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Dating ultra‐high–pressure (UHP) metamorphic rocks provides important timing constraints on deep subduction zone processes. Eclogites, deeply subducted rocks now exposed at the surface, undergo a wide range of metamorphic conditions (i.e. deep subduction and exhumation) and their mineralogy can preserve a detailed record of chronologic information of these dynamic processes. Here, we present an approach that integrates multiple radiogenic isotope systems in the same sample to provide a more complete timeline for the subduction–collision–exhumation processes, based on eclogites from the Dabie–Sulu orogenic belt in eastern China, one of the largest UHP terranes on Earth. In this study, we integrate garnet Lu–Hf and Sm–Nd ages with zircon and titanite U–Pb ages for three eclogite samples from the Sulu UHP terrane. We combine this age information with Zr‐in‐rutile temperature estimates, and relate these multiple chronometers to different P–T conditions. Two types of rutile, one present as inclusions in garnet and the other in the matrix, record the temperatures of UHP conditions and a hotter stage, subsequent to the peak pressure (‘hot exhumation') respectively. Garnet Lu–Hf ages (c. 238–235 Ma) record the initial prograde growth of garnet, while coupled Sm–Nd ages (c. 219–213 Ma) reflect cooling following hot exhumation. The maximum duration of UHP conditions is constrained by the age difference of these two systems in garnet (c. 235–220 Ma). Complementary zircon and titanite U–Pb ages of c. 235–230 Ma and c. 216–206 Ma provide further constraints on the timing of prograde metamorphism and the ‘cold exhumation' respectively. We demonstrate that timing of various metamorphic stages can thus be determined by employing complementary chronometers from the same samples. These age results, combined with published data from adjacent areas, show lateral diachroneity in the Dabie–Sulu orogeny. Three sub‐blocks are thus defined by progressively younger garnet ages: western Dabie (243–238 Ma), eastern Dabie–northern Sulu (238–235 Ma) and southern Sulu terranes (225–220 Ma), which possibly correlate to different crustal slices in the recently proposed subduction channel model. These observed lateral chronologic variations in a large UHP terrane can possibly be extended to other suture zones.  相似文献   

Ultra-high-pressure eclogites from the Dabie orogen that formed over a range in temperatures (∼600 to > 700 °C) have been investigated with combined Lu–Hf and Sm–Nd geochronology. Three eclogites, sampled from Zhujiachong, Huangzhen and Shima, yield Lu–Hf ages of 240.0 ± 5.0, 224.4 ± 1.9 and 230.8 ± 5.0 Ma and corresponding Sm–Nd ages of 222.5 ± 5.0, 217.6 ± 6.1 and 224.2 ± 2.1 Ma respectively. Well-preserved prograde major- and trace-element zoning in garnet in the Zhujiachong eclogite suggests that the Lu–Hf age mostly reflects an early phase of garnet growth that continued over a time interval of c. 17.5 Myr. For the Huangzhen eclogite, despite preserved elemental growth zoning in garnet, textural study reveals that the Lu–Hf age is biased towards a later garnet growth episode rather than representing early growth. The narrow time interval of <6.6 Myr defined by the difference between Lu–Hf and Sm–Nd ages indicates a short final garnet growth episode and suggests a rapid cooling stage. By contrast, the rather flat element zoning in garnet in the Shima eclogite suggests that Lu–Hf and Sm–Nd ages for this sample have been reset by diffusion and are cooling ages. The new Lu–Hf ages point to an initiation of prograde metamorphism prior to c . 240 Ma for the Dabie orogen, while the exact peak metamorphic timing experienced by specific samples ranges between c . 230 to c. 220 Ma.  相似文献   

