins filled with turbidites (the Sangjiang-Middle Amur basin).The Aptian is characterized by plate reorganization and formation of epioceanic island arcs, fore-arc and back-arc basins in Sakhalin and the Sikhote-Alin (the Alchan and Sangjiang-Middle Amur basins), filled with volcanoclastics.During the mid-Albian a series of terranes accreted to the Asian continental margin. By the end of the Albian, the East Asian marginal volcanic belt began to form due to the subduction of the Kula plate beneath the Asian continent. During the Cenomanian–Coniacian shallow marine coarse clastics accumulated in the fore-arc basins, which were followed by continental deposits in the Santonian–Campanian. From the Coniacian to the Maastrichtian, a thermal subsidence started in rift basins, and continental oil-bearing clastics accumulated (the Amur-Zeya basin).Widespread elevation and denudation were dominant during the Maastrichtian. This is evidenced by thick sediments accumulated in the Western Sakhalin fore-arc basin.During the Cenozoic, an extensive rift belt rmade up of a system of grabens, which were filled with lacustrine–alluvial coal–and oil-bearing deposits, developed along the East Asian margin.  相似文献   

The Larsen Basin, on the northwest margin of the Weddell Sea, formed as a Mesozoic ensialic basin during Gondwana breakup. Deposition was either in half grabens on the extending Weddell Sea margin, or in a restricted back-arc basin. At the northern end of this basin 5–6 km of sedimentary rock crop out on James Ross Island, exposing elements of a large potential hydrocarbon system. Aeromagnetic and outcrop data suggest that the basin structure inferred from James Ross Island can be recognised at least as far south as 70°S.Upper Jurassic anoxic marine strata, deposited prior to the main phase of arc development, form a rich potential source (T.O.C. up to 3.5%) with both marine and terrestrial kerogens. Arc-derived volcaniclastic sediments of Barremian — Oligocene age form a regressive megasequence. Basal strata represent slope apron and rudaceous submarine fan deposits proximal to the margin; fan conglomerates form lenticular bodies hundreds of metres thick and tens of kilometres across, enveloped in slope-apron mudstones. Late Cretaceous fault reactivation and uplift led to dramatic shallowing of the basin, with deposition of shelf facies. Although there are many potentially attractive reservoir targets, there may be problems of pore occlusion due to the abundant labile volcanic grains. However, there is evidence of more quartzose sandstone towards the top of the section, and, inferentially, toward the basin centre.In the Larsen Basin, there is moderate potential for oil generated from Upper Jurassic source rocks and reservoired in Cretaceous and Tertiary sandstones and conglomerates, in large stratigraphic or structural traps caused by partial basin inversion during deposition.  相似文献   

Holocene sand layers cored from the central Aleutian Trench are dominated by volcaniclastic debris, and the only likely source is the central Aleutian volcanic arc. This creates something of an enigma because bathymetric obstructions seemingly prevent direct delivery of sediment via transverse canyons or channels. Turbidity currents are funneled through submarine canyons on the upper trench slope, but the flows become unconfined as they cross the midslope Aleutian Terrace. Evidently, the turbid flows maintain high enough velocities to climb over the trench-slope break; acceleration down the lower trench slope then allows forearc bypassing to occur without the aid of through-going channels.  相似文献   

东海陆架盆地南部中生代构造演化与原型盆地性质   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
东海陆架盆地南部夹持于欧亚板块、太平洋板块与印度板块之间,是发育在前中生代基础之上的中、新生代叠合盆地。其构造演化受古太平洋板块俯冲及特提斯-喜马拉雅构造域的联合影响,经历了印支末期基隆运动、燕山期渔山和雁荡运动的叠加改造。结合浙闽隆起带中生代火成岩事件、盆地构造变形、沉积学的一些证据,通过海陆对比研究,认为东海陆架盆地南部早-中三叠世可能为面向古太平洋的被动大陆边缘盆地;晚三叠世-侏罗纪古太平洋板块已对中国大陆有较强的俯冲作用,东海陆架盆地及南部原型盆地为活动大陆边缘弧前盆地;白垩纪受控于滨海断裂表现为活动大陆边缘走滑拉分盆地;古新世-始新世火山岛弧向东移动,东海陆架变为弧后裂谷盆地。  相似文献   

