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The emigration of juvenile Atlantic menhaden,Brevoortia tyrannus (Latrobe), from the York River Estuary, Virginia, was studied during the years 1981 and 1982. Concurrent observations of menhaden catch, water temperature, and phytoplankton abundance suggested that the migration began in response to environmental events in the estuary. Juvenile menhaden appeared to begin their migration five days after the sustained onset of water temperatures below 24 °C. The temperature change was hypothesized as the proximate factor that initiates the migration. Coincident with the migrations, phytoplankton communities in the estuary bloomed, suggesting that the ultimate factor that initiates the migration may be the occurrence of sufficient food for the emigrating menhaden as they moved down and out of the estuary. Migration timing may have evolved as a mechanism to enhance the survival of migrating juvenile menhaden during a period of physiologic stress.  相似文献   

Over 968,000 adult Atlantic menhaden,Brevoortia tyrannus, were tagged from 1967 to 1969 and over 85,000 juvenile menhaden were tagged from 1969 to 1973. Recoveries of these tagged fish through 1975 provide direct evidence that Atlantic menhaden consist of a single population that over-winters in offshore waters off the southeastern coast of the United States, moves northward in spring and stratifies along the coast by age and size during summer, and moves southward in late autumn.  相似文献   

Three gear types were used to collect finfish species from several tributaries of the South Creek estuary near Aurora, North Carolina, to ascertain whether a man-initiated marsh and creek system resembled adjacent natural areas in finfish species composition and abundance. Project Area II was the man-initiated area constructed in 1983 as up-front mitigation by North Carolina Phosphate Corporation prior to its anticipated mining in the headwaters of nearby natural wetlands. Two creeks served as controls throughout the study: Drinkwater Creek and Jacks Creek. Otter trawls were used monthly from July 1984 through December 1988. Wegener rings were used in April, July, and October from 1984 through 1987. An experimental gill net was used monthly from June 1984 through 1985. A total of 48 finfish species was captured during the study; only 14 species (29.2%) were common among gear types. The species collected were mud sunfish, blueback herring, alewife American shad, striped anchovy, bay anchovy, inland silverside, American eel, silver perch, Atlantic menhaden, crevalle jack, common carp, spotted seatrout, weakfish, sheepshead minnow, gizzard shad, ladyfish, chain pickerel, banded killifish, mummichog, striped killifish, rainwater killifish, mosquitofish, naked goby, green goby, white catfish, brown bull-head, pinfish, longnose gar, green sunfish, pumpkinseed, bluegill, redear sunfish, spot, Atlantic croaker, largemouth bass, white perch, striped bass, striped mullet, white mullet, golden shiner, summer flounder, southern flounder, yellow perch, bluefish, Atlantic needlefish, hogchoker, andTilapia species. Abundance of finfish species was a function of gear type. Bay anchovy and spot represented about 85% of all fish in trawl samples. The remainder was comprised of 27 other species. In Wegener rings, five species—bay anchovy, menhaden, rainwater killifish, spot, and inland silverside—each represented over 10% of all fish collected. Croaker and striped mullet each comprised more than 5% of all fish collected in Wegener rings, but were present in substantial numbers only in 1985. Based on trawl samples, the total number of finfish collected from Project Area II during the period 1984–1988 was statistically similar to those collected from the control creeks; Wegener ring data analysis indicated significantly greater catches in Project Area II compared to the control creeks. Bay anchovy catches were not significantly different among the three creeks by either trawl or Wegener ring. The same result was true for Atlantic menhaden and southern flounder. The abundance of spot in trawl samples from Project Area II was significantly greater than for the control creeks; abundance in ring samples from Project Area II was statistically similar to Jacks Creek, but significantly higher than Drinkwater Creek. The number of Atlantic croaker in Project Area II trawl samples was significantly lower than for the cotnrol creeks. Wegener rings did not sample croaker effectively.  相似文献   

Since the 1950’s the population structure of the Atlantic menhaden,Brevoortia tyrannus, has undergone dramatic changes. High rates of fishery exploitation during the 1960’s resulted in a drastic decline in the breadth of the age structure and numbers of spawning aged fish. The stock recovered under continued exploitation during the 1970’s in spite of these unfavorable conditions. Hence, the length and age at first spawning, the seasons and areas of spawning, and the potential number of ova produced as a function of length were reexamined during the 1978, 1979, and 1981 fishing seasons. No changes were detected in the reproductive biology of Atlantic menhaden. The size at first spawning, areas, and season of spawning were similar to results of previous studies. The minimum fork length of potential spawners was 180 mm. Few age-1 fish were mature but most females were mature at age-2. Analysis of the ovaries collected along the coast indicated some spawning occurred in the spring, a limited amount occurred in the summer, and most spawning occurred during the fall and winter. There was high intra-and interyear variability in the relationship between length and potential number of ova produced, and regression coefficients encompassed values from two previous studies, each based on a single fishing year. Data from this and the previous studies were combined and equally weighted to generate a representative predictive equation for the potential number of ova spawned as a function of length: eggs = 2563e0.0150(FL).  相似文献   

