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The buoyant discharge from Delaware Bay forms two separate branches of residual outflow near the bay mouth, one along each shore. Upon exiting the bay, the branch along the Delaware shore turns right to form the southward flowing Delaware coastal current along the inner continental shelf off the Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia coasts. CTD and thermosalinograph, data collected at the mouth of Delaware Bay over two semidiurnal tidal cycles are used to examine the hydrographic distribution at the source region of the Delaware coastal current. In this region the buoyant source water of the coastal current, is largely detached from the shoreline and confined to the top 15 m of the water column over much of the tidal cycles. The core of the coastal current's source water, as defined by the point of salinity minimum, is located over the deep channel well offshore of the Delaware coast. The separation between this buoyant water and the more saline waters right along the Delaware coast and that in the central part of the bay mouth are marked by regions of high horizontal salinity gradients. The horizontal salinity gradients around the inshore and offshore boundaries of the source water of the coastal current are intensified during the flood tide, and clearly defined fronts (with a change of 3‰ over a distance of 150 m) are present at the offshore boundary near the end of the flood tide. The structure of the mean flow and the distribution of the brackish coastal current on the inner continental shelf contribute to the persistence of stratification in the source region off the Delaware shore throughout the ebb and flood tides. In contrast, the ebb-induced stratification in the region off the New Jersey shore is quickly destroyed with the onset of the flood current.  相似文献   

As part of the Microbial Exchanges and Coupling in Coastal Atlantic Systems (MECCAS) Project, crab larvae were collected in the shelf waters off Chesapeake Bay in June and August 1985 and April 1986. We conducted hydrographic (temperature, salinity, nutrients) and biological (chlorophyll, copepods) mapping in conjunction with Eulerian and Lagrangian time studies of the vertical distribution of crab larvae in the Chesapeake Bay plume. These abundance estimates are used with current meter records and drifter trajectories to infer mechanisms of larval crab dispersion to the shelf waters and recruitment back into Chesapeake Bay. The highest numbers of crab larvae were usually associated with the Chesapeake Bay plume, suggesting that it was the dominant source of crab larvae to shelf waters. Patches of crab larvae also were found in the higher salinity shelf waters, and possibly were remnants of previous plume discharge events. The distribution of crab larvae in the shelf waters changed on 1–2 d time scales as a consequence of both variations in the discharge rate of the Chesapeake Bay plume and local wind-driven currents. Downwelling-favorable winds (NW) intensified the coastal jet and confined the plume and crab larvae along the coast. In April during a downwelling event (when northwesterly winds predominated), crab zoeae were transported southward along the coast at speeds that at times exceeded 168 km d−1. During June and August the upwelling-favorable winds (S, SW) opposed the anticyclonic turn of the plume and, via Ekman circulation, forced the plume and crab larvae to spread seaward. Plume velocities during these conditions generally were less than 48 km d−1. The recruitment of crab larvae to Chesapeake Bay is facilitated in late summer by the dominance of southerly winds, which can reverse the southward flow of shelf waters. Periodic downwelling-favorable winds can result in surface waters and crab larvae moving toward the entrance of Chesapeake Bay. Approximately 27% of the larval crabs spend at least part of the day in bottom waters, which have a residual drift toward the bay mouth. There appears to be a variety of physical transport mechanisms that can enhance the recruitment of crab larvae into Chesapeake Bay.  相似文献   

The Environmental Fluid Dynamic Code, an estuarine and coastal ocean circulation model, is used to simulate the distribution of the salinity plume in the vicinity of the mouth of the Cape Fear River Estuary, North Carolina. The individual and coupled effects of the astronomical tides, river discharge, and atmospheric winds on the spatial and temporal distributions of coastal water levels and the salinity plume were investigated. These modeled effects were compared with water level observations made by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and salinity surveys conducted by the Coastal Ocean Research and Monitoring Program. Model results and observations of salinity distributions and coastal water level showed good agreement. The simulations indicate that strong winds tend to reduce the surface plume size and distort the bulge shape near the estuary mouth due to enhanced wind-induced surface mixing. Under normal discharge conditions, tides, and light winds, the southward outwelling plume veers west. Relatively moderate winds can mechanically reverse the flow direction of the plume. Under conditions of weak to moderate winds the water column does not mix vertically to the bottom, while in strong wind cases the plume becomes vertically well mixed. Under conditions of high river discharge the plume increases in size and reaches the bottom. Vertical mixing induced by strong spring tides can also enable the plume to reach the bottom.  相似文献   

