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提出应用于人造卫星观测中确定拖长星像中心的平均几何中心法 ,介绍了该方法的基本原理与实现步骤。将中值滤波应用于CCD数据的预处理并收到较好的效果。利用实际观测资料初步验证了平均几何中心法 ,结果表明 ,与通常采用的重心法相比 ,此方法对人卫观测中的拖长星像进行中心定位的精度较高。  相似文献   

提出应用于人造卫星观测中确定拖长星像中心的平均几何中心法,介绍了该方法的基本原理与实现步骤。将中值滤波应用于CCD数据的预处理并收到较好的效果。利用实际观测资料初步验证了平均几何中心法,结果表明,与通常采用的重心法相比,此方法对人卫观测中的拖长星像进行中心定位的精度较高。  相似文献   

空间碎片光学观测中若干问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙荣煜 《天文学报》2015,56(1):89-90
<正>地基光学观测是探测空间碎片的重要手段.本文从目标搜索方案的制定、目标质心提取、目标精密定位以及目标关联4方面入手,研究提升设备探测能力、提高目标观测精度的方法.首先,为了满足对GEO(Geosynchronous Orbit,地球同步轨道)空间碎片探测的要求,克服长时间曝光CCD像元饱和溢出的问题,使用多帧连续曝光图像叠加的方法,增加图像的宽容度,同时保证系统的探测能力.实验表明,叠加10帧连续图像,有效消除了像元饱和的情况,提升目标信噪比约3.2倍,提升探测能力约2.5 mag,使用底片常数的均值计算目标位置,精度符合要求.使用星像几何形态检测  相似文献   

对高轨空间碎片进行了观测模拟。在观测模拟中,分别选取南京和云南两个观测站;采用2种跟踪方式:跟踪恒星和跟踪卫星;对于同一地理经度上的同步卫星进行了观测;提供了发现新目标的方法;并给出了新目标的初轨。这为我国空间碎片的数据库的建立作了有益的尝试,对于卫星和航天器的飞行安全具有特别重要的意义。  相似文献   

在人造卫星观测中,由于观测目标相对背景恒星的运动,观测目标成点状像而背景恒星的像则被拉长.该现象极易造成观测目标与背景恒星发生重叠,从而给卫星跟踪观测或是进行同步目标探测造成困难.本文利用图像处理的方法对重叠的目标像和恒星像进行分离,取得了较为理想的效果.  相似文献   

天文学家通过望远镜观测星空,无非想看得更深,更清楚。所以,评价一架天文望远镜的最重要的两个指标就是灵敏度与分辨率。其中,灵敏度可以通过扩大收集面积来提高,也就是增大望远镜的口径。分辨率与此类似,望远镜的口径与分辨能力成正比,即口径越大的望远镜的分辨率也就越高。  相似文献   

在轨卫星或者空间碎片数量的增多,是对空间目标地基自动观测的一个挑战。尽管北美防空司令部编目管理了绝大多数直径超过10 cm的空间物体,但由于轨道摄动,空间目标的位置信息(基于6个轨道根数)依然非常重要,并需要定期更新。在过去的几十年里,配备电子传感器的现代地基光电望远镜已广泛用于天体测量领域。然而,这种设备的跟踪性能主要取决于空间目标的大小和亮度。这些目标所在的天文图像会有不同的背景;而且,在基于凝视模式的短曝光实时观测过程中,运动目标和背景恒星在不同的信噪比下显示为类似的点扩散函数,难以辨认。本研究是为了实现对非高斯和动态背景的高灵敏度检测和跟踪能力的提高,并具有简单的系统机制和出色的计算效率。为突破该限制,将重点放在利用状态估计技术对微小卫星和暗弱目标进行跟踪上。提出一种基于神经网络的自适应运行高斯平均算法,用以从恒星背景及干扰下提取运动的空间目标。该方法随后被集成到了一个检测前跟踪框架中。该框架利用基于蒙特卡洛的粒子滤波跟踪空间目标。三段来自亚太地基光学空间目标观测系统(APOSOS)图像序列被用来对该跟踪策略进行评估。实验结果表明,该方法能够达到满意的跟踪性能。  相似文献   

在不同的轨道预报场景中, 使用的动力学模型也不同. 例如, 在低轨空间碎片的预报中大气阻力是十分重要的摄动力, 而到了中高轨, 大气阻力就可以忽略不计. 如何为不同轨道类型的空间碎片选择最优(满足精度要求下的最简)动力学模型还没有系统、详尽的研究. 将对不同精度需求、不同轨道类型下的大批量轨道进行预报, 通过比较不同动力学模型下的预报结果, 给出各种预报场景的最优动力学模型建议. 可以为不同轨道类型的空间碎片在轨道预报时选择基准动力学模型提供参考或标准.  相似文献   

简要地阐述了恒星光电测光工作中的常规数据处理方法及应该注意的一些问题。对食双星光电测光这一领域的观测数据处理进行了概述,给出了BV双色光电测光观测数据处理软件包的编程思想及具体实现。最后介绍了这个软件包的使用情况和结果。  相似文献   

