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An approximate infra-red radiation scheme, employing essentially the cooling to space approximation, is included in a one-dimensional model of the atmospheric boundary layer. The approximate scheme is found not to produce significant errors in the behaviour of the dynamical model when integrated over a few hours. Radiative cooling is shown to be important in the development of a clear well-mixed layer which is capped by an essentially dry region; in particular, convetive instability is induced and this enhances the rate of entrainment of dry air. The development of fog is found to require sound models of both radiative transfer and turbulent diffusion.  相似文献   

大气边界层研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

大气边界层对云和对流的发展、演变有重要作用.本文回顾了在大气边界层高度计算方法,边界层的时空分布特征、结构和发展机理,以及边界层参数化方案等方面的主要研究进展.大气边界层高度计算方法主要分为基于大气廓线观测数据计算和基于模式参数化方案计算两大类;大气边界层高度频率分布形态具有明显的日变化特征,并且稳定、中性和对流边界层高度的频率分布呈现出不同的Gamma分布特征;地面湿度状况对边界层发展影响明显,对于不同的下垫面热力性质和地形状况,大气边界层高度呈现出明显的空间差异,青藏高原边界层高度明显高于一般平原地区;在强烈的地面加热驱动下,对流边界层与残余层通过正反馈机制循环增长可以形成4000 m以上的超高大气边界层;研制大气边界层、浅对流以及云物理方案的统一参数化框架是未来数值预报模式的发展趋势.


本模式用以K半经验理论为基础的闭合方程组求解,引进了地形作用、动量、热量和水汽的侧向扩散和垂直湍流交换以及凝结加热等物理过程,其中湍流交换系数K是地表粗糙度、几何高度、大气稳定度及风速切变等因子的函数。本模式还考虑了山地、平原和水面在地形高度、地表粗糙度、辐射、蒸发及热交换等方面的差异,在下垫面上建立热平衡方程与边界层内控制方程耦合。将模式应用于太湖流域,计算得到的该流域边界层内温、压、湿、风的分布特征与实际情况相似,模式具有一定的实用性。  相似文献   

This paper surveys results of the comprehensive turbulent measurements in the stable boundary layer (SBL) made over the Arctic pack ice during the Surface Heat Budget of the Arctic Ocean experiment (SHEBA) in the Beaufort Gyre from October 1997 through September 1998. Turbulent fluxes and mean meteorological data were continuously measured and reported hourly at five levels on a 20-m main SHEBA tower. Eleven months of measurements during SHEBA cover a wide range of stability conditions, from the weakly unstable regime to very stable stratification, and allow studying the SBL in detail. A brief overview of the SBL regimes, the flux-profile relationships, the turbulent Prandtl number, and other parameters obtained during SHEBA is given. The traditional Monin—Obukhov approach, z-less scaling, and gradient-based scaling are evaluated and discussed based on the data from SHEBA.  相似文献   

Weekly air samples were collected at Cape Kumakahi (0 km) and at nearby Mauna Loa Observatory (3.4 km) which is above the boundary layer. EC/GC and GC/FID techniques were used to measure CH3I, CHCl3, CO and CH4, which are largely natural in origin, and C2Cl4, CCl4, CH3, CCl3, CCl3F (F-11), CCl2F2 (F-12), CHClF2 (F-22) and C2F3Cl3 (F-113), which are due to anthropogenic activities. It was found that all these gases are significantly (0.05) more abundant in the boundary layer than above it.  相似文献   

大气边界层湍流的动力非平稳性的验证   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
首次用验证时间序列中是否存在动力非平稳性的一种简单图示方法——space time-index法来分析大气边界层湍流的动力平稳性特征.本文以取自淮河流域和威斯康星森林下垫面条件下的三维高精度风速和温度、湿度湍流脉动资料对大气边界层湍流的平稳性特征进行了分析.结果表明space time-index方法能有效地检验大气边界层湍流信号中是否存在动力平稳性.另外,均匀下垫面条件(水稻田)及复杂下垫面条件(森林)下的大气边界层湍流信号中几乎都存在动力非平稳性,大气湍流动力学非平稳性可能是边界层湍流信号相当普遍具有的一种特性.大气边界层湍流中的间歇性和相干结构使得其非平稳性图形的特征不同于一般时间序列非平稳性图形的“V”型特征;森林下垫面条件下的湍流信号比相对均匀下垫面(水稻田)下的湍流信号更有组织性,相干结构更强.  相似文献   

Effects of convective and mechanical turbulence at the entrainment zone are studied through the use of systematic Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) experiments. Five LES experiments with different shear characteristics in the quasi-steady barotropic boundary layer were conducted by increasing the value of the constant geostrophic wind by 5 m s-1 until the geostrophic wind was equal to 20 m s-1. The main result of this sensitivity analysis is that the convective boundary layer deepens with increasing wind speed due to the enhancement of the entrainment heat flux by the presence of shear. Regarding the evolution of the turbulence kinetic energy (TKE) budget for the studied cases, the following conclusions are drawn: (i) dissipation increases with shear, (ii) the transport and pressure terms decrease with increasing shear and can become a destruction term at the entrainment zone, and (iii) the time tendency of TKE remains small in all analyzed cases. Convective and local scaling arguments are applied to parameterize the TKE budget terms. Depending on the physical properties of each TKE budget contribution, two types of scaling parameters have been identified. For the processes influenced by mixed-layer properties, boundary layer depth and convective velocity have been used as scaling variables. On the contrary, if the physical processes are restricted to the entrainment zone, the inversion layer depth, the modulus of the horizontal velocity jump and the momentum fluxes at the inversion appear to be the natural choices for scaling these processes. A good fit of the TKE budget terms is obtained with the scaling, especially for shear contribution.  相似文献   

