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Conditions of the prograde, peak‐pressure and part of the decompressional P–T path of two Precambrian eclogites in the eastern Sveconorwegian orogen have been determined using the pseudosection approach. Cores of garnet from a Fe–Ti‐rich eclogite record a first prograde and syn‐deformational stage along a Barrovian gradient from ~670 °C and 7 kbar to 710 °C and 8.5 kbar. Garnet rims grew during further burial to 16.5–19 kbar at ~850–900 °C, along a steep dP/dT gradient. The pseudosection model of a kyanite‐bearing eclogite sample of more magnesian bulk composition confirms the peak conditions. Matrix reequilibration associated with subsequent near‐isothermal decompression and partial exhumation produced plagioclase‐bearing symplectites replacing kyanite and clinopyroxene at an estimated 850–870 °C and 10–11 kbar. The validity of the pseudosections is discussed in detail. It is shown that in pseudosection modelling the fractionation of FeO in accessory sulphides may cause a significant shift of field boundaries (here displaced by up to 1.5 kbar and 70 °C) and must not be neglected. Fast burial, exhumation and subsequent cooling are supported by the steepness of both the prograde and the decompressional P–T paths as well as the preservation of garnet growth zoning and the symplectitic reaction textures. These features are compatible with deep tectonic burial of the eclogite‐bearing continental crust as part of the underthrusting plate (Eastern Segment, continent Baltica) in a collisional setting that led to an effectively doubled crustal thickness and subsequent exhumation of the eclogites through tectonic extrusion. Our results are in accordance with regional structural and petrological relationships, which demonstrate foreland‐vergent partial exhumation of the eclogite‐bearing nappe along a basal thrust zone and support a major collisional stage at c. 1 Ga. We argue that the similarities between Sveconorwegian and Himalayan eclogite occurrences emphasize the modern style of Grenvillian‐aged tectonics.  相似文献   

大别山西段含蓝闪石-蓝晶石榴辉岩的相平衡研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
目前对于大别山西段超高压榴辉岩仍存在一些不清楚的问题和模糊的认识,如蓝闪石和蓝晶石组合的稳定范围,峰期温压条件和矿物组合,以及早期退变质过程的矿物演化和流体作用.本文对取自大别山西段新县高压-超高压榴辉岩单元内不同地点的超高压榴辉岩样品进行了详细的岩石学和矿物学研究,在此基础上使用相平衡定量分析方法的PT视剖面图对它们进行了正演模拟计算,结果表明含蓝闪石和蓝晶石榴辉岩处于相对低温或低压的蓝闪石榴辉岩和相对高温高压的蓝晶石榴辉岩的过渡区,其稳定的温压范围大致为温度590~700 ℃,压力1.7~3.3 GPa,而且压力大于2.5 GPa时温度范围很窄,为600~640 ℃.由石榴石边缘成分和PT视剖面图确定的榴辉岩峰期温压条件为压力2.85~2.95 GPa和温度625~630 ℃,峰期矿物组合为石榴石+绿辉石+蓝闪石+蓝晶石+硬柱石+柯石英±多硅白云母.峰期之后,榴辉岩经历了快速近等温降压(ITD)的早期高压退变质作用,这是一个非平衡过程,所发生的主要变化如下柯石英→石英,硬柱石→黝帘石+蓝晶石,在相对富镁岩石中出现滑石,当水含量较高时可以出现钠云母,蓝闪石在原来基础上有一定量的生长,并且绿辉石和多硅白云母很可能只部分地发生了成分变化,而石榴石几乎未发生改变.这样形成了目前观察到的矿物组成为石榴石+绿辉石+蓝闪石+蓝晶石+黝帘石/绿帘石+石英±多硅白云母±钠云母±滑石,它代表了UHP榴辉岩在早期高压退变质阶段结束时所具有的矿物组成,这一阶段结束时的温压条件大致为2.0~2.2 GPa和600~630 ℃;早期高压退变质阶段是脱水过程,流体是内部缓冲的.  相似文献   

西南天山哈布腾苏河沿岸的含石墨的石榴石多硅白云母石英片岩中出露一套若干大小不等的布丁状变基性岩块,产状与区域面理一致。本文对其中保存完好的榴辉岩体进行了较为细致的岩石学研究和温压演化条件计算。根据主要矿物的含量,将该套榴辉岩大致分为两类一角闪榴辉岩和钠云母榴辉岩,二者的主要矿物均为Grt+Omp+Na—Ca-Amp+Pg+Dol/Cal+Rt±Qtz。石榴石变斑晶两阶段生长明显,从核部到边部XMn和XFe降低,XMg和XCa升高,指示了升温降压的变质过程。根据石榴石核部和边部的包体组合特征,确立了两期榴辉岩相变质作用:前一阶段经历了高压但较低温的硬柱石.硬绿泥石(仅见假象)榴辉岩相,变质温度为400~5000C,压力不低于1.8~1.9GPa,表明早期经历了快速俯冲过程;后一阶段的变质温度为570±300C,压力为2.0~2.5GPa。在退变质绿帘角闪岩相阶段,形成低压脉体(矿物组合为Ab4-Di+Na—Ca—Amp+Ep/Czo+Cal)和一系列退变质反应结构.如Dol的Cal增生边.Omp的Di+Ab后成合晶结构。利用Dol—Cal分溶温度计和Di的Jd分子含量得到该阶段的温度约500—530℃,压力小于0.9~1.1GPa,表明其退变质经历的是降温降压过程。这与利用Thermocale 3.1在NCFMASH体系下计算的PT视剖面图是一致的。  相似文献   

