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Effects of stem density upon sediment retention by salt marsh cord grass,Spartina alterniflora loisel 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Mark L. Gleason Deborah A. Elmer Natalie C. Pien John S. Fisher 《Estuaries and Coasts》1979,2(4):271-273
A laboratory experiment was conducted to determine whether retention of waterborne sand by salt marsh cordgrass, Spartina alterniflora Loisel, is directly related to the number of stems per unit area. Waves generated in a trough washed over a sloping beach planted with S. alterniflora sprigs: a range of stem densities (0–108 stems/m2) was examined in separate trials. The amount of sand accumulated after 60 waves is a positive nonlinear function of stem density. The greatest accretion coincided with the highest stem density tested. Shape of the beach profile was also strongly influenced by the number of stems per m2. 相似文献
N2 fixation associated with the epiphytic community on standing dead Spartina alterniflora shoots was examined in both a natural and transplanted salt marsh in North Carolina. Acetylene reduction (AR) assays were conducted over a 24-mo period to estimate N2 fixation rates on standing dead stems and leaves. In the natural salt marsh, mean AR rates ranged from 0.5 nmol C2H4 cm?2 h?1 to 14 nmol C2H4 cm?2 h?1, while in the transplanted marsh mean AR rates ranged from 1 nmol C2H4 cm?2 h?1 to 33 nmol C2H4 cm?2 h?1. Diel AR activity of epiphytic communities in both marshes varied seasonally. Midday incubations yielded higher AR rates than nighttime incubations in the spring, while midday incubations in late summer and fall generally yielded AR rates equal to or lower than nighttime incubations. Desiccation during low tides occasionally repressed AR activity, although AR rates quickly rebounded with wetting. AR activity was localized in the epiphytic community, rather than in the underlying Spartina stem material. Based on the measured AR rates and the density of standing dead stems, the annual input of new N to the natural salt marsh via epiphytic N2 fixation is estimated to be 2.6 g N m?2 yr?1. The estimate of annual input of new N to the transplanted marsh is 3.8 g N m?2 yr?1. These estimates should be added to previous estimates of N2 fixation in marsh sediments to estimate the total contribution of new nitrogen to salt marsh nitrogen budgets. 相似文献
Estuaries and Coasts - The effect of transplant spacings (45, 60, and 90 cm) on establishment ofSpartina alterniflora along an eroding shoreline in North Carolina was evaluated and annual biomass... 相似文献
Experiments were performed seasonally to estimate grass shrimp,Palaemonetes pugio, grazing on the epiphytic microalgae of cordgrass,Spartina alterniflora, and to determine if grass shrimp have the potential to regulate epiphyte abundance. Grass shrimp were given access to live culms with low and high epiphytic abundance and standing dead culms collected from the streamside levee of a Louisiana salt marsh. Plexiglas frames were used to hold culms upright in aquaria and to restrict grass shrimp access to one half of each culm. We compared epiphyte biomass on the sides of culms exposed to shrimp with the corresponding unexposed sides. Epiphytes were removed from the lowest 10 cm of culms on days 0, 3, and 10, and chlorophylla (chla) measurements on each culm half were made by fluorometry. Chla biomass on culm halves not exposed to grass shrimp significantly increased over time. Percent reductions in chla on culm halves exposed to grass shrimp (calculated by subtraction from the corresponding half not exposed to shrimp) significantly increased over time for at least one culm type in all seasons. Grass shrimp caused an average 30% reduction of epiphyte biomass over 3 d and a 40% reduction over 10 d, suggesting that grass shrimp have the capability of consuming a substantial proportion of the daily production of epiphytes. Epiphytes from standing-dead culms may be more important than those from live culms at the marsh edge to the diet of grass shrimp because chla biomass was, on average, high, and standing-dead culms were seasonally abundant. Diagnostic photosynthetic pigments from selected culms, grass shrimp gut contents, and fecal pellets were identified by high performance liquid chromatography and were used to quantify the taxonomic groups of epiphytic microalgae. Results suggested that diatoms, brown algae, green algae, red algae, and cyanobacteria were present on all culms. Similarities in the pigment content of grass shrimp gut contents and fecal pellets suggested that all algal groups were ingested. Pigment data analysis could not detect a change in the composition of the microalgal assemblage associated with grass shrimp grazing. Assuming that the reduction in chla was due exclusively to grazing, grass shrimp consumed an average of 0.5–1.5 g epiphyte carbon shrimp?1 d?1, suggesting that grass shrimp benefit significantly from the consumption ofS. alterniflora epiphytic algae. 相似文献