The Hayachine–Miyamori (HM) ophiolitic complex in the Kitakami Mountains, northeastern Japan consists of ultramafic tectonite and cumulate members. The most fertile lherzolites have mineral and trace element compositions similar to those of abyssal peridotites. They show 350–430 Ma Nd depleted mantle model ages, which are within the range of the K–Ar emplacement ages obtained from intrusive gabbroic rocks, suggesting a partial melting event just before the emplacement. The measured 143Nd/144Nd ratio of clinopyroxene in the tectonite peridotites shows positive correlation with 147Sm/144Nd and decreases with increasing refractoriness, which cannot be explained by a simple melting and melt extraction to a various extent followed by radiogenic ingrowth. It clearly suggests influx of a melt/fluid enriched in highly incompatible trace elements during melting. Time corrected isotopic compositions of the HM complex exhibit a clear island arc signature with uniform initial isotopic ratio (87Sr/86Sr = 0.7035–0.7041, εNd = + 7.8–+ 5.0). Application of an open-system melting model to the observed trace element abundances in clinopyroxene suggests influx of three distinct agents to the HM mantle with the following characteristics: (1) moderate enrichment in highly incompatible elements with negative anomalies of Sr and Zr; (2) extensive enrichment of highly incompatible elements with positive Sr and negative Zr anomalies; and (3) extensive enrichment of highly incompatible elements with positive anomalies of Sr and Zr. These characteristics cover a variety of slab-derived components proposed in the literatures, suggesting the agents responsible for the open-system melting in the HM ophiolite might represent full spectrum of slab-derived components from back-arc to fore-arc regions of the Ordovician island arc system.  相似文献   

《Resource Geology》2018,68(4):337-351
The Bayinsukhtu tungsten deposit is a newly discovered quartz‐vein tungsten deposit in the Xing'an–Mongolia Orogenic Belt (XMOB) in southern Mongolia, hosted by the Bayinsukhtu granite porphyry. The granite porphyry is located mainly south of the study area, over 3 km2. The rock consists of quartz and feldspar phenocrysts in a fine‐grained matrix, also mainly composed of feldspar and quartz. The granite porphyry samples demonstrate high SiO2 and high alkalinity. All samples also straddle the high‐potassium calc‐alkaline series. In a plot of the molar ratios of A/NK versus A/CNK, the granites are metaluminous. The chondrite‐normalized REE patterns are characterized by large negative Eu anomalies and fractionated LREEs. The U–Pb age of zircons from the granite porphyry is 298.8 ± 1.8 Ma, and the Sm–Nd age of the five wolframite samples from the tungsten deposit is 303 ± 19 Ma. The cooling age of the granite porphyry and tungsten mineralization is within the error of measurement and is of the Late Carboniferous age. Geological and geochronological evidence shows that the tungsten mineralization and the granite porphyry at Bayinsukhtu are genetically closely related and that they are results of Carboniferous magmatism. Their tectonic setting is related to the accretion of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt during the late Paleozoic era.  相似文献   

The Nuri Cu–W–Mo deposit is a large newly explored deposit located at the southern margin of the Gangdese metallogenic belt. There are skarn and porphyry mineralizations in the deposit, but the formation age of the skarn and the relationship between the skarn and porphyry mineralizations are controversial. Constraints on the precise chronology are of fundamental importance for understanding the ore genesis of the Nuri deposit. To determine the formation age of the skarn, we chose garnets and whole rock skarn samples for Sm–Nd dating. We also selected biotite associated with potassic alteration for Ar–Ar dating to confirm the ore formation age of the porphyry mineralizations. The Sm–Nd ages of the skarn are 25.73 ± 0.92 – 25.2 ± 3.9 Ma, and the age of the potassic alteration is 24.37 ± 0.32 Ma. The results indicate that the skarn and porphyry mineralization are coeval and belong to a unified magmatic hydrothermal system. Combined with a previous molybdenite Re–Os age, we think that the hydrothermal activity of the Nuri deposit lasted for 1.2 – 2.1 Myr, which indicates that the mineralization formed rapidly. The chronologic results indicate that the Nuri deposit formed in the period of transformation from compression to extension in the late collisional stage of the collision between the Indian and Eurasian continents.  相似文献   

