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The SOHO mission: An overview   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) is a space mission that forms part of the Solar-Terrestrial Science Program (STSP), developed in a collaborative effort by the European Space Agency (ESA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The STSP constitutes the first cornerstone of ESA's long-term programme known as Space Science — Horizon 2000. The principal scientific objectives of the SOHO mission are a) to reach a better understanding of the structure and dynamics of the solar interior using techniques of helioseismology, and b) to gain better insight into the physical processes that form and heat the Sun's corona, maintain it and give rise to its acceleration into the solar wind. To achieve these goals, SOHO carries a payload consisting of 12 sets of complementary instruments. SOHO is a three-axis stabilized spacecraft with a total mass of 1850 kg; 1150 W of power will be provided by the solar panels. The payload weighs about 640 kg and will consume 450 W in orbit. SOHO will be launched by an ATLAS II-AS and will be placed in a halo orbit around the Sun-Earth L1 Lagrangian point where it will be continuously pointing to Sun centre with an accuracy of 10 arcsec. Pointing stability will be better than 1 arcsec over 15 min intervals. The SOHO payload produces a continuous science data stream of 40 kbits/s which will be increased by 160 kbits/s whenever the solar oscillations imaging instrument is operated in its highrate mode. Telemetry will be received by NASA's Deep Space Network (DSN). Planning, coordination and operation of the spacecraft and the scientific payload will be conducted from the Experiment Operations Facility (EOF) at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC).  相似文献   

The Soft X-ray Telescope for the SOLAR-A mission   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The Soft X-ray Telescope (SXT) of the SOLAR-A mission is designed to produce X-ray movies of flares with excellent angular and time resolution as well as full-disk X-ray images for general studies. A selection of thin metal filters provide a measure of temperature discrimination and aid in obtaining the wide dynamic range required for solar observing. The co-aligned SXT aspect telescope will yield optical images for aspect reference, white-light flare and sunspot studies, and, possibly, helioseismology. This paper describes the capabilities and characteristics of the SXT for scientific observing.After the launch the name of SOLAR-A has been changed to YOHKOH.  相似文献   

The Hard X-ray Telescope (HXT) is a Fourier-synthesis imager; a set of spatially-modulated photon count data are taken from 64 independent subcollimators and are Fourier-transformed into an image by using procedures such as the maximum entropy method (MEM) or CLEAN. The HXT takes images of solar flares simultaneously in four energy bands, nominally 15 (or 19)–24, 24–35, 35–57, and 57–100 keV, with an ultimate angular resolution as fine as 5 arc sec and a time resolution 0.5 s. Each subcollimator has a field of view wider than the solar disk. The total effective area of the collimator/detector system reaches 70 cm2, about one order of magnitude larger than that of the HINOTORI hard X-ray imager. Thanks to these improvements, HXT will for the first time enable us to take images of flares at photon energies above 30 keV. These higher-energy images will be compared with lower-energy ones, giving clues to the understanding of nonthermal processes in solar flares, i.e., the acceleration and confinement of energetic electrons. It is of particular importance to specify the acceleration site with regard to the magnetic field figuration in a flaring region, which will be achieved by collaborative observations between HXT and the Soft X-ray Telescope on board the same mission.After the launch the name of SOLAR-A has been changed to YOHKOH.  相似文献   

The Bragg Crystal Spectrometer (BCS) is one of the instruments which makes up the scientific payload of the SOLAR-A mission. The spectrometer employs four bent germanium crystals, views the whole Sun and observes the resonance line complexes of H-like Fexxvi and He-like Fexxv, Caxix, and Sxv in four narrow wavelength ranges with a resolving power (/) of between 3000 and 6000. The spectrometer has approaching ten times better sensitivity than that of previous instruments thus permitting a time resolution of better than 1 s to be achieved. The principal aim is the measurement of the properties of the 10 to 50 million K plasma created in solar flares with special emphasis on the heating and dynamics of the plasma during the impulsive phase. This paper summarizes the scientific objectives of the BCS and describes the design, characteristics, and performance of the spectrometers.After the launch the name of SOLAR-A has been changed to YOHKOH.Tragically Professor K. Tanaka died on January 2, 1990.  相似文献   