The article reviews past accomplishments and recent advances in conceptual understanding, numerical simulation, and physical interpretation of the wind shear phenomena in the atmospheric convective boundary layer.  相似文献   

The thermodynamical structure of the atmospheric boundary layer over the Deccan plateau region has been studied with aerological data for 1980 and 1981.The temperatures in the sub-cloud layer were lower on active monsoon days than dose on weak monsoon days. An opposite trend was noticed in the layer above the 900 mbar level. The moisture content on active monsoon days was higher than that on weak monsoon days. The profile of relative humidity above the 850 mbar level showed large deviations between the active and weak monsoon conditions. On active monsoon days the values of dry static stability were higher than those on weak monsoon days. An opposite trend was noticed in the case of moist static stability. On active monsoon days the magnitudes of thev components of wind were small compared with those of theu components, and the latter showed a gradual decrease with height.  相似文献   


本文从民航气象报告(AMDAR)数据库中提取了2008—2019年期间我国中东部18个机场飞机起飞和降落期间的大气边界层(ABL)廓线数据,并利用常规探空数据评估了不同季节和高度范围的AMDAR数据准确性及其随探空站与机场距离和飞行状态的变化.与常规探空数据相比,低层(P>850 hPa)的AMDAR温度和风分量的均方根误差(RMSE)均比较高层(850~500 hPa)小,且各高度层上的温度和风分量的RMSE都随间隔距离的增加而增大.相对而言,飞行状态对AMDAR数据准确性的影响很小.在间隔距离小于50 km且P>850 hPa高度层范围内,温度、纬向风和经向风的平均RMSE分别为0.68~0.83 K、1.48~1.62 m·s-1和1.73~1.81 m·s-1.相比于RMSE,对应的平均偏差都显著更小,且随间隔距离无明显变化.数据应用示例表明,AMDAR廓线数据由于其较高的时间分辨率,不仅可以反映ABL结构的日变化特征,还可用于研究ABL局地环流特征.基于18个机场AMDAR廓线数据分析发现,我国远内陆、干燥地区大气边界层高度(ABLH)具有较强的日变化,尤其是在春夏两季,而沿海和近内陆地区ABLH的日变化强度和季节差异都较小.


为克服针对一次或几次天气过程研究城市化对边界层结构及降水影响的局限性,尝试研究北京城市化对夏季大气边界层结构及降水的月平均影响,本文首先总结了2006年8月份的主要天气过程,分析了气象站观测的10 m高度风速、2 m高度气温、2 m高度比湿和24 h降水的月平均分布特征,然后利用WRF/Noah/UCM模拟系统,进行了该月30个个例的高分辨率数值模拟及检验分析,并通过多组不同城市化情景的敏感性试验对比分析了城市化对夏季大气边界层结构及降水的月平均影响.研究表明:本文所用对高分辨率数值模拟结果进行月平均的方法可以较合理地模拟出城市化对大气边界层结构及降水的影响,并再现观测到的各站风频差异.8月份,北京城市化对气温的影响高度白天约为800 m,近地面气温升高1℃以上;夜间约为200 m,对近地面气温的影响达到最大(1.4℃以上).白天,城市化使城市及下风向的一些区域风速略有减小;夜间,城市及周边区域200 m以下风速明显减小,且在100 m左右高度处风速减小最明显,减小达0.8 m/s以上.城市化白天使700 m以下比湿减小,近地面处减小达1.2g/kg以上,夜间使近地面空气比湿略有减小.城市化对城市区域平均降水量的影响随城市发展的不同阶段而不同.初步模拟分析表明, 北京城市化已使上风向区域以及城区三环以内降水量减少,海淀和昌平降水明显增加.  相似文献   

The effect of the downstream propagation of a wake on the transport of momentum, energy and scalars (such as humidity) in the convective boundary layer (CBL) is studied using a direct numerical simulation. The incompressible Navier–Stokes and energy equations are integrated under neutral and unstable thermal stratification conditions in a rotating coordinate frame with the Ekman layer approximation. Wake effects are introduced by modifying the mean velocity field as an initial condition on a converged turbulent Ekman layer flow. With this initial velocity distribution, the governing equations are integrated in time to determine how turbulent transport in the CBL is affected by the wake. Through the use of Taylor’s hypothesis, temporal evolution of the flow field in a doubly periodic computational domain is transformed into a spatial evolution. The results clearly indicate an increase in the scalar flux at the surface for the neutrally stratified case. An increase in wall scalar and heat flux is also noted for the CBL under unstable stratification, though the effects are diminished given the enhanced buoyant mixing associated with the hot wall.  相似文献   