This study presents Lu–Hf geochronology of zoned garnet in high‐P eclogites from the North Qilian orogenic belt. Selected samples have ~mm‐sized garnet grains that have been sampled with a micro‐drill and analysed for dating. The Lu–Hf dates of bulk garnet separates, micro‐drilled garnet cores and the remnant, rim‐enriched garnet were determined by two‐point isochrons, with cores being consistently older than the bulk‐ and rim‐enriched garnet. The bulk garnet separates of each sample define identical garnet–whole rock isochron date of c. 457 Ma. Consistent U–Pb zircon dates of 455 ± 8 Ma were obtained from the eclogite. The Lu–Hf dates of the drilled cores and rim‐rich separates suggest a minimum garnet growth interval of 468.9 ± 2.4 and 452.1 ± 1.6 Ma. Major and Lu element profiles in the majority of garnet grains show well‐preserved Rayleigh‐style fractionated bell‐shaped Mn and Lu zoning profiles, and increasing Mg from core to rim. Pseudosection modelling indicates that garnet grew along a P–T path from ~470–525°C and ~2.4–2.6 GPa. The exceptional high‐Mn garnet core in one sample indicates an early growth during epidote–blueschist facies metamorphism at <460°C and <0.8 GPa. Therefore, the Lu–Hf dates of drilled cores record the early prograde garnet growth, whereas the Lu–Hf dates of rim‐rich fractions provide a maximum age for the end of garnet growth. The microsampling approach applied in this study can be broadly used in garnet‐bearing rocks, even those without extremely large garnet crystals, in an attempt to retrieve the early metamorphic timing recorded in older garnet cores. Given a proper selection of the drill bit size and a detailed crystal size distribution analysis, the cores of the mm‐sized garnet in most metamorphic rocks can be dated to yield critical constraints on the early timing of metamorphism. This study provides new crucial constraints on the timing of the initial subduction (before c. 469 Ma) and the ultimate closure (earlier than c. 452 Ma) of the fossil Qilian oceanic basin.  相似文献   

The Ross orogen of Antarctica is an extensive (>3000 km‐long) belt of deformed and metamorphosed sedimentary rocks and granitoid batholiths, which formed during convergence and subduction of palaeo‐Pacific lithosphere beneath East Gondwana in the Neoproterozoic–early Palaeozoic. Despite its prominent role in Gondwanan convergent tectonics, and a well‐established magmatic record, relatively little is known about the metamorphic rocks in the Ross orogen. A combination of garnet Lu–Hf and monazite U–Pb (measured by laser‐ablation split‐stream ICP‐MS) geochronology reveals a protracted metamorphic history of metapelites and garnet amphibolites from a major segment of the orogen. Additionally, direct dating of a common rock‐forming mineral (garnet) and accessory mineral (monazite) allows us to test assumptions that are commonly used when linking accessory mineral geochronology to rock‐forming mineral reactions. Petrography, mineral zoning, thermobarometry and pseudosection modelling reveal a Barrovian‐style prograde path, reaching temperatures of ~610–680 °C. Despite near‐complete diffusional resetting of garnet major element zoning, the garnet retains strong rare earth element zoning and preserves Lu–Hf dates that range from c. 616–572 Ma. Conversely, monazite in the rocks was extensively recrystallized, with concordant dates that span from c. 610–500 Ma, and retain only vestigial cores. Monazite cores yield dates that overlap with the garnet Lu–Hf dates and typically have low‐Y and heavy rare earth element (HREE) concentrations, corroborating interpretations of low‐Y and low‐HREE monazite domains as records of synchronous garnet growth. However, ratios of REE concentrations in garnet and monazite do not consistently match previously reported partition coefficients for the REE between these two minerals. High‐Y monazite inclusions within pristine, crack‐free garnet yield U–Pb dates significantly younger than the Lu–Hf dates for the same samples, indicating recrystallization of monazite within garnet. The recrystallization of high‐Y and high‐HREE monazite domains over >50 Ma likely records either punctuated thermal pulses or prolonged residence at relatively high temperatures (up to ~610–680 °C) driving monazite recrystallization. One c. 616 Ma garnet Lu–Hf date and several c. 610–600 Ma monazite U–Pb dates are tentatively interpreted as records of the onset of tectonism metamorphism in the Ross orogeny, with a more robust constraint from the other Lu–Hf dates (c. 588–572 Ma) and numerous c. 590–570 Ma monazite U–Pb dates. The data are consistent with a tectonic model that involves shortening and thickening prior to widespread magmatism in the vicinity of the study area. The early tectonic history of the Ross orogen, recorded in metamorphic rocks, was broadly synchronous with Gondwana‐wide collisional Pan‐African orogenies.  相似文献   

