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Wang  Xinwei  Mao  Xiang  Mao  Xiaoping  Li  Kewen 《Mathematical Geosciences》2020,52(6):783-800
Mathematical Geosciences - Study of the characteristics and classification of geothermal gradients can effectively guide the exploration and development of geothermal resources. In this paper, we...  相似文献   

The Bilong Co oil shale zone is located in the South Qiangtang depression. This zone, together with the Shengli River-Changshe Mountain oil shale zone in the North Qiangtang depression, northern Tibet plateau, represents the potentially largest marine oil shale resource in China. Seventeen samples including oil shale and micritic limestone were collected from the Bilong Co oil shale area to determine the concentrations, distribution patterns, occurrences and origins of platinum group elements (PGEs) in marine oil shale. The oil shale samples from the Bilong Co area exhibit very low total PGE contents ranging from 1.04 to 2.96 ng/g with a weighted mean value of 1.686 ng/g, while the micritic limestone samples from the Bilong Co area exhibit a little lower PGE value ranging from 0.413 to 1.11 ng/g. PGEs in oil shale samples are characterized by high contents in Pd (average 0.79 ng/g), Os (average 0.123 ng/g) and Pt (average 0.644 ng/g) compared with Ru (average 0.068 ng/g), Rh (average 0.033 ng/g) and Ir (average 0.026 ng/g). The highest values for individual PGEs are not uniformly distributed in the section. Clearly, the PGEs are generally enriched in the oil shale samples near the boundary between micritic limestone and oil shale.The individual PGEs in oil shale samples from the Bilong Co area exhibit various modes of occurrence. Ruthenium and Pt occur mainly in pyrite, while Pd is associated mainly with organic matter and Mg-minerals. Rhodium and Os are controlled mainly by pyrite and organic matter. Iridium is present mainly in other Fe-bearing minerals, rather than pyrite. The PGEs in the Bilong Co oil shale are mainly of seawater origin and possibly influenced by terrigenous supply.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(10):1280-1299
The Pernambuco–Alagoas (PE–AL) Domain contains major granitic batholiths typified by a wide range of TDM model ages (Archaean to Neoproterozoic), reflecting the important role of quartzofeldspathic plutons attending the Brasiliano (Pan-African) Orogeny. U/Pb zircon data for eight syn- to post-collision to syn-transcurrent granitic intrusions of the PE–AL Domain allow the studied plutons to be divided into two groups: (1) granitoids with crystallization ages older than 600 Ma (Água Branca, Serra do Catú, Serra da Caiçara, and Mata Grande plutons) and (2) granitoids with ages of ca. 590 Ma (Correntes, Águas Belas, Viçosa, and Cachoeirinha plutons). The intrusions of group 1, except for the Mata Grande Pluton, all show Nd TDM model ages ranging from 1.5 to 1.2 Ga, whereas the granitoids from group 2 and the Mata Grande Pluton have Nd TDM model ages ranging from 2.2 to 1.7 Ga. The studied granitoids are in part high-K, calc-alkaline, shoshonitic, and in part transitional high-K calc-alkaline to alkaline in terms of their bulk chemistry. Volcanic arc signatures associated with the Palaeoproterozoic TDM model ages are interpreted as inherited from the source rocks. The oldest ages and higher Nd TDM model ages recorded in the granitoids intruded in the southwestern part of the PE–AL Domain suggest that these intrusions are associated with slab-tearing during convergence between the PE–AL and Sergipano domains. The investigated plutons are coeval with high-K granitoids intruded within the Transversal Zone Domain of Borborema Province and calc-alkaline granitoids of the Sergipano Domain. This suggests that these geologic realms belonged to the same crustal block during the Brasiliano Orogeny. However, such large volumes of high-K granitoids with crystallization ages older than 600 Ma are not recorded in the Sergipano and Transversal Zone domains, suggesting differences in the crustal evolution of these three areas.  相似文献   

Natural gas, consisting primarily of methane(CH4), has become a major source of clean energy in modern society in many parts of the globe. Recent experimental observations and discoveries of deep-sourced abiotic CH4 in cold subduction zones indicate the important ability of cold subducted slabs to generate natural gas reservoirs. However, most CH4 flux and reservoirs remain unknown and their potential is overlooked in global carbon flux estimations. Massive abiot...  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - High variability in methane fluxes at the water–atmosphere boundary was found for the first time for the period 1990–2016 using expeditionary data. Variability...  相似文献   

