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Two-deuteron radiative capture reaction is one of the deuterium-burning processes that the cross section is not well known at very low-energies. We develop the formalism based on pionless Effective Field Theory (EFT) for deuteron–deuteron (dd) scattering to derive the cross section of two-deuteron radiative capture. Within this formalism the two- and three-body forces, should also be included in the capture cross section calculations. The aim of the present work is to calculate the observables of the low-energy dd photonuclear reactions. The cross section and the astrophysical S-factor for the 2H(d,γ)4He reaction have been calculated. The 4He is studied as four-body bound states in the pionless EFT. The theoretical uncertainties for observables are estimated based on the variation of the cutoffs. The astrophysical S-factor is accurately determined to be 6.9×10?6 keV?b (6.1×10?6 keV?b) for two-body (two- and three-body) at zero energy. A satisfactory agreement between theory and experiment for dd radiative capture observables up to order of calculation has been found by insertion of three-body force.  相似文献   

The astrophysical S-factor for 4He-3He radiative capture is calculated at very low-energies. We construct conserved two- and three-body electromagnetic currents, using minimal substitution in the explicit momentum dependence of the two- and three-cluster interactions. The realistic Argonne v 18 two-nucleon and Urbana IX or Tucson-Melbourne three-cluster interactions are considered for calculation. The zero energy S-factor is found to be S(0)=0.563 (0.581) keV?b, with (without) three-body interactions, in satisfactory agreement with other theoretical results and experiment data.  相似文献   

The temperature dependence of the binary recombination coefficient, α2, for the reaction NO++NO2? → products has been obtained over the range 185–530 K. It is found that the corresponding mean cross section σ is described by the power law σ ? A · T?0.9, and that α2 ? B · T?0.4. Data has also been obtained for two cluster ion recombination reactions which indicate that their recombination cross sections are only about 40% larger than for the parent ions at a given temperature, the cross sections for these reactions also apparently increasing with decreasing temperature. In the light of this data and by considering the most probable positive and negative ions existing at various altitudes up to 90km in the atmosphere, the most appropriate ionic recombination coefficients in various altitude ranges are deduced. Thus, between 30 and 90 km, where the recombination process is two-body, the coefficient varies over the narrow range 5–9 × 10?8 cm3s?1, while below 30 km the process is predominantly three-body with an effective two-body rate increasing rapidly to a maximum value ≈3 × 10?6 cm3s?1 in the troposphere, these deductions being based on published laboratory determinations of three-body recombination coefficients.  相似文献   

Abstract– Cross sections were measured for the nuclear reactions natMg(3He,x)26Al, 27Al(3He,x)26Al, natCa(3He,x)41Ca, and natCa(3He,x)36Cl in the energy region from approximately 5–35 MeV. The rates of these reactions are important for studies of early solar system irradiation scenarios. The 26Al, 36Cl, and 41Ca were separated chemically, and the numbers of atoms produced in each reaction channel were measured using accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS). From these results, 26 cross sections were determined and compared with predictions of the TALYS code. Agreement is within 40% for most cross sections. Our measurements were used to model the production of 7Be, 10Be, 26Al, and 41Ca in the early solar system. For projectiles 1H, 3He, and 4He, we assumed energy spectra of the general form E. For a wide range of parameterizations, the modeled ratios of 7Be/Be and 10Be/Be on the one hand and of 26Al/27Al and 41Ca/Ca on the other are coupled because the excitation functions for the relevant nuclear reactions have similar shapes. Modeling of a closed system with the constraint that 10Be/9Be = 0.001 fails to reproduce simultaneously the range of 7Be/9Be, 26Al/27Al, and 41Ca/Ca ratios inferred for the early solar system from studies of meteorites.  相似文献   

