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1 IntroductionTheBeringStrait, with them aximum depth lessthan 60 m , isthe uniquepassagebetween the ArcticOcean and the North Pacific Ocean, and links twoshelfseas:theBeringSeainthesouthandtheChukchiSea in the north. The background flow field oftheBering…  相似文献   

During the summer of 2008, the third CHINARE Arctic Expedition was carried out on board of Xuelong Icebreaker in the central Chukchi Sea. A submersible mooring system was deployed and recovered at Station CN-01 (71°40.024′N, 167°58.910′W) with 33 days of the current profile records, and continuous observation of temperature and salinity data were collected. This mooring station locates in the blank of similar observation area and it is the first time for our Chinese to finish this kind of long-termmooring work in this area. Thismooring systemfinished integrated hydrological observationswith long-termcontinuous record of the whole profile velocity for the first time. Based on time series analysis of temperature, salinity, velocity and flow direction, we get the following main results. (1) During the observation period, the mean surface current velocity is 70.2 cm/s eastward, and velocity reaches itsmaximumin average at 3mlevelwithmagnitude 90.0 cm/s, direction 206°. (2) In 9-30mlayers, the semidiurnal period variationis themost obvious, the flow direction is quite stable, and the flow is synchronous and consistent vertically. (3) Besides the semidiurnal period variation, the main variation in the upper layer is in 11-d period, with variations in period 5.5, 5.5, and 3.7 d, which reflect the influences of sea surface wind change and maintenance. (4) Near the bottom, the temperature change is correlated and synchronizedwith the conductivity.  相似文献   

1Introduction ThephysicalcharacteristicsintheArcticOcean includewidecontinentalshelves,accountingfor36% oftheocean’ssurfacearea(MooreandSmith,1986) withseasonalicecover.Theprincipalwatersentering theArcticOceanarefromtheNorthAtlanticviathe FramStraitandtheBarentsSea,andtheNorthPacific viatheBeringStrait.Withinthearcticinterior,thewa- tersjoininthelarge-scalecirculationandaresubse- quentlymodifiedbyprocessesofair/sea/iceinterac- tion,riverinflow,andexchangewithsurrounding shelves.Howeve…  相似文献   

On the basis of the CTD data obtained within the Bering Sea shelf by the Second to Sixth Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition in the summers of 2003, 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2014, the classification and interannual variation of water masses on the central Bering Sea shelf and the northern Bering Sea shelf are analyzed. The results indicate that there are both connection and difference between two regions in hydrological features. On the central Bering Sea shelf, there are mainly four types of water masses distribute orderly from the slope to the coast of Alaska: Bering Slope Current Water(BSCW), MW(Mixed Water), Bering Shelf Water(BSW) and Alaska Coastal Water(ACW). In summer, BSW can be divided into Bering Shelf Surface Water(BSW_S) and Bering Shelf Cold Water(BSW_C). On the northern Bering Sea shelf near the Bering Strait,it contains Anadyr Water(AW), BSW and ACW from west to east. But the spatial-temporal features are also remarkable in each region. On the central shelf, the BSCW is saltiest and occupies the west of 177°W, which has the highest salinity in 2014. The BSW_C is the coldest water mass and warmest in 2014; the ACW is freshest and mainly occupies the east of 170°W, which has the highest temperature and salinity in 2012. On the northern Bering Sea shelf near the Bering Strait, the AW is saltiest with temperature decreasing sharply compared with BSCW on the central shelf. In the process of moving northward to the Bering Strait, the AW demonstrates a trend of eastward expansion. The ACW is freshest but saltier than the ACW on the central shelf,which is usually located above the BSW and is saltiest in 2014. The BSW distributes between the AW and the ACW and coldest in 2012, but the cold water of the BSW_C on the central shelf, whose temperature less than 0°C, does not exist on the northern shelf. Although there are so many changes, the respond to a climate change is synchronized in the both regions, which can be divided into the warm years(2003 and 2014) and cold years(2008, 2010 and 2012). The year of 2014 may be a new beginning of warm period.  相似文献   

