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基于自然的解决方案(NbS)在应对气候变化领域的重要作用日益受到国际社会的关注。本文将NbS在应对气候变化领域的生态系统划分为森林、草地、农田、湿地、海洋、城市,采用传统环境政策工具分类,将六大生态系统的政策工具划分为命令控制型、经济激励型、自愿参与型三类。在此基础上,梳理构建NbS在我国应对气候变化领域的政策框架。结果表明,我国初步形成了以命令控制型政策为主,重视通过经济激励型政策引导,并逐步完善自愿参与型政策的NbS政策体系。然而,NbS在我国应对气候变化领域的政策仍存在诸多问题,包括NbS尚未成为应对气候变化的主流措施、缺乏自上而下的管理机制、未形成理论与实践的有机统一、资金来源单一、技术支撑和能力建设薄弱、公众参与度有待进一步加强等。为发挥NbS在我国应对气候变化领域的潜力,建议将NbS纳入我国下阶段国家自主贡献更新文件中,争取提出有关NbS的定量承诺,推动NbS成为应对气候变化的主流措施,构建自上而下的管理机制,建立多元化的资金投入机制,加强从理论到实践、从路径到政策的研究,提升能力保障和公众参与度。  相似文献   

江西省应对气候变化政策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为应对全球气候变化,各级政府纷纷提出应对气候变化的战略和政策。以江西气候变化和影响事实为基础,分析和总结了目前江西省应对气候变化所采取的政策,包括农业政策、林业政策、水资源管理政策及防灾减灾政策等,得出了政府是应对气候变化的领导者、组织者和政策的制定者的结论,认为政府在应对气候变化行动中具有重要的引导作用。  相似文献   

自特朗普就任美国总统,美国退出《巴黎协定》已在意料中,但当特朗普正式宣布退出仍引发了国际社会的广泛关注。究其宣布退出的考虑不难看出,尽管美国政治信誉、国际合作和长远经济均受影响,但借此特朗普既可以提高其政治影响力、同时又可向国际社会重新要价。从国际应对气候变化的大形势看,美国的退出不会根本逆转全球气候治理的大方向。但美国削减国内气候变化研究、多边环境基金的资金支持和援助等政策将影响气候变化的基础研究和国际应对气候变化多边机制,以及未来应对气候变化的国际合作和长期目标的实现。《联合国气候变化框架公约》的"共同但有区别"的责任原则将受到冲击。就未来而言,全球应对气候变化的正向发展仍旧是主旋律,气候治理正进入多元主体发挥作用的时代,地方和民间组织层面将开展更多的技术创新务实合作,提高气候变化科学及认知的能力建设仍将是长期的任务。  相似文献   

国际气候治理中的公正转型议题涉及就业、关乎民生,是各国都很关注的政策领域之一,因此也被视为是支持应对气候变化的一种重要社会机制。近年来,国际社会积极推动建设气候治理公正转型制度体系,各国也在所制定的国家应对气候变化战略和规划中越来越多地提出与公正转型和就业相关的目标与措施。公正转型议题在国际气候治理进程中主流化的趋势给中国参与和引领全球气候治理带来了新的机遇与挑战。中国应加强关于该问题的基础性研究;在国内应对气候变化的行动中充分考虑该问题,保障受影响就业群体获得社会公正对待;总结具体实践经验;在政策领域协调上做好新的布局;积极参与《联合国气候变化框架公约》下公正转型治理体系的构建中。  相似文献   

全面分析了气候变化给企业带来的机遇与挑战。全球契约的"关注气候"倡议为企业响应全球号召应对气候变化带来了机遇,全球契约是全球企业共同应对气候变化、实现企业社会责任和树立企业形象的良好平台。另外,通过调查研究分析了中国民营企业应对气候变化的现状,并提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

应对全球气候变化需要地方采取应对措施。根据湖北省"十一五"规划纲要提出的目标和《中国应对气候变化国家方案》提出的具体任务,通过分析论证气候变化的脆弱性以及经济发展对能源需求的增长,提出了湖北省适应和减缓气候变化的应对方案,并分析了湖北省温室气体排放的3种情景。湖北省作为国家能源和经济格局的组成部分,需要协同国家战略及布局,不仅为湖北省自身,也要为国家的低碳发展做出贡献。  相似文献   

