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In order to find the impact of regional tectonic evolution of Tarim basin on the inside distribution of sedimentary facies and reservoir development, this paper, based on the research of plate-tectonic evolution of Tarim basin, conducts an in-depth analysis on the basin’s inside sedimentary response to the Eopaleozoic regional geodynamic reversion from extension to convergence around Tarim plate, and concludes that the regional geodynamic environment of surrounding areas closely contributes to the formation and evolution of paleo-uplifts, differentiation of sedimentary facies in platform, distribution of high-energy reef and bank facies belts, conversion of sedimentary base level from fall to rise, obvious change of lithology from dolomite to limestone, and formation of several unconformity surfaces in Ordovician system in the basin. A series of sedimentary responses in the basin are controlled by regional dynamic setting, which not only controls the distribution of reservoirs in reef and bank facies but also restricts the development and distribution of karst reservoirs controlled by the unconformity surfaces. This offers the macro geological evidences for us to further analyze and evaluate the distribution of favorable reservoirs.  相似文献   

To better understand the formative mechanism of the Cretaceous Gyeongsang Basin in South Korea, we determined the geochemical compositions of Early Cretaceous syntectonic basaltic rocks intercalated with basin sedimentary assemblages. Two distinct compositional groups appeared: tholeiitic to calc-alkaline basalts from the Yeongyang sub-basin and high-K to shoshonitic basaltic trachyandesites from the Jinju and Uiseong sub-basins. All collected samples exhibit patterns of light rare earth element enrichment and chondrite-normalized (La/Yb)N ratios ranging from 2.4 to 23.6. In a primitive-mantle-normalized spidergram, the samples show distinctive negative anomalies in Nb, Ta, and Ti and a positive anomaly in Pb. The basalts exhibit no or a weak positive U anomaly in a spidergram, but the basaltic trachyandesites show a negative U anomaly. The basalts have highly radiogenic Sr [(87Sr/86Sr)i = 0.70722–0.71145], slightly negative εNd, positive εHf [(εNd)i = −2.7 to 0.0; (εHf)i = +2.9 to +6.4], and radiogenic Pb isotopic compositions [(206Pb/204Pb)i = 18.20–19.19; (207Pb/204Pb)i = 15.60–15.77; (208Pb/204Pb)i = 38.38–39.11]. The basaltic trachyandesites are characterized by radiogenic Sr [(87Sr/86Sr)i = 0.70576–0.71119] and unradiogenic Nd, Hf, and Pb isotopic compositions [(εNd)i = −14.0 to −1.4; (εHf)i = −17.9 to +3.7; (206Pb/204Pb)i = 17.83–18.25; (207Pb/204Pb)i = 15.57–15.63; (208Pb/204Pb)i = 38.20–38.70]. The “crust-like” signatures, such as negative Nb–Ta anomalies, elevated Sr isotopic compositions, and negative εNd(t) and εHf(t) values, of the basaltic trachyandesites resemble the geochemistry of Early Cretaceous mafic volcanic rocks from the southern portion of the eastern North China Craton. Considering the lower-crust-like low U/Pb and high Th/U ratios and the unradiogenic Pb isotopic compositions, the basaltic trachyandesites are considered to be derived from lithospheric mantle modified by interaction with melts that originated from foundered eclogite. Basaltic volcanism in the Yeongyang sub-basin is coeval with the basaltic trachyandesite magmatism, but it exhibits an elevated 87Sr/86Sr ratio at a given 143Nd/144Nd and highly radiogenic Pb isotopic compositions, which imply an origin from an enriched but heterogeneous lithospheric mantle source. Melts from subducted altered oceanic basalt and pelagic sediments are considered to be the most likely source for the metasomatism. An extensional tectonic regime induced by highly oblique subduction of the Izanagi Plate beneath the eastern Asian margin during the Early Cretaceous might have triggered the opening of the Gyeongsang Basin. Lithospheric thinning and the resultant thermal effect of asthenospheric upwelling could have caused melting of the metasomatized lithospheric mantle, producing the Early Cretaceous basaltic volcanism in the Gyeongsang Basin.  相似文献   