北极楚科奇海及其附近海域海底底栖贝类遗壳分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对采自北极的23个站的底栖贝类遗壳进行鉴定,结果表明这些贝类遗壳计有17个种,其中双壳纲13种,腹足纲4种.根据鉴定到种的13个种可将所鉴定的软体动物分为两个区系:北极和环北极寒温带种,它们是Astarte montagui,Liocyma fluctusa,Macoma calcarea,M.moesta alas-kana,Mya pseudoarenaria,Nuculana pernula,N.radiata,Nucula bellotii,Serripes groenlan-dicus和Turritella polaris,共计10种,它们是北极水域软体动物区系组成中的主要成分;北极北太平洋寒温带种,它们是Argobuccinum oregonense,Cyclocardia crebricostata和Trichotropis cor-onata有3种.根据食性又可将它们分成滤食性、肉食性和碎食性三种,其中摄食沉积物中有机碎屑的碎食性种类占优势,包括双壳类中的Macoma calcarea,M.moesta alaskana,Macoma sp.,Nuculana pernula,N.radiata,Nucula bellotii,和腹足类的Trichotropis coronata,共计7种,它们不仅种类多,丰度高,而且在调查区的分布同细颗粒的沉积物有密切关系.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONInordertostudythemarinesedimentationoftheChukchiSeaandBeringSeaandgathertheinformationofpaleoceanographyandpaleoenvironment,theFirstChineseNationalArcticResearchExpeditionTeamcollectedbenthonicmolluscansamplesintheChukchiSea ,BeaufortSeaandBeringSeafromJuly 1sttoSeptember 9th ,1 999byicebreakerXuelong .ItwasnotonlythefirstsamplingthatChinesescientistscollectedmolluscaremainsinabove mentionedar eas,butalsooneofinvestigationsinasinglecruisewithhighersamplingrateandalotofb…  相似文献   

为了准确解释环境磁学参数记录的极地古气候环境变化信息,本研究对白令海和西北冰洋61个站位的表层沉积物进行了高、低频质量磁化率(χ)、非磁滞磁化率(χARM)和磁化率-温度(k-T)分析,以探明该区沉积物中磁性矿物的种类、来源与搬运路径。结果显示,样品的χ具有明显的地域分布特征。白令海的χ值整体高于楚科奇海,并在育空河口外侧和圣劳伦斯岛南侧较高,向北和向西南方向逐渐减小。楚科奇海中东部陆架上表层沉积χ值高于阿拉斯加沿岸,而西北冰洋深海平原和洋脊区的χ值最低。χARM的变化趋势与质量磁化率相似,但频率磁化率的变化趋势与质量磁化率正好相反。k-T分析结果显示阿留申海盆沉积物中的铁磁性矿物以磁赤铁矿占主导,白令海陆架育空河口外侧和圣劳伦斯岛南北两侧为磁铁矿,白令海陆架西部和楚科奇海陆架中东部为磁赤铁矿和磁铁矿,楚科奇海阿拉斯加沿岸为黄铁矿,而西北冰洋陆坡、深海平原和洋脊区为胶黄铁矿和黄铁矿,但高纬度区沉积物中的胶黄铁矿含量更高。沉积物中磁性矿物的区域性分布受沉积物来源、洋流和底质环境等因素的控制。白令海和楚科奇海陆架磁赤铁矿来源于亚洲大陆,白令海陆架东部的磁铁矿来自育空河流域,阿拉斯加沿岸沉积物中的黄铁矿,应为阿拉斯加西北部陆源侵蚀来源的或早期成岩作用形成的,西北冰洋深海盆区的胶黄铁矿,为自生成因的。  相似文献   