The SOLAR-A spacecraft has spectroscopic capabilities in a wide energy band from soft X-rays to gamma-rays. The Wide Band Spectrometer (WBS), consisting of three kinds of spectrometers, soft X-ray spectrometer (SXS), hard X-ray spectrometer (HXS) and gamma-ray spectrometer (GRS), is installed on SOLAR-A to investigate plasma heating, high-energy particle acceleration, and interaction processes. SXS has two proportional counters and each counter provides 128-channel pulse height data in the 2–30 keV range every 2 s and 2-channel pulse count data every 0.25 s. HXS has a NaI scintillation detector and provides 32-channel pulse height data in the 20–400 keV range every 1 s and 2-channel pulse count data every 0.125 s. GRS has two identical BGO scintillation detectors and each detector provides 128-channel pulse height data in the 0.2–10 MeV range every 4 s and 4-channel pulse count data (0.2–0.7, 0.7–4, 4–7, and 7–10 MeV) every 0.25–0.5 s. In addition, each of the BGO scintillation detectors provides 16-channel pulse height data in the 8–100 MeV range every 4 s and 2-channel pulse count data (8–30 and 30–100 MeV) every 0.5 s. The SXS observations enable one to study the thermal evolution of flare plasma by obtaining time series of electron temperatures and emission measures of hot plasma; the HXS observations enable one to study the electron acceleration and heating mechanisms by obtaining time series of the electron spectrum; and the GRS observations enable one to study the high-energy electron and ion acceleration and interaction processes by obtaining time series of electron and ion spectra.After the launch the name of SOLAR-A has been changed to YOHKOH.  相似文献   

Sunspots are the most readily visible manifestations of solar magnetic field concentrations and of their interaction with the Sun's plasma. Although sunspots have been extensively studied for almost 400 years and their magnetic nature has been known since 1908, our understanding of a number of their basic properties is still evolving, with the last decades producing considerable advances. In the present review I outline our current empirical knowledge and physical understanding of these fascinating structures. I concentrate on the internal structure of sunspots, in particular their magnetic and thermal properties and on some of their dynamical aspects. Received 27 September 2002 / Published online 3 March 2003  相似文献   

All of the SOLAR-A telemetry data will be reformatted before distribution to the analysis computers and the various users. This paper gives an overview of the files which will be created and the format and organization which the files will use. The organization has been chosen to be efficient in space, to ease access to the data, and to allow for the data to be transportable to different machines. An observing log file will be created automatically using the reformatted data files as the input. It will be possible to perform searches with the observing log to list cases where instruments are in certain modes and/or seeing certain signal levels.After the launch the name of SOLAR-A has been changed to YOHKOH.  相似文献   

In 2004 and 2005 CNES decided to perform phase 0 studies on 4 scientific missions: ASPICS (Solar physics), MAX (γ-rays Laue lens), PEGASE (hot Jupiter study by an interferometer in the 2μm to 4.5μm range) and SIMBOL-X (hard X-rays telescope). This last mission had already undergone a feasibility study in 2003 (ref. [4]), however a complementary study was necessary to take into account the possibilities of increasing the payload mass allowance, as well as the developments in the payload design and science goals (see ref. [1]). The output of this new detailed study is described hereafter.  相似文献   

2013 marks the 30th anniversary since the launch of Soviet Spacecraft Astron that had been operated for 6 years as the largest ultraviolet telescope during its lifetime. The Astron orbital station was designed for the astrophysical observations. It was launched into orbit by Proton launch system on March 23, 1983. Astron had a 80 cm ultraviolet telescope with mass of 400 kg and a complex of X-ray spectrographs with mass of 300 kg on board as a payload. It’s high apogee orbit (with apogee 200000 km and perigee 2000 km) permitted the influences of the Earth’s umbra and radiation belts to be excluded from the measurements. The main astrophysical results are summarized in this paper.  相似文献   

Amati  L.  O’Brien  P.T.  Götz  D.  Bozzo  E.  Santangelo  A.  Tanvir  N.  Frontera  F.  Mereghetti  S.  Osborne  J. P.  Blain  A.  Basa  S.  Branchesi  M.  Burderi  L.  Caballero-García  M.  Castro-Tirado  A. J.  Christensen  L.  Ciolfi  R.  De Rosa  A.  Doroshenko  V.  Ferrara  A.  Ghirlanda  G.  Hanlon  L.  Heddermann  P.  Hutchinson  I.  Labanti  C.  Le Floch  E.  Lerman  H.  Paltani  S.  Reglero  V.  Rezzolla  L.  Rosati  P.  Salvaterra  R.  Stratta  G.  Tenzer  C. 《Experimental Astronomy》2021,52(3):183-218
Experimental Astronomy - THESEUS, one of the two space mission concepts being studied by ESA as candidates for next M5 mission within its Comsic Vision programme, aims at fully exploiting Gamma-Ray...  相似文献   

Y. Ogawara 《Solar physics》1982,113(1-2):361-370
The Institute for Space and Astronautical Sciences (ISAS) is developing a satellite dedicated to high-energy observations of solar flares. The Solar-A will be launched in August–September, 1991, from the Kagoshima Space Center on board a M3S-II vehicle. The instrument complement emphasizes hard X-ray and soft X-ray imaging, and contains instruments supplied in part by U.S. and U.K. experimenters. This paper describes the instrumentation and the tentative observing program.  相似文献   

Ogawara  Y. 《Solar physics》1987,113(1-2):361-370

The Institute for Space and Astronautical Sciences (ISAS) is developing a satellite dedicated to high-energy observations of solar flares. The Solar-A will be launched in August–September, 1991, from the Kagoshima Space Center on board a M3S-II vehicle. The instrument complement emphasizes hard X-ray and soft X-ray imaging, and contains instruments supplied in part by U.S. and U.K. experimenters. This paper describes the instrumentation and the tentative observing program.