Theory and observations of river plumes are reviewed. The importance of the Kelvin number in characterizing anticipated plume behavior is stressed. In the absence of strong external forcing, a northern hemisphere plume will turn anticyclonically and attach to the coast, where it then merges into a coastal current. Observations and theory of such coastal currents are also reviewed, with emphasis on flows over shallow continental shelves. Major unresolved questions involve the processes controlling mixing of coastal current waters with ambient shelf waters and the dynamics of the plume in the region where it attaches to the coast.  相似文献   

Underway current velocity profiles were combined with temperature and salinity profiles at fixed stations to describe tidal and subtidal flow patterns in the middle of the northernmost Chilean fjord, Estuario Reloncaví. This is the first study involving current velocity measurements in this fjord. Reloncaví fjord is 55 km long, 2 km wide, and on average is 170 m deep. Measurements concentrated around a marked bend of the coastline, where an 8-km along-fjord transect was sampled during a semidiurnal tidal cycle in March 2002 and a 2-km cross-fjord transect was occupied, also during a semidiurnal cycle, in May 2004. The fjord hydrography showed a relatively thin (<5 m deep), continuously stratified, buoyant layer with stratification values >4 kg m−3 per meter of depth. Below this thin layer, the water was relatively homogeneous. Semidiurnal tidal currents had low amplitudes (<10 cm s−1) that allowed the persistence of a surface front throughout the tidal cycle. The front oscillated with a period of ca. 2.5 h and showed excursions of 2 km. The front oscillations could have been produced by a lateral seiche that corresponds to the natural period of oscillation across the fjord. This front could have also caused large (2 h) phase lags in the semidiurnal tidal currents, from one end of the transect to the other, within the buoyant layer. Tidal phases were relatively uniform underneath this buoyant layer. Subtidal flows showed a 3-layer pattern consisting of a surface layer (8 m thick, of 5 cm s−1 surface outflow), an intermediate layer (70 m thick, of 3 cm s−1 net inflow), and a bottom layer (below 80 m depth, of 3 cm s−1 net outflow). The surface outflow and, to a certain extent, the inflow layer were related to the buoyant water interacting with the ambient oceanic water. The inflowing layer and the bottom outflow were attributed to nonlinear effects associated with a tidal wave that reflects at the fjord's head. The weak subtidal currents followed the morphology of the bend and caused downwelling on the inside and upwelling on the outside part of the bend.  相似文献   

Monthly-mean winds and currents have been used to identify the driving mechanisms of seasonal coastal circulation in the North Indian Ocean. The main conclusions are: (i) the surface circulation off Arabia is typical of a wind-driven system with similar patterns of longshore current and wind stress; (ii) circulation off the west coast of India is consistent with the dynamics of a wind-driven eastern boundary current only during the southwest monsoon. During the northeast monsoon it is possible that the influence of the interior flow is important. (iii) There are at least three mechanisms that influence the surface circulation off the east coast of India: wind-stress, influence of fresh-water run off and contribution of the interior flow. It is difficult at present to assess the relative importance of these three processes.  相似文献   

Interest in the coastal dynamics of river plumes has mainly focused on large rivers, but plumes from the more numerous smaller rivers have important local consequences and may, in aggregate, be significant contributors to coastal circulation. We studied the dynamics of the plume from the Saco River in Saco Bay, Gulf of Maine, over a 3-year period. The transport and salinity in the region are governed by river discharge, tides, winds, and interaction with the Western Maine Coastal Current. The dynamics of the flow field vary with location within the plume and discharge. The far-field dynamics of the Saco River plume are dominated by inertial processes (hence qualifying it as a small-scale river plume), during times of low discharge, with low salinity water present both up and downstream of the river mouth, but are dominated by rotational processes during times of high discharge (thus qualifying it as a large-scale river plume), with buoyant water primarily advected downshelf. Near-field dynamics are governed by weak, subcritical flow during low discharge but strongly inertial, supercritical flow during high discharge. Offshore movement of the plume is not governed by Ekman dynamics but is instead a result of discharge, wind-induced vertical mixing, and the geography of the coastline and adjacent islands.  相似文献   

