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The Middle Jurassic Walloon Subgroup is a prolific coal seam gas (CSG) resource in the Surat Basin, Queensland. Sedimentary framework models constrain stochastic reservoir models of the geological heterogeneity, but there is limited basin analysis information in the public domain. Here we present a regionally consistent stratigraphic framework model for the Walloon CSG play in the eastern Surat Basin. Lithostratigraphic correlation of open-file industry and government wireline logs supports the interpretation of six subunits in the eastern Surat Basin (oldest–youngest: Durabilla Formation; Taroom Coal Measures; Tangalooma Sandstone; and Juandah Coal Measures, informally divided into three members named the lower Juandah Coal Measures, Juandah sandstone and upper Juandah Coal Measures). Important findings are that subunits within the Walloon Subgroup do not correlate along the entire CSG play area; in many places, the overlying Springbok Sandstone (Upper Jurassic) has incised to the lower Juandah Coal Measures level, removing the upper coal seam groups. The Walloon Subgroup thins to the south through a combination of depositional thinning and truncation. Lithofacies analysis and isopach maps support deposition in a southerly prograding fluvial system or clastic wedge. This stratigraphic and depositional interpretation informs models for hydrogeological studies of the Walloon Subgroup and underpins a regional assessment of controls on microbial methane distribution.  相似文献   

本文论述了民和盆地朱家台组辫状河三角洲的主要沉积特征,及其与扇三角洲的异同点进行了重点讨论。对正确识别两类粗粒三角洲沉积,对盆地演化的研究及其储集性具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The Jurassic Walloon Coal Measures of the Surat Basin in eastern Australia host the continent's most significant coal bed methane resources. Previous studies have interpreted the Walloon Coal Measures within a single depositional facies model encompassing a wholly terrestrial setting. Using a multidisciplinary approach (facies analysis, palynology and wireline logs), the evolution of the Walloon Coal Measures is described within a new chronostratigraphic framework defined by accurate and precise U–Pb tuff dates. Analysis of sedimentary facies indicates that the majority of the Walloon Coal Measures was deposited by relatively small (<300 m wide), low gradient rivers on a poorly‐drained floodplain with numerous small lakes and mires. However, this study also identified some marine‐influenced facies with brackish palynomorphs (notably dinoflagellate cysts) and tidal sedimentary structures. These facies appear to have been deposited in estuaries during times of transgression. The evidence for base level shifts suggests that the coals may not have coevally accumulated with at least some of the thicker sandstones. Palaeogeographic maps for eleven time intervals suggest that rivers drained towards to the south/south‐west and south‐east, as indicated by sandstone percentage and gross unit isopach maps, presumably into proximal estuarine complexes. Marine incursions into the continent probably came from the north and east during times of high eustatic sea level and as precursors to those of the more persistent and extensive transgressions of the Early Cretaceous. A similar multidisciplinary approach should help to elucidate the evolution of other fluviolacustrine systems in other basins and aid in resource prediction.  相似文献   

The Lower Permian (Artinskian to Sakmarian) Pebbley Beach Formation (PBF) of the southernmost Sydney Basin in New South Wales, Australia, records sediment accumulation in shallow marine to coastal environments at the close of the Late Palaeozoic Gondwanan ice age. This paper presents a sequence stratigraphic re‐evaluation of the upper half of the unit based on the integration of sedimentology and ichnology. Ten facies are recognized, separated into two facies associations. Facies Association A (seven facies) comprises variably bioturbated siltstones and sandstones with marine body fossils, interpreted as recording sediment accumulation in open marine environments ranging from lower offshore to middle shoreface water depths. Evidence of deltaic influence is seen in several Association A facies. Facies Association B (three facies) comprises mainly heterolithic, interlaminated and thinly interbedded sandstone and siltstone with some thicker intervals of dark grey, organic‐rich mudstone, some units clearly filling incised channel forms. These facies are interpreted as the deposits of estuarine channels and basins. Throughout the upper half of the formation, erosion surfaces with several metres relief abruptly separate open marine facies of Association A (below) from estuarine facies of Association B (above). Vertical facies changes imply significant basinward shift of environment across these surfaces, and lowering of relative sea level in the order of 50 m. These surfaces can be traced over several kilometres along depositional strike, and are defined as sequence boundaries. On this basis, at least nine sequences have been recognized in the upper half of the formation, each of which is < 10 m thick, condensed, incomplete and top‐truncated. Sequences contain little if any record of the lowstand systems tract, a more substantial transgressive systems tract and a highstand systems tract that is erosionally truncated (or in some cases, missing). This distinctive stacking pattern (which suggests a dominance of retrogradation and progradation over aggradation) and the implied relative sea‐level drop across sequence boundaries of tens of metres are remarkably similar to some other studies of continental margin successions formed under the Neogene icehouse climatic regime. Accordingly, it is suggested that the stratigraphic architecture of the PBF was a result of an Icehouse climate regime characterized by repeated, high‐amplitude cycles of relative sea‐level change.  相似文献   

