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The origin of the fourth member of the Eocene Shahejie Formation in the northern steep slopes of the Minfeng Sub‐sag, Dongying Sag, China, was investigated by integrating core studies and flume tank depositional simulations. A non‐channelized depositional model is proposed in this paper for nearshore subaqueous fans in steep fault‐controlled slopes of lacustrine rift basins. The deposits of nearshore subaqueous fans along the base of steep border‐fault slopes of rift basins are typically composed of deep‐water coarse‐grained sediment gravity‐flow deposits directly sourced from adjacent footwalls. Sedimentation processes of nearshore subaqueous fans respond to tectonic activities of boundary faults and to seasonal rainfall. During tectonically active stages, subaqueous debris flows triggered by episodic movements of border‐faults dominate the sedimentation. During tectonically quiescent stages, hyperpycnal flows generated by seasonal rainfall‐generated floods, normal discharges of mountain‐derived rivers and deep‐lacustrine suspension sedimentation are commonly present. The results of a series of flume tank depositional simulations show that the sediments deposited by subaqueous debris flows are wedge‐shaped and non‐channelized, whereas the sediments deposited by hyperpycnal flows generated by sporadic floods from seasonal rainfall are characterized by non‐channelized, coarse‐grained lobate depositional bodies which switch laterally because of compensation sedimentation of hyperpycanal flows. The hyperpycnal‐flow‐deposited non‐channelized lobate depositional bodies can be divided into a main body and lateral edges. The main body can be further subdivided into a proximal part, middle part and frontal part. Normal mountain‐derived river‐discharge‐deposited sediments are characterized by thin‐bedded, fine‐grained sandstones and siltstones with a limited distribution range. Normal mountain‐derived river‐discharge‐deposited sediments and deep‐lacustrine mudstones are commonly eroded in the area close to boundary faults. A nearshore subaqueous fan can be divided into three segments: inner fan, middle fan and outer fan. The inner fan is composed of debrites and the proximal part of the main body. The middle fan consists of the middle part of the main body and lateral edges, normal mountain‐derived river‐discharge‐deposited fine‐grained sediments and deep‐lacustrine mudstones. The outer fan comprises the frontal part of the main body, lateral edges, and deep‐lacustrine mudstones. Based on the non‐channelized depositional model for nearshore subaqueous fans, criteria for stratigraphic subdivision and correlation are discussed and applied.  相似文献   

陆相盆地三角洲前端滑塌型重力流砂岩因富含油气而广受关注,其厚度薄、面积较小、期次多,储集层预测难度大,长期以来制约了油气的精细勘探开发。利用全覆盖三维地震资料和已有钻孔信息,对东营凹陷东辛地区始新世三角洲—重力流沉积体系开展了以层序地层学和沉积学研究为基础的地震沉积学研究。研究表明,沙三中亚段对应二级基准面下降背景的三级层序,以6期大规模高位域三角洲(第5准层序组—第10准层序组)的发育为特征。以第8准层序组为例,以四级层序为研究单元落实了来自不同物源的3个三角洲—重力流沉积体系;再根据地层切片进一步分期落实了其内部薄砂岩储集层的空间分布。地层接触关系特殊,地层厚度和岩性的横向变化剧烈,导致三角洲—重力流发育区地震波速纵横向变化较大。基于目的层精细标定的相位调整成为地震沉积学研究的基础,四级层序(而不是体系域或层序)的约束成为保障地层切片等时性的关键。研究结果表明,四级层序约束下的地震沉积学研究,为三角洲前端滑塌型重力流薄砂岩储集层的横向预测提供了有效的技术支撑,也为恢复深水重力流发育区沉积过程、深化重力流沉积规律奠定了基础。  相似文献   