It is found by experiment that under the thermal convection condition, the temperature fluctuation in the urban canopy layer turbulence has the hard state character, and the temperature difference between two points has the exponential probability density function distribution. At the same time, the turbulent energy dissipation rate fits the log-normal distribution, and is in accord with the hypothesis proposed by Kolmogorov in 1962 and lots of reported experimental results. In this paper, the scaling law of hard state temperature n order structure function is educed by the self-similar multiplicative cascade models. The theory formula is Sn = n/3μ{n(n+6)/72+[2lnn!-nln2]/2ln6}, and μ Is intermittent exponent. The formula can fit the experimental results up to order 8 exponents, is superior to the predictions by the Kolmogorov theory, the β And log-normal model.  相似文献   

本研究将边界层相似理论与对流理论应用到具有海洋大气边界层(Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer, MABL)对流特征的星载合成孔径雷达(Synthetic Aperture Radar, SAR)遥感图像,探讨了星载SAR遥感图像描述海气应力作用下水平扰动尺度变化的潜在可能性.针对具有三维对流涡旋Cell和二维水平滚轴涡旋Roll特征的星载SAR遥感图像,反演了中国海海域MABL高度,并与同步实验获取的MABL高度结果进行对比.结果表明,利用具有对流特征的星载SAR遥感图像反演MABL高度是可行的,展示了以高分辨率、大面积观测为特点的星载SAR遥感图像探测MABL的广阔前景.  相似文献   

Surface ozone (O3) and vertical O3 distribution in the planetary boundary layer (PBL) at the Ming Tombs (40°17′15″N, 116°12′51″E), Beijing during September 7―12, 2001 were measured by ground based measurements and an in-situ tethersonde system. The results indicated that O3 concentration measured at surface level agreed well with that measured by tethersonde system in daytime when active thermal mixing was dominated. Ozone showed the lowest concentration before the sunrise and then gradually increased in the morning and reached the maximum in the afternoon 14:00―17:00 (lst). After sunset, O3 gradually decreased and resulted in low value below 200―300 m due to surface loss processes and chemical destruction in stable boundary layer characterized by temperature inversions. High O3 was observed whenever there was pollutants transport from the metropolitan areas of Beijing. Our analysis suggested the complex terrain of the Ming Tombs region caused pollutants transported from Beijing to accumulate in the PBL, and resulted in severe O3 pollution, with a maximum over 160×10-9, when the synoptic conditions was favorable for photochemical O3 production.  相似文献   

采用非本征模方法(non-modal analysis)研究了磁层顶边界层中剪切流导致的MHD波模转化及其与背景流场的能量交换过程.发现在分别代表磁层顶内、外边界层及过渡区的均匀剪切流场中,初始设定的Alfvén波扰动可部分转化为快、慢磁声波.而且,在不同区域,根据等离子体参数的不同,发生的波模转化过程也不相同.在外边界,Alfvén波主要转化为慢磁声波;在内边界,Alfvén波则主要转化为快磁声波;而在二者之间的过渡区中,Alfvén波可同时转化为两种类型的磁声波.我们还发现,含有较强快波分量的扰动可从磁层顶剪切流场中获得能量而得到线性放大.上述物理过程可能对解释磁鞘至磁层的能量及动量异常输运现象有所帮助.  相似文献   

Acoustic tomography is presented as a technique for remote monitoring of meteorological quantities. This method and a special algorithm of analysis can directly produce area-averaged values of meteorological parameters. As a result consistent data will be obtained for validation of numerical atmospheric micro-scale models. Such a measuring system can complement conventional point measurements over different surfaces. The procedure of acoustic tomography uses the horizontal propagation of sound waves in the atmospheric surface layer. Therefore, to provide a general overview of sound propagation under various atmospheric conditions a two-dimensional ray-tracing model according to a modified version of Snell’s law is used. The state of the crossed atmosphere can be estimated from measurements of acoustic travel time between sources and receivers at different points. Derivation of area-averaged values of the sound speed and furthermore of air temperature results from the inversion of travel time values for all acoustic paths. Thereby, the applied straight ray two-dimensional tomographic model using SIRT (simultaneous iterative reconstruction technique) is characterised as a method with small computational requirements, satisfactory convergence and stability properties as well as simple handling, especially, during online evaluation.  相似文献   

南京城市化进程对大气边界层的影响研究   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
为了研究城市化进程对城市边界层结构的影响,通过高分辨率的卫星遥感资料获得土地利用类型,以及地表反照率、植被指数等地表参数,以南京为例,运用数值模拟手段进行了研究,结果显示这是一种可行的手段.数值模拟结果表明,随着城市的发展,城市反照率减小、植被减少、地表湿度减小,蒸发耗热减少,感热通量增加140 W/m2,城市波恩比增加.地表和大气之间热量交换加强,湍流热量通量增大了一倍,湍流交换发展加剧,14:00混合层高度抬高了500 m.地表湍流水汽通量和空气中水汽含量都减小,这也使更多的热量用于加热地表和大气,使地温、气温的日变化幅度增加.  相似文献   

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