A greenhouse experiment was conducted to examine the effects of salinity, nitrogen, and aeration on the growth of Spartina alterniflora Loisel. The experiment was conducted in a factorial arrangement of treatments with salt marsh substrate at three salinity levels (15, 30, 45‰), at two nitrogen levels (0 and 168 kg/ha) and at two aeration levels (zero and oxygen saturation). The maximum biomass was found in the low salinity, nitrogen enhanced, aerated treatment which had 11 times more biomass than the highest (45‰) salinity, nitrogen poor, unaerated treatment. the average effect of nitrogen over the three salinity levels was a 2.01, 1.47, 1.25, and 1.52 times increase in aerial biomass, density, height, and belowground biomass of the plants, respectively. The main effect of aeration was a 2.49, 2.01, 1.57, and 1.85 times increase in the same variables. The combination effect of aeration and nitrogen additions enhanced biomass by 453%. An increase in salinity from 15‰ to 45‰ decreased biomass, density, height and belowground biomass of S. alterniflora by 66, 53, 38, and 61%, respectively. The effect of salinity was more pronounced between 30 and 45‰ than it was between 15 and 30‰. N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, and S concentrations in the aerial living biomass were also examined. There was no evidence to suggest that elemental concentrations (on a per gram basis) were consistently correlated with increased or decreased growth. In relation to salinity, correlations between growth and elemental concentrations were negative while for nitrogen enhanced and/or aerated systems, the correlations were positive. 相似文献
The salt marsh cord grass,Spartina alterniflora Loisel., occurs in markedly distinct short and tall growth forms. Both forms have the same number of chromosomes, although polyploidy is well established in the genus. Previous studies have shown that height is primarily affected by nitrate availability and environmental stresses such as increased soluble salt concentrations. These studies have shown that, within a marsh, height differences cannot be attributed to genetic, chromosomal differences or electrophoretic banding. However, more subtle genetic differences may be involved. Other studies suggest that between marshes,S. alterniflora, in response to a latitudinal gradient on the Atlantic coast, has evolved ecotypes differing in height, color and flowering period. This review paper points out that plant height inS. alterniflora may be determined by a combination of environmental and genetic factors. 相似文献
Thomas G. Reidenbaugh 《Estuaries and Coasts》1983,6(1):57-65
Net annual productivity of tall and medium form cordgrass,Spartina alterniflora, was estimated by a new clip sampling method in a sloping foreshore salt marsh at Wallops Island, Virginia. This method measured live standing crops only, to avoid problems of measuring dead biomass inherent in other methods. Losses from live standing crops by shoot mortality and by leaf shedding were estimated from these measurements and added separately to production of live tillers and of live culms. This allowed quantification of various components of production.Spartina tillering in different zones of the marsh produced 62 to 211 g dry weight per m2 per yr. Tiller mortality removed 37 to 106 g per m2 per yr from live standing crops. Culms produced 348 to 1,132 g per m2 before flowering and die-back. Culm mortality removed 28 to 246 g per m2 before flowering. Leaf shedding removed an additional 83 g per m2 in tall formSpartina. Altogether, net annual productivity These estimates are much higher than previous estimates of productivity and standing crops inSpartina marshes nearby. 相似文献