研究目的】碎屑流是深水环境沉积物搬运和分散的重要机制,其相关的砂岩储层是含油气盆地重要的勘探目标,然而,与经典浊流及浊积系统相比,对碎屑流主控型深水体系的发育规律目前仍知之甚少。【研究方法】本文基于岩心、测井及全三维地震资料,通过系统的岩心观察描述、测井及地震资料解释,对渤海湾盆地东营凹陷始新统沙三中亚段深水体系沉积过程及模式开展研究。【研究结果】结果表明,沙三中深水体系发育九种异地搬运岩相,可概括为四大成因类型,反映了块体及流体两种搬运过程。岩相定量统计表明,该深水体系主要由碎屑流沉积构成,浊流沉积很少,碎屑流中又以砂质碎屑流为主。重力流在搬运过程中经历了滑动、滑塌、砂质碎屑流、泥质碎屑流及浊流等5个阶段演变,发育5类主要的深水沉积单元,包括滑动体、滑塌体、碎屑流水道、碎屑流朵体及浊积薄层砂。从发育规模及储层物性上,砂质碎屑流水道、朵体及砂质滑动体构成了本区最重要的深水储层类型。【结论】认为沙三中时期充足的物源供给、三角洲前缘高沉积速率、断陷期频繁的断层活动以及较短的搬运距离是碎屑流主控型深水体系形成及演化的主控因素,最终基于沉积过程、沉积样式及盆地地貌特征综合建立了碎屑流主控型深水体系沉积模式。本研究将进一步丰富深水沉积理论,为陆相深水储层预测提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Coarse-grained subaqueous fans are vital oil and gas exploration targets in the Bohai Bay basin, China. The insufficient understanding of their sedimentary processes, depositional patterns, and controlling factors restricts efficient exploration and development. Coarse-grained subaqueous fans in the Yong′an area, Dongying Depression, are investigated in this study. These fans include nearshore subaqueous fans, and sublacustrine fans, and their sedimentary processes, depositional patterns and distribution characteristics are mainly controlled by tectonic activity and paleogeomorphology. Nearshore subaqueous fans developed near the boundary fault during the early–middle deposition stage due to strong tectonic activity and large topographic subsidence. Early sublacustrine fans developed at the front of the nearshore subaqueous fans in the area where the topography changed from gentle to steep along the source direction. While the topography was gentle, sublacustrine fans did not develop. During the late weak tectonic activity stage, late sublacustrine fans developed with multiple stages superimposed. Frequent fault activity and related earthquakes steepened the basin margin, and the boundary fault slopes were 25.9°–34°. During the early–middle deposition stage, hyperpycnal flows triggered by outburst floods developed. During the late deposition stage, with weak tectonic activity, seasonal floods triggered hyperpycnal flows, and hybrid event beds developed distally.  相似文献   


The Xihu sag, which is the largest petroliferous sub-basin of the East China Sea Shelf Basin, formed in a continental back-arc setting. The Oligocene Huagang Formation consisting of a fluvial–lacustrine succession deposited during the compressional stage is the prime hydrocarbon-bearing interval in the Xihu sag. A third-order sequence-stratigraphic framework has been built, and component sand-body characteristics were investigated based on seismic attribute analysis and well-log correlation. Two overall upward-fining sequences, and an internal low-accommodation systems tract (LAST) (fluvial successions characterised by amalgamated fluvial channel sand bodies interlayered with rare overbank deposits) and high-accommodation systems tract (HAST) (intervals dominated by overbank or lacustrine deposits) have been identified. The thick, multi-storied channel-fill sandstone bodies deposited along the central depression belt, capped by extensive overbank or lacustrine mud deposits, characterise each sequence and form favourable reservoir–seal associations. Proximal-to-distal changes in lithofacies associations were also analysed. The sequence-stratigraphic and lithofacies analysis suggest the existence of an axial, large-scale river channel system in the Oligocene Xihu sag. On the basis of the restoration of basin geomorphology and seismic facies analysis, the depositional architectures of the axial paleodrainage system have been reconstructed. Overall, the Huagang sequences represent the sedimentary evolution of a large-scale fluvial system sourced from axial and lateral supply areas, to form river deltas into an interior-draining basin-centre lake. Two major fluvio-lacustrine transgression–regression cycles have been recorded. During the transgression cycle, the fluvial morphology was dominated by braided fluvial style; whereas during the regression cycle, the fluvial morphology was characterised by a combination of multiple fluvial channel styles in the LAST, from upstream to downstream low-sinuosity braided, high-sinuosity braided and anastomosing fluvial channel patterns were distributed and then replaced by large-scale lake flooding in the HAST. The braided channel centre, paleobathymetric lows of channel networks and delta-front bodies are sand-prone units. The fluvial sedimentation was governed by multiple parameters: tectonics, paleogeomorphology and climate fluctuations. This integrated study on fluvial sedimentation and evolution of the Oligocene drainage system enable us to propose a conceptual model depicting fluvial channel styles and component sand-body architecture in lacustrine rift basins with axial plus transverse sediment supplies. This model can serve as a reference to illustrate channel-sand-body and associated reservoir architecture in similar types of drainage systems in terrestrial basins.  相似文献   