湖北省应对气候变化的方案分析与政策含义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 应对全球气候变化需要地方采取应对措施。根据湖北省"十一五"规划纲要提出的目标和《中国应对气候变化国家方案》提出的具体任务,通过分析论证气候变化的脆弱性以及经济发展对能源需求的增长,提出了湖北省适应和减缓气候变化的应对方案,并分析了湖北省温室气体排放的3种情景。湖北省作为国家能源和经济格局的组成部分,需要协同国家战略及布局,不仅为湖北省自身,也要为国家的低碳发展做出贡献。  相似文献   

女性在应对气候变化中处于不利地位,也是应对气候变化中不可忽视的力量。国际社会已逐渐认识到在应对气候变化进程中纳入性别考虑的重要意义,性别议题在气候谈判中的主流化趋势明显,《联合国气候变化框架公约》执行层面纳入性别考虑取得了长足的进展,以全球环境基金、绿色气候基金为代表的《联合国气候变化框架公约》资金机制已将性别政策纳入机构政策体系,并积极在项目层面推动性别政策的实施。虽然国际气候变化领域的性别主流化工作取得了较大进展,但仍存在女性参与气候变化决策的程度不足、减缓领域纳入性别考虑的程度不足等问题。目前中国气候变化领域对性别的关注不足,建议加强气候变化领域的性别问题研究,为履约工作提供支撑;在应对气候变化相关的政策体系中纳入性别考虑,加强与性别领域的沟通协作;加强气候变化相关机构性别主流化能力建设,明确职责安排;加强气候变化领域国内项目、“一带一路”项目和“南南合作”项目的性别主流化;切实加强中国女性应对气候变化能力,提高女性对气候行动的参与度。  相似文献   

中国能源领域低碳技术发展路线图   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着气候变化问题成为当今国际社会普遍关注的全球性问题,国际社会包括发展中国家在内,都在为应对气候变化进行着不懈的努力。对中国来说,实现低碳发展也成为未来必然要遵循的社会经济发展途径,而技术在其中将起到至关重要的作用。本研究基于中国综合政策评价模型,分析得到了未来中国实现低碳排放情景的技术发展路线图。研究结果显示,未来中国仍具有实现低碳发展的潜力和机会,但需要加快和加大关键低碳技术的应用和普及力度,并为此提供相应的政策措施支持。  相似文献   

正《气候变化与公共政策研究报告2015》史军戈华清主编全面系统地分析了气候变化应对与适应的理论基础、国际谈判风险与对策、不国国家的应用对策、具体的法律制度,还特别针对我国气候变化问题,分别从亚非拉国家应对气候变化立法与政策、地方环境立法对可气候变化的适应与调整、我国可再生能源法律制度建议、人工影响天气的法律问题及对策、农村气象灾害整体性防御体系的构建、基于科技支撑体系建设的突发事件应急能力建设、跨区域气象灾害应急管理、跨区域性气象灾害应急调配优化等开展特别有实践  相似文献   

The Technology Executive Committee (TEC) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) recently convened a workshop seeking to understand how strengthening national systems of innovation (NSIs) might help to foster the transfer of climate technologies to developing countries. This article reviews insights from the literatures on Innovation Studies and Socio-Technical Transitions to demonstrate why this focus on fostering innovation systems has potential to be more transformative as an international policy mechanism for climate technology transfer than anything the UNFCCC has considered to date. Based on insights from empirical research, the article also articulates how the existing architecture of the UNFCCC Technology Mechanism could be usefully extended by supporting the establishment of CRIBs (climate relevant innovation-system builders) in developing countries – key institutions focused on nurturing the climate-relevant innovation systems and building technological capabilities that form the bedrock of transformative, climate-compatible technological change and development.