The Atlantic menhaden,Brevoortia tyrannus, is an abundant plankton-feeding fish that undertakes extensive seasonal migrations, moving from overwintering locations offshore south of Cape Hatteras to the mid-Atlantic Bight and New England inshore waters during spring and summer. A bioenergetic model, based on field and laboratory studies, shows that when large numbers of menhaden enter Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, during spring and early summer, they significantly influence plankton populations through size-selective grazing and nutrient regeneration. A population biomass of 9.1×106 kg of menhaden feeding for 12 h each day in the upper bay would result, in a substantial reduction of the instantaneous growth rate of the >20-μm phytoplankton. Instantaneous growth rates of zooplankton would be negative if the same population of menhaden was present, resulting in a reduction in the biomass of zooplankton. Given the ambient phytoplankton and zooplankton populations, menhaden could achieve the seasonal growth measured in Narragansett Bay during 1976 by feeding on average about 5 h d?1. Daily nitrogen excretion rates of the 9.1×106 kg menhaden population were 56.4% of the mean standing stock of ammonia-N in the upper bay. Because menhaden travel in schools their effects are likely to be intense but strongly localized, increasing spatial heterogeneity in the ecosystem. When the fish migrate southward in the fall they transfer between 3.3% and 6.2% of the nitrogen exported annually from the bay.  相似文献   

Menhaden are one of the most abundant components of fish communities in Gulf and Atlantic estuaries. Juvenile menhaden have been reported to have zooplankton, phytoplankton, andSpartina-derived detritus in their guts. However, there has been disagreement over the importance of the detritus as a food source. We show, using physiological and stable isotope evidence, that detritus can be used by juvenile Gulf menhaden. Their diet is very roughly 30% detritus- and 70% plankton-based.  相似文献   

A hypothesis on the formation and seasonal evolution of Atlantic menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus) juvenile nurseries in coastal estuaries is described. A series of cruises were undertaken to capture postmetamorphic juvenile menhaden and to characterize several biological and physical parameters along estuarine gradients. The two study systems, the Neuse and Pamlico rivers in North Carolina, contain important menhaden nursery grounds. Juvenile menhaden abundance was found to be associated with gradients of phytoplankton biomass as evidenced by chlorophylla levels in the upper water column. Fish abundances were only secondarily associated with salinity gradients as salinity was a factor that moderated primary production in the estuary. The persistence of spatial and temporal trends in the distribution of phytoplankton in the Neuse and Pamlico estuaries was reviewed. The review suggested that postmetamorphic juvenile menhaden modify their distribution patterns to match those created by phytoplankton biomass, which in turn makes them most abundant in the phytoplankton maxima of estuaries. Because the location of these maxima varies with the mixing and nutrient dynamics of different estuaries, so will the location of the nursery.  相似文献   

Larval fishes were sampled weekly from late fall to early spring in the Newport River estuary just inside Beaufort Inlet, North Carolina. Quantitative samples were taken during darkness at mid-flood tide with paired 60-cm bongo nets (505-μm mesh). Larvae of 22 species from 15 families were collected. Seventy-seven percent of the species and 97% of the individuals were fishes that had been spawned on the continental shelf and had immigrated to the estuary. In descending order, the five most abundant species, accounting for 90% of the individuals, were spot (Leiostomus xanthurus), Atlantic croaker (Micropogonias undulatus), Atlantic menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus), pinfish (Lagodon rhomboides), and speckled worm ell (Myrophis punctatus). Most species immigrated through-out the winter and into spring, but there were distinct patterns in their temporal abundances.  相似文献   