Although eclogites in the Belomorian Province have been regarded as Archean in age and among the oldest in the world, there are also multiple studies that have proposed a Paleoproterozoic age. Here, we present new data for the Gridino‐type eclogites, which occur as boudins and metamorphosed dykes within tonalite–trondhjemite–granodiorite gneisses. Zircon from these eclogites has core and rim structures. The cores display high Th/U ratios (0.18–0.45), negative Eu anomalies and strong enrichment in HREE, and have Neoarchean U–Pb ages of c. 2.70 Ga; they are interpreted to be magmatic in origin. Zircon cores have δ18O of 5.64–6.07‰ suggesting the possibility of crystallization from evolved mantle‐derived magmas. In contrast, the rims, which include the eclogite facies minerals omphacite and garnet, are characterized by low Th/U ratios (<0.035) and flat HREE patterns, and yield U–Pb ages of c. 1.90 Ga; they are interpreted to be metamorphic in origin. Zircon rims have elevated δ18O of 6.23–6.80‰, which was acquired during eclogite facies metamorphism. Based on petrography and phase equilibria modelling, we recognize a prograde epidote amphibolite facies mineral assemblage, the peak eclogite facies mineral assemblage and a retrograde high‐P amphibolite facies mineral assemblage. The peak metamorphic conditions of 695–755°C at >18 kbar for the Gridino‐type eclogites suggest an apparent thermal gradient of <39–42°C/kbar for the Lapland–Kola collisional orogeny.  相似文献   

Coexisting garnet blueschist and eclogite from the Chinese South Tianshan high‐pressure (HP)–ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) belt consist of similar mineral assemblages involving garnet, omphacite, glaucophane, epidote, phengite, rutile/sphene, quartz and hornblendic amphibole with or without paragonite. Eclogite assemblages generally contain omphacite >50 vol.% and a small amount of glaucophane (<5 vol.%), whereas blueschist assemblages have glaucophane over 30 vol.% with a small amount of omphacite which is even absent in the matrix. The coexisting blueschist and eclogite show dramatic differences in the bulk‐rock compositions with higher X(CaO) [=CaO/(CaO + MgO + FeOtotal + MnO + Na2O)] (0.33–0.48) and lower A/CNK [=Al2O3/(CaO + Na2O + K2O)] (0.35–0.56) in eclogite, but with lower X(CaO) (0.09–0.30) and higher A/CNK (0.65–1.28) in garnet blueschist. Garnet in both types of rocks has similar compositions and exhibits core–rim zoning with increasing grossular and pyrope contents. Petrographic observations and phase equilibria modelling with pseudosections calculated using thermocalc in the NCKMnFMASHO system for the coexisting garnet blueschist and eclogite samples suggest that the two rock types share similar P–T evolutional histories involving a decompression with heating from the Pmax to the Tmax stage and a post‐Tmax decompression with slightly cooling stage, and similar P–T conditions at the Tmax stage. The post‐Tmax decompression is responsible for lawsonite decomposition, which results in epidote growth, glaucophane increase and omphacite decrease in the blueschist, or in an overprinting of the eclogitic assemblage by a blueschist assemblage. Calculated P–X(CaO), P–A/CNK and P–X(CO2) pseudosections indicate that blueschist assemblages are favoured in rocks with lower X(CaO) (<0.28) and higher A/CNK (>0.75) or fluid composition with higher X(CO2) (>0.15), but eclogite assemblages preferentially occur in rocks with higher X(CaO) and lower A/CNK or fluid composition with lower X(CO2). Moreover, phase modelling suggests that the coexistence of blueschist and eclogite depends substantially on P–T conditions, which would commonly occur in medium temperatures of 500–590 °C under pressures of ~17–22 kbar. The modelling results are in good accordance with the measured bulk‐rock compositions and modelled temperature results of the coexisting garnet blueschist and eclogite from the South Tianshan HP–UHP belt.  相似文献   

