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The degassing of radiogenic Ar40 is defined as coherent if only the Ar40 associated with parent K is degassed as K is transferred from the mantle to crust. Coherency predicts, for a 4.55 b.y. Earth, a sialic crust with 2.50 per cent K, using only the Ar content of the atmosphere and present crust (from a Hurley and Rand, 1969, age distribution). This is a maximum limit to K content of the sialic crust if the age of the Earth is no younger than 4.55 b.y. A K content of the sialic crust of 1.9 per cent (Holland and Lambert, 1972) implies an efficiency (E) less than 100 per cent for K transfer from oceanic basalt to sialic crust in subduction zones and/or some non-coherent (preferential) degassing of Ar from the mantle.K, Ar coherence for mantle differentiation to crust is supported however, by the agreement of the predicted oceanic He flux and radiogenic He-Ar ratios of volcanic gases with the observed limits if the best estimate of K, U, Th influx rates at oceanic ridges is used.Assuming K, Ar coherence, various sea-floor spreading rates as functions of time, and limiting K contents of the sialic crust, computed models give E and the portion of the sialic crust derived from melting oceanic basalt in subduction zones. Except for models with very high spreading rates in the Precambrian, they also predict that a significant part of the sialic crust was derived from vertical differentiation of the mantle, presumably early in Earth history. The results are in accord with Armstrong's model of an early sialic crust that is recycled to give a Hurley-type age pattern with the proviso that the ‘vertical’ sial Kυis formed early in Earth history for models with a high Kυcomponent.The coherent K, Ar models with preferred estimates of input parameters are also consistent with a limited mixing model (only old and new sial are equilibrated) for Sr isotopic evolution and the probable average Sr87Sr86 ratio now of the sialic crust.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of numerical simulation for the behavior of rare earth elements (REE) during decompression degassing of H2O- and Cl-bearing granite melts at pressures decreasing from 3 to 0.5–0.3 kbar under near isothermal conditions (800 ± 25°C). Fluid phase in equilibrium with the melt contains mainly chloride REE complexes, and their behavior during magma degassing is, therefore, intimately related to the behavior of chlorine. It was shown that the contents and distribution patterns of REE in the aqueous chloride fluid phase formed during decompression vary considerably depending on (1) the contents of volatiles (Cl and H2O) in the initial melt, (2) the redox state of the magma, and (3) the dynamics of fluid phase separation from magmas during their ascent toward the Earth’s surface. During decompressiondriven degassing, the contents of both Cl and REE in the fluid decrease, especially dramatically under opensystem conditions. The REE patterns of the fluid phase compared with those of the melt are characterized by a higher degree of light to heavy REE fractionation. A weak negative Eu anomaly may be present in the REE patterns of Cl-rich fluids formed during the early stages of degassing at relatively high pressures. At a further decrease in pressure and Cl content in the fluid, it is transformed into a positive Eu anomaly increasing during decompression degassing. Such an anomalous behavior of Eu during degassing is related to its occurrence in magmatic melts in two valence states, Eu3+ and Eu2+, whereas the other REE occur in melts mainly as (REE)3+. The Eu3+/Eu2+ ratio of melt is controlled by the redox state of the magmatic system. The higher the degree of melt reduction, the more pronounced the anomalous behavior of Eu during decompression degassing. The amount of REE extracted by fluid from melt during various stages of degassing does not significantly influence the content and distribution patterns of REE in the melt.  相似文献   

We assess the results of a number of deep seismic soundings performed in China over the last few decades, and study the variations in crustal structure in 18 tectonic units comprised of three platforms and 15 fold systems. Thickness data on 344 Mesozoic–Cenozoic sedimentary basins, as well as data on Moho depth are collected in order to discuss the relationship between the thickness of the basins and the average thickness of the consolidated crust in each tectonic unit. The degree of mirror-image symmetry between Mesozoic–Cenozoic sedimentary basins and the uplifting topmost parts of the mantle is herein analyzed using deep geophysical data on sedimentary basins. By applying standard methods of least-squares analysis to both datasets, we have obtained both the average thickness of the consolidated crust and the mirror-image symmetry factor for every platform and tectonic fold system, thereby allowing us to explore the correlation between the depths of the bottom of the sedimentary basins and the top of the uplifting mantle. The thickness of the consolidated crust in China is found to be between 20 and 63 km, following a pattern of gradual thickening from east to west. Expressed in terms of spatial seismicity and the concentration of seismic energy, and according to the sharing-out of earthquake hypocenters in the top 80 km of the earth, the rheology of the area does not appear to suit the widely accepted “jelly–sandwich” model for the continents, which does not seem to be entirely valid in China. The findings on the mirror-image symmetry factor show that this parameter varies mainly in the range ? 0.5 to ? 1.8 compared with each other tectonic unit. Most of the tectonic systems in China appear to be isostatically compensated. Tibet is an exception, in that the symmetry factor is positive for the Gangdise–Nyainqentanglha (1.0) and Himalayan (0.1) fold systems, implying that these tectonic zones are far from being in the isostatic equilibrium of the other regions. We have also analyzed the zoning characteristics through the logarithmic relationship ln R = ln (h/|a|), using the average thickness of the consolidated crust and the absolute value of the symmetry factor. The key finding is that regardless of geographical location, all the values of R = h/|a| for those sedimentary basins in which oil/gas reservoirs have to date been found, fall into the narrow range of values between 19.38 and 37.40. There is some appeal in a possible relationship involving the ratio of crustal thickness to symmetry factor, more so when the results obtained appear to suggest a prognostic tool for exploratory practice in relation to oil/gas reservoirs.  相似文献   