东海陆架盆地是位于中国东部华南大陆边缘的一个中、新生代叠合盆地,具有较大油气潜力。目前东海陆架盆地油气的发现均来自于新生界,对中生代残留地层的各方面特征认识不足:在空间上通常集中于特定构造单元,且基本位于盆地西部;在时间上主要涉及白垩纪和侏罗纪,且多是定性或半定量的研究。本文在前人研究的基础上,收集、整理了研究区目前最新、最全的反射地震资料和钻井数据,从钻遇中生界井的标定出发,以地震资料的层序划分和解释为基础,进行残留地层的研究,空间上统一盆地东、西两大坳陷带,时间上统揽白垩纪、侏罗纪以及前侏罗纪三个时期。结果表明,东海陆架盆地中生代残留地层遭受了后期严重的剥蚀改造,总体呈现东厚西薄、南厚北薄的特征,残留地层范围随时间不断东扩。对比各时期残留地层平面展布特征,揭示了东海陆架盆地的演变过程:三叠纪时期盆地原型为被动大陆边缘坳陷型盆地,早、中侏罗世时期为活动大陆边缘弧前盆地,晚侏罗世—晚白垩世时期为大陆边缘弧后伸展盆地;与此相对应,古太平洋板块俯冲肇始于晚三叠世—早、中侏罗世时期,板块后撤始于晚侏罗世。东海陆架盆地在中生代的东侧边界位于钓鱼岛隆褶带的东侧。  相似文献   

《Marine Geology》2006,225(1-4):247-263
Modal analyses of 31 sand samples collected by piston coring document variations in sediment composition along and across the developing collision zone off southern Taiwan and help constrain sediment transport paths and, by inference, of sediment sources. Overall, sand composition from this region is dominated by lithic-fragment populations, with a QtFL average of Qt27F21L52. Three geographic domains are based on morphotectonics and variations in sand composition: (1) South China Sea and the adjacent slope of the accretionary prism; (2) suture zone south of southern Taiwan and north of the Luzon forearc; and (3) the Luzon forearc basin (North Luzon Trough) and immediate adjacent slopes. Sands from the accretionary prism and the suture zone contain subequal amounts of sedimentary and metamorphic lithic fragments (Ls51Lv5Lm45 and Ls47Lv5Lm48), respectively, whereas sands from the forearc basin are dominated by volcanic lithic fragments (Ls29Lv49Lm22). In addition, compositions of individual sand beds vary dramatically in the forearc basin. This heterogeneity indicates that sediments from different sources have been deposited sequentially, but do not typically mix during transport and deposition. Similar, but less dramatic, within-core variations occur over the accretionary prism.The major sediment input for the accretionary prism is from western Taiwan and is dominated by sedimentary and low-grade metamorphic lithic fragments. There appears to be a second sediment source, however, from southeastern China. This implies that a significant amount of sediment is the input from China to this region. The major component of sands in the suture zone is derived from Taiwan, but medium-grade metamorphic lithic fragments are rather sparse in these sands, considering the extensive and high-relief exposures of metamorphic rocks on the island of Taiwan. The major source of sands in the forearc basin is the active volcanoes of the Batan islands. Episodically, minor components appear to be fed to the forearc basin from the arcward slope of the accretionary prism, presumably by submarine mass wasting. This observation provides support for the hypothesized olistostromal origin for the Lichi Mélange of eastern Taiwan.  相似文献   

Using a mega-regional dataset that includes over 20,000 km of on- and offshore 2D seismic lines and 12 wells, we illustrate three different stages of fault formation and basin evolution in the Caribbean arc-South American continent collisional zone. Transpressional deformation associated with oblique collision of the Caribbean arc migrates diachronously over a distance of ∼1500 km from western Venezuela in Paleogene time (∼57 Ma) to a zone of active deformation in the eastern offshore Trinidad area. Each diachronous stage of pre-, syn-, and post-collisional basin formation is accompanied by distinct patterns of fault families. We use subsidence histories from wells to link patterns of long-term basinal subsidence to periods of activity of the fault families.

