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The aim of this paper is to evaluate the results of a survey of the availability and uptake of port reception facilities within the North Sea area. The evaluation is based primarily on original survey data from the autumn of 2002 which followed on from a similar survey conducted in the summer of 2000. The EU Directive on port reception facilities for ship-generated waste etc. (Directive 2000/59/EC) was due to enter into force in December 2002, and required all EU ports to provide reception facilities to meet the needs of the vessels normally calling in at them. This paper examines the readiness of North Sea ports to meet that requirement and also considers the actual uptake levels of facilities, where ports were able to provide such information.  相似文献   

The European Union set in place Directive 2000/59/EC with the aim of substantially reducing discharges of ship-generated waste into the sea by improving the availability and use of port reception facilities. According to the Directive, port administrations shall ensure that the cost recovery system must aim to discourage ships from discharging their waste into the sea, while simultaneously placing the burden of costs on ships, in line with the "polluter pays principle". The present paper examines the extent to which the deposit-refund framework could be used in charging systems of port reception facilities. This has been realized through a case study involving a Greek port. Specifically, the charging system proposed here seems to approach quite close to the primary target, i.e. to a charging system that motivates ships to act more environmentally responsible manner regarding their waste, without significantly affecting their total cost nor the competitiveness of the port.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to evaluate the current availability of port reception facilities within the North Sea area. The evaluation is based primarily on original survey data from the summer of 2001, supplemented by existing information from surveys conducted by the International Maritime Organization. The EU Directive on port reception facilities for ship-generated waste etc. (Directive 2000/59/EC) requires that all ports provide facilities to meet the needs of those vessels normally calling in at them. In order for the Directive to be implemented effectively, the physical availability of such facilities is vital. This paper audits the wide range of port types within the region and also outlines the wide range of vessel types using these ports, and their requirements for a range of facilities. On the basis of this analysis, conclusions are drawn about the extent to which the provision requirement of the Directive is already being met.  相似文献   

A present major problem for ports is arranging adequate reception facilities for ship-generated waste, as the lack of such facilities is a problem to many shipowners. To preserve the environment in and around the ports it is necessary also to deal efficiently with the port-generated waste.

Although international conventions on the retention of waste on board ships for subsequent discharge to shore reception facilities have been ratified by most seafaring nations, a considerable part of the ship-generated waste still goes into the sea. Much of the waste generated in ports will also be dumped in quantities that at least affect the local marine environment. The regulations governing the handling of port-generated waste are often national and/or local legislation, whereas the handling of ship-generated waste is governed by the MARPOL Convention in most parts of the world.

The handling of waste consists of two main phases—collection and treatment. Waste has to be collected in every port and on board every ship, whereas generally only some wastes are treated and to a certain degree in ports and on board ships.

This paper considers the different kinds of waste generated in both ports and on board ships, where and how it is generated, how it could be collected and treated. The two sources are treated together to show how some ship-generated waste may be treated in port installations primarily constructed for the treatment of the port-generated waste, making integrated use of the available treatment facilities.

The different types of wastes can be divided into different categories. A world-wide accepted categorization of ship-generated waste has been established in the MARPOL 73/78 Convention. This will also be used for grouping the port-generated waste.  相似文献   

The European Union (EU) Bathing Water Directive of 1976 ([Commission of the European Communities, 1976. Council Directive of 8th December 1975 Concerning the Quality of Bathing Water (76/160/EEC). Official Journal of the European Community. 5th February 1976, L31/1, Brussels]) sets out standards for designated bathing waters which should be complied with by all member states. Intervening advances in pollution science, related technology and managerial expertise have allowed the European Commission to consider revision of EU environmental legislation where appropriate. As a result, a number of revisions to the 1976 Directive have been proposed ([Commission of the European Communities, 1994. Commission Proposal for a Council Directive Concerning the Quality of Bathing Water. Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council, COM (94) 36 Final, Brussels; Commission of the European Communities, 2000. Developing a New Bathing Water Policy, Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council, COM (2000) 860 Final, 21/12/200, Brussels; Commission of the European Communities, 2002. Commission Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council Concerning the Quality of Bathing Water, COM (2002) 581 Final, 24/10/2002, Brussels]). This paper considers these revisions in terms of the economic costs and benefits associated with any change in policy. The focus is on the public's willingness to pay for a revised Directive and the consequent public health benefits afforded to individuals and society. These economic benefits are compared to the costs of implementing changes to bring bathing waters up to the required standard.  相似文献   

The EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) requires the ecological assessment of water bodies. Since the littoral zones and the lakeshores are part of lakes as water bodies as defined by the WFD, a new scheme for ecological quality assessment of lakeshores should be established. It is proposed that this scheme should go beyond the formal requirements of the WFD, as it includes aspects of nature conservancy, landscape protection, and regional planning and development. Some of these aspects are subject to other EU legislation (e.g. Habitats Directive) and some are subject to national legislation. Ten general Quality Elements (QEs) are proposed, which can be refined and reified through several levels of detail, depending on the specific aims of a study. A list of eleven topics, which should be discussed in the establishment of the lakeshore quality assessment scheme, is given. The more complex ones are the implementation of other EU legislation, the definition of lakeshore types and reference conditions, the stipulation of best aggregation procedures, and a better understanding of the significance of hydrological and morphological impacts on the biota.  相似文献   

In the framework of an EEA Norway and EU grants project involving industrial and scientific partners, complex hydrogeological investigation and groundwater modeling of a regional transboundary aquifer between Hungary and Ukraine were carried out in 2010. To find a common groundwater management strategy, this challenging cooperation work was completed by an EU country and a non-EU country. This pilot project demonstrated how the EU Water Framework Directive and some other legal aspects can be applied for a regional scale transboundary aquifer between Hungary and Ukraine. The transboundary aquifers play significant role in Hungary because the country land is mainly located in a deep and closed basin called Carpathian. After finalizing the watershed management plans in 2009, it turned out that 40 from the total 185 groundwater bodies are classified as transboundary in Hungary. The authors were involved to participate in an earlier NATO Science for Peace Project, which investigated a transboundary aquifer between Hungary and Romania some years ago. The special experience gained that time was utilized in the current project.  相似文献   

The Helsinki Commission (HELCOM) Baltic Sea Action Plan, adopted by the coastal countries of the Baltic Sea and the European Community in November 2007, is a regional intergovernmental programme of measures for the protection and management of the marine environment explicitly based on the Ecosystem Approach. The Action Plan is structured around a set of Ecological Objectives used to define indicators and targets, including effect-based nutrient input ceilings, and to monitor implementation. The Action Plan strongly links Baltic marine environmental concerns to important socio-economic fields such as agriculture and fisheries and promotes cross-sectoral tools including marine spatial planning. Due to complementarities with the European Union (EU) Marine Strategy Framework Directive, the Action Plan is in essence a pilot for this process without neglecting the important role of the Russian Federation - the only Baltic coastal country not a member of the EU.  相似文献   

The EU Bathing Water Directive with a life of 25 years (EEC, 1976) has contributed significantly to the improvement of the quality of coastal recreational waters throughout Europe and has successfully protected public health. Improvement of the standards of living and general public demands has made it necessary to consider updating it (EU, 1994) introducing important changes in microbiological parameters. Measurement of microbial pollution is of primary importance to this new proposal, as is to the regulatory schemes introduced by the very recent 'Annapolis Protocol' (WHO/US EPA, 1999). This report discusses the microbiological aspects of the health-related management of bathing seawater in the context of the scientific information available from epidemiological and microbiological studies.  相似文献   

Estuaries are sinks for organic matter and nutrients entering both from their catchments and also from the adjacent lands and urban areas and in turn they are sources of such materials to the adjacent coast. The present paper quantifies the relative amounts of natural and anthropogenic organic matter and nutrients entering the Humber Estuary, Eastern England, including the allochthonous and autochthonous materials, those from urban and industrial sewage and from the catchment drainage of arable land. These data thus give a budget for the estuary which in turn answers questions fundamental to the management of the estuary. The estimations within the study have been carried out against a background of designating estuaries under the European Union Urban Waste-water Treatment Directive and the EU Nitrates Directive. The assessment has particularly addressed the question, related to the former Directive, of whether the Humber Estuary is eutrophic or likely to become eutrophic unless management measures are taken. Thus the paper indicates the nature and value of control measures such as treatment plant upgrading and the designation of Nitrate Vulnerable Zones. The paper includes the recent national and European discussions on the designation of areas under these Directives. Finally, the study has allowed a quantification of the present organic inputs to the estuary in comparison to those entering prior to large scale land-claim which had removed natural organic-producing wetlands.  相似文献   

Abiotic typology of Polish lakes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
According to the requirements of the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC, all member states of the EU have to establish the typology of their surface waterbodies. The typology is aimed at defining the type-specific reference conditions against which the ecological state of waters can be assessed. The abiotic typology of Polish lakes of an area greater than 50 ha was established based on morphometric, hydrographic and physico-chemical data taken from the Polish national monitoring dataset. The current dataset comprises 749 out of a total of 1042 lakes with an area greater than 50 ha in Poland. Lake types were identified based on a combination of abiotic characteristics of lakes specified in Annex II of the Water Framework Directive such as ecoregions, size, altitude, mean depth, geology and an additional factor – Schindler's ratio. Altogether 13 abiotic lake types were established.  相似文献   