The Rooiberg Group is a 6-km-thick sequence of mostly volcanic rocks, which represent the first phase of magmatic activity associated with the Bushveld Complex. These strata include, in ascending stratigraphic order, the Dullstroom, Damwal, Kwaggasnek, and Schrikkloof Formations. Units of the lower Dullstroom Formation range from basalts to andesites and comprise two compositional suites: high Ti and low Ti. Compositional data indicate that melts represented by the overlying, more siliceous volcanic rocks, which include dacites and rhyolites, were derived from low Ti melts by fractional crystallization and assimilation of crustal material (AFC processes).

Rb–Sr isotopic data (28 samples) for units of the Dullstroom and Damwal Formations loosely constrain a crystallization age of 2071+94/−65 Ma (these errors and those below: 95% confidence limits), which agrees with previously reported age data. These data suggest an initial value for 87Sr/86Sr of 0.70655+0.00087/−0.00051 for the Rooiberg Group. In contrast, Rb–Sr isotopic compositions of six samples of the Kwaggasnek Formation indicate post-crystallization alteration, which was probably associated with the Lebowa Granite Suite of the Bushveld Complex. Sm–Nd isotopic data (29 samples) for volcanic units of the Rooiberg Group provide a poorly constrained age of 1837+360/−320 Ma with an initial value for 143Nd/144Nd of 0.50976+0.00026/−0.00035. These Rb–Sr and Sm–Nd isotopic compositions are similar to those indicated for melts that crystallized to form the Rustenburg Layered Suite (RLS) of the Bushveld Complex. Extruded and intruded melts probably were derived from the same or similar sources and may have resided in the same magma chambers before emplacement.  相似文献   

Abundant garnet-bearing granulite lenses are widely distributed in the northern part of the Sulu region and adjacent areas. They are possibly re-metamorphosed high-pressure metamorphic rocks. On the basis of detailed petrographic study, samples WD01, WD04 and ML06 from Laixi and Wendeng were identified as high-pressure granulites, and WH1 from Weihai as an original coesite-bearing eclogite. Three high-pressure granulite samples give mineral-WR isochron ages of 1846±76, 1743±79 and 1752±30 Ma. TDM ages are 3.3, 3.0 and 2.8 Ga. The Sm–Nd mineral-WR isochron ages are interpreted to date as the metamorphic resetting within the medium-pressure granulite facies, representing an isotopic re-homogeneity during uplifting of the high-pressure granulites from deep continent crust. It is important that Sm–Nd chronological characteristics are the same as Archaean high-pressure granulites in the North China craton. However, sample WH1 from Weihai demonstrates abnormal Sm–Nd characteristics. Its whole rock Nd (0) value is +129. TDM age is 1.3 Ga, and constrains the minimum age of re-metamorphosed eclogite protolith formation to the mid-Proterozoic. This result is identical to those reported by Jahn (1994), showing complicated processes of metamorphism and metasomatism. The data in this paper provide further evidence to define the boundary between the North China craton and UHPM belt in eastern Shandong and to understand the geotectonic nature of the boundary.  相似文献   