The South Oman Salt Basin (SOSB) is host to the world’s oldest known commercial deposits. Most of the South Oman oils have been proven to be associated with the source rocks of the Neoproterozoic to Cambrian Huqf Supergroup, but the assignment of oils to specific Huqf intervals or facies has been hampered by the geochemical similarity of the organic matter across the entire Huqf sequence, possibly as a consequence of limited change in the local palaeoenvironment and biota over the time of its deposition. This study was conducted to establish improved correlations between organic-rich rock units and reservoir fluids in the SOSB through detailed molecular and isotopic analysis of the Huqf Supergroup, with special emphasis directed towards understanding the Ara carbonate stringer play.Unusual biomarkers, tentatively identified as A-norsteranes, show distinctive patterns among carbonate stringer oils and rocks different from those observed in Nafun sediments and Ara rocks from the Athel basin. These putative A-norsteranes form the basis for new oil-source correlations in the SOSB and provide for the first time geochemical evidence of a self-charging mechanism for the carbonate stringer play. The paucity of markers specific to the Nafun Group (Shuram, Buah and Masirah Bay formations) confounds attempts to quantify their respective contributions to Huqf oil accumulations. Nafun inputs can only be determined on the basis of subtle differences between Nafun and Ara biomarker ratios. The most useful geochemical characteristics delineating Nafun Group organic matter from Ara Group intra-salt source rocks included: low relative abundance of mid-chain monomethyl alkanes (X-compounds); low relative abundance of gammacerane, 28,30-dinorhopane, 25,28,30-trinorhopane and 2-methylhopanes; low C22T/C21T and high C23T/C24T cheilanthanes ratio values. Based on these parameters, molecular evidence for major contributions of liquid hydrocarbons from Nafun Group sediments (Shuram, Buah and Masirah Bay formations) is lacking. Our results suggest that the majority of SOSB hydrocarbon accumulations originate from within the Ara group, either from the carbonate stringers or from the package of sediments that comprises the Thuleilat, Athel Silicilyte and U shale formations. Subtle aspects of the composition of some carbonate stringer and post-salt Huqf oils could suggest some degree of sourcing from the Nafun rocks but stronger evidence is needed to confirm this.  相似文献   

The Central Taimyr accretionary belt includes two granite-metamorphic terranes: Faddey and Mamont-Shrenk, which include the oldest igneous formations of the Taimyr folded area in the Arctic framing of the Siberian craton—granitoids and granite-gneisses with U–Pb zircon ages of 900–830 Ma. The [FeO*/(FeO* + MgO)]-enriched granitoids of these terranes are products of highly fractionated I-type magmas. This paper presents results of new petrographic, geochemical, geochronological, and paleomagnetic investigations of acid rocks from a volcanic-plutonic association (in the region of the Leningradskaya River) in the Faddey terrane in the northeastern Taimyr area. These rocks formed during the final stage of continent–island arc accretion and collision that occurred at approximately 870–820 Ma. We established that the studied rocks belong to a long granitoid belt extending from Mamont-Shrenk to Faddey terrane, where all the igneous bodies are deformed and oriented uniformly. The paleomagnetic pole we calculated differs significantly from the apparent polar-wander path interval of corresponding age for Siberia. The 33.8°±5.4° angular distance between the poles indicates that the formation of this volcanic-plutonic association took place at a significant distance from the Taimyr margin of the Siberian paleocontinent.  相似文献   

The formation environments of stratiform ore deposits in the Neoproterozoic Baikal–Patom region (BPR) have been considered. A model for the formation of the Sukhoi Log gold ore deposit in the Bodaibo zone has been put forward. The first stage is gold concentration by a chemolithotrophic bacterial community. Independently established facts suggest that bacterial communities may also have contributed to initial metal accumulation in the sediments of the Kholodnaya Pb–Zn deposit. The ore beds occur in the high-carbon sediments of the side and trough of a back-arc basin. Sedimentation (Dal’nyaya Taiga and Zhuya regional horizons) took place during the “back-arc basin–foreland basin” transition. This transition is characterized by increased sediment bioproductivity, which is clearly evidenced from the increased biophile-element content and taxonomic diversity of organic remains. Hundreds of microfossil sites in the Neoproterozoic BPR host littoral benthos (cyanobacteria and brown algae) and plankton (green algae). Most microfossils in the outer shelf, on the basin side, and in its trough belong to chemolithotrophic bacteria. These bacteria are assumed to have accumulated metals in the vent field of the back-arc basin. Studies showed the ability of microorganisms (bacteria, algae, fungi, etc.) to accumulate Fe, Mn, Au, Pb, Zn, and other metals. Bacterial communities are particularly important for metal accumulation in the vent fields of rift zones and areas of arc volcanism. All these conditions were observed in the Neoproterozoic BPR.  相似文献   