The EU Habitats Directive requires Member States to consider the potential impact of sewage discharges on protected wildlife populations, but efforts to reduce these threats are constrained by the lack of appropriate water quality guidelines for wildlife. In Scotland, recommendations for higher discharge standards in areas frequented by bottlenose dolphins have been criticised on the basis of scientific uncertainty. This Viewpoint article outlines the background to this issue, and discusses whether the scientific frameworks used for assessing water quality standards for human bathers can realistically be used to develop water quality standards for coastal dolphins. Importantly, it highlights that widely accepted EU standards for human bathers are based on extremely limited scientific data, and argues that unrealistic demands for empirical data from wildlife populations should not prevent more precautionary measures being introduced to reduce disease risks to these species.  相似文献   

The present study is based mainly upon the authors' hydrochemical and hydrobiological studies of small silicate streams in South-West Germany, principally in the Black Forest and the Odenwald.

The aim of the paper is the adaptation of a practically proven four-level biological classification system of different degrees of acidity using benthic maroinvertebrates to a five-level system of acidification of mainly upland streams with low buffer capacity. The main reason for such a five-class system is the Water Framework Directive of the European Union (EU WFD), which lays down a five-level classification system for the assessment of the ecological quality of waters.

The biological method of assessing the state of acidity for evaluation of the degree of anthropogenic acidification under the directive, and principles of the EU WFD, are also described. A list of 278 taxa of the macrozoobenthos has been reclassified from a four-level system to a five-level biological indication system, based upon the authors' scientific expertise and the latest references from literature of different acid sensitive areas in Germany.  相似文献   

In 1999 the Italian Parliament approved a law encompassing all the themes of the water cycle, including monitoring of groundwater. The new regulation takes into account the EU Directives, and charges the Regions to create monitoring networks, according to Art. 8 of the Water Framework Directive (WFD). The approach of the Italian regulation is, on the whole, coherent with the technical guidelines listed in annexes II and V of the WFD. On basis of the new law, the national environment agency (APAT) gathers data and produces assessment reports on the contamination of groundwater in Italy.  相似文献   

The environmental policies aimed at reducing nutrient emissions from the agricultural sectors in the Baltic states, Poland, Germany and Scandinavia are detailed. The emissions include leaching, run-off and erosion losses of nitrogen and phosphorus, volatile losses of ammonia, and farm waste discharges. Farm waste discharges and nitrate leaching from agricultural fields have received considerable attention during the last few decades, but more recently the remaining loss categories have also been recognized as substantial contributors of nutrients to the environment.

Environmental targets have been set in the Helsinki Commission (HELCOM) Ministerial Declaration of 15 February 1988, stating that a significant reduction (e.g. 50%) of the nutrient load to the Baltic Sea shall be reached before 1995. A similar target for the Oslo and Paris (OSPARCOM) Convention waters has been set by the North Sea ministers, while the EU Nitrate Directive expresses an environmental standard by setting an upper limit to nitrate concentrations in groundwater.

It is argued here that in most instances only marginal reductions in agricultural emissions will be achieved under the current policies before 1995 (or later). Exceptions are seen in transition economy countries where fertilizer consumption and livestock production have decreased significantly. As agriculture is a major source of nutrients to convention waters, the overall 50% reduction target will not be met. Furthermore, it is argued that there is scope for a considerable reduction of losses from agriculture and that the instruments to achieve the objectives are readily available. Measures should focus on the total input of nutrients to the agro-ecosystems and not so much attempt to regulate specific management practices. The more prominent instruments include the reduction or alteration of agricultural subsidies, market considerations and the use of environmental taxes (on fertilizers and nutrients in animal manure) combined with in-depth structural regulations. It is, however, necessary to generate further political willingness to ensure decisions and successful implementation of the various measures—a process which requires public attention.  相似文献   

The main goal of the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) is to achieve good ecological status across European surface waters by 2015 and as such, it offers the opportunity and thus the challenge to improve the protection of our coastal systems. It is the main example for Europe's increasing desire to conserve aquatic ecosystems. Ironically, since c. 1975 the increasing adoption of EU directives has been accompanied by a decreasing interest of, for example, the Dutch government to assess the quality of its coastal and marine ecosystems. The surveillance and monitoring started in NL in 1971 has declined since the 1980s resulting in a 35% reduction of sampling stations. Given this and interruptions the remaining data series is considered to be insufficient for purposes other than trend analysis and compliance. The Dutch marine managers have apparently chosen a minimal (cost-effective) approach despite the WFD implicitly requiring the incorporation of the system's 'ecological complexity' in indices used to evaluate the ecological status of highly variable systems such as transitional and coastal waters. These indices should include both the community structure and system functioning and to make this really cost-effective a new monitoring strategy is required with a tailor-made programme. Since the adoption of the WFD in 2000 and the launching of the European Marine Strategy in 2002 (and the recently proposed Marine Framework Directive) we suggest reviewing national monitoring programmes in order to integrate water quality monitoring and biological monitoring and change from 'station oriented monitoring' to 'basin or system oriented monitoring' in combination with specific 'cause-effect' studies for highly dynamic coastal systems. Progress will be made if the collected information is integrated and aggregated in valuable tools such as structure- and functioning-oriented computer simulation models and Decision Support Systems. The development of ecological indices integrating community structure and system functioning, such as in Ecological Network Analysis, are proposed to meet a cost-effective approach at the national level and full assessment of the ecosystem status at the EU level. The WFD offers the opportunity to re-consider and re-invest in environmental research and monitoring. Using examples from the Netherlands and, to a lesser extent, the United Kingdom, the present paper therefore reviews marine monitoring and marine environmental research in combination and in the light of such major policy initiatives such as the WFD.  相似文献   