B. Seth  S. Jung  B. Gruner   《Lithos》2008,104(1-4):131-146
Three dating techniques for metamorphic minerals using the Sm–Nd, Lu–Hf and Pb isotope systems are combined and interpreted in context with detailed petrologic data from crustal segments in NW Namibia. The combination of isochron ages using these different approaches is a valuable tool to testify for the validity of metamorphic mineral dating. Here, PbSL, Lu–Hf and Sm–Nd garnet ages obtained on low- to medium-grade metasedimentary rocks from the Central Kaoko Zone of the Neoproterozoic Kaoko belt (NW Namibia) indicate that these samples were metamorphosed at around 550–560 Ma. On the other hand, granulite facies metasedimentary rocks from the Western Kaoko Zone underwent two phases of high-grade metamorphism, one at ca. 660–625 Ma and another at ca. 550 Ma providing substantial evidence that the 660–625 Ma-event was indeed a major tectonothermal episode in the Kaoko belt. Our age data suggest that interpreting metamorphic ages by applying a single dating method only is not reliable enough when studying complex metamorphic systems. However, a combination of all three dating techniques used here provides a reliable basis for geochronological age interpretation.  相似文献   

Major element, trace element and Lu–Hf geochronological data from amphibolite facies pelitic schist in the Raft River and Albion Mountains of northwest Utah and southern Idaho indicate that garnet grew during increasing pressure, interpreted to be the result of tectonic burial and crustal thickening during Sevier orogenesis. Garnet growth was interrupted by hiatuses interpreted from discontinuities in major element zonation. Pressure–temperature paths were determined from the pre‐hiatus portions of the garnet chemical zoning profiles and indicate an increase of ~2 kbar and ~50 °C in the western Raft River Mountains. Garnet Lu–Hf dates of 150 ± 1 Ma in the western Raft River Mountains and 138.7 ± 0.7 Ma and 132 ± 5 Ma in the southern Albion Mountains indicate the timing of garnet growth. Lutetium garnet zoning profiles indicate that the Lu–Hf ages are biased towards the post‐hiatus or outer pre‐hiatus segments, indicating that the determined ages likely post‐date the recorded P–T path history or date the tail end of the paths. Crustal thickening associated with Sevier orogenesis in the western Raft River Mountains thus began slightly before 150 ± 1 Ma, in the Late Jurassic. This study shows that integrating P–T paths determined from garnet growth zoning with Lu–Hf garnet geochronology and in situ garnet trace element analyses is an effective approach for interpreting and dating deformation events in orogenic belts.  相似文献   

一产于大别山北部铙钹寨面理化橄榄岩中的强变形榴辉岩的石榴子石具有退变质环带 ,表现为边部CaO含量下降和MnO含量升高 ,指示Ca和Mn在石榴子石具有较快的扩散速率。该榴辉岩中石榴子石 +绿辉石连线给出的Sm Nd年龄为 187± 5Ma ,显著小于大别山南部超高压榴辉岩及北部榴辉岩的Sm Nd年龄 (分别为 2 2 1± 5~ 2 2 8± 3Ma和 2 10± 6~ 2 14± 6Ma)。这一偏低的Sm Nd年龄可能是由于石榴子石退变质环带引起14 3 Nd/ 14 4 Nd降低所造成的。对该样品石榴子石、绿辉石和石英的δ18O测定表明 ,这些矿物之间的实测分馏值小于它们在 5 0 0~ 90 0℃条件下的平衡分馏值 ,从而证明它们之间存在氧同位素不平衡。榴辉岩中石榴子石的退变质环带也可造成绿辉石与石榴子石之间显著的Nd同位素和氧同位素不平衡现象。  相似文献   