The metamorphic evolution of a granulitized eclogite from the Phung Chu Valley (Eastern Himalaya) was reconstructed combining microstructural observations, conventional thermobarometry and quantitative pseudosection analysis. The granulitized eclogite consists of clinopyroxene, plagioclase, garnet, brown amphibole, and minor orthopyroxene, biotite, ilmenite and quartz. On the basis of microstructural observations and mineral relationships, four metamorphic stages and related mineral assemblages have been recognized: (i) M1 eclogite‐facies assemblage, consisting of garnet, omphacite (now replaced by a clinopyroxene + plagioclase symplectite) and phengite (replaced by biotite +plagioclase symplectite); (ii) M2 granulite‐facies assemblage, represented by clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, garnet, plagioclase and accessory ilmenite; (iii) M3 plagioclase + orthopyroxene corona developed around garnet, and (iv) M4 brown amphibole + plagioclase assemblage in the rock matrix. Because of the nearly complete lack of eclogitic mineral relics, M1 conditions can be only loosely constrained at >1.5 GPa and >580 °C. In contrast, assemblage M2 tightly constrains the peak granulitic stage at 0.8–1.0 GPa and >750 °C. The second granulitic assemblage M3, represented by the plagioclase + orthopyroxene corona, formed at lower pressures (~0.4 GPa and ~750 °C). During the subsequent exhumation, the granulitized eclogite experienced significant cooling to nearly 700 °C, marked by the appearance of brown amphibole and plagioclase (M4) in the rock matrix. U‐Pb SHRIMP analyses on low‐U rims of zircon from an eclogite of the same locality suggest an age of 13–14 Ma for the M3 stage. The resulting decompressional clockwise P–T path of the Ama Drime eclogite is characterized by nearly isothermal decompression from >1.5 GPa to ~0.4 GPa, followed by nearly isobaric cooling from ~775 °C to ~710 °C. Modelling of phase equilibria by a calculated petrogenetic grid and conventional thermobarometry on a biotite‐garnet‐sillimanite metapelite hosted in the country rock granitic orthogneiss extends the inferred P–T trajectory down to ~630 °C and ~0.3 GPa.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the relationships between relic amphibole-eclogite facies (AE) eclogites and their host units, Archaean amphibolites, enveloped by Archaean tonalite–trondhjemite–granodiorite (TTG) gneisses, in the Kuru-Vaara study area in the northern Belomorian Province. According to observational constraints, the crystallization of the relic peak omphacite + Mg-garnet ± kyanite assemblage and the subsequent replacement of omphacite by clinopyroxene–plagioclase symplectite occurred before the earliest deformational, metamorphic, and migmatization events that are recorded in the amphibolites. The amphibolites and their TTG hosts have a shared deformational and metamorphic history that is composed of the Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic periods. This history favours the conclusion that the AE metamorphism recorded in the relic eclogites within the amphibolites occurred during the Mesoarchaean to Neoarchaean periods. The deformation and metamorphism of the amphibolite facies of the second period resulted from the Lapland–Kola collisional orogeny at 1.91–1.93 Ga, which led to eclogite–high-pressure granulite (E–HPG) facies conditions in the lowermost portions of the over-thickened crust in Belomorian Province (the southwestern foreland of the Lapland–Kola collisional orogen). The Palaeoproterozoic E–HPG overprint was reported from the Palaeoproterozoic Gridino mafic dikes. Although the ages of the oldest low Th/U zircons are close to the time of the Lapland–Kola collision, the low Th/U 1.9–1.8 Ga zircons reflect a zircon response to regional fluid infiltration in the eclogites during slow exhumation following the Lapland–Kola orogeny and do not record any metamorphic event. Contrary to the Palaeoproterozoic E–HPG overprint, the areal occurrence of the 2.7–2.8 Ga AE eclogites with mid-ocean ridge basalt-like chemistry and their paragenetic link with the TTG gneisses suggest a tectonic regime that involves subduction. This research favours concepts suggesting that the modern-style plate tectonics has operated in some places, at least since the late Mesoarchaean.  相似文献   