浅水三角洲是当今沉积学研究热点和油气勘探重点对象。鄂尔多斯盆地陇东地区三叠系延长组发育了大型浅水辫状河三角洲,并在其中发现了丰富的油气资源。在大量野外露头、岩心和地球物理资料分析的基础上,明确鄂尔多斯盆地延长组具有利于浅水辫状河三角洲发育的大型坳陷湖盆地质背景,形成的辫状河三角洲具有粒度较粗、塑性岩屑较多、成分和结构成熟度较低、发育交错层理和间断正韵律、水下分支河道多叉、砂厚、延伸远等沉积特征。鄂尔多斯盆地浅水辫状河三角洲沉积时期,沉积区距物源区相对较近,河道宽深比较大,发育浅水沉积构造和沉积韵律,构造活动和湖平面变化共同控制了三角洲的发育,形成了"小平原、大前缘"的浅水辫状河三角洲沉积体系。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Paragonite-bearing amphibolites occur interbedded with a garbenschist-micaschist sequence in the Austroalpine Schneeberg Complex, southern Tyrol. The mineral assemblage mainly comprises paragonite + Mg-hornblende/tschermakite + quartz + plagioclase + biotite + ankerite + Ti-phase + garnet ± muscovite. Equilibrium P–T conditions for this assemblage are 550–600°C and 8–10 kbar estimated from garnet–amphibole–plagioclase–ilmenite–rutile and Si contents of phengitic muscovites. In the vicinity of amphibole, paragonite is replaced by symplectitic chlorite + plagioclase + margarite +± biotite assemblages. Muscovite in the vicinity of amphibole reacts to form plagioclase + biotite + margarite symplectites. The reaction of white mica + hornblende is the result of decompression during uplift of the Schneeberg Complex. The breakdown of paragonite + hornblende is a water-consuming reaction and therefore it is controlled by the availability of fluid on the retrogressive P–T path. Paragonite + hornblende is a high-temperature equivalent of the common blueschist-assemblage paragonite + glaucophane in Ca-bearing systems and represents restricted P–T conditions just below omphacite stability in a mafic bulk system. While paragonite + glaucophane breakdown to chlorite + albite marks the blueschist/greenschist transition, the paragonite + hornblende breakdown observed in Schneeberg Complex rocks is indicative of a transition from epidote-amphibolite facies to greenschist facies conditions at a flatter P–T gradient of the metamorphic path compared to subduction-zone environments. Ar/Ar dating of paragonite yields an age of 84.5 ± 1 Ma, corroborating an Eoalpine high-pressure metamorphic event within the Austroalpine unit west of the Tauern Window. Eclogites that occur in the Ötztal Crystalline Basement south of the Schneeberg Complex are thought to be associated with this Eoalpine metamorphic event.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to recognise the variability of petrographical structure of two coal seams occurring in the Cracow Sandstone Series (Upper Carboniferous/Pennsylvanian, Upper Westphalian), being exploited in the Siersza mine. This mine is located in the eastern part of the Upper Silesia Coal Basin (USCB). The chemical analyses and petrographical features allow the inclusion of these coals to the group of hard brown coals belonging to subbituminous class.Two coal seams (207 and 209/210) of a considerable thickness (7.44 and 6.54 m, respectively), representative of the Cracow Sandstone Series (CSS), were chosen for the petrographic studies. Dominant macroscopic constituents of both seams are banded bright coal and banded coal.The coal seams were sampled in 284 intervals using a channel profile sampling strategy. The microscopical examinations revealed the majority of macerals from the vitrinite group (55%), followed by inertinite (21%), liptinite (11%), and mineral matter (13%). Low values of the vitrinite reflectance (Ro=0.46%) confirm very low coalification of the coal in both seams. Facies analysis indicates that in the course of a mire development, in which the studied coal seams originated, wet forest swamp conditions dominated characterized by a high degree of flooding and gelification as well as by a prevalence of arborescent plants. In such conditions, lithotypes with a large content of bright coal were mainly formed. Petrographic and facies data point to the rheotrophic character of these peatbogs. Frequent changes of the conditions in the peatbog, as it is shown by the variability of petrographic structure of the studied profiles, as well as by lateral changes of the phytogenic sedimentary environment within the coal seams, indicate a strong influence of a river channel on the adjoining peatbogs. An accretion of clastic sediments within the wide river channel belts was balanced mainly by the peatbog growth on the areas outside channels. Frequency and rate of avulsion of the river channels influenced the size, continuity and variability of the peatbogs.  相似文献   

