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We present a gravity model of the crustal structure in southern Mexico based on interpretation of a detailed marine gravity profile perpendicularly across the Middle America Trench offshore from Acapulco, and a regional gravity transect extending into continental Mexico across the Sierra Madre del Sur, the central sector of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, the Sierra Madre Oriental, the Coastal Plain, and into the Gulf of Mexico. The elastic thickness of the Cocos lithospheric plate was found to be 30 km. In agreement with a previous seismic refraction study, no major differences in crustal structure were observed on both sides of the O’Gorman Fracture Zone. The gravity high seaward of the trench is interpreted as due to the incipient flexure and crustal thinning. The gravity low at the axis of the trench is explained by the increase in water depth and the existence of low-density accreted or continental-derived sediments (2.25 and 2.40 g/cm3). A gravity high of 50 mGal extending about 100 km landward is interpreted as caused by local shoaling of the Moho. The crust attains a thickness of 42 km under the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt but thins beneath the Coastal Plain and the continental slope of the Gulf of Mexico. Gravity highs around the Sierra de Tamaulipas are interpreted in terms of relief of the lower–upper crustal interface, implying a shallow basement.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2014,25(1):190-203
Peninsular India forms a keystone in Gondwana, linking the East African and Malagasy orogens with Ediacaran–Cambrian orogenic belts in Sri Lanka and the Lützow Holm Bay region of Antarctica with similar aged belts in Mozambique, Malawi and Zambia. Ediacaran–Cambrian metamorphism and deformation in the Southern Granulite Terrane (SGT) reflect the past tectonic setting of this region as the leading vertex of Neoproterozoic India as it collided with Azania, the Congo–Tanzania–Bangweulu Block and Kalahari on one side and the Australia/Mawson continent on the other. The high-grade terranes of southern India are made up of four main tectonic units; from north to south these are a) the Salem Block, b) the Madurai Block, c) the Trivandrum Block, and d) the Nagercoil Block. The Salem Block is essentially the metamorphosed Dharwar craton and is bound to the south by the Palghat-Cauvery shear system — here interpreted as a terrane boundary and the Mozambique Ocean suture. The Madurai Block is interpreted as a continuation of the Antananarivo Block (and overlying Palaeoproterozoic sedimentary sequence — the Itremo Group) of Madagascar and a part of the Neoproterozoic microcontinent Azania. The boundary between this and the Trivandrum Block is the Achankovil Zone, that here is not interpreted as a terrane boundary, but may represent an Ediacaran rift zone reactivated in latest Ediacaran–Cambrian times.  相似文献   

In this study, the recent update of the gravity database with new measurements has raised the opportunity of improving the knowledge of the crustal structure beneath the large volcanic system called Mount Cameroon, and its implication in the regional tectonics. The multi-scale wavelet analysis method was applied to highlight the geologic features of the area, and their depths were estimated using the logarithmic power spectrum method. The results reveal a complex crustal structure beneath Mount Cameroon with high variation in the lateral distribution of crustal densities. The upper and lower crusts are intruded by dense materials originating from the mantle with less lateral extension. The trends of Tiko and Ekona faults along the intrusion suggest tectonic activities as deep as 25 km. The difference in mantle composition or temperature between the East and the West of the studied area is clearly seen in detailed wavelet images and agrees with a mantle origin for the Cameroon Volcanic Line.  相似文献   