白令海、西北冰洋等高生产力海域在北冰洋"生物泵"中起到重要作用;海水升温、海冰消退等北极快速变化,将强烈影响该海域"生物泵"的结构与规模,并在沉积物中有机质的来源与新鲜程度上有所体现,可用脂肪酸加以指征。对第五次、第六次中国北极科学考察在以上海域采集的表层沉积物进行脂肪酸含量(以沉积物干重计)及组成分析,结果显示楚科奇海陆架总脂肪酸含量非常高((97.15±55.31)μg/g),白令海盆最低((15.00±1.30)μg/g),加拿大海盆、楚科奇海陆坡、白令海陆架居中(分别为(88.65±3.52)μg/g,(70.35±11.32)μg/g与(38.28±14.89)μg/g)。海源脂肪酸占总脂肪酸比例最高(86.82%±7.08%),陆源次之(8.45%±6.62%),细菌最低(4.63%±2.24%);硅藻指数(16:1ω9/16:0)在楚科奇海陆架(> 0.82)、白令海陆架边缘(> 0.65)较高,其他区域均较低。脂肪酸结果表明:(1)该海域沉积有机质主要来自海源,陆源贡献小;在北部、南部楚科奇海陆架、白令海陆架边缘,硅藻生物量占主要优势;细菌脂肪酸比例显著低于...  相似文献   

张光涛  孙松 《海洋学报》2011,33(2):146-156
根据西北冰洋43个调查站位的浮游动物种类组成和数量资料,分析了浮游动物的群落结构和地理分布特征,探讨了浮游动物群落与环境因子的关系.结果表明,在调查区域存在三种不同的浮游动物群落类型:楚科奇海台和加拿大海盆地区的高纬度深海群落;楚科奇海中部的陆架群落;阿拉斯加沿岸和楚科奇海北部的沿岸过渡群落.深海群落浮游动物数量较少,...  相似文献   

Ciliates are important components in planktonic food webs,but our understanding of their community structures in different oceanic water masses is limited.We report pelagic ciliate community characteristics in three seas:the tropical West Pacific,the Bering Sea and the Arctic Ocean.Planktonic ciliate abundance had"bimodal-peak","surface-peak"and"DCM(deep chlorophyll a maximum layer)-peak"vertical distribution patterns in the tropical West Pacific,the Bering Sea and the Arctic Ocean,respectively.The abundance proportion of tintinnid to total ciliate in the Bering Sea(42.6%)was higher than both the tropical West Pacific(7.8%)and the Arctic Ocean(2.0%).The abundance proportion of small aloricate ciliates(10–20μm size-fraction)in the tropical West Pacific was highest in these three seas.The Arctic Ocean had higher abundance proportion of tintinnids in larger LOD(lorica oral diameter)size-class.Proportion of redundant species increased from the Arctic Ocean to the tropical West Pacific.Our result provided useful data to further understand ecology roles of planktonic ciliates in different marine habitats.  相似文献   

Multiproxy investigations have been performed on Core 08P23 collected from the Chukchi Plateau, the western Arctic Ocean, during the Third Chinese National Arctic Expedition. The core was dated back to Marine Isotope Stage(MIS) 3 by a combination of Accelerator Mass Spectrometric(AMS) carbon-14 dating and regional core correlation. A total of five prominent ice-rafted detritus(IRD) events were recognized in MIS 2 and MIS 3. The IRD sources in MIS 3 are originated from vast carbonate rock outcrops of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago and clastic quartz in MIS 2 may have a Eurasian origin. Most δ18O and δ13C values of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma(sinistral)(Nps) in Core 08P23 are lighter than the average values of surface sediments. The lighter δ18O and δ13C values of Nps in the two brown layers in MIS 1 and MIS 3 were resulted from meltwater events; and those in the gray layers in MIS 3 were caused by the enhanced sea ice formation. The δ18O values varied inversely with δ13C in MIS 2 indicate that the study area was covered by thick sea ice or ice sheet with low temperature and little meltwater, which prevented the biological productivity and sea-atmosphere exchange, as well as water mass ventilation. The covaried light values of δ18O and δ13C in MIS 1 and MIS 3 were resulted from meltwater and/or brine injection.  相似文献   