Electrical borehole image logs yield high-resolution information about variations in micro-resistivity along the borehole wall. To interpret these variations in terms of sedimentary structures and lithofacies types, calibration with real rock is needed. Normally, the only real rock available is core, and this only provides one-dimensional information. In this paper, the interpretation of fluvial facies types from borehole image logs was established by direct comparison with outcrops. Four fluvial facies associations were established in an outcrop study of a low net-to-gross fluvial succession: (i) meandering rivers, (ii) braided rivers, (iii) crevasse deltas, and (iv) crevasse splays. The lithofacies characteristics and palaeocurrent distributions of each fluvial facies association were established. Two 200 m deep wells were drilled behind the cliff face outcrops. One well was cored to a depth of 150 m and borehole image logs were recorded in both wells. The wells were correlated with the outcrop. The borehole image logs were analysed by their vertical colour succession and the dipmeter pattern. Image log facies were established, and these were interpreted in terms of the fluvial facies associations encountered in the corresponding outcrops. The study of borehole image logs yields a set of diagnostic criteria for a detailed fluvial facies interpretation and the establishment of depositional trends, and thus provides a powerful tool for the direct interpretation of fluvial facies in a reservoir setting.  相似文献   

杨建业  任德贻 《沉积学报》2000,18(4):585-589
综合应用有机岩石学、地球化学及孢粉学的研究方法,对吐哈盆地台北凹陷及准噶尔盆地南缘J2x煤系的沉积有机相在陆相层序的格架中的分布特征进行了探讨。研究表明,一般情况下,各类沉积有机相在层序地层格架纵向上以湖侵体系域为中心对称分布,生烃能力最强的烃源岩出自湖湾-半深湖有机相,其位置一般出现在湖侵体系域中部,向上向下,烃源岩生烃能力依次变差。  相似文献   

Elucidation of diagenetic alterations in the Petrohan Terrigenous Group (fluvial; highstand systems tract HST) sandstones and Svidol Formation (tide-dominated deltaic and tidal flat, transgressive systems tract TST and highstand systems tract HST, respectively) sandstones and calcarenite, Lower Triassic, NW Bulgaria was constrained within a sequence stratigraphic framework. Eogenetic alterations in the fluvial HST sandstones include (i) formation of grain-coating infiltrated clays as a result of percolation of mud-rich surface waters into underlying coarse-grained and permeable channel-fills and crevasse splay sandstones; (ii) formation of pseudomatrix by mechanical compaction of mud intraclasts that were incorporated into the coarse-grained channel sandstones during their lateral avulsion; and (iii) cementation by calcite (δ18OVPDB = − 6.5‰ to − 3‰; δ13CVPDB = − 5.1‰ to + 0.6‰) and dolomite (δ18OVPDB = − 6.1‰ to − 0.3‰; δ13CVPDB = − 7.2‰ to − 5.8‰) in the crevasse splay and floodplain sediments. Mesogenetic alterations that are encountered in the fluvial HST sandstones include (i) illitization of grain-coating clays, mud intraclasts, and mica, possibly because of simultaneous albitization of feldspars; (ii) cementation by calcite (δ18OVPDB = − 14.5‰ to − 8.4‰; δ13CVPDB = − 7.7‰ to + 0.6‰) and dolomite (δ18OVPDB = − 15.8‰ to − 5‰; δ13CVPDB = − 7.9‰ to + 1.5‰); and (iii) limited amounts of quartz overgrowths in the channel sandstones owing to occurrence of thick grain-coating clays.