断陷湖盆充填演化过程中发生的多期差异湖侵,控制了层序格架及其内部沉积体系类型和分布。基于霸县凹陷的三维地震资料,结合800口探井钻/测井、岩心及古生物等资料,在明确古近系湖盆演化过程的基础上,以沙河街组三段和一段为研究目标,分析差异湖侵作用过程中的层序结构及层序格架下的沉积差异特征。研究结果表明,沙三段沉积时期的缓慢湖侵过程中发育断坡—坡折层序结构,以多期退积型三角洲、扇三角洲沉积为主,形成厚层优质烃源岩。沙一段沉积时期的快速湖侵过程中,形成弯折—宽缓坡型层序结构样式,发育混积滩坝、小型近岸水下扇(扇三角洲)沉积。根据上述研究结果,认为断陷湖盆差异沉降控制了层序结构样式,古地貌和物源供给调节岩相的空间分布,湖盆不同演化阶段层序结构和沉积体系都存在显著的差异。在此基础上,建立差异湖侵作用下沉积体系特征的响应模型,可为同类型盆地中的油气勘探特别是岩性油气藏的勘探提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Multi-stage differential transgression controls sequence architecture and its sedimentary type and distribution during the tectonic evolution of lacustrine rift basin. Combined with the seismic data of the Baxian sag as well as drilling,logging,core and paleontological materials from 800 exploration wells,the study targeted the Members 1 and 3 of the Shahejie Formation to analyze sequence architecture and sedimentological difference within the sequence framework during the differential lake transgression,based on the investigation of the Paleogene lake basin evolution. The results showed that the fault slope-break slope architecture was well developed with back-stepping deltas and fan deltas during the slow lake transgression of the Member 3 of Shahejie Formation,in which forms thick high quality source rocks. The flexural-gentle slope architecture was well developed with mixed beach bar and small scale nearshore subaqueous fans(fan deltas)during the rapid transgression of the Member 1 of Shahejie Formation. The differential subsidence controlled the sequence architecture,paleogeomorphology and provenance supply,regulating the spatial lithological distribution. And there are significant differences in sequence architecture and sedimentary system during the different evolution stages of the lake basin. On this basis,the response model of sedimentary system characteristics under differential lacustrine transgression is established,which can be used for reference for oil and gas exploration,especially for lithologic oil and gas reservoir in the same type of basin.  相似文献   