Shallow and deep sources generate a gravity low in the central Iberian Peninsula. Long-wavelength shallow sources are two continental sedimentary basins, the Duero and the Tajo Basins, separated by a narrow mountainous chain called the Spanish Central System. To investigate the crustal density structure, a multitaper spectral analysis of gravity data was applied. To minimise biases due to misleading shallow and deep anomaly sources of similar wavelength, first an estimation of gravity anomaly due to Cenozoic sedimentary infill was made. Power spectral analysis indicates two crustal discontinuities at mean depths of 31.1 ± 3.6 and 11.6 ± 0.2 km, respectively. Comparisons with seismic data reveal that the shallow density discontinuity is related to the upper crust lower limit and the deeper source corresponds to the Moho discontinuity. A 3D-depth model for the Moho was obtained by inverse modelling of regional gravity anomalies in the Fourier domain. The Moho depth varies between a mean depth of 31 km and 34 km. Maximum depth is located in a NW–SE trough. Gravity modelling points to lateral density variations in the upper crust. The Central System structure is described as a crustal block uplifted by NE–SW reverse faults. The formation of the system involves displacement along an intracrustal detachment in the middle crust. This detachment would split into several high-angle reverse faults verging both NW and SE. The direction of transport is northwards, the detachment probably being rooted at the Moho.  相似文献   

Crustal structures of Japan were investigated under the Upper Mantle Project in three profiles, Kurayosi-Hanabusa, western Japan; Atumi-Noto, central Japan; Kesennuma-Oga, northeastern Japan. These investigations have revealed that the crust of Japan is of continental type. The variation of the crustal structure reflects the topography, especially the water depth; so the thinning of the crust occurs near the shore where the water depth increases rapidly. The velocity below the Mohorovi?i? discontinuity is smaller than 8.0 km/sec, but it is possible that a deeper layer with a velocity of over 8.0 km/sec may exist. The basaltic layer in central Japan, if existing at all, must be thin.  相似文献   

A crustal depth section was obtained from Deep Seismic Soundings (DSS) along the Alampur-Koniki-Ganapeshwaram profile, cutting across the northern part of the Proterozoic Cuddapah basin, India, running just south of latitude 16° N and between longitude 78° E and 81°E. The existence of a low-angle thrust fault at the eastern margin of the Cuddapah basin (Kaila et al., 1979) was confirmed along a second profile. Another low-angle thrust, along which charnockites with the granitic basement are upthrust against the Dharwars was delineated further east. The contact of the khondalites (lower Precambrian) with quaternary sediments near the east coast of India seems to be a fault boundary, which may be responsible for the thick sedimentary accumulation in the adjoining offshore region.The basement in the western part of the Cuddapah basin is very shallow and is gently downdipping eastward, to a depth of 1.7 km about 20 km west of Atmakur. It attains a depth of about 4.5 km in the deepest part of the Kurnool sub-basin, around Atmakur. Under the Nallamalai ranges its depth varies between 3.5 and 6.5 km, with an easterly dip. In the region north of the Iswarkuppam dome, the basement is at a depth of about 5.0 km, to about 6.8 km in the eastern part of the Cuddapah basin. Outside the eastern margin of the basin, the depth of the basement is about 1.8 km and further eastwards it is exposed. A fault at the contact of the khondalites with quaternary sediments near the east coast brings the basement down to a depth of approximately 1.3 km.In the Kurnool sub-basin the depth to the Moho discontinuity varies from 35 km under Atmakur to 39 km under the Nallamalai hills. In the region of the Iswarkuppam dome it is at a depth of about 36 km, deepening to about 39 km before rising to 37 km towards the east. Two-dimensional velocity modelling using ray-tracing techniques tends to confirm these results.Gravity modelling of the crustal structure, utilizing a four-layer crustal model in most parts along this profile, conforms to the observed gravity values. A weak zone in the eastern part of the profile where high-density material (density 3.05 g/cm3) has been found seems to be responsible for the gravity high in that part.  相似文献   

Refraction data taken from ocean bottom seismograph recordings in the western Arafura Sea indicate a continental‐type structure for the region. This structure is characterised by a thin column (2 km) of sediments, with velocities ranging from about to 2 to 4 km s‐1, overlying an essentially two layer crust. The compressional wave velocities in the upper and lower crust are 5.97 and 6.52 km s‐1, respectively, with the boundary between the layers at a depth of 11 km. Very weak mantle‐refracted arrivals with a velocity of about 8.0 km s‐1 were recorded. Large‐amplitude, later arrivals, beginning at distances near 100 and 150 km, have been interpreted to be part of the retrograde branches from the 8.0 and 7.33 km s‐1 layers, respectively. Model studies indicate that a small positive velocity gradient is required between 17 and 30 km, and that the Moho is at a depth of 34 km. A third set of large amplitude, later arrivals starting at a distance near 250 km has been interpreted as most probably multiple refraction‐reflection arrivals from the 5.97 and 6.52 km s‐1 layers. Correlation of this structure with the stratigraphic logs from exploratory oil wells in the Arafura Sea using layer velocities indicates that rocks younger than Jurassic appear to thin towards the east.  相似文献   