Conversely, the tide-dominated deltaic TST sandstones and the tidal flat HST calcarenite were pervasively cemented by calcite (δ18OVPDB = − 6.6‰ to − 3.1‰; δ13CVPDB = − 5.1‰ to + 0.6‰) and siderite (δ18OVPDB = − 7.2‰ to − 5.7‰; δ13CVPDB = + 0.3‰ to + 0.9‰) particularly below marine and maximum flooding surfaces, due to the presence of abundant bioclasts and prolonged residence time of the sediments under certain geochemical conditions along these surfaces. The remaining open pores were cemented during mesodiagenesis by calcite (δ18OVPDB = − 6.6‰ to − 3.1‰ and δ13CVPDB = − 5.1‰ to + 0.6‰) and dolomite (δ18OVPDB = − 6.6‰ to − 3.1‰ and δ13CVPDB = − 5.1‰ to + 0.6‰).

This study shows that constructing a conceptual model for the distribution of diagenetic alterations is possible by integration of diagenesis with sequence stratigraphy. The model shows that tide-dominated deltaic TST sandstones and tidal flat HST calcarenite were pervasively cemented by carbonates during near-surface eodiagenesis, owing to the presence of abundant bioclasts. Conversely, fluvial LST sandstones remained poorly cemented during near-surface eodiagenesis due to the lack of bioclasts, but were cemented by mesogenetic calcite, dolomite and quartz overgrowths instead.  相似文献   

通过对钻探、地震及露头资料的研究,将准噶尔盆地东缘三工河组划分为两个三级层序。在地震和测井剖面上识别出挠曲坡折带和断裂坡折带两种构造坡折带。坡折带对于研究区层序和沉积的控制作用主要表现为:对于层序,"径向沟梁辐射,纬向阶梯分布"的坡折带体系使得本区三工河底部低水位体系域发育,坡折带加强河道侧向迁移,削弱河道下蚀,增加准层序数量,坡折带高部位低水位体系域会侵蚀下覆地层;对于沉积,在精细开发区的三工河组识别出6种沉积微相组合,顺物源连井剖面上自下而上识别出3个沉积微相组合序列,陡坡区发育富河口坝三角洲前缘,缓坡区发育富河道三角洲前缘。  相似文献   

运用地层厚度印模法(延9+延10+富县组地层厚度)恢复出了陇东上里塬地区前侏罗纪古地貌形态,其形态为一级甘陕古河呈近东西向分布,二级庆西古河位于研究区南部向北注入甘陕古河,研究区的北部和南部分别发育姬塬和演武高地,在高地和河谷的过度带分别发育姬塬南斜坡和演武北斜坡,此外,在一级河谷中央还发育有河间丘,在斜坡上发育残丘、...  相似文献   