The unconformity between the Ediacaran and Cambrian and its associated palaeokarst was well preserved within the Aksu area of the northwestern margin of the Tarim Block and provides new insights into the sedimentary evolution of the Tarim Basin during the Ediacaran–Cambrian transition. In this contribution, the typical palaeokarst features in the uppermost Ediacaran dolostones at nine outcrops in the Aksu area were documented, including palaeocaves, cave-sediment infills, solution vugs, and pores. Large-scale collapsed breccia assemblages in palaeocaves indicate that strong karstification had occurred in the south belt from the Xiaoerburak to Kule sections. Karst characterized by small-scale caves and solution vugs at the Chigebrak and Kakebashi sections suggests that the karstification in the north belt was not stronger than that in the south belt. Whereas sparse solution pores and small vugs can only be observed at the Sugetbrak and Yuermeinak sections, demonstrating that the karstification was weak in the middle belt. Combined with the thickness of sediments in the base of the Cambrian which subsequently overlay on the Ediacaran–Cambrian unconformity, it is speculated that the palaeo-upland was probably located in the middle belt from the Sugetbrak to Yuermeinak sections and the slope was developed in the south and north belts during the Ediacaran–Cambrian transition. The palaeokarst documented in the uppermost Ediacaran dolostones in the Aksu area illustrates an important sedimentary hiatus of the Tarim Block during the Ediacaran–Cambrian transition, which might be due to the sea-level fall at the end of the Ediacaran.  相似文献   

We present mineral chemistry, geochemistry and Sr and Nd isotope data of drillcore samples from the Late Cretaceous (65 Ma), diamondiferous Behradih ultramafic pipe, Bastar craton, Central India, which is emplaced synchronous with the Deccan flood basalt eruption. The rock is affected by pervasive serpentine–talc–carbonate alteration and consists of pelletal lapilli and variously sized olivine and phlogopite macrocrysts, set in a groundmass of abundant clinopyroxene, chrome spinel, apatite, Fe-rich perovskite (<50 μm), zircon, titanite, rutile and calcite. Mineralogical studies identify the Behradih pipe as orangeite (formerly termed as Group II kimberlite) and establish the occurrence of such rocks outside the Kaapvaal craton, southern Africa. As the age of the Behradih orangeite overlaps with that of the main phase of the Deccan flood basalt magmatism, we infer a common tectonomagmatic control vis-a-vis the Deccan-related mantle plume. Trace element ratios and the Nd isotope signatures of the Behradih pipe imply that the Deccan plume has only contributed heat, but not substantial melt, to the Behradih magma with a cause-and-consequence relationship between them. Our study highlights (a) a striking similarity in the genesis of Late Cretaceous orangeites associated with the continental flood basalts in the Kaapvaal and Bastar cratons but related to different mantle plumes and (b) the role of plume–lithosphere interaction in the generation of orangeites.  相似文献   

The time of termination of orogenesis for the southern Altaids has been controversial. Systematic investigations of field geology, geochronology and geochemistry on newly discriminated mafic–ultramafic rocks from northern Alxa in the southern Altaids were conducted to address the termination problem. The mafic–ultramafic rocks are located in the Bijiertai, Honggueryulin, and Qinggele areas, stretching from west to east for about 100 km. All rocks occur high-grade gneisses as tectonic lenses that are composed of peridotite, pyroxenite, gabbro, and serpentinite, most of which have undergone pronounced alteration, i.e., serpentinization and chloritization. Geochemically, the rocks are characterized by uniform compositional trends, i.e., with low SiO2-contents (42.51–52.21 wt.%) and alkalinity (Na2O + K2O) (0.01–5.45 wt.%, mostly less than 0.8 wt.%), and enrichments in MgO (7.37–43.36 wt.%), with Mg# = 52.75–91.87. As the rocks have been strongly altered and have a wide range of loss-on-ignition (LOI: 0.44–14.07 wt.%) values, they may have been subjected to considerable alteration by either seawater or metamorphic fluids. The REE and trace element patterns show a relatively fractionated trend with LILE enrichment and HFSE depletion, similar to that of T-MORB between N-MORB and E-MORB, indicating that the parental melt resulted from the partial melting of oceanic lithospheric mantle overprinted by fluid alteration of island-arc origin. The ultramafic rocks are relics derived from the magma after a large degree of partial melting of oceanic lithospheric mantle with superposed island arc processes under the influence of mid-ocean-ridge magmatism. LA-ICP MS U–Pb zircon ages of gabbros from three spots are 274 ± 3 Ma (MSWD = 0.35), 306 ± 3 Ma (MSWD = 0.49), 262 ± 5 Ma (MSWD = 1.2), respectively, representing the formation ages of the mafic–ultramafic rocks. Therefore, considering other previously published data, we suggest that the mafic–ultramafic rocks were products of south-dipping subduction, most probably with a slab window caused by ridge subduction, of the Paleo-Asian Ocean plate beneath the Alxa block in the Late Carboniferous to Late Permian before the Ocean completely closed. This sheds light on the controversial tectonic history of the southern Altaids and supports the concept that the termination of orogenesis was in the end-Permian to Triassic.  相似文献   