The study region forms the western part of the Madurai block (southern block) and shares several lithological characteristics of the Proterozoic exhumed South Indian Granulite Terrain (SGT). The crustal structure of the area has been derived from gravity data, constrained partly by aeromagnetic data. The Bouguer anomaly map of the region prepared based on detailed gravity observations shows a number of features (i) the Periyar lineament separates two distinctly different gravity fields, one, a high gravity gradient tending to be positive towards the coast in south west and significant gravity lows ranging from − 85 to as low as − 150 mGal in the NE covering a large part of the Periyar plateau (ii) within the broad gravity low, three localised circular anomalies of considerable amplitude occur in the region of Munnar granite. A magnetic low region in the central part coincides with the area of retrogressed charnockites and the major lineaments suggestive of a genetic link and considerable downward extent. The crustal models indicate that the upper layer containing exhumed lower crustal rocks (2.76 gm/cc) is almost homogeneous, most part of the gravity field resulting from variations in intracrustal layers of decharnockitised hornblendic gneisses and granite bodies. Below it, a denser layer (2.85 gm/cc) of unknown composition exists with Moho depth ranging from 36 to 41 km. The structure below the region is compared with that of two other segments of the SGT from which it differs markedly. The Wynad plateau forming the western part of the Northern Block of the SGT is characterised by a heterogeneity due to the presence of contrasting crustal blocks on either side of the Bavali shear zone, possibly a westward extension of the Moyar shear zone and presence of high density material in the mid-to-lower crustal portions. The crust below the Kuppam–Palani transect has a distinctive four-layer structure with a mid-crustal low density layer. The differences in crustal structure are consistent with the different tectonic settings of the three regions discussed in the paper. It is suggested that the crustal structure below the Kuppam–Palani transect corridor is not representative of the SGT as a whole, an aspect of great relevance to intra-continental comparisons and trans-continental reconstructions of continent configurations of the Gondwanaland.  相似文献   

Gold mineralization in Southern Granulite Terrain (SGT) of India has close spatial relationship with the shear zones (Moyar–Bhavani) present in Cauvery Suture Zone. Gold is found to be associated with primary quartz veins, placers and laterites. The gold prospects in SGT can be broadly grouped into three provinces i) Wynad-Nilgiri, ii) Malappuram and iii) Attappadi. The auriferous quartz veins are within the deformed biotite/hornblende bearing gneisses and amphibolite. Wall rock alteration is conspicuous around the mineralized veins and gives an assemblage of muscovite–calcite–ankerite–chlorite–biotite–pyrite related to fluid–rock interaction at the time of vein formation. Fluid inclusion studies of vein quartz gives an idea of the nature of the ore forming fluids, the fluid involved in gold mineralization is of low saline and aqueous-carbonic in composition and quite similar to the orogenic lode gold deposits reported world-wide. Micro-thermometric data indicates fluid immiscibility (phase separation) during trapping of fluid inclusions and this must have played an important role in gold deposition. Geochronological studies of mineral separates from Wynad-Nilgiri province using Rb–Sr and Sm–Nd isochron methods of the auriferous quartz veins gave an age of approximately 450 Ma for the vein formation. The present studies on SGT gold mineralization indicate 1. During the Pan-African orogeny, extensive fluid influx from mantle and metamorphism extracted gold from a mafic source and were focused along major structural discontinuities of Moyar–Bhavani Shear Zone, 2. The aqueous–carbonic ore fluid interacted with rocks of the upper crust and triggered a set of metasomatic changes responsible for the dissolved components such as Ca, Si and Fe and finally precipitating in the veins and 3. The mineralizing fluid with dissolved gold in sulphide complex got destabilized due to fluid immiscibility and wall rock alteration leading to the deposition of gold with associated sulphide minerals in the vein system.  相似文献   