Dolomites occur extensively in the lower Cretaceous along syn-sedimentary fault zones of the Baiyinchagan Sag, westernmost Erlian Basin, within a predominantly fluvial–lacustrine sedimentary sequence. Four types of dolomite are identified, associated with hydrothermal minerals such as natrolite, analcime and Fe-bearing magnesite. The finely-crystalline dolomites consist of anhedral to subhedral crystals (2 to 10 μm), evenly commixed with terrigenous sediments that occur either as matrix-supporting grains (Fd1) or as massive argillaceous dolostone (Fd2). Medium-crystalline (Md) dolomites are composed of subhedral to euhedral crystals aggregates (50 to 250 μm) and occur in syn-sedimentary deformation laminae/bands. Coarse-crystalline (Cd) dolomites consist of non-planar crystals (mean size >1 mm), and occur as fracture infills cross-cutting the other dolomite types. The Fd1, Md and Cd dolomites have similar values of δ18O (−20·5 to −11·0‰ Vienna PeeDee Belemnite) and δ13C (+1·4 to +4·5‰ Vienna PeeDee Belemnite), but Fd2 dolomites are isotopically distinct (δ18O −8·5 to −2·3‰ Vienna PeeDee Belemnite; δ13C +1·4 to +8·6‰ Vienna PeeDee Belemnite). Samples define three groups which differ in light rare-earth elements versus high rare-earth elements enrichment/depletion and significance of Tb, Yb and Dy anomalies. Medium-crystalline dolomites have signatures that indicate formation from brines at very high temperature, with salinities of 11·8 to 23·2 eq. wt. % NaCl and Th values of 167 to 283°C. The calculated temperatures of Fd1 and Cd dolomites extend to slightly lower values (141 to 282°C), while Fd2 dolomites are distinctly cooler (81 to 124°C). These results suggest that the dolomites formed from hydrothermal fluid during and/or penecontemporaneous with sediment deposition. Faults and fractures bounding the basin were important conduits through which high-temperature Mg-rich fluids discharged, driven by an abnormally high heat flux associated with local volcanism. It is thought that differing amounts of cooling and degassing of these hydrothermal fluids, and of mixing with lake waters, facilitated the precipitation of dolomite and associated minerals, and resulted in the petrographic and geochemical differences between the dolomites.  相似文献   

The Pliocene–Early Pleistocene Mangas Basin in SW New Mexico, USA, was a N–NW-trending full graben that changed southward to an eastward-tilted half graben. Unlike the facies distribution predicted in existing models, the half-graben part of the Mangas Basin was characterized by broad alluvial fans derived from the footwall scarp, smaller hangingwall-derived alluvial fans, and a shallow, closed lake (Lake Buckhorn) that locally lapped onto the hangingwall hills. The distribution of facies within the full-graben part of the Mangas Basin was also unlike that predicted in current models, primarily because of a broad belt of alluvial-fan sediment derived from the eastern footwall scarp and a narrow belt of axial-fluvial sediment adjacent to the western footwall scarp. The distribution of facies in the Mangas Basin does not appear to have been controlled by the eastward tilt of the floor of the half graben or ‘see-saw’ motion of the floor of the full graben, as predicted by existing models, but rather by the large size of the alluvial fans on the eastern side of the basin. These fans were derived from large, high-relief catchments on the footwall scarp of the Mogollon Mountains, the uplift of which began during Early Miocene. This example illustrates how earlier uplift and drainage development in a mountain range may influence facies distribution in a younger extensional basin.  相似文献   

Overlapping gravity accumulation bodies were formed on the northwestern steep slope of the Shuangyang Formation in the Moliqing fault depression of northeast China. This study analyzed in detail the spatial distribution of the lithofacies and lithofacies associations of these accumulation bodies based on more than 600 m of core sections, and summarized 12 major types of lithofacies and three types of lithofacies associations: (1) the proximal zone consists of gravelly debris flows dominated by alluvial channel conglomerates; (2) the middle zone is dominated by various gravity flow deposits and traction flow deposits; and (3) the distal zone is dominated by mudstones with intercalations of sandy debris and turbidites. Combining with the grain size cumulative probability curves analysis, we determined the transformation of debris flows to sandy debris flows and to turbidity currents in the slope zone of the basin margin, and further proposed a lacustrine slope apron model that is characterized by (1) an inconstant multiple source (line source), (2) an alternation of gravity flow deposits and traction flow deposits dominated by periodical changes in a source flood flow system, and (3) the transformation of sandy debris flow deposits into distal turbidity current deposits. This sedimentary model may be applicable to other fault depressions for predicting reservoir distribution.  相似文献   