Policy relevance

This article makes a direct contribution to current work by the TEC of the UNFCCC on enhancing enabling environments for and addressing barriers to technology development and transfer (specifically, it will contribute to Activity 4.3 of the TEC's 2014–15 rolling workplan ‘Further work on enablers and barriers, taking into account the outcomes of the workshop on NSIs’). The article articulates both the conceptual basis that justifies a focus on NSIs in relation to climate technology transfer and makes concrete recommendations as to how this can be implemented under the Convention as a Party-driven extension to the existing architecture of the Technology Mechanism.  相似文献   

欧善国  彭晓丹  凌洋 《气象科学》2022,42(2):270-278
基于国家对农业信息化数字农业发展要求,以及广州都市农业发展需求分析,探讨了广州智慧农业气象服务平台构建策略、建设规划,重点探讨通过可视化建模方式,以及通用算法和集合算法,方便业务人员自行构建农业气象业务应用模型;采用CiteSpace技术构建农业气象知识图谱,实现“惠农”AI互动;通过Scrapy网络爬虫技术、Spark ML卷积神经网络算法,实现病虫害图像识别与趋势分析;应用基于GIS二三位一体化技术实现精细化的气候资源区划、气象灾害风险区划;采用Web系统与微信混合式服务方式,提供多个特色农业气象服务。旨在以平台为载体,通过农业气象智能化信息化建设,推进粤港澳大湾区“菜篮子”工程建设,推动农村产业规模和科技创新发展,促进农村一二三产业融合发展,实现农业生产风险有效转移,有效保障广州都市农业发展。  相似文献   

We analyze and contrast how China and India mobilized financial resources to build domestic technological innovation systems in wind energy. To that end, we identify distinct stages of technology diffusion in the two countries in the period 1986–2012, and analyze the interplay between public policies and the development of the technological innovation system across the different stages. We show that the two countries’ distinct development strategies for wind energy – China developed wind energy largely through its state-owned enterprises, while India opened up wind energy investment to the private sector in the early 1990s – influenced system outcomes in terms of technology diffusion, domestic industry structure, competitiveness, and ownership. By unraveling the interplay between public policies, investment risks and returns, and actor characteristics, we explain the differences in system outcomes and identify important policy trade-offs between the two strategies. Our analysis provides novel insights about the process of financial resource mobilization in technological innovation systems, the dynamics of innovation-system growth, and the policy trade-offs that must be reconciled by countries that aim to promote the diffusion of a particular technology.  相似文献   

Technological capability and technology transfer both play important roles in achieving low-carbon development targets and the concepts of both have appeared in national development and climate policy debates. Yet, they differ. Improving capabilities and transfer mechanisms are two differing approaches to technological development. Technology transfer is associated with a key political dynamic within international climate policy, in that developing countries request support from industrialised countries. Whereas technological capability focuses on building internal capabilities and is often framed in the context of national industrial policy plans rather than relying on external support. We argue that technology development, a combination of these approaches, can contribute to South Africa's low-carbon development through innovation and technology-based mitigation actions that increase domestic technological capabilities. Technological capability needs to become a determinant of mitigation action to effectively contribute to achieving South Africa's low-carbon development goals. International technology transfer and cooperation should contribute to boosting domestic capabilities to advance technological development. Technology transfer based on pure sales will not contribute to achieving long-term low-carbon development goals.  相似文献   

This paper examines the dynamics of innovation in low-carbon energy technologies distinguishing between research and development and technology diffusion as a response to alternative climate policies. We assess the implications of second-best policies that depart from the assumption of immediate and global participation and of full technology availability. The analysis highlights the heterogeneous effects of climate policy on different energy R&D programs and discusses the contribution of important determinants such as carbon price and policy stringency, policy credibility, policy and technological spillovers and absorptive capacity.  相似文献   

分别基于社会资本和知识互补性2种不同的伙伴选择方式构建了创新网络的仿真模型,着重比较了2种伙伴选择方式对于创新网络绩效的影响.结果表明:当创新破坏程度较低时,吸收对于网络中的知识流动起主导调节作用,基于社会资本选择合作伙伴形成的创新网络,其创新绩效优于根据知识互补性选择伙伴形成的创新网络;而当创新的破坏程度较高时,网络中知识流动主要由创新驱动,根据知识互补性选择合作伙伴形成的创新网络其创新绩效更高.  相似文献   