Previous studies suggested an important, but yet poorly-understood, tectonic transition in the Altaids (also termed the Central Asian Orogenic Belt, CAOB) in the Permian. This tectonic transition, clearly documented by published stratigraphic data and provenance analyses, suggested a unified Junger–Turfan basin in northwest China in Permian time and it further indicated that extension dominated Early Permian tectonics in the region, whereas flexural, foreland subsidence controlled Late Permian basin evolution. Our new structural observations, microtectonic analyses, and 40Ar/39Ar geochronological data from southwest of the Turfan basin reveal that in the late Early Permian (266 Ma) a NS-directed contractional deformation operated along the southern border of the unified Junger–Turfan basin, which was probably related to the transition in basin evolution. The contraction gave rise to a NW-striking right-lateral transpressional, rather than simple-shear dextral, ductile shear zone along the southwestern border of the Turfan basin, and to an interference fold pattern together with closely-spaced, concentrated cleavage and thrusts in a constrictional strain regime in the basin interior. After the Late Permian the tectonic evolution of the CAOB changed from Paleozoic continental amalgamation to Mesozoic–Cenozoic intracontinental orogenic reactivation.  相似文献   

The Cida complex is situated in the Panxi region and is predominantly composed of mafic-ultramafic and syenitic rock units; minor amounts of intermediate rocks occupy the contact zone between the two major rock types. The intermediate unit is mineralogically heterogeneous and typically exhibits a mottled structure. Laser ablation–inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (LA–ICP–MS) U–Pb zircon dating shows that the mafic-ultramafic rocks and syenitic rocks formed almost coevally (243 ± 0.77 Ma and 240.5 ± 0.76 Ma, respectively). These ages may represent the end phase of the Emeishan large igneous province (ELIP) magmatism. Most of these three rock types possess alkaline and metaluminous affinities. The mafic-ultramafic, syenitic, and intermediate units have K2O + Na2O contents of 1.85–5.16, 6.55–10.46, and 9.55–11.54 wt.%, and SiO2 contents of 40.06–46.70, 61.74–68.54, and 51.57–54.13 wt.%, respectively. The mafic-ultramafic unit displays ocean-island basalt (OIB)-like primitive-mantle-normalized incompatible element patterns, coupled with low initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7048–0.7064), positive ?Nd(t) (0.32–2.23), and zircon ?Hf(t) (4.53–14.17) values, consistent with a mafic plume-head origin, whereas one exceptional sample with negative ?Nd(t) (–0.22) can be interpreted as due to the involvement of considerable amounts of enriched subcontinental lithospheric mantle. The relatively low (La/Yb) N ratios (3.40–7.69) reflect a spinel-facies lherzolite source. The syenitic unit is characterized by enrichment in large ion lithophile elements (e.g. Rb, K, Pb) and light rare earth elements (LREEs), relative to high field strength elements (e.g. Nb, Ta, P, Ti) and heavy rare earth elements (HREEs), respectively. These features, together with their metaluminous affinities, low SiO2 contents, lower initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7043), positive ?Nd(t) (0.18), and zircon ?Hf(t) (2.63–10.09) values as well as modelling of REEs, can be plausibly explained by crustal partial melting of juvenile basic materials beneath the Yangtze Block. In contrast, the field, petrographic observations, and geochemical signatures (e.g. the linear correlations between FeO* and MgO, K/Ba and Rb/Ba ratios) suggest that the intermediate unit may have resulted from magma mixing between the syenitic and basaltic magmas that in turn had evolved from a parental mafic-ultramafic liquid. Thus, the formation of the Cida complex can be attributed to the plume–lithosphere interaction plus partial melting of juvenile basic lower crust in response to heating of underplated plume-derived basaltic magma.  相似文献   