细粒重力流沉积作用是咸水深湖环境重要的沉积作用过程之一,它能把浅水细粒碎屑和有机质搬运到深湖,形成页岩油的甜点储层和优质源岩。开展咸化湖盆细粒重力流沉积特征的研究对陆相盆地页岩油评价具有重要的意义。准噶尔盆地玛湖凹陷风城组(P1f)沉积时期发育了一套咸水湖泊环境下的湖底扇沉积体系,研究表明该体系扇缘可发育8类细粒重力流岩相组合:(1)细粒浓缩密度流-细粒过渡流-细粒碎屑流岩相组合;(2)细粒异重流岩相组合;(3)细粒浓缩密度流-细粒碎屑流岩相组合;(4)细粒浓缩密度流-泥流-安静水体空落岩相组合;(5)细粒过渡流-细粒碎屑流岩相组合;(6)细粒碎屑流-泥流岩相组合;(7)细粒碎屑流-湍流尾流岩相组合;(8)细粒下部过渡塞流-细粒上部过渡塞流-准层状泥(塞)流岩相组合。这8种岩相组合是细粒重力流沉积作用相互转化的结果,它们属于不完整的混合事件层,可构成一个完整的混合事件层。咸化湖盆、深层热卤水和凝灰质的加入使该湖底扇沉积体系的沉积物普遍含白云石、碳酸钠钙石、苏打石和硅硼钠石等矿物。其中,白云石为化学沉淀的方解石在准同生期和浅埋期形成的准同生白云石,碳酸钠钙石、苏打石...  相似文献   

Sequences of wave-enhanced sediment-gravity flows (WESGFs) have been widely recognized in the marine shelf environment. In this study, we show observations of WESGF deposits in lacustrine settings using well core and thin section data from the Paleogene in the Jiyang sub-basin, Bohai Bay basin, eastern China. The findings of this study include the following: 1) the sequence of WESGFs in the lacustrine basin is similar to that of marine; it consists of three units, MF1 unit: siltstone with basal erosion surface, MF2 unit: silt-streaked claystone, and MF3 unit: silty-mudstone; and 2) prodelta sand sheets are found in the lacustrine WESGF sequence and are classified as the MFd unit: clay-streaked siltstone. However, because the system size and variability in hydrodynamic conditions are different between the lacustrine and marine basins, lacustrine WESGFs do appear to have three distinguishable features: 1) the sediment grain size and sand content are slightly higher than those of the marine WESGFs; 2) lacustrine WESGFs may contain prodelta sediments or sedimentary sequences of other types of gravity flows, such as hyperpycnal flows; and 3) the scale of the sedimentary structures for lacustrine WESGFs is smaller. The WESGFs found in the continental lacustrine basin provide a new model for sediment dispersal processes in lake environments and may be helpful to explain and predict the distribution of sandy reservoirs for oil and gas exploration.  相似文献   

31 samples of shales and mudstones developed in reducing hypersaline and freshwater setting and 20 oil samples of Bamianhe oilfield, Bohai Bay basin were collected for a detailed study of petroleum system. Composition and distribution, especially significance of steroids, are discussed as a part of those. Abundant steroidal biomarkers, including C27-29 regular steranes, C28-30 4-methyl steranes, dinosteranes and aromatic steranes, were detected. Results show that the composition and distribution of the steroids in samples studied are functions of thermal maturity, organic source, paleoenvironment and lithology of potential source rocks. Alga-rich Es4 shales (brackish water) developed in the south slope of depocenter (Niuzhuang sag) were found particularly rich in steroidal biomarkers including C30 4-methyl steranes and dinosteranes. Es3 mudstones (fresh water) were found devoid of dinosteranes. Distribution patterns of regular steranes are completely different from methyl steranes indicating different origins of the specific compounds of the fraction. Diagnostic distribution of steranes in rock extracts of diverse intervals makes the compounds to be essential indictors of source-rock tracing. Methyl steranes prove to be much more useful in oil-source rock correlation than regular steranes. Results also show that alga-rich Es4 shales located in the south slope are not likely the primary source rock responsible for the oils discovered based on the composition and distribution of steroids.  相似文献   