The Sahara–Umm Adawi pluton is a Late Neoproterozoic postcollisional A-type granitoid pluton in Sinai segment of the Arabian–Nubian Shield that was emplaced within voluminous calc-alkaline I-type granite host rocks during the waning stages of the Pan-African orogeny and termination of a tectonomagmatic compressive cycle. The western part of the pluton is downthrown by clysmic faults and buried beneath the Suez rift valley sedimentary fill, while the exposed part is dissected by later Tertiary basaltic dykes and crosscut along with its host rocks by a series of NNE-trending faults. This A-type granite pluton is made up wholly of hypersolvus alkali feldspar granite and is composed of perthite, quartz, alkali amphibole, plagioclase, Fe-rich red biotite, accessory zircon, apatite, and allanite. The pluton rocks are highly evolved ferroan, alkaline, and peralkaline to mildly peraluminous A-type granites, displaying the typical geochemical characteristics of A-type granites with high SiO2, Na2O + K2O, FeO*/MgO, Ga/Al, Zr, Nb, Ga, Y, Ce, and rare earth elements (REE) and low CaO, MgO, Ba, and Sr. Their trace and REE characteristics along with the use of various discrimination schemes revealed their correspondence to magmas derived from crustal sources that has gone through a continent–continent collision (postorogenic or postcollisional), with minor contribution from mantle source similar to ocean island basalt. The assumption of crustal source derivation and postcollisional setting is substantiated by highly evolved nature of this pluton and the absence of any syenitic or more primitive coeval mafic rocks in association with it. The slight mantle signature in the source material of these A-type granites is owed to the juvenile Pan-African Arabian–Nubian Shield (ANS) crust (I-type calc-alkaline) which was acted as a source by partial melting of its rocks and which itself of presumably large mantle source. The extremely high Rb/Sr ratios combined with the obvious Sr, Ba, P, Ti, and Eu depletions clearly indicate that these A-type granites were highly evolved and require advanced fractional crystallization in upper crustal conditions. Crystallization temperature values inferred average around 929°C which is in consistency with the presumably high temperatures of A-type magmas, whereas the estimated depth of emplacement ranges between 20 and 30 km (upper-middle crustal levels within the 40 km relatively thick ANS crust). The geochronologically preceding Pan-African calc-alkaline I-type continental arc granitoids (the Egyptian old and younger granites) associated with these rocks are thought to be the crustal source of f this A-type granite pluton and others in the Arabian–Nubian Shield by partial melting caused by crustal thickening due to continental collision at termination of the compressive orogeny in the Arabian–Nubian Shield.  相似文献   

In this article, we report whole-rock and mineral Sm–Nd isotopic and whole-rock elemental and Sr–Nd isotopic data of Xingdi No. 1 mafic–ultramafic intrusion in the western Kuluketage block, north-eastern Tarim. Xingdi No. 1 mafic–ultramafic intrusion is the largest in the Xingdi mafic–ultramafic belt, with an exposed area of ca. 20 km2. It intruded into the Palaeoproterozoic basement. Gabbro is the major rock type and there is minor olivine pyroxenite. Sm–Nd geochronometry of the gabbro gives an isochron age of 761.2 ± 31.2 million years, identical to the intrusive age of Xingdi No. 2 pluton (760 ± 6 million years). The gabbro is systematically enriched in large ion lithosphile elements and light rare earth elements and depleted in high field strength elements and heavy rare earth elements. The studied rocks are characterized by low whole-rock and mineral ?Nd(t) values (?7.8 to??7.1) and elevated (87Sr/86Sr) i values (0.7066–0.7073). These geochemical characteristics, together with the presence of abundant hornblende, biotite, bladed biotite enclosed in amphibole, and crescent-shaped Palaeoproterozoic wall-rock xenoliths in the intrusion, are key features of magma mixing in the source or assimilation during its emplacement. The rocks have a Zr/Y ratio of 3.81–13, which falls in the within-plate basalt area. As Xingdi No. 1 and No. 2 plutons formed at the same period and display similar geochemical characteristics, we propose that they formed within the same tectonic setting and were derived from the same source, but No. 1 pluton experienced a higher extent of evolution and contamination. Previous studies have shown that the Neoproterozoic tectonic and magmatic events in Kuluketage comprise syn-collisional granite around TC (ca. 1.0–0.9 Ga), post-collisional K-rich granite and alkaline mafic–ultramafic intrusions (ca. 830–800 Ma), and rifting-related mafic–ultramafic plutons, dikes, and bimodal volcanic rocks (ca. 774–744 Ma).  相似文献   