The Wajilitag igneous complex is part of the early Permian Tarim large igneous province in NW China, and is composed of a layered mafic–ultramafic intrusion and associated syenitic plutons. In order to better constrain its origin, and the conditions of associated Fe–Ti oxide mineralization, we carried out an integrated study of mineralogical, geochemical and Sr–Nd–Hf isotopic analyses on selected samples. The Wajilitag igneous rocks have an OIB-like compositional affinity, similar to the coeval mafic dykes in the Bachu region. The layered intrusion consists of olivine clinopyroxenite, coarse-grained clinopyroxenite, fine-grained clinopyroxenite and gabbro from the base upwards. Fe–Ti oxide ores are mainly hosted in fine-grained clinopyroxenite. Forsterite contents in olivines from the olivine clinopyroxenite range from 71 to 76 mol%, indicating crystallization from an evolved magma. Reconstructed composition of the parental magma of the layered intrusion is Fe–Ti-rich, similar to that of the Bachu mafic dykes. Syenite and quartz syenite plutons have εNd(t) values ranging from +1.4 to +2.9, identical to that for the layered intrusion. They may have formed by differentiation of underplated magmas at depth and subsequent fractional crystallization. Magnetites enclosed in olivines and clinopyroxenes have Cr2O3 contents higher than those interstitial to silicates in the layered intrusion. This suggests that the Cr-rich magnetite is an early crystallized phase, whereas interstitial magnetite may have accumulated from evolved Fe–Ti-rich melts that percolated through a crystal mush. Low V content in Cr-poor magnetite (<6600 ppm) is consistent with an estimate of oxygen fugacity of FMQ + 1.1 to FMQ + 3.5. We propose that accumulation of Fe–Ti oxides during the late stage of magmatic differentiation may have followed crystallization of Fe–Ti-melt under high fO2 and a volatile-rich condition.  相似文献   

Cenozoic sedimentary deposits in central-southern Ningxia province, NW China are an important record of Tertiary tectonic events along the evolving Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau’s northeast margin. Shortly after the onset of the Indo-Eurasia collision to the south, a thrust belt and adjoining foreland basin began to form during 40–30 Ma. The Eocene Sikouzi Formation developed in a distal setting to this basin, in normal fault-bound basins that may have formed in a forebulge setting. Subsequent deposition of the Oligocene Qingshuiying Formation occurred during a phase of apparently less intense tectonism and the previous underfilled foreland basin became overfilled. During the Early Miocene, contractional deformation was mainly distributed to the west of the Liupan Shan. This resulted in deformation of the Qingshuiying Formation as indicated by an unconformity with the overlying Miocene Hongliugou Formation. The unconformity occurs proximal to the Haiyuan Fault suggesting that the Haiyuan Fault may have begun movement in the Early Miocene. In the Late Miocene, thrusting occurred west of the southern Helan Shan and an unconformity developed between the Hongliugou and Qingshuiying Formations proximal to the the Cha-Gu Fault. Relationships between the Miocene stratigraphy and major faults in the region imply that during the Late Miocene the deformation front of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau had migrated to the Cha-Gu Fault along the western Ordos Margin, and the Xiang Shan was uplifted. Central-southern Ningxia was then incorporated into the northeast propagating thrust wedge. The driving force for NE propagation of the thrust wedge was most likely pronounced uplift of the northeastern plateau at the same time. Analysis of the sedimentary record coupled with consideration of the topographic evolution of the region suggests that the evolving fold-and-thrust belt experienced both forward-breaking fold-and-thrust belt development, and out-of-sequence fault displacements as the thrust wedge evolved and the foreland basin became compartmentalised. The documented sedimentary facies and structural relationship also place constraints on the Miocene-Recent evolution of the Yellow River and its tributaries.  相似文献   