Based on the work of Wang et al. (Chin. Phys. Lett. 29:049701, 2012), we re-investigated electron capture on iron group nuclei in the outer crust of magnetars and studied magnetar evolution. Effects of ultra-strong magnetic field on electron capture rates for 57Co have been analyzed in the nuclear shell model and under the Landau-level-quantization approximation, and the electron capture rates and the neutrino energy loss rates on iron group nuclei in the outer crust of magnetar have been calculated. The results show that electron capture rates on 57Co are increase greatly in the ultra-strong magnetic field, and above 3 orders of magnitude generally; and the neutrino energy loss rates by electron capture on iron group nuclei increase above 3 orders of magnitude in the range from B=4.414×1013 G to B=4.414×1015 G. These conclusions play an important role in future studying the evolution of magnetar. Furthermore, we modify the expressions of the electron chemical potential (Fermi energy) and phase space factor by introducing Dirac δ-function, and select appropriate parameters of temperature T, magnetic field B and matter density ρ in the our crust, thus our results will be reliable than those of Wang et al.  相似文献   

Rate coefficients for several two- and three-body ion-molecule reactions involving hydrocarbons have been determined at thermal energies and above using drift tube-mass spectrometer techniques. The measured rates for clustering and breakup reactions involving CH5+ and C2H5+ ions in methane are found to be strongly temperature dependent in the range from 80 to 240 K. The equilibrium constants determined for these reactions differ somewhat from those of Hiraoka and Kebarle. Rate coefficients for two-body reactions of CH5+, C2H5+, N+, H+ and D+ ions with methane and/or ethane have been measured. The results indicate that the product yields of several of the fast ion-molecule reactions depend strongly on ion energy (temperature), and therefore previous room-temperature results may be of limited value for model calculations of Titan's atmosphere.  相似文献   

Using formula to describe the average spectrum of the extragalactic far infrared background (FIRB) radiation measured by the COBE FIRAS instrument in the 0.15–2.4 THz frequency interval at mean temperature T=18.5 K, the radiative and thermodynamic properties, such as the total emissivity, total radiation power per unit area, total energy density, number density of photons, Helmholtz free energy density, entropy density, heat capacity at constant volume, and pressure are calculated. The value for the total intensity received in the 0.15–2.4 THz frequency interval is equal to 13.6 nW?m?2?sr?1. This value is about 19.4 % of the total intensity expected from the energy released by stellar nucleosynthesis over cosmic history. The radiative and thermodynamic functions of the extragalactic far infrared background (FIRB) radiation are calculated at redshift z=1.5.  相似文献   

Using Shell-Model Monte Carlo (SMMC) method and Random Phase Approximation (RPA) theory, the electron capture (EC) and the electron capture cross section (ECCS) of nuclei 55Co and 56Ni are investigated. We also discuss the rates of the change of electron fraction (RCEF) and the error factor C, which is compared our results with those of AFUD, which calculated by the method of Aufderheide. The results show that the ECCS and the EC rates for 55Co and 56Ni increased about four orders of magnitude at relative high temperature (such as T 9=5,7,9). On the other hand, the RCEF for two nuclides decreased greatly, and even exceed four orders of magnitude. The error factor shows ours is agreed reasonably well with AUFD under the higher density surroundings (e.g. ρ7=106, Y e =0.43; ρ7=506, Y e =0.42; ρ7=4010, Y e =0.41). But under the lower density surroundings (e.g. ρ7=3.36, Y e =0.48) the maximum error is ~14.5 % for 55Co but is ~14.0 % for 56Ni. The error is ~9.5 % and ~9.0 % for 55Co, 56Ni at ρ7=5.86, Y e =0.47 respectively.  相似文献   

Neutron capture measurements made on a sample of fission-product zirconium containing 20%93Zr(t 1/2=1.5×106a) at the Oak Ridge Electron Linear Accelerator time-of-flight facility resulted in the identification of 138 resonance peaks for the93Zr isotope at neutron energies up to 21.5 keV. Average capture cross sections from 20 to 300 keV were derived by subtracting neutron capture yields of the stable zirconium isotopes90, 91, 92, 94, 96Zr and additional backgrounds. The average cross sections found were significantly less than those of JENDL-1. While generally 30% higher than those of ENDF/BV below 60 keV, the binned data overlapped the smooth ENDF/BV curve. The average for a Maxwellian neutron spectrum withkT=30 keV is (95±10) mb and the resonance contribution to the capture resonance integral is (15.0±0.5)b.Research sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, under contract DE-AC05-840R21400 with the Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc.  相似文献   