俄罗斯白海活动带Uzkaya Salma地区榴辉岩中发现的绿纤石形成于榴辉岩化早期亚绿片岩相阶段。该绿纤石多以包体形式存在于退变榴辉岩的变斑晶石榴石矿物中,并与榍石、金红石、单斜辉石、绿泥石、绿帘石、石英等矿物伴生,极少量单颗粒绿纤石包裹在基质单斜辉石(透辉石)矿物中,呈浑圆状。绿纤石成分上属于铝绿纤石和铁绿纤石,其中以铝绿纤石为主。在详细的岩相学研究基础上,通过相平衡计算,结合矿物温压计计算结果,发现含绿纤石榴辉岩共经历了4阶段的变质演化:Ⅰ早期进变质阶段,以石榴石中的绿纤石+绿泥石+绿帘石+石英等矿物包裹体为特征,依据实验岩石学研究的矿物组合绿纤石+绿泥石+石英和铁绿纤石+绿帘石稳定域,估算该变质阶段温压条件t=160~320℃,p=0.2~0.8 GPa;Ⅱ峰期榴辉岩相阶段,矿物组合为石榴石+Di-Pl后成合晶推测的绿辉石+金红石±角闪石+石英,石榴石核部镁等值线和绿辉石硬玉分子等值线限定其峰期温压条件为t=725~740℃,p=1.4~1.5 GPa;Ⅲ高压麻粒岩相退变质阶段,矿物组合为石榴石+透辉石+角闪石+斜长石+石英,石榴石-单斜辉石温度计和后成合晶中斜长石钙等值线限定该阶段的温压条件t=725~750℃,p=1.1~1.3 GPa;Ⅳ晚期角闪岩相退变质阶段,矿物组合角闪石+斜长石±黑云母+石英,相平衡计算和角闪石-斜长石温度计限定温压条件为t=670~700℃,p=0.7~0.9 GPa。综上,确定了俄罗斯白海活动带Uzkaya Salma地区含绿纤石榴辉岩具有顺时针的p-T演化轨迹,峰期对应的地温梯度为15℃/km,俯冲进变质阶段经历了绿纤石-绿帘石相变质,由峰期榴辉岩相到退变质高压麻粒岩相具近等温降压的特征。研究表明,板块的"冷"俯冲作用在地球演化早期太古宙时期就可能出现了。  相似文献   

Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry analyses of U–Pb isotopes and trace elements in zircon and titanite were carried out on epoxy mounts and thin sections for ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) eclogite in association with paragneiss in the Dabie orogen. The results provide a direct link between metamorphic ages and temperatures during continental subduction‐zone metamorphism. Zircon U–Pb dating gives two groups of concordant ages at 242 ± 2 to 239 ± 5 Ma and 226 ± 2 to 224 ± 6 Ma, respectively. The Triassic zircon U–Pb ages are characterized by flat heavy rare earth element (HREE) patterns typical of metamorphic growth. Ti‐in‐zircon thermometry for the two generations of metamorphic zircon yields temperatures of 697 ± 27 to 721 ± 8 °C and 742 ± 19 to 778 ± 34 °C, respectively. We interpret that the first episode of zircon growth took place during subduction prior to the onset of UHP metamorphism, whereas the second episode in the stage of exhumation from UHP to HP eclogite facies regime. Thus, the continental subduction‐zone metamorphism of sedimentary protolith is temporally associated with two episodes of fluid activity, respectively, predating and postdating the UHP metamorphic phase. The significantly high Ti‐in‐zircon temperatures for the younger zircon at lower pressures indicate the initial ‘hot’ exhumation after the peak UHP metamorphism. There are two types of titanite. One exhibits light rare earth element (LREE) enrichment, steep MREE–HREE patterns and no Eu anomalies, and yields Zr‐in‐titanite temperatures of 551 to 605 °C at 0.5 GPa, and the other shows LREE depletion and flat MREE–HREE patterns, and gives Zr‐in‐titanite temperatures of 782–788 °C at 2.0 GPa. The former is amenable for U–Pb dating, yielding a discordia lower intercept age of 252 ± 3 Ma. Thus, the first type of titanite is interpreted to have grown in the absence of garnet and plagioclase and thus in the early stage of subduction. In contrast, the second one occurs as rims surrounding rutile cores and thus grew in the presence of garnet during the ‘hot’ exhumation. Therefore, there is multistage growth of zircon and titanite during the continental subduction‐zone metamorphism. The combined studies of chronometry and thermobarometry provide tight constraints on the P–T–t path of eclogites during the continental collision. It appears that the mid‐T/UHP eclogite facies zone would not only form by subduction of the continental crust in a P–T path slightly below the wet granite solidus, but also experience decompression heating during the initial exhumation.  相似文献   