The Late Permian–early Middle Triassic strata of the northern West Qinling area, northeastern Tibetan Plateau, are composed of sediment gravity flow deposits. Detailed sedimentary facies analysis indicates these strata were deposited in three successive deep-marine environments. The Late Permian–early Early Triassic strata of the Maomaolong Formation and the lowest part of the Longwuhe Formation define a NW–SE trending proximal slope environment. Facies of the Early Triassic strata composing the middle and upper Longwuhe Formation are consistent with deposition in a base-of-slope apron environment, whereas facies of the Middle Triassic Anisian age Gulangdi Formation are more closely associated with a base-of-slope fan depositional environment. The lithofacies and the spatial–temporal changes in paleocurrent data from these strata suggest the opening of a continental margin back-arc basin system during Late Permian to early Middle Triassic time in the northern West Qinling. U–Pb zircon ages for geochemically varied igneous rocks with diabasic through granitic compositions intruded into these deep-marine strata range from 250 to 234 Ma. These observations are consistent with extensional back-arc basin development and rifting between the Permian–Triassic Eastern Kunlun arc and North China block during the continent–continent collision and underthrusting of the South China block northward beneath the Qinling terrane of the North China block. Deep-marine sedimentation ended in the northern West Qinling by the Middle Triassic Ladinian age, but started in the southern West Qinling and Songpan-Ganzi to the south. We attribute these observations to southward directed rollback of Paleo-Tethys oceanic lithosphere, continued attenuation of the West Qinling on the upper plate, local post-rift isostatic compensation in the northern West Qinling area, and continued opening of a back-arc basin in the southern West Qinling and Songpan-Ganzi. Rollback and back-arc basin development during Late Permian to early Middle Triassic time in the West Qinling area explains: the truncated map pattern of the Eastern Kunlun arc, the age difference of deep-marine sediment gravity flow deposits between the Late Permian–early Middle Triassic northern West Qinling and the late Middle Triassic–Late Triassic southern West Qinling and Songpan-Ganzi, and the discontinuous trace of ophiolitic rocks associated with the Anyemaqen-Kunlun suture.  相似文献   

The Piqiang–Selibuya Fault is the most significant fault in the NW Tarim Basin, China. It has attracted increasing attention because of the discovery of a series of oil (gas) fields in and around the fault zone. The structural characteristics and evolution of the Piqiang–Selibuya Fault remain controversial. Field geological surveys and seismic data interpretation reveal that the fault has experienced three stages of activity. The thicknesses of the Permian and Miocene strata on opposing sides of the fault are clearly different, and these reveal that the fault has experienced two stages of significant thrusting. The first stage took place at the end of the Triassic and was associated with the Qiangtang Block amalgamated to the south margin of Eurasia. The second stage occurred at the end of the Miocene and might have been caused by the northwards overthrusting of the Pamir. These two stages of thrusting led to the lower–middle Cambrian detachment layer in the eastern part of the Keping thrust belt being 2 km shallower than in the western part. Since the Pliocene, the southern Tien Shan orogenic belt has been reactivated and thrust towards the interior of the Tarim Basin, and a series of ENE–WSW-trending thrust sheets have formed in the Keping thrust belt. Because of the different depth of the detachment layer on the opposing sides of the Piqiang–Selibuya Fault, the number and spacing of thrust sheets formed to the east of the fault differ from those to the west. This dissimilar deformation led to the strike–slip displacement on the Piqiang–Selibuya Fault. The three stages of fault activity record three important tectonic events in the NW Tarim Basin. Qualitative analysis of this activity helps us better understand the influence of the far-field effect of the collisions that occurred on the southern margin of the Eurasia plate on the structural deformation of the NW Tarim Basin.  相似文献   