The fauna inhabiting a Halodule wrightii meadow in Apalachicola Bay, Florida, was studied from March 1975 through Feburary 1976. The infaunal community was sampled by monthly coring. Fifty-eight species were recorded, averaging 35 species per month. A maximum faunal abundance of 104,338 organisms per m2 in April was one of the highest infaunal densities recorded in the literature. Sixteen species accounted for 84% of the total numbers and 80% of the total biomass over the study period. Numerical dominants were Hargeria rapax, Heteromastus filiformis, Ampelisca vadorum, Aricidea fragilis, and oligochaetes. Biomass dominants were Tagelus plebeius, Neritina reclivata, Ensis minor, and Haploscoloplos fragilis. Life history notes are given for several dominant species. Epibenthic fishes and macroinvertebrates were sampled by monthly trawling. Twenty-three species of fishes (mostly juveniles) were collected near the coring site, with most species and individuals recorded during the months May through September. Bairdiella chrysoura, Orthopristis chrysoptera, and Lagodon rhomboides comprised 76% of the total fish numbers. Eleven species of macroinvertebrates were collected mainly in June and July. Callinectes sapidus comprised 61% of the total invertebrate numbers. It is postulated that the influx of juvenile fishes and crabs into the Halodule meadow in summer months leads to a coincident decline in infaunal population densities (number per m2) through predation. Infaunal biomasses are largely unaffected by these predators since the biomass dominants are large or deep-burrowing species. 相似文献
The effects of rate of N and P fertilizer, type of fertilizer material and application method on establishment, growth and tissue nutrient concentrations of Spartina alterniflora were evaluated on an eroding estuarine shoreline. Both N and P were growth limiting factors at the test site. Biomass increased with increasing rates of N and P up to 224 kg per ha N and 49 kg per ha P when ammonium sulfate and concentrated superphosphate were banded at planting. There were only slight increases in growth when either N or P were applied alone. Placement of fertilizer below ground was necessary; there was no growth response to surface application at transplanting time. The slow-release fertilizers, Mag Amp and Osmocote, supplied N over a longer period of time and produced more growth than the other sources of N which were tested. Urea and urea-formaldehyde were ineffective sources of N. Concentrated superphosphate was as effective as the slow-release fertilizers as a source of P. Nitrogen concentrations in fertilized plants which produced more biomass were lower than in those plants stunted by lack of N or P except where near optimum amounts of N were supplied by the slow-release fertilizers. Residual effects of the fertilizer were evident the second growing season but top-dressing with N and P was necessary to maintain a vigorous stand. Accumulation of up to 28 cm of sand in 2 years was evidence of reduction of shoreline erosion. 相似文献
Evelyn B. Haines 《Estuaries and Coasts》1979,2(1):50-53
Seasonal plant growth dynamics were followed for a year in undisturbed plots of tall and short formSpartina alterniflora Loisel. and in plots of short formS. alterniflora which were enriched with sewage sludge at a rate of 100 g dry sludge m?2wk?1, corresponding to a nitrogen enrichment of 2 g N m?2wk?1. Monthly determinations of aboveground live and dead biomass, density of live stems, the ratio of number of young shoots to total number of shoots, and belowground mass of macro-organic matter to a depth of 30 cm were made for each area. Sludge fertilization increased the live biomass of the short formS. alterniflora by up to 150% of the control live biomass, but had little effect on the dead biomass, stem density, or proportion of young shoots. There was a trend of increased amount of belowground macro-organic matter in fertilized compared to control plots during the last 6 months of the study. In all areas, there was a marked decrease in the proportion of young shoots from winter to early summer, followed by a rapid increase in the percent of young shoots from late summer to fall. Sampling of plots 7 and 20 months after termination of sludge enrichment showed higher plant biomass and % N content in surface soils, but no difference in N content of live plant tissue, in fertilized compared to unfertilized marsh. After 20 months, about half of the sludge nitrogen remaining in the soils of the fertilized plots had disappeared. 相似文献
We estimated lateral growth rates of nonindigenous Spartina alterniflora patches in Willapa Bay, Washington, over three intervals between 1970 and 1990, to reconstruct recruitment frequency since S. alterniflora was initially introduced c. 1890. Black and white aerial photographs (1∶24,000 scale) of four representative sites where S. alterniflora has invaded were analyzed. Individual patches were digitized on a computer, and diameter and area were computed for each patch for all years and sites sampled using CAD software. Lateral growth rates of individual. S. alterniflora patches increased linearly at 79.3 (± 1.674 SE) cm yr−1. Back calculations of origin dates for individual patches based on mean lateral growth rates indicate that recruitment of new patches has been episodic and increasing in frequency since initial introduction. Environmental factors such as sea surface temperature, sea level, and precipitation may account for some of this recruitment variability. These data may be useful in existing and future models of S. alterniflora expansion in Pacific Northwest estuaries. 相似文献