盆山转换与沉积地质记录——以楚雄前陆盆地分析为例   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
楚雄盆地位于扬子陆块的西南边缘,为一中生代周缘型前陆盆地。根据沉积相特征、层序地层结构和古地理演化的详细研究,结合古哀牢山造山带的构造演化,笔者认为楚雄盆地经历了从古生代被动大陆边缘沉积到中生代前陆盆地沉积的演化。前陆盆地演化的阶段性明显:晚三叠世卡尼期(云南驿组沉积期)和诺利早、中期(罗家大山组沉积期)为前陆复理石沉积;诺利晚期(花果山组沉积期)—古新世(赵家店组沉积期)为前陆磨拉石沉积。磨拉石沉积可分为海相含煤磨拉石和陆相红色磨拉石两种类型。其中陆相磨拉石沉积时间跨度长,分布面积广,沉积厚度大,沉积演化可细分为盆地成形、强烈沉降、回返充填和萎缩消亡四个阶段。随着逆冲造山楔的不断向上生长和向克拉通方向加载,楚雄前陆盆地经历了一个早期向上突然加深、变细和晚期向上变浅、变粗的沉积充填过程;盆地由早期复理石沉积演变为晚期磨拉石沉积;盆地基底形态由早期的窄而深演化为晚期的宽而浅;分布于造山楔前缘的盆地沉降与沉积中心也不断地向北东克拉通方向迁移。古流向、岩石学和岩石地球化学数据都显示楚雄前陆盆地沉积物的主要物源区为古哀牢山造山带,其次为东部隆起带,因此,盆地沉积物的供给具有明显的双物源特征。  相似文献   

Facies models for regressive, tide‐influenced deltaic systems are under‐represented in the literature compared with their fluvial‐dominated and wave‐dominated counterparts. Here, a facies model is presented of the mixed, tide‐influenced and wave‐influenced deltaic strata of the Sego Sandstone, which was deposited in the Western Interior Seaway of North America during the Late Cretaceous. Previous work on the Sego Sandstone has focused on the medial to distal parts of the outcrop belt where tides and waves interact. This study focuses on the proximal outcrop belt, in which fluvial and tidal processes interact. Five facies associations are recognized. Bioturbated mudstones (Facies Association 1) were deposited in an offshore environment and are gradationally overlain by hummocky cross‐stratified sandstones (Facies Association 2) deposited in a wave‐dominated lower shoreface environment. These facies associations are erosionally overlain by tide‐dominated cross‐bedded sandstones (Facies Association 4) interbedded with ripple cross‐laminated heterolithic sandstones (Facies Association 3) and channelized mudstones (Facies Association 5). Palaeocurrent directions derived from cross‐bedding indicate bidirectional currents which are flood‐dominated in the lower part of the studied interval and become increasingly ebb‐directed/fluvial‐directed upward. At the top of the succession, ebb‐dominated/fluvial‐dominated, high relief, narrow channel forms are present, which are interpreted as distributary channels. When distributary channels are abandoned they effectively become estuaries with landward sediment transport and fining trends. These estuaries have sandstones of Facies Association 4 at their mouth and fine landward through heterolithic sandstones of Facies Association 3 to channelized mudstones of Facies Association 5. Therefore, the complex distribution of relatively mud‐rich and sand‐rich deposits in the tide‐dominated part of the lower Sego Sandstone is attributed to the avulsion history of active fluvial distributaries, in response to a subtly expressed allogenic change in sediment supply and relative sea‐level controls and autocyclic delta lobe abandonment.  相似文献   

辫状河储层的夹层预测是油藏描述的重点内容。目前夹层的预测主要集中于夹层发育模式研究和心滩坝体的构型单元解剖,且多运用单一的预测方法。南苏丹P油田辫状河储层夹层类型多、规模差异大、分布复杂,定量表征难度较大,在文献调研的基础上,从夹层的沉积成因入手,依据不同沉积方式形成的沉积砂体及其内部泥质夹层形态与结构不同的特点,综合岩心、测井与地震等多种资料,提出多信息关联的辫状河储层夹层预测方法。在密井网区建立骨架剖面与三角网小剖面,运用测井资料的垂向高分辨率与地震资料的横向强连续性特征确定不同类型夹层的井间发育规模;在建立岩相模型的基础上,以隔层厚度分布图为约束条件,采用确定性建模方法建立稳定泥岩隔层分布模型;以沉积微相研究结果和夹层规模预测结果为约束条件,采用随机建模方法分别在砂岩相和泥岩非隔层相中模拟心滩坝、河道和各类型夹层的分布;最终确定了研究区主要存在4种成因类型的夹层,并在多信息关联的基础上建立反映多类型夹层空间分布的辫状河储层精细地质模型。研究发现,对于厚度大于2 m的夹层可以通过井震结合的方法验证其井间规模,定量确定不同层位、不同类型夹层顺物源与切物源的发育规模,为夹层模型的建立奠定基础;基于克里金插值方法建立的岩相概率模型增加岩相模型准确率至94%;以隔层厚度平面分布图为约束条件的确定性建模方法可准确建立砂组及小层间隔层分布模型;在各成因类型夹层井间规模预测的基础上,基于目标的随机模拟方法可以针对不同成因类型夹层的发育形态、数量、规模和趋势分别设定模拟参数,确定性与随机性相结合,实现了辫状河储层精细地质模型的建立。同时,对相关储层的夹层预测具有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