This paper reports the integrated application of petrographic and Sm–Nd isotopic analyses for studying the provenance of the Neoproterozoic Maricá Formation, southern Brazil. This unit encompasses sedimentary rocks of fluvial and marine affiliations. In the lower fluvial succession, sandstones plot in the “craton interior” and “transitional continental” fields of the QFL diagram. Chemical weathering probably caused the decrease of the 147Sm/144Nd ratios to 0.0826 and 0.0960, consequently lowering originally > 2.0 Ga TDM ages to 1.76 and 1.81 Ga. 143Nd/144Nd ratios are also low (0.511521 to 0.511633), corresponding to negative εNd present-day values (− 21.8 and − 19.6). In the intermediate marine succession, sandstones plot in the “dissected arc” field, reflecting the input of andesitic clasts. Siltstones and shales reveal low 143Nd/144Nd ratios (0.511429 to 0.511710), εNd values of − 18.1 and − 23.6, and TDM ages of 2.16 and 2.37 Ga. Sandstones of the upper fluvial succession have “dissected arc” and “recycled orogen” provenance. 143Nd/144Nd isotopic ratios are also relatively low, from 0.511487 to 0.511560, corresponding to εNd values of − 22.4 and − 21.0 and TDM of 2.07 Ga. A uniform granite–gneissic basement block of Paleoproterozoic age, with subordinate volcanic rocks, is suggested as the main sediment source of the Maricá Formation.  相似文献   

Understanding convergent margin processes requires determination of the onset and the termination of subduction, the duration of subduction‐zone metamorphism, and the subduction zone polarity. Garnet growth and intracrystalline zonation can be used to constrain the timing, duration and kinetics of tectonometamorphic processes. An eclogite from the Huwan shear zone in the Hong'an orogen was investigated with combined pseudosection analysis and multiple geochronologies. The pseudosection analysis illustrates that garnet growth is continuous and along an early near‐isothermal trajectory followed by a near‐isobaric heating path from 1.9 GPa/500 °C to 2.4 GPa/575 °C and subsequent near‐isothermal decompression. 40Ar/39Ar dating of an amphibole inclusion in garnet from the eclogite yielded an age of 310 ± 5 Ma, which is consistent with a U–Pb age of 305 ± 3 Ma for the metamorphic zircon within uncertainty. Garnet core and rim material produced Lu–Hf ages of 296.9 ± 3.8 and 256.9 ± 3.9 Ma respectively; the latter is consistent with its Sm–Nd age of 254.3 ± 4.6 Ma for the same aliquots. Similarly, limited zircon U–Pb ages of c. 257 Ma were obtained in zircon rims with garnet inclusions. These ages were interpreted to bracket the period of garnet growth and the difference of up to c. 40 Ma is best explained by protracted garnet growth. We propose that the rocks represent detachment of part of the downgoing slab and remained free of significant compression/decompression or heating/cooling close to the subduction channel, most likely underplating the mantle wedge, for a long time. These rocks were incorporated into the following subduction channel due to the successive entry of the buoyant materials, and exhumed at some time later than c. 254 Ma. The increasing observations of protracted garnet growth and long‐lived subduction in various orogens worldwide demand more sophisticated geodynamic models.  相似文献   

Combined analyses of Nd isotopes from a wide range of Neoarchaean–Cretaceous igneous rocks provides a proxy to study magmatic processes and the evolution of the lithosphere. The main igneous associations include the Neoproterozoic granitoids from the southern Brazilian shield, which were formed during two tectonothermal events of the Brasiliano cycle: the São Gabriel accretionary orogeny (900–700 Ma) and the Dom Feliciano collisional orogeny (660–550 Ma). Rocks related to the formation of the São Gabriel arc (900–700 Ma) mainly have a depleted juvenile signature. For the Neoproterozoic collisional event, the petrogenetic discussion focuses on two old crustal segments and three types of mantle components. However, no depleted juvenile material was involved in the formation of the Dom Feliciano collisional belt (800–550 Ma), which implies an ensialic environment for the Dom Feliciano orogeny. In the western Neoproterozoic foreland, records of a Neoarchaean lower crust predominate, whereas a Paleoproterozoic crust does in the eastern Dom Feliciano belt. The western foreland includes two amalgamated geotectonic domains, the São Gabriel arc and Taquarembó block. In the collisional belt, the old crust was intensely reworked during the São Gabriel event. In addition to the Neoproterozoic subduction-processed subcontinental lithosphere (São Gariel arc), we recognize two old enriched mantle components, which also are identified in the Paleoproterozoic intraplate tholeiites from Uruguay and the Cretaceous potassic suites from eastern Paraguay. One end member displays the prominent influence of Trans-Amazonian (2.3–2.0 Ga) or older subduction events, whereas the other can be interpreted as a reenrichment of the first during the latest Trans-Amazonian collisional or younger events. This reenriched mantle is documented in late Neoproterozoic suites from the western foreland (605–550 Ma) and younger suites from the eastern collisional belt (600–580 Ma). The other enriched mantle component with an old subduction signature, however, appears only in older rocks of the collisional belt (800–600 Ma). The participation of the subduction-related Brasiliano mantle as an end member of binary mixing occurred in some early Neoproterozoic suites (605–580 Ma) from the western foreland, but the contribution of the Neoarchaean lower crust increased near the late igneous event (575–550 Ma).  相似文献   