A double-halocline structure in the Canada Basin of the Arctic Ocean   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1IntroductionAs a particular hydrographic feature,the upperArctic Ocean is salinity-stratified.A year-round halo-cline exists between the fresher,colder mixed Layerand the saltier,warmer middle layer(the Atlantic Lay-er),which is important to the permanent sea ice coverin the Arctic Ocean for it insulates the ice pack fromthe heat in the Atlantic Layer throughout the Arctic O-cean(Maykut and Untersteiner,1971).Characterizedby its vertically uniform temperature near freezingpoint,the haloc…  相似文献   

夏季楚科奇海河水与海冰融化水组分的空间变化特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对2008年夏季楚科奇海水氧同位素组成的分析,运用S、δ18 O的质量平衡关系计算出河水组分和海冰融化水组分的份额,揭示出楚科奇海河水和海冰融化水组分的空间变化规律,并探讨其影响因素。楚科奇海河水组分的份额介于1.9%~18.4%之间,呈现随深度增加而降低的趋势;河水组分积分高度的变化范围为1.3~16.6m,平均为(4.8±4.0)m。河水组分份额与积分高度均呈现东高西低、北强南弱的特征,与太平洋入流东侧为富含河水组分的阿拉斯加沿岸流、西侧为低河水组分的白令海陆架水,以及北部海域受波弗特流涡埃克曼辐聚作用的影响有关。海冰融化水份额呈现随深度增加而降低的趋势,20~30m以深受到冬季海冰形成时所释放盐卤水的明显影响。海冰融化水积分高度的变化范围为-3.2~1.7m,平均值为(-0.3±1.2)m,其空间分布呈现东低西高、南强北弱的特征,与太平洋入流输入通量的时间变化以及输入路径的西偏有关。  相似文献   

用逐步稀释法对北冰洋研究区10个沉积物岩芯(计189份样品)的厌氧细菌(AAB)进行分析,用改进的ZoBell 2216号培养基,在4 ℃和25 ℃温度中分别培养3周以上,根据培养结果统计样品中厌氧细菌的检出率与含量,分析厌氧细菌含量的分布情况.结果表明,4 ℃时AAB检出率为85.71%,含量范围 0~2.40×109 个·g-1,平均4.42×107 个·g-1;25 ℃时检出率为93.05%,含量范围0~1.10×109 个·g-1,平均5.31×107 个·g-1,略高于4 ℃时的平均值.研究表明研究区岩芯中广布AAB;温度的提高,可能提高AAB的相关指标;沉积物深度增加可能有利于AAB生长,但太深也不利于AAB生长,呈中层增高现象,但并不规则;在一定水深范围内,水深增加也有利于AAB的生长.同时给出了研究区内不同海域AAB分布差异.  相似文献   

The rapid Arctic summer sea ice reduction in the last decade has lead to debates in the maritime industries on the possibility of an increase in cargo transportation in the region. Average sailing times on the North Sea Route along the Siberian Coast have fallen from 20 days in the 1990s to 11 days in 2012–2013, attributed to easing sea ice conditions along the Siberian coast. However, the economic risk of exploiting the Arctic shipping routes is substantial. Here a detailed high-resolution projection of ocean and sea ice to the end of the 21st century forced with the RCP8.5 IPCC emission scenario is used to examine navigability of the Arctic sea routes. In summer, opening of large areas of the Arctic Ocean previously covered by pack ice to the wind and surface waves leads to Arctic pack ice cover evolving into the Marginal Ice Zone. The emerging state of the Arctic Ocean features more fragmented thinner sea ice, stronger winds, ocean currents and waves. By the mid 21st century, summer season sailing times along the route via the North Pole are estimated to be 13–17 days, which could make this route as fast as the North Sea Route.  相似文献   