Stage one of arc-continent collision

Initial collision is characterized by overthrusting of the south- and southeastward-facing Caribbean arc and forearc terranes onto the northward-subducting Mesozoic passive margin of northern South America. Northward flexure of the South American craton produces a foreland basin between the thrust front and the downward-flexed continental crust that is initially filled by clastic sediments shed both from the colliding arc and cratonic areas to the south. As the collision extends eastward towards Trinidad, this same process continues with progressively younger foreland basins formed to the east. On the overthrusting Caribbean arc and forearc terranes, north-south rifting adjacent to the collision zone initiates and is controlled by forward momentum of southward-thrusting arc terranes combined with slab pull of the underlying and subducting, north-dipping South American slab. Uplift of fold-thrust belts arc-continent suture induces rerouting of large continental drainages parallel to the collisional zone and to the axis of the foreland basins.

Stage two

This late stage of arc-continent collision is characterized by termination of deformation in one segment of the fold-thrust belt as convergent deformation shifts eastward. Rebound of the collisional belt is produced as the north-dipping subducted oceanic crust breaks off from the passive margin, inducing inversion of preexisting normal faults as arc-continent convergence reaches a maximum. Strain partitioning also begins to play an important role as oblique convergence continues, accommodating deformation by the formation of parallel, strike-slip fault zones and backthrusting (southward subduction of the Caribbean plate beneath the South Caribbean deformed belt). As subsidence slows in the foreland basins, sedimentation transitions from a marine underfilled basin to an overfilled continental basin. Offshore, sedimentation is mostly marine, sourced by the collided Caribbean terranes, localized islands and carbonate deposition.

Stage three

This final stage of arc-continent collision is characterized by: 1) complete slab breakoff of the northward-dipping South American slab; 2) east-west extension of the Caribbean arc as it elongates parallel to its strike forming oblique normal faults that produce deep rift and half-grabens; 3) continued strain partitioning (strike-slip faulting and folding). The subsidence pattern in the Caribbean basins is more complex than interpreted before, showing a succession of extensional and inversion events. The three tectonic stages closely control the structural styles and traps, source rock distribution, and stratigraphic traps for the abundant hydrocarbon resources of the on- and offshore areas of Venezuela and Trinidad.  相似文献   

马里亚纳海槽是一个正在扩张的弧后盆地。文章分析中国和联邦德国合作考察马里亚纳海槽两个沉积岩心的一般沉积特征、物质来源及其影响因素。两岩心沉积物均以砂质粉砂、粉砂和粘土质粉砂为主,含较多黑色火山灰层和黑色纹理,岩性分析表明,物质以火山碎屑为主。由于两岩心所处具体构造位置不同,导致岩性、构造和物质来源不同。61KL岩心有4或5个递变层序,为典型的浊流沉积,物质主要来自东部活动的马里亚纳火山弧,由浊流搬运而沉积。57KL岩心物质主要来自海槽扩张裂谷本身的火山喷发。两岩心均为半远洋沉积物。  相似文献   

南海涠洲岛区现代沉积环境和沉积作用演化   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
涠洲岛区沉积环境的演化导致陆源碎屑沉积作用转化为礁源和陆源的混合沉积作用,并将向纯礁源碳酸盐沉积作用方向转化;其主要控制因素是陆源碎屑供应量.陆源沉积和礁源沉积之间可以互相制约,沉积环境和沉积作用可以互为因果.文中还指出涠洲岛区的沉积组分特征和南海北部礁坪沉积组分随纬度变化的规律.  相似文献   

南海火山玻璃的分布特征、化学成分及源区探讨   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
研究了南海火山玻璃的分布特征、化学成分及源区,结果表明,表层沉积物中的火山玻璃含量基本呈南北向分布,由北部、西部、南部大陆架分别向中部、东部深海盆逐渐增加;柱样沉积物中的火山玻璃在深海盆出现的层数多、含量大.火山玻璃化学组分之间的相关性不显著,表层沉积物中的火山玻璃属于安山岩,柱样沉积物中的火山玻璃的岩石类型广泛,主要属于安山岩和流纹岩.菲律宾岛弧火山带、南海深海盆火山喷发以及印尼岛弧火山带是南海火山玻璃主要源区,火山玻璃搬运和沉积主要受台风、越赤道气流和环流的影响和控制.  相似文献   