We present major and trace element data for eighteen 1.71–1.66 Ga granitoid samples, and Sm–Nd whole‐rock isotope data for eleven of these samples, in a transect across the border between the Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) and the Eastern Segment in central southern Sweden. The geochemistry of the granitoids varies from alkalic to alkali‐calcic and peraluminous in the east to predominantly calc‐alkaline and metaluminous in the west. Rocks in the west also have lower SiO2 contents. Trace element signatures favour formation in an active continental margin setting. Nd isotope data are completely overlapping along the transect and initial εNd values are mildly depleted in the range +0.3 to +2.6. The combined data suggest that the magmas were derived mainly from juvenile, pre‐existing crust, increasingly mafic and less alkaline towards the west. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Suguti volcanic rocks of the southern Musoma-Mara greenstone belt in northern Tanzania comprise mainly of a bimodal suite of tholeiitic basalts-basaltic andesites and calc-alkaline rhyolites with a subordinate amount of intermediate rocks. Zircon U–Pb and whole rock Sm–Nd geochronology suggests that the two suites are cogenetic and were emplaced at 2755 ± 1 Ma with a common initial Nd value of 2.1.The tholeiitic basalts are characterised by relatively flat chondrite-normalised REE patterns with La/YbCN ratios of 0.8–1.6 (mean = 1.0). The basalts also exhibit negative Ti and Nb anomalies in primitive mantle-normalised multi-element diagrams. The flat REE patterns, the presence of prominent negative Nb anomalies and the positive initial Nd value of 2.1 suggest that the basalts were formed by low pressure melting of a mantle wedge in an active continental margin setting.Compared to the tholeiitic basalts, the calc-alkaline rhyolites are characterised by low abundances of the transition elements (Cr < 20 ppm, Ni < 20 ppm) and moderately high HFSE (e.g. Zr = 111–250 ppm) abundances. The rhyolites display strongly fractionated, slightly concave upward chondrite normalised REE patterns that are characterised by a slight depletion of the MREE relative to the HREE and minor to large negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.3–0.9) and their epsilon Nd values range from +2.05 to +2.33. The depletion of the MREE relative to the HREE is an indication of fractionation of clinopyroxene and hornblende during petrogenesis whereas the negative Eu anomalies indicate plagioclase fractionation. The rhyolites are interpreted to have formed from the parental magma of the basalts by fractional crystallization and/or partial melting of a relatively young basaltic crust.  相似文献   

The origin and age of the hydrothermal fluids related to the precipitation of fluorite, barite and calcite in the Villabona, La Collada and Berbes localities (Asturias fluorspar district, N Spain) have been evaluated from Sr and Nd radiogenic isotopes. Sr isotope data (87Sr / 86Sr = 0.7081 to 0.7096) are compatible with mixing between seawater and a more evolved groundwater that interacted with the basement. From Nd isotopes in fluorite, an isochron age of 185 ± 29 Ma (Lower Jurassic) was obtained, consistent with other hydrothermal events in the Iberian Peninsula and Europe. These constraints are essential to proceed with a quantitative model for the genesis of the mineralization that includes fluid and heat flow together with reactive transport of solutes.  相似文献   