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently proposed to amend federal regulations to require vadose zone monitoring at certain hazardous waste facilities. To support this proposal, EPA evaluated previous policy on vadose zone monitoring and examined advances in vadose zone monitoring technology. Changes in EPA vadose zone monitoring policy were driven by demonstrated advances in the available monitoring technology and improvements in understanding of vadose zone processes/When used under the appropriate conditions, currently available direct and indirect monitoring methods can effectively detect contamination that may leak from hazardous waste facilities into the vadose zone. Direct techniques examined include soil-core monitoring and soil-pore liquid monitoring. Indirect techniques examined include soil-gas monitoring, neutron moderation, complex resistivity, ground-penetrating radar, and electrical resistivity. Properly designed vadose zone monitoring networks can act as a complement to saturated zone monitoring networks at numerous hazardous waste facilities. At certain facilities, particularly those in arid climates where the saturated zone is relatively deep, effective vadose zone monitoring may allow a reduction in the scope of saturated zone monitoring programs.  相似文献   

This paper compares and contrasts data on the chemical characteristics and acute toxicities of the waste from nine applicants (representing 20 sewage treatment facilities) currently disposing of municipal sewage sludge at the 12-Mile dumpsite located in the New York Bight Apex. Each of the chemical analytes examined for the 20 facilities was highly variable, both within and among facilities. Toxicity tests conducted by the applicants revealed that, in the majority of tests, Mysidopsis bahia was the most sensitive of the three species tested. Five facilities that receive large volumes of industrial waste were found to contribute over 75% of the total toxic load to the dumpsite.  相似文献   

From models to performance assessment: the conceptualization problem   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Bredehoeft JD 《Ground water》2003,41(5):571-577
Today, models are ubiquitous tools for ground water analyses. The intent of this paper is to explore philosophically the role of the conceptual model in analysis. Selection of the appropriate conceptual model is an a priori decision by the analyst. Calibration is an integral part of the modeling process. Unfortunately a wrong or incomplete conceptual model can often be adequately calibrated; good calibration of a model does not ensure a correct conceptual model. Petroleum engineers have another term for calibration; they refer to it as history matching. A caveat to the idea of history matching is that we can make a prediction with some confidence equal to the period of the history match. In other words, if we have matched a 10-year history, we can predict for 10 years with reasonable confidence; beyond 10 years the confidence in the prediction diminishes rapidly. The same rule of thumb applies to ground water model analyses. Nuclear waste disposal poses a difficult problem because the time horizon, 1000 years or longer, is well beyond the possibility of the history match (or period of calibration) in the traditional analysis. Nonetheless, numerical models appear to be the tool of choice for analyzing the safety of waste facilities. Models have a well-recognized inherent uncertainty. Performance assessment, the technique for assessing the safety of nuclear waste facilities, involves an ensemble of cascading models. Performance assessment with its ensemble of models multiplies the inherent uncertainty of the single model. The closer we can approach the idea of a long history with which to match the models, even models of nuclear waste facilities, the more confidence we will have in the analysis (and the models, including performance assessment). This thesis argues for prolonged periods of observation (perhaps as long as 300 to 1000 years) before a nuclear waste facility is finally closed.  相似文献   

Considerable quantities of food waste can be generated at a rapid rate in ships, particularly those with large numbers of people onboard. By virtue of the amounts involved and its nature, food waste is potentially the most difficult to manage component of a ship's garbage stream, however, in most sea areas it may be dealt with by the simple expedient of direct discharge to sea. As a consequence, only minimal attention is paid to food waste management by many ship and port operators and advisory bodies, and there is a paucity of information in the available literature. The determination that management of ships' food waste is inconsequential is, however, incorrect in many circumstances. Disposal to sea is not always possible due to restrictions imposed by MARPOL 73/78 and other marine pollution control instruments. Effective management of food waste can be critical for ships that operate in areas where disposal is restricted or totally prohibited.  相似文献   

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