R-process yields for a helium layer have been calculated within a network of 6033 heavy nuclei using a steady flow approximation. The calculation of the neutron capture cross sections has been improved. The beta decay rates computed by Klapdor and his colleagues have been used in the calculation. We find that ther-process yield peaks near mass numbers 80 and 130 require a neutron number density of approximately 1020 cm?3 and a freezing time comparable to or less than 0.1 s. The peak near mass number 195 requires a neutron number density of about 1021 cm?3 and a freezing time comparable to or less than about 0.01 s. The individual yield features of the steady flowr-process depend entirely upon the neutron capture cross sections of the nuclei along the flow path and the beta decay rates, which can shift the flow path and thereby introduce inappropriate capture cross sections into the determination of the yields.  相似文献   

Observed oscillations in the visible continuum emission (5000 Å) are studied considering the usual visible emission mechanism, NO + O (both two-body and three-body paths). Characteristic parameters of internal gravity waves are obtained using Hines' linear theory. Values of the kinetic energy density ?, and temperature variations Δθ, due to gravity waves are calculated. The results (? ~ 106cm2s?2, Δθ = 4–9K) are in agreement with those obtained by means of different techniques reported in the literature. A similar analysis of the simultaneous green-line emission data is made and a comparison is drawn between the results obtained for both emissions. An expression relating relative brightness of continuum emission and relative perturbations of atmospheric density is proposed.  相似文献   

The astrophysical S-factor of the experimental cross section data of the main reactions in the proton–proton chain, i.e. 3He(3He,2p)4He, 3He(4He,γ)7Be and 7Be(p,γ)8B, are reanalyzed by using the exact tunneling probability in nuclear reactions. Our goal is to test this treatment in finding the reaction rate per pair for non-resonant reactions. At low temperatures, the exact treatment is identical to the standard formalism but diverges at higher temperatures.  相似文献   

We considered one of the proton halo nuclei candidates, 13N* nucleus, and calculated the cross section and astrophysical S-factor for 12C(p, γ)13N* reaction using halo effective field theory without pion (hEFT¬π). The halo effective field theory is used to examine the halo nucleus bound state with a large S-wave scattering length. We calculated the radiative proton capture cross section and the astrophysical S-factor from the fields of the core and the valence proton at the Leading-Order (LO). We showed that there is a good agreement among the our results for cross section and astrophysical S-factor of the 12C(p, γ)13N* reaction and the experimental data. The astrophysical S-factor that has been estimated at the zero energy (Ecm=0) by using a theoretical calculation of the cross section for direct radiative capture and an extrapolation of this calculation obtained S(0)=1.883×103 MeV-b.  相似文献   

Recent analyses of nuclear decay data show evidence of variations suggestive of a solar influence. Analyses of datasets acquired at the Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) and at the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) both show evidence of an annual periodicity and of periodicities with sidereal frequencies in the neighborhood of 12.25 year?1 (at a significance level that we have estimated to be 10?17). It is notable that this implied rotation rate is lower than that attributed to the solar radiative zone, suggestive of a slowly rotating solar core. This leads us to hypothesize that there may be an ??inner tachocline?? separating the core from the radiative zone, analogous to the ??outer tachocline?? that separates the radiative zone from the convection zone. The Rieger periodicity (which has a period of about 154 days, corresponding to a frequency of 2.37 year?1) may be attributed to an r-mode oscillation with spherical-harmonic indices l=3,m=1, located in the outer tachocline. This suggests that we may test the hypothesis of a solar influence on nuclear decay rates by searching BNL and PTB data for evidence of a ??Rieger-like?? r-mode oscillation, with l=3,m=1, in the inner tachocline. The appropriate search band for such an oscillation is estimated to be 2.00??C?2.28 year?1. We find, in both datasets, strong evidence of a periodicity at 2.11 year?1. We estimate that the probability of obtaining these results by chance is 10?12.  相似文献   