In situ zircon U–Pb ages and Hf isotopic data, major and trace elements, and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic compositions are reported for Nanshanping alkaline rocks from the Zijingshan district in southwestern Fujian Province (the Interior or Western Cathaysia Block) of South China. The Nanshanping alkaline rocks, which consist of porphyritic quartz monzonite, porphyritic syenite, and syenite, revealed a Late Cretaceous age of 100–93 Ma. All of the rocks show high SiO2, K2O + Na2O, and LREE but low CaO, Fe2O3T, MgO, and HFSE (Nb, Ta, P, and Ti) concentrations. These rocks also exhibit uniform initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.7078 to 0.7087 and εNd(t) values of −4.1 to −7.2, thus falling within the compositional field of Cretaceous basalts and mafic dikes occurring in the Cathaysia Block. Additionally, these rocks display initial Pb isotopic compositions with a 206Pb/204Pbi ratio of 18.25 to 18.45, a 207Pb/204Pbi ratio of 15.63 to 15.67, and a 208Pb/204Pbi ratio of 38.45 to 38.88. Combined with the zircon Hf isotopic compositions (εHf(t) = −11.7 to −3.2), which are different from those of the basement rocks, we suggest that Nanshanping alkaline rocks were primarily derived from a subduction-related enriched mantle source. High Rb/Sr (0.29–0.65) and Zr/Hf (37.5–49.2) but relatively low Ba/Rb (4.4–8.1) ratios suggest that the parental magmas of these rocks were most likely formed via partial melting of a phlogopite-bearing mantle source with carbonate metasomatism. The relatively high SiO2 (62.35–70.79 wt.%) and low Nb/Ta (10.0–15.3) ratios, positive correlation between SiO2 and (87Sr/86Sr)I, and negative correlation between SiO2 and εNd(t) of these rocks suggest that the crustal materials were also involved in formation of the Nanshanping alkaline rocks. Combined with geochemical and isotopic features, we infer magmatic processes similar to AFC (assimilation and fractional crystallization) involving early fractionation of clinopyroxene and olivine and subsequent fractionation of biotite-dominated assemblages coupled with a lesser amount of crustal contamination, thereby forming the Nanshanping alkaline rocks. The Nanshanping alkaline rocks appear to be associated with an extensional environment in the Cathaysia Block. This extensional regime could have resulted in the slab break-off and rollback of the subducting paleo-Pacific plate and the upwelling of the asthenospheric mantle, which induced partial melting of the enriched lithospheric mantle in the Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Two oil families in Ordovician reservoirs from the cratonic region of the Tarim Basin are distinguished by the distribution of regular steranes, triaromatic steroids, norcholestanes and dinosteroids. Oils with relatively lower contents of C28 regular steranes, C26 20S, C26 20R + C27 20S and C27 20R regular triaromatic steroids, dinosteranes, 24-norcholestanes and triaromatic dinosteroids originated from Middle–Upper Ordovician source rocks. In contrast, oils with abnormally high abundances of the above compounds are derived from Cambrian and Lower Ordovician source rocks. Only a few oils have previously been reported to be of Cambrian and Lower Ordovician origin, especially in the east region of the Tarim Basin. This study further reports the discovery of oil accumulations of Cambrian and Lower Ordovician origin in the Tabei and Tazhong Uplifts, which indicates a potential for further discoveries involving Cambrian and Lower Ordovician sourced oils in the Tarim Basin. Dinosteroids in petroleum and ancient sediments are generally thought to be biomarkers for dinoflagellates and 24-norcholestanes for dinoflagellates and diatoms. Therefore, the abnormally high abundance of these compounds in extracts from the organic-rich sediments in the Cambrian and Lower Ordovician and related oils in the cratonic region of the Tarim Basin suggests that phytoplankton algae related to dinoflagellates have appeared and might have flourished in the Tarim Basin during the Cambrian Period. Steroids with less common structural configurations are underutilized and can expand understanding of the early development history of organisms, as well as define petroleum systems.  相似文献   

The petrogenesis and geodynamic setting of the Early Permian mafic–ultramafic complexes in the Beishan Terrane, NW China have important bearing on the prospects of Ni–Cu–PGE sulfide and Ti–Fe oxide deposits, as well as in understanding the history of evolution of the southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). Here we present results from a detailed study on a representative suit of a mafic–ultramafic rocks from the Bijiashan complex in the Beishan Terrane. The complex is composed of dunite, troctolite, olivine gabbro and gabbro without clinopyroxenite or hornblendite. In addition to olivine and clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene and plagioclase are also present in all these rock types, in the absence of chromite or primary hornblende. The minerals display marked compositional variations with the Fo content in olivines ranging from 66 to 83 and the clinopyroxenes ranging from diopside to augite. The whole-rock geochemistry shows good correlations among the major elements, and the trace elements are characterized by flat REE patterns with Eu positive anomalies, and HFSE depletion relative to LILE. These features are comparable to other mafic–ultramafic complexes in the Beishan and Eastern Tianshan terranes, but obviously deviate from the typical features of Alaskan-type intrusives. The present study suggests that the Beishan complexes were formed in a post-orogenic extensional environment with potential for Ni–Cu mineralization, rather than in arc-related setting with Alaskan-type PGE mineralization. Our study confirms that the Beishan area does not conform to an arc-related setting, but was located within a rift setting in Permian probably related to Permian mantle plume event, suggesting that the subduction of the Paleo-Asian ocean had culminated by this time, and the southern CAOB witnessed a post-orogenic extensional regime in late Paleozoic.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2005,20(3):545-551
Light hydrocarbons in oils from the Tarim basin, NW China, were analyzed by GC. The light hydrocarbon parameters proposed by Mango revealed the distributions of the oils as two main types, marine and terrigenous sources. The Mango parameter K1 not only displays a remarkable invariance (∼1) in most of the oils, but also shows significant variations (ranging from 1.20 to 1.54) in the oils occurring in the eastern part of the Tazhong Fault Uplift (EPTFU) located in the center of the Tarim basin. This variation of the K1 value may indicate different petroleum systems in the areas which are superimposed in the EPTFU. Parameter K2 proposed by Mango shows a significant variation between the two main oil types. The marine oils are characterized by relatively low values of K2 (average 0.23) and the terrigenous oils by relatively high K2 values (average 0.35), with general invariance within the same oil set. A plot of (P3 + P2 + N2) vs. (N16) based on the model proposed by Mango can be used not only to discriminate between the two main genetic oils from the Tarim basin, but also to classify the marine oils from the Lunnan area into two sub-types, which may indicate two sub-petroleum systems existing in the area.  相似文献   

