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Stable models of elliptical galaxies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Line-of-sight velocity distributions of low-luminosity elliptical galaxies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The shape of the line-of-sight velocity distribution (LOSVD) is measured for a sample of 14 elliptical galaxies, predominantly low-luminosity ellipticals. The sample is dominated by galaxies in the Virgo cluster but also contains ellipticals in nearby groups and low-density environments. The parametrization of the LOSVD given by Gerhard and van der Marel & Franx is adopted, which measures the asymmetrical and symmetrical deviations of the LOSVD from a Gaussian by the amplitudes h 3 and h 4 of the Gauss–Hermite series. Rotation, velocity dispersion, h 3 and h 4 are determined as a function of radius for both major and minor axes. Non-Gaussian LOSVDs are found for all galaxies along the major axes. Deviations from a Gaussian LOSVD along the minor axis are of much lower amplitude if present at all. Central decreases in velocity dispersion are found for three galaxies. Two galaxies have kinematically decoupled cores: NGC 4458 and the well-known case of NGC 3608.  相似文献   

In this letter we investigate the kinematical properties of early-type dwarfs by significantly enlarging the scarce observational sample so far available. We present rotation curves and mean velocity dispersions for four bright dwarf ellipticals and two dwarf lenticular galaxies in the Virgo cluster. Most of these galaxies exhibit conspicuous rotation curves. In particular, five out of the six new galaxies are found to be close to the predictions for oblate spheroids flattened by rotation. Therefore, and contrary to the previous observational hints, the present data suggest that an important fraction of dwarf early-type galaxies may be rotationally supported.  相似文献   

New calibrations of spectrophotometric indices of elliptical galaxies as functions of spectrophotometric indices are presented, permitting estimates of mean stellar population ages and metallicities. These calibrations are based on evolutionary models including a two-phase interstellar medium, infall and a galactic wind. Free parameters were fixed by requiring that models reproduce the mean trend of data in the colour–magnitude diagram as well as in the plane of indices  Hβ–Mg2  and  Mg2–〈Fe〉  . To improve the location of faint ellipticals  ( M B > −20)  in the  Hβ–Mg2  diagram, downsizing was introduced. An application of our calibrations to a sample of ellipticals and a comparison with results derived from single stellar population models are given. Our models indicate that mean population ages span an interval of 7–12 Gyr and are correlated with metallicities, which range from approximately half up to three times solar.  相似文献   

The existence of the Fundamental Plane imposes strong constraints on the structure and dynamics of elliptical galaxies, and thus contains important information on the processes of their formation and evolution. Here we focus on the relations between the Fundamental Plane thinness and tilt and the amount of radial orbital anisotropy: in fact, the problem of the compatibility between the observed thinness of the Fundamental Plane and the wide spread of orbital anisotropy admitted by galaxy models has often been raised. By using N -body simulations of galaxy models characterized by observationally motivated density profiles, and also allowing for the presence of live, massive dark matter haloes, we explore the impact of radial orbital anisotropy and instability on the Fundamental Plane properties. The numerical results confirm a previous semi-analytical finding (based on a different class of one-component galaxy models): the requirement of stability matches almost exactly the thinness of the Fundamental Plane. In other words, galaxy models that are radially anisotropic enough to be found outside the observed Fundamental Plane (with their isotropic parent models lying on the Fundamental Plane) are unstable, and their end-products fall back on the Fundamental Plane itself. We also find that a systematic increase of radial orbit anisotropy with galaxy luminosity cannot explain by itself the whole tilt of the Fundamental Plane, the galaxy models becoming unstable at moderately high luminosities: at variance with the previous case, their end-products are found well outside the Fundamental Plane itself. Some physical implications of these findings are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

We investigate how well the intrinsic shape of early-type galaxies can be recovered when both photometric and two-dimensional stellar kinematic observations are available. We simulate these observations with galaxy models that are representative of observed oblate fast-rotator to triaxial slow-rotator early-type galaxies. By fitting realistic triaxial dynamical models to these simulated observations, we recover the intrinsic shape (and mass-to-light ratio), without making additional (ad hoc) assumptions on the orientation.
For (near) axisymmetric galaxies, the dynamical modelling can strongly exclude triaxiality, but the regular kinematics do not further tighten the constraint on the intrinsic flattening significantly, so that the inclination is nearly unconstrained above the photometric lower limit even with two-dimensional stellar kinematics. Triaxial galaxies can have additional complexity in both the observed photometry and kinematics, such as twists and (central) kinematically decoupled components, which allows the intrinsic shape to be accurately recovered. For galaxies that are very round or show no significant rotation, recovery of the shape is degenerate, unless additional constraints such as from a thin disc are available.  相似文献   

Frequency map analysis of the orbital structure in elliptical galaxies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present an application of the frequency map analysis to an elliptical galaxy which is represented by a generalization of a double-power-law spherical mass model. The density distribution of this model varies as r −γ close to the centre and as r −4 at large radii. We study the case with γ = 1, which is known as the 'weak-cusp' model and which represents well the density profile of the 'core' galaxies observed by the Hubble Space Telescope . The final objective of our work is to improve our understanding of the dynamics of elliptical galaxies in a similar way to Merritt &38; Fridman, finding the regions of stochasticity, looking for resonances that might play an important role in sustaining the triaxial morphology, and analysing the diffusion of orbits. To this end, we use the frequency map analysis of Laskar, which has been applied widely in the field of celestial mechanics but which is a relatively new technique in the area of galactic dynamics. Finally, we show some useful features of this method in understanding the global dynamical structure of the system.  相似文献   

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