珠江口盆地L凹陷始新统文昌组处于勘探初期,钻井资料较少且分布不均,基于多井多资料的常规沉积相研究方法受到限制,对于层序地层和沉积体系没有系统研究,本次研究充分利用地震、测井以及岩心资料,在全区开展地震相研究工作,井震结合对沉积相展布进行研究,建立裂陷期文昌组沉积演化模式。结果表明: L凹陷裂陷期文昌组划分为3个三级层序,8个体系域;根据三级层序体系域内部地震反射外部形态和内部反射特征差异,识别出充填、席状、楔形、块状、丘形5种地震相类型;通过分析岩心相、测井相以及各种地震相特征,井震结合将地震相转为沉积相,识别出辫状河三角洲、扇三角洲、湖相等沉积相;初始裂陷期为小盆小湖模式,凹陷分割性较强,主要为近源扇三角洲粗碎屑沉积,强烈裂陷早期为大盆浅湖模式,洼陷连通,主要为辫状河三角洲沉积,强烈裂陷中晚期为大盆深湖模式,主要对应半深湖泥岩沉积,弱裂陷期主要为大盆浅湖模式,主要对应大规模长轴辫状河三角洲充填沉积体系。  相似文献   

胡阳  刘惠民  郝雪峰 《地质论评》2021,67(Z1):67z1095-67z1096
正砂砾岩是断陷盆地陡坡带主要的砂体类型(张善文等,2001;瞿建华等,2019),由于其侧向与烃源岩指状接触,油气成藏条件优越,是陡坡带主要的油气勘探对象。东营凹陷陡坡带砂砾岩的勘探整体经历了构造油藏—岩性油藏—复杂隐蔽油藏勘探阶段(孔凡仙,2000),目前处于中—高勘探程度阶段。如何实现油气储量的不断发现,  相似文献   

强制湖退体系域(FSST)是由相对湖平面下降驱动、发育于相同层序高位体系域之上及新层序低位体系域之下、在相对湖平面下降时期形成的、与油气勘探关系密切的一种退覆地层,与沉积物供给的变化无关。基于三维地震、钻井岩心和测录井资料,在层序地层学和沉积学理论指导下,发现莱州湾凹陷古近系沙河街组三段发育一套强制湖退体系域地层,垂向上可划分为3期,自下而上命名为P1、P2和P3,P1向湖盆中央终止于FSST底界面,P3顶部为显著不整合的层序界面。顺物源方向地震响应特征为缺失顶积层的低角度斜交前积反射,该反射自西向东推进到湖盆中央;在垂直物源方向的地震剖面上,可见下切谷地震响应。测井响应GR曲线呈漏斗状的复合体,表明沉积响应为上粗下细的反旋回。岩心及测井相分析结果表明,该FSST为一套河流—三角洲沉积体系,三角洲前缘伴生滑塌湖底扇沉积体。综合盆地区域构造演化、沉积物供给和气候变化等因素,认为该套沉积体系是气候相对干旱和绝对湖平面下降的共同产物。莱州湾凹陷沙三段FSST的发现对其沉积解释具有重要地质意义,对研究区进一步的油气勘探开发具有指导意义,也对研究陆相断陷湖盆FSST的形成与发现具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Falling stage systems tract(FSST)is an offlap strata with strong relationship with hydrocarbon exploration,which is driven by relative lake-level fall and developed above the highstand systems tract and below the lowstand systems tract of a new sequence. It has no relationship with sediment supply. Based on the theory of sequence stratigraphy and sedimentology,3D seismic data,drilling core data,and well-logging data were comprehensively analyzed. The study showed that the FSST strata was formed in the Member 3 of Shahejie Formation in the Laizhouwan sag. The FSST can be divided into three units,namely as units P1,P2,and P3 from bottom to top. The P1 is the first unit of progradation downlap the bottom of the FSST. The top of the unit P3 is a sequence boundary exhibits subaerial unconformity. The seismic profile along the source direction is characterized by the low-angle oblique progradation reflection that downstream the center of lake basin from west to east. Incised valleys developed on the top of the FSST perpendicular to the source direction. Gamma-ray logging response is manifested by a series of funnel-shaped complex,indicating that the sedimentary response of the FSST was a cycle of coarsening-upward parasequence sets. Comprehensive studies on core interpretation and well-logging analysis showed that the FSST was a fluvial-delta sedimentary system with slumped fan deposits associated with the delta front. Consequently,the FSST is a common result of relative dry climate and falling of lake level,considering regional tectonic evolution,sediment supply,and paleo-climate change. The discovery of the FSST in the Laizhouwan sag has an important geological significance for the sedimentological interpretation,and it offers a guidance for further oil exploration in the study area. In addition,it also serves as a significant reference for future research on the FSST development and exploration in the continental lacustrine rift basin.  相似文献   

