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Using a new approach, we have obtained a formula for calculating the rotation period and radius of planets. In the ordinary gravitomagnetism the gravitational spin (S) orbit (L) coupling, $\vec{L}\cdot\vec{S}\propto L^{2}$ , while our model predicts that $\vec{L}\cdot\vec{S}\propto\frac{m}{M}L^{2}$ , where M and m are the central and orbiting masses, respectively. Hence, planets during their evolution exchange L and S until they reach a final stability at which MSmL, or $S\propto\frac{m^{2}}{v}$ , where v is the orbital velocity of the planet. Rotational properties of our planetary system and exoplanets are in agreement with our predictions. The radius (R) and rotational period (D) of tidally locked planet at a distance a from its star, are related by, $D^{2}\propto\sqrt{\frac{M}{m^{3}}}R^{3}$ and that $R\propto\sqrt{\frac {m}{M}}a$ .  相似文献   

We propose a relativistic model for: quintessence stars with the combination of an anisotropic pressure corresponding to normal matter and a quintessence dark energy having a characteristic parameter ω q such that $-1<\omega_{q}< -\frac{1}{3}$ . We discuss various physical features of the model and show that the model satisfies all the regularity conditions and can provide stable equilibrium configurations.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the existence of libration points and their linear stability when the more massive primary is radiating and the smaller is an oblate spheroid. Our study includes the effects of oblateness of $\bar{J}_{2i}$ (i=1,2) with respect to the smaller primary in the restricted three-body problem. Under combining the perturbed forces that were mentioned before, the collinear points remain unstable and the triangular points are stable for 0<μ<μ c , and unstable in the range $\mu_{c} \le\mu\le\frac{1}{2}$ , where $\mu_{c} \in(0,\frac{1}{2})$ , it is also observed that for these points the range of stability will decrease. The relations for periodic orbits around five libration points with their semimajor, semiminor axes, eccentricities, the frequencies of orbits and periods are found, furthermore for the orbits around the triangular points the orientation and the coefficients of long and short periodic terms also are found in the range 0<μ<μ c .  相似文献   

Magneto-curvature stresses could deform magnetic field lines giving rise to back reaction and restoring magnetic stresses (Tsagas in Phys. Rev. Lett., 2001). Barrow and Tsagas (Phys. Rev. D, 2008) have shown that in Friedman universe the expansion slows down in its spatial section of negative Riemann curvature. Earlier, Chicone and Latushkin (Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 125(11):3391, 1995) proved that fast dynamos in compact 2D manifold implies negatively constant Riemannian curvature. Here one applies the Barrow-Tsagas ideas to cosmic dynamos of negative curvature. Fast dynamo, covariant stretching of Riemann slices of cosmic Lobachevsky plane is given. Inclusion of advection term on dynamo equations (Clarkson and Marklund in Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 2005) is considered. In advection absence, slow dynamos are also obtained. It is shown the viscous and restoring forces on stretching particles decrease, as magnetic rates increase. From COBE data ( $\frac{{\delta}B}{B}\approx{10^{-5}}$ ), one is able to compute the stretching $\frac{{\delta}V^{y}}{V^{y}}=1.5\frac{{\delta}B}{B}\approx{1.5{\times}10^{-5}}$ . Zeldovich et al. have computed the maximum magnetic growth rate as γ max ≈8.0×10?1 t ?1. From COBE data a lower growth rate as γ COBE ≈6.0×10?6 t ?1, is well-within Zeldovich et al estimate. Instead of Harrison value $B\approx{t^{\frac{4}{3}}}$ one obtains a lower primordial field B≈10?6 t which yields B≈10?6 G at 1 s Big Bang time.  相似文献   