A spatially-explicit methodology was developed for estimating system carrying capacities of fish stocks, and used to estimate the seasonal and spatial patterns of carrying capacity of Chesapeake Bay for Atlantic menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus). We used a spatially-explicit three-dimensional (3-D) model that divided the heterogeneous habitat of Chesapeake Bay into over 4,000 cubes. Each cube represented a volume of water that was characterized by a specific set of environmental variables (phytoplankton biomass, temperature, and dissolved oxygen) driven by the 3-D water quality model. Foraging and bioenergetics models transformed the environmental variables into measures of potential growth rates of menhaden. Potential carrying capacity of menhaden was estimated as a function of phytoplankton production, menhaden consumption rate, and potential growth rate, combining phytoplankton production, thermal habitat, and menhaden physiology into one ecological value that is a measure of habitat quality from the perspective of the fish. Seasonal analysis of the Chesapeake Bay carrying capacity for Atlantic menhaden suggested two bottleneck periods: one in early June and a second during the fall. The bottleneck in carrying capacity was at about 10 billion age-0 fish. Annual recruitment of age-0 menhaden for the entire Atlantic coast of the U.S. ranged from 1.2–18.6 billion fish between 1955 and 1986. It appears that carrying capacity of, Chesapeake Bay does not limit the coastwide production of young menhaden. Any conditions such as nutrient reduction strategies, further eutrophication, or global climatic warming, that may influence the carrying capacity during the fall or early June periods, may ultimately alter coastwide abundance of menhaden through changes in Chesapeake Bay carrying capacity.  相似文献   

Maryland’s coastal bays provide habitat for juveniles of many commercially and recreationally important species of shellfish and finfish. Since 1972, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources has conducted the Maryland Coastal Bays Trawl and Seine Survey to monitor the populations of key species. The survey has undergone substantial spatial and methodological changes affecting the interpretation of simple indices of abundance. We developed generalized linear models to standardize the indices of abundance of five commonly caught fish species: Atlantic menhaden Brevoortia tyrannus, weakfish Cynoscion regalis, spot Leiostomus xanthurus, bay anchovy Anchoa mitchilli, and summer flounder Paralichthys dentatus. Density declined significantly since 1972 for menhaden, bay anchovy, and spot in at least one region within the coastal bays. The northern bays had significantly higher densities than the southern bays for all species. Changes in abundance indices of the five species examined were not related to sea grass coverage, temperature, salinity, nitrogen-to-phosphorus ratios, and other habitat variables but were likely a result of stock-wide recruitment processes.  相似文献   

Atlantic menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus) is well known for its commercial and ecological importance and has been historically declining in the Chesapeake Bay (Maryland), one of its principal nursery habitats along the eastern coast. Using data from the Striped Bass Seine Survey of the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (2003), we evaluated how the distribution of Atlantic menhaden has changed from 1966 to 2004 for 12 river drainages. We observed significant or marginally significant declines in 42% of the drainages, with drainages of the northern Bay showing the majority of those declines. Continued recruitment to several drainages of the Bay may partly explain why the adult spawning population is not declining. We determined if temporal changes in abundance were related to changes in salinity or water quality for five major drainages of the watershed. For one of these drainages, the Patuxent River, differences in productivity across sites largely explained differences in abundance. For the four remaining drainages, differences in recruitment could not be explained by productivity or salinity gradients. While reducing nitrogen loading and enhancing water clarity may improve Atlantic menhaden production, we suggest that the role of offshore processes on large-scale declines has been largely neglected and studies on larval ingression are necessary for further elucidation of spatial and temporal patterns of juvenile distribution in the Chesapeake Bay.  相似文献   

We linked a 2-dimensional water quality model of the Patuxent River with a spatially-explicit model of fish growth to simulate how changes in land use in the Patuxent River Basin would affect the growth rate potential (GRP) of Atlantic menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus). Simulations of three land-use patterns that reflected current nutrient loadings, increased nutrient loadings, and decreased nutrient loadings were used to drive the water quality model. Changes in nutrient loadings caused changes in the timing and intensity of phytoplankton concentrations and the region of hypoxia increased during summer with increased nutrient loading. The spatial distribution of menhaden GRP was highly correlated with phytoplankton concentrations and localized in the middle on third of the Patuxent River. Menhaden growth rate was highest in early June and late summer. During June, menhaden GRP (and phytoplankton concentration) was lowest at the lower nutrient loading simulation. During late summer, mean menhaden growth rates were inversely proportional to nutrient loading rates and menhaden grew best when nutrient loadings were the lowest. Upriver to mid-river phytoplankton patches drove overall mean calculations. Model results suggest that more research is needed on water quality model predictions of phytoplankton levels at a high level of spatial and temporal resolution, menhaden foraging, and menhaden habitat selection.  相似文献   