近年来,与深水沉积物重力流沉积紧密相关的湖相致密油气与深层油气勘探开发日益受到关注并逐渐成为研究热点;断陷湖盆陡坡带由于受"沟梁对应"的地貌特征影响且受控于边界断层,水下重力流沉积扇体发育,也因此成为湖相致密油气与深层油气勘探的重要目标。以东营凹陷胜坨地区沙四段上亚段(分为纯上次亚段和纯下次亚段)为研究对象,以岩芯,地震,测井,录井资料为基础,对陆相断陷湖盆陡坡带深水重力流沉积特征及沉积模式展开研究。研究结果表明:东营凹陷胜坨地区沙四段上亚段深水沉积体系主要发育砂质滑动-滑塌沉积,砂质碎屑流沉积,底流改造沉积,浊流沉积和深湖泥岩沉积五种类型,根据不同岩相组合特征划分出重力流沟道微相,砂质碎屑流舌状体微相,远端朵叶体微相三种微相类型;沙四段上亚段经历了从低位域到湖侵域再到高位域的转换,纯下次亚段在低位域时期经历了胜北断层幕式活动,是形成该时期深水重力流沉积在三级层序整体上呈退积发育,四级层序内部呈进积发育的主要原因,而纯上次亚段高位域时期相对稳定的构造条件使得该时期在三级层序内呈现退积到加积,四级层序内呈现稳定进积的特征;深水重力流搬运过程中由"流动分离作用"引起的"流体性质转换"可以较好地解释平面上重力流沉积类型随搬运距离由近及远的差异性分布以及"远端砂质碎屑流沉积"的形成。  相似文献   

渤海湾盆地中原地区古地温梯度恢复研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
渤海湾盆地中新生代具有叠合盆地多期叠加演化的特点,不同地质时期地温场的恢复具有多解性和不确定性。应用包裹体测温、磷灰石裂变径迹分析、Barker温度函数法、EASY%Ro模拟等方法,通过不同构造单元的最高古地温的恢复,进行不同地质时期的地温梯度恢复。研究表明:(1)包裹体测温、磷灰石裂变径迹分析、Barker温度函数等方法仅适用于欠补偿沉积区古地温及古地温梯度恢复;(2)Barker法计算的地温梯度偏高;(3)而EASY%Ro热史模拟方法是补偿-近补偿沉积区古地温梯度恢复的有效方法;(4)三叠纪、侏罗—白垩纪、古近纪是影响上古生界烃源岩演化的关键时期,地温梯度分别为3.3℃/100 m、4.5℃/100 m和4.0℃/100 m。  相似文献   

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