台湾增生楔的构造单元划分及其变形特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
台湾增生楔位于欧亚板块、菲律宾海微板块和南海的结合部位,是现代弧陆碰撞研究的理想场所。通过对南海973航次在该区域的多道地震剖面的解释,对该增生楔进行了构造单元的划分,并分析了变形特征。认为台湾增生楔是由3个部分,即弧陆碰撞产生的增生部分、洋内俯冲产生的增生部分和增生楔后端在恒春海脊和北吕宋海槽之间的构造楔组成,研究区的高屏斜坡、恒春海脊和北吕宋海槽西端变形带分别是3个部分的反映。自中中新世以来,南海洋壳开始沿着马尼拉海沟向菲律宾海微板块俯冲,形成增生楔中洋内俯冲增生部分;与此同时菲律宾海微板块开始向NW方向移动,前缘的吕宋岛弧自6.5Ma B.P以来与亚洲陆缘斜向碰撞,形成增生楔中弧陆碰撞增生部分。碰撞首先发生在台湾岛的北部,由于弧陆强烈的挤压作用,增生楔后端部分向北吕宋海槽倒冲楔人,使得上部的北吕宋海槽的沉积发生隆升变形。滨海的各个地貌单元可以和台湾陆上的地貌单元相联系,它们具有相似的地质特征,但是由于陆上部分增生历史久,不仅抬升为陆,而且地层的年代也更老。  相似文献   

The South Caspian Basin (SCB) is a relic of the back-arc basin in the margin of the Tethys paleoocean. The SCB has an oceanic-type crust and is filled with a thick (15–28 km) sedimentary series. In the modern structure, it is a part of the South Caspian microplate, which also comprises the Lower Kura and West Turkmenian depressions, parts of the Kopet Dagh and Alborz ranges. The geological and seismological data evidence an underthrust (or, probably, subduction) of the South Caspian Basin’s lithosphere beneath the Apsheron threshold and the simultaneous westward displacement of the South Caspian Microplate (SCM). Different authors refer the South Caspian Basin’s formation to the Early Mesozoic, Late Jurassic, and Paleocene. In this paper, on the basis of geologic information, a two-phase model of the South Caspian Basin’s opening is considered. The first phase is referred to the Late Triassic-Early Jurassic, when the sinking of the Kopet Dagh Basin and the opening of the Great Caucasus rift began as well. Jointly, these three structures formed a prolonged basin related to the development of the Early Mesozoic subduction zone. The age of the oceanic crust in the central part of the South Caspian Basin calculated by the thermal flux is 200 Ma. The second phase of the South Caspian Basin opening referred to the Eocene is related to the extension in the back-arc part of the Elbrus volcanic arc. The formation of the oceanic crust in the southwestern part of the South Caspian Basin and in the Lower-Kura depression is associated with this phase, which is proved by the high values of the thermal flux.  相似文献   

南极布兰斯菲尔德海峡及邻区地壳结构反演及构造解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马龙  邢健 《海洋与湖沼》2020,51(2):265-273
南极布兰斯菲尔德海峡及邻区是南极半岛海域火山、地震等新构造运动最活跃的地区,由于前人对资料处理解释的差异,导致盆地的构造格局仍部分存疑。本文以研究区的卫星重力数据为基础,以多道反射地震和部分岩性资料为约束,采用重震联合反演方法构建了三条横跨研究区的地壳结构剖面,并进一步研究布兰斯菲尔德海峡盆地的地壳结构。研究结果表明布兰斯菲尔德海峡盆地莫霍面深度为33—38km。菲尼克斯板块俯冲消减下沉至南设得兰岛弧之下,导致南设得兰海沟的俯冲带后撤,产生3—4km厚的岩浆混染地壳,密度为2.9g/cm~3。分析认为受板块运动和弧后扩张影响,沿布兰斯菲尔德海峡盆地扩张脊分布的海底火山裂隙式喷发,并进一步导致盆地的持续性扩张。  相似文献   

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