Synoptic ichthyoplankton sampling was conducted on two transects, one on either side of Beaufort Inlet, North Carolina, during the winter immigration season of seven ocean-spawned, estuarine-dependent fishes;Brevoortia tyrannus (Atlantic menhaden),Leiostomus xanthurus (spot),Micropogonias undulatus (Atlantic croaker),Lagodon rhomboides (pinfish),Paralichthys albigutta (Gulf flounder),P. dentatus (summer flounder), andP. lethostigma (southern flounder). Densities and lengths of larvae were significantly different among sampling dates, with distance offshore, and between sides of the inlet. Flood-tide stage had minimal effect on larval densities and lengths except forP. albigutta andP. lethostigma. Changes in larval densities with distance offshore were not coherent among species; densities ofB. tyrammus increased offshore whereas densities of the other species decreased offshore. Average larval densities on a sampling date were coherent among species. Patterns in larval lengths were also coherent among the four non-flounder species. Larval densities outside of Beaufort Inlet were correlated with larval densities inside of Beaufort Inlet. Larval densities outside of Beaufort Inlet were also correlated with the north component of the wind, nearshore water temperature, and distance to the mid-shelf front. Differences in larval density across the inlet were significantly correlated with the east component of the wind. The patterns in larval densities outside of Beaufort Inlet were complex and apparently influenced by both the physical processes that supply larvae to the nearshore region and nearshore physical dynamics.  相似文献   

Seasonal and interannual patterns in the spatial distribution of bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) within a Middle Atlantic Bight estuary were examined using multipanel gillnets fished biweekly at 14 fixeds stations in the Sandy Hook Bay-N avesink River estuary during May–November of 1998 and 1999. To characterize habitats along the estuarine gradient, we measured several abiotic and biotic variables concurrently with gillnet sampling. Juvenile (age-0 and age-1+) bluefish were captured regularly during both years along with large numbers of Atlantic menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus), which were confirmed by diet analyses to be bluefish’s primary forage species. The date of initial appearance of age-0 bluefish and menhaden in the estuary varied between years and may have been related to interannual differences in seawater temperatures on the continental shelf during spring. Delayed estuarine arrival of prey fishes may have contributed to variability in bluefish diets between years. Within the estuary, bluefish spatial distribution were consistent across seasons and years: bluefish were most common in areas associated with high concentrations of suspended materials and the presence of menhaden. Community analyses also indicated habitat overlap between bluefish and menhaden. Spatial distribution patterns revealed the consistent occurrence of piscivorous bluefish in shallow estuarine habitats that retained suspended materials and aggregated prey fishes. Foraging success of bluefish and other estuarine piscivores may be closely linked with the availability of these productive habitat, highlighting the need for future study of biological interactions and the governing physical processes.  相似文献   

The toxicPfiesteria complex are a group of dinoflagellates that have received considerable attention in recent years as causative factors in fish kill or lesion events in North Carolina estuaries and in the Pocomoke River of Chesapeake Bay. In response to the potentialPfiesteria threat, the South Carolina Task Group on Harmful Algae was formed in late 1997 and implemented programs to monitor harmful algal blooms and respond to fish kills or lesion events with particular emphasis on the Bushy Park (Cooper River, Charleston) region, a site of annually recurrent menhaden lesion events.Pfiesteria piscicida, Pfiesteria shumwayae, andCryptoperidiniopsis spp. were documented in South Carolina estuaries. Routine monitoring and fish kill or lesion event sampling consistently indicated low abundances compared to estimates from similar programs in North Carolina and Maryland that sampled areas with a history ofPfiesteria toxic activity. The finding thatPfiesteria-like organism (PLO) abundances were always low in samples collected during menhaden lesion events in Bushy Park suggested other causes for lesion progression, althoughPfiesteria spp. could not be ruled out as a factor in lesion initiation. Based on the previously demonstrated positive relationship between PLO abundance, chlorophylla, and inorganic nutrient concentrations (in laboratory experiments and North Carolina field observations), we hypothesized that the relatively low abundance ofPfiesteria spp. and other PLO (e.g.,Cryptoperidiniopsis) in South Carolina estuaries is related to the relatively low supply of phytoplankton prey, as supported by interstate comparisons in chlorophylla concentrations. Nitrate concentrations were generally much lower in South Carolina estuaries. Estuarine eutrophication may be an important consideration in explaining interstate differences in susceptibility toPfiesteria-related toxic events.  相似文献   

Eighty-nine juvenile Atlantic sturgeon,Acipenser oxyrhynchus oxyrhynchus, including 10 recaptures, were collected, tagged and released in the upper tidal Delaware River between July 1981 and December 1984. All were captured in the river channel between Roebling and Trenton, New Jersey, using bottom-set experimental gill nets during daylight hours. The species was present from July through December and collected in increased numbers in the past two years. The fork lengths ranged from 284 to 862 mm (mean±SD = 516 mm±106 mm) and the weights from 140 to 4,250 g (mean±SD = 1,369 g±815 g). Ten juvenile Atlantic sturgeon were recaptured between September 1983 and December 1984 and were at large from one to 418 d. Recapture data suggest that these sturgeon utilize this area annually from July through December, possibly as a nursery. Juvenile Atlantic sturgeon appear to utilize the upper tidal portion of the Delaware River for a much longer period of time and at lower temperatures than in other river systems.  相似文献   