We investigated the distribution of meroplankton and water properties off southern Washington and simultaneously measured time series of larval abundance and water properties in two adjacent estuaries, Grays Harbor and Willapa Bay. The cruise period, in late May 1999, coincided with large variation in the alongshore wind stress that caused dynamic change in the position of the Columbia River plume, coastal upelling and downwelling, and offshore phytoplankton production. In the coastal ocean, meroplankton groups responded differently to this wind event and the associated advection of water masses. Dungeness crab (Cancer magister) megalopae were largely indifferent to the wide salinity variation, and were found throughout the surveyed area in both plume and recently upwelled waters. Megalopae of kelp crab (Pugettia producta) and hermit crab (Pagurus spp). were more abundant in upwelled water and low numbers were caught in the plume water. Barnacle cyprids appeared to track the advective transport suggesting that they may be more passively dispersed. Within the estuaries, hydrography responded rapidly and synchronously to variation in wind stress. Intrusions of both plume and newly upwelled waters were detected at estuarine sites, depending on the type of water present at the coast, indicating a tight link between the estuaries and the coastal ocean in this region. A 90-d record ofC. magister megalopae abundance was made at 3 estuarine sites using light traps. The bulk of theC. magister recruitment was limited to a relatively brief period in late May through June. Within this window, megalopae occurred in distinct pulses of 3–5 d interspaced with periods of low or zero abundance.C. magister megalopae recruited to the estuaries over a wide range of wind forcing, and were transported into the estuary within varied water types. There were no periodic patterns indicative of spring-neap tidal variations in the abundance time series. Abundance was only weakly cross-correlated between the adjacent Grays Harbor and Willapa Bay estuaries, which contrasts with the more synchronous estuarine-coastal linkages measured for water properties. These results suggest the interaction of larval aggregation size in the ocean with estuary-ocean exchange processes likely controls patterns of estuarine recruitment.  相似文献   

The distribution of temperature and salinity in the upper 500 m of the northwestern Bay of Bengal, adjoining the east coast of India, during the retreat of southwest monsoon (September) of 1983 is presented. This study reveals coastal upwelling (limited to the upper 40 m) induced by the local winds. Waters of higher surface salinity near the coast characterize the upwelling. The freshwater influx near the head of the Bay diluted the surface salinity to as low as 26.0 × 10−3. The surface circulation was weak and led to a net transport of 2.0 × 106m3.s−1 directed towards northeast.  相似文献   

The Loop Current and its shed eddies dominate the circulation and dynamics of the Gulf of Mexico (GoM) basin. Those eddies are strongly energetic and are the cause of intense currents that may penetrate several hundred meters deep. However, there are regions in the GoM and periods of time in which the local atmospheric forcing plays an important role in its dynamics and thermodynamics. The circulation on the shelves, and particularly on the inner shelf, is mainly wind-driven with seasonality, changing direction during the year with periods of favorable upwelling/downwelling conditions. The wind-driven circulation is associated with the transport of waters with different temperature and salinity characteristics from one region to another. The interannual variability of the circulation on the shelves is linked to the atmospheric variability. Intraseasonal variability of the wind patterns considerably affects the likelihood and magnitude of upwelling and downwelling. The geometry of the GoM is such that large-scale winds may drive opposing upcoast/downcoast currents along different parts of the curving coast, resulting in convergence or divergence zones. The width of the shelves in the GoM is variable;while the West Florida Shelf, the Texas-Louisiana shelf and the Campeche Bank are more than 200 km wide, they are narrower near Veracruz and Tabasco. Another consequence of the GoM physiography and the wind forcing is the development of cross-shelf transports in the southern Bay of Campeche, the southern Texas shelf and southeast of the Mississippi river, which in turn vary during the year. During autumn-winter (from September to April), the GoM is affected by cold fronts coming from the northwest United States, which are associated with strong, dry, and cold winds that mix its waters and generate large sensible and latent heat fluxes from the ocean to the atmosphere. These frontal passages also cool the GoM surface waters due to mixing with lower temperature subsurface waters. During summer, tropical cyclones crossing the GoM can dramatically affect circulation and coastal upwelling.  相似文献   