Major, trace element compositions and Sr–Nd isotopic characteristics of charnockitic gneisses from the Southern Granulite Terrain (SGT), South India are presented. The study region encompasses the central segment of the Cauvery Shear Zone system (CSZ) and regions within the Madurai Block (MB) immediately south of it (designated here as the CSZ/MB and MB domains). Differences in the compositions and source characteristics between charnockitic rocks of the CSZ vis-à-vis those of the CSZ/MB and MB regions are highlighted. Foremost, the charnockites and enderbites of the CSZ show highly fractionated REE patterns with positive Eu-anomalies, depleted HREE, Y and near chondritic εNd0 and initial-87Sr/86Sr at ca. 2.5 Ga, consistent with hydrous partial melting of amphibolitic crust with residual garnet and hornblende for the parental melts. By contrast, modeled at ca. 1.8 Ga and 0.8 Ga, the CSZ/MB and MB charnockitic rocks, which show a wider range of Ti and P, relatively lower degree of HREE depletion, commonly negative Eu-anomalies and undepleted Y, present clear evidence for involvement of Archaean crustal components in sources of their magmatic protoliths. There is also evidence for significant intracrustal melting processes within a thickened crust at elevated temperatures between 800 and 1000 °C. Implications to the controversial Archaean–Neoproterozoic terrane boundary problem of the SGT are discussed.  相似文献   

Nd-evolutionary paths for diversified igneous suites from southern Brazil are here re-evaluated using published results. We interpret the εNd paths considering the secondary fractionation of 147Sm/144Nd due to major petrogenetic processes. The inclusion of Nd isotopes and geochemical data for Precambrian and Mesozoic basic rocks allow improving the discussion on the subcontinental lithosphere beneath southern Brazil. Late Neoproterozoic rocks, mostly granitoids, are exposed in two regions of the southern Brazilian shield, an eastern collisional belt and a western foreland. The latter included two geotectonic domains amalgamated at this time, the São Gabriel Arc (900–700 Ma), and the Taquarembó cratonic block. Magma genesis mainly involved mixture of crustal and incompatible-element-enriched mantle components, both with a long residence time. Continental segments are the Neoarchaean–Paleoproterozoic lower crust (ca. 2.55 Ga) in the western foreland, and Paleoproterozoic–Neoproterozoic recycled crust (2.1–0.8 Ga) in the collisional belt. Granitoids with a single crustal derivation are limited in the southern Brazilian Shield. Mixing processes are well-registered in the western foreland, where the re-enriched old mantle was probably mixed with a 900–700 Ma-old subducted lithosphere and a 2.55 Ga-old lower crust. The contribution of the latter increased from the early 605–580 Ma to the later 575–550 Ma Neoproterozoic events, which may be due either to crustal thickening or to delamination of the lithosphere. Magma sources were diversified in the 660–630 Ma collisional belt. Initially, they involved the mixing between two components with similar Nd isotopic ratios, a 2.1–0.8 Ga-old recycled crust and a subduction-processed old mantle. Regional heating and abundant production of granitic melts, with diversified contribution of enriched mantle components, mark the end of the collisional period, at 630–580 Ma. We can also attribute this to the delamination of the lithosphere, so that the same geodynamic process may explain the magmatism in the whole shield at the end of the Dom Feliciano Orogeny. Mesozoic rocks include flood basalts from the Cretaceous Paraná Province and sub-coeval alkalic suites. Multiple processes of metasomatism affected the lithospheric mantle, resulting in some complexity but they mainly register two enriched-mantle components, both generated during Neoarchaean–Paleoproterozoic events. One end-member has a more pronounced subduction signature. The other one probably resulted from the re-enrichment of the first component at the end of the Camboriú collisional orogeny (2.0 Ga).  相似文献   

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