We describe isolated shark teeth collected from levels of the Calafate Formation at the SE coast of the Argentino Lake, Calafate city, Santa Cruz province, Argentina (Atlantic Ocean), and from the Algarrobo coast at the Valparaíso Region in central Chile (Pacific Ocean). The teeth belong to a new species of the echinorhiniform genus Echinorhinus. Echinorhinus maremagnum n. sp. was a taxon distributed in both the southwestern Atlantic and the southeastern Pacific. This new taxon constitutes the oldest record of echinorhiniforms from South America and one of the few Mesozoic records at a worldwide scale.  相似文献   

The larvae of winter spawning fishes immigrating through Beaufort Inlet into the Pamlico Sound estuarine system (North Carolina, United States) were passively sampled during 14 flood tides and nine of the following ebb tides. Five taxa were abundant in the catches. Pelagic species were represented by Atlantic menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus. Nonpelagic taxa were represented by Atlantic croaker, Micropogonias undulatus, spot, Leiostomus xanthurus, pinfish, Lagodon rhomboides, and flatfishes of the genus Paralichthys. The sampling was continuous and the sample duration varied between 4 min and 32 min. The longest samples furnished the most accurate and precise estimates of the mean tidal abundance. Sampling 10 min each hour of the tide was the most efficient protocol for determining the mean tidal abundance. The abundance patterns was shown to differ according to the pelagic or nonpelagic behavior of the larvae. Analyses suggested the nonpelagic taxa rely on astronomical tides and vertical migrations synchronous with the direction of the tide flow to be transported upstream in the estuary. These larvae were not dependent upon the strength of the tide to penetrate the inlet. In contrast, menhaden larvae seemed to rely primarily on strong food tides to enter the estuarine area, probably because the vertical positioning of the species within the water column is not dependent upon the direction of the tide. However, if larvae were present outside of the inlet, strong flood tides indiscriminately brought pelagic and nonpelagic species into the estuary.  相似文献   

Holocene high-resolution cores from the margin of the Arctic Ocean are rare. Core P189AR-P45 collected in 405-m water depth on the Beaufort Sea slope, west of the Mackenzie River delta (70°33.03′N and 141°52.08′W), is in close vertical proximity to the present-day upper limit of modified Atlantic water. The 5.11-m core spans the interval between ∼6800 and 10,400 14C yr B.P. (with an 800-yr ocean reservoir correction). The sediment is primarily silty clay with an average grain-size of 9 φ. The chronology is constrained by seven radiocarbon dates. The rate of sediment accumulation averaged 1.35 mm/yr. Stable isotopic data (δ18O and δ13C) were obtained on the polar planktonic foraminifera Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (s) and the benthic infaunal species Cassidulina neoteretis. A distinct low-δ18O event is captured in both the benthic and planktonic data at ∼10,000 14C yr B.P.—probably recording the glacial Lake Agassiz outburst flood associated with the North Atlantic preboreal cold event. The benthic foraminifera are dominated in the earliest Holocene by C. neoteretis, a species associated with modified Atlantic water masses. This species decreases toward the core top with a marked environmental reversal occurring ∼7800 14C yr B.P., possibly coincident with the northern hemisphere 8200 cal yr B.P. cold event.  相似文献   

Egg deposition by the intertidal spawning fish Atlantic silverside (Menidia menidia) was compared among six shoreline types (Spartina alterniflora, Phragmites australis, sandy beach, riprap, riprap-sill, and bulkhead) and various substrates. In spring 2010, M. menidia egg density was measured daily near Roosevelt Inlet, Delaware Bay, USA. Over 3,000,000 eggs were collected during 50 sampling days. Eggs were deposited at all six shoreline types, with >93?% of eggs collected from S. alterniflora shorelines. Choice of substrate for egg attachment was similar across shoreline types with >91?% of eggs collected from filaments of the green alga Enteromorpha spp., a disproportionately high utilization rate in comparison with Enteromorpha spp.'s relative coverage. This study demonstrates that S. alterniflora shoreline, in association with Enteromorpha spp., is the preferred spawning habitat for M. menidia and that hardened shorelines and shorelines inhabited by P. australis support substantially reduced egg densities.  相似文献   

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