The Changning–Menglian orogenic belt (CMOB) in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau, is considered as the main suture zone marking the closure of the Palaeo‐Tethys Ocean between the Indochina and Sibumasu blocks. Here, we investigate the recently discovered retrograded eclogites from this suture zone in terms of their petrological, geochemical and geochronological features, with the aim of constraining the metamorphic evolution and protolith signature. Two types of metabasites are identified: retrograded eclogites and mafic schists. The igneous precursors of the retrograded eclogites exhibit rare earth element distribution patterns and trace element abundance similar to those of ocean island basalts, and are inferred to have been derived from a basaltic seamount in an intra‐oceanic tectonic setting. In contrast, the mafic schists show geochemical affinity to arc‐related volcanics with the enrichment of Rb, Th and U, and depletion of Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf and Ti, and their protoliths possibly formed at an active continental margin tectonic setting. Retrograded eclogites are characterized by peak metamorphic mineral assemblages of garnet, omphacite, white mica, lawsonite and rutile, and underwent five‐stage metamorphic evolution, including pre‐peak prograde stage (M1) at 18–19 kbar and 400–420°C, peak lawsonite‐eclogite facies (M2) at 24–26 kbar and 520–530°C, post‐peak epidote–eclogite facies decompression stage (M3) at 13–18 kbar and 530–560°C, subsequent amphibolite facies retrogressive stage (M4) at 8–10 kbar and 530–600°C, and late greenschist facies cooling stage (M5) at 5–8 kbar and 480–490°C. Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA–ICP–MS) U–Pb spot analyses of zircon show two distinct age groups. The magmatic zircon from both the retrograded eclogite and mafic schist yielded protolith ages of 451 ± 3 Ma, which is consistent with the ages of Early Palaeozoic ophiolitic complexes and ocean island sequences in the CMOB reported in previous studies. In contrast, metamorphic zircon from the retrograded eclogite samples yielded consistent Triassic metamorphic ages of 246 ± 2 and 245 ± 2 Ma, which can be interpreted as the timing of closure of the Palaeo‐Tethys Ocean. The compatible peak metamorphic mineral assemblages, P–T–t paths and metamorphic ages, as well as the similar protolith signatures for the eclogites in the CMOB and Longmu Co–Shuanghu suture (LCSS) suggest that the two belts formed part of a cold oceanic subduction system in the Triassic. The main suture zone of the Palaeo‐Tethyan domain extends at least 1,500 km in length from the CMOB to the LCSS in the Tibetan Plateau. The identification of lawsonite‐bearing retrograded eclogites in the CMOB provides important insights into the tectonic framework and complex geological evolution of the Palaeo‐Tethys.  相似文献   

对西南天山哈布腾苏河一带出露的典型榴辉岩和蓝片岩进行了详细的岩相学、矿物化学和温压条件综合研究。榴辉岩可分为蓝闪石榴辉岩、钠云母榴辉岩、绿帘石榴辉岩和蓝闪石榴角闪岩(退变榴辉岩)4类,蓝片岩可分为含蓝闪石石榴白云母钠长片岩、石榴白云母蓝闪片岩和石榴白云母蓝闪石英片岩3类。新鲜榴辉岩主要矿物组合为石榴石+绿辉石+钠云母+绿帘石,退变榴辉岩则为石榴石+蓝闪石+角闪石;蓝片岩主要矿物组合为石榴石+蓝闪石+多硅白云母+钠云母+钠长石+石英。榴辉岩和蓝片岩中石榴石变斑晶均保存进变质生长环带,从核部到边部XMnXFe降低,XMgXCa升高,指示了升温进变质的演化过程。根据榴辉岩矿物共生组合、石榴石内部包体组合分布特征及传统地质温压计估算结果,确定榴辉岩经历了4阶段的变质演化:早期硬柱石蓝片岩相进变质阶段、峰期榴辉岩相变质阶段(t=543~579℃,p=1.5~1.6 GPa)、峰后绿帘蓝片岩相退变质阶段(t=~450℃,p<1.0 GPa)和晚期蓝闪绿片岩相退变质阶段(t<400℃,p<0.5 GPa)。利用p-T视剖面图计算的榴辉岩、蓝片岩峰期变质温压条件与传统地质温压计估算结果十分相近,其中榴辉岩的峰期变质条件t=520~550℃,p=1.7~1.9 GPa;蓝片岩峰期变质条件t=520~620℃,p=1.7~2.3 GPa。本文估算的榴辉岩峰期变质压力条件与前人根据柯石英的发现而认为研究区部分榴辉岩及其围岩曾经历超高压变质作用的认识明显相悖,原因可能如下:① 后期退变质作用引起研究区榴辉岩全岩成分、矿物化学成分的调整,在采用Grt-Cpx-Phe温压计和以全岩成分为基础的相平衡模拟方法估算峰期温压条件时受到影响,从而使估算峰期压力条件普遍偏低;② 西南天山的榴辉岩可能并非全都经历了超高压变质作用,高压、超高压榴辉岩可能分别代表了不同变基性岩块在不同俯冲深度变质的产物。  相似文献   

李小犁  张立飞  魏春景  张贵宾 《岩石学报》2017,33(10):3263-3277
金红石Zr温度计在研究高级变质岩的热演化过程中可以发挥重要的作用。而电子探针显微分析技术得益于其较小的分析束斑(直径1~2μm)和适中的轰击能量,通过合理的实验条件设定和仪器参数设置,是对薄片中金红石Zr含量进行原位分析的理想实验手段。本文中,我们对俄罗斯白海地区的太古代榴辉岩-退变榴辉岩中的金红石Zr含量进行了电子探针原位分析,并进行了金红石Zr温度计计算。结果表明,其中石榴子石包裹体类型(产状1)金红石的Zr含量比较稳定,主要集中在400×10~(-6)~500×10~(-6)范围,个别金红石颗粒中的Zr含量可以达到1000×10~(-6);而基质后成合晶中(产状2)金红石的Zr含量的波动范围则相对更广一些(200×10~(-6)~1000×10~(-6)),这可能与后期退变过程中的Zr重置和/或扩散有关。总体上,不同产状金红石的Zr温度计计算结果都给出了两个主要的温度区间:T1=700~750℃和T2=800~850℃。结合前人对白海榴辉岩变质温压条件的研究以及金红石Zr体系封闭温度的控制,我们认为金红石Zr温度计的计算结果区间T1更有可能代表的是榴辉岩的退变冷却温度,而温度区间T2则反映的是榴辉岩在抬升过程中受到高温麻粒岩相变质作用阶段的温度峰期条件。  相似文献   