We obtain an approximate solution $\tilde{E}=\tilde{E}(e,M)$ of Kepler’s equation $E-e\sin (E)=M$ for any $e\in [0,1)$ and $M\in [0,\pi ]$ . Our solution is guaranteed, via Smale’s $\alpha $ -theory, to converge to the actual solution $E$ through Newton’s method at quadratic speed, i.e. the $n$ -th iteration produces a value $E_n$ such that $|E_n-E|\le (\frac{1}{2})^{2^n-1}|\tilde{E}-E|$ . The formula provided for $\tilde{E}$ is a piecewise rational function with conditions defined by polynomial inequalities, except for a small region near $e=1$ and $M=0$ , where a single cubic root is used. We also show that the root operation is unavoidable, by proving that no approximate solution can be computed in the entire region $[0,1)\times [0,\pi ]$ if only rational functions are allowed in each branch.  相似文献   

We analyzed the luminosity-temperature-mass of gas (L X ?T?M g ) relations for a sample of 21 Chandra galaxy clusters. We used the standard approach (β?model) to evaluate these relations for our sample that differs from other catalogues since it considers galaxy clusters at higher redshifts (0.4<z<1.4). We assumed power-law relations in the form $L_{X} \sim(1 +z)^{A_{L_{X}T}} T^{\beta_{L_{X}T}}$ , $M_{g} \sim(1 + z)^{A_{M_{g}T}} T^{\beta_{M_{g}T}}$ , and $M_{g} \sim(1 + z)^{A_{M_{g}L_{X}}} L^{\beta_{M_{g}L_{X}}}$ . We obtained the following fitting parameters with 68 % confidence level: $A_{L_{X}T} = 1.50 \pm0.23$ , $\beta_{L_{X}T} = 2.55 \pm0.07$ ; $A_{M_{g}T} = -0.58 \pm0.13$ and $\beta_{M_{g}T} = 1.77 \pm0.16$ ; $A_{M_{g}L_{X}} \approx-1.86 \pm0.34$ and $\beta_{M_{g}L_{X}} = 0.73 \pm0.15$ , respectively. We found that the evolution of the M g ?T relation is small, while the M g ?L X relation is strong for the cosmological parameters Ω m =0.27 and Ω Λ =0.73. In overall, the clusters at high-z have stronger dependencies between L X ?T?M g correlations, than those for clusters at low-z. For most of galaxy clusters (first of all, from MACS and RCS surveys) these results are obtained for the first time.  相似文献   

A statistical study is carried out on the photospheric magnetic nonpotentiality in solar active regions and its relationship with associated flares. We select 2173 photospheric vector magnetograms from 1106 active regions observed by the Solar Magnetic Field Telescope at Huairou Solar Observing Station, National Astronomical Observatories of China, in the period of 1988??C?2008, which covers most of the 22nd and 23rd solar cycles. We have computed the mean planar magnetic shear angle ( $\overline{\Delta\phi}$ ), mean shear angle of the vector magnetic field ( $\overline{\Delta\psi}$ ), mean absolute vertical current density ( $\overline{|J_{z}|}$ ), mean absolute current helicity density ( $\overline{|h_{\mathrm{c}}|}$ ), absolute twist parameter (|?? av|), mean free magnetic energy density ( $\overline{\rho_{\mathrm{free}}}$ ), effective distance of the longitudinal magnetic field (d E), and modified effective distance (d Em) of each photospheric vector magnetogram. Parameters $\overline{|h_{\mathrm{c}}|}$ , $\overline{\rho_{\mathrm{free}}}$ , and d Em show higher correlations with the evolution of the solar cycle. The Pearson linear correlation coefficients between these three parameters and the yearly mean sunspot number are all larger than 0.59. Parameters $\overline {\Delta\phi}$ , $\overline{\Delta\psi}$ , $\overline{|J_{z}|}$ , |?? av|, and d E show only weak correlations with the solar cycle, though the nonpotentiality and the complexity of active regions are greater in the activity maximum periods than in the minimum periods. All of the eight parameters show positive correlations with the flare productivity of active regions, and the combination of different nonpotentiality parameters may be effective in predicting the flaring probability of active regions.  相似文献   