Energy and climate policies may have significant economy-wide impacts, which are regularly assessed based on quantitative energy-environment-economy models. These tend to vary in their conclusions on the scale and direction of the likely macroeconomic impacts of a low-carbon transition. This paper traces the characteristic discrepancies in models’ outcomes to their origins in different macro-economic theories, most importantly their treatment of technological innovation and finance. We comprehensively analyse the relevant branches of macro-innovation theory and group them into two classes: ‘Equilibrium’ and ‘Non-equilibrium’. While both approaches are rigorous and self-consistent, they frequently yield opposite conclusions for the economic impacts of low-carbon policies. We show that model outcomes are mainly determined by their representations of monetary and finance dimensions, and their interactions with investment, innovation and technological change. Improving these in all modelling approaches is crucial for strengthening the evidence base for policy making and gaining a more consistent picture of the macroeconomic impacts of achieving emissions reductions objectives. The paper contributes towards the ongoing effort of enhancing the transparency and understanding of sophisticated model mechanisms applied to energy and climate policy analysis. It helps tackle the overall ‘black box’ critique, much-cited in policy circles and elsewhere.

Key policy insights

  • Quantitative models commissioned by policy-makers to assess the macroeconomic impacts of climate policy generate contradictory outcomes and interpretations.

  • The source of the differences in model outcomes originates primarily from assumptions on the workings of the financial sector and the nature of money, and of how these interact with processes of low-carbon energy innovation and technological change.

  • Representations of innovation and technological change are incomplete in energy-economy-environment models, leading to limitations in the assessment of the impacts of climate-related policies.

  • All modelling studies should state clearly their underpinning theoretical school and their treatment of finance and innovation.

  • A strong recommendation is given for modellers of energy-economy systems to improve their representations of money and finance.


The climate crisis demands a strong response from policy-makers worldwide. The current global climate policy agenda requires technological change, innovation, labour markets and the financial system to be led towards an orderly and rapid low-carbon transition. Yet progress has been slow and incremental. Inadequacies of policy appraisal frameworks used worldwide may be significant contributors to the problem, as they frequently fail to adequately account for the dynamics of societal and technological change. Risks are underestimated, and the economic opportunities from innovation are generally not assessed in practice. Here, we identify root causes of those inadequacies and identify them to structural features of standard analysis frameworks. We use a review of theoretical principles of complexity science and the science of dynamical systems and formulate a generalisation of existing frameworks for policy analysis and the appraisal of outcomes of proposed policy strategies, to help better identify and frame situations of transformational change. We use the term “risk-opportunity analysis” to capture the generalised approach, in which conventional economic cost-benefit analysis is a special case. New guiding principles for policy-making during dynamic and transformational change are offered.  相似文献   

中国气象局沈阳大气环境研究在2014年基于CUACE和CMAQ建立了东北区域空气质量数值预报业务系统,本文介绍了空气质量数值模式的研究进展以及业务现状,为东北区域空气质量和雾霾预报提供了技术支撑。然而,随着预报精细化和更长预报时效的业务发展需求,存在预报准确率不高、计算资源短缺、科技创新能力不足等问题。本文基于存在的问题提出了东北区域空气质量数值预报未来发展建议与展望,包括加强大气污染源清单研究与技术规范制定、观测资料同化技术研究与业务应用、物理过程参数化方案的改进优化、发展数值预报产品订正技术、开发高分辨率7—10 d数值预报产品、加强人才引进和科技创新等。  相似文献   

对江西气象科技创新体系改革与建设的内容和方向进行了论述,认为江西气象科技创新体系改革与建设,应坚持“自主创新,重点跨越,支撑发展,引领未来”的科技发展方针,明确科技型、基础性社会公益事业定位,深入实施科技兴气象战略,深化气象科技体制改革,加强原始创新、集成创新和引进消化吸收再创新;促进业务与科研的结合,形成科技创新引领事业发展的研究型业务,提升气象科技创新能力,提高气象科技水平和气象业务的科技含量,提高气象队伍素质,培养造就具有创新能力、既懂科研又懂业务的学科、技术带头人和复合型人才。  相似文献   

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