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The maximum entropy technique is an accepted method of image reconstruction when the image is made up of pixels of unknown positive intensity (e.g. a grey-scale image). The problem of reconstructing the magnetic field at the core–mantle boundary from surface data is a problem where the target image, the value of the radial field Br , can be of either sign. We adopt a known extension of the usual maximum entropy method that can be applied to images consisting of pixels of unconstrained sign. We find that we are able to construct images which have high dynamic ranges, but which still have very simple structure. In the spherical harmonic domain they have smoothly decreasing power spectra. It is also noteworthy that these models have far less complex null flux curve topology (lines on which the radial field vanishes) than do models which are quadratically regularized. Problems such as the one addressed are ubiquitous in geophysics, and it is suggested that the applications of the method could be much more widespread than is currently the case.  相似文献   

When marine magnetic-anomaly data are used to construct geomagnetic polarity timescales, the usual assumption of a smooth spreading-rate function at one seafloor spreading ridge forces much more erratic rate functions at other ridges. To eliminate this problem, we propose a formalism for the timescale problem that penalizes non-smooth spreading behaviour equally for all ridges. Specifically, we establish a non-linear Lagrange multiplier optimization problem for finding the timescale that (1) agrees with known chron ages and with anomaly-interval distance data from multiple ridges and (2) allows the rate functions for each ridge to be as nearly constant as possible, according to a cumulative penalty function. The method is applied to a synthetic data set reconstructed from the timescale and rate functions for seven ridges, derived by Cande & Kent (1992) under the assumption of smooth spreading in the South Atlantic. We find that only modest changes in the timescale (less than 5 per cent for each reversal) are needed if no one ridge is singled out for the preferential assumption of smoothness. Future implementation of this non-prejudicial treatment of spreading-rate data from multiple ridges to large anomaly-distance data sets should lead to the next incremental improvement to the pre-Quaternary geomagnetic polarity timescale, as well as allow a more accurate assessment of global and local changes in seafloor spreading rates over time.  相似文献   

The inversion of high-resolution geoid anomaly maps derived from satellite altimetry should allow one to retrieve the lithospheric elastic thickness, T e , and crustal density, c . Indeed, the bending of a lithospheric plate under the load of a seamount depends on both parameters, and the associated geoid anomaly is correspondingly dependent on the two parameters. The difference between the observed and modelled geoid signatures is estimated by a cost function, J , of the two variables, T e and c . We show that this cost function forms a valley structure along which many local minima appear, the global minimum of J corresponding to the true values of the lithospheric parameters. Classical gradient methods fail to find this global minimum because they converge to the first local minimum of J encountered, so that the final parameter estimate strongly depends on the starting pair of values ( T e ,   c ). We here implement a non-linear optimization algorithm to recover these two parameters from altimetry data. We demonstrate from the inversion of synthetic data that this approach ensures robust estimates of T e and c by activating two search phases alternately: a gradient phase to find a local minimum of J , and a tunnelling phase through high values of the cost function. The accuracy of the solution can be improved by a search in an iteratively restricted parameter subspace. Applying our non-linear inversion to the Great Meteor Seamount geoid data, we further show that the inverse problem is intrinsically ill-posed. As a consequence, minute geoid (or gravity) data errors can induce large changes in any recovery of lithospheric elastic thickness and crustal density.  相似文献   

A new algorithm is presented for the integrated 2-D inversion of seismic traveltime and gravity data. The algorithm adopts the 'maximum likelihood' regularization scheme. We construct a 'probability density function' which includes three kinds of information: information derived from gravity measurements; information derived from the seismic traveltime inversion procedure applied to the model; and information on the physical correlation among the density and the velocity parameters. We assume a linear relation between density and velocity, which can be node-dependent; that is, we can choose different relationships for different parts of the velocity–density grid. In addition, our procedure allows us to consider a covariance matrix related to the error propagation in linking density to velocity. We use seismic data to estimate starting velocity values and the position of boundary nodes. Subsequently, the sequential integrated inversion (SII) optimizes the layer velocities and densities for our models. The procedure is applicable, as an additional step, to any type of seismic tomographic inversion.
We illustrate the method by comparing the velocity models recovered from a standard seismic traveltime inversion with those retrieved using our algorithm. The inversion of synthetic data calculated for a 2-D isotropic, laterally inhomogeneous model shows the stability and accuracy of this procedure, demonstrates the improvements to the recovery of true velocity anomalies, and proves that this technique can efficiently overcome some of the limitations of both gravity and seismic traveltime inversions, when they are used independently.
An interpretation of field data from the 1994 Vesuvius test experiment is also presented. At depths down to 4.5 km, the model retrieved after a SII shows a more detailed structure than the model obtained from an interpretation of seismic traveltime only, and yields additional information for a further study of the area.  相似文献   

A set of coordinate transformations is used to linearize a general geophysical inverse problem. Statistical and analytic techniques are employed to estimate the parameters of such linearization transformations. In the transformed space, techniques from linear inverse theory may be utilized. Consequently, important concepts, such as model parameter covariance, model parameter resolution and averaging kernels, may be carried over to non-linear inverse problems. I apply the approach to a set of seismic cross-borehole traveltimes gathered at the Conoco Borehole Test Facility. the seismic survey was conducted within the Fort Riley formation, a limestone with thin interbedded shales. Between the boreholes, the velocity structure of the Fort Riley formation consists of a high-velocity region overlying a section of lower velocity. It is found that model parameter resolution is poorest and spatial averaging lengths are greatest in the underlying low-velocity region.  相似文献   

Time-domain electromagnetic migration in the solution of inverse problems   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Time-domain electromagnetic (TDEM) migration is based on downward extrapolation of the observed field in reverse time. In fact, the migrated EM field is the solution of the boundary-value problem for the adjoint Maxwell's equations. The important question is how this imaging technique can be related to the solution of the geoelectrical inverse problem. In this paper we introduce a new formulation of the inverse problem, based on the minimization of the residual-field energy flow through the surface or profile of observations. We demonstrate that TDEM migration can be interpreted as the first step in the solution of this specially formulated TDEM inverse problem. However, in many practical situations this first step produces a very efficient approximation to the geoelectrical model, which makes electromagnetic migration so attractive for practical applications. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach in inverting synthetic and practical TDEM data.  相似文献   

Solving large linear inverse problems by projection   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

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