The Cauvery Shear Zone (CSZ) is a crustal-scale shear system within the Southern Granulite Terrain along the southern margin of the Archaean Dharwar craton. Structural interpretation of satellite data and field observations reveal four major shear zones within the CSZ system. They show dextral shear kinematics synchronous with a major Neoproterozoic tectono-metamorphic event (D2) associated with intracrustal melting and migmatisation. The disposition, geometry and contemporaneity of shear fabrics of the CSZ system are modelled in terms of a crustal-scale flower structure akin to transpressional and collisional orogens. In the light of recent seismic evidence for a displaced Moho structure and a mid- to lower-crustal low velocity zone, the flower structure across the CSZ may extend to mantle depths.  相似文献   

The paper presents new data on seismotectonic studies along the Adygei profile in the western part of the Central Caucasus and provides an overview of deep geophysical studies of the Greater Caucasus. For the first time, comprehensive geophysical characteristics of a crustal section of the Greater Caucasus across an orogenic structure (along the Adygei profile) have been obtained with a uniform step of observations. Based on factual data obtained by such methods as converted waves from distant earthquakes, magnetotelluric sounding, and gravimagnetic surveys, sinking of the marginal part of the southern microplate into the mantle is verified. It is noted that the contemporary Alpine structure of the Greater Caucasus formed during gentle thrusting of the Earth’s crust (Scythian Plate) from the north on the consolidated crust of the southern microplate.  相似文献   

Mafic and intermediate granulite xenoliths, collected from Cenozoic alkali basalts, provide samples of the lower crust in western Saudi Arabia. The xenoliths are metaigneous two-pyroxene and garnet granulites. Mineral and whole rock compositions are inconsistent with origin from Red Sea rift-related basalts, and are compatible with origin from island arc calc-alkaline and low-potassium tholeiitic basalts. Most of the samples are either cumulates from mafic magmas or are restites remaining after partial melting of intermediate rocks and extraction of a felsic liquid. Initial87Sr/86Sr ratios are less than 0.7032, except for two samples at 0.7049. The Sm-Nd data yield TDM model ages of 0.64 to 1.02 Ga, similar to typical Arabian-Nubian Shield upper continental crust. The isotopic data indicate that the granulites formed from mantle-derived magmas with little or no contamination by older continent crust. Calculated temperatures and pressures of last reequilibration of the xenoliths show that they are derived from the lower crust. Calculated depths of origin and calculated seismic velocities for the xenoliths are in excellent agreement with the crustal structure model of Gettings et al. (1986) based on geophysical data from western Saudi Arabia. Estimation of mean lower crustal composition, using the granulite xenoliths and the Gettings et al. (1986) crustal model, suggests a remarkably homogeneous mafic lower crust, and an andesite or basaltic andesite bulk composition for Pan-African juvenile continental crust.  相似文献   

Hari Narain 《Tectonophysics》1973,20(1-4):249-260
Studies carried out by various investigators up to 1971 to delineate the Indian crustal structure using body wave travel times, surface wave dispersion and gravity methods are summarised and reviewed. The average crustal thickness is found to be 35–40 km in the Indian peninsular shield, 30–35 km in the Indo Gangetic plains and 60–80 km in the Himalayas and the Tibetan plateau region. The limitations of the various methods used and the errors in the estimation of crustal thickness by them are discussed. As no deep refraction work for crustal studies has been carried out so far in India, this topic is not covered in this study.  相似文献   