Noether gauge symmetry for F(R) theory of gravity has been explored recently. The fallacy is that, even after setting gauge to vanish, the form of F(R)∝R n (where n≠1 is arbitrary) obtained in the process, has been claimed to be an outcome of gauge Noether symmetry. On the contrary, earlier works proved that any nonlinear form other than $F(R) \propto R^{\frac{3}{2}}$ is obscure. Here, we show that, setting gauge term zero, Noether equations are satisfied only for n=2, which again does not satisfy the field equations. Thus, as noticed earlier, the only form that Noether symmetry admits is $F(R) \propto R^{\frac{3}{2}}$ . Noether symmetry with non-zero gauge has also been studied explicitly here, to show that it does not produce anything new.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate analytically the level space of the imaginary part of quasinormal frequencies for a black hole with a deficit solid angle and quintessence-like matter by the Padmanabhan’s method (Padmanabhan in Class. Quantum Gravity 21:L1, 2004). Padmanabhan presented a method to study analytically the imaginary part of quasinormal frequencies for a class of spherically symmetric spacetimes including Schwarzschild-de Sitter black holes which has an evenly spaced structure. The results show that the level space of scalar and gravitational quasinormal frequencies for this kind of black holes only depend on the surface gravity of black-hole horizon in the range of $-1<w<-\frac{1}{3}$ , respectively. We also extend the range of w to w≤?1, the results of which are similar to that in $-1<w<-\frac{1}{3}$ case. Particularly, a black hole with a deficit solid angle in accelerating universe will be a Schwarzschild-de Sitter black hole, fixing w=?1 and ε 2=0. And a black hole with a deficit solid angle in the accelerating universe will be a Schwarzschild black hole,when ρ 0=0 and ε 2=0. In this paper, w is the parameter of state equation, ε 2 is a parameter relating to a deficit solid angle and ρ 0 is the density of static spherically symmetrical quintessence-like matter at r=1.  相似文献   

We examine the stability of the triangular Lagrange points L 4 and L 5 for secondary masses larger than the Gascheau??s value ${\mu_{\rm G}= (1-\sqrt{23/27}/2)= 0.0385208\ldots}$ (also known as the Routh value) in the restricted, planar circular three-body problem. Above that limit the triangular Lagrange points are linearly unstable. Here we show that between??? G and ${\mu \approx 0.039}$ , the L 4 and L 5 points are globally stable in the sense that a particle released at those points at zero velocity (in the corotating frame) remains in the vicinity of those points for an indefinite time. We also show that there exists a family of stable periodic orbits surrounding L 4 or L 5 for ${\mu \ge \mu_G}$ . We show that??? G is actually the first value of a series ${\mu_0 (=\mu_G), \mu_1,\ldots, \mu_i,\ldots}$ corresponding to successive period doublings of the orbits, which exhibit ${1, 2, \ldots, 2^i,\ldots}$ cycles around L 4 or L 5. Those orbits follow a Feigenbaum cascade leading to disappearance into chaos at a value ${\mu_\infty = 0.0463004\ldots}$ which generalizes Gascheau??s work.  相似文献   

The quintessence dark energy model with a kinetic coupling to gravity within the Palatini formalism is studied in this paper. Two different coupling forms: $\hat{R}\partial^{\mu}\phi\partial_{\mu}\phi$ and $\hat {R}_{\mu\nu}\partial^{\mu}\phi\partial^{\nu}\phi$ are analyzed, respectively. We find that both the model with the $\hat{R}\partial^{\mu}\phi\partial_{\mu}\phi$ coupling and the one with the $\hat{R}_{\mu\nu}\partial^{\mu}\phi\partial^{\nu}\phi$ coupling can realize the phantom divide line crossing from phantom to quintessence at late time for its effective equation-of-state. Furthermore, the former can behave like phantom. These features are different from those found in the $\hat {R}\phi^{2}$ coupling case.  相似文献   