The different methods for the study of stellar winds are discussed: (1) P Cygni profiles (2) atomic emission lines (3) infrared and radio free-free emission (4) molecular emission lines (5) infrared radiation by dust. For each of these methods we describe some characteristic observations and we discuss the way in which these data can be used to derive the mass loss rate and the velocity distribution of the wind. We discuss these from the basic physical point of view in order to obtain an understanding of the basic physical processes involved. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

通过光学定位方法来确定空间目标的轨道是实现空间目标监测的重要手段之一。介绍一套小型的空间目标光学定位系统,针对该系统获取的CCD星图,提出Top-hat变换和中值滤波相结合的算法去除星图噪声,并提出基于梯度Hough变换的算法完成对CCD星图星点和轨迹的同时精确定位,最后利用星角距的旋转不变性和球面几何原理,实现对空间目标的精确定位。对分辨率为752×580的CCD实拍星图的应用研究结果表明,星图去噪算法和星点、轨迹同时精确定位算法是有效的,且空间目标的定位精度也可达到角秒量级。  相似文献   

A new approach is proposed and developed to handle pre-processed CCD frames in order to identify stellar images and derive their relevant parameters. The present method relies on: 1) identifying stellar images and assigning approximate positions of their centres using artificial intelligence techniques, 2) accurate determination of the centre coordinates applying an elementary statistical concept and 3) estimating the image peak intensity as a stellar magnitude measure employing a simple numerical analysis approach. The method has been coded for personal computer users. A CCD frame of the star cluster M67 was adopted as a test case. The results obtained are discussed in comparison with the DAOPHOTII ones and the corresponding published data. Exact coincidence has been found between both results except very few cases. These exceptions have been discussed in view of both methods' bases and the cluster plates. It has been realized that the method suggested exhibits very simple, extremely fast and high precise approach in stellar CCD photometry domain. Moreover, it is more capable for handling blended and distorted stellar images than the DAOPHOTII. These characteristics show the usefulness of the present method in some astronomical applications such as auto-focusing and auto-guiding sensing approaches beside the main purpose, viz. stellar photometry. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The wide field of the Schmidt telescope implies a greater chance of the field containing bright objects, and the presence of a corrector lens produces a certain type of ghost images. We summarize and confirm the features of such ghost images in Schmidt CCD photometry. The ghost images could be star-like under special observational conditions. The zenith distance of the telescope, among other factors, is found to correlate with different patterns of the ghost images. Some relevant issues are discussed and possible applications of our results are suggested.  相似文献   

We review the nature of dust in hydrogen-deficient stellar winds, in particular cool, carbon-rich Wolf-Rayet (WC) stars, and present new observations of WC objects taken with the Short Wavelength Spectrometer on board of the ISO satellite. Predictions from theoretical models of grain precursor formation are also presented and future directions in both observational and theoretical studies are outlined. This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A very long series of photographic observations of the comet Hale-Bopp has been made during January–April 1997 at the double astrograph (400/2000) of the Main Astronomical Observatory (Kyiv, Ukraine). Some of the cometary photos were obtained with two wide-band filter combinations. One of these combinations isolates C2 emission, another — the nearby dust continuum. The images were digitized by means of AMDPH-XY machine and then calibrated following the standard procedure. After subtraction of the dust continuum the distribution of surface brightness in the C2 emission coma of comet Hale-Bopp was studied. We found an asymmetric brightness distribution both pre- and post-perihelion. On 21.77 April 1997 a secondary brightness peak is found at the distance of 1.03 × 105 km from the nucleus. It is possible that this peak is related to the extended source of the C2 molecules. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

本文对36颗不同质量、不同演化阶段的年轻星体进行了J,H,K波段测光,并结合其它光学、近红外、IRAS、亚毫米、毫米波段的观测结果,计算了它们的红外色指数、能谱分布指数、红外光度等参量,得到近红外和远红外双色图,比较了不同类别源的参量分布.最后,在前人工作的基础上,改进了低质量主序前星的辐射模型,对一些源进行了计算并分析其星周状况.  相似文献   

We present observations of a sample of Herbig AeBe stars, as well as the FU Orionis object V1057 Cygni. Our K-band (2.2μm) observations from the Palomar Testbed Interferometer (PTI) used baselines of 110 m and 85 m, resulting in fringe spacings of ∼4 mas and 5 mas, respectively. Fringes were obtained for the first time on V1057 Cygnias well as V594 Cas. Additional measurements were made of MWC147, while upper limits to visibility-squared are obtained for MWC297, HD190073, and MWC614. These measurements are sensitive to the distribution of warm, circumstellar dust in these sources. If the circumstellar infrared emission comes from warm dust in a disk, the inclination of the disk to the line of sight implies that the observed interferometric visibilities should depend upon hour angle. Surprisingly, the observations of Millan-Gabet, Schloerb and Traub (2001)(hereafter MST) did not show significant variation with hour angle. However, limited sampling of angular frequencies on the sky was possible with the IOTA interferometer, motivating us to study a subset of their objects to further constrain these systems. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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