哈得逊油田东河砂岩油藏由哈得1号和哈得4号两个圈闭组成。16口油井原油伴生气中CO2的含量在0.46%~4.97%,δ13CCO2值分布在-12.3‰~-7.0‰,这两组数值在油田不同地区呈有规律的分布,由北往南,均逐渐增加,至哈得4号圈闭内δ13CCO2达到峰值。依据现有的CO2成因鉴别标准,它们既有有机成因,也有无机成因。与其伴生的氦气的3He/4He值为n×10-8,具有典型的壳源沉积特征。综合分析认为,东河砂岩油藏中的CO2主要来源于无机成因的海相碳酸盐岩和东河砂岩储层中钙质胶结物的热分解。δ13CCO2值和CO2含量分布的不均匀性可能与油藏正在充注调整有关。  相似文献   

本文以黄河边上现代不对称波痕的形成为例,结合民和盆地下白垩统第8岩组沉积环境进行类比分析,一改过去传统的"浅水"认识,而把它定为三角洲平原相沉积。因而不对称波痕不能作为某一种沉积环境,它可以广泛生成于不同的环境。因此应更多强调综合分析、类比分析、层序基本单元和体系域分析,使盆地岩石地层单位的古环境解释建立在可靠的理性基础上。  相似文献   

通过岩石学、沉积学及测井等方法,对准噶尔盆地TX1井区侏罗系八道湾组一段进行详细研究,认为侏罗系八道湾组一段主要发育复成分砾岩、砾状砂岩及砂岩,煤夹层;沉积构造发育,兼具水上及水下沉积的特点,发育粒序层理、中大型交错层理及冲刷充填、植物枝干印模等沉积构造;测井上具箱型、漏斗型、指状、线性等响应。沉积相纵向上逐渐向盆地边缘退积演化,其中三角洲平原亚相在2~5砂组较为发育,以辫状分流河道及河道间的河漫沼泽沉积为主,前缘亚相在1砂组较为发育,以水下分流河道及支流间湾沉积为主。辫状河三角洲前缘水下分流河道微相是最有利的储集相带,孔渗结构较优,原油含水率低;辫状河三角洲平原分流河道微相次之,其储层非均质性强,原油含水率较高。  相似文献   

耳闯  王英民  颜耀敏  刘豪  王晓州 《沉积学报》2009,27(6):1101-1108
准噶尔盆地西北缘克—百断裂带是二叠系发育起来的大型叠瓦冲断系统,构造活动对盆地沉积充填过程具有重要的控制作用。二叠系为火山岩和碎屑岩混积地层,分析表明二叠系为层状地层,存在由相对湖平面变化形成的、可作为层序界面的不整合面。根据不整合面和岩层层面对含火山岩系地层进行层序地层的划分和对比,将二叠系划分为5个二级层序,12个三级层序。下二叠统(PSQ1—PSQ7)以火山岩相和沉积岩相共存为特征;中上二叠统(PSQ8—PSQ9)沉积相类型主要包括冲积扇、扇三角洲和湖相。构造活动对层序的控制作用主要表现为构造沉降、火山活动、古地貌特征。构造沉降实质上是逆冲造山导致的挠曲沉降,反映了前陆逆冲作用与盆地挠曲沉降的盆山耦合过程,挠曲沉降是层序形成的内因和主要控制因素;火山作用形成的快速堆积的火山岩体,对含火山岩系地层层序的形成和演化有重要影响;受构造活动影响形成的坡折带控制了层序地层样式和沉积物充填。  相似文献   

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