Using γ-ray data detected by Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) and multi-wave band data for 35 TeV blazars sample, we have studied the possible correlations between different broad band spectral indices ( $\alpha_{\rm r.ir}$ , $\alpha_{\rm{r.o}}$ , $\alpha_{\rm r.x}$ , $\alpha_{\rm r.\gamma}$ , $\alpha_{\rm{ir.o}}$ , $\alpha_{\rm ir.x}$ , $\alpha_{\rm ir.\gamma}$ , $\alpha_{\rm o.x}$ , $\alpha_{\rm o.\gamma}$ , $\alpha_{\rm r.x}$ , $\alpha_{\rm x.\gamma}$ ) in all states (average/high/low). Our results are as follows: (1) For our TeV blazars sample, the strong positive correlations were found between $\alpha_{\rm r.ir}$ and $\alpha_{\rm{r.o}}$ , between $\alpha_{\rm r.ir}$ and $\alpha_{\rm r.x}$ , between $\alpha_{\rm r.ir}$ and $\alpha_{\rm r.\gamma}$ in all states (average/high/low); (2) For our TeV blazars sample, the strong anti-correlations were found between $\alpha_{\rm r.ir}$ and $\alpha_{\rm x.\gamma}$ , between $\alpha_{\rm{r.o}}$ and $\alpha_{\rm ir.\gamma}$ , between $\alpha_{\rm{r.o}}$ and $\alpha_{\rm o.\gamma}$ , between $\alpha_{\rm{r.o}}$ and $\alpha_{\rm x.\gamma}$ , between $\alpha_{\mathrm{ir.o}}$ and $\alpha_{\rm o.\gamma}$ , between $\alpha_{\rm r.x}$ and $\alpha_{\rm x.\gamma}$ , between $\alpha_{\rm ir.x}$ and $\alpha_{\rm x.\gamma}$ in all states (average/high/low). The results suggest that the synchrotron self-Compton radiation (SSC) is the main mechanism of high energy γ-ray emission and the inverse Compton scattering of circum-nuclear dust is likely to be a important complementary mechanism for TeV blazars. Our results also show that the possible correlations vary from state to state in the same pair of indices, Which suggest that there may exist differences in the emitting process and in the location of the emitting region for different states.  相似文献   

The analytical techniques of the Nekhoroshev theorem are used to provide estimates on the coefficient of Arnold diffusion along a particular resonance in the Hamiltonian model of Froeschlé et al. (Science 289:2108–2110, 2000). A resonant normal form is constructed by a computer program and the size of its remainder ||R opt || at the optimal order of normalization is calculated as a function of the small parameter ${\epsilon}$ . We find that the diffusion coefficient scales as ${D \propto ||R_{opt}||^3}$ , while the size of the optimal remainder scales as ${||R_{opt}|| \propto {\rm exp}(1/\epsilon^{0.21})}$ in the range ${10^{-4} \leq \epsilon \leq 10^{-2}}$ . A comparison is made with the numerical results of Lega et al. (Physica D 182:179–187, 2003) in the same model.  相似文献   

We constrain holographic dark energy (HDE) with time varying gravitational coupling constant in the framework of the modified Friedmann equations using cosmological data from type Ia supernovae, baryon acoustic oscillations, cosmic microwave background radiation and X-ray gas mass fraction. Applying a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation, we obtain the best fit values of the model and cosmological parameters within 1σ confidence level (CL) in a flat universe as: $\varOmega_{b}h^{2}=0.0222^{+0.0018}_{-0.0013}$ , $\varOmega_{c}h^{2}=0.1121^{+0.0110}_{-0.0079}$ , $\alpha_{G}\equiv \dot{G}/(HG) =0.1647^{+0.3547}_{-0.2971}$ and the HDE constant $c=0.9322^{+0.4569}_{-0.5447}$ . Using the best fit values, the equation of state of the dark component at the present time w d0 at 1σ CL can cross the phantom boundary w=?1.  相似文献   