Density constraints on the formation of the continental Moho and crust   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The densities of mantle magmas such as MORB-like tholeiites, picrites, and komatiites at 10 kilobars are greater than densities for diorites, quartz diorites, granodiorites, and granites which dominate the continental crust. Because of these density relations primary magmas from the mantle will tend to underplate the base of the continental crust. Magmas ranging in composition from tholeiites which are more evolved than MORB to andesite can have densities which are less than rocks of the continental crust at 10 kilobars, particularly if they have high water contents. The continental crust can thus be a density filter through which only evolved magmas containing H2O may pass. This explains why primary magmas from the mantle such as the picrites are so rare. Both the over-accretion (i.e., Moho penetration) and the under-accretion (i.e., Moho underplating) of magmas can readily explain complexities in the lithological characteristics of the continental Moho and lower crust. Underplating of the continental crust by dense magmas may perturb the geotherm to values which are characteristic of those in granulite to greenschist facies metamorphic sequences in orogenic belts. An Archean continental crust floating on top of a magma flood or ocean of tholeiite to komatiite could have undergone a major cleansing process; dense blocks of peridotite, greenstone, and high density sediments such as iron formation could have been returned to the mantle, granites sweated to high crustal levels, and a high grade felsic basement residue established.  相似文献   

Recent and detailed seismic studies in the U.S.S.R. have provided much information on the structure and revolution of the earth's crust. A review of this information indicates the following postulates: a) the thickness and constitution oft he crystalline layers (”basalt“ and ”granite“) change comparatively rapidly in Alpine provinces of pronounced tectonic movements (geosynclinal provinces and mobile zones), with but a slight lag behind these movements. b) Under platform areas, the crystalline complexes rebuild slowly with a lag of a few geologic periods behind the emergence of the structural elements. c) In both geosynclinal and platform areas the downwarping of the major segments is accompanied by an upward movement of the Mohorovi?i? surface. d) Block uplifts in geosynclinal provinces of mobile zones have absolute values, while in platform areas the uplifts usually represent blocks lagging behind their neighbors. e) Changes in thickness and composition of deeper layers within the crust usually lag behind the formation of corresponding structural elements. — J. R. Hayes  相似文献   

刘先珊  陈治 《岩土力学》2013,34(10):2984-2990
随着黏度较大的油藏陆续投入开发,油藏黏性对储层砂岩力学特性的影响研究意义重大。基于柱坐标系建立射孔试验的三维颗粒流数值模型,考虑不同黏性的流体运动对砂岩力学响应的影响,反映油井的出砂过程。砂岩的宏观应力曲线说明流速相同时,随着黏滞系数的增大,切向应力和偏应力均增大,使得砂岩剪切破坏的几率增大,砂岩更容易屈服破坏而出砂。另外,砂岩黏结应力图说明油井附近的应力较大,且随着黏滞系数增大,黏结张拉应力的增大是局部的,而剪应力的增大是全局的,且变化趋势更明显;颗粒的旋转也说明随着流体黏性的增大,颗粒旋转增大,砂岩形成离散颗粒而出砂的几率增大。上述结果与实际开采中的砂岩力学响应吻合,说明了在相同的外界条件下,黏性越大的流体运动对砂岩受力的影响越大,出砂越明显,该成果对不同黏性的油藏开采采用有效的防砂方法提供了重要的科学依据。  相似文献   

An empirical computer model was developed to describe granite magma degassing and the partitioning behavior of Cl between melts and aqueous chloride fluids that formed during eutectic isobaric crystallization of magmas at pressures from 4 to 0.4 kbar and a temperature of 800 ± 25°C. This model is the extensions of the earlier model describing the decompression degassing of granite melts (Lukanin, 2015). The numerical modeling was performed for both closed-system conditions, when fluid remains in the system, and open-system conditions, when fluid is removed from the system. The results of numerical modeling revealed the main factors controlling the behavior of Cl during crystallization-induced degassing, such as the initial contents of Cl and H2O of the melts, pressure, and the degree of system openness. At high pressures (>1.6 kbar), isobaric crystallization is accompanied by a decrease in the concentrations of Cl in the melt (CClm) and fluid phase (CClfl). This tendency becomes even more pronounced in an open-system with increasing pressure and initial Cl content. A decrease in pressure in the range of 1.62–0.85 kbar results in a drastic change in the Cl behavior: the trend of CClfl and CClfl decrease dominating during crystallization at high pressures changes to the opposite. At low pressures (<0.85 kbar), the enrichment of the residual melts and released fluids in Cl leads at a certain stage of crystallization to the formation of a heterogeneous fluid consisting of two immiscible aqueous chloride phases, a waterdominated aqueous phase and a chloride-rich liquid (brine).  相似文献   