INTEGRAL, the International Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory, to be launched in 2001, is the second medium-size scientific mission (M2) of the ESA long term programme Horizon 2000. INTEGRAL addresses the fine spectroscopy and accurate positioning of celestial gamma-ray sources in the energy range 10 keV to 10 MeV. The observational requirements will be met by a payload utilising coded mask imaging in combination with detector pixel arrays (Imaging) and cooled Germanium detectors (Spectroscopy). INTEGRAL is an ESA led mission in collaboration with Russia and USA. Most of the observing time will be made available to the general scientific community.This paper is largely based on the INTEGRAL Phase A study report (ESA SCI(93)1), written by the INTEGRAL Phase A Science Working Team: S. Bergeson-Willis, T.J.-L. Courvoisier, A.J. Dean, Ph. Durouchoux, B. McBreen, N. Eismont, N. Gehrels, J.E. Grindlay, W.A. Mahoney, J.L. Matteson, O. Pace, T.A. Prince, V. Schönfelder, G.K. Skinner, R. Sunyaev, B.N. Swanenburg, B.J. Teegarden, P. Ubertini, G. Vedrenne, G.E. Villa, S. Volonté, and C. Winkler.  相似文献   

The history and present status of observations of large-scale velocity fields in the solar atmosphere are reviewed. Observations of the torsional oscillation and of mean meridional circulation suggest a connection of large-scale dynamics with the solar cycle. Significant problems must be solved before Doppler observations can match the precision of tracer measurements, particularly allowing for the effects of changes in line-profile asymmetries and for scattered light. Coordinated observations would establish the reliability of Doppler techniques, but Doppler measurements with precision of order 1 m s–1 made in a proper spatial-temporal window appear necessary for the identification of sub-global velocity fields varying with time-scales less than that of the solar cycle. This survey is presented in the context of the Solar Cycle Workshop held at Big Bear Lake, Calif, August 17–20, 1986.Solar Cycle Workshop Paper.  相似文献   

The MErcury, Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) mission will send the first spacecraft to orbit the planet Mercury. A miniaturized set of seven instruments, along with the spacecraft telecommunications system, provide the means of achieving the scientific objectives that motivate the mission. The payload includes a combined wide- and narrow-angle imaging system; γ-ray, neutron, and X-ray spectrometers for remote geochemical sensing; a vector magnetometer; a laser altimeter; a combined ultraviolet-visible and visible-infrared spectrometer to detect atmospheric species and map mineralogical absorption features; and an energetic particle and plasma spectrometer to characterize ionized species in the magnetosphere.  相似文献   

Interstellar extinction is presented in a unified picture from the infrared (=104 nm or 10 m) to the X-rays (E=1.25 nm or 10 keV), as a cross-section normalized per hydrogen atom. Analytical expressions for the cross-section covering the whole range are cited or given in the Appendix for computational purposes.
Résumé L'extinction interstellaire est présentée de manière unifiée, de l'infrarouge (104 nm ou 10 m) jusqu'aux rayons X (1.25 nm ou 10 keV) comme une section efficace normalisée par atome d'hydrogène. Des expressions analytiques de cette section efficace couvrant tout le domaine sont eitées ou données dans l'appendice pour permettre des calculs à l'ordinateur.

The ARIEL (Atmospheric Remote-sensing Exoplanet Large-survey) mission concept is one of the three M4 mission candidates selected by the European Space Agency (ESA) for a Phase A study, competing for a launch in 2026. ARIEL has been designed to study the physical and chemical properties of a large and diverse sample of exoplanets and, through those, understand how planets form and evolve in our galaxy. Here we describe the assumptions made to estimate an optimal sample of exoplanets – including already known exoplanets and expected ones yet to be discovered – observable by ARIEL and define a realistic mission scenario. To achieve the mission objectives, the sample should include gaseous and rocky planets with a range of temperatures around stars of different spectral type and metallicity. The current ARIEL design enables the observation of ~1000 planets, covering a broad range of planetary and stellar parameters, during its four year mission lifetime. This nominal list of planets is expected to evolve over the years depending on the new exoplanet discoveries.  相似文献   

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