The southwestern margin of the North China Craton (NCC) is located between the Alxa Terrane to the northwest, the North Qilian Orogen to the west and the North Qinling Orogen to the south. However, the paleogeographic and tectonic evolution for the southwestern part of the NCC in the Late Paleozoic is still poorly constrained. In order to constrain the Late Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the southwestern NCC, we carried out detailed field work and detrital zircon U-Pb geochronological research on Middle–Late Permian sedimentary rocks at the southwestern margin of the NCC. The U-Pb age spectra of detrital zircons from six samples are similar, showing four populations of 2.6–2.4 Ga, 2.0–1.7 Ga, 500–360 Ma and 350–250 Ma. Moreover, on the basis of the weighted-mean age of the youngest detrital zircons (257 ± 4 Ma), combined with the published results and volcanic interlayers, we propose that the Shangshihezi Formation formed during the Middle–Late Permian. Our results and published data indicate that the detrital zircons with age groups of 2.6–2.4 Ga and 2.0–1.7 Ga were likely derived from the Khondalite Belt and Yinshan Block in the northwestern NCC. The junction part between the North Qinling and North Qilian Orogen may provide the 500–360 Ma detrital zircons for the study area. The 350–250 Ma detrital zircons were probably derived from the northwestern part of the NCC. The majority of materials from Shangshihezi Formation within the study area were derived from the northwestern part of the NCC, indicating that the northwestern part of the NCC was strongly uplifted possibly resulting from the progressive subduction and closure of the Paleo-Asian Ocean. A small amount of materials were sourced from southwestern part of the NCC, indicating that the North Qinling Orogen experienced a minor uplift resulting from the northward subduction of the South Qinling terrane.  相似文献   

This paper reports results from detrital zircon U–Pb geochronology, Hf isotopic geochemistry, sandstone modal analysis, and palaeocurrent analysis of the early Mesozoic strata within the Ningwu basin, China, with the aims of constraining the depositional ages and sedimentary provenances and shedding new light on the Mesozoic tectonic evolution of the northcentral North China Craton (NCC). The zircons from early Mesozoic sandstones are characterized by three major populations: Phanerozoic (late Palaeozoic and early Mesozoic), late Palaeoproterozoic (with a peak at approximately 1.8 Ga), and Neoarchaean (with a peak at approximately 2.5 Ga). Notably, three Phanerozoic zircons in the Early Triassic Liujiagou Formation were found to have positive εHf(t) values and characteristics typical of zircons from the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). Therefore, the CAOB began to represent the provenance of sediment in the sedimentary basins in the northern NCC no later than the Early Triassic (261 Ma), implying that the final amalgamation of the NCC and CAOB occurred before the Early Triassic. The U–Pb geochronologic and Hf isotopic results show that the Lower Middle Triassic sediments were mainly sourced from the Yinshan–Yanshan Orogenic Belt (YYOB), and that a sudden change in provenances occurred, shifting from a mixed YYOB and CAOB source in the Middle Jurassic to a primarily YYOB source in the Late Jurassic. The results of the sandstone modal analysis suggest that the majority of the samples from the Lower Middle Jurassic rocks were derived from either Continental Block or Recycled Orogen sources, whereas all the samples from the Upper Jurassic rocks were derived from Mixed sources. The change in source might be ascribed to the southward subduction and closure of the Okhotsk Ocean and the resulting intense uplift of the YYOB during the Late Jurassic. This uplift likely represents the start of the Yanshan Orogeny.  相似文献   