Eclogite boudins occur within an orthogneiss sheet enclosed in a Barrovian metapelite‐dominated volcano‐sedimentary sequence within the Velké Vrbno unit, NE Bohemian Massif. A metamorphic and lithological break defines the base of the eclogite‐bearing orthogneiss nappe, with a structurally lower sequence without eclogite exposed in a tectonic window. The typical assemblage of the structurally upper metapelites is garnet–staurolite–kyanite–biotite–plagioclase–muscovite–quartz–ilmenite ± rutile ± silli‐manite and prograde‐zoned garnet includes chloritoid–chlorite–paragonite–margarite, staurolite–chlorite–paragonite–margarite and kyanite–chlorite–rutile. In pseudosection modelling in the system Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O (NCKFMASH) using THERMOCALC, the prograde path crosses the discontinuous reaction chloritoid + margarite = chlorite + garnet + staurolite + paragonite (with muscovite + quartz + H2O) at 9.5 kbar and 570 °C and the metamorphic peak is reached at 11 kbar and 640 °C. Decompression through about 7 kbar is indicated by sillimanite and biotite growing at the expense of garnet. In the tectonic window, the structurally lower metapelites (garnet–staurolite–biotite–muscovite–quartz ± plagioclase ± sillimanite ± kyanite) and amphibolites (garnet–amphibole–plagioclase ± epidote) indicate a metamorphic peak of 10 kbar at 620 °C and 11 kbar and 610–660 °C, respectively, that is consistent with the other metapelites. The eclogites are composed of garnet, omphacite relicts (jadeite = 33%) within plagioclase–clinopyroxene symplectites, epidote and late amphibole–plagioclase domains. Garnet commonly includes rutile–quartz–epidote ± clinopyroxene (jadeite = 43%) ± magnetite ± amphibole and its growth zoning is compatible in the pseudosection with burial under H2O‐undersaturated conditions to 18 kbar and 680 °C. Plagioclase + amphibole replaces garnet within foliated boudin margins and results in the assemblage epidote–amphibole–plagioclase indicating that decompression occurred under decreasing temperature into garnet‐free epidote–amphibolite facies conditions. The prograde path of eclogites and metapelites up to the metamorphic peak cannot be shared, being along different geothermal gradients, of about 11 and 17 °C km?1, respectively, to metamorphic pressure peaks that are 6–7 kbar apart. The eclogite–orthogneiss sheet docked with metapelites at about 11 kbar and 650 °C, and from this depth the exhumation of the pile is shared.  相似文献   

Thermobarometric data and compositional zoning of garnet show the discontinuities of both metamorphic pressure conditions at peak‐T and P–T paths across the Main Central Thrust (MCT), which juxtaposes the high‐grade Higher Himalayan Crystalline Sequences (HHCS) over the low‐grade Lesser Himalaya Sequences (LHS) in far‐eastern Nepal. Maximum recorded pressure conditions occur just above the MCT (~11 kbar), and decrease southward to ~6 kbar in the garnet zone and northward to ~7 kbar in the kyanite ± staurolite zone. The inferred nearly isothermal loading path for the LHS in the staurolite zone may have resulted from the underthrusting of the LHS beneath the HHCS. In contrast, the increasing temperature path during both loading and decompression (i.e. clockwise path) from the lowermost HHCS in the staurolite to kyanite ± staurolite transitional zone indicates that the rocks were fairly rapidly buried and exhumed. Exhumation of the lowermost HHCS from deeper crustal depths than the flanking regions, recording a high field pressure gradient (~1.2–1.6 kbar km?1) near the MCT, is perhaps caused by ductile extrusion along the MCT, not the emplacement along a single thrust, resulting in the P–T path discontinuities. These observations are consistent with the overall scheme of the model of channel flow, in which the outward flowing ‘HHCS’ and inward flowing ‘LHS’ are juxtaposed against each other and are rapidly extruded together along the ‘MCT’. A rapid exhumation by channel flow in this area is also suggested by a nearly isothermal decompression path inferred from cordierite corona surrounding garnet in gneiss of the upper HHCS. However, peak metamorphic temperatures show a progressive increase of temperature structurally upward (~570–740 °C) near the MCT and roughly isothermal conditions (~710–810 °C) in the upper structural levels of the HHCS. The observed field temperature gradient is much lower than those predicted in channel flow models. However, the discrepancy could be resolved by taking into account heat advection by melt and/or fluid migration, as these can produce low or nearly no field temperature gradient in the exhumed midcrust, as observed in nature.  相似文献   