The South Indian Craton is composed of low-grade and high-grade metamorphic rocks across different tectonic blocks between the Moyar–Bhavani and Palghat–Cauvery shear zones and an elongated belt of eastern margin of the peninsular shield. The Madras Block north of the Moyar–Bhavani shear zone, which evolved throughout the Precambrian period, mainly consists of high-grade metamorphic rocks. In order to constrain the evolution of the charnockitic region of the Pallavaram area in the Madras Block we have undertaken palaeomagnetic investigation at 12 sites. ChRM directions in 61 oriented block samples were investigated by Alternating Field (AF) and Thermal demagnetization. Titanomagnetite in Cation Deficient (CD) and Multi Domain (MD) states is the remanence carrier. The samples exhibit a ChRM with reverse magnetization of Dm = 148.1, Im = + 48.6 (K = 22.2, α95 = 9.0) and a palaeomagnetic pole at 37.5 °N, 295.6 °E (dp/dm = 7.8°/11.8°). This pole plots at a late Archaean location on the Indian Apparent Polar Wander Path (APWP) suggesting an age of magnetization in the Pallavaram charnockites as 2600 Ma. The nearby St. Thomas Mount charnockites indicate a period of emplacement at 1650 Ma (Mesoproterozoic). Thus the results of Madras Block granulites also reveal crustal evolution similar to those in the Eastern Ghats Belt with identical palaeopoles from both the areas.  相似文献   

Seismic wide angle and receiver function results together with geological data have been used as constraints to build a gravity-based crustal model of the central High Atlas of Morocco. Integration of a newly acquired set of gravity values with public data allowed us to undertake 2–2.5D gravity modelling along two profiles that cross the entire mountain chain. Modelling suggests moderate crustal thickening, and a general state of Airy isostatic undercompensation. Localized thickening appears restricted to the vicinity of a north-dipping crustal-scale thrust fault, that offsets the Moho discontinuity and defines a small crustal root which accounts for the minimum Bouguer gravity anomaly values. Gravity modelling indicates that this root has a northeasterly strike, slightly oblique to the ENE general orientation of the High Atlas belt. A consequence of the obliquity between the High Atlas borders and its internal and deep structure is the lack of correlation between Bouguer gravity anomaly values and topography. Active buckling affecting the crust, a highly elevated asthenosphere, or a combination of both are addressed as side mechanisms that help to maintain the high elevations of the Atlas mountains.  相似文献   

We present results from a seismic refraction experiment on the northern margin of the Guayana Shield performed during June 1998, along nine profiles of up to 320 km length, using the daily blasts of the Cerro Bolívar mines as energy source, as well as from gravimetric measurements. Clear Moho arrivals can be observed on the main E–W profile on the shield, whereas the profiles entering the Oriental Basin to the north are more noisy. The crustal thickness of the shield is unusually high with up to 46 km on the Archean segment in the west and 43 km on the Proterozoic segment in the east. A 20 km thick upper crust with P-wave velocities between 6.0 and 6.3 km/s can be separated from a lower crust with velocities ranging from 6.5 to 7.2 km/s. A lower crustal low velocity zone with a velocity reduction to 6.3 km/s is observed between 25 and 25 km depth. The average crustal velocity is 6.5 km/s. The changes in the Bouguer Anomaly, positive (30 mGal) in the west and negative (−20 mGal) in the east, cannot be explained by the observed seismic crustal features alone. Lateral variations in the crust or in the upper mantle must be responsible for these observations.  相似文献   

Granitoid intrusions occur widely in the Southern Granulite Terrain (SGT) of India, particularly within the Cauvery Suture Zone (CSZ), which is considered as the trace of the Neoproterozoic Mozambique ocean closure. Here we present the petrological and geochemical features of 19 granite plutons across the three major tectonic blocks of the terrain. Our data show a wide variation in the compositions of these intrusions from alkali feldspathic syenite to granite. The whole rock geochemistry of these intrusions displays higher concentrations of \(\hbox {SiO}_{2}\), FeO*, \(\hbox {K}_{2}\hbox {O}\), Ba, Zr, Th, LREE and low MgO, \(\hbox {Na}_{2}\hbox {O}\), Ti, P, Nb, Y and HREE’s. The granitoids are metaluminous to slightly peraluminous in nature revealing both I-type and A-type origin. In tectonic discrimination plots, the plutons dominantly show volcanic arc and syn-collisional as well as post-collisional affinity. Based on the available age data together with geochemical constrains, we demonstrate that the granitic magmatism in the centre and south of the terrain is mostly associated with the Neoproterozoic subduction–collision–accretion–orogeny, followed by extensional mechanism of Gondwana tectonics events. Similar widespread granitic activity has also been documented in the Arabian Nubian shield, Madagascar, Sri Lanka and Antarctica, providing similarities for the reconstruction of the crustal fragments of Gondwana supercontinent followed by Pan-African orogeny.  相似文献   