Fossil reef deposits of the American oyster,Crassostrea virginica, are a common component of the near surface sediments in the middle and upper reaches of Mobile Bay, northern Gulf of Mexico. Mining of these deposits occurred from 1946 through 1982 in open areas of undisturbed bay bottom, outside of the shipping channel corridors, in water depths of 3–5 m. The mining process resulted in the formation of pit to furrow-shaped depressions with elevated rims at some sites and troughs and ridges in other areas. Studies carried out in the early 1970s predicted normal physical processes would restore the bottom to pre-shell mining conditions within 1 yr, thus minimizing any long-term effects on the Mobile Bay estuary. However, over the period 1974–1976 unfilled excavations, some with raised rims and ridges, were observed where mining had occurred 3–5 yr earlier. In addition, the depressions tended to be sites of relatively high salinity, hypoxic to anoxic water. In 1992–1993, close grid bathymetric surveys produced no indication of either depressions or raised features at any of the old mining sites. Evidence suggests this leveling of the bay’s bathymetry was the result of two major hurricanes, Frederic in 1979 and Elena in 1985, which mobilized and redistributed significant quantities of sediments within Mobile Bay. These findings indicate currents and waves associated with Mobile Bay’s normal tidal activity and annual recurrent storms were acting very slowly to refill depressions and flatten elevated features. In contrast, the direct impact of major hurricanes appears to have served as an effetive agent to return Mobile Bay’s bathymetry to a state similar to pre-shell mining conditions.  相似文献   

Changes in circulation, water level, salinity, suspended sediments, and sediment flux resulted from Tropical Storm Frances and Hurricane Georges in the Vermilion-Atchafalaya Bay region during September 1998. Tropical Storm Frances made landfall near Port Aransas, Texas, 400 km west of the study area, and yet the strong and long-lived southeasterly winds resulted in the highest water levels and salinity values of the year at one station in West Cote Blanche Bay. Water levels were abnormally high across this coastal bay system, although salinity impacts varied spatially. Over 24 h, salinity increased from 5 to 20 psu at Site 1 on the east side of West Cote Blanche Bay. Abnormally high salinities were recorded in Atchafalaya Bay but not at stations in Vermilion Bay. On September 28, 1998, Hurricane Georges made landfall near Biloxi, Mississippi, 240 km east of the study area. On the west side of the storm, wind stress was from the north and maximum winds locally reached 14 m s−1. The wind forcing and physical responses of the bay system were analogous to those experienced during a winter cold-front passage. During the strong, north wind stress period, coastal water levels fell, salinity decreased, and sediment-laden bay water was transported onto the inner shelf. As the north wind stress subsided, a pulse of relatively saline water entered Vermilion Bay through Southwest Pass increasing salinity from 5 to 20 psu over a 24-h period. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)-14 reflectance imagery revealed the regional impacts of wind-wave resuspension and the bay-shelf exchange of waters. During both storm events, suspended solid concentrations increased by an order of magnitude from 75 to over 750 mg l−1. The measurements demonstrated that even remote storm systems can have marked impacts on the physical processes that affect ecological processes in shallow coastal bay systems.  相似文献   

Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) larvae have been collected for resource monitoring purposes in the Sheepscot River in mid-coastal Maine during October–February, for the past 20 years. During this period, the larval population in the river has typically peaked in October-early November and has been composed of larvae derived from August–September spawning in eastern Maine and New Brunswick waters and from September-early October spawning along the central Maine coast. Larvae from eastern coastal spawning areas are transported to the river by the prevailing westerly coastal current. The appearance of small (≤15 mm SL) larvae in the river during December and January 1985–1989 suggested an additional time and area of origin. Aging procedures based on enumeration of daily otolith increments showed the majority of these small larvae were spawned from mid October to mid November when spawning usually occurs in western Maine coastal waters and in the vicinity of Jeffreys Ledge. Comparison of back-calculated hatching dates for small larvae collected in the river with wind direction and velocity data from mid October through November suggested that larvae were transported eastward against a weakened Gulf of Maine coastal current to the Sheepscot River by complex wind-driven surface currents that occur off the western Maine coast in the fall. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY059 00003  相似文献   