2008年夏季中国第3次北极科学考察期间,利用锚碇潜标对北冰洋楚科奇陆架海域进行了为期33 d的海流剖面、近底层温度与盐度连续观测。观测数据显示楚科奇陆架海域近底层海水温度出现了两次较大幅度的快速升降现象。结合此次科学考察R断面温盐深仪(CTD)观测资料、以及卫星遥感海表温度(SST)和海表风场等资料,综合分析表明:观测到的这种快速升、降温现象不仅发生在近底层;这种快速升、降温现象应该是由海水温度锋面在夏季整体缓慢北移的同时存在短暂南北摆动所导致;温度锋面的季节性北移属于北极气候特征,而温度锋面短暂的南北摆动则与短期天气过程有关。  相似文献   

北极楚科奇海海冰面积多年变化的研究   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
北极气候系统正在发生显著变化,其中,海冰面积和厚度的减小是其最主要的特征.楚科奇海是海冰面积变化最有代表性的区域.文章利用积累了9a的高分辨率海冰分布数据研究海冰面积的多年变化特征.结果表明,各年的冰情有显著的季节内变化,海冰面积距平曲线体现了不同时期海冰面积变化的动态过程.在1997~2005年间,楚科奇海海冰面积经历了轻(1997年)-重(2000~2001年)-轻(2002~2005年)的变化过程.9a的数据总体上体现了海冰面积减小的趋势,2005年的冰情呈现了历史新低.每年融冰期的长短与冰情轻重有密切的关系,冰轻年份融冰开始时间早,冻结结束时间晚.各年海冰面积最小值发生在9月下旬至10月初,各个年份海冰最小面积差别很大.有的年份只有4%,而重冰年可以大于50%.文章采用4个重要参数表达海冰多年变化.其中海冰面积指数反映了当年总体平均的海冰面积距平;海冰最小面积反映了融冰期海冰的极限情况;上一个冬季的气温积温也与翌年海冰面积有良好的关联;分析了风场对海冰的影响,表明风场在融冰期能够在短时间内改变海冰的覆盖面积.  相似文献   

A one-dimensional thermodynamic model of melt pond is established in this paper.The observation data measured in the summer of 2010 by the Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition(CHINARE-2010) are used to partially parameterize equations and to validate results of the model.About 85% of the incident solar radiation passed through the melt pond surface,and some of it was released in the form of sensible and latent heat.However,the released energy was very little(about 15%),compared to the incident solar radiation.More than 58.6% of the incident energy was absorbed by melt pond water,which caused pond-covered ice melting and variation of pond water temperature.The simulated temperature of melt pond had a diurnal variation and its value ranged between 0.0°C and 0.3°C.The melting rate of upper pond-covered ice is estimated to be around two times faster than snow-covered ice.At same time,the change of melting rate was relatively quick for pond depth less than 0.4 m,while the melting rate kept relatively constant(about 1.0 cm/d) for pond depth greater than 0.4 m.  相似文献   

北白令海夏季冷水团的分布及其年际变化研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
利用1982-2008年间的高分辨率CTD数据,对夏季位于北白令海陆架底层的冷水团性质及其多年变化进行了研究.结果表明,依据该区域水体在温盐性质上的差异可以分为4类:陆架冷水团(BSW_C),白令海陆坡流水(BSCW),混合变性水(MW),陆架表层暖水(BSW_S).以-1℃,2℃和4℃温度等值线指示水团边界,清楚地将...  相似文献   

2016年8月7-14日中国第七次北极科学考察期间,在83°N附近设立的长期浮冰站开展了辐射和湍流通量观测研究。结果表明,观测期间反照率变化范围为0.64~0.92,平均反照率为0.78;基于现场观测数据评估了PW79、HIRHAM、ARCSYM和CCSM3 4种不同复杂度的反照率参数化方案在天气尺度的表现,最为复杂的CCSM3结果优于其他参数化方案,但不能体现降雪条件下的反照率快速增长。浮冰区冰雪面平均净辐射为18.10 W/m2,平均感热通量为1.73 W/m2,平均潜热通量为5.55 W/m2,海冰表面消融率为(0.30±0.22) cm/d,表明此时北冰洋浮冰正处于快速消融期。冰面的平均动量通量为0.098(kg·m/s)/(m2·s),动量通量与风速有很好的对应关系,相关系数达0.80。  相似文献   

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