《China Geology》2018,1(3):319-330
After the breakthrough of shale gas exploration and development in the Ordovician Wufeng Formation (Fm.) and Silurian Longmaxi Fm. of Chongqing Jiaoshiba area, Changning-Weiyuan area, etc. in Sichuan basin, a series of discovery and breakthrough were obtained by China Geological Survey in the Cambrian Niutitang Fm. and Sinian Doushantuo Fm. shale of the areas with complicated structure outside Sichuan basin. Based on the understanding of the law of shale gas enrichment in Longmaxi Fm. in the basin, this paper puts forward three elements of the formation and enrichment of shale gas, which are the “Source”, the “Diagenesis” and the “Accumulation”, after deeply studying the law shale gas enrichment and accumulation in Sinian-Cambrian reservoir of the complex structure area outside the basin. The “Source” means the sedimentary environment and petrological characteristics of organic shale. The “Diagenesis” means the basin tectonic subsidence and hydrocarbon generation and expulsion process of organic matter. The “Accumulation” means the tectonic uplift and shale gas preservation. It is proposed that the Sinian-Cambrian and Ordovician-Silurian black shale series in the middle and upper Yangtze region of southern China were both formed in the deep-water shelf environment of rift trough and foreland basin respectively. The dessert intervals were formed in the strong reduction environment under transgressive system tract. The shale lithology belongs to calcium-siliceous and charcoal-siliceous respectively. Based on the summary of structural evolution in Yangtze area, the correlation of structural burial depth with shale diagenesis and the coupling evolution of organic matter with pore structure are discussed. Combining with structural styles, the preservation conditions of shale gas are discussed. Five types of shale gas reservoir control models are further described. Two types of future exploration directions, which are reverse fault syncline and paleo-uplift margin in complex structural area outside the basin, are proposed.  相似文献   

The provenance and maximum depositional age of Neoproterozoic to early Paleozoic sedimentary rocks from the Balonggonggaer Formation (BF) in the South Qilian belt (northern Tibetan Plateau) is established using LA-ICP-MS UPb age determinations on detrital zircons taken from fifteen metasedimentary samples. The BF comprises two tectonically juxtaposed metasedimentary sequences that were derived from different source regions. Unit A is characterized by turbiditic facies, thick greywackes, and has zircons ages older than 0.7 Ga and is dominated by 2.2–1.8 Ga and 0.8–0.7 Ga populations that are compatible with a source region within the Quanji massif. Unit A might be deposited after the mid-Neoproterozoic and represent passive margin deposits that developed along the Quanji massif margin during Neoproterozoic continental break-up. Unit B is a highly deformed and metamorphosed sedimentary sequence, showing a distinct provenance dominated by age peaks at about 0.56–0.68 Ga, 1.2–0.9 Ga and 1.60 Ga. These populations bear resemblance to those found in peri-Gondwana terranes. These results favor the placement of Unit B alongside northern peri-Gondwanan terranes. During the early Cambrian, the Qilian-Qaidam basement accreted to the northern margin of Gondwana along the Proto-Tethys. These two distinct sequences of the BF were juxtaposed along the northern margin of Gondwana during the Ordovician to middle Devonian.  相似文献   

Chronology of Neoproterozoic volcanosedimentary successions remains controversial for many regions of the Arabian–Nubian Shield, including the Dokhan Volcanics of NE Egypt. New U–Pb zircon SHRIMP ages have been obtained for 10 silica-rich ignimbrites and two subvolcanic dacitic bodies, mapped as Dokhan Volcanics, from the North Eastern Desert of Egypt. Crystallization ages range between 592 ± 5 and 630 ± 6 Ma (Early Ediacaran). Apparently, the late consolidation of the Arabian–Nubian Shield was accompanied by the evolution of isolated volcanic centres and basin systems which developed during a period of approx. 40 Ma, independently in space and time and probably under changing tectonic regimes. The obtained age data together with other previously published reliable ages for Dokhan Volcanics suggest two main pulses of volcanic activity: 630–623 Ma and 618–592 Ma. Five samples contain inherited zircons, with ages of 669, 715–746, 847 and 1530 Ma, supporting models that North Eastern Desert crust is mainly juvenile Neoproterozoic crust.  相似文献   