应力路径对黄土固结不排水剪强度的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
梁燕  谢永利  刘保健 《岩土力学》2007,28(2):364-366
用总应力法研究了应力路径对陇西Q3原状黄土的固结不排水剪强度的影响。试验基于正交设计,考虑了含水率、固结比、固结末径向应力和剪切路径4个因子、4种水平。试验结果表明,当黄土各向异性程度较小时应力路径对黄土的固结不排水抗剪强度有一定影响;基于正交设计的黄土三轴固结不排水剪试验的破坏点与普通三轴固结不排水剪试验(均压固结常规剪切)得到的破坏点处于一个条带内。黄土强度随含水率的变化规律与普通三轴固结不排水剪试验的相同。  相似文献   

The extended Saryarka and Shyngyz-North Tien Shan volcanic belts that underwent secondary deformation are traced in the Caledonides of Kazakhstan and the North Tien Shan. These belts are composed of igneous rocks pertaining to Early Paleozoic island-arc systems of various types and the conjugated basins with oceanic crust. The Saryarka volcanic belt has a complex fold-nappe structure formed in the middle Arenigian-middle Llanvirnian as a result of the tectonic juxtaposition of Early-Middle Cambrian and Late Cambrian-Early Ordovician complexes of ensimatic island arcs and basins with oceanic crust. The Shyngyz-North Tien Shan volcanic belt is characterized by a rather simple fold structure and consists of Middle-Late Ordovician volcanic and plutonic associations of ensialic island arcs developing on heterogeneous basement, which is composed of complexes belonging to the Saryarka belt and Precambrian sialic massifs. The structure and isotopic composition of the Paleozoic igneous complexes provide evidence for the heterogeneous structure of the continental crust in various segments of the Kazakh Caledonides. The upper crust of the Shyngyz segment consists of Early Paleozoic island-arc complexes and basins with oceanic crust related to the Saryarka and Shyngyz-North Tien Shan volcanic belts in combination with Middle and Late Paleozoic continental igneous rocks. The deep crustal units of this segment are dominated by mafic rocks of Early Paleozoic suprasubduction complexes. The upper continental crust of the Stepnyak segment is composed of Middle-Late Ordovician island-arc complexes of the Shyngyz-North Tien Shan volcanic belt and Early Ordovician rift-related volcanics. The middle crustal units are composed of Riphean, Paleoproterozoic, and probably Archean sialic rocks, whereas the lower crustal units are composed of Neoproterozoic mafic rocks.  相似文献   

岩浆洋分异与月壳   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
回顾了岩浆洋慨念最初的由来,具体阐述了月浆洋冷却结晶形成斜长岩月壳的过程。根据行星演化、核一幔分异及地球化学方面等方面提供的证据,论证了岩浆洋是行星早期演化必然经历的一个阶段。已有的岩浆洋结晶模型都认为岩浆洋中的岩浆在成分上是均一的。根据目前实验火成岩石学方面的进展,认为这个前提不存在,提出了月浆洋Sorer分异的一个新假说。此模型为今后研究岩浆洋分异提供了一个新思路,并指出了今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

There is a correlation between thorium and the light rare earth elements, indicated by La/Th ratios in fine grained sedimentary rocks of various ages from Australia and Greenland. The correlation between Th and the heavy rare earth elements (Th/Yb) is much less significant. Archean sedimentary rocks have a higher La/Th (3.6 ± 0.4) than post-Archean sedimentary rocks (La/Th = 2.7 ± 0.2).The cause of this correlation can be attributed to the coherent behaviour of these elements during most sedimentary processes (weathering, transport, diagenesis, etc.). Since the chondrite-normalized rare earth element distribution of clastic fine grained sedimentary rocks is accepted to be parallel to the distribution of REE in the upper continental crust, an estimate of upper crustal Th abundances can be made. Using reasonable assumptions of certain elemental ratios (K/U, Th/U, K/Rb) in the upper crust, minimum estimates of the abundances of K, U and Rb can also be made for the post-Archean and Archean upper crusts.The post-Archean values (K = 2.9%; Rb = 115 ppm; Th = 11.1 ppm; U = 2.9 ppm) compare favourably to some previous estimates made from direct sampling and theoretical considerations and help confirm a granodiorite present day upper continental crust. The Archean data (K = 0.92%; Rb = 30ppm; Th = 3.5 ppm; U = 0.92 ppm) support models which suggest a significantly more mafic exposed crust at that time.  相似文献   

The problem of formation of additional planetary stresses in the crust initiated by the action of tangential inertia mass forces that are caused by the daily rotation of the Earth is considered. It is established that the stress state formed in the crust has three levels of different geodynamic types: horizontal tension, shear, and compression with a meridional orientation of maximum compression. It is shown that the revealed deep zonality of planetary stresses can explain the regularity of representation of ruptures of various types for planetary fracturing.  相似文献   

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