The effect of salinity on the concentration of metals in Spartina alterniflora tissues and excreted salts and the distribution of metals between these compartments was tested in a greenhouse experiment. S. alterniflora stems were planted in pots of dredge sediment that was amended with a suite of six metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn). The overlying water of individual pots was maintained at treatment salinities of 0, 15, or 30 practical salinity units. The proportion of total metal distributed to the tissues and excreted salt of S. alterniflora was not significantly influenced by salinity for any of the metals. The concentration of Pb in root and leaf tissues and in excreted salt was influenced by salinity, as was the concentration of Zn in root tissue and excreted salt. Contrary to expectations, the concentration of Pb and Zn in excreted salts decreased as salinity increased. Although the influence of salinity on the concentration of Pb and Zn in S. alterniflora tissue has not been previously reported, the influence of salinity on the tissue concentrations of Pb agrees with previous research on dicots. 相似文献
Dispersion of the salt-marsh periwinkle Littoraria irrorata: Effects of water level,size, and season
This paper documents horizontal and vertical dispersion patterns of a Texas population of the saltmarsh periwinkle, Littoraria irrorata, over a 15-month period. The study was conducted within a tidal marsh on the Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge in Galveston Bay. Two mark-recapture experiments demonstrated that L. irrorata rarely move more than 2 m from their release point over long periods of time and do not home to individual Spartina plants. Adult L. irrorata forage farther away from the base of Spartina stalks at low tide than do juvenile snails. Remaining near the plant base may decrease both temperature and desiccation stress on juveniles. During warm months, L. irrorata climb grass stalks with tidal inundation and forage on the substratum at low tide. Snails are inactive and aggregate in detrital debris at the base of Spartina clumps during the winter. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY058 00016 相似文献
Specimens of a free-living copepod, Cyclops bicuspidatus thomasi, were found attached to striped bass and white perch larvae collected in the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal and adjacent waters. Damage to most of the larvae was constriction of tissue around the point of attachment, but some exhibited more severe damage such as missing parts of the finfold or a ruptured yolk sac. Most of the larvae had damage which was extensive enough to have caused death. 相似文献
A new species of cladid(?) crinoid, Segmentocolumnus (col.) clarksoni, based on distinctive, disarticulated stem material, is described from the Upper Llandovery Kilbride Formation. Hitherto, this unit has yielded two taxa based on single, nearly complete crinoids. In contrast, S. (col.) clarksoni is known from numerous specimens, including common long pentagonal, pentameric, heteromorphic pluricolumnals with symplectial articulations, broad pentagonal lumina and narrow claustra. A related morphospecies is known from the Ashgill (Upper Ordovician) of Ireland. The fossil echinoderms of the Llandovery (Lower Silurian) are poorly known globally. Where present in this interval, echinoderms are more commonly preserved as disarticulated ossicles and rarely as complete specimens. Complete crinoids have now been identified from nine horizons in the Llandovery of the British Isles, making this one of the better known pelmatozoan faunas from this time interval. However, only two of these occurrences have yielded as many as five or more identifiable taxa. Seven of the nine occurrences are Upper Llandovery (Telychian). Genera are typical of the Silurian or (Upper Ordovician + Silurian); the only remnant Ashgill taxon that did not survive the Llandovery was the morphogenus Segmentocolumnus (col.) Donovan, an ‘extinction’ that probably owes more to taxonomic method than any evolutionary pattern. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Gabriella Jackson Richard Zingmark Alan J. Lewitus Raphael G. Tymowski Joyce Stuckey 《Estuaries and Coasts》2006,29(6):1212-1221