The 18O(p,α)15N reaction influences the isotopes production such as 19F, 18O, and 15N which can be used to test the models of stellar evolution. 19F is synthesized in both asymptotic giant branch (AGB) and metal-rich Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars. Using R-matrix theory we allow new values of resonances parameters in 19F. We show that the most important contribution to the differential and total cross section at low energies, comes from the levels in 19F situated at resonances energies E R =151, 680 and 840 keV with spin and parity 1/2+. The total width of the 680 keV resonance is badly known. So, we have focused on this broad resonance corresponding to the 8.65 MeV level in 19F. We delimit the temperature range in which each resonance contribution to the total reaction rate occurs by analyzing the ratio (N A σν i /N A σν〉). This allowed us to show that the 680 and 840 keV broad resonances strongly dominate the reaction rate over the stellar temperature range T 9=0.02–0.06 and T 9=0.5–5. Finally, these results were compared to NACRE and Iliadis astrophysical compilations.  相似文献   

One of the light elements created during the big bang nucleosynthesis is 7Be which then decays to 7Li by electron capture when recombination becomes effective but well before the Saha equilibrium recombination is reached. This means that 7Be should wait until its recombination epoch even though the half-life of the hydrogenic beryllium atom is only 106.4 days. We calculate when the conversion from primordial 7Be to 7Li occurs taking into account the population of the hyperfine structure sublevels and solving the kinetic equations for recombination, photoionization and conversion rate. We also calculate the energies and the spectrum of two narrow neutrino lines from 7Be decay.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy Reviews》2002,46(8-10):525-528
Stellar nuclear reactions, generally occurring at energies well below the Coulomb barrier, have extremely low cross sections posing a very difficult task for their determination using the usual prompt γ-ray detection method. We describe here the application of the highly sensitive Accelerator Mass Spectrometry technique (AMS) as an alternative method for the determination of the resonance strengths of the 25Mg(p,γ) reaction, by off-line counting of the produced 26Al nuclei.  相似文献   

In this work, a standard solar model is computed with new reaction rates that take into account the exact astrophysical S-factor, S e for the 3He(3He,2p)4He, 3He(α,γ)7Be and 7Be(p,γ)8B reactions. The exact S-factor which is valid for all energies is an improved version of the S-factor in the lower-energy approximation (Yusof and Kassim in Astrophys. Space Sci., 2009b). The effects of these new nuclear reaction rates on the solar neutrino fluxes are then discussed by comparing this model to a solar model computed with the standard NACRE reaction rates (Angulo et al. in Nucl. Phys. A. 656:3, 1999). The new reaction rates are found to decrease the neutrinos flux for 7Be and 8B by about 6% and 16%, respectively. A solar model is also computed with the reaction rates of the LUNA collaboration for 14N(p,γ)15O (Formicola et al. in Phys. Lett. B 591:61, 2004). In this case, a clear decrease of the fluxes for 13N and 15O is observed to be in good agreement with previous results (see e.g. Bahcall et al. in Astrophys. J. 621:L88, 2005).  相似文献   

We report on ab initio coupled-cluster calculations of the interaction potential energy surface for the HCNH+–He complex. The aug-cc-pVTZ Gaussian basis, to which is added a set of bond functions placed at mid-distance between HCNH+ center of mass and He atom is used. The HCNH+ bonds length are set to their values at the equilibrium geometry, i.e., r e [HC]=1.0780 Å, r e [CN]=1.1339 Å and r e [NH]=1.0126 Å. The interaction energy presents a global minimum located $266.9~\mathrm{cm^{-1}}$ below the HCNH+–He dissociation limit. Using the interaction potential obtained, we have computed rotational excitation cross sections in the close-coupling approach and downward rate coefficients at low temperature (T≤120 K). It is expected that the data worked out in this study may be beneficial for further astrophysical investigations as well as laboratory experiments.  相似文献   

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