Caledonian orogeny is another important tectonic event in South China Block after the breakup of the Rodinia supercontinent. With a view to constrain the tectonic evolution and proto–basin in South China, this paper reports the geochemical and zircon U-Pb dating data of the Ordovician strata in central Hunan, South China. Geochemical features and paleocurrent directions suggest that the lower Ordovician deposited in a passive continental margin basin with a provenance of quartzose components and...  相似文献   

The temporal and spatial variations of Late Paleozoic basaltic lavas in Baoshan, the northern part of a Gondwana-derived micro-continental block called Sibumasu, are important for Gondwana reconstruction. Magmatic zircon crystals from three selected dolerite dykes in the Baoshan region yield U-Pb ages from ~295 to ~310 Ma. These new ages, together with previous zircon U-Pb ages for this type of rock, define a protracted (~30 myr) episode of basaltic magmatism from ~310 to 280 Ma in a small area of this region, which is inconsistent with the typical temporal-spatial distribution of mantle plume magmatism. The trace element compositions of the Baoshan dolerite dykes and associated lavas are similar to arc basalts as well as continental flood basalts worldwide, showing light REE enrichments and negative Nb-Ta anomalies. Mixing calculations using the Sr-Nd-Hf isotope data of the Baoshan mafic rocks indicate that their intriguing trace element characteristics can be explained by contamination of mantle-derived magmas with crustal materials. Our new data, together with the lack of Late Paleozoic are-related calcalkaline rocks and granitoids in the Sibumasu block and other contemporaneous Gondwana-derived micro-continental blocks, strongly support the premise that the 310–280 Ma basalts and dolerites in the Baoshan region are the products of continental rift-related magmatism rather than arc magmatism. Based on the temporal correlation of the 310–280 Ma rift-related magmatism in several related Gondwana-derived micro-continents (Sibumasu, South Qiangtang, Lhasa and Himalaya), plus other independent constraints such as paleoclimate biotas and paleolatitudes from the literature, we provide an improved model for the configuration of the Gondwana supercontinent in the Early Permian. Based on the results from this study, we conclude that further investment in the exploration of magmatic Ni-Cu sulfide deposits associated with the 310–280 Ma mafic-ultramafic intrusions in northern Baoshan and the other related Gondwana-derived micro-continental blocks is warranted.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(13):1630-1657
New geological, geochronological, and geochemical results on volcanic rocks and cobbles from early Mesozoic sedimentary rocks identify two contrasting latest Permian–Triassic volcanic rock suites in the northern North China Craton (NCC). The early rock suite erupted during the latest Permian–Early Triassic at ca. 255–245 Ma and was probably widely distributed in the northern NCC prior to the Early Jurassic. It comprises rhyolitic welded tuff, rhyolite, and tuffaceous sandstone and is characterized by high contents of SiO2 and K2O, moderate initial 87Sr/86Sr, low negative εNd(t) and εHf(t) values, and old Nd-Hf isotopic model ages. It was likely produced by fractional crystallization of lower crustal-derived magmas due to underplating by lithospheric mantle-derived magmas near the crust–mantle boundary in syncollisional to post-collisional/post-orogenic tectonic settings. The late rock suite, erupted during the Middle–Late Triassic at ca. 238–228 Ma, displays adakitic geochemical signatures and consists of intermediate volcanic rocks such as andesite, trachyandesite, and autoclastic trachyandesite breccia, with minor felsic rocks. This suite is characterized by high Al2O3, MgO, Sr, Ba, Cr, V, and Ni concentrations; high Mg# values; low Y and Yb concentrations and high Sr/Y ratios; low initial 87Sr/86Sr; high negative εNd(t) and εHf(t) values; and young Nd-Hf isotopic model ages. The younger suite was generated by mixing of magmas derived from melting of upwelling asthenosphere, with melts of ancient lower crust induced by underplating of basaltic magmas in an intraplate extensional setting. Strong upwelling of asthenospheric mantle and significant involvement of the asthenospheric mantle materials indicate that the lithospheric mantle beneath the northern NCC was partially delaminated during Middle–Late Triassic time, representing the initial destruction and lithospheric thinning of the northern NCC. Lithospheric thinning and delamination are likely the most important reasons for the Triassic tectonic transition and change of magmatism and deformation patterns in the northern NCC.  相似文献   

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