Epiphytic microbial biomass (as chlorophylla) was measured monthly in North Inlet Estuary, South Carolina, for 16 months on spatially distinct stem sections (bottom and
middle) of dead and livingSpartina alterniflora growth forms (tall, medium, and short) exposed at low tide. The highest biomass was located on the bottom section of tall
plants, presumably due to their relatively longer contact with creek water and associated phytoplankton, and their closer
proximity to marsh sediments with associated benthic microalgae, both recruitment sources for epiphytes. Dead plants left
standing from the previous year’s growth cycle had higher epiphytic biomass than living plants, which occurred mostly in late
spring through fall. Epiphytic biomass was highest in the winter (mean of 1.77 mg chla (m2 marsh)−1) and lowest in the summer (mean of 0.34 mg chla (m2 marsh)−1). Because phytoplankton andSpartina production are lowest in the winter, the results emphasize the relative importance of epiphytes to growth of herbivores in
this season. 相似文献
Irving A. Mendelssohn 《Estuaries and Coasts》1979,2(2):106-112
The influence of nitrogen level, form, and application method on the growth response of short and tallSpartina alterniflora was determined in a North Carolina salt marsh. The application of various nitrogen levels increased the aerial standing crop of shortSpartina as much as 172%, but had no significant effect on that of the tall form. Band application produced a significantly greater yield response than broadcast application in both height forms. The yield of shortSpartina increased significantly more from ammonium fertilization than from nitrate, while there was no significant effect of nitrogen form on tallSpartina. Band application of ammonium-nitrogen fertilizer significantly increased the yield of shortSpartina more than band application of nitrate-nitrogen and broadcast application of either nitrogen form. 相似文献
Packets of freshly harvested liveSpartina alterniflora were placed on the marsh surface, in a tidal ditch, in a pool contacting sides and bottom, and in the center-bottom of the same pool in September 1972. Rates of loss were the same for all four sites through day 242. After that packets on the marsh surface decomposed slower. A second experiment was begun in July only at the marsh surface and pool side sites. These lost dry weight much more rapidly than packets started in September. Populations of bacteria, fungi, diatoms, flagellates, ciliates and nematodes within the packets peaked within 60 days then decreased proportionately with the loss of dry weight in packets through day 242. After this, bacterial numbers decreased more rapidly presumably in response to a qualitative change in the packet material. Populations of flagellates and ciliates also declined rapidly after day 300. This decline occurred in new packets at around this date as well. In a limited set of samples 12 taxa were analyzed for date or detritus-age dependent occurrence. Of these, eight were data dependent, two were dependent on packet age, and two could not be determined from the data. 相似文献
Synoptic ichthyoplankton sampling was conducted on two transects, one on either side of Beaufort Inlet, North Carolina, during the winter immigration season of seven ocean-spawned, estuarine-dependent fishes;Brevoortia tyrannus (Atlantic menhaden),Leiostomus xanthurus (spot),Micropogonias undulatus (Atlantic croaker),Lagodon rhomboides (pinfish),Paralichthys albigutta (Gulf flounder),P. dentatus (summer flounder), andP. lethostigma (southern flounder). Densities and lengths of larvae were significantly different among sampling dates, with distance offshore, and between sides of the inlet. Flood-tide stage had minimal effect on larval densities and lengths except forP. albigutta andP. lethostigma. Changes in larval densities with distance offshore were not coherent among species; densities ofB. tyrammus increased offshore whereas densities of the other species decreased offshore. Average larval densities on a sampling date were coherent among species. Patterns in larval lengths were also coherent among the four non-flounder species. Larval densities outside of Beaufort Inlet were correlated with larval densities inside of Beaufort Inlet. Larval densities outside of Beaufort Inlet were also correlated with the north component of the wind, nearshore water temperature, and distance to the mid-shelf front. Differences in larval density across the inlet were significantly correlated with the east component of the wind. The patterns in larval densities outside of Beaufort Inlet were complex and apparently influenced by both the physical processes that supply larvae to the nearshore region and nearshore physical dynamics. 相似文献