We compute the ultra-high energy (UHE) neutrino fluxes from plausible accreting supermassive black holes closely linking to the 377 active galactic nuclei (AGNs). They have well-determined black hole masses collected from the literature. The neutrinos are produced via simple or modified URCA processes, even after the neutrino trapping, in superdense proto-matter medium. The resulting fluxes are ranging from: (1) (quark reactions)— $J^{q}_{\nu\varepsilon}/(\varepsilon_{d}\ \mathrm{erg}\,\mathrm{cm}^{-2}\,\mathrm{s}^{-1}\,\mathrm{sr}^{-1})\simeq8.29\times 10^{-16}$ to 3.18×10?4, with the average $\overline{J}^{q}_{\nu\varepsilon}\simeq5.53\times 10^{-10}\varepsilon_{d}\ \mathrm{erg}\,\mathrm{cm}^{-2}\,\mathrm{s}^{-1}\,\mathrm{sr}^{-1}$ , where ε d ~10?12 is the opening parameter; (2) (pionic reactions)— $J^{\pi}_{\nu\varepsilon} \simeq0.112J^{q}_{\nu\varepsilon}$ , with the average $J^{\pi}_{\nu\varepsilon} \simeq3.66\times 10^{-11}\varepsilon_{d}\ \mathrm{erg}\,\mathrm{cm}^{-2}\,\mathrm{s}^{-1}\,\mathrm{sr}^{-1}$ ; and (3) (modified URCA processes)— $J^{URCA}_{\nu\varepsilon}\simeq7.39\times10^{-11} J^{q}_{\nu\varepsilon}$ , with the average $\overline{J}^{URCA}_{\nu\varepsilon} \simeq2.41\times10^{-20} \varepsilon_{d}\ \mathrm{erg}\,\mathrm{cm}^{-2}\,\mathrm{s}^{-1}\,\mathrm{sr}^{-1}$ . We conclude that the AGNs are favored as promising pure neutrino sources, because the computed neutrino fluxes are highly beamed along the plane of accretion disk, peaked at high energies and collimated in smaller opening angle θε d .  相似文献   

Sedna is the first inner Oort cloud object to be discovered. Its dynamical origin remains unclear, and a possible mechanism is considered here. We investigate the parameter space of a hypothetical solar companion which could adiabatically detach the perihelion of a Neptune-dominated TNO with a Sedna-like semimajor axis. Demanding that the TNO’s maximum value of osculating perihelion exceed Sedna’s observed value of 76 AU, we find that the companion’s mass and orbital parameters (m c , a c , q c , Q c , i c ) are restricted to $$m_c>rapprox 5\hskip.25em\hbox{M}_{\rm J}\left(\frac{Q_c}{7850\hbox{ AU}} \frac{q_c}{7850\hbox{ AU}}\right)^{3/2}$$ during the epoch of strongest perturbations. The ecliptic inclination of the companion should be in the range $45{\deg}\lessapprox i_c\lessapprox 135{\deg}$ if the TNO is to retain a small inclination while its perihelion is increased. We also consider the circumstances where the minimum value of osculating perihelion would pass the object to the dynamical dominance of Saturn and Jupiter, if allowed. It has previously been argued that an overpopulated band of outer Oort cloud comets with an anomalous distribution of orbital elements could be produced by a solar companion with present parameter values $$m_c\approx 5\hskip.25em\hbox{M}_{\rm J}\left(\frac{9000\hbox{ AU}}{a_c}\right)^{1/2}.$$ If the same hypothetical object is responsible for both observations, then it is likely recorded in the IRAS and possibly the 2MASS databases.  相似文献   