The evolution of a front that forms inshore of the main Chesapeake Bay plume, near Cape Henry, Virginia, United States, was observed during a period of downwelling-favorable winds in May 1999. A novel aspect of this study was the use of an underway, horizontally-oriented acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) to map the front and to study its evolving shape. Measurements made during flood tide show the front forming about 2 km from shore and then advancing shoreward (at about 20 cm s−1) over dense, inshore water. Measurements made while anchored 1 km from shore show the surface salinity increasing during ebb tide, then abruptly decreasing during flood tide as the front moves inshore. To account for this cycle of events, a conceptual model is proposed in which dense water upwells to the surface during ebb tide near Cape Henry, helping to set the stage for frontal formation on the flood. The cyclic recurrence of this Cape Henry front so close to the mouth of the bay may provide a mechanism for recirculating estuarine material that would otherwise be transported southward in the coastal buoyancy current.  相似文献   

应用嵌套模式研究梅梁湖区风生流   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
应用数值嵌套模式,研究不同风向情况下,梅梁湖与竺山湖之间的马山区围垦对梅梁湖风生流的影响。结果表明:风场作用初期,偏S风使得太湖湖水流入梅梁湖;偏N风使得梅梁湖湖水流入太湖。梅梁湖稳定风生流流态表现为:在S、E风作用下形成逆时针环流;在N、W风作用下形成顺时针环流。马山区围垦阻隔了梅梁湖与竺山湖之间的湖水交换,进而影响梅梁湖的风生流流态,导致其湖水更新速度减慢。  相似文献   

A quasi-three-dimensional view of a scallop-shaped river plume front is derived using acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) backscatter measurements recorded in individual range bins. The data show that the scallops consist of broad troughs of plume water separated by narrow cusps of ambient water and have an along-front wavelength of about 13 m. Having this view across such an inhomogeneous region is helpful in interpreting the corresponding ADCP velocity measurements, so that an examination of just those ADCP profiles made in the ambient water shows the expected strong sinking motion, which reaches about 25 cm s?1 at 1–2-m depth.  相似文献   

Response of the coastal regions of eastern Arabian Sea (AS) and Kavaratti Island lagoon in the AS to the tropical cyclonic storm `Phyan??, which developed in winter in the south-eastern AS and swept northward along the eastern AS during 9?C12 November 2009 until its landfall at the northwest coast of India, is examined based on in situ and satellite-derived measurements. Wind was predominantly south/south-westerly and the maximum wind speed (U10) of ~16 m/s occurred at Kavaratti Island region followed by ~8 m/s at Dwarka (Gujarat) and ~7 m/s at Diu (located south of Dwarka) as well as two southwest Indian coastal locations (Mangalore and Malpe). All other west Indian coastal sites recorded maximum wind speed of ~5?C6 m/s. Gust factor (i.e., gust-to-speed ratio) during peak storm event was highly variable with respect to topography, with steep hilly stations (Karwar and Ratnagiri) and proximate thick and tall vegetation-rich site (Kochi) exhibiting large values (~6), whereas Island station (Kavaratti) exhibiting ~1 (indicating consistently steady wind). Rainfall in association with Phyan was temporally scattered, with the highest 24-h accumulated precipitation (~60 mm) at Karwar and ~45 mm at several other west Indian coastal sites. Impact of Phyan on the west Indian coastal regions was manifested in terms of intensified significant waves (~2.2 m at Karwar and Panaji), sea surface cooling (~5°C at Calicut), and moderate surge (~50 cm at Verem, Goa). The surface waves were south-westerly and the peak wave period (T p) shortened from ~10?C17 s to ~5?C10 s during Phyan, indicating their transition from the long-period `swell?? to the short-period `sea??. Reduction in the spread of the mean wave period (T z) from ~5?C10 s to a steady period of ~6 s was another manifestation of the influence of the cyclone on the surface wave field. Several factors such as (1) water piling-up at the coast supported by south/south-westerly wind and seaward flow of the excess water in the rivers due to heavy rains, (2) reduction of piling-up at the coast, supported by the upstream penetration of seawater into the rivers, and (3) possible interaction of upstream flow with river run-off, together resulted in the observed moderate surge at the west Indian coast. Despite the intense wind forcing, Kavaratti Island lagoon experienced insignificantly weak surge (~7 cm) because of lack of river influx and absence of a sufficiently large land boundary required for the generation and sustenance of wave/wind-driven water mass piling-up at the land?Csea interface.  相似文献   