Eclogites and garnet‐blueschists exposed at the deepest structural levels of the Oman Mountains in north‐eastern Saih Hatat, Oman, indicate that the Arabian continental margin was subducted and subsequently exhumed. The peak metamorphic pressure has been a matter of debate for over a decade, with initial thermobarometric estimates, based on garnet–clinopyroxene–phengite barometry and the presence of radial cracks around quartz inclusions in garnet, yielding values in excess of 20 kbar; these estimates have been questioned by some researchers. The high‐pressure minerals (glaucophane, omphacite and epidote) contain significant amounts of ferric iron, previously postulated to displace the stability fields of the eclogite and blueschist assemblages to less extreme conditions. In the present study, we have calculated phase diagrams and pseudosections in the model system NCFMASHO, using the program thermocalc and the thermodynamic database of Holland and Powell, which incorporates data for Fe3+‐bearing end‐members. It is found that the phase compositions and modal abundances for typical bulk compositions are matched successfully at 520 ± 15 °C and 20 ± 1.6 kbar for the eclogites and 510–530 °C and 17–20 kbar for the garnet blueschists. These results support the original high‐pressure estimates for the eclogites, and indicate that crossitic amphibole and aegirine‐rich pyroxene do not necessarily reflect lower pressure conditions. The data set and activity models are applicable to other oxidized high (and ultra‐high) pressure mineral assemblages.  相似文献   

Kyanite‐ and phengite‐bearing eclogites have better potential to constrain the peak metamorphic P–T conditions from phase equilibria between garnet + omphacite + kyanite + phengite + quartz/coesite than common, mostly bimineralic (garnet + omphacite) eclogites, as exemplified by this study. Textural relationships, conventional geothermobarometry and thermodynamic modelling have been used to constrain the metamorphic evolution of the Tromsdalstind eclogite from the Tromsø Nappe, one of the biggest exposures of eclogite in the Scandinavian Caledonides. The phase relationships demonstrate that the rock progressively dehydrated, resulting in breakdown of amphibole and zoisite at increasing pressure. The peak‐pressure mineral assemblage was garnet + omphacite + kyanite + phengite + coesite, inferred from polycrystalline quartz included in radially fractured omphacite. This omphacite, with up to 37 mol.% of jadeite and 3% of the Ca‐Eskola component, contains oriented rods of silica composition. Garnet shows higher grossular (XGrs = 0.25–0.29), but lower pyrope‐content (XPrp = 0. 37–0.39) in the core than the rim, while phengite contains up to 3.5 Si pfu. The compositional isopleths for garnet core, phengite and omphacite constrain the P–T conditions to 3.2–3.5 GPa and 720–800 °C, in good agreement with the results obtained from conventional geothermobarometry (3.2–3.5 GPa & 730–780 °C). Peak‐pressure assemblage is variably overprinted by symplectites of diopside + plagioclase after omphacite, biotite and plagioclase after phengite, and sapphirine + spinel + corundum + plagioclase after kyanite. Exhumation from ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) conditions to 1.3–1.5 GPa at 740–770 °C is constrained by the garnet rim (XCaGrt = 0.18–0.21) and symplectite clinopyroxene (XNaCpx = 0.13–0.21), and to 0.5–0.7 GPa at 700–800 °C by sapphirine (XMg = 0.86–0.87) and spinel (XMg = 0.60–0.62) compositional isopleths. UHP metamorphism in the Tromsø Nappe is more widespread than previously known. Available data suggest that UHP eclogites were uplifted to lower crustal levels rapidly, within a short time interval (452–449 Ma) prior to the Scandian collision between Laurentia and Baltica. The Tromsø Nappe as the highest tectonic unit of the North Norwegian Caledonides is considered to be of Laurentian origin and UHP metamorphism could have resulted from subduction along the Laurentian continental margin. An alternative is that the Tromsø Nappe belonged to a continental margin of Baltica, which had already been subducted before the terminal Scandian collision, and was emplaced as an out‐of‐sequence thrust during the Scandian lateral transport of nappes.  相似文献   