S.-X. Chen  B. Li  L.-D. Xia  Y.-J. Chen  H. Yu 《Solar physics》2014,289(5):1663-1681
Fundamental standing modes and their overtones play an important role in coronal seismology. We examine the effects of a significant field-aligned flow on standing modes that are supported by coronal loops, which are modeled here as cold magnetic slabs. Of particular interest are the period ratios of the fundamental to its (n?1)th overtone [P 1/nP n ] for kink and sausage modes, and the threshold half-width-to-length ratio for sausage modes. For standing kink modes, the flow significantly reduces P 1/nP n in general, the effect being particularly strong for higher n and weaker density contrast [ $\rho_{0}/\rho_{\rm e}$ ] between loops and their surroundings. That said, even when $\rho_{0}/\rho_{\rm e}$ approaches infinity, this effect is still substantial, reducing the minimal P 1/nP n by up to 13.7?% (24.5?%) for n=2 (n=4) relative to the static case, when the Alfvén Mach number [M A] reaches 0.8, where M A measures the loop flow speed in units of the internal Alfvén speed. Although it is not negligible for standing sausage modes, the flow effect in reducing P 1/nP n is not as strong. However, the threshold half-width-to-length ratio is considerably higher in the flowing case than in its static counterpart. For $\rho_{0}/\rho_{\rm e}$ in the range [9,1024] and M A in the range [0,0.5], an exhaustive parameter study yields that this threshold is well fitted by $(d/L)_{\rm cutoff, fit} = \frac{1}{2}\sqrt{\frac{1}{\rho_{0}/\rho_{\rm e}-1}} \exp (3.7 M_{\mathrm{A}}^{2} )$ , which involves the two parameters in a simple way. This allows one to analytically constrain the combination $(\rho_{0}/\rho_{\rm e}, M_{\mathrm {A}})$ for a loop with a known width-to-length ratio when a standing sausage oscillation is identified. It also allows one to examine the idea of partial sausage modes in more detail, and the flow is found to significantly reduce the spatial extent where partial modes are allowed.  相似文献   

The restricted three-body problem (R3BP) possesses the property that some classes of doubly asymptotic (i.e., homoclinic or heteroclinic) orbits are limit members of families of periodic orbits, this phenomenon has been known as the “blue sky catastrophe” termination principle. A similar case occurs in the restricted four body problem for the collinear equilibrium point $L_{2}$ L 2 . In the restricted four body problem with primaries in a triangle relative equilibrium, we show that the same phenomenon observed in the R3BP occurs. We prove that there exists a critical value of the mass parameter $\mu _{b}$ μ b such that for $\mu =\mu _{b}$ μ = μ b a Hamiltonian Hopf bifurcation takes place. Moreover we show that for $\mu >\mu _{b}$ μ > μ b the stable and unstable manifolds of $L_{2}$ L 2 intersect transversally and the spectrum corresponds to a complex saddle. This proves that Henrard’s theorem applies at least for $\mu $ μ close to $\mu _{b}$ μ b . In particular there exists a family of periodic orbits having the homoclinic orbit as a limit.  相似文献   

A popular model of a cometary plasma is hydrogen (H+) with positively charged oxygen (O+) as a heavier ion component. However, the discovery of negatively charged oxygen (O?) ions enables one to model a cometary plasma as a pair-ion plasma (of O+ and O?) with hydrogen as a third ion constituent. We have, therefore, studied the stability of the ion-acoustic wave in such a pair-ion plasma with hydrogen and electrons streaming with velocities $V_{d\mathrm{H}^{+}}$ and V de , respectively, relative to the oxygen ions. We find the calculated frequency of the ion-acoustic wave with this model to be in good agreement with the observed frequencies. The ion-acoustic wave can also be driven unstable by the streaming velocity of the hydrogen ions. The growth rate increases with increasing hydrogen density $n_{\mathrm{H}^{+}}$ , and streaming velocities $V_{d\mathrm{H}^{+}}$ and V de . It, however, decreases with increasing oxygen ion densities $n_{\mathrm{O}^{+}}$ and $n_{\mathrm{O}^{-}}$ .  相似文献   

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