The distributions of particulate elements (Al, P, Mn, Fe, Co, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb), dissolved trace metals (Mn, Fe, Co, Cu, Zn, and Cd), and dissolved nutrients (nitrate, phosphate, and silicic acid) were investigated in the Gulf of the Farallones, a region of high productivity that is driven by the dynamic mixing of the San Francisco Bay plume, upwelled waters, and California coastal surface waters. Particulate metals were separated into >10 and 0.4-10 μm size-fractions and further fractionated into leachable (operationally defined with a 25% acetic acid leach) and refractory particulate concentrations. Dissolved metals (< 0.4 μm pore-size filtrate) were separated into colloidal (0.03-0.4 μm) and soluble (<0.03 μm) fractions. The percent leachable particulate fractions ranged from 2% to 99% of the total particulate concentration for these metals with Mn and Cd being predominantly leachable and Fe and Al being predominantly refractory. The leachable particulate Pb concentration was associated primarily with suspended sediments from San Francisco Bay and was a tracer of the plume in coastal waters. The particulate trace metal data suggest that the leachable fraction was an available source of trace metal micronutrients to the primary productivity in coastal waters. The dissolved trace metals in the San Francisco Bay plume and freshly upwelled surface waters were similar in concentration, with the exception of Cu and Co, which exhibited relatively high concentrations in plume waters and served as tracers of this water mass. The dissolved data and estimates of the plume dynamics suggest that the impact of anthropogenic inputs of nutrients and trace metals in the San Francisco Bay plume contributes substantially to the concentrations found in the Gulf of the Farallones (10-50% of estimated upwelled flux values), but does not greatly disrupt the natural stoichiometric balance of trace metal and nutrient elements within coastal waters given the similarity in concentrations to sources in upwelled water. In all, the data from this study demonstrate that the flux of dissolved nutrients and bioactive trace metals from the San Francisco Bay plume contribute to the high and relatively constant phytoplankton biomass observed in the Gulf of the Farallones.  相似文献   

A monitoring program was undertaken to evaluate the adverse impacts of the El Arish power plant on the northeastern Sinai coast of Egypt. This program spanned 28 months and includes intensive hydrographic surveying, measurements of waves, longshore current, littoral drift, currents behind the breaker zone, offshore currents, sea-level variation and water quality. The shoreline dynamics of the region have been substantially disrupted due to the high-intensity longshore transport and the interruption of longshore transport by the shore-perpendicular intake breakwaters. Maximum erosion of 5.5 m/year has been documented east of the breakwater. This erosion has been continuing eastwards, threatening the resort centers on the downcoast beaches. On the other hand, accretion (11.7 m/year) is recorded along the western side of the breakwater, accumulating great volumes of sand which is transported to the east by littoral currents. Part of this sand enters the intake basin, causing sedimentation problems by the easterly and westerly littoral drifts and cross-shore currents. In other respect, an unprotected offshore channel dredged in front of the water discharger, east of the intake, acts as an effective trap for the predominantly easterly sand drift, subsequently interrupting sediments moving from the east, accelerating processes of erosion to the east. The cooling and wastewater discharging from the discharger to the sea are insignificantly warmer than the upcoast water and not contaminated with chemical wastes. The thermal and chemical plume has no significant effect on the quality of the coastal water in the region.  相似文献   

Controls on organic matter cycling across the tidal wetland-estuary interface have proved elusive, but high-resolution observations coupled with process-based modeling can be a powerful methodology to address shortcomings in either methodology alone. In this study, detailed observations and three-dimensional hydrodynamic modeling are used to examine biogeochemical exchanges in the marsh-estuary system of the Rhode River, MD, USA. Analysis of observations near the marsh in 2015 reveals a strong relationship between marsh creek salinity and dissolved organic matter fluorescence (fDOM), with wind velocity indirectly driving large amplitude variation of both salinity and fDOM at certain times of the year. Three-dimensional model results from the Finite Volume Community Ocean Model implemented for the wetland system with a new marsh grass drag module are consistent with observations, simulating sub-tidal variability of marsh creek salinity. The model results exhibit an interaction between wind-driven variation in surface elevation and flow velocity at the marsh creek, with northerly winds driving increased freshwater signal and discharge out of the modeled wetland during precipitation events. Wind setup of a water surface elevation gradient axially along the estuary drives the modeled local sub-tidal flow and thus salinity variability. On sub-tidal time scales (>36 h, <1 week), wind is important in mediating dissolved organic matter releases from the Kirkpatrick Marsh into the Rhode River.  相似文献   

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