Glaucophane‐bearing ultrahigh pressure (UHP) eclogites from the western Dabieshan terrane consist of garnet, omphacite, glaucophane, kyanite, epidote, phengite, quartz/coesite and rutile with or without talc and paragonite. Some garnet porphyroblasts exhibit a core–mantle zoning profile with slight increase in pyrope content and minor or slight decrease in grossular and a mantle–rim zoning profile characterized by a pronounced increase in pyrope and rapid decrease in grossular. Omphacite is usually zoned with a core–rim decrease in j(o) [=Na/(Ca + Na)]. Glaucophane occurs as porphyroblasts in some samples and contains inclusions of garnet, omphacite and epidote. Pseudosections calculated in the NCKMnFMASHO system for five representative samples, combined with petrographic observations suggest that the UHP eclogites record four stages of metamorphism. (i) The prograde stage, on the basis of modelling of garnet zoning and inclusions in garnet, involves PT vectors dominated by heating with a slight increase in pressure, suggesting an early slow subduction process, and PT vectors dominated by a pronounced increase in pressure and slight heating, pointing to a late fast subduction process. The prograde metamorphism is predominated by dehydration of glaucophane and, to a lesser extent, chlorite, epidote and paragonite, releasing ~27 wt% water that was bound in the hydrous minerals. (ii) The peak stage is represented by garnet rim compositions with maximum pyrope and minimum grossular contents, and PT conditions of 28.2–31.8 kbar and 605–613 °C, with the modelled peak‐stage mineral assemblage mostly involving garnet + omphacite + lawsonite + talc + phengite + coesite ± glaucophane ± kyanite. (iii) The early decompression stage is characterized by dehydration of lawsonite, releasing ~70–90 wt% water bound in the peak mineral assemblages, which results in the growth of glaucophane, j(o) decrease in omphacite and formation of epidote. And, (iv) The late retrograde stage is characterized by the mineral assemblage of hornblendic amphibole + epidote + albite/oligoclase + quartz developed in the margins or strongly foliated domains of eclogite blocks due to fluid infiltration at P–T conditions of 5–10 kbar and 500–580 °C. The proposed metamorphic stages for the UHP eclogites are consistent with the petrological observations, but considerably different from those presented in the previous studies.  相似文献   

A mid‐ocean ridge basalt (MORB)‐type eclogite from the Moldanubian domain in the Bohemian Massif retains evidence of its prograde path in the form of inclusions of hornblende, plagioclase, clinopyroxene, titanite, ilmenite and rutile preserved in zoned garnet. Prograde zoning involves a flat grossular core followed by a grossular spike and decrease at the rim, whereas Fe/(Fe + Mg) is also flat in the core and then decreases at the rim. In a pseudosection for H2O‐saturated conditions, garnet with such a zoning grows along an isothermal burial path at c. 750 °C from 10 kbar in the assemblage plagioclase‐hornblende‐diopsidic clinopyroxene‐quartz, then in hornblende‐diopsidic clinopyroxene‐quartz, and ends its growth at 17–18 kbar. From this point, there is no pseudosection‐based information on further increase in pressure or temperature. Then, with garnet‐clinopyroxene thermometry, the focus is on the dependence on, and the uncertainties stemming from the unknown Fe3+ content in clinopyroxene. Assuming no Fe3+ in the clinopyroxene gives a serious and unwarranted upward bias to calculated temperatures. A Fe3+‐contributed uncertainty of ±40 °C combined with a calibration and other uncertainties gives a peak temperature of 760 ± 90 °C at 18 kbar, consistent with no further heating following burial to eclogite facies conditions. Further pseudosection modelling suggests that decompression to c. 12 kbar occurred essentially isothermally from the metamorphic peak under H2O‐undersaturated conditions (c. 1.3 mol.% H2O) that allowed the preservation of the majority of garnet with symplectitic as well as relict clinopyroxene. The modelling also shows that a MORB‐type eclogite decompressed to c. 8 kbar ends as an amphibolite if it is H2O saturated, but if it is H2O‐undersaturated it contains assemblages with orthopyroxene. Increasing H2O undersaturation causes an earlier transition to SiO2 undersaturation on decompression, leading to the appearance of spinel‐bearing assemblages. Granulite facies‐looking overprints of eclogites may develop at amphibolite facies conditions.  相似文献   

澜沧谦迈地区位于西南三江昌宁-孟连结合带中段。新近在该地区发现榴辉岩,与双江县勐库地区退变榴辉岩一样,谦迈地区榴辉岩也产于湾河蛇绿混杂岩带内,岩石新鲜,后期退变质作用改造弱,岩石学信息保留完整。主要矿物成分为石榴子石、绿辉石、多硅白云母、金红石、角闪石、绿帘石、石英等,直接围岩为白云(钠长)片岩和斜长角闪岩,白云(钠长)片岩主要由多硅白云母、石英和长石构成。根据岩石学和矿物学特征将谦迈地区榴辉岩划分为4个变质阶段,其中峰期矿物组合为石榴子石+绿辉石+多硅白云母+硬柱石+蓝闪石+金红石+石英。初步研究表明,峰期榴辉岩相变质温度和压力分别为600℃和2.5GPa。新发现的榴辉岩为研究三江地区特提斯构造演化提供了关键性资料,该榴辉岩变质演化p-T轨迹的研究对探讨古特提斯洋的俯冲-造山过程具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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