In 1976, the Institute of Physics of the Earth and the Institute of Oceanology, the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, carried out deep seismic soundings in the Barents Sea along a profile 700 km long northeast of Murmansk. A system of reversed and overlapping traveltime curves from 200 to 400 km long has been obtained. The wave correlation was effected by several independent approaches, which identified on the records the refracted and reflected waves from boundaries in the Earth's crust and the upper mantle. Different methods were applied for the solution of the inverse problem: the isochrone method, the intercept-time method, and the iteration method.The use of these different methods gives an indication of the general applicability of the interpretation and of the most reliable elements in the seismic model.All the interpretations and representations of the section positively establish an essentially horizontal inhomogeneity of the Earth's crust in the Barents Sea. On the whole the structure is similar to that of deep sedimentary basins of the East European platform. The thickness of the sedimentary layer varies from 8 to 17 km, the average crustal thickness is about 35–40 km; the velocities in the upper part of the consolidated crust are 5.8–6.4 km/s; in the lower crust they are 6.8–7.0 km/s and higher.  相似文献   

The present paper correlates the southern Madgascar terrain, south of the Ranotsara shear with the granulite terrain of southern India, occurring south of the Palghat-Cauvery (P-C) shear zone. Both the terrains have witnessed high temperature to ultra high temperature granulite metamorphism at 550 Ma and are traversed by shear zones and deep crustal faults. The 550 Ma old granulite terrains of Madagascar and southern India have similar lithologies, in particular, sapphirine bearing pelitic assemblages. Graphite deposits and gem occurrences are common to both these terrains. The 550 Ma old southern granulite terrain of southern India comprises of different blocks, the Madurai and the Kerala Khondalite belt, but all the blocks have similar lithologies with pelite—calc silicate rocks inter-banded with two pyroxene granulite bodies. These lithologies occur amidst an essentially charnockitic terrain. The protolith ages of the southern granulite terrain, south of the P-C shear zone ranges between 2400–2100 Ma. The terrain as a whole has witnessed the 550 Ma old granulite event. The granulite metamorphism took place under temperatures of 800–1000°C and at pressures of 9.5 to 5 Kbar.The source of heat for the high temperature granulite event of the southern Madagascar terrain has been linked to advective heat transfer along mantle deep faults. The source for the high temperature granulite metamorphism for the southern granulite terrain may be attributed to high temperature carbonatite and alkaline intrusives in an extensional setting which followed an initial crustal thickening.Many workers have linked Madagascar to southern India by connecting the Ranotsara shear either to the P-C shear zone or to the Achankovil shear zone, further south. The important factor is the lithologies of the Madagascar terrain, south of Ranotsara shear zone and the 550 Ma. old southern Indian granulite terrain are similar in many aspects. It will be more appropriate to link the Ranotsara shear to the curvilinear lineament bounding the Anaimalai-Kodaikanal ranges and which merges with the southern margin of the P-C shear zone.However, north of the Ranotsara shear/fault, the northern Madagascar terrain comprises of a dominant Itremo sequence (< 1850 Ma) and 780 Ma old calc-alkaline intrusives. The latter have similarities with that of Aravallis and the Sirohi, Malani sequences occurring further north east. The Rajasthan terrain has witnessed igneous intrusive activity at 1000–800 Ma. If we can broaden the area of investigations and include the above areas, the Madagascar-India connection can be better understood.  相似文献   

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