<正>1 Introduction The Songnen–Zhangguangcai Range Massif(SZRM)crops out over an extensive part of NE China and was thought to contain Precambrian crystalline basement material,as evidenced by the presence of what appears to bePaleoproterozoicbasementmaterialwithin exploration drillholes(Pei et al.,2007).An alternative view is that the basement within the SZRM is  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2016,29(4):1530-1542
In this study, we conducted profile measurements, gravel composition analyses, and U–Pb dating on detrital zircons from a representative glacial marine diamictite in the Gangmaco–Dabure area of the Southern Qiangtang–Baoshan block, Tibetan Plateau. We conclude that the diamictite was formed in a glacial marine environment from the outer edge of the continental shelf to the continental slope and deep sea, in what is now the Southern Qiangtang–Baoshan block. Four distinct glacial–interglacial cycles were identified in the diamictite, which record a minimum of four stages of Gondwana glaciation in the area of the Southern Qiangtang–Baoshan block. Combined with regional geological information, we also conclude that during the Carboniferous–Permian, sediments containing the glacial marine diamictite derived from Gondwana, in the region extending from India to the Tethys Himalaya area, and Lhasa and Southern Qiangtang–Baoshan blocks, recorded the transition from continental, neritic to abyssal environments. Gravel assemblages and U–Pb dating of detrital zircons in the glacial marine diamictite indicate that the provenance of the diamictite was Indian Gondwana. We infer that during the Late Paleozoic, the northern margin of the Indian Gondwana continued to be influenced by the Early Palaeozoic tectonic set-up, when Indian Gondwana was under an erosional regime, and the Tethys Himalaya area, and Lhasa and Southern Qiangtang–Baoshan blocks were deposited on a passive continental margin.  相似文献   

This paper reports the data on the uranium content in Dictyonema shale and phosphate rock in the Kaibolovo–Gostilitsy Area of the Baltic Basin (Leningrad Region). Specific features of the uranium ore in the studied area and stratigraphic rock sequence of the Early Ordovician Pakerort horizon are considered. A high uranium concentration in the Dictyonema shale layer has been determined, the correlation of uranium with other elements was defined, probable conditions of uranium ore genesis are described, and predicted uranium resources within the studied area are estimated.  相似文献   

The Hongseong area, located in the western Gyeonggi Massif, South Korea, can be correlated with the northern margin of the South China block (Yangtze Craton). This area experienced Neoproterozoic igneous activity related to subduction before the amalgamation of Rodinia. Several isolated, lenticular, and serpentinized ultramafic–mafic bodies occur in the Hongseong area. The Baekdong body, one of the largest ultramafic bodies, has been highly deformed and metamorphosed to eclogite- and granulite-facies. The petrogenesis and tectonic environment of the Baekdong rocks are assessed using the composition of unaltered cores of spinel and olivine grains, and show that these rocks represent the mantle section of a suprasubduction ophiolite. The rocks originated from oceanic lithosphere that formed during the transition from nascent back-arc to mature island arc, related to subduction roll-back. During the back-arc stage, Al-rich spinel harzburgite formed through melt–rock interaction caused by the intrusion of magma. This magma was produced in small amounts, by less than 10% of partial melting of the wedge mantle. Subsequently, during the mature island arc stage, Cr-rich spinel dunite formed through melt–rock interaction caused by the intrusion of relatively evolved magma that formed by 30–35% partial melting due to a high input of volatiles from the subducted slab and sediments. The Baekdong ultramafic rocks, together with the Bibong ultramafic rocks, indicate that a suprasubduction tectonic setting prevailed before the amalgamation of Rodinia (at 860–890 Ma) in the Hongseong area, which may be an extension of the northern margin of the Yangtze Craton.  相似文献   

ForaPrecambriancratoncomposedofcompositeterranes,orblocks,andbelts,whichexperiencedcomplexpolyphasedeformationandmetamorphism,thefinaltectonothermaleventismoresignificantthantheearlieronesinthelightofplatetectonics,becausethefinaltectonothermaleventresultedfromamalga-mationofthecraton.Although,generally,aworkinghypothesisofpolyphasedeformationandmetamorphismiswidelyappliedtoahigh-gradeterrane,dis-cernmentofitsfinaltectonothermalepisodeisvitaltounderstandingitsgeologicalhistory.Inrecentyears,an…  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - A comparison of the lithological–geochemical parameters for the deposits of the Dalnetaiga series of the Bodaibo synclinorium (the Buzhuikhta and Khomolkho...  相似文献   

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